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AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY Volume 112 JULY-DECEMBER, 1991 FRANK W. NEWELL, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief 435 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1415, Chicago, Illinois 60611 EDITORIAL BOARD JULES BAUM, Boston ALLEN M. PUTTERMAN, Chicago WILLIAM M. BOURNE, Rochester DENNIS ROBERTSON, Rochester RONALD M. BURDE, New York MERLYN M. RODRIGUES, Baltimore FRED EDERER, Bethesda STEPHEN J. RYAN, Los Angeles FREDERICK T. FRAUNFELDER, Portland JERRY A. SHIELDS, Philadelphia STEVEN G. KRAMER, San Francisco M. BRUCE SHIELDS, Durham IRVING H. LEOPOLD, Irvine RONALD E. SMITH, Los Angeles ROBERT MACHEMER, Durham BRUCE E. SPIVEY, San Francisco NANCY M. NEWMAN, San Francisco BRADLEY R. STRAATSMA, Los Angeles DON H. NICHOLSON, Miami E. MICHAEL VAN BUSKIRK, Portland EDWARD W. D. NORTON, Miami GUNTER K. VON NOORDEN, Houston DEBORAH PAVAN-LANGSTON, Boston CONSULTING BOARD MATHEA R. ALLANSMITH, Boston ROBERT W. HOLLENHORST, Rochester CROWELL BEARD, San Jose HERBERT E. KAUFMAN, New Orleans BERNARD BECKER, St. Louis ARTHUR H. KEENEY, Louisville BENJAMIN F. BOYD, Panama KENNETH R. KENYON, Boston RONALD E. CARR, New York CARL KUPFER, Bethesda CLAES H. DOHiMAN, Boston ALBERT M. POTTS, Tucson DUPONT GUERRY III, Richmond MARVIN L. SEARS, New Haven EUGENE HELVESTON, Indianapolis GEORGE O. WARING, Atlanta H. STANLEY THOMPSON, Book Review Editor THOMAS M. AABERG, Senior Associate Editor MICHAEL A. KASS, Abstract Editor MARY L. BORYSEWICZ, Executive Managing Editor PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE OPHTHALMIC PUBLISHING COMPANY 435 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1415, Chicago, Illinois 60611 In addition to members of the Editorial Board, the following scientific referees contributed generously of their knowledge, expertise, and time to review and to evaluate the suitability of typescripts submitted for publication to THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY between November 1, 1990, and October 31, 1991. The Editorial Board is ever mindful of their generous contributions to the integrity and accuracy of The Journal. If your path crosses that of one of these referees, express your appreciation. Danie. M. ALBERT Ben GLasGow KENNETH G. NOBLE Douc as R. ANDERSON Hans GROSSNIKLAUS Gary D. Novack RICHARD L. ANDERSON Davip L. Guyton Rosert A. Nozick Davin J. APPLE WiiuaM S. HAGLER Rosert B. NUSSENBLATT Stuart F. BALL Barrett G. Haik Denis M. O’Day Georce B. BARTLEY WituiaM M. Harr, Jr. R. JoserH OLK J. BRONWYN BATEMAN SOHAN S. HAYREH James C. Orcutt A. Rosert BELLOws JOHN R. HECKENLIVELY H. Bruce OsTLer WituaM E. BENSON Date E. HENDERLYt ALAN G. PALESTINE Euiot L. BERSON Georce F. HILton PAuL PALMBERG Jerome W. BetTMANn, SR. Jack T. HOLLADAY Eart A. PALMER Perry S. BINDER Gary N. HOLLAND MARSHALL M. Parks Georce W. BLANKENSHIP Rosert A. HyNpDIuk RicHarp K. ParrisH II Barsara A. BLopD! MicHaAeL- S. INSLER Leon G. PARTAMIAN CHRISTOPHER F. BLop! ALEXANDER R. IRVINE Jay S. Perose Mark S. BLUMENKRANZ SHERWIN ISENBERG STEVEN M. Popos H. Cutver Bopt SAMUEL G. JACOBSON Joe. Pokorny STEPHEN L. BosNIAK Lee M. JAMPOL CARMEN A. PULIAFITO Vircinia S. Boyce WALTER M. Jay Harry A. QUIGLEY Rosert J. BRraipwoop THOMAS JOHN RONALD L. Rapius Nei M. BressLer Dan B. JONES Narsinc A. Rao FREDERICK S. BRIGHTBILL IRA SNOW JONES Peter A. RAPOZA Gary C. Brown G. FRANK JUDISCH RayMoNnp E. Recorps RICHARD F. BRUBAKER Muriet I. Kaiser-KUPFER Rosert RitcuH Joun D. BuLLockx Rosert E. KALINA ALAN L. Rosin Rosert P. Burns ZeEYNEL A. KARCIOGLU Davip RoBINSON THomas C. BuRTON RaNpy H. KARDON MICHAEL L. ROSENBERG RaNnpy V. Campo Paut L. KAUFMAN ]. James Rowsey Hersert L. CANTRILL RONALD V. KEECH Jon M. RUDERMAN JoserH CAPRIOLI Rosert E. KENNEDY RicHarp S. Ruiz Cui-CHAo CHAN RONALD KLEIN Davip J. SCHANZLIN Devron H. CHar MariLyn C. KINCAID HOWARD SCHATZ STEVEN T. CHARLES Gorpon K. KLINTWORTH ALAN B. Scott ELISABETH J].C OHEN STEPHEN D. KLyce Wii E. Scott D. JACKSON COLEMAN Paut A. KNEPPER Epwarp C. SENAY Brian J. CurTIN Douc as D. Kocu Davip SEVEL Serce De Bustros STEVEN B. KOENIG Caro1 L. SHIELDS EUGENE DE JUAN, Jr. ALLAN E. KREIGER Mor Ton E. SMITH ANGELO DELLAPORTA THEODORE KRUPIN VIVIANNE C. SMITH Rosert A. Det Pero Mark J. KUPERSMITH GILBERT SMOLIN WiLuaM J. DINNING BurRTON J. KUSHNER Georce L. SPAETH Larry A. Donoso Peter R. LAisson WILLIAM H. SPENCER STEPHEN M. DraNce Frep H. LAMBROU THomas C. Spoor Ricuarp D. Drewry, Jr. Jerrrey D. LANIER Rosert L. STAMPER Rosert C. Drews WiiuraM E. LayYDEN ROGER F. STEINERT Davin K. DuEker Howarop M. LersowiTz PAUL STERNBERG, JR. JONATHAN J. DuTTON Micuaet A. Lemp THOMAS STEVENS RaAtpH C. EAGte, Jr CuHar_es R. LEONE E. Lee Stock Henry F. EDELHAUSER SIDNEY LERMAN BARBARA W. STREETEN MARTIN EHRENBERG SIMMONS LESSELL ALAN SUGAR RICHARD A. EIFERMAN RALPH Z. LEVENE Howarp H. TESSLER Davin E. E1irric Hier Lewis MatTTHEw A. THOMAS Pup P. Evuis RicHarp A. Lewis JOHN T. THOMPSON Jay M. ENocH Marc F. LigpERMAN ELise TORCZYNSKI J. Terry Ernest THomas J. LIESEGANG Euias I. TRABOULSI R. Linsy Farris Harvey LINCOFF BRENDA J. TRIPATHI Rosert M. Feiser RicHARD L. LINDSTROM RAMESH C. TRIPATHI ANDREW P. Ferry Maurice H. Luntz LAWRENCE TYCHSEN ALLANJ . FLacn Scott M. MACRAE W. A. J. VAN HEUVEN JoseruC . FLANAGAN Leo J. MAGUIRE Danie. G. VAUGHAN Harry W. Fiynn, Jr MaureeEN G. MAGuIRE SUZANNE VERONNEAU- TROUTMAN Rosert FOLBERG MARTIN MAINSTER CuHar.es M. VYGANTAS James C. Fotk Mark J. MANNIS Rosert R. WALLER Davin J. Forster MICHAEL F. MARMOR Rosert N. WEINREB C. STEPHEN FosTEeR MALcoLM L. Mazow JOHN J. WEITER Rosert N. FRANK Joun A. McCrary Rosert D. WeRTz WitutaM R. FREEMAN Marcuerite B. MCDONALD MAYNARD B. WHEELER MARCEL FRENKEL J. WALLACE McCMEEL Jacos T. WILENSKY Mixes H. FrigDLAENDER Auice R. McPHERSON CHARLES P. WILKINSON ALAN H. FrigDMAN SamueEL D. McPHERSON, JR. Louis A. WILSON Bart.ey R. Fruen MariLyn B. Mets R. SLOAN WILSON ANNE B. FULTON Rocer F. MeYer James B. Wise Douc as E. GAASTERLAND Davin D. MICHAELS Darre.t E. WOLFLEY J. Donato M. Gass WiuuaM F. MIELER THomas O. Woop RONALD N. GASTER Ne R. MILLER MyYRON YANOFF BRYAN M. GEBHARDT Don S. MINCKLER BRIAN R. YOUNGE Craic W. Georce BarTLy J. MONDINO Lorenz E. ZIMMERMAN JouN W. Grrtincer, Jr. KimBerRLy NEELY THOM J. ZIMMERMAN Bert M. GLASER Nancy J. NEWMAN Joer S. GLASER Davip A. NEWSOME ¢t DECEASED. SUBJECT INDEX NOTE: Abstract Index follows Author Index A Antibiotic drugs Mixing fortified antibiotic eyedrops (letter), 459 Abscess Hemianopsia from occipital lobe abscess after den- Mixing fortified antibiotic eyedrops, 450; correction, tal care, 689 754 Acanthamoeba sp. Antibody Concurrent chlamydial and Acanthamoeba keratocon- Analysis of local antibody production in the vitre- junctivitis (letter), 466 ous humor of patients with severe uveitis, 147 Subepithelial infiltrates in Acanthamoeba keratitis, Antibody indications of secondary and superim- 414 posed retinal hypersensitivity in retinitis pig- Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome mentosa, 132 Cytomegalovirus retinopathy as the initial manifes- Antigen tation of the acquired immunodeficiency syn- Anterior uveitis and hypopyon, 317 drome, 243 Aphakia Human immunodeficiency virus disease epidemiol- Improvement in visual acuity in chronic aphakic ogy and nosocomial infection, 335 and pseudophakic cystoid macular edema af- A multicenter study of Pneumocystis choroidopathy, ter treatment with topical 0.5% ketorolac 15 tromethamine, 514 Repair of retinal detachment caused by cytomegalo- Aqueous humor virus retinitis in patients with the acquired A clinical trial of metipranolol, a noncardioselective immunodeficiency syndrome, 235 beta-adrenergic antagonist, in ocular hyperten- Varicella-zoster virus retinitis in patients with the sion, 302 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, 119 Artery Acute retinal necrosis syndrome Central retinal artery occlusion in a child after Intrathecal antibody production against viruses of general anesthesia (letter), 91 the herpesvirus family in acute retinal necrosis Congenital arteriovenous communications and the syndrome, 76 development of two types of leaking retinal Acyclovir macroaneurysms, 31 Decrease in the risk of bilateral acute retinal necro- Astigmatism sis by acyclovir therapy, 250 Corneal topography for selective suture removal Adenoma after penetrating keratoplasty, 657 Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical features of coronal adenomas, 34 Developing entry criteria for studies of severe post- keratoplasty astigmatism, 666 Aging Pathologic features of surgically excised subretinal Atrophy neovascular membranes in age-related macu- Correlation of the blind spot size to the area of the lar degeneration, 647 optic disk and parapapillary atrophy (corre- spondence), 609 Allergy Sneezing as an early indicator of allergy to fluores- B cein dye (letter), 601 Aminocaproic acid B-scan Secondary hemorrhage in traumatic hyphema, 507 B-scan ultrasonography of eyes containing intravit- real gas, 272 Anesthesia Central retinal artery occlusion in a child after Babesiosis general anesthesia (letter), 91 Retinal nerve fiber layer infarct in a patient with Inferior rectus muscle palsy after retrobulbar anes- babesiosis (letter), 597 thesia for cataract surgery (letter), 209 Bacteria Angioid streaks Antibacterial effectiveness of ciprofloxacin 0.3% oph- Disk drusen and angioid streaks in pseudoxanth- thalmic solution in the treatment of bacterial oma elasticum, 166 conjunctivitis, 29S Anterior chamber Clinical evaluation of ciprofloxacin 0.3% oph- Anterior chamber aspirate cultures after uncompli- thalmic solution for treatment of bacterial kera- cated cataract surgery, 278 titis, 34S AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY DECEMBER, 1991 The comparative in vitro activity of ofloxacin and Developments in Ophthalmology: Evolution of Mi- selected ophthalmic antimicrobial agents crosurgery, by Sourdille, P. (ed.), 745 against ocular bacterial isolates, 108:380; correc- Distribution of Cataracts in the Population and tion, 478 Influencing Factors, by Sasaki, K., and Hock- Current therapy for bacterial keratitis and bacterial win, O. (eds.), 480 conjunctivitis, 10S Eye Surgery: An Introduction to Operative Tech- Insights from experimental data on ciprofloxacin in nique. ed. 2, by Eisner, G., 610 the treatment of bacterial keratitis and ocular Eye Trauma, by Shingleton, B. J., Hersh, P. S., and infections, 25S Kenyon, K. R., 611 Microbiologic aspects of fluoroquinolones, 15S Eyelid Surgery, by Rathbaum, E., 612 A review of bacterial keratitis and bacterial conjunc- Focal Points 1990: Clinical Modules For Ophthalmol- tivitis, 2S ogists, 363 The role of ciprofloxacin in the antibacterial therapy Glaucoma Surgical Techniques, by Mills, R. P., and of bacterial keratitis and bacterial conjunctivi- Weinreb, R. N. (eds.), 745 tis. Preface, 1S Immediate Eye Care, by Ragge, N. K., and Easty, D. The role of ciprofloxacin in the antibacterial therapy L., 360 of bacterial keratitis and bacterial conjunctivi- Manual of Ocular Diagnosis and Therapy, by Pavan- tis. Conclusion, 48S Langston, D. (ed.), 480 Beta-blocker My Fake Eye, The Story of My Prosthesis, by A clinical trial of metipranolol, a noncardioselective Chernus-Mansfield, N., and Horn, M., 745 beta-adrenergic antagonist, in ocular hyperten- sion, 302 Myopia and the Control of Eye Growth, by Ciba Evaluation of once-daily levobunolol 0.25% and Foundation (ed.), 362 timolol 0.25% therapy for increased intraocu- Neurologic Clinics, by Breen, L. A. (ed.), 363 lar pressure, 56 Neurological Organization of Ocular Movement, by Betaxolol Daroff, R., and Neetens, A. (eds.), 480 Influence of betaxolol and timolol on the visual Night Vision: Basic, Clinical and Applied Aspects, fields of patients with glaucoma, 678 by Hess, R. F., Sharpe, L. T., and Nordby, K. Biomicroscopy (eds.), 480 A comparison of three contact-lens biomicroscopy Pediatric Ophthalmology, ed. 3, by Nelson, L. B., coupling solutions (letter), 732 Calhoun, J. H., and Harley, R. D. (eds.), 362 Biopsy Perimetry Update 1990/1991, by Mills, R. P., and Tuberculous choroiditis diagnosed by chorioretinal Heijl, A. (eds.), 480 endobiopsy (letter), 460 “PDR” Physician’s Desk Reference, 1991, ed. 45, 222 Bleb Pupillenreaktionen-Pupillenstorungen, 480 Spontaneous filtration blebs in a patient with micro- spherophakia (letter), 350 Recovery from Anesthesia. International Anesthesi- ology Clinics, by Lebowitz, P. W. (ed.), 745 Blepharoptosis Isolated orbital sarcoidosis as a cause for blepharo- Saunders Ophthalmology Word Book, by Adams, J., ptosis (letter), 739 745 Bone marrow transplant Scanning Laser Ophthalmology and Tomography, Bone marrow transplant retinopathy, 635 by Nasemann, J. E., and Burk, R. O. W., 612 Books and Computer Software The Fine Art of Prescribing Glasses, Without Mak- Advances in Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive ing a Spectacle of Yourself, by Milder, B., and Surgery, by Bosniak, S. L. and Smith, B. C., 106 Rubin, M. L., 745 “AMA DE” Drug Evaluations, Subscription, 1991, “USP DI” Drug Information, 1991, ed. 11, 222 222 Vascular Disorders of the Ocular Fundus, by Grey, California Resource Directory for the Blind and R., 106 Visually Impaired, by Schatz, H., Stolarczuk, Visual Agnosia, by Farah, M. J., 361 M. M., McDonald, H. R., and Johnson, R. N., Visual Impairment: An Overview, by Bailey, I. L. 106 and Hall, A., 106 Clinical Tests in Ophthalmology, by Huber, M. J. E., Walsh and Hoyt’s Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology, and Reacher, M. H., 362 ed. 4., vol. 4, by Miller, N. R., 360 Color Atlas of Lens Implantation, by Percival, P. Borrelia sp. (ed.), 610 Bilateral follicular conjunctivitis as a manifestation Color Vision Deficiencies, by Ohta, Y. (ed.), 480 of Lyme disease (letter), 96 Corneal Angiogenesis: A Comprehensive Critical Detection of antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi in Review, by Klintworth, G. K., 362 patients with uveitis, 23 Vol. 112, No. 6 SUBJECT INDEX Botulinum toxin Children Treatment of unilateral acute sixth-nerve palsy with Central retinal artery occlusion in a child after botulinum toxin, 381 general anesthesia (letter), 91 Brachytherapy Juvenile cataract associated with chronic diarrhea Ultrasonic tissue characterization of uveal mela- in pediatric cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis noma and prediction of patient survival after (letter), 606 enucleation and brachytherapy, 682 Marked intraocular pressure response to instillation C of corticosteroids in children, 450 Candida sp. Scleritis and Wegener's granulomatosis in children Anomalous effect of subconjunctival miconazole on (correspondence), 358 Candida albicans keratitis in rabbits, 562 Chlamydia sp. Infectious crystalline keratopathy caused by Can- Concurrent chlamydial and Acanthamoeba keratocon- dida albicans, 322 junctivitis (letter), 466 Capsule Cholesterol The elastic properties of the lens capsule in capsu- The effects of lipid lowering on diabetic retinopa- lorhexis (correspondence), 474 thy, 385 The elastic properties of the lens capsule in capsu- Choroid lorhexis (correspondence), 354 Cytopathologic diagnosis of benign lesions simulat- Capsulorhexis ing choroidal melanomas, 70 The elastic properties of the lens capsule in capsu- lorhexis (correspondence), 354 Epstein-Barr virus antibodies in multifocal choroid- The elastic properties of the lens capsule in capsu- itis and panuveitis, 410 lorhexis (correspondence), 474 Choroiditis Capsulotomy Epstein-Barr virus antibodies in multifocal choroid- Cystoid macular edema, retinal detachment, and itis and panuveitis, 410 glaucoma after Nd:YAG laser posterior capsu- Tuberculous choroiditis diagnosed by chorioretinal lotomy, 373 endobiopsy (letter), 460 Carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome Choroidopathy Full-field electroretinograms in patients with the A multicenter study of Pneumocystis choroidopathy, carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome, 15 83 Ciprofloxacin Carotid Antibacterial effectiveness of ciprofloxacin 0.3% oph- Echographic diagnosis of dural-carotid cavernous thalmic solution in the treatment of bacterial sinus fistulas (correspondence), 740 conjunctivitis, 29S Caruncle Metastatic carcinoid tumor diagnosis from a carun- Clinical evaluation of ciprofloxacin 0.3% oph- cular mass (letter), 470 thalmic solution for treatment of bacterial kera- Cataract titis, 34S Anterior chamber aspirate cultures after uncompli- Current therapy for bacterial keratitis and bacterial cated cataract surgery, 278 conjunctivitis, 10S The elastic properties of the lens capsule in capsu- Insights from experimental data on ciprofloxacin in lorhexis (correspondence), 354 the treatment of bacterial keratitis and ocular Glass-slide vitrectomy for use by the cataract sur- infections, 25S geon (letter), 100 Microbiologic aspects of fluoroquinolones, 15S Inferior rectus muscle palsy after retrobulbar anes- The role of ciprofloxacin in the antibacterial therapy thesia for cataract surgery (letter), 209 of bacterial keratitis and bacterial conjunctivi- Juvenile cataract associated with chronic diarrhea tis. Preface, 1S in pediatric cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis (letter), 606 The role of ciprofloxacin in the antibacterial therapy of bacterial keratitis and bacterial conjunctivi- Lens capsule and epithelium in age-related cataract, tis. Conclusion, 48S 283 Management of the dislocated crystalline lens with Cirrhosis a perfluorocarbon liquid, 401 Hepatic cirrhosis as a cause of eyelid retraction (letter), 94 Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis Juvenile cataract associated with chronic diarrhea Collagen shield in pediatric cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis Collagen shields, 587 (letter), 606 Coloboma Chemosis Spontaneous reattachment of a total retinal detach- Chemosis associated with Whipple’s disease (let- ment in an infant with microphthalmos and an ter), 217 optic nerve coloboma (letter), 347 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY DECEMBER, 1991 Color vision Contact lens Stiles-Crawford effect and color matching in Star- The career impact of keratoconus on air force gardt’s disease (letter), 216 aviators, 557 Comamonas sp. Concurrent chlamydial and Acanthamoeba keratocon- Ocular infections associated with Comamonas aci- junctivitis (letter), 466 dovorans,4 6 Fitting of aspheric high gas-permeable rigid contact Computed tomography lenses to scarred corneas, 191 Evaluation of dacryocystorhinostomy failure with Ocular infections associated with Comamonas aci- computed tomography and computed tomo- dovorans, 46 graphic dacryocystography, 431 Subepithelial infiltrates in Acanthamoeba keratitis, Computer-image analysis 414 Regional and long-term variability of fundus mea- Transscleral Nd:YAG laser cyclophotocoagulation surements made with computer-image analy- with a contact lens, 671 sis, 171 Contrast sensitivity Cone Isolating the effects of primary open-angle glau- Retinal function and rhodopsin levels in autosomal coma on the contrast sensitivity function, 308 dominant retinitis pigmentosa with rhodopsin Cornea mutations, 256 Antibacterial effectiveness of ciprofloxacin 0.3% oph- Conjunctiva thalmic solution in the treatment of bacterial Acute conjunctivokeratouveitis caused by latex from conjunctivitis, 29S the pencil tree (letter), 464 Clinical evaluation of ciprofloxacin 0.3% oph- Bilateral follicular conjunctivitis as a manifestation thalmic solution for treatment of bacterial kera- of Lyme disease (letter), 96 titis, 34S Conjunctival impression cytology in patients with Cold-induced corneal edema in patients with trigem- glaucoma using long-term topical medication, inal nerve dysfunction, 548 297 Collagen shields, 587 Conjunctival lymphocytic nodule associated with Corneal autografts for external knots in transscler- the Epstein-Barr virus, 567 ally sutured posterior chamber lenses (letter), Human papillomavirus type 16 DNA inocular and 353 cervical swabs of women with genital tract Corneal topography for selective suture removal condylomata, 61 after penetrating keratoplasty, 657 Microbiologic aspects of fluoroquinolones, 15S Current therapy for bacterial keratitis and bacterial Response of reactivated ligneous conjunctivitis to conjunctivitis, 10S topical cyclosporine (letter), 95 Demonstration of herpes simplex virus DNA in A sibship with unusual anomalies of the eye and idiopathic corneal endotheliopathy, 419 skeleton (Michels’ syndrome), 572 The effect of corneal hypesthesia on the duration of Conjunctivitis proparacaine anesthetic eyedrops, 326 Antibacterial effectiveness of ciprofloxacin 0.3% oph- The effect of topical administration of indomethacin thalmic solution in the treatment of bacterial on symptoms in corneal scars and edema, 186 conjunctivitis, 29S The effects of denatured sodium hyaluronate on the Canalicular obliteration from toxic epidermal necrol- corneal endothelium in cats, 424 ysis (letter), 469 Extreme corneal flattening after radial keratotomy Current therapy for bacterial keratitis and bacterial (letter), 738 conjunctivitis, 10S Fitting of aspheric high gas-permeable rigid contact Parinaud’s oculoglandular syndrome simulating lenses to scarred corneas, 191 lymphoma (letter), 344 Insights from experimental data on ciprofloxacin in A review of bacterial keratitis and bacterial conjunc- the treatment of bacterial keratitis and ocular tivitis, 2S infections, 25S The role of ciprofloxacin in the antibacterial therapy Measurement of the radius of corneal curvature of bacterial keratitis and bacterial conjunctivi- with the Maloney surgical keratometer (letter), tis. Preface, 1S 211 The role of ciprofloxacin in the antibacterial therapy Microbiologic aspects of fluoroquinolones, 15S of bacterial keratitis and bacterial conjunctivi- Residual intrascleral and intraretinal melanoma: a tis. Conclusion, 48S concern with lamellar sclerouvectomy for uveal Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy melanoma, 590 Problems associated with conjunctivodacryocys- A review of bacterial keratitis and bacterial conjunc- torhinostomy, 502 tivitis, 2S Vol. 112, No. 6 SUBJECT INDEX The role of ciprofloxacin in the antibacterial therapy Dacryocystography of bacterial keratitis and bacterial conjunctivi- Evaluation of dacryocystorhinostomy failure with tis. Preface, 1S computed tomography and computed tomo- The role of ciprofloxacin in the antibacterial therapy graphic dacryocystography, 431 of bacterial keratitis and bacterial conjunctivi- Dacryocystorhinostomy tis. Conclusion, 48S Evaluation of dacryocystorhinostomy failure with A sibship with unusual anomalies of the eye and computed tomography and computed tomo- skeleton (Michels’ syndrome), 572 graphic dacryocystography, 431 Subepithelial infiltrates in Acanthamoeba keratitis, Decompression 414 Optic nerve sheath decompression for the treat- Corona ment of progressive nonarteritic ischemic optic Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical features neuropathy (correspondence), 741 of coronal adenomas, 34 Deviation Corrections Visual-evoked cortical potentials in dissociated ver- The comparative in vitro activity of ofloxacin and tical deviation, 714 selected ophthalmic antimicrobial agents Diabetes against ocular bacterial isolates, 108:380; correc- The effects of lipid lowering on diabetic retinopa- tion, 478 thy, 385 Differential intraocular pressure in restrictive strabis- Diabetes mellitus mus, 352; correction, 618 Risk of missing angle neovascularization by omit- Mixing fortified antibiotic eyedrops, 450; correction, ting screening gonioscopy in patients with 754 diabetes mellitus (letter), 212 Therapeutic ultrasound for the treatment of glau- Diabetic retinopathy coma, 111:327; correction, 105 The effects of lipid lowering on diabetic retinopa- Corticosteroid thy, 385 Corticosteroid-induced toxic optic neuropathy (let- Diplophthalmos ter), 605 Unilateral diplophthalmos, 581 Marked intraocular pressure response to instillation Disk of corticosteroids in children, 450 Disk drusen and angioid streaks in pseudoxanth- Cyclophotocoagulation oma elasticum, 166 Transscleral Nd:YAG laser cyclophotocoagulation Drusen with a contact lens, 671 Disk drusen and angioid streaks in pseudoxanth- Cyclosporine oma elasticum, 166 Randomized, double-masked study of cyclosporine Duane’s retraction syndrome compared to prednisolone in the treatment of A magnetic resonance imaging study of the upshoot- endogenous uveitis, 138 downshoot phenomenon of Duane’s retrac- Response of reactivated ligneous conjunctivitis to tion syndrome (correspondence), 358 topical cyclosporine (letter), 95 Dystrophy Cystoid macular edema Keratoconus associated with posterior polymor- Cystoid macular edema, retinal detachment, and phous dystrophy (letter), 729 glaucoma after Nd:YAG laser posterior capsu- lotomy, 373 E Improvement in visual acuity in chronic aphakic Echography and pseudophakic cystoid macular edema af- Diameter of normal extraocular recti muscles with ter treatment with topical 0.5% ketorolac echography, 706 tromethamine, 514 Echographic diagnosis of dural-carotid cavernous Cytomegalovirus retinitis sinus fistulas (correspondence), 740 Repair of retinal detachment caused by cytomegalo- Edema virus retinitis in patients with the acquired Cold-induced corneal edema in patients with trigem- immunodeficiency syndrome, 235 inal nerve dysfunction, 548 Cytomegalovirus retinopathy Cytomegalovirus retinopathy as the initial manifes- Cystoid macular edema, retinal detachment, and tation of the acquired immunodeficiency syn- glaucoma after Nd:YAG laser posterior capsu- drome, 243 lotomy, 373 The effect of topical administration of indomethacin D on symptoms in corneal scars and edema, 186 Dacryocystitis Editorials Bone erosion in nasolacrimal duct obstruction (let- The American Board of Ophthalmology turns 75 ter), 215 (SPENCER, W. H.), 455 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY DECEMBER, 1991 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY: 1965-1991 Eyelid (NEWELL, F. W.), 723 Congenital entropion with intact lower eyelid retrac- Human immunodeficiency virus, herpes zoster, and tor insertion, 437 the retina (NUSSENBLATT, R. B.), 206 Hepatic cirrhosis as a cause of eyelid retraction Penicillin: 1929-1991 (NEWELL, F. W.), 207 (letter), 94 Preoperative medical examinations for patients un- A sibship with unusual anomalies of the eye and dergoing ophthalmic surgery (BARTLEY, G. skeleton (Michels’ syndrome), 572 B.), 725 Electroretinography F Full-field electroretinograms in patients with the Fistula carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome, Echographic diagnosis of dural-carotid cavernous 83 sinus fistulas (correspondence), 740 Endophthalmitis Delayed-onset pseudophakic endophthalmitis (cor- Fluorescein respondence), 221 Severe anaphylactic reaction to orally administered fluorescein (letter), 94 Fate of the fellow eye after Propionibacterium acnes endophthalmitis (letter), 99 Sneezing as an early indicator of allergy to fluores- Management of endophthalmitis while preserving cein dye (letter), 601 the uninvolved crystalline lens, 695 Fluoroquinolone Rhodococcus luteus and Rhodococcus erythropolis Antibacterial effectiveness of ciprofloxacin 0.3% oph- chronic endophthalmitis after lens implanta- thalmic solution in the treatment of bacterial tion (letter), 596 conjunctivitis, 29S Endotheliopathy Current therapy for bacterial keratitis and bacterial Demonstration of herpes simplex virus DNA in conjunctivitis, 10S idiopathic corneal endotheliopathy, 419 Insights from experimental data on ciprofloxacin in Endothelium the treatment of bacterial keratitis and ocular The effects of denatured sodium hyaluronate on the infections, 25S corneal endothelium in cats, 424 Microbiologic aspects of fluoroquinolones, 15S Entropion Congenital entropion with intact lower eyelid retrac- The role of ciprofloxacin in the antibacterial therapy tor insertion, 437 of bacterial keratitis and bacterial conjunctivi- tis. Preface, 1S Enucleation Ultrasonic tissue characterization of uveal mela- The role of ciprofloxacin in the antibacterial therapy noma and prediction of patient survival after of bacterial keratitis and bacterial conjunctivi- enucleation and brachytherapy, 682 tis. Conclusion, 48S Epidemiology Frosted branch angiitis Human immunodeficiency virus disease epidemiol- Unilateral frosted branch angiitis (correspondence), ogy and nosocomial infection, 335 477 Epikeratoplasty Fundus A comparison of penetrating keratoplasty to epikera- Full-field electroretinograms in patients with the toplasty in the surgical management of kerato- carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome, conus (correspondence), 103 83 Epithelium Regional and long-term variability of fundus mea- Lens capsule and epithelium in age-related cataract, surements made with computer-image analy- 283 sis, 171 Epstein-Barr virus Conjunctival lymphocytic nodule associated with Fundus flavimaculatus the Epstein-Barr virus, 567 Stiles-Crawford effect and color matching in Star- gardt’s disease (letter), 216 Epstein-Barr virus antibodies in multifocal choroid- itis and panuveitis, 410 G Esotropia Medial rectus muscle marginal myotomies for persis- Genetics tent esotropia, 702 Familial congenital grouped pigmentation of the Exenteration retina, 406 A 20-year series of orbital exenteration, 496 Retinal function and rhodopsin levels in autosomal Eyedrops dominant retinitis pigmentosa with rhodopsin Mixing fortified antibiotic eyedrops (letter), 459 mutations, 256 Mixing fortified antibiotic eyedrops, 450; correction, Retinal telangiectasis in scapuloperoneal muscular 754 dystrophy (letter), 348 Vol. 112, No. 6 SUBJECT INDEX Glaucoma Herpes zoster Conjunctival impression cytology in patients with Magnetic resonance imaging in a patient with glaucoma using long-term topical medication, herpes zoster keratouveitis and contralateral 297 acute retinal necrosis (letter), 735 Cystoid macular edema, retinal detachment, and Herpesvirus glaucoma after Nd:YAG laser posterior capsu- Intrathecal antibody production against viruses of lotomy, 373 the herpesvirus family in acute retinal necrosis syndrome, 76 Diode laser compared with argon laser for trabecu- loplasty, 50 Horner's syndrome Asymmetric pigmentary dispersion syndrome mim- Diurnal intraocular pressure after successful pri- icking Horner's syndrome (letter), 463 mary laser trabeculoplasty, 67 Horner's syndrome as a complication of pacemaker Evaluation of once-daily levobunolol 0.25% and insertion (letter), 97 timolol 0.25% therapy for increased intraocu- Human immunodeficiency virus lar pressure, 56 Cytomegalovirus retinopathy as the initial manifes- Immediate pressure effects of Nd:YAG cyclocoagu- tation of the acquired immunodeficiency syn- lation (letter), 603 drome, 243 Influence of betaxolol and timolol on the visual Human immunodeficiency virus disease epidemiol- fields of patients with glaucoma, 678 ogy and nosocomial infection, 335 Isolating the effects of primary open-angle glau- Human papillomavirus coma on the contrast sensitivity function, 308 Human papillomavirus type 16 DNA inocular and cervical swabs of women with genital tract The laser step in early glaucoma therapy, 87 condylomata, 61 Regional and long-term variability of fundus mea- Hypertension surements made with computer-image analy- A clinical trial of metipranolol, a noncardioselective sis, 171 beta-adrenergic antagonist, in ocular hyperten- Therapeutic ultrasound for the treatment of glau- sion, 302 coma, 111:327; correction, 105 Hyphema Gonioscopy Secondary hemorrhage in traumatic hyphema, 507 Risk of missing angle neovascularization by omit- Hypopyon ting screening gonioscopy in patients with Anterior uveitis and hypopyon, 317 diabetes mellitus (letter), 212 I Graft Treatment of infectious scleritis and keratoscleritis, Impression cytology 543 Conjunctival impression cytology in patients with glaucoma using long-term topical medication, Graft-vs-host disease 297 Bilateral herpes simplex keratitis in a patient with graft-vs-host disease (letter), 468 Indomethacin The effect of topical administration of indomethacin H on symptoms in corneal scars and edema, 186 Infants Hemianopsia Bilateral congenital absence of pupillary aperture Hemianopsia from occipital lobe abscess after den- (letter), 608 tal care, 689 Congenital entropion with intact lower eyelid retrac- Hemorrhage tor insertion, 437 Intraocular hemorrhage associated with intrave- nously administered streptokinase (letter), 734 Spontaneous reattachment of a total retinal detach- ment in an infant with microphthalmos and an Secondary hemorrhage in traumatic hyphema, 507 optic nerve coloboma (letter), 347 Herpes simplex Unilateral diplophthalmos, 581 Bilateral herpes simplex keratitis in a patient with Interferon graft-vs-host disease (letter), 468 Interferon alpha 2a for treatment of age-related Demonstration of herpes simplex virus DNA in macular degeneration (letter), 349 idiopathic corneal endotheliopathy, 419 Intraocular pressure Herpes simplex denritic keratitis after keratoplasty Differential intraocular pressure in restrictive strabis- (correspondence), 355 mus (letter), 352 Herpes simplex virus Differential intraocular pressure in restrictive strabis- The evaluation of the Kodak Surecell test for the mus, 352; correction, 618 detection of ocular herpes simplex virus (let- Diurnal intraocular pressure after successful pri- ter), 214 mary laser trabeculoplasty, 67 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY DECEMBER, 1991 Immediate pressure effects of Nd:YAG cyclocoagu- A comparison of penetrating keratoplasty to epikera- lation (letter), 603 toplasty in the surgical management of kerato- Marked intraocular pressure response to instillation conus (correspondence), 103 of corticosteroids in children, 450 Identifying progression of subclinical keratoconus Iridectomy by serial topography analysis, 41 Identification, prevention, and treatment of silicone Keratoconus associated with posterior polymor- oil pupillary block after an inferior iridectomy phous dystrophy (letter), 729 (correspondence), 357 Keratometry Iris Measurement of the radius of corneal curvature A disposable iris retractor for vitrectomy (letter), 731 with the Maloney surgical keratometer (letter), 211 Neovascularization of the iris in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, 632 Keratomycosis Phialophora mutabilis keratomycosis (letter), 728 A physical analysis of the factors that determine the contour of the iris (correspondence), 219 Keratopathy Infectious crystalline keratopathy caused by Can- Ischemia dida albicans, 322 Optic nerve sheath decompression for the treat- ment of progressive nonarteritic ischemic optic Keratoplasty neuropathy (correspondence), 741 Developing entry criteria for studies of severe post- keratoplasty astigmatism, 666 K Herpes simplex denritic keratitis after keratoplasty (correspondence), 355 Keratitis Anomalous effect of subconjunctival miconazole on Ketorolac tromethamine Candida albicans keratitis in rabbits, 562 Improvement in visual acuity in chronic aphakic and pseudophakic cystoid macular edema af- Bilateral herpes simplex keratitis in a patient with ter treatment with topical 0.5% ketorolac graft-vs-host disease (letter), 468 tromethamine, 514 Clinical evaluation of ciprofloxacin 0.3% oph- thalmic solution for treatment of bacterial kera- L titis, 34S Lacrimal apparatus Current therapy for bacterial keratitis and bacterial Bone erosion in nasolacrimal duct obstruction (let- conjunctivitis, 10S ter), 215 Fitting of aspheric high gas-permeable rigid contact Canalicular obliteration from toxic epidermal necrol- lenses to scarred corneas, 191 ysis (letter), 469 Herpes simplex denritic keratitis after keratoplasty Evaluation of dacryocystorhinostomy failure with (correspondence), 355 computed tomography and computed tomo- Insights from experimental data on ciprofloxacin in graphic dacryocystography, 431 the treatment of bacterial keratitis and ocular Problems associated with conjunctivodacryocys- infections, 25S torhinostomy, 502 A review of bacterial keratitis and bacterial conjunc- Lamina cribrosa tivitis, 2S Immunohistochemistry of proteoglycans in human The role of ciprofloxacin in the antibacterial therapy lamina cribrosa, 489 of bacterial keratitis and bacterial conjunctivi- Laser tis. Preface, 1S Argon laser-induced retinal herniation (letter), 602 The role of ciprofloxacin in the antibacterial therapy Cystoid macular edema, retinal detachment, and of bacterial keratitis and bacterial conjunctivi- glaucoma after Nd:YAG laser posterior capsu- tis. Conclusion, 48S lotomy, 373 Subepithelial infiltrates in Acanthamoeba keratitis, Diode laser compared with argon laser for trabecu- 414 loplasty, 50 Keratoconjunctivitis Diurnal intraocular pressure after successful pri- Bilateral herpes simplex keratitis in a patient with mary laser trabeculoplasty, 67 graft-vs-host disease (letter), 468 Immediate pressure effects of Nd:YAG cyclocoagu- Concurrent chlamydial and Acanthamoeba keratocon- lation (letter), 603 junctivitis (letter), 466 The laser step in early glaucoma therapy, 87 Keratoconjunctivitis sicca Transscleral Nd:YAG laser cyclophotocoagulation Canalicular obliteration from toxic epidermal necroly- with a contact lens, 671 sis (letter), 469 Lattice degeneration Keratoconus Prevalence of lattice degeneration and its relation to The career impact of keratoconus on air force axial length in severe myopia (correspon- aviators, 557 dence), 356

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