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Preview American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 1996: Vol 66 Index

INTDO VEOLUXME 66 This volume of the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry is indexed by SUBJECTS and AUTHORS. SUBJECTS Adolescence Higher education and the older female college stu- Adolescents with mental retardation: Perceptions of dent, 468 sexual abuse, 103 Post-traumatic stress symptoms in mothers following Children of adolescent mothers: Attachment represen- children’s reports of sexual abuse: An exploratory tation, maternal depression, and later behavior prob- study, 463 lems, 416 Sleep and anxieties in Brazilian children: The role of Co-occurring addictive and mental disorders among cultural and environmental factors in child sleep adolescents: Prevalence research and future direc- disturbance, 252 tions, 52 Social support, competence, and depression in mothers Early adolescents exposed to violence: Hope and vul- of abused children, 449 nerability to victimization, 346 Impact of exposure to crime and violence on urban Child Custody youth, 329 Divorce mediation and resolution of child custody Preventing violence among youth: Introduction, 320 disputes: Long-term effects, 131 Prosocial media strategy: “Youth against violence: Choose to de-fuse,” 354 Child Development/Rearing Sexual abuse history and associated multiple risk be- Acculturation style and psychological functioning in havior in adolescent runaways, 390 children of immigrants, | 11 Using qualitative data to inform public policy: Evalu- Childhood physical assault as a risk factor for PTSD, ating “Choose to de-fuse,” 363 depression, and substance abuse: Findings from a Youth at risk: Definitions and implications for service national survey, 437 delivery, 172 Children of adolescent mothers: Attachment represen- tation, maternal depression, and later behavior prob- American Orthopsychiatric Association lems, 416 President, American Orthopsychiatric Association, Early adolescents exposed to violence: Hope and vul- 1996-1997, 316 nerability to victimization, 346 Fathers of children on welfare: Their impact on child Anxiety well-being, 557 Sleep and anxieties in Brazilian children: The role of Maternal beliefs about children’s attachments to soft cultural and environmental factors in child sleep objects, 427 disturbance, 252 Putting poor mothers to work [Editorial], 484 Sleep and anxieties in Brazilian children: The role of Attention Deficit Disorder cultural and environmental factors in child sleep Parents of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disturbance, 252 disorder: Psychological and attentional impairment, Work and welfare: Job histories, barriers to employ- 93 ment, and predictors of work among low-income single mothers, 526 Bereavement Patterns of grief reaction after pregnancy loss, 262 Child Psychiatry Acculturation style and psychological functioning in Catastrophe/Disaster children of immigrants, 111 Impact of a natural disaster on preschool children: Ad- Children of adolescent mothers: Attachment represen- justment 14 months after a hurricane, 122 tation, maternal depression, and later behavior prob- lems, 416 Child Abuse/Neglect Effects of war on the behavior of Lebanese preschool Childhood physical assault as a risk factor for PTSD, children: Influence of home environment and family depression, and substance abuse: Findings from a functioning, 401 national survey, 437 Fathers of children on welfare: Their impact on child Meaning cf college for survivors of sexual abuse: well-being, 557 599 600 INDEX TO VOLUME 66 Impact of a natural disaster on preschool children: Ad- Cross-Cultural/Sociocultural Issues justment 14 months after a hurricane, 122 Acculturation style and psychological functioning in Parents of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity children of immigrants, 111 disorder: Psychological and attentional impairment, Prevalence of psychiatric disorders among Vietnamese 93 Amerasians: A pilot study, 409 School performance and emotional problems in refu- Sleep and anxieties in Brazilian children: The role of gee children, 239 cultural and environmental factors in child sleep Sleep and anxieties in Brazilian children: The role of disturbance, 252 cultural and environmental factors in child sleep disturbance, 252 Day Care Substitute child care at different ages: Relationship to Substitute child care at different ages: Relationship to social-emotional functioning in preschool, 305 social-emotional functioning in preschool, 305 Unrecognized language and speech deficits in pre- adolescent psychiatric inpatients, 85 Depression Childhood physical assault as a risk factor for PTSD, Chronic Mental Iliness depression, and substance abuse: Findings from a Causal attributions about mental illness: Relationship national survey, 437 to family functioning, 282 Children of adolescent mothers: Attachment represen- Co-occurring addictive and mental disorders among tation, maternal depression, and later behavior prob- adolescents: Prevalence research and future direc- lems, 416 tions, 52 Course, treatment, and outcome of substance disorder Social support, competence, and depression in mothers of abused children, 449 in persons with severe mental illness, 42 Epidemiology of co-occurring addictive and mental Divorce/Separation disorders: Implications for prevention and service utilization, 17 Divorce mediation and resolution of child custody disputes: Long-term effects, 131 Heterogeneity of person and place: Assessing co-oc- curring addictive and mental disorders, 32 Dual Diagnosis Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Effects on family members, 296 Co-occurring addictive and mental disorders among Resurrection and the life, 12 adolescents: Prevalence research and future direc- tions, 52 Reversing a history of unmet needs: Approaches to care for persons with co-occurring addictive and Course, treatment, and outcome of substance disorder mental disorders, 4 in persons with severe menial illness, 42 Vision for the future: Toward a service system respon- Epidemiology of co-occurring addictive and mental sive to those with co-occurring addictive and mental disorders: Implications for prevention and service disorders, 71 utilization, 17 Women with co-occurring addictive and mental disor- Heterogeneity of person and place: Assessing co-oc- ders: An emerging profile of vulnerability, 61 cuiring addictive and mental disorders, 32 Resurrection and the life, 12 Community Mental Health Reversing a history of unmet needs: Approaches to Prosocial media strategy: “Youth against violence: care for persons with co-occurring addictive and Choose to de-fuse,” 354 mental disorders, 4 Using qualitative data to inform public policy: Evalu- Vision for the future: Toward a service system respon- ating “Choose to de-fuse,” 363 sive to those with co-occurring addictive and mental Youth at risk: Definitions and implications for service disorders, 71 delivery, 172 Women with co-occurring addictive and mental disor- Crime/Corrections ders: An emerging profile of vulnerability, 61 Impact of maternal alcoholism on separation of chil- dren from their mothers: Findings from a sample of Education incarcerated women, 228 Educational pathways out of poverty: Responding to Neglected victims of homicide: The needs of young the realities of women’s lives, 548 siblings of murder victims, 337 Meaning of college for survivors of sexual abuse: Higher Trauma and its sequelae in male prisoners: Effects of education and the older female college student, 468 confinement, overcrowding, and diminished ser- School performance and emotional problems in refu- vices, 189 gee children, 239 INDEX TO VOLUME 66 601 Families/Stepfamilies Law/Legislation Causal attributions about mental illness: Relationship Media violence, gun control, and public policy, 378 to family functioning, 282 Putting poor mothers to work [Editorial], 484 Effects of war on the behavior of Lebanese preschool Reform, not rhetoric: A critique of welfare policy and children: Influence of home environment and family charting of new directions, 583 functioning, 401 Putting poor mothers to work [Editorial], 484 National lesbian family study: 1. Interviews with pro- Reform, not rhetoric: A critique of welfare policy and spective mothers, 272 charting of new directions, 583 Neglected victims of homicide: The needs of young siblings of murder victims, 337 Learning Probiems/Language Disorders Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Effects on family Unrecognized language and speech deficits in pr members, 296 adolescent psychiatric inpatients, 85 Parents of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Psychological and attentional impairment, 93 Marriage “They don’t come ia!” Stories told, lessons taught Causal attributions abot mental illness: Kelations!‘o about poor families im therapy, 572 to family functioning, 282 Psychological tasks of marriage: Pari 2, 217 Family Support Welfare reform and access to family-supportive bene- Media fits in the workplace, 538 Media violence, gun control, and pubiic policy, 378 Family Therapy Men “They don’t come in!” Stories told, lessons taught Trauma and its sequelae in male prisoners: Effects of about poor families in therapy, 572 confinement, overcrowding, and diminished ser- vices, 189 Family Violence Causal attributions about mental illness: Relationship Mental Health Care System to family functioning, 282 Vision for the future: Toward a service system respon- sive to those with co-occurring addictive and mental Fathers disorders, 71 Fathers of children on welfare: Their impact on child well-being, 557 Mental Retardation Adolescents with mental retardation: Perceptions of Homelessness sexual abuse, 103 Fathers of children on welfare: Their impact on child well-being, 557 Mother-Child Relationship Patterns of welfare use among poor and homeless Children of adolescent mothers: Attachment represen- women, 510 tation, maternal depression, and later behavior prob- Work and welfare: Job histories, barriers to employ- lems, 416 ment, and predictors of work among low-income Impact of maternal alcoholism on separation of chil- single mothers, 526 dren from their mothers: Findings from a sample of incarcerated women, 228 Homosexuality Maternal beliefs about children’s attachments to soft National lesbian family study: |. Interviews with pro- objects, 427 spective mothers, 272 National lesbian family study: 1. Interviews with pro- spective mothers, 272 Hospital Psychiatry Post-traumatic stress symptoms in mothers following Unrecognized language and speech deficits in pre- children’s reports of sexual abuse: An exploratory adolescent psychiatric inpatients, 85 study, 463 Social support, competence, and depression in mothers Immigrants of abused children, 449 Acculturation style and psychological functioning in children of immigrants, 111 Parenting Children of adolescent mothers: Attachment represen- Infancy tation, maternal depression, and later behavior prob- Maternal beliefs about children’s astachments to soft lems, 416 objects, 427 Impact of maternal alcoholism on separation of chil- 602 INDEX TO VOLUME 66 dren from their mothers: Findfroim an sagmpsle of Early adolescents exposed to violence: Hope and vul- incarcerated women, 228 nerability to victimization, 346 Parents of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity Impoaf ac nattur al disona presschtool echirldr en: Ad- disorder: Psychological and attentional impairment, 93 justment 14 months after a hurricane, 122 Neglected victims of homicide: The needs of young Pregnancy siblings of murder victims, 337 National lesbian family study: 1. Interviews with pro- Post-traumatic stress symptoms in mothers following spective mothers, 272 children’s reports of sexual abuse: An exploratory Patterns of grief reaction after pregnancy loss, 262 study, 463 Prevalence of psychiatric disorders among Vietnamese Psychiatry Amerasians: A pilot study, 409 Prevalence of psychiatric disorders among Vietnamese School performance and emotional problems in refu- Amerasians: A pilot study, 409 gee children, 239 Self-injury in trauma survivors: 1. Functions and Runaways meanings, 197 Sexual abuse history and associated multiple risk be- havior in adolescent runaways, 390 Sleep and anxieties in Brazilian children: The role of cultural and environmental factors in chilé sicep disturbance, 252 School Mental Health School ce and emotional problems in refu- Trauma and its sequelae in male prisoners: Effects of gee children, 239 confinement, overcrowding, and diminished ser- vices, 189 Sexual Abuse/Incest War-induced psychic wauma: An 18-year follow-up of Adolescents with mental retardation: Perceptions of Israeli veterans, 152 sexual abuse, 103 Sexual abuse history and associated multiple risk be- Substance Abuse havior in adolescent runaways, 390 Childhood physical assault as a risk factor for PTSD, depression, and substance abuse: Findings from a national survey, 437 Social Policy Co-occurring addictive and mental disorders among Enemy within: A commentary on the demonization of adoiescents: Prevalence research and future direc- difference, 490 tions, 52 Media violence, gun control, and public policy, 378 Course, treatment, and outcome of substance disorder Preventing violence in a structurally violent society: in persons with severe mental illness, 42 Mission impossible, 77 Prosocial media strategy: “Youth against violence: Epidemiology of co-occurring addictive and mental Choose to de-fuse,” 354 disorders: Implications for prevention and service Putting poor mothers to work [Editorial], 484 utilization, 17 Reform, not rhetoric: A critique of welfare policy and Heterogeneity of person and place: Assessing co-oc- charting of new directions, 583 curring addictive and mental disorders, 32 Using quaiitative data to inform public policy: Evalu- Impact of maternal alcoholism on separation of chil- ating “Choose to de-fuse,” 363 dren from their mothers: Findings from a sample of Violence as a social mutation, 323 incarcerated women, 228 Welfare reform and the real lives of poor women: In- Resurrection and the life, 12 troduction, 486 Reversing a history of unmet needs: Approaches to “Why do they hate me so much?” A history of welfare care for persons with co-occurring addictive and and its abandonment in the United States, 496 mental disorders, 4 Vision for the future: Toward a service system respon- Social Support/Networks sive to those with co-occurring addictive and mental Social support, competence, and depression in mothers disorders, 71 of abused children, 449 Women with co-occurring addictive and mental disor- ders: An emerging profile of vulnerability, 61 Stress/Trauma Childhood physical assault as a risk factor for PTSD, Urban Issues depression, and substance abuse: Findings from a Impact of exposure to crime and violence on urban national survey, 437 youth, 329 INDEX TO VOLUME 66 603 Sleep and anxieties in Brazilian children: The role of Putting poor mothers to work [Editorial], 484 cultural and environmenial factors in child sleep Reform, not rhetoric: A critique of welfare policy and disturbance, 252 charting of new directions, 583 “They don’t come in!” Stories told, lessons taught Violence about poor families in therapy, 572 Early adolescents exposed to violence: Hope and vul- Welfare reform and access to family-supportive bene- nerability to victimization, 346 fits in the workplace, 538 Impact of exposure to crime and violence on urban youth, 329 Welfare reform and the real lives of poor women: In- troduction, 486 Media violence, gun control, and public policy, 378 Neglected victims of homicide: The needs of young “Why do they hate me so much?” A history of welfare siblings of murder victims, 337 and its abandonment in the United States, 496 Preventing violence among youth: Introduction, 320 Work and welfare: Job histories, barriers to employ- ment, and predictors of work among low-income Preventing violence in a structurally violent society: single mothers, 526 Mission impossible, 77 Prosocial media strategy: “Youth against violence: Women/Giris Choose to de-fuse,” 354 Educational pathways out of poverty: Responding to Self-injury in trauma survivors: 1. Functions and the realities of women’s lives, 548 meanings, 197 Meaning of college for survivors of sexual abuse: Self-injury in trauma survivors: 2. Levels of clinical Higher education and the older female college stu- response, 207 dent, 468 Violence as a social mutation, 323 Patterns of welfare use among poor and homeless women, 510 War/Peace Putting poor mothers to work [Editorial], 484 Effects of war on the behavior of Lebanese preschool Welfare reform and the real lives of poor women: In- children: Influence of home environment and family troduction, 486 functioning, 401 Women with co-occurring addictive and mental disor- War-induced psychic trauma: An 18-year follow-up of ders: An emerging profile of vulnerability, 61 Israeli veterans, 152 Work and welfare: Job histories, barriers to employ- ment, and predictors of work among low-income Welfare/Poverty single mothers, 526 Enemy within: A commentary on the demonization of difference, 490 Work Educational pathways out of poverty: Responding to Putting poor mothers to work [Editorial], 484 the realities of women’s lives, 548 Welfare reform and access to family-supportive bene- Fathers of children on welfare: Their impact on child fits in the workplace, 538 well-being, 557 Work and welfare: Job histories, barriers to employ- Patterns of welfare use among poor and homeless ment, and predictors of work among low-income women, 510 single mothers, 526 INDEX TO VOLUME 66 AUTHORS Aaronson, Stephanie, 583 Green, Virginia L., 12 Osher, Fred C., 4, 71 Aldarondo, Etiony, 141 Greenbaum, Paul E., 52 Osofsky, Joy D., 416 Alexander, Mary Jane, 61 Grizenko, Natalie, 111 Amold, Barbara E., 427 Hamilton, Jean, 272 Pawliuk, Nicole, 111 Hann, Della M., 416 Perloff, Jennifer N., 557 Banks, Amy, 272 Hanson, Rochelle F., 437 Petrila, Amelia, 52 Barkley, Russell A., 93 Hartmann, Heidi, 583 Piotrkowski, Chaya S., 538 Bassuk, Ellen L., 486 Hinton-Nelson, Mary D., 346 Podell, David M., 103 Bassuk, Shari S., 510 Hubbs-Tait, Laura, 416 Powell, M. Paige, 122 Belter, Ronald W., 122 Hughes, Kere Pond, 416 Berman, Steven L., 329 Reed, Nancy, 272 Bishop, Holly, 272 Kastner, Joan, 103 Reeves, Sally L., 427 Bower, Tommie A., 228 Kastner, Sheldon, 103 Resnick, Gary, 172 Brabant, Sarah, 468 Kates, Erika, 557 Resnick, Heidi S., 437 Brooks, Margaret G., 510, 526 Kessler, Ronald C., 17 Roberts, Michael C., 346 Buckner, John C., 526, 557 Kessler-Sklar, Susan, 538 Robinson, Elizabeth A.R., 282 Burt, Martha R., 172 Kilpatrick, Dean G., 437 Rotheram-Borus, Mary Jane, 390 Kinard, E. Milling, 449 Rousseau, Cécile, 239 Campbell, Nancy B., 85 Kleinhauz, Moris, 152 Chan-Yip, Alice, 111 Koopman, Cheryl, 390 Salomon, Amy, 486, 510 Chandler-Holtz, Dawn, 463 Kupers, Terry A., 189 Saunders, Benjamin E., 437 Clark, Robin E., 42 Kurtines, William M., 329 Saylor, Conway F., 122 Connors, Robin, 197, 207 Schnitzer, Phoebe Kazdin, 572 Cooper, Marlene, 296 Langabeer, Kris, 390 Semple, William E., 463 Corin, Ellen, 239 Lasker, Judith N., 262 Serafini, Lourdes T., 329 Coudroglou, Aliki, 323 Leaf, Philip J., 17 Shaffer, David, 337 Culp, Anne McDonald, 416 LeBlanc, Joyce B., 468 Lehman, Anthony F., 32 Sidel, Ruth, 490 Dillon, Peter A., 131 Lehman, Elyse Brauch, 427 Silverman, Wendy K., 329 Dollinger, Stephen J., 252 Levine, Irene S., 320, 363 Smith, Helen, 337 Drake, Robert E., 4, 42 Lex, Barbara W., 228 Snyder, C.R., 346 Drapeau, Aline, 239 Lin, Susan Xiaogin, 262 Solomon, Zahava, 152 Duncan, Renae D., 437 Sparks, Caroline H., 272 Mahler, Karen A., 390 Steier, Alison, 427 Eberhart-Wright, Alice, 416 Mathew, Jane, 111 Stokes, Sherri J., 122 Edlund, Mark J., 17 McGonagle, Katherine A., 17 Strobel, Roddy M., 409 Emery, Robert E., 131 McKelvey, Robert S., 409 Swenson, Cynthia Cupit, 122 Mello, Nancy K., 228 Forsyth, Craig J., 468 Mendelson, Jack H., 228 Timmons-Mitchell, Jane, 463 Foster, Kim Y., 122 Milling, Leonard, 85 Foster-Johnson, Lynn, 52 Molina, Bogusia Skudrzyk, 252 Wallach, Michael A., 42 Frank, Richard G., 17 Monteiro, Julieta M. Campo, 252 Wallerstein, Judith S., 217 Freeman, Linda N., 337 Moore, Dennis R., 305 Ware, Lucile M., 416 Mosbacher, Dee, 272 Webb, John A., 409 Gantous, Peter, 111 Mueser, Kim T., 42 Withorn, Ann, 496 Gartrell, Nanette, 272 Murphy, Kevin R., 93 Giddan, Jane J., 85 Zahr, Lina Kurdahi, 401 Gil, David G., 77 Nelson, Christopher B., 17 Zimmerman, Jane D., 354, 363 Goldberg, Margaret E., 228 Nguyen, Diem, 111 Zuckerman, Diana M., 378

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