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American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 1999: Vol 69 Index PDF

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Preview American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 1999: Vol 69 Index

INDEX TO VOLUME 69 This volume of the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry is indexed by SUBJECTS and AUTHORS. SUBJECTS Adolescence American Orthopsychiatric Association Childhood stress and symptoms of drug dependence in In parting [editorial], 5 adolescence and early adulthood: Social phobia as a President, American Orthopsychiatric Association, mediator, 61 1999-2000, 274 Development of ethnic identity in Asian-American Salutations [editorial], 7 adolescents: Status and outcome, 194 Impact of environment on adolescent mental health Behavior Problems and behavior: Structural equation modeling, 73 Coping strategies and behavior probiems of urban Intentions to use alcohol among fifth and sixth African-American children: Concurrent and longitu- graders: The roles of social and stress/coping mo- dinal relationships, 182 tives, 541 Family-based preventive intervention: An approach to In the eye of the beholder: Risk and protective factors preventing substance use and antisocial behavior, in rural American Indian and Caucasian adolescents, 278 294 Impact of environment on adolescent mental health Problem behavior of adolescents whose parents are and behavior: Structural equation modeling, 73 living with AIDS, 228 Problem behavior of adolescents whose parents are Risk factors for depressive symptoms in late adoles- living with AIDS, 228 cence: A longitudinal community study, 370 Psychosocial stressors among sheltered homeless chil- Who are they with and what are they doing? Delin- dren: Relationship to behavior problems and depres- quent behavior, substance use, and early adoles- sive symptoms, 127 cents’ after-school time, 247 Who are they with and what are they doing? Delin- Young clients’ exposure to community violence: How quent behavior, substance use, and early adoles- much do their therapists know?, 382 cents’ after-school time, 247 Adoption Bereavement Adult transracial and inracial adoptees: Effects of race, Anticipating parental death in families with young gender, adoptive family structure, and placement children, 39 history on outcomes, 87 Adoption of a sibling: Reactions of biological children Caregivers at different stages of development, 122 Physical and emotional well-being of custodial grand- Effects of qualities of early institutional care on cogni- parents in Latino families, 305 tive attainments, 424 Predicting caregiver stress: An ecological perspective, National lesbian family study: 2 Interviews with 100 mothers of toddlers, 362 Psychopathology in adopted and nonadopted children Child Abuse/Neglect A clinical sample, 403 Childhood maltreatment and the mental health of low- income women, 161 AIDS/HIV Effects of qualities of early institutional care on cogni- HIV/AIDS mental health training for health care tive attainments, 424 providers: An evaluation of three models, 240 Maternal social support patterns and child maltreat- Problem behavior of adolescents whose parents are ment: Comparison of maltreating and nonmaltreat- living with AIDS, 228 ing mothers, 172 548 INDEX TO VOLUME 69 This volume of the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry is indexed by SUBJECTS and AUTHORS. SUBJECTS Adolescence American Orthopsychiatric Association Childhood stress and symptoms of drug dependence in In parting [editorial], 5 adolescence and early adulthood: Social phobia as a President, American Orthopsychiatric Association, mediator, 61 1999-2000, 274 Development of ethnic identity in Asian-American Salutations [editorial], 7 adolescents: Status and outcome, 194 Impact of environment on adolescent mental health Behavior Problems and behavior: Structural equation modeling, 73 Coping strategies and behavior probiems of urban Intentions to use alcohol among fifth and sixth African-American children: Concurrent and longitu- graders: The roles of social and stress/coping mo- dinal relationships, 182 tives, 541 Family-based preventive intervention: An approach to In the eye of the beholder: Risk and protective factors preventing substance use and antisocial behavior, in rural American Indian and Caucasian adolescents, 278 294 Impact of environment on adolescent mental health Problem behavior of adolescents whose parents are and behavior: Structural equation modeling, 73 living with AIDS, 228 Problem behavior of adolescents whose parents are Risk factors for depressive symptoms in late adoles- living with AIDS, 228 cence: A longitudinal community study, 370 Psychosocial stressors among sheltered homeless chil- Who are they with and what are they doing? Delin- dren: Relationship to behavior problems and depres- quent behavior, substance use, and early adoles- sive symptoms, 127 cents’ after-school time, 247 Who are they with and what are they doing? Delin- Young clients’ exposure to community violence: How quent behavior, substance use, and early adoles- much do their therapists know?, 382 cents’ after-school time, 247 Adoption Bereavement Adult transracial and inracial adoptees: Effects of race, Anticipating parental death in families with young gender, adoptive family structure, and placement children, 39 history on outcomes, 87 Adoption of a sibling: Reactions of biological children Caregivers at different stages of development, 122 Physical and emotional well-being of custodial grand- Effects of qualities of early institutional care on cogni- parents in Latino families, 305 tive attainments, 424 Predicting caregiver stress: An ecological perspective, National lesbian family study: 2 Interviews with 100 mothers of toddlers, 362 Psychopathology in adopted and nonadopted children Child Abuse/Neglect A clinical sample, 403 Childhood maltreatment and the mental health of low- income women, 161 AIDS/HIV Effects of qualities of early institutional care on cogni- HIV/AIDS mental health training for health care tive attainments, 424 providers: An evaluation of three models, 240 Maternal social support patterns and child maltreat- Problem behavior of adolescents whose parents are ment: Comparison of maltreating and nonmaltreat- living with AIDS, 228 ing mothers, 172 548 INDEX TO VOLUME 69 549 Perceived social skills and social competence in mal- Crime treated children, 465 When violence happens to people with mental illness Disclosing victimization, 398 Child Custody College sudents’ perceptual stigmatization of the chil- Cross-Cultural/Sociocultural Issues dren of lesbian mothers, 220 Adult transracial and inracial adoptees: Effects of race, Physical and emotional well-being of custodial grand- gender, adoptive family structure, and placement parents in Latino families, 305 history on outcomes, 87 Adversity and psychosocial competence of South Child Development/Rearing African children, 319 Adoption of a sibling: Reactions of biological children Clinical work with minorities in Japan: Social and cul- at different stages of development, 122 tural context, 482 Anticipating parental death in families with young Effects of qualities of early institutional care on cogni- children, 39 tive attainments, 424 Coping strategies and behavior problems of urban In the eye of the beholder: Risk and protective factors in African-American children: Concurrent and longitu- rural American Indian and Caucasian adolescents, 294 dinal relationships, 182 Long-term effects of internment during early child- Early parental separation and the psychosocial devel- hood on third-generation Japanese Americans, 19 opment of daughters 6-9 years old, 49 Ecological approach to development in children with Delinquency prenatal drug exposure, 448 Who are they with and what are they doing? Delin- Effects of father participation in child rearing: Twenty- quent behavior, substance use, and early adoles- year follow-up, 328 cents’ after-school time, 247 Effects of qualities of early institutional care on cogni- tive attainments, 424 Depression Long-term effects of internment during early child- Childhood maltreatment and the mental health of low- hood on third-generation Japanese Americazis, 19 income women, 161 Psychopathology in adopted and nonadopted children Perceptions of control and long-term recovery from A clinical sample, 403 rape, 110 Stability of temperament over the childhood years, 457 Physical and emotional! well-being of custodial grand- Who are they with and what are they doing? Delin- parents in Latino families, 305 quent behavior, substance use, and early adoles- Postpartum affect and depressive symptoms in moth- cents’ after-school time, 247 ers and fathers, 30 Psychosocial stressors among sheltered homeless chii- Child Psychiatry dren: Relationship to behavior problems and depres- Integrating play therapy in the treatment of children sive symptoms, 127 with obsessive-compulsive disorder, 495 Risk factors for depressive symptoms in late adoles- Psychopathology in adopted and nonadopted children cence: A longitudinal community study, 370 A clinical sample, 403 Stability of temperament over the childhood years, 457 Divorce/Separation College sudents’ perceptual stigmatization of the chil- Chronic Mental Illness dren of lesbian mothers, 220 Fathers with severe mental illness: Characteristics and Early parental separation and the psychosocial devel- comparisons, i34 opment of daughters 6-9 years old, 49 Integrating play therapy in the treatment of children with obsessive-compulsive disorder, 495 Education When violence happens to people with mental illness Blaming the helpers: The marginalization of teachers Disclosing victimization, 398 and parents of the urban poor, 515 Community Mental Health Emotional Disturbance Dangerous places: Exposure to violence and its mental Dangerous places: Exposure to violence and its mental health consequences for the homeless, 438 health consequences for the homeless, 438 Fighting poverty and building community: Learning Physical and emotional well-being of custodial grand- from programs that work, 420 parents in Latino families, 305 Young clients’ exposure to community violence: How Predicting caregiver stress: An ecological perspective, much do their therapists know?, 382 100 Corrections Environment Violence victimization experiences of pregnant pris- Impact of environment on adolescent mental health oners, 392 and behavior: Structural equation modeling, 73 550 INDEX TO VOLUME 69 Ethnicity/Race Gender Adult transracial and inracial adoptees: Effects of race, Adult transracial and inracial adoptees: Effects of race, gender, adoptive family structure, and placement gender, adoptive family structure, and placement history on outcomes, 87 history on outcomes, 87 Adversity and psychosocial competence of South In the eye of the behoider: Risk and protective factors African children, 319 in rural American Indian and Caucasian adolescents, Clinical work with minorities in Japan: Social and cul- 294 tural context, 482 Risk factors for depressive symptoms in late adoles- Coping strategies and behavior problems of urban cence: A longitudinal community study, 370 African-American children: Concurrent and longitu- dinal relationships, 182 Group Treatment Development of ethnic identity in Asian-American Professional appraisal of professionally led and self- adolescents: Status and outcome, 194 help groups, 536 Hair combing interactions: A new paradigm for re- search with African-American mothers, 504 Hair Combing In the eye of the beholder: Risk and protective factors Hair combing interactions: A new paradigm for re- in rural American Indian and Caucasian adolescents, search with African-American mothers, 504 294 Long-term effects of internment during early child- Homelessness hood on third-generation Japanese Americans, 19 Dangerous places: Exposure to violence and its mental “Making it”: The components and process of re- health consequences for the homeless, 438 silience among urban, African-American, single Predictors of homelessness among participants in a mothers, 148 substance abuse treatment program, 261 Physical and emotional well-being of custodial grand- Psychosocial stressors among sheltered homeless chil- parents in Latino families, 305 dren: Relationship to behavior problems and depres- sive symptoms, 127 Families Security of attachment and parenting: Homeless and Adult transracial and inracial adoptees: Effects ofr ace, low-income housed mothers and infants, 337 gender, adoptive family structure, and placement history on outcomes, 87 Homosexuality Anticipating parental death in families with young College sudents’ perceptual stigmatization oft he chil- children, 39 dren of lesbian mothers, 220 Family-based preventive intervention: An approach to Lesbian identity development: An examination ofd if- preventing substance use and antisocial behavior, ferences across generations, 347 278 National lesbian family study: 2 Interviews with Fathers with severe mental illness: Characteristics and mothers of toddlers, 362 comparisons, 134 Utilization of psychotherapy by lesbians, gay men, and Long-term effects of internment during early child- bisexuals: Findings from a nationwide survey, 209 hood on third-generation Japanese Americans, 19 “Making it”: The components and process of re- Infancy silience among urban, African-American, single Ecological approach to development in children with mothers, 148 prenatal drug exposure, 448 National lesbian family study: 2 Interviews with Neonatal temperament, maternal interaction, and the mothers of toddlers, 362 need for “alonetime,” 9 Predicting caregiver stress: An ecological perspective, Security of attachment and parenting: Homeless and 100 low-income housed mothers and infants, 337 Physical and emotional well-being of custodial grand- parents in Latino families, 305 Marriage Postpartum affect and depressive symptoms in moth- Family Violence ers and fathers, 30 “Patient was hit in the face by a fist...” A discourse analysis of male violence against women, 116 Men “Patient was hit in the face by a fist...” A discourse Fathers analysis of male violence against women, 116 Effects of father participation in child rearing: Twenty- year follow-up, 328 Mother-Child Relationship Fathers with severe mental illness: Characteristics and Childhood maltreatment and the mental health of low- comparisons, 134 income women, 161 Postpartum affect and depressive symptoms in moth- Ecological approach to development in children with ers and fathers, 30 prenatal drug exposure, 448 INDEX TO VOLUME 69 551 Hair combing interactions: A new paradigm for re- Pregnancy search with African-American mothers, 504 Violence victimization experiences of pregnant pris- Maternal social support patterns and child maltreat- oners, 392 ment: Comparison of maltreating and nonmaltreat- ing mothers, 172 Prevention National lesbian family study: 2 Interviews with Family-based preventive intervention: An approach to mothers of toddlers, 362 preventing substance use and antisocial behavior, Neonatal temperament, maternal interaction, and the 278 need for “alonetime,” 9 Fighting poverty and building community Learning Postpartum affect and depressive symptoms in moth- from programs that work, 420 ers and fathers, 30 Security of attachment and parenting: Homeless and Professional Issues low-income housed mothers and infants, 337 “Patient was hit in the face by a fist...” A discourse analysis of male violence against women, 116 Parenting Post-traumatic stress symptomatology among health Blaming the helpers: The marginalization of teachers care professionals in Croatia, 529 and parents of the urban poor, 515 Professional appraisal of professionally led and self- Effects of father participation in child rearing: Twenty- help groups, 536 year follow-up, 328 Quality assessment in a medicaid managed mental “Making it”: The components and process of re- health care plan: An lowa case study, 410 silience among urban, African-American, single Young clients’ exposure to community violence: How mothers, 148 much do their therapists know?, 382 Maternal social support patterns and child maltreat- ment: Comparison of maltreating and nonmaltreat- Professiona! Training ing mothers, 172 HIV/AIDS mental health training for health care National lesbian family study: 2 Interviews with providers: An evaluation of three models, 240 mothers of toddlers, 362 Psychotherapy Physical and emotional well-being of custodial grand- Clinical work with minorities in Japan: Social and cul- parents in Latino families, 305 tural context, 482 Postpartum affect and depressive symptoms in moth- Utilization of psychotherapy by lesbians, gay men, and ers and fathers, 30 bisexuals: Findings from a nationwide survey, 209 Security of attachment and parenting: Homeless and Young clients’ exposure to community violence: How low-income housed mothers and infants, 337 much do their therapists know?, 382 Phobia Residential Treatment Childhood stress and symptoms of drug dependence in Effects of qualities of early institutional care on cogni- adolescence and early adulthood: Social phobia as a tive attainments, 424 mediator, 61 Young clients’ exposure to community violence: How much do their therapists know?, 382 Poverty Adversity and psychosocial competence of South Resilience/Coping African children, 319 Adversity and psychosocial competence of South Blaming the helpers: The marginalization of teachers African children, 319 and parents of the urban poor, 515 Coping strategies and behavior problems of urban Childhood maltreatment and the mental health of low- African-American children: Concurrent and longitu- income women, 161 dinal relationships, 182 Ecological approach to development in children with “Making it”: The components and process of re- prenatal drug exposure, 448 silience among urban, African-American, single Fighting poverty and building community Learning mothers, 148 from programs that work, 420 Maternal social support patterns and child maltreat- Rural Menta! Health ment: Comparison of maltreating and nonmaitreat- In the eye of the beholder: Risk and protective factors ing mothers, 172 in rural American Indian and caucasian adolescents, Physical and emotional well-being of custodial grand- 294 parents in Latino families, 305 Predictors of homelessness among participants in a Schizophrenia substance abuse treatment program, 261 Subjective experience in schizophrenia: Factors influ- Security of attachment and parenting: Homeless and encing self-esteem, satisfaction with life, and subjec- low-income housed mothers and infants, 337 tive distress, 254 552 INDEX TO VOLUME 69 When violence happens to people with mental illness: Social Support/Networks Disclosing victimization, 398 Lesbian identity development: An examination of dif- ferences across generations, 347 Self Concept Maternal social support patterns and child maltreat- Childhood maltreatment and the mental health of low- ment: Comparison of maltreating and nonmaltreat- income women, 161 ing mothers, 172 Development of ethnic identity in Asian-American Predictors of homelessness among participants in a adolescents: Status and outcome, 194 substance abuse treatment program, 261 Lesbian identity development: An examination of dif- ferences across generations, 347 Stigma Perceived social skills and social competence in mal- Blaming the helpers: The marginalization of teachers treated children, 465 and parents of the urban poor, 515 Subjective experience in schizophrenia: Factors influ- College sudents’ perceptual stigmatization of the chil- encing self-esteem, satisfaction with life, and subjec- dren of lesbian mothers, 220 tive distress, 254 Stress/Trauma Self-Help Adversity and psychosocial competence of South Professional appraisal of professionally led and selif- African children, 319 help groups, 536 Childhood stress and symptoms of drug dependence in adolescence and early adulthood: Social phobia as a Service Delivery mediator, 61 Fighting poverty and building community: Learning Intentions to use alcohol among fifth and sixth from programs that work, 420 graders: The roles of social and stress/coping mo- HIV/AIDS mental health training for health care tives, 541 providers: An evaluation of three models, 240 Perceptions of control and long-term recovery from Quality assessment in a medicaid managed mental rape, 110 health care plan: An lowa case study, 410 Physical and emotional weil-being of custodial grand- Utilization of psychotherapy by lesbians, gay men, and parents in Latino families, 305 bisexuals: Findings from a nationwide survey, 209 Postpartum affect and depressive symptoms in moth- ers and fathers, 30 Sexual Abuse Post-traumatic stress symptomatology among health Childhood maltreatment and the mental health of low- care professionals in Croatia, 529 income women, 161 Predicting caregiver stress: An ecological perspective, Perceptions of control and long-term recovery from 100 rape, 110 Psychosocial stressors among sheltered homeless chil- Violence victimization experiences of pregnant pris- dren: Relationship to behavior problems and depres- oners, 392 sive symptoms, 127 Sexua! Orientation Substance Use/Abuse Lesbian identity development: An examination ofd if- Childhood stress and symptoms of drug dependence in ferences across generations, 347 adolescence and early adulthood: Social phobia as a Utilization of psychotherapy by lesbians, gay men, and mediator, 61 bisexuals: Findings from a nationwide survey, 209 Ecological approach to development in children with prenatal drug exposure, 448 Siblings Family-based preventive intervention: An approach to Adoption of a sibling: Reactions of biological children preventing substance use and antisocial behavior, at different stages of development, 122 278 Intentions to use alcohol among fifth and sixth Social Behavior graders: The roles of social and stress/coping mo- Adversity and psychosocial competence of South tives, 541 African children, 319 Predictors of homelessness among participants in a Intentions to use alcohol among fifth and sixth substance abuse treatment program, 261 graders: The roles of social and stress/coping mo- Who are they with and what are they doing? Delin- tives, 541 quent behavior, substance use, and early adoles- Perceived social skills and social competence in mal- cents’ after-school time, 247 treated children, 465 Temperament Social Policy Neonatal temperament, maternal interaction, and the Fighting poverty and building community: Learning need for “alonetime,” 9 from programs that work, 420 Stat ‘lity of temperament over the childhood years, 457 INDEX TO VOLUME 69 553 Urban Issues Young clients’ exposure to community violence: How Coping strategies and behavior problems of urban much do their therapists know?, 382 African-American children: Concurrent and longitu- dinal relationships, 182 War Dangerous places: Exposure to violence and its mental Long-term effects of internment during early child- health consequences for the homeless, 438 hood on third-generation Japanese Americans, 19 “Making it”: The components and process of re- Post-traumatic stress symptomatology among health silience among urban, African-American, single care professionals in Croatia, 529 mothers, 148 Physical and emotional well-being of custodial grand- Welfare parents in Latino families, 305 Fighting poverty and building community: Learning Predictors of homelessness among participants in a from programs that work, 420 substance abuse treatment program, 261 Problem behavior of adolescents whose parents are Women/Girls living with AIDS, 228 Childhood maltreatment and the mental health of low- Psychosocial stressors among sheltered homeless chil- income women, 161 dren: Relationship to behavior problems and depres- College sudents’ perceptual stigmatization of the chil- sive symptoms, 127 dren of lesbian mothers, 220 Early parental separation and the psychosocial devel- Violence opment of daughters 6-9 years oid, 49 Adversity and psychosocial competence of South Lesbian identity development: An examination of dif- African children, 319 ferences across generations, 347 Dangerous places: Exposure to violence and its mental National lesbian family study: 2 Interviews with health consequences for the homeless, 438 mothers of toddlers, 362 “Patient was hit in the face by a fist...” A discourse “Patient was hit in the face by a fist...” A discourse analysis of male violence against women, 116 analysis of male violence against women, | 16 Violence victimization experiences of pregnant pris- Utilization of psychotherapy by lesbians, gay men, and oners, 392 bisexuals: Findings from a nationwide survey, 209 When violence happens to people with mental illness Violence victimization experiences of pregnant pris- Disclosing victimization, 398 oners, 392 INDEX TO VOLUME 69 AUTHORS Amodei, Nancy, 240 Getz, J. Greg, 541 O’Brien, Marion, 30 Armistead, Lisa, 182 Giaconia, Rose M., 370 O’Connor, Thomas, 424 Azar, Sandra T., 515 Gold-Steinberg, Sharon, 495 Offord, David R., 61 Graham, Christine A., 337 Bacon, Jan G., 294 Griffin, James, 261 Pakiz-Camras, Bilge, 370 Baer, Paul E., 541 Groothues, Christine, 424 Parks, Cheryl A., 347 Banks, Amy, 362 Guterman, Neil B., 382 Phillips, Debby, 116 Banyard, Victoria L., 161 Phillips, Norma Kolko, 122 Barbarin, Oscar A., 319 Hadley-Ives, Eric, 73 Pierpont, John, 100 Barth, Richard P., 87 Hamilton, Jean, 362 Poertner, John, 100 Bassuk, Ellen L., 5 Henderson, Dorothy, 116 Beckett, Celia, 424 Hogue, Aaron, 278 Radin, Norma, 328 Bejarano, Anabel, 448 Rappaport, Julian, 536 Belin, Thomas R., 127 Ingmundson, Paul, 240 Reed, Nancy, 362 Benjamin, Bernadette, 127 Regehr, Cheryl, 110 Bishop, Holly, 362 Jansen, Karen, 110 Reinherz, Helen Z., 370 Bishop, Sandra J., 172 Japel, Christa, 49 Richter, Linda, 319 Black, Kathryn N., 220 Johnson, Helen L., 448 Ritchey, Ferris J., 438 Boulerice, Bernard, 49 Johnson, Sharon, 73 Rodas, Carla, 362 Bradshaw, William, 254 Jones, Mary Ann, 209 Rohland, Barbara M., 410 Braithwaite, Ronald, 261 Rosen, Tove S., 448 Bredenkamp, Diana, 424 Kalter, Neil, 39 Rotheram-Borus, Mary Jane, 228 Brekke, John S., 254 Kinard, E. Milling, 465 Rutter, Michael, 424 Brodsky, Anne E., 148 King, Beverly R., 220 Brooks, Devon, 87 Kingree, J.B., 261 Sable, Marjorie R., 392 Buchholz, Ester S., 9 Knitzer, Jane, 274 Saldinger, Amy, 39 Buila, Sarah, 398 Kupper, Lawrence L., 392 Salzer, Mark S., 536 Burnette, Denise, 305 Schorr, Lisbeth B., 420 Bussing, Regina, 127 LaGory, Mark E., 438 Segre, Lisa, 536 Bystritsky, Marina, 127 Leadbeater, Bonnie J., 172 Shields, Jodi, 529 Lee, Peter A., 194 Simon, Patricia, 182 Cadell, Susan, 110 Lefkowitz, Eva S., 370 Skrinjaric, Jarmila, 529 Cain, Albert, 39 Lewis, Marva L., 504 Sluzki, Carlos E., 7 Caiabresi, Anne O., 134 Liddle, Howard A., 278 Soliday, Elizabeth, 30 Cameron, Mark, 382 Logan, Deirdre, 495 Steele, Ric G., 182 Castle, Jenny, 424 Lohnes, Kelly, 39 Stein, Judith A., 228 Clark, Leslie, 182 Stephens, Torrance, 261 MacDonald, Kathryn, 61 Stiffman, Arlene Rubin, 73 DeWit, David J., 61 Majic, Gordan, 529 Storck, Michael, 294 Doré, Peter, 73 Marben, Heidi, 9 Marley, James A., 398 Talbot, Rebecca, 19 Easterbrooks, M. Ann, 337 Martin, Sandra L., 392 Thoman, Evelyn B., 457 Elze, Diane, 73 Martinez, Cervando, 240 Tremblay, Richard E., 49 E.R.A. Study Team, 424 McCluskey-Fawcett, Kathleen, 30 Trierweiler, Steven J., 19 Erdal, Kristi, 529 McDonald, Thomas P., 100 McKelvey, Robert S., 541 Vazsonyi, Alexander T., 247 Farber, Barry A., 515 Moore, Janette, 403 Vitaro, Frank, 49 Fieberg, John R., 392 Morse, Edward, 182 Fisher, Philip A., 294 Murphy-Shigematsu, Stephen, Webb, John A., 541 Fitzpatrick, Kevin M., 438 482 Widawski, Mel H., 127 Flannery, Daniel J., 247 Williams, Edith, 328 Fombonne, Eric, 403 Nagata, Donna K., 19 Williams, Laura L., 247 Forehand, Rex, 182 Nason, Margaret W., 134 Frost, Abbie K., 370 Neff, James Alan, 240 Yando, Regina, 134 Nicholson, Joanne, 134 Ying, Yu-Wen, 194 Gabriel, Martha A., 209 Novosad, Claire, 457 Gartrell, Nanette, 362 Nusbaum, Barbara J., 448 Zima, Bonnie T., 127 wy )) mins

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