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American journal of numismatics. New York : American Numismatic Society, 1989- http://hdl.handle.net/2027/inu.30000025519863 0 4. a- s c- n y- b c- c # e s u _ s s Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike e c 3ac http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#cc-by-nc-sa-4.0 986org/ 551ust. This work is protected by copyright law (which includes 002hitr certain exceptions to the rights of the copyright holder 3000w.hat tuhnadte urs Uer.Ss .m laawy )m, bauket ,m suacdhe aasv afailiar bulsee uwnhdeerre aa pCprelicaatibvlee u.w Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. nw 27/ip:// You must attribute this work in the manner specified 20htt by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests e.net/ke / twhoarkt tmhaeyy been cdoopriseed, ydoisutr oibru yteodu, rd uisspela yoef dt,h aen wd operkrf)o. rTmheids handlareAli -p uarnpdo sdeesr iovnaltyiv (eif wyoour kasr eb ausnesdu ruep wohne irte - ab uuts efo isr nnoonn--ccoommmmeerrcciiaal,l dl.Sh contact the rights holder for clarification). If you alter, p://hcial- tthraen rsefsourlmtin, go rw bourkil do nulpyo unn dtheirs t wheo rska,m yeo uo rm saimyi ldairs tlircibenustee httmer to this one. Please check the terms of the specific Creative T / om Commons license as indicated at the item level. For MC details, see the full license deed at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0. 6 GNon 9:5on- 12-31 1Attributi 5-s 1n 0o 2m n m d oCo ateve GenerCreati 9,.*ri1 uf§ 0 4. a- s c- n y- b c- c # e s *£n u _ s s e c c 3a 986org/ 551ust. 002hitr 3000w.hat u.w nw 27/ip:// m& 20htt e.net/ke / handlareAli dl.Sh p://hcial- httmer T / om MC 6 GNon 9:5on- 12-31 1Attributi 5-s 1n 0o 2m n m d oCo ateve 'W% GenerCreati 0 4. a- s c- n y- b c- c # e s u _ s s e c c 3a 986org/ 551ust. 002hitr 3000w.hat u.w nw 27/ip:// 20htt e.net/ke / handlareAli dl.Sh p://hcial- httmer T / om MC 6 GNon 9:5on- 12-31 1Attributi 5-s 1n 0o 2m n m d oCo ateve GenerCreati 0 4. a- s c- n y- b c- c # e s u _ s s e c c 3a 986org/ 551ust. 002hitr 3000w.hat u.w nw 27/ip:// 20htt e.net/ke / handlareAli dl.Sh p://hcial- httmer T / om MC 6 GNon 9:5on- 12-31 1Attributi 5-s 1n 0o 2m n m d oCo ateve GenerCreati 0 4. a- s c- n y- b c- c # e s u _ s s e c c 3a 986org/ 551ust. 002hitr 3000w.hat u.w nw 27/ip:// 20htt e.net/ke / handlareAli dl.Sh p://hcial- httmer T / om MC 6 GNon 9:5on- 12-31 1Attributi 5-s 1n 0o 2m n m d oCo ateve GenerCreati American Journal of Numismatics, Second Series AMERICAN JOURNAL \ OF NUMISMATICS , 7-8 0 4. a- s c- n y- b c- c # e s u _ s s e c c 3a 986org/ Second Series, continuing 002551hitrust. T/ie American Numismatic Society Museum Notes 3000w.hat u.w nw 27/ip:// 20htt e.net/ke / handlareAli dl.Sh p://hcial- httmer THE AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY MT / Com NEW YORK 6 GNon 9:5on- 1995-96 12-31 1Attributi 5-s 1n 0o 2m n m d oCo ateve GenerCreati © Copyright 1997 The American Numismatic Society ISSN 0145-1413 ISBN 0-89722-265-2 , Indiana University 0 a-4. APR 2 2 1397 \ s c- n y- c-b Library Y> • c e# . >to » «t e a » » • « « • a ° • * * c' s s_u 3To /MY9Ai3 s e c c 3a 986org/ 551ust. 002hitr 3000w.hat u.w nw 27/ip:// 20htt e.net/ke / handlareAli dl.Sh COMPOSED AND PRINTED IN BELGIUM AT CULTURA, WETTEREN p://hcial- httmer T / om MC 6 GNon 9:5on- 12-31 1Attributi 5-s 1n 0o 2m n m d oCo ateve GenerCreati CONTENTS Greek Michael Ierardi. The Tetradrachms of Agathocles of Syracuse: A Preliminary Study 1 David Sellwood. The "Victory" Drachms of Phraates IV 75 Ed Dobbins. Countermarked Characene Tetradrachms of Attambelos IV 83 Roman and Byzantine Richard G. McAlee. Vespasian's Syrian Provincial Coinage 113 William E. Metcalf and William J. Fulco, S. J. Coins from the Excavations at Tell Nimrin 145 Y. T. Nercessian. Two Silver Coins of Gosdantin III of Cilician 0 Armenia 155 4. a- s c- n Islamic y- b #cc- Nezihi Aykut. Some Coins of Mas'ud I, Qilijarslan II, and the e us Maliks 161 _ s s e c c 3a Modern 986org/ 551ust. John M. Kleeberg. Reconstructing the Beach-Griinthal Hoard 3000002w.hathitr oHfoaCrodunterfeit Halfpence: The Montclair, New Jersey (1922) 187 u.w nw 27/ip:// Technology 20htt e.net/ke / Paul T. Keyser. Greco-Roman Alchemy and Coins of Imitation handlareAli Silver 209 http://hdl.mercial-Sh GileQsuaFd.ranCteasrteDre.termTihneedChfrroomnoloCghyemicoafl ACuogmusptoasnitionAssses and 235 T / om MC 6 GNon 9:5on- 12-31 1Attributi 5-s 1n 0o 2m n m d oCo ateve GenerCreati BOOK REVIEWS Ancient Vinogradov and Kryzickij, Olbia, Eine altgriechische Stadt im nordwestlichen Schwarzmeerraum. Elena Stolyarik 251 Hazzard and Weiser, Ptolemaic coins. Catherine C. Lorber 256 Berger, Die Miinzen der Romischen Republik im Kestner-Museum Hannover. Richard Schaefer 276 Callegher, Asolati and Crisafulli, Bernardelli et al., catalogues of Roman finds from Treviso and Venice. Roger Bland 287 Hollstein, Die stadlromische Miinzprdgung der Jahre 78-50 v. Chr. zwischen politischer Aklualitdt und Familienthematik: Kommentar und Bibliographie. Jane DeRose Evans 289 0 Kokkinos, Antonio Augusta: Portrait of a Great Roman Lady. a-4. Susan Wood 293 s c- y-n Kent, The Roman Imperial Coinage, vol. 10, The Divided Empire b cc- and the Fall of the Western Parts AD 395-491. Ralph W. # se Mathisen 299 u _ s s e c Oriental c 3a 551986ust.org/ Allouche, Mamluk Economics, A Study and Translation of Al- 002hitr MaqrCzi's Ighathan. Warren C. Schultz 305 3000w.hat Sandrock, Copper Cash and Silver Taels. Frederic G. Withington 311 u.w nw 27/ip:// 20htt e.net/ke / handlareAli dl.Sh p://hcial- httmer T / om MC 6 GNon 9:5on- 12-31 1Attributi 5-s 1n 0o 2m n m d oCo ateve GenerCreati AJN Second Series 7-8 (1995-96) © 1996 The American Numismatic Society THE TETRADRACHMS OF AGATHOCLES OF SYRACUSE: A PRELIMINARY STUDY (Plates 1-11) Michael Ierardi Agathocles of Syracuse, the first hellenistic king in Sicily, rose to 0 a-4. prominence as a soldier and mercenary commander. In 317 B.C. he s c- seized control of Syracuse in a bloody coup and for over a decade n by- waged war on both the cities of Greek Sicily and the Carthaginians. c- #c In imitation of the Diadochoi he declared himself king in 304 and, e us until his death in 289 B.C., he was the uncontested ruler of eastern _ s es Sicily and an influential force in southern Italy and the Adriatic.1 c c 3a 986org/ 551ust. 1 The chief literary sources for Agathocles' career are Diodorus of Sicily, 19.1-9, 002hitr 65, 70-72, 102-104, 106-110; 20.3-18, 29-34, 38-44, 54-72, 79, 101; 21.2-4. 8, 3000w.hat 15-17; and Justin's epitome of Pompeius Trogus, 22-23.2. The minor sources are u.w conveniently collected by H. Berve, Die Tyrannis bei den Griechen, vol. 2 (Munich, nw 27/ip:// 1967), pp. 728-31. For modern discussions, see K. Meister, "Agathocles," CAH2 7, 1 20htt (Cambridge, 1984), pp. 384-411; S. Consolo Langher, "La Sicilia dalla scomparsa di handle.net/areAlike / TG"Di.mieoVlaeHloleenrttr,escehadalsif.at, mLdaeosrteSAigcdialiitahAogkaalnettosicc,"ale.S2B,L'1iMntu(rNnoacdphulzeis1o,9n5e21,97dv9eo)l,lla. p5'p,B.ap2spi8.le9i1-a3-,7'4"72.;inaEnd. GHa.bbBaeravned, dl.Sh Research for this paper was begun during the 1990 Graduate Seminar at the p://hcial- American Numismatic Society. The author thanks the ANS staff, in particular httmer Carmen Arnold-Biucchi, Curator of Greek coins. Earlier drafts of this paper were 6 GMT / NonCom rJe.adPriwceit;hIehnacvoeurapgreomfiteendt fbroymE.suSg.geGstriuonesn, bRy. CR.. KSn.aSptpr,oudR. aRnd. HRo.lloJw.aAy., TaanldberMt.. 9:5on- 12-31 1Attributi 1 5-s 1n 0o 2m n m d oCo ateve GenerCreati

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