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Preview American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism 1997: Vol 35 Index

Subject Index to Volume 35 A Adiposity Angiotensin, see Renin-angiotensin Acetoacetate abdominal system and malonyl-CoA regulation in skeletal and age-related increase in muscle Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhi- muscle, E641 sympathetic nerve activity, E976 bition/inhibitor metabolism, quantitative analysis of, in and growth hormone secretion in effects on arginine vasopressin and AS-30D cells, E945 adults, E1108 baroreflex function, in normal hu- Acetylcholine f-Adrenergic receptors mans, E429 effects on insulin secretion by cultured B3-, and leptin gene expression, in rats, Angiotensin II islets from ob/ob mice, E304 E1031 sympathetic nervous system interaction Acetyl-CoA carboxylase blockade with, AT, receptor blockade and, regulation, in muscle, E262 metabolic and circulatory effects of, E415 Acidosis E678 Angiotensin II receptors metabolic, ovine fetal leucine kinetics splanchnic metabolic and circulatory AT), blockade, and sympathoadrenal and protein metabolism during, effects of, E678 response to insulin-induced hypo- E275 Aging glycemia, E415 Activity effects of dietary restriction on, studies Antithrombin in monkeys, E901 heparin cofactor II and, comparative dietary restriction and, in monkeys, E901 and growth hormone secretion, E1108 metabolism and distribution of, in Adenosine increased muscle sympathetic nerve rabbits, E824 effects on muscle glycogenolysis, E762 activity with, abdominal adiposity Arginase Adenosine 3’,5'-cyclic monophos- and, E976 activity, and macrophage arginine me- phate parathyroid hormone release in, cal- tabolism, E181 in muscle glucose transport, cholera cium-regulated, changes in, E139 Arginine toxin and, E7 proteniann tu tihluimzaatnio ng rion,w tehf fehctosr moofn ree coamnbdi - effectEs6 8o n ovine fetal insulin secretion, in skeletal muscle, contraction-induced IGF-I on, E94 signaling, GLUT-4 concentration metabolism, macrophage, differential and, E118 resistance to IGF-I associated with, at- regulation of, E181 Adenosine 5'-triphosphate tenuation by exercise, E397 Arginine vasopressin, see Vasopressin Alanine Autonomic nervous system Adreengyullaattieo n cyofc lparsolea ctin release, E1117 metabhoulmiasnms,, inE 4n3o7r mal postabsorptive and pancreatic hormone secretion, E746 in skeletal muscle, contraction-induced Alcohol in thermogenic response to food, in lean signaling, GLUT-4 concentration withdrawal, effects on thyroid hormone individuals, E775 and, £118 metabolism, E191 B Adenylyl cyclase Alcoholism activity, dietary modification of, in Baroreflexes thyroid hormone metabolism and, E191 white and brown adipose tissue of Aldosterone effects on arginine vasopressin release, rat, E1043 nongenomic effects of, in porcine endo- after central administration of en- Adipocytes thelial cells, E616 dothelin-1, in rats, E126 cell surface aminopeptidase, insulin secretion, in pregnancy, calcium chan- function, after converting enzyme inhi- stimulation of, E600 nels and, E18 bition in normal humans, E429 insulin stimulation of, and insulin re- Alkaline phosphatase BAY K 8644 ceptor kinase activity, in humans, gene expression, in osteoblast response effects on insulin secretion by cultured E576 to thyroid hormone, E212 islets from ob/ob mice, E304 lactate production by, in pigs, E957 Amino acids Biotin 3T3-L1 availability supplementation, urinary biotin ana- glucose transporter, dominant nega- vs. dextrose, and protein flux after logs during, E83 tive effect of PI 3-kinase and Ras metabolic stress, E36 Bis(maltolato)oxovanadium(IV) on, E326 during postexercise recovery, effects antihyperglycemic effects, in strepto- insulin responsiveness, oxidative on muscle protein synthesis, in zotocin-diabetic rats, E30 stress and, E935 dogs, E1023 Bladder, urinary Adipose tissue branched-chain, metabolism hypertrophy, in diabetic rat, IGFBP-2 see also Fat, body during exercise, E233 and, E297 brown in humans, E1037 Blood-brain barrier adenylyl cyclase inhibitory pathway effects on ovine fetal insulin secretion, corticotropin-releasing hormone trans- in, dietary modification of, in rats, E68 port across, acute modulation of, E1043 interorgan exchange, after metabolic E312 IGF-I gene expression in, transient stress, E36 glucose transport across, E716, E1016 upregulation in cold-exposed rats, metabolism in diabetic (db/db) mice, E267 £453 in humans, E585 GLUT-1 expression in, E716 leptin gene expression in, B3-adrener- in insulin-dependent diabetes melli- modulation by 178-estradiol, E312 gic-mediated suppression of, E1031 tus (IDDM), E59 Blood flow visceral, and metabolic response to ex- suppression of proteolysis, in newborn, splanchnic, 8-adrenergic receptor block- ercise, E248 E592 ade and, E678 white Aminopeptidase Blood pressure adenylyl cyclase inhibitory pathway activity, in adipocytes, insulin stimula- see also Hypertension in, dietary modification of, in rats, tion of, E600 centrally administered endothelin-1 E1043 Amylin and, in rats, E126 leptin gene expression in, B3-adrener- gene expression, glucose regulation of, effects of pioglitazone on, in genetically gic-mediated suppression of, E1031 in rats, E543 obese diabetic rats, E989 E1147 E1148 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 35 Body composition of substrate oxidation in parenteral C-peptide see also Adiposity nutrition, E550 serum levels, effects of IGF-I infusion and density of fat-free body mass, E781 Cancer cachexia on, E352 dietary restriction and, in monkeys, in humans, E476 Creatine E901 Captopril in contracting skeletal muscle, GLUT-4 in fatty (fa/fa) and heterozygous (+/fa) effects, on growth hormone-induced concentration and, E118 rats, physiological differences and, regulation of fluid balance, E803 Creatine phosphate E100 Cardiac cachexia in contracting skeletal muscle, GLUT-4 and growth hormone secretion in in free-living heart failure patients, concentration and, E118 adults, E1108 E469 Cytokines growth hormone therapy and, renin- Cardioprotection effects on brain-to-blood transport of angiotensin-aldosterone system by fumarate, in isolated rat heart, E74 corticotropin-releasing hormone, activity in, E803 Carnitine E312 and nutrient-induced thermogenesis, effects on coenzyme A profiles in rat gene expression, during chronic toxo- E775 liver, with hypoglycin inhibition of BBooddyy fmaats, ss ee Adipose tissue; Fat, body Carnitmiunlet ipplael mdiethoyydlrtorgeannassfeesr,a sEe3 59 host pwlaasstmionsgi s,i ndEu9c0e8d by, mechanisms of, in rats, E333 fat-free, density of, E781 activity, during exercise, E1065 Bone morphogenetic proteins Catabolism production, in zinc-deficient humans, physiological roles of, E967 cytokine-induced, mechanisms of, in E1002 Brain rats, E333 glucose transporter proteins in, in dia- serum cortisol levels and, E476 D betic (db/db) mice, E267 Catecholamines Denervation glucose utilization, in diabetic (db/db) lipolytic responsiveness to, in diabetes, sympathetic, chemical, in rats, E227 E1130 mice, E267 Development insulin sensitivity in, in dogs, E567 and transient induction of lipoprotein postnatal, muscle glucose uptake dur- lipase gene expression in human rat, neuronal GLUT-3, induction by hy- ing, in rats, E446 poglycemia, E716 skeletal muscle, E255 Dextrose thyroxine uptake and kinetics, in trans- Cation currents versus amino acid availability, and pro- thyretin-null mice, E485 hyperpolarization-activated, in rat pitu- tein flux after metabolic stress, E36 Branched-chain oxoacid dehydroge- itary cells, E405 Diabetes mellitus activnitays ed uring exercise, and nutritional CChhioenlm eitrrcaaac lin tgob xiliionvp esr ym etabolism, E51 and cEa8r5d6i ac thyroid hormone receptors, status, E233 and glucose transport in skeletal complications of, effects of pioglitazone Brown fat, see Adipose tissue, brown muscle, E7 on, in rats, E989 C Chorion gestational, insulin-treated, oxidative prostaglandin-endoperoxide H syn- metabolism in, E1099 Cachexia thase-2 expression and activity in, insulin-dependent (IDDM) see also Cancer cachexia peripartum, in humans, E832 lipolytic responsiveness to epineph- cardiac, in free-living heart failure pa- Circadian rhythms, see Diurnal rine in, £1130 tients, E469 rhythms metabolic adaptation to protein re- during chronic toxoplasmosis, E908 Circulation striction in, E59 Calcitriol f-adrenergic receptor blockade and, maternal, embryonic metabolism and, effects on pharmacokinetics of calcium E678 in rats, E173 and strontium in rats, E422 Citrate metabolic control in, studied using eu- Calcium, ionized and malonyl-CoA regulation in skeletal glycemic and hypoglycemic insulin in blood, and serum parathyroid hor- muscle, E641 clamps, E530 mone, in elderly healthy men, £139 Citric acid cycle mouse model, see Mice, diabetic (db/ Calcium channels and gluconeogenesis, E476 db) endothelin-1-mediated, in osteogenesis, intermediates, in human muscle, at rest non-insulin-dependent (NIDDM) E967 and during exercise, E239 irregular insulin secretion in rela- in parathyroid cells, response to magne- pyruvate entry into, and lipogenesis in tives of patients with, E218 sium, and parathyroid hormone tumors, E945 lactate production associated with, release, El tracing, using labeling pattern of liver studies in pigs, E957 voltage-dependent, and aldosterone se- glutamate, E51 rat model of, phosphoinositide me- cretion in pregnancy, E18 Clenbuterol tabolism in pancreatic islets of, Calcium ions effects on myogenin expression, in im- E737 absorption, preclinical screening of mobilized rat muscles, E941 strontium as marker for, E422 scoliosis reduction by, in spinal-cord- rat model, glucose-lowering effects of free intracellular, measurement of, injured rat, mechanisms of, E712 vanadium in, E30 E282 Comparative Nutrition Society Diacylglycerol turnover, in resting skeletal muscle, intracellular formation of, E1145 agouti regulation of, E379 Compartmental model functional differences by fiber type, nongenomic effects of aldosterone on, of glucose kinetics in interstitial fluid, E340 in porcine endothelial cells, E616 E494 Diaphragm in parathyroid cells, response to mag- Copper, dietary contractile function, oxidative stress nesium, and parathyroid hormone deficiency, hepatic fatty acid synthase and, in aging rat, E201 release, E1 gene transcription in, E1124 Diet pharmacokinetics of, in rats, E422 Corticotropin-releasing hormone and adenylyl cyclase inhibitory path- Calories, see Energy brain-to-blood transport of, acute modu- way in white and brown adipose Calorimetry lation of, E312 tissue, in rats, E1043 indirect Cortisol Dihydropyridines with B-adrenergic receptor blockade, serum levels, and gluconeogenesis, effects on aldosterone secretion in preg- E678 E476 nancy, E18 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 35 E1149 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin Ds, see Cal- 17B-Estradiol medium-chain, oxidation during exer- citriol modulation of GLUT-1 expression in cise, regulation of, E1065 Diurnal rhythms blood-brain barrier, E1016 and metabolic control in diabetes, stud- of human plasma melatonin, math- Euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp ied using euglycemic and hypogly- ematical model of, E506 insulin action during, in rhesus mon- cemic insulin clamps, E530 Dogs keys, E133 metabolism, in resting skeletal muscle, brain, insulin sensitivity in, E567 use in human newborn, E86 functional differences by fiber type, kidney, and glucose regulation during Eukaryotic initiation factor E340 hyperglycemia, E756 eIF-4E, and postprandial muscle pro- oxidation Drugs tein synthesis, E841 during exercise, regulation of, E1065 peptidomimetic, renal transport of, eIF-4G, and postprandial muscle pro- in skeletal muscle, E262 E723 tein synthesis, E841 Fatty acid synthase Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry Exercise gene expression, in liver, in copper defi- in humans, E781 branched-chain oxoacid dehydrogenase ciency, E1124 E regulation during, and nutritional Feeding status, E233 effects on hexosamines, in rat muscle, Electrophysiology effects E848 Emobfr ryato npiitcu itdaervy ecleollps,m eEn4t05 on Ea3g9e7- associated resistance to IGF-I, protein synthesis with, after intrauter- in rats ine growth retardation, in neonatal on GLUT-4 distribution in cell, E864 pigs, E877 maternal diabetes and, E173 on hexosamines, in rat muscle, E848 regulation of translation initiation by, retinol and, E25 fatty acid oxidation during, regulation E841 Endothelial cells of, E1065 Fetus intracellular calcium in, nongenomic interaction with insulin and hypoglyce- Endotheeflfeicnts of aldosterone on, E616 mhiyap,o gsltyucdeimeidc usiinsnugl ienu gcllyacmepmsi,c Ea5n3d0 maimnm mdaeiltaiabebatonil ci c praelgtenraantciyo ns in, E173 effects on osteoblast IL-6 production, muscle protein synthesis after, studies E461 and superoxide generation in in dogs, E1023 Endothelin-1 negative energy balance with, plasma neural tissue, E173 intracerebroventricular administration endocrine responses to subacute glucose and insulin responses in, and arginine vasopressin secretion, in E248 stress, E817 rats, E126 prolonged, tricarboxylic acid cycle inter- growth, E275 and blood pressure, in rats, E126 adaptation to chronic hypoglycemic mediates in human muscle during, Endothelin receptors E239 hypoinsulinemia, E107 ET«, osteogenic protein-1 effects on, insulin secretion, effects of arginine E967 short-term, transient induction of lipo- and glucose on, E68 protein lipase gene expression, in reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain leucine kinetics and protein metabo- reaction assay of, E461 human skeletal muscle, E255 lism during acute metabolic acido- submaximal, glucose transport and Endothelium sis, E275 GLUT-4 in human sarcolemmal vascular, nongenomic effects of aldoste- vesicles during, E385 leucine metabolism, adaptation to rone on, E616 Exercise training chronic hypoglycemic hypoinsu- Endotoxin effects linemia, E107 effects on zinc metabolism, in humans, on glucose transport in rat skeletal lung development, retinol and, E25 E952 threonine utilization by, E892 Energy muscle, E320 Fluid balance on glutamine and CD4* T-cell num- expenditure growth hormone-induced regulation of, daily, in free-living heart failure pa- ber, E788 renin-angiotensin-aldosterone sys- on serum leptin levels, gender differ- tients, E469 tem activity in, E803 dietary restriction and, in monkeys, ences in, in humans, E562 Food intake E901 reverEs8al6 4 of insulin resistance with, 63-adrenergic-mediated suppression of, in lean individuals, E775 E1031 oxidative, with B-adrenergic receptor in cold-exposed rats, and brown adipose F blockade, E678 tissue hyperplasia, E453 intake, and adenylyl cyclase inhibitory Fat, body in propionate-infused sheep, E997 pathway in white and brown adi- see also Adipose tissue; Obesity Food restriction pose tissue, in rats, E1043 in fatty (fa/fa) and heterozygous (+/fa) vanadium with, antihyperglycemic ef- Energy balance rats, physiological traits underly- fects, in streptozotocin-diabetic and cytokine gene expression, during ing, E100 rats, E30 chronic toxoplasmosis, E908 and metabolic response to exercise, Fumarate with exercise, in identical twins, E248 E248 cardioprotective effects, in perfused rat negative, with exercise, plasma glucose Fatigue heart, E74 and insulin responses in, E248 skeletal muscle metabolism, in perfused rat heart, E74 Epinephrine in aging rats, E201 lipolytic responsiveness to, in diabetes, and branched-chain oxoacid dehydro- G E1130 genase regulation, E233 and regulation of muscle glucose up- tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates Gender differences take, in rats, E649 in human muscle and, E239 in exercise training effects on serum and transient induction of lipoprotein Fatty acids leptin, in humans, E562 lipase gene expression in human see also Glucose-fatty acid cycle and growth hormone secretion, in skeletal muscle, E255 chain length, and substrate oxidation in adults, E1108 Epitrochlearis muscle parenteral nutrition, E550 in progesterone-induced changes in rat free sleep, E885 glucose transport, effects of exercise metabolism, in normal postabsorptive Gene expression training on, E320 humans, E437 alkaline phosphatase, in osteoblast re- glucose uptake, regulation of, E649 and short-term exercise, E262 sponse to thyroid hormone, E212 E1150 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 35 Gene expression (continued ) kinetics, in nonaccessible pools, E494 Glucose-6-phosphatase cytokine, during chronic toxoplasmosis, and malonyl-CoA regulation in skeletal in pancreatic islets, modeling and mea- E908 muscle, E641 surement of, E696 fatty acid synthase, in liver, in copper metabolism Glucose 6-phosphate deficiency, E1124 in cancer patients, E476 hepatic GLUT-1, in blood-brain barrier, modula- in insulin-treated gestational diabe- effects of exogenous glucose on, in tion by 178-estradiol, E1016 tes, E1099 rats, E163 IGF-I, transient upregulation in brown in pancreatic B-cells, E696 effects of insulin on, in rhesus mon- adipose tissue of cold-exposed rats, during progressive starvation in late keys, E133 E453 pregnancy, in rats, E556 Glucose transporters insulin, glucose regulation of, in rats, recombinant human IGF-I and, dif- GLUT-1 E543 ferential effects of bolus vs. continu- in brain of diabetic (db/db) mice, islet amyloid polypeptide, glucose regu- ous subcutaneous delivery, E628 E267 lation of, in rats, E543 suppression, insulin resistance in denervated muscles, in rats, E661 isomyosin, in diabetes, E856 caused by, E288 expression in blood-brain barrier, leptin, B3-adrenergic-mediated suppres- in swine adipocytes, E957 modulation by 17B-estradiol, E1016 in growth hormone-induced insulin sion of, in rats, E1031 molecule, recycling, serum cortisol lev- lipoprotein lipase, in skeletal muscle, els and, E476 resistance, E1071 transient induction by short-term plasma levels in rat brain, E716 exercise, E255 see also Hypoglycemia; Hypergly- in skeletal muscle, cholera toxin and, E7 myogenin, clenbuterol effects on, in im- cemia GLUT-3 mobilized rat muscles, E941 in fetal sheep exposed to maternal in brain of diabetic (db/db) mice, nitric oxide synthase, in myometrium of insulin-induced hypoglycemia, E267 pregnant rat uterus, E1008 E107 neuronal, induction by hypoglycemia, in osteoblast response to thyroid hor- and negative energy balance with ex- in rat brain, E716 mone, localization of, E212 ercise, E248 GLUT-4 osteocalcin, in osteoblast response to in propionate-infused sheep, E997 thyroid hormone, E212 renal regulation of, during hypergly- cell surface, recruitment, and exer- prolactin, in mammotropes, E390 cemia, E756 in cdiesen,e rEv8a6t4e d muscles, in rats, E661 prostaglandin-endoperoxide H syn- production dominant negative effect of PI 3-ki- thase-2, in chorion, peripartum, in see also Gluconeogenesis nase and Ras on, in 3T3-L1 adipo- humans, E832 carbon recycling in, serum cortisol cytes, E326 regulation of, in postprandial muscle levels and, E476 in growth hormone-induced insulin protein synthesis, E841 hepatic resistance, E1071 Genes in children, E523 in skeletal muscle agouti, regulation of intracellular cal- reduction by exogenous glucose, cholera toxin and, E7 cium, E379 in rats, E163 concentration, contraction-induced Genetics in malaria, E1059 signals and, E118 of metabolic response to exercise, E248 in neonate vs. adult, E86 effects of exercise training on, stud- Glucagon regulation of islet amyloid polypeptide ies in isolated rat muscle, E320 glycogenolytic effect of, speed of, E720 gene expression, in rats, E543 in human sarcolemmal vesicles and hepatic glucose production in hu- thermic effect of, E678 during exercise, E385 mans, E371 transport in 0b/ob mice, E1080 secretion, regulation, in dogs, E567 across blood-brain barrier, E716, during postnatal development in Glucagon-like peptides E1016 rats, E446 GLP-2, small bowel growth induction in diabetic (db/db) mice, E267 Glutamate by, and intestinal function in mice, and cell surface GLUT-4, E864 transport, and paracellular permeabil- E1050 effects of PI 3-kinase and Ras on, in ity in LLC-PK,-F* cells, E367 Glucocorticoids 3T3-L1 adipocytes, E326 Glutamine and fetal protein balance during acute during progressive starvation in late plasma level, effects of exercise training metabolic acidosis, E275 pregnancy, in rats, E556 on, E788 Gluconeogenesis in skeletal muscle plasma turnover, steady-state and non- in malaria, E1059 cholera toxin and, E7 steady-state measurements of, in rate, calculation using labeling pattern in human sarcolemmal vesicles humans, E621 of liver glutamate, E51 during exercise, E385 regulation of gluconeogenesis, in nor- reduction by exogenous glucose, in rats, in ob/ob mice, E1080 mal postabsorptive humans, E437 E163 turnover, during progressive starvation Glutathione regulation by glutamine, in normal in late pregnancy, in rats, E556 and hepatic fatty acid synthase gene postabsorptive humans, E437 uptake transcription, in copper-deficient relationship to serum cortisol, in hu- in muscle rats, E1124 mans, E476 in postnatal development, in rats, renal assimilation of, E723 Glucoprivation E446 Glycogen effects on luteinizing hormone secre- regulation, in rats, E649 metabolism tion, opioid mediation of, E517 and renal glucose regulation during during exercise, E233 Glucose hyperglycemia, E756 in normal postabsorptive humans, availability during postexercise recov- utilization E437 ery, effects on muscle protein syn- cerebral, in diabetic (db/db) mice, muscle levels, with exercise training, thesis, in dogs, E1023 E267 effects on glucose transport, E320 disposal, insulin-mediated, in rhesus by embryonic and fetal rat neural tis- regulation of muscle glucose uptake, in monkeys, E133 sue, with maternal diabetes, E173 rats, E649 effects on ovine fetal insulin secretion, Glucose-fatty acid cycle storage, and renal glucose regulation E68 in children, E523 during hyperglycemia, E756 exogenous, reduction of hepatic glucose and malonyl-CoA regulation in skeletal synthesis, suppression, insulin resis- production, in rats, E163 muscle, E641 tance caused by, E288 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 35 E1151 Glycogenolysis insulin-induced fetal, effects of arginine and glucose glucagon-induced, speed of, E720 chronic, induction of GLUT-3 in rat on, E68 in skeletal muscle, adenosine effects on, brain neurons, E716 irregular, in relatives of NIDDM pa- during contraction, in rats, E762 sympathoadrenal response to, AT; tients, E218 Glycogen phosphorylase receptor blockade and, E415 oscillatory, interislet synchronization hepatic, regulation by insulin, E133 interaction with exercise and insulin, in, E981 Glycogen synthase studied using euglycemic and hypo- in prediabetic state, E218 activity, in skeletal muscle, E762 glycemic insulin clamps, E530 pulsatile, burst mass of, inhibition by hepatic, regulation by insulin, E133 and pancreatic hormone secretion, in IGF-I, E352 Glycolysis dogs, E746 pulsatility, E218 suppression, insulin resistance caused Hypoxemia regulation via ATP-sensitive potas- by, E288 fetal, endocrine responses to, in sheep, sium channel independent mecha- E817 G proteins nisms, E671 and ADP-ribosylating toxins, E7 Hypozincemia signal transduction and inhibition of cell growth by somato- endotoxin-induced, E952 in denervated muscles, phosphatidyl- statin, E769 I inositol 3-kinase and, E661 oxytocin receptor coupling to, in rat IDDM, see Diabetes mellitus, insulin- regulation of, in human adipocytes, myometrium during labor, E870 dependent (IDDM) E576 Growth Immediate early genes stimulation of cell surface aminopepti- dase, E600 fetal, E275 c-fos, in inhibition of cell growth by so- Insulin-dependent (type I) diabetes see also Intrauterine growth retar- matostatin, E769 dation Immune function, see Immune system mellitus (IDDM), see Diabetes adaptation to chronic hypoglycemic Immune system mellitus, insulin-dependent (IDDM) hypoinsulinemia, in sheep, E107 effects of exercise training on, E788 Insulin-like growth factor binding Growth factors zinc and, in humans, E952, E1002 proteins stimulation of protein synthesis in el- Inflammation IGFBP-2, and smooth muscle hypertro- derly women, E94 acute phase response, zinc metabolism phy in diabetic rat, E297 Growth hormone in, E952 Insulin-like growth factor I rinescuolmibn inraesnits tahnucmea ni,n duefcfeedc tsb yo,n E 1p0ro7t1e in In fsori tluo chaylibzraitdioinz aotfi oosnt eoblast gene ex- agcetnieo n,e xpwrietshs iaogne, atnrda nesxieerncti seu,p reEg3u9l7a tion utilization in elderly women, E94 pression response to thyroid hor- in brown adipose tissue of cold-ex- secretion, in adults, abdominal adipos- mone, E212 posed rats, E453 Insulin ity and, E1108 inhibition of insulin secretory burst action, in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, oxidative treatment, renin-angiotensin-aldoste- mass, E352 rone system activity during, E803 stress and, E935 recombinant human analogs GTP-binding proteins, see G proteins differential metabolic effects of bolus pharmacokinetics of, in vivo, E1089 vs. continuous subcutaneous deliv- receptor binding constants, E1089 H ery, E628 availability during postexercise recov- Heart ery, effects on muscle protein syn- effects on protein utilization in el- derly women, E94 isolated rat, effects and metabolism of thesis, E1023 and smooth muscle hypertrophy in dia- fumarate in, E74 circulating, brain sensitivity to, in dogs, thyroid hormone receptors, in diabetes, E567 betic rats, E297 E856 effects on hepatic glucose production, Insulinoma Heart failure glucagon and, in humans, E371 MIN6 cells, cell growth, inhibition by daily energy expenditure in, in free-liv- gene expression, glucose regulation of, somatostatin, E769 Insulin receptors ing patients, E469 in rats, E543 Heart rate interaction with exercise and hypoglyce- cross-linking model of insulin interac- arginine vasopressin effects on, after mia, studied using euglycemic and tions with, evaluation of, E1136 converting enzyme inhibition in hypoglycemic insulin clamps, E530 in growth hormone-induced insulin re- and malonyl-CoA regulation in skeletal sistance, E1071 normal humans, E429 Heparin cofactor II muscle, E641 isoforms, in aged and mildly insulin- and antithrombin, comparative metabo- and muscle glucose uptake during post- deficient rats, E607 mRNA splicing, in aged and mildly in- lism and distribution of, in rabbits, plasmnaat al development, in rats, E446 sulin-deficient rats, E607 E824 in fatty (fa/fa) and heterozygous (+/ tyrosine kinase activity, in human adi- Hepatoma cells fa) rats, E100 pocytes, E576 AS-30D, acetoacetate metabolism in, in fetal sheep exposed to maternal Insulin receptor substrate-1 quantitative analysis of, E945 insulin-induced hypoglycemia, in growth hormone-induced insulin re- Hexosamine E107 sistance, E1071 in rat muscle, effects of exercise and in propionate-infused sheep, E997 Insulin resistance feeding on, E848 and transient induction of lipoprotein and agouti regulation of intracellular synthesis, in ob/ob mice, E1080 lipase gene expression in human calcium, E379 Hyperglycemia skeletal muscle, E255 caused by suppression of glucose me- renal glucose regulation during, E756 receptor binding, cross-linking model of, tabolism, in rat skeletal muscle, Hypertension evaluation of, E1136 E288 with development of insulin resistance, regulation of liver glycogen synthase effects of pioglitazone on, in genetically and high-fat diet, in dogs, E147 and phosphorylase, in monkeys, obese diabetic rats, E989 endothelin-induced, in rats, E126 E133 genetic model of, see Mice, ob/ob Hypoglycemia resistance, see Insulin resistance growth hormone-induced, E1071 brain sensitivity to, in dogs, E567 secretion insulin receptor isoforms and, in aged counterregulatory response to, and cir- in adult undernourished rats, E634 and mildly insulin-deficient rats, culating insulin levels in canine from cultured islets of ob/ob mice, E607 brain, E567 E304 reversal, by exercise training, E864 E1152 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 35 Insulin resistance (continued ) production, by swine adipocytes, E957 rat, coenzyme A profiles in, carnitine in skeletal muscle in tracing liver metabolism, E51 and, E359 cholera toxin and, E7 Leptin triiodothyronine/tryptophan uptake, and hexosamine synthesis pathway, defect, in diabetic (db/db) mice, E267 and thyroid status, in rats, E809 E1080 gene expression, B3-adrenergic-medi- UDP-glucose, rate of appearance, in time course of, and high-fat diet, in ated suppression of, in rats, E1031 rats, E155 dogs, E147 serum levels, gender-dependent effects Losartan Insulin sensitivity of exercise training on, in humans, AT; receptor blockade by, and sympa- agent for increasing, effects on diabetic E562 thoadrenal response, E415 complications, in genetically obese Leucine LPS (lipopolysaccharide), see Endo- diabetic rats, E989 effects on whole body leucine, valine, toxin modeling, minimal model validity, E925 and threonine metabolism in hu- Lung and negative energy balance with exer- mans, E1037 development, retinol and, E25 cise, E248 kinetics Luteinizing hormone in neonate, E86 fetal, during metabolic acidosis, E275 secretion, glucoprivic inhibition of, opi- Interleukins in leucine-infused humans, E1037 oid mediation of, E517 IL-1, host wasting induced by, mecha- nutrition and, in humans, E585 Lymph nisms of, in rats, E333 metabolism thoracic duct, glucose kinetics in, com- IL-6, osteoblastic production of in chronically hypoglycemic hypoin- partmental model of, E494 endothelin effects on, E461 sulinemic fetal sheep, E107 Lymphocytes, T stimulation by PGF2a, E208 in insulin-treated gestational diabe- CD4*, number, effects of exercise train- Interstitial fluid tes, E1099 ing on, E788 glucose kinetics in, compartmental splanchnic, nutrition and, E585 subpopulations model of, E494 oxidation, in human newborns, E592 effects of exercise training on, E788 Intestine, small Lipases, see Lipoprotein lipase in zinc-deficient humans, E1002 growth, induction by GLP-2, and intes- Lipids tinal function, in mice, E1050 metabolism M Intrauterine growth retardation in obese Zucker rat, E656 placental threonine transport and its recombinant human IGF-I and, dif- Macrophage colony-stimulating utilization in, E892 ferential effects of bolus vs. continu- factor protein synthesis and, in neonatal pigs, ous subcutaneous delivery, E628 osteoblastic production of, endothelin E877 in resting skeletal muscle, functional and, E461 in sheep, E275, E817 differences by fiber type, E340 Macrophages Islet amyloid polypeptide production, quantitative analysis of, in arginine metabolism, differential regu- gene expression, glucose regulation of, AS-30D hepatoma cells, E945 lation of, E181 in rats, E543 Lipogenesis Magnesium ions Islets of Langerhans, see Pancreatic hepatic, in copper deficiency, E1124 and parathyroid hormone release, E1 islets in obese Zucker rat, E656 Malaria Isocitrate quantitative analysis of, in AS-30D hepatic glucose production and gluco- in human muscle, at rest and during hepatoma cells, E945 neogenesis in, E1059 exercise, E239 Lipolysis Malnutrition Isotopomer analysis responsiveness to epinephrine, in diabe- cytokine-induced, mechanisms of, in of fumarate metabolism in perfused rat tes, E1130 rats, E333 heart, E74 Lipopolysaccharide, see Endotoxin Malonyl-CoA of hepatic glucose cycling, E163 Lipoprotein lipase inhibition of fatty acid oxidation, during of rate of appearance of hepatic UDP- activity, in obese Zucker rat, E656 exercise, E1065 glucose, E155 gene expression, in skeletal muscle, in skeletal muscle, E262 transient induction by short-term regulation of, E641 K exercise, E255 MAP kinase, see Mitogen-activated Liver Ketone bodies protein kinase metabolism, in tumors, E945 fatty ina cciod ppseyrn thdeafsiec iegnecnye, tEr1a1n2s4c ription, Mass spectrometry Kidney glucose cycling, effects of exogenous glu- for measurement of tumor protein syn- chemical sympathectomy, in rats, E227 cose on, in rats, E163 thesis, E796 effects of pioglitazone on, in genetically glucose 6-phosphate, effects of insulin Mathematical modeling obese diabetic rats, E989 on, in rhesus monkeys, E133 of glucose kinetics in nonaccessible insulin analog processing in, in vivo, glucose production pools, E494 E1089 of human plasma melatonin, E506 in children, E523 long-term alterations in, in diabetic glucagon and, in humans, E371 Melanocortin receptors dwarf rats, E918 in uncomplicated falciparum malaria, in agouti regulation of intracellular cal- oligopeptide assimilation by, physiologi- E1059 cium, E379 cal mechanisms and metabolic im- glucose uptake, effects of exogenous glu- Melanocyte-stimulating hormone portance of, E723 cose on, in rats, E163 a-MSH in plasma glucose regulation, during glycogen deposition, and rate of appear- agouti antagonism of, E379 hyperglycemia, E756 ance of hepatic UDP-glucose, in binding to mammotropes, E282 Kidney cells rats, E155 Melatonin LLC-PK;-F*, paracellular permeability, glycogen synthase and glycogen phos- plasma levels, mathematical model of, modulation by glutamate transport, phorylase activity, reciprocal regu- for humans, E506 E367 lation by insulin, in rhesus mon- Messenger RNA keys, E133 see also Gene expression L lipogenesis, in copper deficiency, E1124 storage, in mammotropes, E390 Lactate metabolism Metabolism formation, and renal glucose regulation and thyroid status, in rats, E809 B-adrenergic receptor blockade and, during hyperglycemia, E756 tracing, E51 E678 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 35 E1153 alteration, in rat embryos exposed to Microneurography during postnatal development in rats, high glucose in diabetic pregnancy, of muscle sympathetic nerve activity, E446 E173 E976 glutamine turnover, in normal postab- biotin, in humans, E83 Mitochondria sorptive humans, £437 in diabetes, studied using euglycemic embryonic, free oxygen radical produc- hexosamines in, effects of exercise and and hypoglycemic insulin clamps, tion, and diabetic teratogenesis, feeding on, in rats, E848 E530 E173 hexosamine synthesis, in ob/ob mice, insulin receptor isoforms and, in aged fatty acid entry into, during exercise, E1080 and mildly insulin-deficient rats, E1065 human, sarcolemmal glucose transport E607 Mitogen-activated protein kinase and GLUT-4 in, during exercise, recombinant human IGF-I and, differ- and inhibition of cell growth by somato- E385 ential metabolic effects of bolus vs. statin, E769 immobilized, myogenin expression, ef- continuous subcutaneous delivery, Modeling in physiology E628 of glucose kinetics in nonaccessible fects of clenbuterol on, E941 lipoprotein lipase gene expression, tran- splanchnic, B-adrenergic receptor block- pools, E494 of glucose-6-phosphatase in pancreatic sient induction by short-term exer- ade and, E678 cise, E255 suppression, in skeletal muscle, insulin islets, E696 resistance caused by, E288 of insulin receptor binding, E1136 malonyl-CoA in, regulation of, E641 Methodologies of insulin secretion in relatives of and metabolic control in diabetes, stud- see also tsotopomer analysis NIDDM patients, E218 ied using euglycemic and hypogly- for calcium imaging, in pituitary cells, of insulin sensitivity, minimal model cemic insulin clamps, E530 E282 validity, E925 myosin heavy chain, synthesis rate in for chronic electrical stimulation of skel- mathematical healthy humans, E45 of glucose kinetics in nonaccessible postprandial protein synthesis in, E841 etal muscle, in rats, E118 for euglycemic and hypoglycemic insu- pools, E494 protein breakdown, spaceflight and, in lin clamps, E530 of human plasma melatonin, E506 humans, E688 for gas chromatography-mass spectrom- multicompartment, of body density, protein homeostasis, after metabolic etry of fumarate metabolism in iso- E781 stress, E36 lated rat heart, E74 of rate of appearance of hepatic UDP- protein synthesis, after exercise, studies for mass isotopomer distribution analy- glucose, E155 in dogs, E1023 sis, E476 of transthyretin and thyroxine tissue tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates for measurement of muscle sympathetic uptake, E485 in, at rest and during exercise, Monkeys nerve activity, E976 E239 energy expenditure in, dietary restric- for measurement of tumor protein syn- Muscle, smooth thesis, E796 Monoactyiolng layndc,e rEo9l0 1 hypertrophy, in diabetic rat, IGFBP-2 for measurement of whole body prote- and, E297 olysis, in humans, E1037 turnofvuenrc,t iionn arle stdiifnfge rseknecleest alb ym ufisbcelre ,t ype, Myosin for measuring rate of appearance of he- heavy chain, muscle, synthesis rate in E340 patic UDP-glucose, in rats, E155 Multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenation healthy humans, E45 for peripheral insulin infusion, E371 deficiencies isoforms, expression, in diabetes, E856 for photonic imaging, in individual liver coenzyme A profiles in, studies in mammotropes, E390 rats, E359 N for portal insulin infusion, E371 Muscle, skeletal Nephropathy for pulse-chase studies, in resting skel- aged, IGF-I action in, exercise and, effects of pioglitazone on, in genetically etal muscle, E340 E397 obese diabetic rats, E989 for steady-state and non-steady-state branched-chain oxoacid dehydrogenase Neurohormones measurements of plasma glutamine activity during exercise, and nutri- in normal humans, E429 turnover, in humans, E621 tional status, E233 Newborn for tracing gluconeogenesis and citric contractile activity, signaling pathways human acid cycle activity, E51 induced by, GLUT-4 concentration euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp Meetfhfeycltse noen ccyocelnozpyrmoep aAn epraocfieltesi ci n arcati d electriinc,a lE 11s8ti mulation use in, E86 glucose production in, E86 liver, E359 effects on acetyl-CoA carboxylase, insulin sensitivity in, E86 3-Methylhistidine E262 secretion, during spaceflight, measure- effects on AMP-activated protein ki- proteolysis in, suppression by amino acids, E592 ment of, E688 nase, E262 Mice fatigue, in aging rats, E201 pigs, uptreortienien gsryonwtthhe sirse tairnd, aatfitoenr, inEt8r7a7- diabetic (db/db), brain fiber types, lipid metabolism at rest, glucose transporters in, E267 functional differences in, E340 rat model, survival, retinol requirement glucose utilization in, E267 glucose metabolism, suppression, insu- in midgestation and, E25 intestinal function in, after GLP-2 lin resistance caused by, E288 NIDDM, see Diabetes mellitus, non- insulin-dependent (NIDDM) treatment, E1050 glucose transport ob/ob cholera toxin and, E7 Nitric oxide synthase hexosamine synthesis in, E1080 pertussis toxin and, E7 activity, and macrophage arginine me- insulin secretion from cultured islets glucose uptake tabolism, E181 of, E304 in postnatal development, in rats, forms of, E1008 pancreatic islets E446 gene expression, in myometrium of insulin secretory responses, phospho- regulation, in rats, E649 pregnant rat uterus, E1008 lipase C activation and, E671 glucose utilization, during progressive inducible, calcium-independent activity, isolation of, E671 starvation in late pregnancy, in E1008 transthyretin-null, thyroxine tissue up- rats, E556 Nitrogen balance take in, E485 GLUT-4 see also Proteins, turnover viable yellow, and agouti regulation of contraction-induced signals and, after metabolic stress, dextrose vs. intracellular calcium, E379 E118 amino acid availability in, E36 E1154 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 35 Nitrogen balance (continued ) Oxidation prostaglandin-endoperoxide H syn- in elderly women, effects of recombinant in insulin-treated gestational diabetes, thase-2 expression and activity in human growth hormone and IGF-I E1099 chorion during, in humans, E832 on, E94 and metabolic control in diabetes, stud- Peptides in human skeletal muscle, during ied using euglycemic and hypogly- hydrolysis, E723 spaceflight, E688 cemic insulin clamps, E530 transport, in kidney, E723 Non-insulin-dependent (type ID dia- Oxidative stress Peptiduria betes mellitus (NIDDM), see Dia- and contractile function of diaphragm, physiological significance of, E723 in aging rats, E201 Permeability, paracellular betes mellitus, non-insulin-de- effects on insulin responsiveness in modulation by glutamate transport, in pendent (NIDDM) Norepinephrine 3T3-L1 adipocytes, E935 LLC-PK,-F* cells, E367 spillover, direct quantification of, in 2-Oxoglutarate Pertussis toxin in human muscle, at rest and during and glucose transport in skeletal dogs, E746 and transient induction of lipoprotein exercise, E239 muscle, E7 Oxygen Phenylalanine lipase gene expression in human skeletal muscle, E255 uptake, by embryonic and fetal rat neu- hydroxylation, in human newborns, E592 ral tissue, with maternal diabetes, Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate Nutrients E173 effects on insulin secretion by cultured absorption, in GLP-2-treated mice, Oxygen consumption islets from ob/ob mice, E304 E1050 dietary restriction and, in monkeys, Phosphate, inorganic availability during postexercise recov- E901 in contracting skeletal muscle, GLUT-4 ery, effects on muscle protein syn- Oxygen-derived free radicals concentration and, E118 thesis, in dogs, E1023 and contractile function of diaphragm, Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase digestion, in GLP-2-treated mice, E1050 in aging rats, E201 and glucose transport activity in 3T3-L1 Nutrition adipocytes, E326 Oxytocin receptors in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus G protein coupling, in rat myometrium and insulin signaling in denervated (IDDM), E59 during labor, E870 muscles, E661 and leucine metabolism, in humans, Phosphoinositide E585 P hydrolysis, and IL-6 synthesis by osteo- blasts, E208 Palmitate 0 metabolism, in pancreatic islets of dia- oxidation, and incorporation into Obesity muscle lipid pools, £340 betic rats, E737 Phospholipases and agouti regulation of intracellular Pancreas PLC calcium, E379 development, impairment, in under- and IL-6 synthesis by osteoblasts, and density of fat-free body mass, E781 nourished rats, E634 E208 dietary, in rats, E1043 neural tone, in dogs, E746 in regulation of insulin secretion, genetic, mouse model, see Mice, ob/ob norepinephrine spillover and hormone E671 and growth hormone secretion in output from, direct quantification PLD, and IL-6 synthesis by osteoblasts, adults, E1108 of, in dogs, E746 E208 insulin resistance in, time course of, Pancreatic islets Phospholipids E147 glucose-6-phosphatase in, modeling and metabolism, in resting skeletal muscle, lactate production associated with, measurement of, E696 functional differences by fiber type, studies in pigs, E957 from mice E340 rat model, see Zucker rat insulin secretory responses, phospho- Pigs Oligopeptides lipase C activation and, E671 adipocytes, lactate production by, E957 renal assimilation of, physiological isolation, E671 newborn, protein synthesis in, after in- mechanisms and metabolic impor- from ob/ob mice, insulin secretion by, in trauterine growth retardation, tance of, E723 culture, E304 E877 Opiates oscillatory insulin secretion, interislet Pioglitazone endogenous, effects on brain-to-blood synchronization in, E981 effects on diabetic complications, in transport of corticotropin-releasing phosphoinositide metabolism, in dia- rats, E989 hormone, E312 betic rats, E737 Pituitary cells Opioid receptors from rats GHs, hyperpolarization-activated cation central, mediation of glucoprivic inhibi- insulin secretory responses, phospho- current in, E405 tion of luteinizing hormone secre- lipase C activation and, E671 lactotrophs, hyperpolarization-acti- tion, E517 islet amyloid polypeptide gene ex- vated cation current in, E405 Osteoblasts pression, glucose regulation of, mammotropes differentiation, and regulation by ET-1, E543 a-MSH binding to, E282 E967 isolation, E671 prolactin release, regulation by ATP, Pancreatic polypeptide E1117 endothelin A receptors, downregulation secretion, in dogs, E746 secretion, integration of, E390 by osteogenic protein-1, E967 Paracellular permeability, see Perme- rat, hyperpolarization-activated cation IL-6 production ability, paracellular current in, E405 endothelin effects on, E461 Parathyroid hormone somatotrophs, hyperpolarization-acti- stimulation by PGF2,, E208 release vated cation current in, E405 thyroid hormone effects on, E212 calcium-regulated, age-related Placenta Osteocalcin changes in, E139 insufficiency, studies in sheep, E817 gene expression, in osteoblast response inhibition by magnesium, E1 threonine transport, E892 to thyroid hormone, E212 regulation, E1 Polymerase chain reaction Osteogenic protein-1 Parenteral nutrition in observation of changes in renin effects on ET, receptors, E967 substrate oxidation in, E550 mRNA expression, E227 Oxaloacetate Parturition reverse transcriptase in human muscle, at rest and during oxytocin receptor coupling to G proteins of endothelin receptors, E461 exercise, E239 in rat myometrium during, E870 of insulin receptors, E607 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 35 E1155 Power spectral analysis postprandial stimulation of, E841 myometrial nitric oxide synthase ex- of interislet synchronization, in oscilla- in tumor, measurement of, E796 pression in, E1008 tory insulin secretion, E981 turnover myometrial oxytocin receptor cou- Pregnancy after metabolic stress, dextrose versus pling to G proteins in, during labor, aldosterone secretion in, calcium chan- amino acid availability and, E36 E870 nels and, E18 in elderly women, effect of growth renin synthesis, stimulation by thyroid diabetes in, see Diabetes mellitus, hormone and IGF-I on, E94 hormone, E227 gestational in human newborns, E592 skeletal muscle diabetic, embryonic metabolism and, in in muscle, E45 cell surface GLUT-4, effects of exer- rats, E173 Proteolysis cise training on, E320 late, glucose sparing during, in rats, amino acid suppression of, in newborn, denervated, insulin signaling in, E556 E592 E661 maintenance, and myometrial nitric in human skeletal muscle, during glucose transport, effects of exercise oxide synthase expression, studies spaceflight, E688 training on, E320 in rats, E1008 postabsorptive, in humans, E1037 hexosamines in, effects of exercise Prolactin Puberty and feeding on, E848 gene expression, in mammotropes, effects on glucose-fatty acid interac- suppression of glucose metabolism in, E390 tions, in humans, E523 insulin resistance caused by, E288 release Pyruvate spinal-cord-injured, scoliosis reduction regulation, by extracellular ATP, metabolism, in tracing liver metabo- by clenbuterol in, E712 E1117 lism, E51 Zucker, see Zucker rat suckling-induced, in rats, E282 Pyruvate dehydrogenase Renin secretion, by mammotropes, E390 activity, in lipogenesis, E945 synthesis, stimulation by thyroid hor- Propionate mone, in rats, E227 short-term infusion, effects on food in- R Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone sys- take and blood parameters, in Rabbits tem sheep, E997 metabolism of heparin cofactor II and activity, during growth hormone treat- Prostaglandin-endoperoxide H syn- antithrombin, E824 ment, E803 thase-2 RAS, see Renin-angiotensin system Renin-angiotensin system expression and activity, in chorion, peri- Ras signaling pathway in rats, E227 partum, in humans, E832 and glucose transport activity in 3T3-L1 Retinol Prostaglandins adipocytes, E326 requirement for, during midgestation, in fetal response to subacute stress, Rats and neonatal survival, E25 E817 adult undernourished, insulin secretion Reverse triiodothyronine PGF»,, stimulation of IL-6 synthesis by in, E634 metabolism, and alcoholism, E191 Ruminants, see Sheep osteoblasts, E208 aging, contractile function of dia- Protein, dietary phragm, oxidative stress and, E201 S intake, and leucine metabolism, in hu- brain, neuronal GLUT-3, induction by mans, E585 hypoglycemia, E716 Satiety metabolism cold-exposed, brown adipose tissue hy- in propionate-infused sheep, E997 in humans, E585 perplasia in, IGF-I and, E453 Scoliosis in normal postabsorptive humans, copper-deficient, hepatic lipogenesis in, in spinal-cord-injured rat, reduction by E437 E1124 clenbuterol, mechanisms of, E712 restriction, in insulin-dependent diabe- cytokine-induced wasting in, mecha- Sheep tes mellitus (IDDM), metabolic ad- nisms of, E333 fetal aptation to, E59 diabetic endocrine responses to subacute Protein kinases phosphoinositide metabolism in pan- stress, E817 see also Mitogen-activated protein creatic islets of, E737 leucine kinetics and protein metabo- kinase smooth muscle hypertrophy in, IG- lism during metabolic acidosis, AMP.-activated, regulation, in muscle, FBP-2 and, E297 E275 E262 diabetic dwarf, renal changes in, E918 threonine utilization by, E892 PKC dietary obesity in, E1043 Skeletal muscle activation, and IL-6 synthesis by os- genetically obese diabetic, diabetic com- cell surface GLUT-4, effects of exercise teoblasts, E208 plications in, effects of pioglitazone training on, studies in isolated rat insulin secretion stimulated by, in on, E989 muscle, E320 cultured islets of ob/ob mice, E304 insulin analog kinetics in, in vivo, denervated, insulin signaling in, in rats, Proteins E1089 E661 accretion, fetal, during metabolic acido- leptin gene expression in, §3-adrener- glucose transport, effects of exercise sis, E275 gic-mediated suppression of, E1031 training on, studies in isolated rat anabolism, see Proteins, turnover liver muscle, E320 breakdown, see Proteins, turnover coenzyme A profiles in, carnitine and, malonyl-CoA in, E262 catabolism, see Proteins, turnover E359 Sleep degradation, see Proteins, turnover triiodothyronine/tryptophan uptake, progesterone-induced changes in, in metabolism and thyroid status, E809 males, E885 fetal, during metabolic acidosis, E275 muscle glycogenolysis in, adenosine ef- Sodium ions recombinant human IGF-I and, dif- fects on, during contraction, E762 metabolism, growth hormone therapy ferential effects of bolus vs. continu- pancreatic islets and, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone ous subcutaneous delivery, E628 insulin secretory responses, phospho- system activity in, E803 synthesis lipase C activation and, E671 Somatostatin in aged skeletal muscle, E397 isolation of, E671 inhibition of cell growth by, E769 in muscle preclinical screening of strontium as Spaceflight after exercise, studies in dogs, E1023 marker for intestinal calcium ab- human skeletal muscle protein break- effects of recombinant human sorption in, E422 down during, E688 growth hormone and IGF-I on, pregnant Spinal cord in aging, E94 glucose sparing in, during progressive injury, scoliosis due to, reduction by myosin heavy chain and, E45 starvation, E556 clenbuterol, in rats, E712 E1156 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 35 Spironolactone in muscle, age-related increase in, Tumor effects, on growth hormone-induced and abdominal adiposity, E976 see also Hepatoma; Insulinoma regulation of fluid balance, E803 interaction with angiotensin II, AT; re- protein synthesis, measurement of, Spiropentaneacetic acid ceptor blockade and, E415 E796 effects on coenzyme A profiles in rat Tumor necrosis factor liver, E359 T host wasting induced by, mechanisms Stable isotope tracers of, in rats, E333 TCAcycle, see Citric acid cycle see also Isotopomer analysis; Water, and lipid metabolism, in obese Zucker doubly labeled Thermogenesis rat, E656 for acetoacetate metabolism in AS-30D autonomic nervous system and, in lean cells, E945 individuals, E775 U for compartmental model of glucose ki- during chronic toxoplasmosis, E908 UDP-glucose netics in interstitial fluid, E494 differences in, in fatty (fa/fa) and het- hepatic for fatty acid oxidation analysis, during erozygous (+/fa) rats, E100 effects of exogenous glucose on, in exercise, E1065 nonshivering, in cold-exposed rats, rats, E163 for fetal leucine metabolism, in sheep, E453 rate of appearance, in rats, E155 E107 nutrient-induced, E678 Undernutrition for fumarate metabolism in isolated rat in lean individuals, E775 during development, effects on insulin heart, E74 Threonine for gluconeogenesis and citric acid cycle secretion, in adult rats, E634 kinetics, in leucine-infused humans, effects on insulin secretion, in adult for gleascuitcsio vsiaetn ya,pl ryEos5id1su ,c tiino nu nacnodm pglliuccaotneedo gefanl-- ThyroiEd1 0g3l7a nd prenartaatls,, Eef6f3e4c ts on insulin secretion, in disorders, effects on hepatic metabo- adult rats, E634 ciparum malaria, E1059 lism, in rats, E809 Uterus for insulin analogs, in vivo, E1089 Thyroid hormone receptors of pregnant rat for leucine metabolism analysis, in hu- cardiac, in diabetes, E856 myometrial nitric oxide synthase ex- mans, E585 Thyroid hormones pression in, E1008 for lipolytic responsiveness to epineph- see also Reverse triiodothyronine; myometrial oxytocin receptor cou- rine, E1130 for measurement of tumor protein syn- Thyroxine; Triiodothyronine pling to G proteins in, during labor, thesis, E796 effects on osteoblasts, E212 E870 for oxidative metabolism analysis, in effects on renin synthesis, in rats, E227 Vv insulin-treated gestational diabe- metabolism, and alcoholism, E191 tes, E1099 and tryptophan transport in rat liver, Valine for proteolysis analysis, in human new- E809 kinetics, in leucine-infused humans, borns, E592 Thyroid response element E1037 for substrate oxidation analysis, E550 in diabetes, E856 Vasopressin for whole body proteolysis, in humans, Thyroxine cell surface aminopeptidase activity to- E1037 kinetics, in transthyretin-null mice, ward, in adipocytes, insulin stimu- Starvation E485 lation of, E600 in late pregnancy, glucoregulation dur- metabolism effects on heart rate, after converting ing, in rats, E556 enzyme inhibition in normal hu- and alcoholism, E191 Steroidogenesis mans, E429 in transthyretin-null mice, E485 in pregnancy, E18 secretion, and central administration of tissue uptake of, in transthyretin-null Steroids endothelin-1, in rats, E126 adrenal, effects on brain-to-blood trans- mice, E485 Vitamin A port of corticotropin-releasing hor- Toxoplasmosis in embryonic development, and neona- mone, E312 chronic, energy balance and cytokine tal survival, E25 pharmacology of, in vascular endothe- gene expression during, E908 lium, E616 Translation initiation WwW Stress regulation of, by feeding, E841 Wasting metabolic, skeletal muscle protein ho- Transthyretin cytokine-induced, mechanisms of, in meostasis after, E36 and thyroxine tissue uptake, in trans- rats, E333 Strontium ions thyretin-null mice, E485 Water, doubly labeled as marker for intestinal calcium absorp- Triacylglycerol for measurement of daily energy expen- tion, preclinical screening of, in turnover, in resting skeletal muscle, diture, in heart failure, E469 rats, E422 functional differences by fiber type, Wound healing pharmacokinetics of, in rats, E422 E340 and macrophage arginine metabolism, Substrate utilization Tricarboxylic acid cycle, see Citric E181 in insulin-treated gestational diabetes, acid cycle E1099 Triglycerides x Succinate formation, and cardioprotective effects chain length, and substrate oxidation in Xanthine oxidase of fumarate in isolated rat heart, parenteral nutrition, E550 and contractile function of diaphragm, E74 oxidation, in insulin-treated gestational in aging rats, E201 in human muscle, at rest and during diabetes, E1099 exercise, E239 serum, during short-term exercise,and Z Superoxide transient induction of lipoprotein Zinc generation, in neural tissue of rat em- lipase gene expression in skeletal and immune function, in humans, bryos, and hyperglycemia in dia- muscle, E255 E952, E1002 betic pregnancy, E173 Triiodothyronine metabolism, endotoxin effects on, in hu- Sympathetic nervous system see also Reverse triiodothyronine mans, E952 activity metabolism, and alcoholism, E191 Zucker rat after converting enzyme inhibition in and tryptophan transport in rat liver, obese, anti-TNF treatment and lipid normal humans, £429 E809 metabolism in, E656

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