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Subject and Author Index to Volume 268 American Journal of Physiology American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism American Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology American Journal of Physiology: Lung Cellular and Moiecular Physiology American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology American Journal of Physiology: Renal, Fluid and Electrolyte Physiology Advances in Physiology Education Page—Issue Guide American Journal of Physiology Volume 268 January February March April May June C1-C282 C283-C534 C535-C797 C799-C1075 C1077-C1319 C1321-C1561 E1-E184 E185—E374 E375—-E536 E537-E796 E797-—E1038 E1039-E1223 G1-G188 G189-G388 G389-G538 G539-G723 G725-—G878 G879-G1078 L1-L159 L161-L346 L347-L538 L539-L696 L697-L867 L869-L1063 H1-H515 H517—H934 H935-—H1382 H1383-H1772 H1773—H2165 H2167—H2578 R1-R302 R303-—R575 R577-R823 R825-R1083 R1085-R1342 R1343—-R1545 F1-F178 F179-F356 F357-F541 F543-F791 F793-F979 F981-F1232 S1-S105* *Advances in Physiology Education Subject Index to Volume 268 A taste response, chorda tympani nerve skeletal, gene regulation, promoter ele A-4166 (hypoglycemic agent) response to HCl under voltage ments responding to stretch over- effects on ion channels in pancreatic clamp, C1295 load, C918 B-cells, E185 Acid-base homeostasis of srnooth muscle, transcriptional con Acetaldehyde hydrogen-potassium ATPase B-subunit trol regions in promoter, C1259 effects on bronchial epithelial cell migra- expression in kidney, F363 Actin tion and matrix attachment, L723 renal metabolic alkalosis and hyperpara- in pancreatic acinar cells, effects of su- Acetate infusion thyroidism from sustained intrave pramaximal secretagogue stimula effects on muscle pyruvate dehydroge- nous neutral phosphate loading tion, G328 nase activity and glucose-fatty acid F802 role in pulmonary capillary integrity cycle, E1007 Acid-base transport mechanisms 475 Acetoacetate in proximal tubule S3 segment, acid ex- Actin cytoskeleton, see Cytoskeleton and propionyl!-L-carnitine effects on isch- trusion and CO,/ HCO, alkaliniza- Actin filaments emic cardiac contractile dysfunc- tion in pH; regulation, F179, F193 see also Cross bridges; Myofilaments tion, H441 Acidosis adenosine 3’ ,5'-cyclic monophosphate- Acetylcarnitine see also pH independent regulation of CFTR, in muscle, effects of acetate infusion and and activation of sodium / hydrogen ex C1552 exercise, E1007 changers, C283 disassembly by Clostridium difficile Acetylcholine in chronic renal failure, effects on insu- toxin B, role of calcium influx, G487 dimaprit-evoked colonic release, G465 lin actions in glucose and protein role in hypoxia-stimulated capillary net- effects on [Ca*~ |; in submucosal nasal metabolism, E121 work formation in lung microvessel gland acinar cells, L361 effects on arteriolar a-adrenoceptor con- endothelial cells, L789 effects on cGMP levels in air-breathing striction, H2068 Action potentials vs. water-breathing fish, R816 effects on injury-associated fatty acid atrial effects on charybdotoxin actions in colon accumulation in proximal tubule ionic basis for developmental changes muscle electrical activity, C619 cells, F110 in humans, H1335 effects on endothelium-dependent re- effects on turtle heart responses to vari- repolarization, role of Ca**-dependent sponses in fetal pulmonary arteries ous input pressures, R683 Cl- current, H1992 vs. pulmonary veins, H1586 extracellular, effects on muscle conduction between two ventricular potentiation of acetylcholine-induced K branched-chain ketoacid dehydroge- cells, asymmetry of calcium current currents in atrial myocytes, H1313 nase, C1395 magnitude, H2476 mechanism, and nature of K~ cur- hypercapnic, coronary vasodilation dur- configuration, and transient outward rents, H1322 ing, role of nitric oxide, H39 current, in epicardium, developmen- release from airway smooth muscle intra- and extracellular, effects on in- tal changes, H2513 nerve endings, effects of substance ward Na‘ current in ventricular duration, in ventricular myocytes, ef- P and vasoactive intestinal peptide, myocytes, H1749 fects of extracellular magnesium, L432 intracellular, effects on skeletal muscle H2321 release from equine airway parasympa- Ca*~ |\-force relations, C55 in Purkinje fibers, effects of a2-adrener- limiting of, role in myocardial ischemic gic stimulation, H2024 thetic nerves, catecholamine effects preconditioning, H935 in ventricular myocytes, changes during on, L368 metabolic, basolateral, effects on potas- culture, C993, C1002 release from tracheal parasympathetic sium transport and transepithelial ventricular, thyroid effects on duration, nerves, B-adrenoceptor effects on, voltage in cortical collecting duct role of thyroid-induced changes in L950 F490 Na~-K~ pump, H1838 release in bronchial smooth muscle, ef- metabolic, effects on choline whole body Activator protein-1 fects of prostaglandins and throm- release and clearance, R1520 interaction with DNA and glucocorticoid boxane A» analogue, L47 metabolic vs. respiratory, effects on bone receptors in mononuclear cells, role in pancreatic enzyme secretion, calcium efflux, C80 C331 E349 role in hypoxic and hypercapnic airway Active learning vascular relaxation from, effects of pulse smooth muscle relaxation, L207 andragogical vs. pedagogical, S66 pressure on, H359 Acinar cells in context, S75 Acetylcholine receptors of lacrimal glands, Ca*~-activated Cl letter), S81 see also Muscarinic receptors channels in, pH, effects on, C647 Actomyosin role in glucose-induced pancreatic insu- Acousticolater alis system inhibition in muscle fatigue, role of lin release, E336 mechanotransduction in hair cells: ste- MgADP, C480 Acetyl-coenzyme A reociliary bundle structure and Acute phase reactants in muscle, effects of acetate infusion and function (review), C1 and biomarkers of normal aging, R536 Acquired immunodeficiency syn- Acute phase response exercise, E1007 drome and a 2-macroglobulin gene expression Acetylsalicylic acid, see Aspirin dementia from, and HIV gp120 activa- during hibernation in ground Achievement scores in anatomy and tion of astrocyte K~ channels, squirrel, R1507 physiology course C1440 to influenza A virus, behavioral changes and Gregorc learnir.g style indicator re- Acrolein and cytokine levels, R78 sults, S56 effects on bronchial epithelial cell migra- Acylearnitines, long-chain and Myers-Briggs psychological type in- tion and matrix attachment, L72:‘ effects on ventricular myocytes, |Na* dicator results, S61 Acrosome reaction increase and transient inward cur- Acid and characteristics of calcium channels rent, H2405 extrusion from proximal tubule in pH in boar sperm plasma membrane, and reperfusion recovery in palmitate- regulation, effects of luminal and C1284 perfused hearts, H2505 basolateral CO./HCO, , F179, F193 o-Actin Adenine nucleotide translocator lingual trigeminal nerve sensitivity, fac- cardiac, effects of tachycardia-induced renal mitochondrial, postischemic thy- tors affecting, R58 cardiomyopathy, H2426 roxin effects on, F651 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 268 Adenohypophysis, see Pituitary gland and phosphorylation of delayed rectifier hydrolysis, Gibbs free energy, and fore- Adenoma cells K* current in vascular smooth arm power output, C1474 thyroid-stimulating hormone-secreting, muscie, H926 input pressure effects on, in anoxic or somatostatin effects on, mecha- production in airway epithelial cells, tan- acidotic turtle heart, R683 nisms, E558 nin effects on, L851 intracellular, response to progressively Adenosine regulation in pinealocytes, role of phos- lower myocardial Poo, H1675 cardiac effects, in calm vs. hyperexcited phatases, E458 levels in oxidative vs. glycolytic metabo- responsive element in angiotensinogen lism in carotid artery smooth rabbits, role of protein kinase C, gene, R105 muscle, C628 H1037 role in angiotensin [I-dependent, ANF- levels in type II cells, effects of H2O2, modulation of a:-adrenergic constriction mediated transport inhibition in L129 of coronary arterioles, H2487 proximal nephron, F730 myocardial, effects of transient adeno- non-role in myocardial hibernation, role in chloride and fluid transport in sine vs. ischemic preconditioning, H2294 proximal tubule, F204 H1149 protective effects in calcium paradox in- role in pial vasodilation in newborn in newborn enterocytes, contribution of jury, mechanisms, C838 f-adrenoceptor-induced, H1071 glutamine vs. glucose, R334 role in dehydroepiandrosterone effects prostaglandin-induced, H1436 pancreatic decrease, role in pancreatitis on lipolysis, R1374 role in regulation of Cl~ secretion in in- pathophysiology, G592 role in hypoxic protection against H2O».- testinal goblet cell, C1503 regulation of lung surfactant secretion, induced myocardial damage, H614 role in secretagogue stimulation of pari- role of protein kinase C, L108 role in neonatal cerebrovascular re- etal cell aminopyrine accumulation, renal mitochondrial translocator activ- sponses to hypoglycemic hypoxia, G82 ity, postischemic thyroxin effects on, H871 role in surfactant protein B gene tran- F651 signal transduction, receptor subtype scription and mRNA levels in fetus, resistance artery contraction from, role involved in PKC regulation, H271 L481 of cGMP, H1223 Adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophos- role in TNF-a effects on endothelial bar- role in bile acid transport across tropho- phate rier function, C1104 blast from fetus to maternal blood, see also Cyclic nucleotides; Protein role in tumor necrosis factor-a regula- G685 kinases tion of transepithelial permeability, role in force activation in smooth activation of Cl- conductance in dogfish F315 muscle, C237 rectal gland, C70 role in vasopressin downregulation of role in myocardial ischemic precondi- activation of low-conductance anion endothelin-1 binding in cortical col- tioning, H935 channel in Cl--secreting cells of tel- lecting ducts, F385 role in skeletal muscle proteolysis in eost fish, R963 and somatolactin-induced P; absorption cancer-associated cachexia, E996 and activation of Na* /H* exchangers, in flounder proximal tubule, R577 and role of creatine kinase in swelling- C283 synthesis in pial vein, and novel 5-HT}- activated K-Cl cotransport in red and B-adrenergic receptor subtypes in like receptor in pig, H1383 cells, C660 collecting tubules, F1070 vs. Ca** regulation of Cl~ conductance, Adenosine 5'-triphosphate diphos- in airway smooth muscle cells (review), in oviduct of normal vs. cystic fibro- phohydrolases, see Ecto- Ll sis mice, C708 ATPases airway smooth muscie relaxation from, Adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophos- Adenosine 5'-triphosphate receptors role of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca** phate phosphodiesterase role in nucleotide-stimulated leukocyte ATPase, L407 protein kinase C activation in renal col- adherence to pulmonary artery en- and carotid artery relaxation, role of lecting tubules, F808 dothelial cells, L666 myosin light chain kinase phosphor- Adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophos- Adenosine 5'-triphosphate-magne- ylation, H2466 phate-dependent protein kinase sium chloride coupling to B,-adrenergic receptors on and angiotensin II effects on Ca?* cur- posthemorrhagic use, effects on endothe- proximal tubule epithelial cells, rent in sinoatrial node, H1053 lial cell function, H1390 F553 Adenosine 5'-cyclic diphosphate- Adenosine diphosphoribose and cytokine release from glomerulosa ribose activation of skeletal sarcoplasmic re- cells, E114 non-role in ryanodine-induced Ca?* re- ticulum Ca?* release channel, effects on electrogenic chloride secretion lease from hepatocyte microsomes, C1235 in inner medullary collecting duct G1017 a-Adenosine receptor antagonists cell line mIMCD-K2, F854 Adenosine 5'-cyclic diphosphoribose effects on ischemia-reperfusion lung in- effects on Na-K-Cl cotransport in cere- activation of skeletal sarcoplasmic re- jury, L1036 bral vascular endothelial cells, C747 ticulum Ca?* release channel, Adenosine receptors effects on peripheral vs. inner [Ca?* |; C1235 A; levels in airway smooth muscle Adenosine 5'-diphosphate hyperactivity and phosphorylation- cells, C771 acidic, Ca**-insensitive smooth muscle regulated coupling in Zucker rat effects on sodium channels in cortical contraction after, C21 adipocytes, E693 collecting duct, F480 possible role in muscle fatigue, C480 in normal and CF airway epithelial and endothelin effects on juxtaglomeru- role in skeletal muscle contracture, C317 cells, C1520 lar renin release, F39 Adenosine 5 '-diphosphate-ribosyl cy- role in adenosine protection against endothelin-1 effects on production in clase calcium paradox injury, C838 alveolar epithelial cells, L192 in renal epithelial cells, C741 Ao hepatocellular synthesis, mechanism of Adenosine 5 '-triphosphate role in ATP-induced cAMP production bile acid suppression, G300 activation of Cl- conductance in dogfish in T84 apical membrane, C425 hormone-induced productien in non- rectal gland, C70 subtypes in adenosine-induced pulmo- liver cells, bile acid effects on, G908 cellular levels, relation to cellular P; lev- nary vasodilation, H1862 and insulin-induced release of plasmino- els, F375 subtypes in protein kinase C regulation, gen activator from platelets, H117 extracellular luminal, activation of Cl H271 levels in colonic crypt cells, effects of conductance, C425 Adenosinetriphosphatases, see PGE», G270 extracellular, renal arteriolar vasocon- P-Glycoprotein non-role in anesthetic-induced airway striction from, role of calcium in- Adenovirus smooth muscle relaxation, L166 flux, F876 as vector for gene transfer SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 268 to bronchial submucosal glands for responses to cold, effects of aging and modulation of Na*-K*-ATPase in type II cystic fibrosis therapy, L657 gender, R931 alveolar cells, L983 to fetal lung cells, L839 thermogenesis and lipid storage, ef- f-Adrenergic blockade to salivary submandibular gland, G1074 fects of corticosterone on, R183 and autonomic control of heart rate dur- Adenylate cyclase brown and white, glucocorticoid and in- ing left ventricular dysfunction and and §-adrenoceptor-induced pial vasodi- sulin effects, R1209 heart failure, R310 lation, effects of N°-nitro-L-arginine brown and white, in suckling Zucker plus exercise, effects on amino acid me- on, H1071 rats, and B-adrenoceptor agonist tabolism, E910 in airway epithelial celis, tannin effects effects on obesity, E1039 a-Adrenergic mechanisms on, L851 calculation of mass, new hydration con- role in inhibition of insulin-mediated coupling to B,-adrenergic receptors on stant for body density and body wa- glucose uptake in muscle, E305 proximal tubule epithelial cells, ter, E153 role in muscle glucose metabolism in F553 digoxin effects on fat oxidation rate, insulin-induced hypoglycemia, E248 and phosphorylation of delayed rectifier E1051 oa-Adrenergic pathways K* current in in vascular smooth dose-response relations of dietary fat role in gastric slow wave dysrhythmias muscle, H926 and body fat deposition, E546 of motion sickness, G539 in proximal tubule, defecti: ipling to exercise and lipoprotein lipase gene ex- Adrenergic receptors dopamine-1 receptors i : Dazl rats, pression, E229 and phosphatase role in regulation of R231 food intake, diet composition, and me- pineal cAMP and cGMP, E458 Adenylate cyclase inhibitor tabolism in parabiotic partner of and phospholipase D activation in lacri- effects on G protein inhibition of renal obese rat, R874 mal gland acini, C713 cortical Na-HCOs; cotransporter, impaired postprandial triacylglycerol stimulation of airway cilia, role of NO, F461 clearance in obesity, E588 C1342 Adenylate cyclase-coupled receptors linoleate and a-linolenate tissue stores, a-Adrenergic receptors somatostatin, in hamster glucagonoma effects of fasting-refeeding cycling a) cells, E40 on, R498 angiotensin II-induced, in vascular Adenylyl cyclase white, fat pad-specific catecholaminergic smooth muscle cells, H1006 role in portal vein stenosis effects on car- innervation in hamster, R744 role in coronary arteriolar a-adrener- diac B-adrenoceptors, G410 Adiposity, see Obesity gic constriction vs. metabolic dila- somatostatin-mediated activity, effects Adrenal gland of proximal small bowel resection, see also Hypothalamic-pituitary-ad- tion, H2487 E343 renal axis a, and ay, arteriolar constriction by, ef- Adenylylcyclase-linked receptors angiotensin II receptor AT), and ATs fects of acidosis and hypoxia, H2068 in airway smooth muscle cells (review), subtypes, F220 a-inhibitory, role in airway cholinergic Ll angiotensin II receptor subtype AT», nerves, L368 Adhesion molecules mRNA distribution during develop- a2, postjunctional, electrophysiological intracellular adhesion molecule 1, role in ment, F922 effects in Purkinje fibers, H2024 oxidized chylomicron-induced leuko- blood flow and oxygenation in acute plus ay, role in tricyclic antidepressant sym- cyte-endothelial cell adhesion, chronic hypoxemia, H974 patholytic effect, R1429 H2175 glomerulosa cells f§-Adrenergic receptors Adhesion molecules CD11b/CD18 cytokine release and factors regulat- and airway smooth muscle contraction, and neutrophil migration across T84 ing, E114 role ofG proteins and calcium-acti- epithelial celis, C472 growth responses to angiotensin II, vated K channels, 22 i Adhesion molecules CD11/CD18 E135 6), on proximal tubule ~p. helial cells, and neutrophil-glomerular endothelial insulin effects on angiotensin II ac- F553 cell interactions, F1 tions, E100 Bo, in skeletal muscle, efiects of BRL- Adipocytes sensitivity to ACTH, in newborn, effects 47672 (morpholine compound) on, see also Fat-storing cells of sympathectomy and maternal E159 B3-adrenergic receptor, regulation of separation, R1281 Be, pulmonary, glucocorticoid effects on gene expression and mRNA splice splanchnic nerve-induced catecholamine transcription rate, U4] variants, in mouse, C1040 release, effects on VIP release, B»-excitatory, role in airway cholinergic brown, thermogenic response and f-ad- R1449 nerves, L368 renoceptor subtype in guinea pig, unsaturated fatty acid stimulation of 63, metabolic and antidiabetic effects of R98 steroidogenesis, R1484 agonist BRL-35135 in obese mice, catecholamine-induced lipolysis, mecha- Adrenal hormones E678 nisms of regional variations, E1135 (1S,3R)-1-aminocyclope1n, t3,a-ndieca,r- B3, regulation of gene expression and early change in insulin stimulation of boxylic acid effects on, R1026 mRNA splice variants, in mouse phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in role in extracellular matrix synthesis by adipocytes, C1040 obesity, E604 type II cells, L885 cardiac, effects of portal vein stenosis on, effects of GLUT-4 overexpression on Adrenal steroids, see Corticosteroids G410 glucose metabolism and fatty acid Adrenergic activity hepatic, downregulation after hemor- synthesis, E956 renal, glomerular and tubular interac- rhagic shock, G749 in obese Zucker rat, A; adenosine recep- tions with nitric oxide, F1004 in parabrachial nucleus, neuropeptide tor hyperactivity and phosphoryla- a-Adrenergic agonists effects on, R786 tion-regulated coupling, E693 effects on sympathetic salivation and on and phosphorylation of delayed rectifier Adipose tissue parasympathetic salivation and va- K* current in vascular smooth brown sodilation, R1196 muscle, H926 effects of NO inhibition, R1533 f-Adrenergic agonists role in catecholamine-induced lipolysis, metabolic and antidiabetic effects of Bo, gender differences in growth re- E1135 B3-adrenergic agonist BRL-35135 in sponse to clenbuterol, E1077 role in epinephrine effects on hepatic obese mice, E678 effects on acetylcholine release from tra- tumor necrosis factor and interleu- norepinephrine metabolism and cheal parasympathetic nerves, L950 kin-6 production, R896 proneness to diet-induced obesity, effects on myofibrillar gene expression role in fish gill branchial vasculature R389 E858 response to hypoxia, R771 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 268 6-Adrenergic receptors (continued ) Adrenomedullin effects on insulin- vs. contraction-stimu- role in sympathetic and reflex parasym- cardiovascular actions in conscious lated glucose transport, E1154 pathetic interactions in salivary se- sheep, H2574 effects on norepinephrine kinetics and cretion, R1188 glomerular and tubular localization and metabolism, R278 subtypes in collecting tubules, F1070 renal actions, F657 effects on NPY/NPY Y;, receptor/G pro- subtypes, B3 absence in guinea pig adipo- pulmonary vasodilation from whole mol- tein complex in rat brain cortex, cytes, R98 ecule vs. fragments, H2211 R192 f-Adrenergic regulation Adult respiratory distress syndrome effects on oral-pharyngeal and upper of heart function, and NO effects on car- endotoxin effects on cultured human esophageal sphincter function dur- diomyocyte calcium current, C45 pulmonary artery endothelial cells, ing swaliowing, G389 a-Adrenergic stimulation L239 effects on protein synthesis in muscie of CFTR Cl- current in cardiomyocytes, hydrogen peroxide effects on surfactant and liver, E328 dialysis effects on, H1795 biosynthetic enzymes, 129 effects on renal production of dopamine, coronary and iron-derived reactive oxygen species, F1087 role in control of coronary blood flow, lung endothelial heme as iron effects on serotonergic control of circa- H895 source, L321 dian rhythmicity, R293 vasomotor responses after ischemia leukotoxin vasodilation in pulmonary effects on thyroxine-induced coronary reperfusion, H886 circulation, L123 angiogenesis, H419 reduced inotropic myocardial responses pentoxifylline effects on pulmonary neu- effects on vasoreactivity in canine hind- in left ventricular hypertrophy, trophil kinetics, L27 limb resistance vessels, H92 H1202 Aerobic metabolism erectile dysfunction in, role of declining «,-Adrenergic stimulation in fish white muscle, during hypoxia and penile NO synthesis, H467 of sodium chloride (potassium) cotrans- recovery, R1178 exercise-induced anabolism in older port in airway epithelial cells, role of Age men, effects of added growth hor- protein kinase C, L414 effects on body composition, basal meta- mone, E268 6-Adrenergic stimulation bolic rate, thermogenesis, and pro- of FRTL-5 thyroid cell line, effects on (1S,3R)-1-aminocyclopentane, 1 ,3,-dicar- tein turnover, E1083 TGF-£ responses to TNF-a and boxylic acid effects on, R1026 effects on brain damage and mortality TSH, R808 coronary, role in control of coronary from hyponatremic encephalopathy, myofibrillar protein synthesis reduction blood flow, H895 R1143 in, effects of resistance training on, effects on obesity development in suck- Aggrephores E422 ling Zucker rats, E1039 of bladder, vesicle fusion proteins in, physical training effects on collateral lipolysis from, effects of dehydroepi- C792 blood flow in peripheral arterial in- androsterone, R1374 Aging sufficiency, H1174 role in muscle glucose metabolism in see also Maturation protein metabolism, effects of exercise insulin-induced hypoglycemia, E248 age-related changes in atrial myocyte and dietary protein level, E1143 vasodilation from, in newborn pial transient outward and inward recti- and stress-induced elastase and IL-1B artery, role of nitric oxide, cAMP, fier currents, H1335 secretion, effects of dietary fish oils, and cGMP, H1071 biomarkers for, use of serum protein R208 Adrenergic vasoconstriction patterns, R536 survival time response to 100% oxygen, coronary caffeine effects on norepinephrine kinet- L539 modulation by adenosine, H2487 ics, fat oxidation, and energy expen- waist-to-hip ratio and enhanced insulin role of ATP-sensitive K channels, diture, E1192 sensitivity in older athletes, E484 H1077 cardiovascular effects, mathematical Airway Adrenergic-adenosine 3’, 5'-cyclic model for transmitral and pulmo- see also Epithelial cells, of airway; monophosphate signal trans- nary venous flow, H476 Muscle, smooth, airway; and in- duction pathway effects of angiotensin I-converting en- dividual components tannin effects on, L851 zyme inhibition, intracellular cal- auxotonic changes in caliber, measuring Adrenocortical axis cium-vasoreactivity coupling, R1394 by computerized videomicrometry in newborn, effects of sympathectomy effects on adrenal and cardiovascular of microexplants, L519 and maternal separation, R1281 responses to mental stress, R865 cilia, B-adrenoceptor stimulation, role of Adrenocorticotropic hormone effects on arterial wall production of cy- NO, C1342 adrenal sensitivity to, in newborn, ef- tokines with and without endotoxin, ciliary motility fects of sympathectomy and mater- H2288 C-type natriuretic peptide effects on nal separation, R1281 effects on baroreceptor control of heart ciliary beat frequency, L1021 biological activity of precursors in adult rate, studies in ambulatory humans, ethanol effects on, role of nitric oxide, vs. fetal adrenal cells, E623 H1606 L596 effect on cytokine release from glomeru- effects on brown fat and skeletal muscle nitric oxide-dependent, effects of losa cells, E114 responses to cold, R931 TNF-a and IL-1f, L911 effects of loading and unloading right effects on capillary pressure physiology distal, transepithelial Cl- secretion and heart baroreceptors on secretion, in healthy volunteers, H147 submucosal gland number, L526 R1069 effects on diet restriction-induced endothelin ET, and ET; receptors, an- how many glucocorticoid-sensitive re- changes in glucose metabolism, tagonist effects in guinea pig, L846 leasable pools, E85 E941 eosinophil chemotaxis in and narrowing interleukin-1-induced, effects of choles- effects on dopaminergic renal excretory of, effects of inhibiting 5-lipoxygen- tasis and role of impaired hypotha- responses to protein feeding, F613 ase and cyclooxygenase, L446 lamic PGE» release, G404 effects on esophageal secondary peristal- epithelial barrier function, oxidant ef- secretion and clearance by fetal lung, sis and sphincter pressures, G772 fects on permeability and repair, E845 effects on growth hormone actions in L284 secretion, response to mental stress, ef- skeletal muscle glucose transport, hyperresponsiveness fects of aging and depression, R865 E902 antigen effects on bronchial parasym- Adrenocorticotropin effects on heart rate, heart rate variabil- pathetic ganglia, L879 plasma levels, in fetus, after carotid oc- ity, and AV conduction, H1441 in asthma, and vasoactive intestinal clusion, and immaturity of vagal effects on hyaluronan serum levels in peptide effects on airway smooth afferent buffering systems, R343 rat, C952 muscle cell proliferation, L1047 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 268 increased muscarinic receptor expres- plasma levels, effects of long-term endo- fetal, ion-transporting phenotype, gov- sion in Basenji-greyhound dog, thelin infusions, R375 erning role of fetal extracellular ma- L935 plasma levels, effects of peptide YY on, trix, L762 role of myosin light-chain kinase activ- F754 oxidant injury to, surfactant protein ity, L739 and protein-induced dopaminergic renal A-carrying, pH-sensitive liposomes role of PKC in nonsensitized and pas- excretory responses, aging effects for antioxidant delivery, L374 sively sensitized bronchial smooth on, F613 oxygen-induced hyperplasia, role of muscle, L966 secretion basic fibroblast growth factor and ion transport, in cystic fibrosis mouse vs. chloride dependence of osmolality- and its receptor, L455 humans, C297 angiotensin II-induced changes, R8 presence of L-type Na* channels, maturation, dexamethasone effects on effects of L-arginine analogues, R1137 C1148 tropoelastin expression in fetal potassium-induced, role of L-type and proliferation after hypoxic injury, role lung, L491 T-type Ca?* currents, C985 of A- and D-type cyclins and cyclin- neuropeptide receptor distribution, serum levels, time- and dose-related ef- dependent kinases, L625 L584 fects of indomethacin or meclofena- surfactant biosynthetic enzymes, ef- nonadrenergic noncholinergic inhibitory mate, F468 fects of HyO2, L129 system, respiratory syncytial virus Alkaline phosphatase surfactant secretion, regulation by effects, L1006 intestinal, and apical appearance of sur- ATP, role of protein kinase C, L108 parasympathetic nerves, acetylcholine factant-like particles, C1401 Alveolar macrophages, see Macro- release from, catecholamine effects intestinal, appearance and secretion in phages, alveolar on, L368 parallel with surfactant-like par- Alveoli, see Lung, alveoli smooth muscle nerve endings, acetylcho- ticles, E1205 Amidation line release from, effects of sub- osteoblastic, effects of metabolic vs. res- role in bile acid effects on DNA synthesis stance P and vasoactive intestinal piratory acidosis, C80 in regenerating liver, G1051 peptide, L432 Alkalosis Amiloride tone, regulation by COz, role of pH; ef- metabolic renal, and hyperparathyroid- and pH; regulation in thin ascending fects on tracheal smooth muscle ism from sustained intravenous limb of Henle’s loop, F410 voltage-dependent Ca?* channels, neutral phosphate loading, F802 sensitive and insensitive short-circuit L642 Allergy currents in renal epithelial cells, Alanine antigen effects on bronchial parasympa- aldosterone and vasotocin effects on, jejunal abscrption, effects of vagal capsa- thetic ganglia, role of histamine H, C762 icin-sensitive primary afferent fi- receptors, L879 sensitivities of sodium/hydrogen ex- bers, G695 ozone effects on mast cells, L902 changer isoforms, C283 transport in liver, effects of starvation respiratory [L-8-induced transcellular sensitivity of Na* channels in salivary and sensitivity to sulfhydryl groups, eosinophilic chemotaxis, L117 intralobular ducts, C350 R598 simultaneous study of chemoattraction Amino acids L-Alanine and bronchoconstriction in guinea blood levels, and effects of local epineph- effect on membrane conductance and pig tracheal explants, L446 rine infusion on muscle metabolism, apical membrane potential in Aply- Allometry E55 sia intestine, R1050 of body mass-tissue metabolism relation- branched-chain, dehydrogenase in hepatic uptake in protein-ceficient suck- ship, in mouse, rat, rabbit, sheep, muscle, increase with extracellular ling rats, E368 and cattle liver and kidney, R641 acidemia, C1395 Alarm behavior of muscle relaxant pharmacokinetics branched-chain, a-ketoisocaproic acid and loss of adenosine-induced negative and pharmacodynamics in mam- hepatic metabolism in cirrhosis, inotropism, role of protein kinase C, mals, R85 E298 H1037 Allopurinol cationic, lysine transport by placental Albumin and effects of hepatic hypoxia on E. coli- microvillous membrane vs. basal see also Permeability induced TNF-a expression, G311 membrane, C755 fatty acid-bearing, metabolic fate in Alveolar cells effects on intake of highly nutritive diet proximal tubule cells, F1177 type I, protein rTI4o, use as marker of vs. sucrose, R520 gene expression in hepatocytes, regula- lung injury, L181 excitatory tion by insulin, glucagon, and dexa- type II metabotropic glutamate receptors, methasone, E6 f-adrenergic agonist modulation of metabolic, hormonal, and hemody- glycosylated, circulating, glomerular Na*-K*-ATPase, L983 namic effects, R1026 handling, F913 asbestos-induced injury, role of reac- role in hypertonicity-induced vaso- possible role in cardiomyocyte uptake of tive oxygen species and DNA strand pressin release, R1034 long-chain fatty acids, H1659 breaks, L471 hepatic transport, in protein-deficient receptor-mediated endocytosis in proxi- cystine transport system and glutathi- suckling rats, E368 mal tubule cells, effects of endo- one regulation, L21 and H*-peptide cotransport system in somal pH, F899 early postnatal development, effects of MDCK cells, F391 serum, galactosylated, recognition by indomethacin on, L56 imbalance in diet, conditioned taste liver, G849 effects of surfactant protein A and aversion in rat, role of serotonin, Aldosterone bacterial endotoxin, alone and com- receptor, R1203 angiotensin I]-induced synthesis in glo- bined, L144 kinetics merulosa cells, insulin effects on, extracellular matrix synthesis, role of cortisol effects on, E501 E100 adrenal hormone, L885 exercise-induced acceleration, E514 effects on Na* transport and GTP hy- extracellular matrix turnover kinetics, metabolism, effects of exercise plus B-ad- drolysis by renal epithelial cell api- L336 renergic blockade, E910 cal membranes, C557 fetal, differentiated, effect of O2 dose metabolism in canine gastrocnemius, effects on short-circuit currents in renal on surfactant proteins and phospho- R759 epithelial cells, C762 lipid production, L818 neutral, effects on lysine uptake by pla- in hormone-induced differentiation of fetal, inflammatory mediator-induced cental microvillous and basal mem- Na* transport across larval bullfrog nitrate and nitrite production in, branes, C755 skin, C218 L501 placental transport (review), C1321 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 268 Amino acids (continued ) Amrinone Angiotensin I-converting enzyme protein synthesis rate, measurement, in effects on sepsis-induced muscle protein chronic inhibition, effects on aging, in- vivo ‘flooding’ method with minimal wasting, E491 tracellular calcium-vasoreactivity precursor pool activity assumptions, Amylase coupling, R1394 E735 increased acinar content in genetically Angiotensin II in skeletal muscle, transmembrane diabetic Otsuka Long-Evans a,-adrenergic receptor induction in vas- transport and intracellular metabo- Tokushima Fatty rat, E531 cular smooth muscle cells, H1006 lism, E75 pancreatic, nerve-mediated secretion, aldosterone synthesis from, in glomeru- stimulation of insulin secretion, effects presynaptic inhibition by serotonin, losa cells, insulin effects on, E100 of incretins and cholecystokinin on, G339 astroglial uptake of glucose from, path- E949 Anabolic drugs way involved, E384 synthesis from glutamine in newborn BRL-47672 (morpholine compound), in brain, role in cardiovascular, vaso- enterocytes and effects of glucose effects on skeletal muscle growth pressin, and renin responses to on, R334 and B2-adrenoceptors, E159 hemorrhage, R1500 transport across renal brush-border Anabolic steroids and effects of L-arginine analogues on membrane, role of protein kinases effects on left ventricular compliance aldosterone secretion, R1137 F155 and contractility, H1096 effects on AT-1 transgenic cardiomyo- transport by system A, stimulation by Anaerobic metabolism cytes, H1471 microtubule disruption in vascular in fish white muscle during hypoxia and effects on [Ca**]; in proximal tubule smooth muscle cells, C1512 recovery, R1178 cells, F330 y-Aminobutyric acid A/benzodiaz- Anaphylaxis effects on chloride transport in early epine receptors intestinal, food protein-induced, effects proximal tubule, F723 upregulation during anoxia in turtle on colon longitudinal muscle con- effects on endotoxin- and cytokine-in- brain, R1332 tractility, G764 duced nitrite formation in astroglia, y-Aminobutyric acid receptors Anaplerosis C700 effects on glomerular structure, morpho- class B, in rostral ventrolateral medulla, method for calculating rate of chemical metric analysis, F82 R428 flux in heart, E397 effects on mesotocin and vasopressin y-Aminobutyric acid, receptor com- and propionyl-L-carnitine effects on isch- secretion by brushtail possum mar- plex emic cardiac contractile dysfunc- supial, R1319 and dehycroepiandrosterone effects on tion, H441 effects on pH; in vascular smooth sleep, E107 Andragogical learning muscle, C580 y-Aminobutyric acid, receptors vs. pedagogical learning, S66 effects on renal microcirculation, and in hypothalamic dorsomedial nucleus, Androgens high-protein vs. low-protein diet, blockade-induced intestinal motil- effects on left ventricular compliance F302 ity, G514 and contractility, H1096 effects on transforming growth factor-B (1S,3R)-1-Aminocyclopentan1e,3,, - Anesthetics secretion from neonatal cardiac fi- dicarboxylic acid see also Volatile anesthetics broblasts, C910 metabolic, hormonal, and hemodynamic effects on cerebral blood flow cycling, fetal vs. maternal pressor effects and effects, R1026 H569 clearance rate, E237 Aminoguanidine effects on sympathetic responses to area generation in isolated glomerulus, me- and inducible nitric oxide synthase role postrema stimulation, H1086 diation by renin-angiotensin sys- in ischemic brain damage, R286 Angina pectoris tem, F266 p-Aminohippurate syndrome X, endothelin vs. stenosis ef- L-162,313, a nonpeptide mimic, R820 basolateral transporter in proximal tu- fects on myocardial flow distribu- mitogenic, cell-cycle, and growth re- bule S3 segment, F1109 sponses in adrenal glomerulosa tion, Hi276 p-Aminohippuric acid clearance cells, E135 Angiogenesis drawbacks of constant-infusion tech- mitogenic effects in thick ascending of coronary collaterals, ischemia-in- nique, F543 limb, vs. effects on proximal tubule, 4-Aminopyridine duced, effects of protamine on, F940 binding site in K* channels, C535 H720 negative chronotropic effect on pace- and phosphorylation of delayed rectifier electrical skeletal muscle stimulator maker cells, H1053 K* current in vascular smooth with adjustable duty cycles, use in neuronal activation in rostral ventrolat- muscle, H926 rabbit and rat, H1373 eral medulla, R272 Aminopyrine in embryonic heart, role of thyroid hor- and osmolality effects on aldosterone accumulation in parietal cells, role of mones, H811 secretion: role of chloride influx, R8 cAMP in gastrin and carbachol ac- exercise effects on collateral blood flow and peptide fragment from type 2 recep- tions, G82 in peripheral arterial insufficiency, tor, effects on neuronal delayed rec Ammonia H1174 tifier K* current, C278 metabolism in canine gastrocnemius, gastric, from basic fibroblast growth fac- phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis from, R759 tor, timing of ulcer healing effects, cGMP effects on, C376 permeability of erythrocyte membrane, G276 possible role in endothelin-induced pres- study by saturation transfer nuclear hypoxia-stimulated capillary network sor and renal actions, R395 magnetic resonance, C686 formation in lung microvessel endo- possible roles as growth factor in devel- Ammonium ion thelial cells, L789 oping kidney and adrenal giand, effects on renal mitochondrial Na* /H Angiogenic growth factor F922 antiport, C1227 expression regulation by hypoxia, met- pulmonary vascular bed responses to, Amniotic fluid als, and chelators, C1362 effects of PKC inhibitors on, L532 volume reduction, model of maternal Angioplasty role in cardiovascular response to hem- hyposmolality, R358 restenosis after orrhage, effects of hypertension on, Amphiphiles thrombin-induced migration of vascu- H2302 palmitoyl-L-carnitine, inhibition of Na/K lar smooth muscle cells, C1195 role in proximal nephron transport inhi- pump current in ventricular cells, thrombin-induced mitogenesis in aor- bition by atrial natriuretic factor, H1027 tic smooth muscle cells, C1141 F730 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 268 role in renal hemodynamic effects of Angiotensin-converting enzyme in- delivery to pulmonary epithelial cells via ACE inhibitors in diabetic hyperfil- hibitors surfactant protein A-carrying, pH- tration, F588 effects on arterial remodeling after myo- sensitive liposomes, L374 role in subfornical organ—paraventricu- cardial infarction, H2092 Antioxidants lar nucleus—spinal cord pathway, effects on endothelin-induced pressor and canine reperfusion fibrillation, H295 R625 and renal actions, R395 effects on hemodynamics and oxygen stimulation of tubuloglomerular feed- effects on intracellular sodium and pH, extraction in endotoxic shock, back in hypertensive ren-2 trans- C366 H1847 effects on sarcoplasmic reticulum cal- genic rats, F821 a-ketoacids as H2O2 scavengers in reduc- cium pump in cardiomyopathic thirst from, and angiotensin receptor ing menadione cytotoxicity, C227 hamster, H1947 subtype in organum cavum rena! hemodynamic effects in diabetic role in survival time response to 100% prelamina terminalis, R1401 hyperfiltration, role of kinins, F588 oxygen and effects of aging on, L539 vasoconstriction from, mechanisms of Angiotensinogen a,-Antitrypsin potentiation by lithium, H2009 gene expression, synergism between alveolar concentration, effects on light and venous function in fish, H1814 8-bromo-cAMP and dexamethasone, vs. heavy surfactant metabolic sub vertebral artery infusion, renal effects R105 types, L438 on plasma renin and central effects 2,5-Anhydro-D-mannitol Antropyloroduodenal motility on urinary sodium, F296 feeding response to, effects of parabra- after ingestion of nonnutrient liquid, Angiotensin II receptor antagonists chial nucleus lesions on, R676 effects of posture and gravity, G868 effects on L-162,313 angiotensin II-mim- metabolic effects, on respiratory quo- Aorta icking actions, R820 tient and fuel oxidation, R299 abdominal, vascular reactivity, effects of Angiotensin III ({Des-Asp' Jangioten- Anion channels exercise training and hypothyroid- sin IT) low-conductance, cAMP-activated, in ism, H1428 central effects on caudal hypoglossal Cl--secreting cells of teleost fish, blood flow in rat, assessment of transit- neurons and role of angiotensin re- R963 time ultrasound 1- and 2-mm ceptor AT;, R1242 Anion exchangers probes, H1368 Angiotensin peptides AE1, AE2, role in osmotic regulation of blood velocity, utility of high-frequency ANG IV, effects on pulmonary vascular chloride transport in Xenopus oo- pulsed Doppler ultrasound, H499 bed, vs. other vasoactive peptides, cytes, C201 cytokine production, effects of aging and L302 AE1, variant NH>2-terminal cytoplasmic comparison of effects on hindquarters domains, in chicken kidney and ery- endotoxin, H2288 vascular bed in cat, H2418 throid cells, F503 endothelial cells pulmonary vascular bed responses to, Anion secretion functional responses to varying oxy- effects of PKC inhibitors on, L532 colonic, histamine H» receptor-induced, genation states, H749 Angiotensin receptors role of VIP-ergic and cholinergic presence and secretion of atrial natri- AT; pathways, G465 uretic peptide, H921 and angiotensin [I inhibition of L-type Anions vs. endocardial cells: morphology, Ca?* current in sinoatrial node cells, in urine, inhibition of calcium oxalate growth, PG release, H250 H1053 monohydrate crystal adhesion to Escherichia coli endotoxin effects on re- and angiotensin I]-stimulated glucose renal epithelial cells, F604 lease of endothelium-derived relax- uptake by astroglia, E384 Anorexia, see Food intake ing factor and NO, H955 agonist effects in rostral ventrolateral Anoxia hemodynamics in newborn vs. fetus, medulla, R272 see also Hypoxia H558 and angiotensin II inhibition of endo- effects on |Ca?*|;, vs. hypoxia, reoxygen- NADPH-dependent superoxide produc- toxin-induced NO synthase in as- ation, and metabolic inhibition, tion, H2274 troglia, C700 H1045 role of calcitum-activated potassium coupled signaling and growth re- effects on turtle heart responses to vari- channels in NO-mediated relax- sponses in transfected proximal tu- ous input pressures, R683 ation, L152 bule cells, C925 hepatocyte death from, role of Ca** and role in angiotensin III central effects mitochondrial permeability transi- smooth muscle cells, properties of hyper- on caudal hypoglossal neurons, tion, C676 tension-induced humoral factors, R1242 in turtle brain, upregulation of GABA, H767 regulation of renal growth factors and benzodiazepine receptor during, vasoconstriction, angiotensin II-stimu- clusterin in neonatal ureteral ob- R1332 lated, mechanisms of potentiation struction, F1117 Antidepressants by lithium, H2009 AT, vs. ATo, role in vasopressor re- tricyclic, sympatholytic effect, site and Aortic nerve sponses to angiotensin peptides, mechanism, R1429 and central respiratory drive effects on L302 Antidiuretic hormone, see Vasopres- barosensitivity of rostral ventrolat- AT, ATip, MRNA localization in kid- sin; Vasotocin eral medulla, R909 ney and presence in other organs, Antigen Apnea F220 effects on lung after sensitization, at- sleep-associated, blood pressure and AT», tenuation by neurokinin depletion, heart rate oscillations, role of ca- peptide fragment from, effects on neu- L7&1 rotid body chemoreflex, H2145 ronal delayed rectifier K* current, mechanism of bronchial action, L879 Apolipoproteins C278 Antioxidant defense mechanisms apo Al, catabolism sites and rate in ne- mRNA distribution in developing kid- and metabolic depression, in land snail, phrotic rat, F532 ney and adrenal gland, F922 R1386 Apoptosis subtype in organum cavum prelamina Antioxidant defense systems of hepatocytes, bile acid-induced, role of terminalis mediating thirst, R1401 glutathione cycle, role in modulating serine protease translocation to subtype activity in hindquarters vascu- oxidant-inhibited Ca?* signaling, nucleus, G613 lar bed in cat, H2418 H278 in metanephroi of bcl-2-deficient mice, in temperature-sensitive SV40-immor- Antioxidant enzymes F73 talized proximal tubule cell line, in bronchial epithelial cells, effects of Appetite, see Feeding response F435 cytokines on, L71 Apyrases, see Ecto-ATPases SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 268 Aquaporins defibrillation threshold determination, smooth muscle potassium channels (re- AQP-CHIP and AQP-CD, presence in epicardial potential gradient field, view), C799 cysts from autosomal dominant H2336 wall hypoxia at bifurcations: role in ath- polycystic kidney, F398 during myocardial ischemia, effects of erosclerosis, H155 aquaporin-1, localization in nephron and intra- and extracellular acidosis on Arterioles renal vascular structures, F1023 inward Na* current, H1749 see also Microvasculature vasopressin effects on apical localization during myocardial ischemia, role of a-adrenoceptor constriction, effects of in collecting ducts, C1546 thrombin receptor activation and acidosis and hypoxia, H2068 Arachidonate metabolism lysophosphatidylcholine, H1740 afferent renal, vasoconstrictor response in angiotensin II-induced aldosterone from ischemia and reperfusion, effects to ATP, role of calcium influx, F876 synthesis, insulin effects on, E100 of estrogen, H2569 cerebral, responses to hypoglycemic hy- Arachidonic acid reperfusion fibrillation from O»-de- poxia in newborn and role of adeno- effects on lactotroph [Ca?* ]; and prolac- rived free radicals in dogs, H295 sine, H871 tin release, E1215 relation to eicosanoid synthesis and n-3 stretch-induced, role of Ca2* and Na* coronary fatty acid content in cardiomyo- influx, H1803 a-adrenergic constriction vs. metabolic cytes, H308 Arsenite dilation, effects of endogenous aden- roles of leukotriene B, and extracellular effects on cystine transport and glutathi- osine, H2487 Ca** in phospholipase Ay» activation, one levels in alveolar type II cells, neutrophil-endothelial interactions, C138 L21 H490 tannin-mediated release from macro- Arterial oxygen saturation within heart muscle, pressure-area phages, role of calcium influx, L33 in hypoxic fetus, placenta, and uterus, relations during diastole and sys- tissue depletion, effects on renal sensory R303 tole, H2531 receptors, R164 Arteries gap junctional connexin proteins, distri- vs. eicosapentaenoic acid, pressor re- see also Baroreceptor reflexes; Blood bution in smooth muscle and endo- sponse and thromboxane By, release pressure; Resistance arteries; thelium, H729 in pulmonary hypertension, H2252 Muscle, smooth; and specific gastric submucosal, sensory neuron-in- Arginine artery duced vasodilation, roles of NO and plasma kinetics and effects of dietary arcuate preglomerular, autoregulatory calcitonin gene-related peptide, arginine levels, E360 responses, effects of cGMP-depen- G791 synthesis from glutamine in newborn dent dilators on, F338 intestinal, endothelial-dependent and enterocytes and effects of glucose baroreceptors on, R334 role in renal sympathetic nerve activ- -independent vasodilation, in transport by system y*, regulation in ity in cirrhosis, R117 Zucker diabetic rat, H2366 differentiating Caco-2 cells, G578 vs. cardiac baroreceptors, magnitude juxtaglomerular afferent, autoregulatory L-Arginine of impairment in cardiac failure, responses, effects of cGMP-depen- effects on blunted pressure-dependent R112 dent dilators on, F338 changes in vasa recta blood flow and chemo- and baroreceptors, effects on oxygen tension, vs. venular, and oxygen natriuresis in SHR, F907 parabrachial nucleus, R707 delivery to tissues, H802 effects cn cardiac intrinsic nervous sys- compliance responses to local pressure changes, tem, R403 analysis of seven methods for estimat- communication to remote arterioles, effects on endotoxin-induced hepatic ing based on windkessel models, H1379 vascular hyporeactivity to phenyl H1540 of skeletal muscle, presence of brady- ephrine, G177 and baroreceptor reflexes, in athletes kinin Bz receptors and response effects on nitric oxide suppression of he- and hypertensives, H411 to bradykinin, H1628 patocyte urea production, G183 vascular sympathetic tone effects on vascular tone, effects of protein tyrosine transport into aortic smooth muscle cells arterial mechanics, H794 kinase and platelet-activating fac- and role of NO synthase inducers, conduit: aorta, properties of hyperten- tor, H399 H1158 sion-induced humoral factors, H767 Asbestos L-Arginine analogues cytokine production, effects of aging and pulmonary epithelial cell injury from, effects on aldosterone secretion, R1137 endotoxin, H2288 role of iron-catalyzed free radicals effects on coronary artery vasomotion, insufficiency and DNA strand breaks, L471 H1966 collateral and microvascular adapta- Ascorbate Arginine vasopressin, see Vasopressin tion and effect of exercise training, osteoblastic uptake and steady-state lev- Arginine vasotocin, see Vasotocin H125 els, role of TGF-B and Na*-ascor- Arrhythmias physical training effects on collateral bate cotransport, E565 bradycardia, vagally induced, effects of blood flow in aged, H1174 Ascorbic acid Met-enkephalin-Arg-Phe, H848 internal mammary, inducible L-arsi- sodium-dependent transport require- Chagas’ disease effects on epicardial nine/nitric oxide pathway, Hi122 ment in osteoblasts, C1430 myocyte phase 1 repolarization and large, remodeling after myocardial in- Asialoglycoprotein receptor transient outward K* current, farction and effects of captopril, role in hepatic recognition of galacto- H1258 H2092 sylated proteins, G849 of gastric slow wave, from motion sick- oxygen saturation, in acute plus chronic Aspartate aminotransferase ness, role of cholinergic and a-ad- hypoxemia, H974 rate of chemical flux catalyzed by, renergic pathways, G539 parametrial, blood flow velocity, sex hor- method for estimating, E397 tachycardia mone effects on in pregnancy, R614 Aspirin cardiomyopathy from, left ventricular pressure-fiow relations, role of calcium chronic doses, gastric mucosal adapta- and cardiomyocyte function during channels in vascular waterfall, tion to, G134 and after, H836 H371 effects on cerebral microvascular cy- vagally induced, role of vasoactive in- small precapillary, study of pressurized clooxygenase activity, H458 testinal polypeptide, H1939 vs. wire-mounted preparations, and insulin-induced release of plasmino- ventricular H670 gen activator from platelets, H117 changes in excitability of ventricular small subcutaneous, intracellular pH Asthma muscle cells, role of inward rectifier, control and relation to tension airway hyperreactivity, role of myosin model study, H1181 C580 light-chain kinase activity, L739

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