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Index to volume 188 AUTHOR INDEX* Ananth CV, Demissie K, Smulian JC, Vintzileos AM. Placenta previa in singleton and twin births in the United States, 1989 Abate G (see Croaetk a l). 2003;188:1148-50 (Residents papers) through 1998: a comparison of risk factor profiles and \belE L, Kruger M. Are users of alcohol in pregnanc Vv necessarily associated conditions. 2003; 188:275-8 1 alcohol abusers? 2003;188:297 (Letter reply) Ananth CV, Smulian JC, Vintwzileos AM. The effect of placenta Abel EL, Kruger M. Physic tudes concerning legal coercion previa on neonatal mortality: a population-based study in the of pregnant alcoahndo dlru g users. 2003;188:299 (Letter reply) United States, 1989 through 1997. 2003;188:1299-304 \boulghar MA, Mansour RT, Serour GI, Al-Inany HG, Aboulghar Ananth CV (see Smulian et al). 2003;188:269-74 MM. The outcome of in fertilization in advanced Andersson A-M (see Lonberg et al). 2003;188:247-51 endometriosis with previous s Vi a Case controlled study Andrews WW (see Ramsey et al). 2003;188:714-8 9003: 188:371-5 Angioli R (see Panici et al). 2003:188:71-5 Aboulghar MM (see Aboulghar « 200%1:8 8:37 1-5 Ansari Z (see Emory et al). 2003;188:S26-32 (Symposium) AcunzoG (see Pellicanoe t al). 2003: 188:1664 Letter reply Anthony MS (see Suparto et al). 2003;188 11 32-40 (Editors Adair CD ( see Lewis et al). 2003:188:1413-7 (Editors’ choice choice Adam DE (see Maeot al). 2003: 188: Araki T (see Chihaert aal ). 2003;188:434-8 Adam E (see Berkovae t al). 2003;188:932-7 \rangino S (see Cagnacci et al). 2003;188:313-7 Adams KM, Mandel LS, Guthrie KA, Atkinson MW. Interleukin-18 Arbeille P (see Carles et al). 2003; 188:794-9 in the plasma of women with preeclampsia. 2003;188:1234-7 Arbel R, Rojansky N, Klein BY, Levitzki R, Hartzstark Z, Laufer N Residents papers 3en-Bassat H. Inhibitors that target protein kinases for the Adams Y (see Nelson et al). 2003;:1 treatment of ovarian carcinoma. 2003;188:1283-90 \ittomaki K (see Vaisanen-Tommiska et ; 2003;188:779-85 Archibold E (see Emory et al). 2003;188:S26-32 (Symposium) Akyol D (see Ferber eta l Residents’ papers Ardon H (see Devlieger et al). 2003;188:844-8 Alcazar JL, Mercé LT, Laparte ¢ rado M, Lopez-Garcia G. A \rici A, Sozen I. Expression, menstrual cycle-dependent activation new scoring system to dniel terentiaté benign from malignant and bimodal mitogenic effect of transforming growth factor-B1 adnexal masses. 2003: 188:685-92 in human myometrium and leiomyoma. 2003;188:76-83 Alexander GR (see Boulet et al). 2003: 188:1372-8 Arici A (see Matalliotakis et al). 2003;188:1103-4 Alexander GR ( see Salihue t al). 2003: 188:1305-9 Arici A Mulayeitm a l). 2003;188:651-6 Al-Inany HG (see Aboulghar et al 003;1 371-5 Arikan i¥ (see Money et al) 003;188:122-8. Correction Allaire G (see Tran-Thanh et al). 2003:188:199-34 2003: 188: 1038 Allen JE, King MR, Farrar DF, Miller DS, Schorge JO. Postmolar Arnon | (see Diav-Citreti nal) . 2003;188:282-5 surveillance at a trophoblastic disease center that serves ASCUS-LSIL Triage Study (ALTS) Group | Cox et indigent women. 2003:188:1151 Residents papers) 2003;188:1406-12 (Editors’ choice) Allen MH (see Quintero et al). 2003;188:1333-40 ASCUS LSIL Triage Study (ALTS) Group (see Guido et Allen RH. Complete brachial plexus impairment: a traction- 2003:188:1401-5 (Editors’ choice related injury. 2003;188:858-9 (Letter ASCUS-LSIL Triage Study (ALTS) Group (see Solomon et « Altekruse SF, Lacey JV Jr, Brinto Gravitt PE, Silverberg SG 2003; 188:1383-90 (Editors’ choice) Barnes W A fi Greenberg michael OC, McGowan | \SCUS-LSIL Triage Study (ALTS) Group (see Solomon et Mortel R, Schwartz PE, Hild \. Comparison of human 2003: 188:1391-400 (Editors’ choice) papillomavirus genotypes, s¢ ind re productive risk factors Ashok PW (see Hamodeta a l). 2003:188:1315-9 of cervical adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma Ashton-Miller JA (see Tunn et al). 2003;188:116-21 Northeastern United States. 2003 188:657-63 Athayde N (see Wanegt a l). 2003;188:510-6 Altshuler L. (see Hendricke t al). 2003:188:812-5 Atkinson MW (see Adams et al). 2003;188:1234-7 (Reside Amann K (see Trollmanne t al). 2003;188:517 papers) Amer-Wahlin I (see Noréne t al 003: 188: 183-92 AtkuruL V (see Goldbeertg a l). 2003;188:1447-53 Ameve L (see Van den Bosch et al). 2003;188:1249-53 Au KT (see Wanetg a l). 2003;188:997-1001 Amon E (see Krausse t al). 2003;188:1484-90 Avni FE (see Ismaili et al). 2003;188:242-6 Amonkar M (see Glover et al). 200 IS8&: 1039-45 Amortegui A (see Haggerty et al). 2003:188:141-8 Amortegui AA ( see Yudine t al). 2003;188:318-23 An H] (see Cho et al). 2003;188:56-62 Anachebe NF, Sutton MY. Racial disparities in reproductive health Badway DM (s ee Katz et al). 2003;188:1113-4 outcomes. 2003:188:837-42 (S mposium sae I (see Baek et al). 2003;188:654-9 AnanthC V, Demissie K, Hanley ML. Birth weight discordancy and Baek W-K, Kim D, Jung N, Yi Y-W, Kim JM, Cha S-D, Bae I, Cho adverse perinatal outcomes among twin gestationsi n the United C-H. Increased expression of cyclin G1 in leiomyoma compared States the effect of placenta ibruption. 2003-188:954-60 with normal myometrium. 2003;188:634-9 Bagis T (see Gokcel et al). 2003;188:1661 (Letter) sagnoli A (see Seracchioli et al). 2003;188:1093-5 Baird DD, Dunson DB, Hill MC, Cousins D, Schectman JM. High January, 1-302; February, 303-604; March, 605-862, cumulative incidence of uterine leiomyoma in black and white women: ultrasound evidence. 2003;188: 100-7 S1-S24; April 863-1120, $25-S42: May, 1121-1380, saird SM (see Jenkins et al). 2003;188:549-52 $43-S76; June, 1581-1724, S77-S88 Saker PN (see Wareinge t al). 2003;188:196-202 American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology June 2003 1669 1670 Author Index Balderston KD vers C\ umnevy PJ], Montgomery D. Is the Blessed WB Welch et al). 2003:188:600 (Letter incidence il hemorrhage increaisn epdat ients Blickstein I, Jacques DI Keith LG. A novel ipproach ith third-trimester bleeding? 20053:188:1615-21 intertriplet birth weight discordance. 2003; 188: 1026-30 Bam RH (see Cronjé et al). 2003; 188:395-400 Bodner-Adler B ¢ Leitiect ha l). 2003;188:752-8 Banek CS, Hecher K, Hackeloer B], Bartmann P. Long-term s0ehm FH (see Jenkinse t al). 2003;188:549-52 velopmental outcom ter intr rine laser treatment Bofill JA ¢ Morrison et al). 2003-188: 1460-7 2003-1 88:876-80 Borko | Zegura et al). 2003:188:1291-6 Bornick PW Quinteerto a l). 2003:188:1333-440 BarneWAs |i 2003: 188:657-63 Bost BW. Cesarean delivery on demand hat Barnhart KT, Gi Wheelet {I | sefulness of 2003; 188:141 (Editors’ choice Pipelle endometrial bic yin iagnosiso f women at risk for BoucherM (see Bujold et al). 2003; 188:1454-9 ectopK preginan Boulet Sl r GR, Salihu HM, Pass M. Macrosomic births Barnhart KT (see ara an umnhart). 2003;188:623-7 in the | determinants, outcomes, and proposed opinion grades of ri 103; 188:13728 Barrett [FR rle et »;1 88:220-7 Boulton | 2003; 188:617-22 (Editors Barrett| P (see Katze t al 0035; 188:1113-4 BoulvainM (se illent i al). 2003;188:162-7 Barrilleaux PS Magar il). 2003:1 BoumanA (5 " wwenhoveetn al). 2003 BartelingMsM (see Haak 9003: 188-727 Bovicelli I 2003: 188:927-3 1 Bartha |l ee Soothill et 2003: 188: 1107-8 BownS (see Visvat in et al). 2003;188:860 (Letter Bartmann P 2003; 188:876-80 (Editors’ choice Boyd CAR il). 2003; 188:719-26 sarton JR ( see 200%: LS8: 1504-8 Bovles SH I \M,. Mevn L. Procedures for pelvic orga say R¢ ee Steen i 2003 Residents papers prolapse Tt ited States. 1979-1997. 2003-188: 108-15 Bebbington M ! | | 166-7 | Brace RA eshmand et al). 2003:188:786-93 Bedrick EJ 5 Brady MI] rman al 003: 188:1171-3 (Residents Beinder | ee lrollmann et 20035: 188 papers BelfortMA . Cereb i} mion pressure Branigan EI indomized clinical tria be the il Geterminant r lomiphe resistant anovulation with preeclampsia: a hypothesis. 200138 8:;860 . Letter repl contracept suppression and repeat clomiph Ben-Bassat H ( see bel 225-90) nt. 2¢ ) 124-30 (Editors’ choice Bennett B (see Bustard ul ’ Ls! ter repl DM oO il 2003; 188:1158-60 (Reside Bennett PR papcrTs BennettP R Bremer RI ( tal). 2003;188:1141 Benne Brewster WR nk ind Brewste1 pape Editorial Berek| S. Simplificati« N ‘ i 2001 ¢ jrinton LA Alt ise et al). 2003:188:657-63 System. 200%: [88:S2-7 srizendine | Muton al). 2003;188:1477-83 Berger LA (see Singh eta 2003: LR8:910-% Brizot MI 2003; 188:214-9 Berkman ND, Thorp [M |r yhr KN ! tS, Hartmar Bronshtein M nn EZ, Blazer S. A characteristic cluster of Gavin NI, Hasselblad V, IdiculaA olytic treatmet fetal sonog irkers that are predictive of fetal management | prete ! i svndrome in pregnancy. 2003-188: 1016-20 900IR%8&: :16 48-59 \je > revi Brown AJ (sé soent al). 2003; 188:1565-72 Berkova Z, Kaufmann RH, | Brown EB etal). 2003: 188:887-95 etlect Brown ZA Vatts il). 2003: 188:836-43 Bru I Sé lon 2003: 188:35-44 | NODtS Brunbauer M tich et al). 2003;188 Bermuce RA. Placental tvpes and Brvant-Greet Millar et al twin-twint r Isic . ror 9003-188:11 , Letter re | Buchanan P sick il). 2003; 188 Bermudez ¢ see unter 1). 2003: 188:1 Buck HW 2003: 188:330-5 BernsteinIM , Shapiro | \. Schonber Buekers TI 92003; 188:1 115-6 of plasma volume to athe ) in Buescher al 2003; 188:1238-40 2005: [R8:058-42 papers BernsteinP S (see Mo Bufkin| 2003; 188:862 (Letter reply papers Buhimsch 1 nschi LA Malinovy AM Neiner CP. Berretta M¢ ve Llorente et al 2003 Myometrial ess during human labor and immediately Besinger RI ee Mittendorfe t al). 2003: 188:1438-46 post partum ) 553-9 BeucherG (see Carlese t al). 2003; 188:794-9 Buhimschi CS nschi LA, Malinow AM, Weiner CP. Uterine Bhandari V (see Smulian et al). 2003;188:269-7 contractiitt l omen whose fetus 1\ im the Bhatti H (see Wareinge t al). 2003;188:196-202 occip|i topost« r position. 2 2003: 188:734-9 Bhaumik ] (see Hefini « 200%: [S8:645-5( Buhimschi CS Juhimschi et al). 2003: 188:203-8 Billen | (see Verhaeghe 2005: 188 Buhimschi LA, Buhimschi CS, Weiner CP. Protective effect of sirch P é Mone ta 2003: 188:129 wrection 2005 N-acetyicysteine against fetal death and preterm labor induced LSS: 1038 by maternal inflammation. 2003; 188:203-8 Bisharah M, Tulandi T. | uparoscopic preservation of Buhimschi LA (see Buhimschi et al). 2003; 188:553 function: an underused procedure. 2003; 188:367-70 Buhimschi LA Buhimschi et al). 2003;188:734-9 BittarR E (see da Fonseceta a l). 2003;188:419-24 Bujold E, Gauthier RJ, Hamilton EF. Impact of single-o1 Blackburn CA, Keelan JA, Taylor RS, North RA. Maternal serum double-laver closure on uterine rupture. 2003;188:603 (Letter activin Ai s not elevated before preeclampsia In women who are reply ut high risk. 2003; 188:807-11 Bujold E, Hamilton EF, Gauthier RJ. The impact of a single- o1 Blackstone | (see Waext al). 2003;188:1 105-6 double-layer closure on uterine rupture. 2003;188:296 (Lette BlackwellS C. Five-year experience with midtrimester amniocentesis reply) pe rformed by a single group of obstetrician gynecologists ata Bujold E, Hamilton EF, Gauthier RJ. Impact of single- o1 community hospital. 2003;188:600-1 (Letter reply) double-laver closure on uterine rupture 2003; 188:601-2 (Letter Blazer S (see Bronshtein et al). 2003:188: 1016-20 reply) Volume 188, Number 6 Author Index 1671 Am | Obstet Gynecol sujold E, Marquette GP, Ferreira E, Gauthier RJ, Boucher M han JK, Morrow J, Manetta A. Prevention of ureteral injuries in Sublingual nitroglycerin versus intravenous ritodrine as gynecologic surgery. 2003;188:1273-7 tocolytic for external cephalic version: a double-blinded han OY (see Chia et al). 2003;188:425-33 randomized trial. 2003;188:1454-9 han P] (see Rowland et al). 2003;188:1156-7 (Residents papers) Jukowski R, Burgett AD, Gei A, Saade GR, Hankins GD\ han W (see Sarrel et al). 2003;188:304-9 (Editors’ choice) Impairment of fetal growth potential and neonatal enceph- hang S-D (see Chao et al). 2003;188:597 (Letter reply) alopathy 2003; 188:1011-5 hao A (see Chao et al). 2003;188:597 (Letter reply) Burdge DR (see Money et al). 2003;188:122-8. Correction 2003 hao AS, Chao A, Cheng P-], Chang S-D. Biochemical screening 188-1038 for Down syndrome in renal failure. 2003;188:597 (Letter reply) Burgett AD (see Bukowski et al). 2003;188: 1011-5 hapnick E (see Kaplan et al). 2003;188:1154-5 (Residents Burke L (see Guideto a l). 2003;188:1401-5 (Editors’ choice) papers) Bustard M, Smith GN, Bennett B. The pharmacokinetics of hapron C (see Vercellini et al). 2003;188:606-10 (Editors’ choice glyceryl trinitrate with the use of the in vitro term human hard R (see Wax et al). 2003;188:1105-6 placental perfusion setup. 2003;188:1118-9 (Letter reply) hauhan SP, Magann E, Rodts-Palenik S, Bufkin L, Martin JN Jr Bytautiene E, Vedernikov YP, Saade GR, Romero R, Garfield RE Morrison JC. Subcutaneous stitch closure versus subcutaneous Effect of histamine on phasic and tonic contractions of isolated drain to prevent wound disruption after cesarean delivery: a uterine tissue from pregnant women. 2003;188:774-8 randomized clinical trial. 2003;188:862 (Letter reply) Bytautiene E (see Maul et al). 2003:188:1498-503 hauhan SP (see Carroll et al). 2003;188:1516-22 hauhan SP (see Magann et al). 2003;188:1523-8 hauhan SP (see Morrison et al). 2003;188:1460-7 havarria ME, Lara-Gonzalez I Gonzalez-Gleason A Garcia-Paleta Y, Vital-Reyes VS, Reyes A. Prostacyclin abbad MF (see Jones et al). 2003;188:503-9 thromboxane early changes in pregnancies that are agnacci A, AranginoS , Renzi A, Zanni AL, Volpe A. Raloxifene complicated by preeclampsia. 2003; 188:986-92 does not influence flow-mediated endothelium-dependent and havkin W, Paltrow LM. Physician attitudes concerning legal endothelium-independent vasodilatation of osteopenic coercion of pregnant alcohol and drug users. 2003;188:298 postmenopausal women. 2003;188:313-7 (Letter) agnacci A, Zanni AL, Volpe A. Administrationo f raloxifene does hellakooty M (see Lonberg et al). 2003;188:247-51 not influence 24-hour imbulatory blood pressure of hen | (see Wang et al). 2003;188:997-1001 postmenopausal women with osteopenia: a double-blind heng P-] (see Chao et al). 2003;188:597 (Letter reply) placebo-controlled study. 2003; 188:1278-82 hervenak FA, McCullough LB. Achieving equipoise in aire | (see Twickler et al). 2003;188:492-6 maternalfetal surgery. 2003;188:855-6 (Letter reply) alhoun BC (sOe’B eoyl e et al). 2003;188:1380 (Letter reply) hesshyre E. (see Curley et al). 2003:188:871-5 (Editors’ choice) ameron IT (see Gaudoin et al). 2003:188:611-6 (Editors’ choice heung CY (see Daneshmand et al). 2003;188:786-93 ampbell JQ (see Lowery et al). 2003;188:1491-7 hevalier | (see Emory et al). 2003;188:S26-32 (Symposium) anadian Neonatal Network ee Lee et al). 2003;188:617-22 hew SK (see Chia et al). 2003;188:425-33 (Editors’ choice) hia K-S (see Wang et al). 2003;188:324-9 arey JC (see Hauth et al). 2003;188:831-5 hia SE, Shi LM, Chan OY, Chew SK, Foong BH. Parental arey jc (see Schwartz et al). 2003;188:439-43 occupations and other risk factors associated with nonchrom- arey TS (see Berkman et al). 2003;188:1648-59 (AJOG reviews) osomal single, chromosomal single, and multiple birth defects: a arles G, Tobal N, Raynal P. Herault S, Beucher G, Marret H population-based study in Singapore from 1994 to 1998 Arbeille P. Doppler assessment of the fetal cerebral hemo- 2003; 188:425-33 dynamic response to moderate or severe maternal anemia hihara H, Otsubo Y, Yoneyama Y, Sawa R, Suzuki S, Power GG 2003: 188:794-9 Araki T. Basal metabolic rate in hyperemesis gravidarum arpenter MW (see Lee et al). 2003;188:209-13 comparison to normal pregnancy and response to treatment arr K (see Jensen et al). 2003; 188:1629-37 2003:188:434-8 arranza-Lira S (see Jackson et al). 2003;188:389-94 hitayat D (see Lepage et al). 2003;188:1354-9 arriere KC (see Jin et al). 2003;188:800-6 ho C-H (see Baek et al). 2003;188:634-9 arroll CS Sr, Magann EF, Chauhan SP, Klauser CK, Morrison |( ho NH, An H], Jeong JK, Kang S, Kim JW, Kim YT, Park TK Vaginal birth after cesarean section versus elective repe al Genotyping of 22 human papillomavirus types by DNA chip cesarean delivery: weight-based outcomes. 2003;188:1516-22 in Korean women: comparison with cytologic diagnosis arroll CS Sr (see Morrison et al). 2003;188:1460-7 2003: 188:56-62 arter S (see Grosse t al). 2003; 188:1052-6 how KM (see Lam et al). 2003;188:597 (Letter) artin A (see Wax et al). 2003;188:1105-6 hristensen HD ( see Schwartz et al). 2003;188:439-43 arvajal JA, Thompson LP, Weiner CP. Chorion-induced hristiansen C (see Warming et al). 2003;188:349-53 myometrial relaxation is mediated by large-conductance huang L. (see Jhang et al). 2003;188:1195-7 (Residents’ papers) Ca-*-activated K* channel opening in the guinea pig. 2003 hun ML, Buekers TE, Sood AK, Sorosky JL. Postoperative wound 188:84-9] infection with Pasteurella multocida from a_ pet cat arvalho MHB (see da Fonseca et al). 2003;188:419-24 2003; 188:11 15-6 arvalho MHB (see Nishie et al). 2003;188:214-9 hung T (see Yipe t al). 2003;188:1244-8 asalino B (see Panici et al). 2003;188:71-5 ichna M (see Witt et al). 2003;188:816-9 astilloW (see Gross et al). 2003:188: 1052-6 incotta R (see Quinteroe t al). 2003;188:1333-40 astracane VD (see Kauffman and Castracane). 2003;188:1661-2 iociola F (see Di Lieto et al). 2003;188:702-5 (Letter reply) lapp JF II, Little KD, Widness JA. Effect of maternal exercise astro LC (see Silver et al). 2003;188:1320-5 and fetoplacental growth rate on serum erythropoietin atalano P (see Ehrenberg et al). 2003;188: 1096-9 concentrations. 2003;188:1021-5 ha S-D (see Baek et al). 2003:188:634-9 lark SL. Elective induction: an analysis of economic and health halmers | (see Gaudoin et al). 2003;188:611-6 (Editors’ choice) consequences. 2003;188:1664-5 (Letter) hames MC, Haddad B, Barton JR, Livingston JC, Sibai BM lark SL, Hankins GDV. Temporal and demographic trends in Subsequent pregnancy outcome in women with a history of cerebral palsy—fact and fiction. 2003;188:628-33 (Clin HELLP syndrome at £28 weeks of gestation. 2003;188:1504-8 opinion ) han A (see Yipe t al). 2003;188:1244-8 Cline JM (see Suparto et al). 2003;188:1132-40 (Editors’ choice) han FY (see Quinteroe t al). 2003;188:1333-40 Coates KW (see Pierce et al). 2003;188:1141-7 (Editors’ choice) 1672 Author Index June 2003 Obstet Gynecol ohen LM (see Kroumpouzos and Cohen). 2003;188:1083-92 Curtis KM, Hillis SD, Marchbanks PA, Peterson HB. The (AJOG reviews) endometrial-myometrial interface. 2003;188:857-8 (Letter ohenM (see Harlowe t al). 2003; 188:88 1-6 reply) ohn DE (see Updike et al). 2003;188:901-5 Cusick W, Buchanan P, Hallahan TW, Krantz DA, Larsen JW ]1 ohn F, Manetta A. A teachable moment: research ethics Macri JN. Combined first-trimester versus second-trimester revisited. 2003;188:2 (Editorial serum screening for Down syndrome a cost analysis le GA (see Sheetest al). 2003;188:916-26 2003; 188:745-51 LA (see Khanliane t al). 2003; 188:1254-9 Cutner A (see Visvanatheat nal ). 2003;188:860 (Letter reply ole LW (see Smithe t al). 2003;188:357-66 Cu-UvinS (see Harloetw a l). 2003;188:881-6 olemanR L. (see Schorge et al). 2003;188:640-4 olombo FM (see Seracchioelti a l). 2003;188: 1093-5 onnell R (see Visvanathane t al). 2003;188:860 (Letter reply D onsonni D see Vercellinie t al 2003: 188:606-10 (Editors choice da Fonseca EB, Bittar RE, Carvalho MHB, Zugaib M. Prophylactic ontant T (see Lee et al). 2003; 188:693-8 administrationo f progesterone by vaginal supposittoo rredyuc e oonrod DV (see Stegmann et al l > (Residents the incidence of spontaneous preterm birth in women at papers increased risk: a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind woreman BF (see Cronjé et al). 2003;188:395-400 study. 2003: 188-419-294 ype land LJ see | pdike etal). 2005; 188:901-5 Dallenbach P. Boulvain M. Viardot C. IrionO . Oral misoprostol o1 yrev L. (see Watts et al). 2003: 188:836-43 Va inal dinoprostone for labor induction: a randomized wry MP (see Sakala and Corry). 2003;188:1380 (Letter) controlled trial. 2003; 188:162-7 7 te I, Jacobs P, Cumming D¢ se of health services associated Daltveit AK (see Kolase t al). 2003:188:864-70 (Editors’ che with increased menstrual loss in the United States Damm P (see Lonberetg al). 2003:188:247-51 2003; 188:343-8 Daneshmand SS, Cheung CY, Brace RA. Regulation of amniotic ousinsD (see Bairde t al). 2003-188: 100-7 fluid volume | itramembr nous absorption in sheep role of outlée F (see Tran-Thanh et al). 2003;188:129-34 passive permeability and vascular endothelial growth factor ox JT, Schiffman M, Solomon D, ASCUS-LSIL Triage Study 9003: 188:7 786-93 ALTS Group. Prospective follow-up suggests similar risk of Danielsen B ilbert and Danielsen). 2003: 188:1596-601 subsequent cervical intr epithelial neoplasia grade 2 o1 Dansereau | ‘ illiams et al). 2003-188:1366-71 among women witl ical intraepithelial neoplasia grade | o1 Darney PD (see Steinauer et al). 2003:188:1161-3 (Residents negative colposco in irected biopsy. 2003;188:1406-12 papers Editors’ choice Darragh TM ee Robinseotn a l). 2003; 188:896-900 raib K (see Mone ta , orrection 2003 DavidM , SinhaP . The pharmacokineticso f glyceryl trinitrate with 188:1038 the use of the tro term human placental perfusion setup Residen 9003: 188:1118 (Letter papers Davila GW yynecologists are not encouraging a higher raigie S ( sé “ 2005; 135:98 | cesarean secuio ite. 2003;188:1660 (Letter Davila GW. Sing \. Kar panagiotou | Woodhouse S, Huber K Zimberg S, S« J. Kopka SL. Are women with urogenital atrophy sy nptomatic? 2003; 188:382-8 DavisG D (see O' Boyle eta l). 2003;188:1380 (Letter Mifepristone and misoprostol ar DavisNR (see Johnson et al). 2003;188:1565-72 metho + nisop! linical pr ce for abortio de Beer A (ss , et al). 2003:188:395-400 2003-188 ‘ De Brabanter |] n den Bosch et al). 2003;188 ritchlow CM ( see Ja et al). 2003;188:1341-7 Decamps | , al). 2003;188:1320-5 roak A, Abate rum Modrzakowski M. Predominan« De FalcoM r¢ 9013: 188:702-6 hromvcin resistan ul De Giorgi 2003-188:606-10 (Editors chore papers ( li et al). 2003;188:927-31 romptor DWI €@ SAVIO tal , ) rial Kroon ansen FW, Louwé LA, Dieben SWM in ronje HS, Parhan Ol ul : ivall yall Honweling [rimbos IB Technology assessment of R> H \ comparise rI ! } n P hods for I saline contr t hysters sonography‘ 2003: 188:945-. 9 neoplasia in a developing ¢ 195-400 DeLancey JO! organ et al). 2003;188:1183-5 (Residents rosignani PG f ( 1etal 188:606-10 papers choice DeLancey JOI ‘ 2003; 188:1 16-21 wley-NowickP A t ! ys| es de la Torre SH, Mandel L. Goff BA Evaluation of postoperative ruikshankDP . The impa f asing! w doubl rcl | fever: useful d cost-effectiveness of routine vorkup uterine rupture. 2003;188:295-6 (Letter 4W)3: TSR: 1 ruikshank SH, Muniz M. Outcomes stud comparison of cure de Leij LFMH in Nieuwenhoveetn a l). 2001883: 1:073 -7 rates n 695 patients indergoing sacrospinous ligament fixation Demissie K nal tal). 2003:188:275-81 lone and with other site-specific procedure vei ly Demissie K (se nanth et al). 2003:188:954-60 2003; 188: 1509-15 Deprest | (sé al). 2003;188:844-8 rum CP (see Sheetse t al). 2003:188:916-26 De RosaG (s al). 2003: 188:702-6 ummingD C (see Coté et al). 2003: 188:343-8 DerrickE ] (se " 2003: 188:461-5 ummings S (see Modelska and Cummings). 2003:188:286-93 Deutsch V (see Littnere t al). 2003:188:409-12 \JOG reviews DeVeaux R Gross et al). 2003; 188:1052-6 unninghamFG (see Zeemane t al 2003; 188:532-6 De vlieger R, Ardon H,. Verbist I Gratacos ft Pijnenborg R urley AE, Sweet DG, Thornton CM, O’Hara MD, Chesshvre | Deprest J. Increased polymorphonuclear infiltration and Pizzoui |, Wilbourn MS, Halliday HI Warner JA iatrogenic amniotic band after closure of fetoscopic access sites ( horioamnionitis and increased neonatal lung lavas with a bioactive membrane in the rabbit at midgestation matrix metalloproteinase-9 levels: implications for antenatal 2003: 188:844-8 origins of chronic lung disease. 2003:188:871-5 (Editors DevoP s(s ee Subtil et al). 2003: 188:524-31 choice) Dhont M (see Wildemeersch and Dhont). 2003;188:1297-8 Volume 188, Number 6 Author Index 1673 Am | Obstet Gynecol Diav-Citrin O, Shechtman S Arnon J], Lubart I, Ornoy A. El-Refaey H (see Sharma and El-Refaey). 2003;188:297-8 (Letter) Pregnancy outcome after gestational « xposure to mebendazolc Correction 2003;188:1378 a prospective controlled cohort study. 2003;188:282-5 El-Toukhy T (see Hefneti a l). 2003;188:645-50 Dickinson JE ( see Quintero et al). 2003;188:1333-40 Emanuel I (see Janssen et al). 2003;188:1341-7 Dieben SWM (see de Kroon et al). 2003;188:945-9 Emmet E (see Haver et al). 2003;188:1189-91 (Residents papers) Diehl SJ (see Leslie et al). 2003;188:1238-40 (Residents papers) Emory E, Ansari Z, Pattillo R, Archibold E, Chevalier J. Maternal Dietz HP. Mouritsen L, Ellis G, Wilson PD. Does the tension-fre« blood lead effects on infant intelligence at age 7 months vaginal tape stay where you put it? 2003;188:950-3 2003: 188:826-32 (Symposium ) Di Lieto A, Iannotti F, De Falco M, Staibano S, Pollio F, Ciociola F Endometrial Cryoablation Study Group (see Townsend et al) De Rosa G. Immunohistochemical detection of insulin-like 2003; 188:699-70 | growth factor type I receptor and uterine volume changes in Erkkola R. Response of uterine and umbilical circulations to gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog-treated uterine physical exercise. 2003;188:1379 (Letter) leiomvomas. 2003; 188:702-6 Ernest JM (see Hauth et al). 2003;188:831-5 Dillner | (see Lehtinen et al 2003: 188:49-55 Ervin MG (see Smith et al). 2003;188:444-53 DiPaolo JA (see Tran-Thanh et al). 2003;188:129-34 Escamilla JO. Cephalopelvic disproportion/failure to progress DiSaia P]. Shedding a new light on Bethesda III: new technologies diagnosis. 2003;188:1660 (Letter) in cervical screening. 2003;188:S1 Symposium ) Eskes TKAB (see Kok et al). 2003;188:978-80 Divall P (see Cronjeté a l). 2003;188:395-400 Espinosa B (see Gross et al). 2003;188:1052-6 Divon MY. Fetal gender affects ultrasound gestation at term Esplin MS, Fausett MB, Faux DS, Graves SW. Changes in the 2003;188:1666 (Letter reply isoformso f the sodium pump in the placenta and myometrium Divon MY (see Ferbere t al 2003: 188: 11] 228-30 (Residents’ papers) of women in labor. 2003;188:759-64 Dobbie R (see Gaudoin et al). 2003;188:61 1-6 (Editors’ choice Estes MA (see Branigan and Estes). 2003;188:1424 x0 (Editors Doherty DA (see Magann et al). 2003;188:1523-8 choice Dolber PC (see Pierce et al). 2003;188:1141-7 (Editors’ choice Eswaran H (see Lowery et al). 2003;188:1491-7 Dollberg S (see Littner et al 2003: 188:409-12 Ethier KA (see Niccolai et al). 2003;188:63-70 Dollberg S (see Mandel et al). 2003;188:193-5 Evans AT (see Lewiets a l). 2003:188:1413-7 (Editors’ choice) Dong Y-L, Wimalawansa S, Yallampalli ¢ I ffects of steroid Evans MI (see Wapner and Evans). 2003;188:300-1 (Letter re ply) hormones on calcitonin gene-related peptide receptors In cultured human myometrium. 2003;188:466-72 Donner C (see Ismaileti a l). 2003;188:242-6 Donovan EF (see Hashimoto and Donovan). 2003;188:1117 Faas MM (see van Nieuwenhoven et al). 2003;188:1073-7 (Letter reply) Falkay G (see Resch et al). 2003:188:993-6 Dotsch | (see Trollmanne t al). 2003;188:517-23 Farina A (see Sekizawa et al). 2003;188:4804 Dotson T (see Newman et al). 2003:188:264-8 Farquharson DF (see Williams et al). 2003;188:1366-71 Drescher KM, Monga M, Williams P, Promecene-Cook P. Farrar DF (see Allen et al). 2003;188:1151-3 (Residents’ papers) Schneider K. Perceived qualit #f life in pregnant adolescent Fausett MB (see Esplin et al). 2003;188:759-64 girls. 2003;188:1231-3 Residents papers) Faux DS (see Esplin et al). 2003;188:759-64 Drouin P (see Tran-Thanh et al). 2003;188:129-34 Felix JC. The science behind the effectiveness of in vivo screening Du W-B (see Wang et al). 2003;1 2003: 18 8:S8-12 (Symposium ) Duarte-Franco E (see Tran 200%: [88:1 99-34 FelixJ C (see Pan et al). 2003;188:1057-62 Dubuc-Lissoir | (see Tran 2003; 188:129-34 Ferber A, Grassi A, Akvol D, O’Reilly-Green C, Divon MY. The Dukler D, OepkesD , Seaward G, Windrim R, Rvan G. Noninvasive association of fetal heart rate patterns with nucleated red blood tests to predict fetal anemia 1 study comparing Doppler and cell counts at birth. 2003;188:1228-30 (Residents papers) ultrasound parameters. 2003;188:1310-4 Fernandes CE (see Jackson et al). 2003;188:389-94 Duleba A] (see Townsenetd a l). 2003;188:699-701 Ferreira E (see Bujold et al). 2003;188:1454-9 Dunson DB (see Baird et al). 2003; 188: 100-7 Ferriero DM (see Fujii et al). 2003;188:413-8 Duska LR (see Schorge et al). 2003;188:640-4 Figueroa R (see Kesselman et al). 2003;188:1220-2 (Residents papers) Figueroa-Casas P (see Jackson et al). 2003; 188:389-94 Fine D (see Wiley et al). 2003;188:1638-41 Eaton LA( see | pdike et al). 2003;188:901-5 Finlayson A (see Gaudoin et al). 2003;188:611-6 (Editors’ choice Ebina Y (see Todo et al). 2003:188 - Fisgus JR (see Ehrenberg et al). 2003;188:1096-9 EckLO (eseer Wiltey e t al). 2003 Fisher S] (see Taylor et al). 2003;188:177-82 Edelman A (see Johnson et al). 2003;188:1202-4 (Residents Fisk NM (see Sawdy et al). 2003;188: 1046-51 pape rs) Fisk NM (see Taylor et al). 2003;188:1119 (Letter) Eden J. Progestins and breas 2003;188:1123-31 (Editors Fisk NM (see Tocceti a l). 2003;188: 1002-10 choice) Fittkow CT (see Maul et al). 2003:188:537-41 Edwards RK, Kellner KR, Sistrom CL, Magyari E]. Medical student Fleckenstein JL. (see Twickler et al). 2003; 188:492-6 self-assessment of performance n obsteantd rgyineccolsog y Fleming R (see Gaudoin et al). 2003;188:61 1-6 (Editors’ choice clerkship. 2003; 188: 1078-82 (Ed cation Flett GMM (see Hamodeta a l). 2003;188:1315-9 Egan G ( see Halbaecth al ). 2003:1 88:1198-201 (Residents’ papers Fonseca L, Monga M, Silva ]. Postdating pregnancy in an indigent Egarter C (see Leiticeth a l). 2003;1 752-8 population: the financial burden, 2003;188:1214-6 (Residents’ Ehrenberg HM, Mercer BM, Catalano P, Fisgus JR. Pregnancy in a papers) spinal cord-injured bilateral total leg amputec management Fontenot MT (see Lewise t al). 2003;188:1413-7 (Editors’ choice) and considerations. 2003; 188: 1096-9 Fontenot MT (see Newman et al). 2003;188:264-8 Einarsson Jl, Sangi-Haghpeykar H, Gardner MO. Sperm exposure Foong BH (see Chia et al). 2003;188:425-33 and development of preeclampsia. 2003;188:1241-3 (Residents Fowle1 JM ( see | pdike et al). 2003; 188:901-5 papers) Fox jl (see Supartoe t al). 2003;188:1132-40 (Editors’ choice) Elkousy MA, Sammel M, Stevens E, Peipert JF, Macones G. The Fraley JK (see Llorente et al). 2005;188:1348-53 effect of birth weight on vaginal birth after cesarean delivery Franco E (see Tran-Thanhe t al). 2003; 188:129-34 success rates. 2003; 188:824-30 Francois K, Johnson JM, Harris C. Is placenta previa more Elliott JP (see Ogura et al). 2003;188:1223-5 (Residents papers) common in multiple gestations? 2003;188:1226-7 (Residents’ EllisG (see Dietze t al). 2003;188:950-3 papers) { 1674 Author Index Francois KI soharkhay N (see Pan et 2003: LSS: if Hh? pape s xokcel A Bagis T, Zevneloglu HB. Polycystic ovarian ndrome Frattarelli L( and insulin resista in white and Me xican American women papers 2003: 188: 1661 Letter Freda M¢ ‘ ri f 2003-188 wold MA (see Sheetets a l 2003: 188:916-26 papers ~Oldberg | Hyslop T, Tolosa JI Sultana ( FrontinoG 2003: 188:606-10 (Editors severe perineal lacerations ifter I uchs M a 104-9 (Editors’ choice 2003: [88: 1063-7 I iii EY, Takahashi mlama Roma erriero DM oldberg RP, Kwe Gandhi S, Atkuru LV, Sorensen M, Sand JT. Hemodynamic cha lurin lete umbilic PK. Urinary inco lence among motherso f multiples: the occlusion in ft hippoc iumpal neuro! protective et f cesarean delivery. 2003; 188: 1 , damage. 2003; 1388 sonik B, Zhang N, Grimm MJ]. Defining forces that are ciated niku lL. Fused u il te! | ntal cord inse with shoulder dvystocta the use of a mathem ! lami computer model. 2003: 188: 1068-72 ) sonzalez ¢ } tz eta l). 2003; 188:439-4 M. Mitsuda N sonzale7— sleaso havarriae t al 20053: L88:986-92 Mu Antenat prediction of| nonary hypoplasiab ,oodrum k i t al 2003; 188:1148-50 wceleration turn Hmonary arteries papers ry Doppk piood sotch | I i il). 2003: 188 S| tikudaH ee Ton ,oOuUMENOL italliotakeits a l). 2003-188 sracia CR ee Bar it etal 20018 38:9:06- 9 sranberg S 2003: 188:401-8 srason HA cholson eta l 200|3S S8::58 0. srassi A 1 t i al 902 0LS5S: :129 )8 -30? ad Galerne sratacos| t tal 2003 I8S8:84 200% raves CR 2003: 188:549. sraves SW 2003-168 759-4 ivett MG low tal 2003S: 1 88:252-)5 varbaciak JA |r vit P e Ty n tal). 2003:188:129 papers sravittP E ‘ ise et al 29003: 188:657-4 Palet sraziR 2003: 188:1169-70 (Resi MO sreen KI 2003: 188:740-4 sreenberg MID it ruse et al). 200%:188:657 RI eC! t w et al). 2003: 188:88 1-4 sartield RI 2003: 188: 1556-64 sarfield RI 2%Q003: LRS:R 16-9 O05: 1 S8:540 009 2003; 188:45-8 2003: IS8: 1068-7 il 2005: 188 luction: an anal 2003:188:1665 (Letter rey ine M Espinosa B, Car | DeVe 1ux R Salatia ¢ Mate im O-etoprotem human chorion gonadotropu vomen with hum odeticien Oo rus. 2003 tM) srosse-W ilde inborne t al). 2003:188 suidaM ( s¢ licano et al 2003: 188:1664 (Lette eply Bujold eta 2003 suido R. Sx Solomon D,. Burke L, ASCUS LSII lriage ¢ Berkmat 2003: 188: 1648 \JOG re Stud Posicolposcopy manageme! ategie Caro WMW (see H ley « 1). 2003 LS8:85! Letter for I red with low-grade squamous intraepithelial Bukowski et O03: 188: 1011 lesions papillomavirus DNA-—positi r alyplk il ¢ Ho squam of undetermined significance i two-veal prospecti 2003: 188:1401-5 (Editors’ choice sanopoulos JG 2005: 188 suise |-M 2003;188:1205-7 (Residents’ papers WM, Danielsen B nancy outcomes associated sull B, Kar Milsom I, Granberg S. Can ultrasound re pl we ne gre t} rik ym. 2003-188: 1596-601 e? A longitudinal evaluation of sittenberger-de Groot A¢ Haaekt al). 2003 postmenopa bleeding and transvaginal sonographi siudice LC (see Verhaeghe measuremen ndometrium as predictorso f endometrial siuliani A, Tamussino KI cancer. 2003 term singleton preecn surtman A (see Harlow et i 20031: 88:88 1-6 2005: 188: 1666 (Letter re pi suthrie KA \dar al). 2003;188:1234-7 (Residents’ papers slover DD, Amonkar M, Rvbeck Prescription over-the-counter ind herbal medicine use rural, obstetric population. 2003; 188: 1039-45 volt BA, Thompson T, Greer BE, Jacobs A, Storer B. Treatment of recurrent ylatinum resistant Ovarian O1 pe ritone il cancer with laak MC, Twisk [WR, Barte lings MM, Gittenberger-de Groot A¢ gemcitabine and doxorubicin i phase I/II trial of the Puget van Vugt JMG Ductus enosus flow velocities in relation to the Sound Oncology Consortium PSOK 1602). 2003: 188: 1556-64 cardiac defects first-trimester fetuses with enlarged nuchal Goff BA (seed e la Torre et al 2003: 188: 1642-7 translucency. 2003:188:7 Goff BA (see Muntz et a 2003: 188:1609-14 Hackeloer B] (see Baneekt al). 2003; 188:876-80 (Editors’ choice Volume 188, Number 6 Author Index 1675 Am | Obstet Gynecol Haddad B (see Chames et al). 2003;188:150448 Hefni M, El-Toukhy T, Bhaumik J, Katsimanis E. Sac rospinous Haddad B (see Livingston et al). 2003;188:149-52 cervicocolpopexy with uterine conservation for uterovaginal Haddad B ( see Louis-Sylvestre et al). 2003; 188:943-4 prolapse in elderly women: an evolving concept. 2003;188:645-50 Hadden DR (see Manderson et al). 2003;188:1326-32 Heineman M] (see van Nieuwerhoven et al). 2003;188:1073-7 HadjimichaelO C (see Altekruse et al). 2003;188:657-63 Heird WC (see Llorente et al). 2003;188:1348-53 Hagberg H (see Norén et al). 2003;188:183-92 Heise RH (see Ramsey et al). 2003;188:560-5 Hager R (see Kolase t al). 2003;188:864-70 (Editors’ choice) Henderson AD (see Janssen et al). 2003;188:1341- Haggerty CL, Ness RB, Amortegui A, Hendrix SL, Hillier SI Hendrick V, Smith LM, Suri R, Hwang S, Haynes D, Altshuler | Holley RL, Peipert J], Randall H, Sondheimer SJ, Soper DI Birth outcomes after prenatal exposure to antidepressant Sweet RL, Trucco G, PID Evaluation and Clinical Health medication. 2003; 188:812-5 (PEACH) Study Investigators. Endometritis does not predict Hendrix SL (see Haggerty et al). 2003;188:141-8 reproductive morbidity after pelvic inflammatory disease Henriksen T (see Kolase t al). 2003;188:864-70 (Editors’ choice) 2003;188:141-8 Henson MC (see Shi et al). 2003;188:1211-3 (Residents’ papers Hakama M (see Lehtinen et al). 2003;188:49-55 Herault S (see Carles et al). 2003:188:794-9 Halbach MM, Spann CO, Egan G. Effect of sleep deprivation on Herbst A (see Norén et al). 2003;188:183-92 medical resident and student cognitive function: a prospective Hickerson JW. Endometrial carcinoma: treatment and outcomes study. 2003;188:1198-201 (Residents papers) in the regional hospital setting. 2003;188:1573-8 Hale D (see Mutone et al). 2003:188:1477-83 Hiilesmaa V (see Vaisanen-Tommiska et al). 2003;188:779-85 Hale DS (see von Pechmann et al). 2003;188:1 111-2 Hildesheim A( see Altekruse et al). 2003;188:657-63 Hall JB. Can cervicography by improved? 2003;188:854 (Letter Hilgers RD (see Smith et al). 2003;188:357-66 Hall M (see Ismaili et al). 2003;188:242-6 Hill MC (see Baird et al). 2003;188:100-7 Hall W, McCracken K, Osterweil P, Guise J-M. Frequency and Hillier SL (see Haggerty et al). 2003;188:141-8 predictors for postpartum fecal incontinence. 2003;188: 1205-7 Hillier SL (see Hauth et al). 2003;188:831-5 (Residents papers Hillier SL (see Yudin et al). 2003;188:318-23 Hallahan TW (see Cusick et al). 2003;188:745-51 Hillis SD (see Curtise t al). 2003;188:857-8 (Letter reply) Hall-Craggs M (see Visvanathan et al). 2003;188:860 (Letter reply) Hindley JT, Gedroyc WMW, Regan L. Interstitial laser coagulation Halliday HL (see Curley et al). 2003;188:871-5 (Editors’ choice for uterine myomas. 2003;188:859 (Letter) Hamilton EF (see Bujold et a ] 2003; 188:296 (Letter reply) Hirtz DG (see Rouse et al). 2003;188:295 (Letter) Hamilton EF (see Bujolde t al). 2003:188:601-2 (Letter reply) Hoéckel M, Menke H, Germann G. Vaginoplasty with split skin Hamilton EF (see Bujold et a | 2003;188:603 (Letter reply grafts from the scalp: optimization of the surgical treatment for Hamoda H, Ashok PW, Flett GMM, Templeton A. Medical vaginal agenesis. 2003;188:1 100-2 abortion at 64 to 91 day f gestation: a review of 483 Hofoss D (see Kolas et al). 2003:188:864-70 (Editors’ choice) consecutive cases. 2003: 188:1315-9 Hogle KL, Hutton EK, McBrien KA, Barrett JFR, Hannah MI Hankins GDV (see Bukowski et al). 2003:188: 1011-5 Cesarean delivery for twins: a systematic review and Hankins GDV (see Clark and Hankins). 2003;188:628-33 (Clin meta-analysis. 2003; 188:220-7 opinion Holley RL (see Haggerty et al). 2003;188:141-8 Hankins GDV (see Suarez et al). 2003;188:973- / Hollev RL (see Nesse t al). 2003;188:599-600 (Letter re ply Hanley ML. (see Ananth et al). 2003;188:954-60 Holovanisin M (see Creinin et al). 2003;188:664-9 Hannah ME (see Hogle et al). 2003; 188:220-7 Holt VL (see Janssen et al). 2003;188:1341-7 / Hansen A (see Jensen et al). 2003:188:1629-37 Homan | (see Kanekoe t al). 2003;188:961- / Harlow SD, Cohen M, Ohmit SE, Schuman P, Cu-Uvin S, Lin X Howard D (see Tunn et al). 2003;188:116-21 Greenblatt R, Gurtman A, Khalsa A, Minkoff H, Young MA Hoyte L (see Singeth a l). 2003;188:910-5 Klein RS. Substance use and psychotherapeutic medications: a Huang ML (see Wattse t al). 2003; 188:836-43 likely contributor to menstrual disorders in women who are Huang T (see Lepagee t al). 2003;188:1354-9 seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus. 2003;188:881-6 Huber K (see Davilae t al). 2003:188:382-8 Harris C (see Francoiets a l). 2003;188:1226-7 (Residents’ papers) Hughes JP (see Mao et al). 2003;188:677-84 Harris DY (see Ramsey et al). 2003:188:560-5 Hunt BJ (see Stonete a l). 2003;188:454-60 Harrison TA (see Szurkus and Harrison 2003: 188:1 180-2 Husslein P (see Leitich et al). 2003;188:752-8 (Residents’ papers) Hutchon DJR. Fetal gender affects ultrasound gestation at term Hartmann KE (see Berkman et 2003;188:1648-59 (AJOG 2003: 188:1665-6 (Letter) reviews) Hutton EK (see Hogle et al). 2003; 188:220-7 Hartzstark Z (see Arbel et al). 2003:188:1283-90 Hwang S (see Hendrick et al). 2003;188:812-5 Hashimoto LN, Donovan EF. Effects of antenatal glucocorticoids Hyslop T (see Goldberge t al). 2003;188: 1063-7 on outcomes of very-low-birth-weight multifetal gestations 2003;188:1117 (Letter reply Hasselblad V (see Berkman et 2003: 188:1648-59 | AJC le reviews) Hauth JC, MacPherson C, Carey JC, Klebanoff MA, Hillier SI Iams JD. Supplemental progesterone to prevent preterm birth Ernest JM, Leveno KJ], W ipnel R, Varner M, Trout W 2003:188:303 (Editorial) Moawad A, Sibai B, National Institute of Child Health and lams JD (see Owen et al). 2003;188:586-96 ( AJC 1; reviews) Human Development Network of Maternal-Fetal Medicine lannotti F (see Di Lieto et al). 2003;188:702-6 Units. Early pregnancy threshold vagina! pH and Gram stain Ickovics JR (see Niccolai et al). 2003;188:63-70 scores predictive ot subsequent preterm birth in Idicula AE (see Berkman et al). 2003;188:1648-59 (AJOG reviews asymptomatic women. 2003;188:831-5 Ikegami M (see Jobe et al). 2003;188:22-8 (Editors’ choice) Hauth JC (see Owen et al). 2003;188:586-96 (AJOG reviews) Ikegami M (see Smith et al). 2003;188:444-53 Haver MC, Locksmith GJ, Emmet E. Irregular menses: an Ingemarsson I (see Kolas et al). 2003;188:864-70 (Editors’ choice) independent risk factor for gestational diabetes mellitus Ino K (see Khin et al). 2003;188:670-6 2003;188:1189-91 (Residents’ papers Irion O (see Dallenbach et al). 2003;188:162-7 Haynes D (see Hendriectk a l). 2003;188:8 'h e -—) Isacson C (see Muntz et al). 2003;188:1609-14 Heber WW (see Lee et al). 2003;188:209-1 >) Islam KB (see Svedas et al). 2003;188:168-76 Hecher K (see Baneke t al). 2003:188:876-80 (Editors’ choice) Ismaili K, Hall M, Donner C, Thomas D, Vermeylen D, Avni FE Hedley ML (see Sheetse t al). 2003;188:916-26 Results of systematic screening for minor degrees of fetal renal Heerschap A (see Kok et al). 2003;188:978-80 pelvis dilatation in an unselected population. 2003;188:242-6 1676 Author Index Jones |, Stevens Cl } yinsterm P Robertazzi R>I ibbad MF. Obstetric re r of placental umb slood volume tor trans sion. 2003: 188:503-9 Residents pape Jung N see Baeke t 29003: 188:654-9 JuradoM (see Al il). OOS: LS8:685-92 luul A (s nb 2005: 188:247-751 K Kaider A Le 103: 1S 8-759-8 Kajivan iH 2003: 188:670-6 Kanagawa "| utsetu al ). 2003; 18827 Kan ko M WI Richardson | n to electrocort y) ISS 56-62 2003: [SS:298-33 il (3: [R8: 768-7 2003: 188 reducil 003-188:357-66 2005: 1 RS:88 1-5 9003: 188:454-61 yhni nson ' DH Khanli \. Persistent nson DP, Da a pr nalig trophobl st 188:1254-9 Khin EI Kikk Kajivama H Suz Tamakoshi K, N Mizutani S. Dips pe ptidase I\ expressio il endometrioid Lcenocal oma ( 1 Johnson LK, Edelm:z | Pati nts 1uistactio! its inverse ith tumor grade. 200 } impact of bout postpartun con Kikkawa I 2003: [S8:670-4 decisions. 2003: 188:12029-4 its papers Killen H 2003; 188:461-5 Johnston |M see Narahara et 2003: 188:157-6) Kim D see| 2005: 188-634-9 Joliat M] see Pearlstein et al 900%: [RS:887-95 Kim ]M see Baek 20053: 188:634-9 Volume 188, Number 6 Author Index 1677 Am | Obstet Gynecol Kim JW (see Cho et al). 2003;188:56-62 Landy U (see Steinauer et al). 2003;188:1161-3 (Residents’ papers) Kim YT (see Cho et al). 2003;188:56-62 Laoag-Fernandez JB (see Motoyama et al). 2003;188:1260-4 King A (see Rowland et al). 2003;188:1156-7 (Residents’ papers) Laparte C (see Alcazar et al). 2003;188:685-92 King MR (see Allen et al). 2003;188:1151-3 (Residents’ papers) Lara-Gonzalez L (see Chavarria et al). 2003;188:986-92 Kingdom ] (see Lepage et al). 2003;188:1354-9 Lara-Torre E, Pinkerton JS Accuracy of detection of Trichomonas Kiviat N (see Mao et al). 2003;188:677-84 vaginalis organisms on a liquid-based Papanicolaou smeat Kjellmer I (see Norén et al). 2003;188:183-92 2003; 188:354-6 Klapow JC (see Kovac et al). 2003;188:707-13 Larsen JW Jr (see Cusick et al). 2003;188:745-51 Klauser CK (see Carroll et al). 2003; 188:1516-22 Lauenborg | (see Lonberg et al). 2003;188:247-51 Klebanoff MA (see Hauth et al). 2003;188:831-5 Laufer N (see Arbel et al). 2003;188:1283-90 Klein BY (see Arbel et al). 2003; 188:1283-90 Lea JS (see Schorge et al). 2003;188:6404 Klein RS (see Harlow et al). 2003;188:881-6 Leclerc G (see Subtil et al). 2003;188:524-31 Kleinberg MJ, Straughn JM Jr, Stringer JSA, Partridge EE. A Ledger WJ. Effectiveness of inpatient and outpatient treatment cost-effectiveness analysis of management strategies for cervical strategies for women with pelvic inflammatory disease. 2003 intraepithelial neoplasia grades 2 and 3. 2003;188:1186-8 188:598 (Letter) (Residents papers) Lee C, Mancuso V, Contant T, Jackson R, Smith-McCune K Ko S-F, Ng S-H, Lin H. Postpartum hemorrhage mistakes Treatment of women with low-grade squamous intraepithelial 2003;188:6034 (Letter reply lesiono cyntolsogi c evidence or biopsy results by board-certified KodamaY (see Fujiie t al). 2003;188:413-8 gynecologists 2003: 18 8:693-4 Kok RD, Steegers-Theunissen RPM, Eskes TKAB, Heerschap A Lee DSC (see Lee et al). 2003;188:617-22 (Editors’ choice) van den Berg PP. Decreased relative brain tissue levels of inositol Lee H-P (see Wang et al). 2003;188:324-9 in fetal hydrocephalus. 2003;188:978-80 Lee | (see Wang et al). 2003;188:324-9 Kolas T, Hofoss D, Daltveit AK, Nilsen ST, Henriksen T, Hager R, Lee K-S (see Mittendorf et al). 2003;188:294-5 (Letter reply) Ingemarsson I, Mian P. Indications for cesarean deliveries in Lee SK, McMillan DD, Ohlsson A, Boulton J, Lee DSC, Ting S Norway. 2003;188:864-70 (Editors’ choice) Liston R, Canadian Neonatal Network. The benefit of preterm Kopka SL (see Davilae t al). 2003;188:382-8 birth at tertiary care centers is related to gestational age Korst LM (see Gregory and Korst). 2003;188:1602-8 2003; 188:617-22 (Editors’ choice) Korst LM (see Silver et al). 2003:188:1320-5 Lee SK (see Mao et al). 2003;188:677-84 Koskela P (see Lehtinen et al). 2003;188:49-55 Lee T, Carpenter MW, Heber WW, Silver HM. Preterm premature Koushik A (see Tran-Thanh et al). 2003;188:129-34 rupture of membranes: risks of recurrent complications in the Koutsky LA (see Mao et al). 2003;188:677-84 next pregnancy among a population-based sample of gravid Kovac SH, Klapow JC, Kroenke K, Spitzer RL, Williams JBW women. 2003;188:209-13 Differing symptoms of abused versus nonabused women it Leet TL (see Krausse t al). 2003;188:1484-90 obstetric-gynecology settings. 2003;188:707-13 Lehtinen M, Pawlita M, Zumbach K, Lie K, Hakama M, Jellum FE Krantz DA (see Cusick et al). 2003;188:745-51 Koskela P, Luostarinen T, Paavonen J, Pukkala E, Sigstad FE Krauss MJ, Morrissey AE, Winn HN, Amon E, Leet TI Choresen S, Dillner J. Evaluation of antibody response to Microcephaly: an epidemiologic analysis. 2003;188:1484-90 human papillomavirus early proteins in women in whom Kroenke K (see Kovac eta l). 2003;188:707-1 cervical cancer developed | to 20 years later. 2003;188:49-55 Krohn MA (see Yudin et al). 2003;188:318-2 5 Leidwanger C (see Livingston et al). 2003;188:149-52 Kroumpouzos G, Cohen LM. Specific dermatoses of pre; Fy nancy Leininger C] (see Luthy et al). 2003;188:1579-87 an evidence-based systematic review. 2003;188:1083-92 (AJOG Leitich H, Brunbauer M, Bodner-Adler B, Kaider A, Egarter ¢ reviews ) Husslein P. Antibiotic treatment of bacterial vaginosis in Kruger M (see Abel and Kruger). 2003;188:297 (Letter reply pregnancy: a meta-analysis. 2003; 188:752-8 Kruger M (see Abel and Kruger). 2003;188:299 (Letter reply Lepage N, Chitayat D, Kingdom J], Huang T. Association between Kublickiene KR (see Svedase t al). 2003;188:168-76 second-trimester isolated high maternal serum human Kudo Y, Bovd CAR, Sargent IL, Redman CWG. Decreased chorionic gonadotropin levels and obstetric complications in tryptophan catabolism by placental indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase singleton and twin pregnancies. 2003;188:1354-9 in preeclampsia. 2003;188:719-26 Lepine LA (see Potter et al). 2003;188:1192-4 (Residents’ papers) Kuehl T] (see Pierce et al). 2003;188:1141-7 (Editors’ choice Leslie H (see Manderson et al). 2003;188:1326-32 Kumar S (see Tocceti a l). 2003;188: 1002-10 Leslie JC, Galvin SL, Diehl S], Bennett TA, Buescher PA. Infant Kupittayanant S (see Pierce et al). 2003;188:1031-8 mortality, low birth weight, and prematurity among Latina Kuypers ] (see Mao et al). 2003;188:677-84 white, and African American women in North Carolina Kwon C (see Goldberge t al). 2003;188:1447-53 2003;188:1238-40 (Residents’ papers) Letterie GS. Medical education as a science: the quality of evidence for « omputer-assisted instruction. 2003;188:849-53 (Education) Lacey JV Jr (see Altekruse et al). 2003;188:657-63 Leung P (see Yip et al). 2003;188:1244-8 Lacoste H (see Welch et al). 2003;188:600 (Letter) Leveno KJ (see Hauth et al). 2003;188:831-5 LaCoursiere DY, Nager CW. A comparison of two models of Levitzki R (see Arbel et al). 2003;188:1283-90 gynecology service consultation to the emergency department Lewis DF, Adair CD, Robichaux AG, Jaekle RK, Moore JA, Evans in an academic medical center. 2003;188:1166-8 (Residents AT, Fontenot MT. Antibiotic therapy in preterm premature papers) rupture of membranes: are seven days necessary? A preliminary, LaHue AK (see Nelson et al). 2003;188:1541-50 randomized clinical trial. 2003;188:1413-7 (Editors’ choice) Lai-Lin Y-L (see Smulian et al). 2003;188:269-74 Lewis DF (see Major et al). 2003;188:1551-5 Lam CM, Wong SF, Chow KM. Biochemical screening for Down Lewis DF (see Newman et al). 2003;188:264-8 syndrome in renal failure. 2003;188:597 (Letter) Lewis ]B (see Niccolai et al). 2003;188:63-70 Landen CN Jr, Mathur SP, Richardson MS, Creasman WI Li Q (see Salihu et al). 2003;188:1305-9 Expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in cervical, endometrial, and Liao AW (see Nishie et al). 2003;188:214-9 ovarian malignancies. 2003;188:1174-6 (Residents’ papers) Lie K (see Lehtinen et al). 2003;188:49-55 Landen CN Jr, Younger NO, Sharp BAC, Underwood PB. Cancer Lieberman E (see Shipp and Lieberman). 2003;188:601 (Letter) patients’ satisfaction with physicians: Princess Margaret Hospital Liebling RE (see Murphy and Liebling). 2003;188:542-8 Satisfaction with Doctor questionnaire results. 2003;188:1177-9 Lin H (see Ko et al). 2003;188:603-4 (Letter reply) (Residents’ papers) Lin X (see Harlow et al). 2003; 188:881-6 1678 Author Index ListonR (see Lee et al). 2003:188:617-22 (Editors choice Magann E (see Chauheat na l). 2003;188:862 (Lette1 reph Litthe KD (see Clapept al). 2003;188:1021-5 Magann EF, Chauhan SP, Doherty DA, Barrilleaux PS, Martin JN ]1 Littner Y, Mandel D, Sheffer-MimouniG , MimouniFB , Deutsch \ MorrisonJ C. Predictability of intrapartum and neonatal outcomes Dollberg S. Nucleated red blood cells in infantso f mothers with with the amniotic fluid volume distribution: a reassessment using wthma. 200%: 188:409-19 the amniotic fluid index, single deepe st pocket, and a ittner Y (see Mandel et al). 2003;188:193-5 dye-determined amniotic fluid volume. 2003;188:1523-8 Liu JH (see Simon et al). 2003;188:92-9 MagannE F (see Carroletl a l). 2003; 188:1516-22 Livingston JC, Lilata E, Rinehart | idw C, Mabie B MagannE F ( se wrisoent al). 2001883: 1;460 -7 Haddad B, Sibai B. Gentamicin and clindamycin therapy Magee KP (s | il). 2003; 188:492-6 postpartum encometritis: the ettice ily dosing versus Magtibay PM ( see y et al). 2003;188:560-5 ce sing every 8 hours. 2003;188:149-52 Magyari EF] d eta l). 2003;188: 1078-82 (Education Livingston| C (see Chamese t al). 2003;188:1504-8 Mahutte NG (see Matalliotakeits a l). 2003;188:1 103-4 Liata E (see Livingstone t al). 2003;188:149-52 Main KM eLo rg eta l). 2003;188:247-51 Llorente AM, Jensen CL, Voigt RG, Fraley |K, Berretta MC, Heird Major CA ow CV, Lewis DF, Garite TJ. Expectant WC. Effect of maternal docosahexaenoic acid supplementation management of preterm premature rupture of membranes on postpartum depressior ind information processing complicatedb y active recurrent genital herpes. 2003;188:1551-5 2003: 188:1348-53 Malak SF (see Lo t al). 2003;188:1491-7 Lo ( ee North and Lo). 2003;188:1662-3 (Letter repl Malinow AM imscheti al). 2003:188:553-9 LobelSM (see Rothe t al). 2003;188:1169-70 (Residents papers Malinow AM (5 suhimscheti a l). 2003;188:734-9 Locksmith G] ee Haver et al 003: 188:1189-91 (Residents Malmgren JA itl t al). 2003;188:1579-87 papers Mancuso \ ‘ 1). 2003: 188:693-8 Loewenstein | | of automated hom« ood Mandel D ttner Y, Mimouni FB, Dollberg S pressure monitoring in preg 2003-188: 1662 (Letter blood c« n polvcvthemic infants. 2003: 188:193-5 LofferFD . Direct alizatio it uterine ¢ ( MandelD ( se itt et al). 2003;188:409-12 bett ri ! sal } rograph\ ) Mandel I cea I al). 2003:188 Mandel LS é \( 2003: 188:1234-7 (Residents papers ical er trial resectior Manderson |G Atte! C, Hadden DR, Traub Al, Leslie H lor menorrhagia: a prospective McCance DR putin concentrationst in maternal serum and randomized trialo 1 atistaction rate. 2003: 188:1064 (Lette cord piood aia t ind nondiabetk« pregnane Lohr KN (see Berkman et al). 2003;188:1648-59 (AJOG reviews 2003; 188:132 Lonberg LU, Damm indersson A-M, Main KM, Chellakooty M Manetta A il). 2003:188:1 4, Lauenborg J, Skakkeba uul n t aternal Manetta A ( s ind Manetta). 2003:188:2 (Editorial placental growth ormor rin reg ind Manolitsas TP ( sé pdike et al). 2003;188:901-5 disappearance dur | turition in ‘ | lg tl Mansour RI \boulghar et al). 2003;188:371-5 hormone—deficient pre ( ) i-f Mao C, Hughes| P, Kiviat N Kuypers ] Lee SK, Adam DE, Koutsky . , Longo M, Jain V, Vederniko " r f s of LA. Clinical find s among young women with genital human recombDinant humal ( p lant iter rt ind papilloma rus inf 1. 2003: 188:677-84 myometriuimn vit 2 1 7 Marchbanks PA urtis et al). 2003:188:857-8 Lopez-Garcia G izvar eta 5! Marconi D pi et al). 2003;188:7-12 (Editors Louis-Syl I dad Paniel B rea nt gin Marquette GP sujold et al). 2003;188:1454-9 outflow t ) 1 graf ho } Marret H ( les ef al). 2003-:188:794-9 188-943 Marri rT] ee lin 2003: R8:800-6 Louweé LA (5s net 2003: 188:945-9 Marsal K No 1 et al). 2003-188:183-929 Low JA, Killer Antepartum fetal asphyxia i Martin DC. End triosis: correlation between preterm pregnan 003 161-5 isual findings laparoscopy. 2003;188:1063 (Letter CL, Campbell JQ, Wilson JD, Murphy P. i F Martin JN Jr (se auh; tal). 2003:188:862 (Letter reply Eswaran H. Noninvasive antepartum rec g Martin JN |: inn et 29003: 188: 1523-8 segment with a newly developed 15 mn sol Martinez]M (s z etal). 2003;188:1119-20 (Letter reply system. 2003: 188:1491-7 MartineRzO ( se um Caajnd aMarltine z). 2003;188:153-6 Lubart I ee Diav-Citrin et a 20031; 88:2 ? Maruo I Motovam il). 2001885: 1;260 -4 Lucas MI ee Vidaett and is). 2003; 188:602-5 (Lettes Mastropietro MA “ n Pechmanne t al). 2003 Luck MB (see Robinsone t 2013:) 18 8-896-900 Matalliotakis IM ihutte NG, Goumenou Arici A Luostarinen T (see Lehtines 2003; }1 88:449 -55 Twenty-vear histo f endometriosis-associated pelvic pain: too Luoto R, Grenman S loner Pukkala E. Incre: isk of much surgery or not enough? 2003;188:1 103-4 thyroid cancer am« men with hvst tom ) Mathur SP d al 2003: 188:1174-6 Residents 188:45-8 papers) Luthy DA, Malmeren JA, Zingheim RW, Leininger ¢ J. Phy Matsuoka R awa eta 2003; 188:480-4 contribution to a cesarean delivery risk m 2003; 188:157 / Maul H, Bytaut Vedernikov Y, Garfield RE, Saade GR Lye S (see Sawdye t al). 2003:188:1046-51 Proteinase-activated receptor-2 activation induces uterine Lyerly AD. Achieving equipoise in n ial 1 i contractility in term pregnraatns tth at is not dependeonn mtas t 2003: 188:8354-5 (Letter cell activation nd cyclo-oxygenase products 201088: 3149:8-5 03 Maul H, Olson G, Fittkow CT, Saade GR, Garfield RE. Cervical M light-induced fluorescence in humans decreases throughout gestation and before delivery preliminary observations Ma XH, Wu WX, Nathanielsz PW. Gestation-related and 2003; 188:537 betamethasone-induced changes in 1|16-hvdroxysteroid Maulik D é c mi 2003-188:1220-2 (Residents dehydrogenase types | ind 2 in the b m D papers 9003:188:13-21 (Editors’ choice McBrien KA (see Hogle et al). 2003; 188:220-7 Mabie B ( see Livingstone t al). 2003:188:149-52 McCance DR (see Manderseot na l). 2003: 188:1326-32 MacMillanW (see Mittendorfe t al). 2003:188:1438-46 McCowan LME, Craigie S, Taylor RS, Ward C, McLintock C, North MaconesG (see Elkousy et al). 2003; 188:824-30 RA. Inherited thrombophilias are not increased in “idiopathic MacPherson C (see Hauth et al). 2003;188:831-5 small-for-gestational-age pregnancies. 2003;188:981-5 Macri JN (see Cusiectk a l). 2003;188:745-51 McCracken K ( see Haletl a l). 2003:188:1205-7 (Residents papers)

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