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A MERICAIN IRINA L PHI OLOGY FOUNDED BY BASIL LANNEAU GILDERSLEEVE, 1880 a i VOLUME 122 y BALTIMORE: THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY PRESS EDITORIAL BOARD (2001) Barbara K. Gold, Editor Mark Golden Hamilton College University of Winnipeg Carl A. Rubino, Associate Editor and Stephen E. Hinds Book Review Editor University of Washington Hamilton College Marilyn Katz William C. West, Book Review Editor Wesleyan University University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill lan Morris Helene P. Foley, Associate Editor Stanford University Barnard College Sheila Murnaghan Carole Newlands, Associate Editor University of Pennsylvania University of Wisconsin, Andrea Nightingale Madison Stanford University Richard Talbert, Associate Editor William H. Race University of North Carolina, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Chapel Hill Ruby Blondell Kenneth J. Reckford University of Washington University of North Carolina, Kathleen M. Coleman Chapel Hill Harvard University Joseph Farrell University of Pennsylvania Honorary Editors: Diskin Clay Georg Luck George A. Kennedy Philip A. Stadter | | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGY ¢ Volume 122 | ISSN 0002-9475 Copyright © 2001 by The Johns Hopkins University Pr All rights reserved. No portiono f this journamlay be repr by any procor etecshnsiqu e without the formal consent of the publisher. For copying beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law, the copier must pay a fee of $8.00 per copy t igh the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01970. This consent d 1ot extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising ¢ notional purposes, for creating new collective works,o r for resale. 0002-9475/01 $8.00. Direct all other permissions requestto sth e Permissions Manager, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2715 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4363. 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INDEX TO VOLUME 122, 2001 PART I: Subjects Abioi, 465-70 Greece, Dark Age, 131-35 Aegeus, 472-76, 487-90 Herodotus, Histories, 11-26, 329-55 Aeschylus, 466-70 Hesiod, Works and Days, 155-68 Aeschylus, Oresteia, 567-78 Homer, /liad, 465-70 Aeschylus, Persians, 336-55 Homer, Odyssey, 307-25 Alcibiades, life of, 278-82 Homeric Hymn to Demeter, 1-9 Alexander the Great, 447-51 Horace, Odes, 49-65 Apicius, De Re Coquinaria, 255-62 ideology, Athenian democratic, Apuleius, 454-58 329-55 Arginusae, battle of, 35 imperitia, 107-26 Arion, 11-26 Jugurtha, 179-98 Aristophanes, Frogs, 359-75 law, Roman, 107-26 Aristotle, Poetics, 580-82 literary criticism, ancient, 265-70 Aristotle, Politics, 583-86 Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, 205-14 boxing match (Virgil), 405-12 Lykourgos, 6-7 Callimachus, Jambi, 440-44 magic, Greek, 1-9 Catullus, shorter poems, 283-87 Menander, Epitrepontes, 381-401 Charis, 471-500 Minerva, 81-85 Chiron, 67-78 music, ancient, 148-50 Cicero, 592-96 music, ancient Greek, 436-40 Claudianus, Claudius Namatianus, Rutilius, 534-63 Clodius Pulcher, 592-96 nemesis, 240-45 cosmogonies, 201-19 New Comedy, 224-51 Cynthia, 225-50 North Africa, geography and Dares and Entellus (Virgil), 405-12 ethnography, 179-98 dead, Greek views of, 433-36 Numidia, 179-98 Delia, 228-31, 245 oral aesthetics, 433-36 democracy in Athens, 505-23 Oresteia, 567-78 Deucalion, 201-8 Ovid, Amores, 223-27, 238-50 Digest, 107-26 Ovid, Ars Amatoria, 81-85 docta puella, 223-5\ Ovid, Fasti, 67-78 Eleusis, 135-38 Ovid, wordplay in, 67-78 Euripides, Medea, 471-500 Pausanias, 296-97 Favorinus of Arles, 87-105 Penelope, 307-25 Gabioi, 465-70 Periander, 11-26 Gellius, Aulus, Attic Nights, 87-105 Pericles, 505—23 generals, Athens, 359-77 Phaethon, 204-20 gifts, 472-500 philia, 270-74, 471-500 INDETOX VOLI ME 122, 2001 philology and cuisine, 255-62 semivir, 69-78 pisum indicum, 256-62 sexuality, ancient, 143-47 Plato, Charmides, 29-45 Silenus, song of, 201-19 Plotinus, Enneads, 29-45 skhedé, 173-76 Plutarch, Lives, 586-89 slavery, Roman, 599-604 Posidonius of Apamea, 445-47 slaves, Athens, 359-77 Propertius, 223-51 Socrates, 29-39 propriety, 49-65 Sophocles, 173-76 prostitution and sexuality, Roman, Sophocles, Antigone, 274-78 291-95 sophrosune, 30-45 Prudentius, Aurelius Clemens, speech presentation, Latin 533-63 literature, 596-99 Pyrrha, 201-18 suitors, Odyssey, 307-25 Quintus Curtius, History of symposium, 49-65 Alexander, 447-51 Syriskos, 381-401 recusatio, 223-51 Tantalus, 415-28 religion, Greek, 433-36 [i elemachus, 307-25 T rhetoric and poetics, 579-82 i hucydides, 138-43, 505-23 T Roman elegy, economics of, 223-51 i ibullus, 223-51 Rome, imperial strategy, 451-54 tragedy, Greek, 270-74, 567-78 Rome, personification of, 535-41 tragedy, Greek, philia in, 270-74 Rome, representations of (5th c. undercutter/woodcutter, 1-9 CE. Virgil, Aeneid, 287-91, 405-12, Rome, Republican, constitution, 527-30 589-92 Virgil, Eclogues, 201-19, 287-91 Sallust, Jugurtha, 179-98 Virgil, Georgics, 204-16, 287-91 science and myth, 201-20 virtue(s), 29-45 PART II: Authors of Articles and Reviews Adkin, Neil. A Virgilian Crux: Aeneid 8.342-43 Balot, Ryan. Pericles’ Anatomy of Democratic Courage Beall, E. F Notes on Hesiod’s Works and Days, 383-828 Beall, Stephen M. Homo fandi dulcissimus: The Role of Favorinus in the Attic Nights of Aulus Gellius 87-106 Boyd, Barbara Weiden. Arms and the Man: Wordplay and the Catasterism of Chiron in Ovid Fasti 5 67-80 de Grummond, W. W. Review of Virgil: Eclogues, Georgics, Aeneid 1-6, rev. G. P. Goold, ed. and trans. H. Rushton Fairclough 287-91 Dewald, Carolyn. Review of Thucydides: Narrative and Explanation by Tim Rood Edwards, John. Philology and Cuisine in De Re Coquinaria INDEXT O VOLUME 122, 2001 Endres, Nikolai. Review of Roman Homosexuality: Ideologies of Masculinity in Classical Antiquity by Craig A. Williams Faraone, Christopher A. The Undercutter, the Woodcutter, and Greek Demon Names Ending in -tomos (Hom. Hymn to Dem 228-29) Fears, J. Rufus. Review of Alexander the Great: The Unique History of Quintus Curtius by Elizabeth Baynham Feaver, Douglas. Review of Ancient Greek Music by M. L. West Felton, D. Review of Restless Dead: Encounters between the Living and the Dead in Ancient Greece by Sarah Iles Johnston Finkelpearl, Ellen D. Review of Apuleius: A Latin Sophist by Stephen J. Harrison Forsdyke, Sarah. Athenian Democratic Ideology and Herodotus’ Histories Garcia, John F. Review of Homer's Traditional Art by John Miles Foley Gray, Vivienne. Herodotus’ Literary and Historical Method: Arion’s Story (1.23-24) 11-28 Griffith, Mark. Greek Tragedy Goes West: The Oresteia in Berkeley and Albuquerque 567-78 Griffiths, Frederick T. Review of Callimachus’ Book of lambi by Arnd Kerkhecker 44044 Haggis, Donald C. Review of Citadel to City-State: The Transformation of Greece, 1200-700 B.C.E. by Caro! G. Thomas and Craig Conant 131-35 Hahm, David E. Review of Posidonius, vol. 3: The Translation of the Fragments, ed. and trans. lan Kidd 445-47 Hunt, Peter. The Slaves and the Generals of Arginusae 359-80 Iversen, Paul A. Coal for Diamonds: Syriskos’ Character in Menander’s Epitrepontes 381-403 James, Sharon L. The Economics of Roman Elegy: Voluntary Poverty, the Recusatio, and the Greedy Girl Keaney, John J. A New Fragment of Sophocles and Its Schedographic Context Kirby, John T. Review of Rhetoric and Poetics in Antiquity by Jeffrey Walker 579-82 Kirby, John T. Review of The Idea of Ancient Literary Criticism by Yun Lee Too 265-70 Konstan, David. Review of Murder among Friends: Violation of Philia in Greek Tragedy by Elizabeth S. Belfiore 270-74 Kopff, E. Christian. Review of Sophocles: Antigone, ed. Mark Griffith 274-78 Linderski, Jerzy. Review of The Constitution of the Roman Republic by Andrew Lintott 589-92 INDEX TO VOLUME 122, 2001 Luck, Georg. Review of The Road to Eleusis by R. Gordon Wasson, Albert Hofmann, Carl A. P. Ruck, et al. 135-38 Martin, Susan D. /mperitia: The Responsibility of Skilled Workers in Classical Roman Law 107-29 McCoy, W. J. Review of Alcibiades and Athens: A Study in Literary Presentation by David Gribble 278-82 Modrak, Deborah K. W. Review of Aristotle: Politics, Books V and VI, trans. David Keyt 583-86 Morstein-Marx, Robert. The Myth of Numidian Origins in Sallust’s African Excursus (Jugurtha 17.7-18.12) 179-200 Mueller, Melissa.Th e Language of Reciprocity in Euripides’ Medea 471-504 Nikolaidis, Anastasios G. Minerva Rava an Torva? 81-86 Oliensis, Eilen. Review of Powers of Expression, Expressions of Power: Speech Presentation and Latin Literature by Andrew Laird 596-99 Paschalis, Michael. Semina ignis: The Interplay of Science and Myth in the Song of Silenus 201-22 Pavlock, Barbara. The Propriety of the Past in Horace Odes 3.19 49-66 Reece, Steve. The “Afto1 and the P&Biou An Aeschylean Solution to a Homeric Problem 465-70 Roberts, Michael. Rome Personified, Rome Epitomized: Representations of Rome in the Poetry of the Early Fifth Century Rosenstein, Nathan. Review of The Patrician Tribune: P. Clodius Pulcher by W. Jeffrey Tatum Scodel, Ruth. The Suitors’ Games 307-27 Shelton, Jo-Ann. Review of Slavery and the Roman Imagination by William Fitzgerald 599-604 Solodow, Joseph B. Review of Catullus: The Shorter Poems, ed. John Godwin 283-87 Solomon, Jon. Review of Music in Ancient Greece and Rome by John G. Landels 148-50 Talbert, Richard J. A. Review of Rome and the Enemy: Imperial Strategy in the Principate by Susan P. Mattern 451-54 Tatum, W. Jeffrey. Review of Prostitution, Sexuality, and the Law in Ancient Rome by Thomas A. J. McGinn 291-95 Titchener, Frances B. Review of Plutarch’s Lives: Exploring Virtue and Vice by Tim Duff 586-89 Traill, David A. Boxers and Generals at Mount Eryx 405-13 Vorwerk, Matthias. Plato on Virtue: Definitions of cwppoovdvn in Plato’s Charmides and in Plotinus’ Enneads 1.2 (19) 29-47 West, William C. Review of Pausanias: Description de la Gréce, Vol. 5: Livre 5: Elide (1). Text ed. Michel Casevitz, trans. Jean Pouilloux, comm. Anne Jacquemin. INDEX TO VOLU1M22,E 20 01 PART III: Books Reviewed Baynham, Elizabeth. Alexander the Great: The Unique History of Quintus Curtius. Review by J. Rufus Fears 447-5] Belfiore, Elizabeth S. Murder among Friends: Violation of Philia in Greek Tragedy. Review by David Konstan 270-74 Casevitz, Michel ed. Pausanias: Description del a Gréce. Vol. 5: Li5v: Erlidee ( 1). Text ed. Michel Casetranvs. iJeatn Pzouil,lou x, comm. Anne Jacquemin. Review by William C. West 296-97 Conant, Craig. Citadel to City-State: The Transformation of Greece, 1200-700 B.C.E. Review by Donald C. Haggis 31-35 Duff, Tim. Plutarch’s Lives: Exploring Virtue and Vice. Review by Frances B. Titchener 586-89 Fairclough,H . Rushton, ed. and trans. Virgil: Eclogues, Georgics, Aeneid 1-6. Rev. G. P. Goold. Review by W. W. de Grummond 287-91 Fitzgerald, William. Slavery and the Roman Imagination. Review by Jo-Ann Shelton 599-604 Foley, John Miles. Homer's TraditiArot.n Raevlie w by John F. Garcia 429-32 Godwin, John ed. CatuThle lShourtesr P,oe ms. Review by Joseph B. Solodow 283-87 Gribble, David. Alcibiades and Athens: A Stuin dLityera ry Presentation. Review by W. J.M cCoy 278-82 Griffith, Mark ed. Sophocles: Antigone. Review by E. Christian Kopff Harrison, Stephen J. Apuleius: A Latin Sophist. Review by Ellen D. Finkelpear! Hofmann, Albert. The Road to Eleusis. Review by Georg Luck Johnston, Sarah Iles. Restless Dead: Encounters between the Living and the Dead in Ancient Greece. Review by D. Felton KerkhArned. cCalklimeachurs’ ,Bo ok of “Iambi.” Review by FredeTr. iGricffkith s Keyt, David. trans. Aristotle: Politics, Books V and VI. Review by Deborah K. W. Modrak 583-86 Kidd, Ian ed. and trans. Posidonius. Vol. 3: The Translation of the Fragments. Review by David E. Hahm 445-47 Laird, Andrew. Powers of Expression, Expressions of Power: Speech Presenandt Laatitn iLitoerantur e. Reviewb y Ellen Oliensis 596-99 Landels, John G. Music in Ancient Greece and Rome. Review by Jon Solomon 148-50 Lintott, Andrew. The Constitution of the Roman Republic. Review by Jerzy Linderski 589-92 Mattern, Susan P. Rome and the Enemy: Imperial Strategy in the Principate. Review by Richard J. A. Talbert 451-54 McGinn, Thomas A. J. Prostitution, Sexuality, and the Law in Ancient Rome. Review by W. Jeffrey Tatum 291-95 INDEX TO VOLUME 122, 2001 Ruck, Carl A. P. The Road to Eleusis. Review by Georg Luck Rood, Tim. Thucydides: Narrative and Explanation. Review by Carolyn Dewald Tatum, W. Jeffrey. The Patrician Tribune: P. Clodius Pulcher. Review by Nathan Rosenstein 592-96 Thomas, Carol G. Citadel to City-State: The Transformation of Greece, 1200-700 B.C.E. Review by Donald C. Haggis 131-35 Too, Yun Lee. The Idea of Ancient Literary Criticism. Review by John T. Kirby 265-70 Walker, Jeffrey. Rhetoric and Poetics in Antiquity. Review by John T. Kirby 579-82 Wasson, R. Gordon. The Road to Eleusis. Review by Georg Luck 135-38 West, M. L. Ancient Greek Music. Review by Douglas Feaver 436-40 Williams, Craig A. Roman Homosexuality: Ideologies of Masculinity in Classical Antiquity. Review by Nikolai Endres 143-47

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