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Preview American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 1993: Vol 33 Table of Contents

‘el ~ American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology VOLUME 33, January-Jun1e9,9 3 Editor: W. H. DANTZLER Associate Editors: D. C. JACKSON . RAFF L. A. FISHER P. R. MCHUGH S. H. WRIGHT J. E. HALL T. H. MORAN Editorial Board: G. L. GEBBER . RENFRO T. H. ADAIR J. GIBBS >. RITTER G. A. AHEARN . GOLDMAN . ROCCHINI S. AL-DAMLUJI P. GRANGER J. ROLLS J. G. BAUST . G. GUYENET J. ROMAN A. F. BENNETT /, G. HALL >. ROMERO T. BENNETT R. HALM >. ROSE A. J. BERGER R. HAZEL J. ROTHWELL . C. BIE HIMMS-HAGEN E. ROWLAND >. H. BLAINE . K. JOHNSON —4 M. SAYEED M. L. BLAIR 7, H. KARASOV . SCLAFANI . M. BLATTEIS D. KEEF . SHARE . A. BRACE D. KIM . J. SHUTTLEWORTH . J. BRADLEY . KIRCHNER PHSABOe. ASZIZMP-S-ODN wO>ws >. J. BRAUN . J. KLUGER x P. SMITH J. N. CAMERON . KOPP x, K. SNYDER . A. CARRETERO M. KRUEGER x, N. SOMERO . W. CASTONGUAY . LAUF SueaRee ’ A. RNA.L SS TAINSBY . H. CHAUDRY . LEVIN . J. STOCK J. R. CLAYBAUGH j. LOHMEIER <. B. STOREY . COLERIDGE . LYNCH ). M. STRICKER A. W. COWLEY, JR. . MANGUM >. R. TAYLOR . lL CRAWSHAW . MANNING, JR. . VANDERWEELE . N. DARLINGTON J. MCKINLEY J. G. VERBALIS x. F. DIBONA /. K. MILSOM ». E. WADE ’, R. ELLINGTON A. NAGY . C. H. WANG . ENGELAND . NISHIMURA ). P. WIDMAIER . EVANS . W. OVERBECK . W. WILKINSON . FEDDE K. T. PANG >. E. WOOD . FINK E. PHILLIPS S. C. WOOD . O. FOSTER B. PRITCHARD D. B. YOUNG R. H. FREEMAN SSUSPSCRRm PSEES. USRM OPWS. O O R OENAADU D I. H. ZUCKER N. GEARY Publications Committee Ex officio Editorial Staff L. R. JOHNSON, Chair B. B. RAUNER L. CHAMBERS D. L. KUNZE Publications Manager Production Manager L. M. MENDELL and Executive Editor L. B. ROWELL S. G. SCHULTZ, President M. P. PETERSEN J. A. WILLIAMS M. FRANK, Executive J. COLL Director Copy Editors Published monthly by THE AMERICAN PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814-3991 Mes Copyright © 1993 by the American Physiological Society. Printed in the United States of America by Waverly Press, Inc., Baltimore, MD 21202. The code at the bottom of the first page of an article indicates the copyright owner’s consent that copies of an article may be made beyond that permitted by sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law—unless the copies are for general distribution, for advertising, for creating new works, or for resale—provided the per-copy fee is paid through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 27 Congress St., Salem, MA 01970. Guest Referee Editors The Publications Committee of the American Physiological Society gratefully acknowledges the services of the following guest referee editors who assisted the Editorial Board in the reviews of manuscripts. U. Ackerman W. S. Cain R. Elizondo . Haywood K. Ackroff Lg A. Calder J. D. Elsworth . Heglund S. Akana I.P . Callard W. C. Engeland . Heistad Q. Al-Awquati G. V. Callard P. Ernsberger . Heller H. E. Albers V. Campese S. A. Ernst . Henricksen R. H. Alper L. A. Campfield G. W. Evans meanrinksean W.S. Ammons J. Cannon J.J. Faber . Herring Anderson J. M. Capasso K. D. Fagin A. Hildebrandt Apostolakis H. V. Carey M. Failla me_ —— _ /. J. Arendshorst G. Carlson F. M. Faraci . Himms-Hagen Arimura M. L. Carnes H. Farber . Hinshaw B. Arnaud J. Castellot A. P. Farrell . Hitzig F. Badr E. Cersosimo M. E. Feder . Hoebel Baines J. R. G. Challis J. D. Fenstermacher . H. Hoffman L. Baldwin A. D. Cherrington T. F. Ferris . Hogan Ballor R. W. Chesney =Ie»w ell . O. Holloszy B. Banzett C. Y. Cheung A. Fishman .-H. Holstein-Rathlou Barbul M. C. Chobanian . E. Fitzgerald . B. Hoover M. Barman C. L. Chou . Fleischer . M. Horowitz Barnard K. E. Clark |. W. Fleming . Horton M. Barnas F. Coceani /. Flynn . H. Hostetter M. Barnes M. I. Cohen . Foskett . Hough Baron K. Conrad ankmann . Houpt W. Barron R. Contreras . Freeman . Howell DRsWAoOmArPJP. E BOa rtnesUs M> C. Cooper regosi . Hrushesky J. Bassingthwaighte K. E. Cooper ied . Huey M. J. Baum K. G. 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Gomez-Sanchez M. P. Kaufman J. Bly M. Desautels A. M. Gordon S. Kempson D. F. Bohr C. A. Dinarello C. J. Gordon C. Kirby A. Bonen R. A. DiSilvestro D. Gordon T. C. Kirkham D. A. Booth W. Dixon N. Granger H. R. Kissileff K. Borer G. Dobson G. Green S. D. Kivlighn J. A. Boulant G. L. Dohm A. Greene . C. Klasing M. W. Brands D. F. Donnelly V. Gribkoff . Kline J. Bray C. Donovan E. Gulve . J. Kluger G. A. Brooks J. Douglas G. Hageman . A. Knepper M. S. Brownfield R. E. Drake J. E. Hall . G. Knox R. M. Bryan F. E. Dudek J. B. Halter . M. Knuepfer L. Bukowiecki A. J. Dunn L. Hamm . Kocsis R. Bunag J. D. Dunn M. Hamosh . C. Koehler N. W. Bunnett R. E. Dutton S. C. Hand . Komisaruk J. C. Burnett N. Edelman R. M. Harper . Kontos D. Busija R. Effros E. Hasser . A.K oomans N. F. Butte B. Egan M. Hatch I. L. O. Buxton I. A. Ehrhart W. W. Hay, Jr. R. F. Burlington G. Eisenhofer T. E. Hayes PTS.PS OKOAoDrPAe W!ts SkyM G. C. Kramer A. M. Moses . Thomson R. E. Kramer |. Rowland . A. Thornhill J. E. Krause . N. Thornton K. Kregel H. J. Motulsky . N. Thrasher T. W. Kurtz S. Mukherjee . Ruggiero . E. Tischler E. E. Ladenheim R. B. Murphy B. D. Sachs _Tolins D. Latteman . L. Nahin G. Sachs . Tordoff M. H. Laughlin J. A. Neubauer W. M. St. John . Tougas E. E. Lawson E. Nord R. Sainz . W. Towle F. Lee R. Norgren C. P. Salaman J. Trachte S. F. Leibowitz B. S. Nuwayhid E. Samols . Trayhurn A. Levine S. O’Grady J. M. Sands es Traystman J. D. Levine F. Obal, Jr. G. Sant’Ambrogio . Tsan M. Levy L. Ohman D. Saphier . Tuck J. Lewicki H. Ohta W. H. Sawyer . W. Tucker J. F. Liard K. R. Olson F. M. Scalzo . J. Turner P. Licht S. Oparil P. J. Scarpace . R. Ultsch C. S. Lieber G. A. Ordway E. Scharrer . Van Cauter M. D. Lindheimer J. L. Osborn D. Scheuer . N. van den Pol B. Lindsey J. W. Osborn E. Schneider RRWHP.O EVN RaRn nSPucNc iO DOR J. M. Lipton A. I. Pack L. P. Schramm T. C. Vary R. R. Llinas J. F. Padbury C. Schreck S. F. Vatner J. Lo Turoo W. K. Palmer R. W. Schrier W. L. Veale A. Logan J.T. Parer H. D. Schultz J. G. Verbalis J. C. Longhurst R. H. Parsons G. Schwartz E. Vidruk L. Longo D. G. Patel G. J. Schwartz C. Villar-Palasi S. H. Loomis K. P. Patel . J. Schwartz D. Villarreal S. F. Lowry D. Paul Ss oO ott M. Vranic G. Lucier S. Peikin . Scott-Burden C. E. Wade T. V. Peterson . Scribner G. N. Wade O. Petroff A. Wakade W. A. Pettinger ai4 d B. R. Walker K. D. Philipson C.-D. Walker I. M. Phillips E. Walls . Malvin M. I. Phillips M. Walser . Mangiapane G. Pickard . = P. 7 — — S. K. Pierce m4 H. Wang Q. J. Pittman B. D. Sidell . Wasser E. Plisetskaya G. Siggins .d. Watson artinez . Pollay K. Simansky ».& Watts . Polonsky C. D. Sladek . Watts . McCrimmon . Porter D. Snyder .W eatherford . McCulloch . Potter G. Solomon mt Weaver . McDaniel . Powell J. Sowers . Weglicki . B. McDonald . Prewitt A. C. Spector . Weingarten . C. McGiff xDU n. P rritchar d R. Spector . M. Weiss . McGinty Ww. Quillen K. R. Spring a4 Wheatly . E.M cKenna . L. Randall G. Stanley _W ~ —i:c kler . K. McLaughlin . Randall M. Steinhausen . F.W ideman, Jr. . A. MeNurlan . B. Reeves E. Stellar . P. Widmaier . Mendelowitz OPRSrRERPoSR P RO e id J. T. Stitt . F. Wilkinson R. P. Menninger . Reidelberger B. S. Stonestreet A. Williams D. Merrill . Rice A. Strack . S. Willis T. Miller . M. Riddiford K. Strange R. Wiseman W. K. Milsom . Riatest er E. Stricker G. Woldegiorgis K. P. Minneman . Rivier N. Strominger L. L. Woods R. Mistlberger . Robertshaw M. K. Sun a fo) = °o > J. Mitchell . A. Robertson A. F. Sved . Wu H. L. Mizelle . E. Robillard H. H. Szeto . D. Wurster T. Moerland . P. Rocchini J. E. Szilagyi . M. Wyss L. L. Moldawer . W. Rockhold R. S. Szymusiak . Yancey T. Mommsen .R. Roeske A. Takaki . E. Yates J.-P. Montani . C. Rogers W. G. Tatton . York T. W. Moon . P. Roos A. E. Taylor . Young L. G. Moore . Rosenberg I. L. Taylor . Young L. P. Morin . Rosenwasser E. Terasawa .P. Yu J. E. Morley . G. Rostand B. Thach . A. Zadunaisky S. Morrison eREtORrSP.hR WR PPPeo t he M. D. Thames . A. Zellner DODA. MONG.S SZ imSme rman American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology KEY TO CATEGORIES: 1. Comparative Physiology Regulation and Integration in: 2. Autonomic Physiology; 3. Behavior; 4. Cardiovascular Physiology; 5. Endocrinology; 6. Energetics; 7. Fluids and Electrolytes; 8. Functional Morphology; 9. Ingestion; 10. Periodicity; 11. Respiration; 12. Temperature No. 1. JANUARY 1993 CATEGORY 2,4 Sympathetic stimulation alters left ventricular relaxation and chamber size I. G. Burwash, D. E. Morgan, C. J. Koilpillai, G. L. Blackmore, D. E. Johnstone, and J. A. Armour A molecular genetic method for genotyping fatty (fa/fa) rats J. W. Smoller, G. E. Truett, J. Hirsch, and R. L. Leibel The Zucker fatty (fa) gene is not a mutation of corticotropin-releasing factor J. W. Smoller, G. E. Truett, J. Hirsch, and R. L. Leibel BAT thermogenic activity and capacity are reduced during lactation in ground squirrels S. E. Nizielski, C. J. Billington, and A. S. Levine Circadian properties of anticipatory activity to restricted water access in suprachiasmatic-ablated hamsters R. E. Mistlberger Relationship between dietary sodium intake, hemodynamics, and cardiac mass in SHR and WKY rats E. D. Frohlich, Y. Chien, S. Sesoko, and B. L. Pegram Effects of weight cycling in rats allowed a choice of diet G. W. Reed, G. Cox, F. Yakubu, L. Ding, and J. O. Hill Excitatory amino acid receptors in commissural nucleus of the NTS mediate carotid chemoreceptor responses A. Vardhan, A. Kachroo, and H. N. Sapru Differential effects of centrally injected AVP on heart rate, core temperature, and behavior in rats M. Diamant and D. de Wied Cholecystokinin-induced satiety depends on activation of 5-HTic receptors B. Poeschla, J. Gibbs, K. J. Simansky, D. Greenberg, and G. P. Smith Cerebrovascular adaptations to high-altitude hypoxemia in fetal and adult sheep L. D. Longo, A. D. Hull, D. M. Long, and W. J. Pearce Hypertension in CB57BL/6J mouse model of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus E. Mills, C. M. Kuhn, M. N. Feinglos, and R. Surwit Blood pressure during routine activity, stress, and feeding in black racer snakes (Coluber constrictor) J. N. Stinner and D. L. Ely Extension of enzyme half-life during quiescence in Artemia embryos T. J. Anchordoguy, G. E. Hofmann, and S. C. Hand Effect of fibronectin on permeability of normal and TNF-treated lung endothelial cell monolayers E. M. Wheatley, P. A. Vincent, P. J.M cKeown-Longo, and T. M. Saba Food deprivation- and palatability-induced microstructural changes in ingestive behavior J. D. Davis and M. C. Perez Effects of temperature and pH on cardiac myofilament Ca** sensitivity in rat and ground squirrel B. Liu, L. C. H. Wang, and D. D. Belke Effect of 8-endorphin on sympathetic nerve activity to interscapular brown adipose tissue M. Egawa, H. Yoshimatsu, and G. A. Bray Glucagon acts in the liver to control spontaneous meal size in rats N. Geary, J. Le Sauter, and U. Noh Prolactin and testosterone inhibit torpor in Siberian hamsters N. F. Ruby, R. J. Nelson, P. Licht, and I. Zucker Effects of furosemide or acetazolamide infusion on renal handling of lithium: a micropuncture study in rats R. Fransen, W. H. Boer, P. Boer, E. J. Dorhout Mees, and H. A. Koomans Eicosanoids in third ventricular cerebrospinal fluid of fetal and newborn sheep S. A. Jones, S. L. Adamson, I. Bishai, J. Lees, D. Engelberts, and F. Coceani Suppression by central AVP of prostaglandin E, hyperthermia in one-kidney, one-clip Goldblatt hypertensive rats D. Fyda, W. Veale, and Q. Pittman Effects of intracranial self-stimulation on selected physiological variables in rats M. L. Burgess, J. M. Davis, S. P. Wilson, T. K. Borg, W. A. Burgess, and J. Buggy Effects of a- and §-adrenergic antagonists on rise in body temperature induced by psychological stress in rats T. Nakamori, A. Morimoto, K. Morimoto, N. Tan, and N. Murakami Secretagogue-induced “Rb* efflux from bovine parotid is HCO; dependent S. I. Lee and R. J. Turner Identification of baroreceptor reflex interneurons in the caudal ventrolateral medulla I. Jeske, S. F. Morrison, S. L. Cravo, and D. J. Reis HPA axis responses to acute stress and adrenalectomy during adjuvant-induced arthritis in the rat M. S. Harbuz, R. G. Rees, and S. L. Lightman Primary coronary vasodilation associated with pauses in heart rhythm during sleep L. W. Dickerson, A. H. Huang, B. D. Nearing, and R. L. Verrier Maternal/fetal dehydration: prolonged effects and responses to oral rehydration C. L. Agnew, M. G. Ross, Y. Fujino, M. G. Ervin, L. Day, and L. K. Kullama Neuromuscular control of the glottis in a primitive air-breathing fish, Amia calva P. J. Davies, M. S. Hedrick, and D. R. Jones Effects of arterial pressure on drinking and urinary responses to intracerebroventricular angiotensin II R. L. Thunhorst and A. K. Johnson RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Fourth ventricular injection of selective bombesin receptor antagonists facilitates feeding in rats F. W. Flynn Evidence of endothelin-induced renal vasconstriction independent of ET, receptor activation D. M. Pollock and T. J. Opgenorth No. 2. FEBRUARY 1993 CATEGORY 5 Characterization of gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptors in goldfish ovary: variation during follicular development D. Pati and H. R. Habibi Independence of heart rate and circadian period in the golden hamster R. Refinetti and M. Menaker Muscle: the predominant glucose-producing organ in the leopard frog during exercise P. A. Fournier and H. Guderley CCK satiety is differentially mediated by high- and low-affinity CCK receptors in mice and rats S.C. Weatherford, W. B. Laughton, J. Salabarria, W. Danho, J. W. Tilley, L. A. Netterville, G. J.S chwartz, and T. H. Moran Brain sensitivity to anoxia in fish as reflected by changes in extracellular K* activity G. E. Nilsson, M. Pérez-Pinzén, K. Dimberg, and S. Winberg Role of somatostatin in glucose regulation during endotoxicosis in the rat M. R. Yelich, D. M.U mporowicz, and B. A. Drolet Autonomic regulation of heart rate and blood pressure in hemorrhaged toads J. Michalicek and G. Campbell A natriuretic factor is released by saline infusion into rat renal artery E. M. A. Bullivant and D. J. B. Murioz Evaluation of renal hormones in natriuresis induced by renal arterial saline infusion E. M. A. Bullivant and D. J. B. Munoz C-type natriuretic peptide: a selective cardiovascular peptide A. L. Clavell, A. J. Stingo, C.-M. Wei, D. M. Heublein, and J. C. Burnett, Jr. High NaCl intake of rat dams alters maternal behavior and elevates blood pressure of adult offspring R. J. Contreras Defective glucoregulation of brain a:-adrenoceptors in obesity-prone rats B. E. Levin and B. Planas Lick rate analysis of sodium taste-state combinations P. A. S. Breslin, J. M. Kaplan, A. C. Spector, C. M. Zambito, and H. J. Grill Chorda tympani section decreases the cation specificity of depletion-induced sodium appetite in rats P. A. S. Breslin, A. C. Spector, and H. J. Grill The adrenocorticotropic hormone and arginine vasopressin responses to hypercapnia in fetal and maternal sheep H.-G. Chen and C. E. Wood GABAergic effects on respiratory neuronal discharge during opossum development J. P. Farber Regulation of renal hemodynamics after protein feeding: effects of proximal and distal diuretics L. L. Woods, B. E. Smith, and D. R. De Young Baroreflex buffering of pressor response to vasopressin is mediated by V,, not V2, receptors in conscious rats K. Shimizu, J. Schwartz, and B. P. McGrath Intravenous infusion of bombesin reduces food intake in humans N. E. Muurahainen, H. R. Kissileff, and F. X. Pi-Sunyer Effect of galanin on food intake in rats: involvement of lateral and ventromedial hypothalamic sites R. R. Schick, S. Samsami, J. P. Zimmermann, T. Eberl, C. Endres, V. Schusdziarra, and M. Classen VIP, serotonin, and epinephrine modulate the ion selectivity of tight junctions of goldfish intestine R. Bakker, K. Dekker, H. R. de Jonge, and J. A. Groot Cardiac-renal-neural reflex plays a major role in natriuresis induced by left atrial distension K. Miki, Y. Hayashida, and K. Shiraki Nutritional and metabolic adaptations to prolonged sleep deprivation in the rat C. A. Everson and T. A. Wehr Ventrolateral medulla in spontaneously hypertensive rats: role of angiotensin II H. Muratani, C. M. Ferrario, and D. B. Averill Hemodynamic changes induced by low biood oxygen affinity in dogs J. F. Liard and M. P. Kunert Is arterial pressure a determinant of renal prostaglandin release? H. Ehmke, P. B. Persson, E. Hackenthal, H. Schweer, H. W. Seyberth, and H. R. Kirchheim Intravenous triglycerides fail to elicit satiety in sham-feeding rats D. Greenberg, G. P. Smith, and J. Gibbs Chronic angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibition improves cardiac output and fluid balance during heart failure M. W. Brands, M. Alonso-Galicia, H. L. Mizelle, J.-P. Montani, D. A. Hildebrandt, and J. E. Hall Nonuniform regional sympathetic nerve responses to hyperinsulinemia in rats D. A. Morgan, T. W. Balon, B. H. Ginsberg, and A. L. Mark Response of the avian kidney to acute changes in arterial perfusion pressure and portal blood supply R. P. Glahn, W. G. Bottje, P.M aynard, and R. F. Wideman, Jr. Microcirculatory effects of hypoxic and hypercapnic vasoconstriction in frog skin G. Malvin Temperature sensitivity of neurons in slices of the rat PO/AH hypothalamic area: effect of calcium H. A. Schmid and F.-K. Pierau Temperature sensitivity of neurons in slices of the rat PO/AH area: effect of bombesin and substance P H. A. Schmid, L. Jansky, and F.-K. Pierau RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Cortical spreading depression blocks prostaglandin E, and endotoxin fever in rats M. Monda and Q. J. Pittman Evidence for a novel angiotensin II receptor involved in angiogenesis in chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane F. A. C. Le Noble, N. H. J. S. Schreurs, H. W. M. van Straaten, D. W. Slaaf, J. F. M. Smits, H. Rogg, and H. A. J. Struijker-Boudier LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Effect of arginine analogues on hemodynamic responses in conscious rats T. Bennett and S. M. Gardiner; K. P. Conrad and S. L. Whittemore No. 3. MARCH 1993 CATEGORY EDITORIAL REVIEW Limitations of methods of osmometry: measuring the osmolality of biological fluids T. E. Sweeney and C. A. Beuchat Biochemical bases for difference in oxygen affinity of maternal and fetal red blood cells of rattlesnakes F. R. Ragsdale and R. L. Ingermann Lactate and glucose metabolism in mouse (Mus musculus) and reptile (Anolis carolinensis) skeletal muscle S. J. Wickler and T. T. Gleeson Independence of salt intake induced by calcium deprivation from the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system M. G. Tordoff, D. M. Pilchak, and R. L. Hughes Independence of salt intake from the hormones regulating calcium homeostasis M. G. Tordoff, R. L. Hughes, and D. M. Pilchak C-type natriuretic peptide and atrial natriuretic peptide receptors of rat brain J. Brown and Z. Zuo Mechanisms for the diuresis of acute cold exposure: role for vasopressin? D. E. Allen and M. Gellai Cardiovascular actions of ANF: contributions of renal, neurohumoral, and hemodynamic factors in sheep C. J. Charles, E. A. Espiner, and A. M. Richards Sodium appetite in response to sodium deficiency in baboons D. A. Denton, J. W. Eichberg, R. Shade, and R. S. Weisinger Pedunculopontine stimulation alters respiration and increases ACh release in the pontine reticular formation R. Lydic and H. A. Baghdoyan Osmoregulation of the magnocellular system during pregnancy and lactation E. M. Koehler, G. L. McLemore, W. Tang, and J. Y. Summy-Long The doubly labeled water method: errors due to deuterium exchange and sequestration in ruminants A. J. Midwood, P. Haggarty, and B. A. McGaw Decreased availability of metabolic fuels suppresses estrous behavior in Syrian hamsters R. W. Dickerman, H.-Y. Li, and G. N. Wade Glucoprivation induces anestrus and lipoprivation may induce hibernation in Syrian hamsters J. E. Schneider, D. G. Friedenson, A. J. Hall, and G. N. Wade Relationship between renal perfusion pressure and blood flow in different regions of the kidney D. L. Mattson, S. Lu, R. J. Roman, and A. W. Cowley, Jr. Role of angiotensin II and prostaglandins in the regulation of uteroplacenta! blood flow L. L. Woods Developmental changes in renin gene expression in ovine kidney cortex G. M. R. Carbone, A. U. Sheikh, S. Rogers, G. Brewer, and J. C. Rose Intrauterine growth retardation and fetal losses are caused by epidermal growth factor deficiency in mice Y. Kamei, O. Tsutsumi, Y. Kuwabara, and Y. Taketani Mechanisms of renal vasodilation after protein feeding: role of the renin-angiotensin system L. L. Woods 11,12,4 A model of pulmonary atelectasis in rats: activation of alveolar macrophage and cytokine release J. M. Kisala, A. Ayala, R. N. Stephan, and I. H. Chaudry Melatonin injections affect circadian behavior and SCN neurophysiology in Djungarian hamsters R. R. Margraf and G. R. Lynch Prevention of secondary cardiovascular instability after intestinal ischemia and reperfusion improves survival P. J. O'Neill, L. M. Cobb, C. K. Steigman, and I. H. Chaudry Gastric branch vagotomy blocks nutrient and cholecystokinin-induced suppression of gastric emptying G. J. Schwartz, G. Berkow, P. R.M cHugh, and T. H. Moran Heart rate control in normal and aborted-SIDS infants S. M. Pincus, T. R.C ummins, and G. G. Haddad RAPID COMMUNICATION Effects of the substance P receptor antagonist CP 96345 on renal sensory receptor activation U. C. Kopp and L. A. Smith No. 4. APRIL 1993 CATEGORY 4,6 Chemically induced hypotension increases PGE, release and depresses macrophage antigen presentation W. Ertel, G. Singh, M. H. Morrison, A. Ayala, and I. H. Chaudry Neurogenic control of renal function in response to graded nonhypotensive hemorrhage in conscious dogs L. D. Nelson and J. L. Osborn Peptides in the parabrachial nucleus modulate visceral input to the thalamus T. M. Saleh and D. F. Cechetto Endogenous angiotensin II modulates the effect of atrial natriuretic peptide on extracellular fluid partition J.-P. Valentin, N. Nafrialdi, J. Ribstein, and A. Mimran Glomerular hemodynamics in aortocaval fistula rats: role of renin-angiotensin system T. Nishikimi and E. D. Frohlich Mechanisms of acute hemoconcentration in bullfrogs in response to hypoxemia A. W. Pinder and A. W. Smits Decreased perfusion pressure modulates renin and ANG II type 1 receptor gene expression in the rat kidney A. Tufro-McReddie, R. L. Chevalier, A. D. Everett, and R. A. Gomez Regional adrenergic regulation of ion transport across the isolated porcine gallbladder M. D. Duvall and S. M. O’Grady Restricted food access and light-dark: impact of conflicting zeitgebers on circadian rhythms of the rabbit B. Jilge and H. Stahle Effect of anoxia on excitatory amino acids in brain slices of rats and turtles: in vitro microdialysis R. S. K. Young, M. J. During, D. F. Donnelly, W. J. Aquila, V. L. Perry, and G. G. Haddad Effects of estrogen on gluconeogenesis and related parameters in male rainbow trout B. S. Washburn, J. S. Krantz, E. H. Avery, and R. A. Freedland Organ specificity of the dopamine, receptor/adenylyl cyclase coupling defect in spontaneously hypertensive rats R. A. Felder, S. Kinoshita, K.O hbu, M. M. Mouradian, D. R. Sibley, F. J. Monsma, Jr., T. Minowa, M. T. Minowa, L. M. Canessa, and P. A. Jose Changes in the brain levels of GABA and related amino acids in anoxic shore crab (Carcinus maenas) G. E. Nilsson and S. Winberg Role of nitric oxide synthase-containing vascular nerves in cerebrovasodilation elicited from cerebellum C. Iadecola, F. Zhang, and X. Xu The effect of a low essential fatty acid diet on hibernation in marmots G. L. Florant, L. Hester, S.A meenuddin, and D. A. Rintoul u- vs. 6-opioid influence on respiratory and sleep behavior during development I. R. Moss, S. C. Scott, and J. D. G. Inman Changes in extracellular [K*] and [Ca?*] induced by anoxia in neonatal rabbit medulla M. E. Morris and T. Trippenbach Functional adaptation of different rat skeletal muscles to weightlessness L. Stevens, Y. Mounier, and X. Holy Immunochemical characterization and localization of endothelin ET, receptor H. Hagiwara, T. Nagasawa, T. Yamamoto, K. M. Lodhi, T. Ito, N. Takemura, and S. Hirose Cardiovascular change and hypothalamic norepinephrine release in response to environmental stress T. Nakata, W. Berard, E. Kogosov, and N. Alexander Water uptake in stimulated cat skeletal muscle P. D. Watson, R. P. Garner, and D. S. Ward Mismatch between lipid mobilization and oxidation: glycerol kinetics in running African goats J.-M. Weber, T. J. Roberts, and C. R. Taylor RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Electrogenic 2 Na/1 H antiport in crustacean epithelium is inhibited by a monoclonal antibody H. G. de Couet, L. Busquets-Turner, A. Gresham, and G. A. Ahearn Membrane properties of organum vasculosum lamina terminalis neurons recorded in vitro R. Nissen, C. W. Bourque, and L. P. Renaud Effect of chronic electrical stimulation on GLUT-4 protein content in fast-twitch muscle G. J. Etgen, Jr., R. P. Farrar, and J. L. Ivy

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