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2010] 729 declaration on competence, /D 620-26 Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Meth- jurisdiction, JD 620-28 ods of Warfare (1925), 87, 91 consideration of UN Declaration on the Rights Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) of Indigenous Peoples, LA 29-65 (1968) human rights system, /D 623-24 Review Conference of States Parties (2010) mandate to Senegal to prosecute Habré, /D (New York), CP 520-24 621-22 U.S. agreement to 2012 Conference on Organization ofA frican Unity (OAV), 14, 38 Nuclear-Free Middle East, CP 520-22 Agora: Piracy Prosecutions, Ag. 397 U.S. emphasis on non-proliferation and Air and space law, U.S. national space policy, CP Iran nuclear program, CP 520-24 666-68 U.S. joins consensus, issues press state- Al Bashir, Omar Hassan Ahmed, ICC arrest war- ment; CP 522-24 rant for, JD 461—67 U.S. sends observers, CP 299 Alemanno, Alberto, JD 467-74 UNSC adopts additional sanctions on Iran American Journal of International Law for nuclear program, CP 517-20 legal liability, Ed. 226-27 ).S. approach to nuclear arms reduction, CP 297-99 practice concerning communications from ).S. discloses size of its nuclear arsenal, CP authors reviewed, Ed. 226-27 521 American Treaty on Pacific Settlement (Pact of ).S. efforts to negotiate treaty banning pro- Bogota) (1949), 454 duction of fissile materials, CP 299 Arms control J.S. Vice President on strengthening of, CP Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), U.S. 299 Vice President calls for ratification, 297, 299 ).S.-Russia Treaty on Measures for the Further Convention on the Prohibition of the Devel- Reduction and Limitation of Strategic opment, Production and Stockpiling of Offensive Arms (New START), signing, CP Bacteriological (Biological) Weapons and 514-17 Their Destruction (1972) ).S. to consider verifiable space arms control U.S. rejection of draft verification protocol, measures, CP 666 CP 129 Arnold, Roberta, and Noélle Quénivet (eds.), U.S. strategy for preventing proliferation and International Humanitarian Law and Interna- bioterrorism, CP 129-32 tional Human Rights Law: Towards a New Convention on the Prohibition of the Devel- Merger in International Law, BR 168 opment, Production and Stockpiling of Arsanjani, Mahnoush H., and W. Michael Reis- Chemical Weapons and Their Destruction man, Interpreting Treaties for the Benefit of (1993), 91 Third Parties: The “Salvors' Doctrine” and the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Use of Legislative History in Investment Trea- Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of ties, Ed. 597 Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Art, Steven, see Kontorovich, Eugene Destruction (Ottawa Convention) (1997) Aviation, U.S.-EU second stage agreement on U.S. policy on landmines to be reviewed, CP “Open Skies” concluded, CP 302-03 300 letter supporting review, from U.S. Sena- Barton, John H., Judith L. Goldstein, Timothy E. tors to the President, CP 524-25 Josling, and Richard H. Steinberg, The Evolu- U.S. sends observer delegation to Second tion of the Trade Regime: Politics, Law, and Review Conference, CP 138-39, CP299- Economics of the GATT and the WTO, BR 300 334 Geneva Protocol for the Prohibition of the Bederman, David J. (Ed.), International Deci- Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or sions, 66, 241, 454, 620 730 THE AMERICAN JOURNAI OF INTERNATIONAL LAX [Vol. 104 Belgium, [CJ case on Senegal’s obligation to Canada prosecute or extradite Habré, CD 611-15, agreement with Kenya on transfer of pirates for ID 627 prosecution, 416—17 Belize, Supreme Court, on indigenous rights, LA extradition of terrorism suspect Abdullah 52-54 Khadr to U.S., barred CP 676 Bettinger-Lépez, Caroline, and Bassina Farben- sanctions against Iran, additional to UNSC’s, blum, BR of Weissbrodt, 714 CP 519 Bilder, Richard B. U.S.-Canadian proposal for Emission Control (Ed.), Recent Books on International Law, 140, Area (ECA) in North \merican waters, 307, 532, 688 approval, CP 287-89 See also Damrosch, Lori Fisler rangado Trindade, Anténio Augusto, Judge, Bodansky, Daniel, The Copenhagen Climate joins ICJ, 616 Change Conference: A Postmortem, CD 230 ‘aron, David D., see Damrosch, Lori Fisler Book Reviews and Libel Proceedings, Fd. 226 ‘assese, Antonio (ed.), The Oxford Companion Books Received, 172, 343, 564, 718 to International Criminal Justice, BR 154 Bosnia and Herzegovina China, People’s Republic of agreement with Kenya on transfer of pirates for Bosnian Constitutional Court on electoral dis- prosecution, Ag. 416-17 crimination, /D 639—40 U.S. imposition of additional tariffs on Chinese commitments to amend electoral legislation, tires, CP 111-12 637 U.S. Secretary of State criticizes China’s Inter- Constitution net policies, CP 291-94 exclusionary provisions on elections, /D U.S. urges multilateral approach to South 636-37 China Sea claims, CP 664-66 incompatibility with European Convention Chinkin, Christine, see Boyle, Alan on Human Rights, /D 636, 639-40 Cho, Sungjoon, BR of Pollack and Shaffer, 324 ECHR case on ethnic discrimination and right Climate change, see Copenhagen Conference on to free elections, JD 636—41 Climate Change; Environment extradition of former UN Ambassador Sacir- Clinton, Hillary, Secretary of State bey, USCA case, CP 123-24, ID 641-47 nomination of Joan E. Donoghue to IC], 490 General Framework Agreement for Peace (Day- U.S. ICC membership, 126 ton Agreement), /D 637, 640 Cogan, Jacob Katz, The 2009 Judicial Activity of U.S.-Kingdom of Serbia extradition treaty, JD the International Court of Justice, CD 605 642—46 Congo, Democratic Republic of Boyle, Alan, and Christine Chinkin, The Making Mouvement de Libération du Congo, 241 of International Law, BR 697 U.S. Secretary of State on U.S. law on transpar- Bradley, Curtis A., BR of Raustiala, 146 ency in conflict minerals trade, CP 669 Brazil, child custody dispute with U.S., obliga- Contemporary Practice of the United States tions and resolution, CP 132-33 Relating to International Law, 100, 271, 489, Buergenthal, Thomas 654 A Lucky Child: A Memoir of Surviving Aus- [The] Copenhagen Climate Change Conference: chwitz as a Young Boy, BR 307 A Postmortem, CD 230 resignation from ICJ, CP 489 Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change Butler, William E., see Kuznetsov, V. I. (2009), CD 230—40 Copenhagen Accord, CD 230-31, 234-40 Cambodia, U.S. protests expulsion of Uighur ref- evolution of international climate change uge seekers, CP 121-23 regime, CD 231-34 2010] INDEX U.S. position on developing country partici- Damrosch, Lori Fisler, pation, CD 232 and Bernard H. Oxman, Richard B. Bilder, and U.S. position on unrestricted use of market- David D. Caron, Book Reviews and Libel based mechanisms, emissions trading, CD Proceedings, Fd. 226 232 BR of Buergenthal, 307 expectations, procedures and roadblocks, CD Dayton Peace Agreement, see Bosnia and Herze- 233-34 govina, General Framework Agreement greenhouse gas emissions, developed and devel- den Dekker, Guido, see Zwanenburg, Marten oping countries, CD 231-32 Denmark, agreement with Kenya on transfer of outcome, 233, 238—40 pirates for prosecution, 416—17 post-2012 climate change regime, CD 230-33, Dickinson Laura A., Military Lawyers on the Bat- 235-36, 238 process and legal form, CD 230, 232-35, tlefield: An Empirical Account of International 238-40 Law Compliance, LA | U.S. position, CD 233-34, 236-39 Dinstein, Yoram, The International Law of Bellig- Correspondence, VC 228 erent Occupation, BR 701 Costa Rica Diplomatic and consular relations IC] case against Nicaragua on navigational common law immunity, CP 491 rights, ID 454-61, CD 610-13 functional immunity, CP 282—83 Jerez-Cafias Treaty (Treaty of Limits) with immunity of foreign government officials Nicaragua (1858), /D 454-56, 458-59, acting in official capacity, CP 136-37, 610 491-93 Cot, Jean-Pierre, JD 265-70 Discrimination Council of Europe, /D 638, 640-41 ethnic, /D 636-41 European Commission for Democracy Through post-conflict election situations, JD 636-41 Law (Venice Commission), 638 UN Convention on the Elimination of All Countering Piracy off Somalia: International Law Forms of Discrimination Against Women and International Institutions, Ag. 397 (CEDAW) (1979), Ag. 420 Crook, John R. UN Convention on the Elimination of All BR of Scharf and Williams, 692 (Ed.), Contemporary Practice of the United Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) States Relating to International Law, 100, (1965) 271, 489, 654 Committee on the Elimination of Racial Dis- Cuba crimination, LA 41—43 Guantanamo Bay, see United States Depart- Donoghue, Joan E., U.S. nominee to ICJ, CP ment of Defense 489-90 Current Developments, 230, 605 Customary international law, 644 Economic Foundations of the Law of the Sea, LA burden of proof, 256, 258 569 facts or circumstances of general knowledge, 88 Editorial Comments, 226, 597 jurisdiction, 360—61, 277, 418-21, 425-26 [An] Empirical Examination of Universal Juris- minimum standard, 253, 255-59 diction for Piracy, Ag. 436 obligation to prosecute or extradite, CD Endangered Species, Convention on Interna- 614-15 tional Trade in (CITES) (1973), see Environ- prohibition on use of chemical weapons, ment asphyxiating, poisonous, or other gases, JD 87,91 Environment subsistence fishing and traditional rights of local climate change, see Copenhagen Conference on population, /D 455, 458-61 Climate Change 732 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [Vol. 104 Convention on Access to Information, Pub- European Community (EC), lic Participation in Decision-Making and Commission of the European Communities, Access to Justice in Environmental Matters 85 (Aarhus) (1998), 251 common transport policy, /D 470 Convention on International Trade in Endan- competence, shared, /D 468-74 gered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna, EC] case on competence in external action, JD (CITES) (1973) 467-74 conviction for smuggling leopard hide into European Convention for the Protection of U.S., CP 139 Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms U.S. efforts to gain protection for Atlantic (1950), JD 628-33, 635—40 bluefin tuna, sharks, and polar bears, CP conduct of trial within reasonable time, JD 88 289-90 exhaustion of remedies, Article 35(1), JD 629-30 Convention on Migratory Species, U.S. sign- interpretation of, LA 202-06 ing of Memorandum of Understanding on investment treaties, LA 202—03, 206-08 migratory sharks, CP 290-91 lex certa (Art. 7), ID 88-89 prohibition of discrimination (Art. 14), 636-38 duty to protect from dangerous industrial activ- ities, CP 248-49 Protocol 1 possession of property (Art. 1), JD 629 Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monu- right to free legislature elections (Art. 3), JD ment designated UNESCO World Heritage 636-38 site, CP 686—87 Protocol 12 pollution in the Exclusive Economic Zones prohibition on discrimination (Art. 1), JD (EEZs), see Law of the sea 636-38 precautionary principle, /D 249-52 reasonable suspicion, /D 463 right to participate in decision-making process right to life (Art. 2), JD 247 on environmental issues., JD 249 right to respect for private and family life (Art. Rio Declaration on Environment and Develop- 8), 248-49, 250, 252 ment (1992), JD 251 European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), Stockholm Declaration on the Human Envi- 125, ID 639-41 ronment, (1972), JD 251 causation, JD 251—52 Stockholm principle, JD 250 compensation and restitution, JD 630-31, 635 See also International environmental law deprivation of property, /D 628-36 Eritrea discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, 7D Eritrea Ethiopia Claims Commission case, /D 636-41 480-88 duty to protect from dangerous industrial activ- Eritrea Ethiopia Claims Commission ities, JD 248—49 damages and compensation for violations of evidence of subsequent agreement and practice, laws of war, [D 475-76, 480-88 ID 202-07 prisoners of war treatment, /D 481-82, 484, exhaustion of domestic remedies, JD 628-36 486-87 interpretation of human rights treaties, JD satisfaction by declarations, JD 484-85 202—06 standard of proof, JD 480-81 just satisfaction, JD 250, 252-53 state’s obligation to provide for basic needs, /D Namibia principle, D 629, 633-34 485-86 precautionary principle, JD 249-52 Ethiopia proportionality, /D 637 Eritrea Ethiopia Claims Commission case, /D reasonable suspicion, /D 463 480-88 retroactivity rule exceptions, JD 629 2010] INDEX 733 right to free elections of the legislature, 7D U.S.-EU second stage agreement expanding 636-41 “Open Skies,” concluded, CP 302-03 right to respect for private and family life, JD U.S.-EU SWIFT Agreement on access to data to 248-49, 250, 252 track terrorist finances, CP 107-11, 658-61 subsidiarity principle, /D 629, 631-33, 635-36 Evans, Gareth, The Responsibility to Protect: European Court of Justice (ECJ) Ending Mass Atrocity Crimes Once and For EC’s competence to conclude agreements with All, BR 704 W TO members on GATS commitments, /D Extradition 467-74 judicial reorganization affecting validity of EC’s external powers vis-a-vis member states, request, /D 641-44 ID 467-74 Noriega extradition, request for rehearing, CP monitoring of, by German Constitutional 294-95 Court, JD 262, 265 Sacirbey extradition, request for, CP 123-24, European Journal of International Law, crimi- ID 641-44 nal libel suit in French court, Ed. 226-27 treaty requirement that accused be charged, /D European Police Agency (EUROPOL), CP 642—45 659-60 Falk, Richard, BR of Orford, 543 European Union (EU) Farbenblum, Bassina, see Bettinger-Lépez, Caro- agreement with Kenya on transfer of pirates for line prosecution, Ag. 403-04, 416-18, 433-34 Fichtelberg, Aaron, Law at the Vanishing Point: A antipiracy efforts off Somalia coast, Ag. 404, Philosophical Analysis of International Law, BR 409, 411-12, 416, 432-35 549 Common Commercial Policy (CCP), /D 468, Fitzmaurice, Malgosia 470, 472, 474 BR of Gardiner, 329 Council of the European Union, /D 468-69, BR of Linderfalk, 329 471-73 Focarelli, Carlo, BR of Klabbers, 557 democratic legitimacy, /D 260-64 Forsythe, David P. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Human European integration/unification, D 260-62, Rights, BR 150, Corr. 228 264-65 France greenhouse gas emissions trading, CD 231 criminal courts, competence to award civil sanctions against Iran additional to UNSC’s, damages, JD 268 CP 519 FrCC cases on pollution of French exclusive sovereignty of member states, /D 260-61, 264 economic zone (EEZ), /D 265-70 Treaty of Lisbon (2007), 86, 108, 111, 264- Noriega extradition to, request for rehearing, 65, 468, 474 CP 294-95 compatibility with German Constitution or refusal to extradite alleged illegal exporter of Basic Law, /D 259-65 electronic equipment to U.S., CP 675-76 Treaty of Nice (2001), 468, 471-72 [The] Francis Deak Prize, NC 228 Treaty on the European Union (Maastricht Treaty) (1991), 251, 260-61, 469-74 Gardiner, Richard, Treaty Interpretation, BR 329 competence, exclusive and shared (Art. 133), Gathii, James Thuo, Kenya’s Piracy Prosecutions, ID 469-70, 472-74 Ag. 416 renamed Treaty on the Functioning of the Geneva Convention (No. III) Relative to the European Union (2008), 472, 474 Treatment of Prisoners of War (1949), trade in services, /D 472-74 294-95 transport policy (Arts. 71 & 80(2)), JD 469 Geneva Convention (No. IV) Relative to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of Union (2008), /D 472, 474 War (1949), 87, 91 734 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAX [Vol. 104 Geneva Conventions for the Protection ofV ic- Heller, Kevin Jon, BR of Cassese, 154 tims of War (1949), 10, CP 119, CP 128 Human rights common Article 3, 74, 87,91, CP 118, 274-75 Convention on the Rights of the Child Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conven- (1989), 419-20 tions of 12 August 1949, and Relating to foreign “Libel Tourism” judgments, CP 681-84 the Protection of Victims of International freedom of speech, CP 681—84, Ed. 226-27 Armed Conflicts (Protocol I) (1977), 90-91 freedom to connect to the Internet, CP 291-94 grave breaches (Art. 85), 244 immunity of foreign government officials for Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conven- violations of, CP 491—93 tions of 12 August 1949, and Relating to right to fair trial, 433 the Protection of Victims of Non-Interna- right to life, 247 tional Armed Conflicts (Protocol II), 74 right to practice religion, /D 254-55 self-executing status, CP 294-95 right to respect for private and family life (Art. Genocide 8), 248-49, 252 aiding and abetting commission of, /D 87 U.S. abstention on UNGA resolution on right circumstantial evidence, JD 463 to water and sanitation, CP 672-73 mens rea standard of proof, JD 461—67 U.S. policy on Internet freedom, CP 291-94 Germany, Federal Republic of See also International human rights law; Indig- Act Approving the Treaty of Lisbon, /D 260-61 enous rights; Self-determination Act Extending and Strengthening the Rights of the Bundestag and the Bundesrat in Euro- Indigenous rights pean Union Matters, /D 261 African issues and UN Declaration on the Basic Law, JD 259-63 Rights of, LA 29-65 GCC on compatibility of Lisbon Treaty with collective rights and ownership, LA 29, 31-36, German Constitution or Basic Law, /D 43—45, 48-49, 53-54, 59 259-65 customary law and practices, LA 31, 33, 51-52, authority to scrutinize EU conduct by mon- 55—62 itoring the EC], JD 262, 265 definitions, LA 36—41 Goldstein, Judith L., see Barton, John H. discrimination, LA 29- 32, 34, 39-43, 47, 55, Gordon, Ruth, BR of Richardson, 313 61 Greenwood, Christopher, Judge, joins ICJ, 616 preferential treatment/affirmative action, LA Guantanamo Bay, see Cuba, United States 29, 41-43 Department of Defense self-determination, LA 29, 34, 38-43, 63-64 Guatemala South African case law on, LA 54-62 U.S. arrest of former Guatemalan soldier impli- See also African Union; UN Declaration on the cated in Dos Erres massacre, CP 530-31 Rights of Indigenous Peoples Guinea International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), U.S. notes progress on compliance with Kim- Report on Iran’s nuclear program, CP 518 berley Process Certification Scheme, CP 138 International Centre for Settlement of Invest- ment Disputes (ICSID), 73, 194, 218, 220-21 Habré, Hisséne, prosecution or extradition of, CD admissibility of claims, 81 611-15, JD 620-28 Convention on the Settlement of Investment Hafner-Burton, Emilie M., BR of Simmons, 538 Disputes Between States and Nationals of Haiti, U.S.-Haiti communiqué on Haitian earth- Other States, 71, 82—84, 86, 191 quake, CP 305-06 Article 52 Committee on travaux prépara- Hannum, Hurst, BR of Weller, 160 toires for treaty interpretation, Ed. 597 Hébert, Valerie Genevieve, Hitler's Generals on effective nationality rule, JD 81-85 Trial: The Law War Crimes Tribunal at genuine-link test, JD 83-84 Nuremberg, BR 548 jurisdiction, /D 81—86 2010] INDEX 735 restitution, JD 84—86 right of free navigation on a boundary river, JD International Chamber of Commerce, Interna- 455-58, 560, CD 610-13 tional Maritime Bureau (IMB) right to self-determination as erga omnes, LA data collection on pirate attacks at sea, Ag. 39-40 437-4] Senegal’s obligation to prosecute or extradite piracy, definition, Ag. 439-40 Habré, CD 611-15 International Court of Justice (ICJ), 73, 251, statements to UN by IC] President, CD 605, 609-10 616-18 advisory opinion on legality of Kosovo declara- Statute oft he International Court ofJ ustice, tion of independence declaration of acceptance (Art. 36(2)), JD U.S. opposition to UNGA request for, CP 454, CD 611, 614 102, 104 interpretation of judgment, (Art. 60), CD U.S. statement in support of declaration, CP 607-08 101-05 jurisdiction (Art. 36(1)), CD 610-11, boundary dispute resolution authority, CD subsequent agreements and practice, LA 200, 609-10 221 composition, CD 616 subsistence fishinogn a boundary river, /D 455, Buergenthal, Thomas, Judge, resigns, CP 458-60, CD 610-13 489 unanimous judgments, CD 609 Cangado Trindade, Anténio Augusto, Judge, U.S. violation of provisional measures order in joins Court, 616 Avena case, CD 606-09 Greenwood, Christopher, Judge, joins Court, International Covenant on Civil and Political 616 Rights (ICCPR), (1966), 43—44, 89, 420 Owada, Hisashi, Judge, elected President, Human Rights Committee, comments on Art. 616 27, LA 44 Tomka, Peter, Judge, elected Vice President, International Covenant on Economic, Social 616 and Cultural Rights (1966), 420 Yusuf, Abdulqawi Ahmed, Judge, joins Court, International Criminal Court (ICC) 616 arrest warrant against Sudan President Al Bashir con objetos de comercio, ID 456-57, CD 611-12 upheld, ID 461-67 delimitation of EEZ and continental shelf, LA conduct vs. consequence of conduct, /D 242-43 586, CD 609-10 dolus directus, dolus eventualis, and dolus indirec- docket and future work, CD 618-19 tus, [D 242—46 erga omnes, LA 39-40 genocidal intent, JD 461-67 essential needs of riparian inhabitants, /D 454, indirect perpetration, /D 465-67 457-60, CD 610-13 jurisdiction over crimes of aggression, CP 512 jurisdiction, CD 607—08, 610-11, 614, 617-18 mens rea, /D 241—47, ID 461—67 Namibia principle, JD 629, 633-34 Rome Statute of the International Criminal nomination and election procedures for candi- Court (1998), 419 dacies, CP 490 amendment to include definition of aggres- nomination of Joan E. Donoghue, statement by sion, CP 512 U.S. Secretary of State, CP 489-90 criminal justice principles, /D 247 obligation of result, CD 606-08 direct or co-perpetration (Art. 25), JD 467 procedural and administrative matters, CD mens rea requirements of accountability (Art. 615-16, ID 626-27 30), ID 241-47 relations with other UN organs, CD 616-18 reparations (Art. 75), 93 request by Mexico for interpretation of Avena, standards of prooffo r arrest warrant (Arts. 58, rejected, CD 606-09 61 & 66), ID 241, 247, 462 736 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [Vol. 104 superior responsibility (Art. 28), /D 241, International economic law 464-67 choice-of-law-and-forum clauses, 502 war crimes list (Art. 8), 90 fair and equitable treatment, LA 189, 214, 223- standard of proof for arrest warrant, /D 241, 24 1D 253, 255—59 461-66 intermodal through bill of lading application to UNSC referral of aggression cases, CP 512-13 shipment of goods, CP 502-04 U.S. participation in 2010 Assembly of States U.S. action on labor union claim of market dis- Parties’ Review Conference in Kampala, ruption, CP 111-12 Uganda, CP 272-73, 511-14 U.S. legislation on transparency in conflict min- Legal Counselor on outcome, CP 513-14 erals trade, CP 668 —73 views on agenda item on defining aggression, International environmental law CP 272-73, CP 511-12 hunting endangered species, CP 139 U.S. reengagement with, CP 271-73 United Nations Framework Convention on U.S. statement as observer to 2009 Assembly of Climate Change (UNFCCC) (1993), CD States Parties in The Hague, CP 126-27 230-31 International criminal law Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Com- aiding and abetting, CP 119-21 mitments for Annex I Parties under the circumstantial evidence, JD 463-64 Kyoto Protocol (Protocol Working Group), defamation litigation, Ed. 226-27 233, 239 indirect perpetration, JD 465—67 Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-Term joint criminal enterprise, 76-78 Cooperative Action under the Convention lex certa, 88-90 (Long-Term Action Group), 233, 239 mens rea, JD 241—47, ID 461, 463-65 Bali Action Plan, 233-35 piracy, see International piracy law Berlin Mandate, 232 recklessness, definition, JD 243—45 governance framework, CD 231, 233-34 standards of proof, JD 241, 247, 461-65 Joint meeting of Conference of the Parties superior responsibility, JD 241, 464—66 (COP 15) and Kyoto Protocol Meeting of United Nations Convention Against Tran- the Parties (CMP 5), see Copenhagen Con- snational Organized Crime (2000), coun- ference on Climate Change terpiracy operations, Ag* 406, 408 Kyoto Protocol (1997), CD 231-33, 236, universal jurisdiction, LA 357-58, see also Inter- 240 national piracy law Marrakesh Accords (2001), CD 232 U.S. relationship to international tribunals and U.S. rejection of process, CD 232 other international bodies, CP 271-78 See also Environment; Law of the sea U.S. support for UNSC resolution on piracy as offense under domestic law, CP 501 International humanitarian law International Criminal Tribunal for the former attacks against humanitarian or peacekeeping Yugoslavia (ICTY), 80 mission personnel, /D 74, 78-79, 81 dolus eventualis, as basis to convict, 243—44 crimes against humanity, /D 74, 78, 80-81, /D genocidal intent, JD 464, 467 461, 464-65 reasonable grounds to believe, JD 462-63 extraordinary rendition, CP 136-37 superior responsibility, /D 466-67 forced marriages, sexual slavery, and sexual vio- International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda lence, JD 74, 76, 78, 80-81 (ICTR) gender based crimes, /D 74, 78, 80-81 circumstantial evidence, [D 463-64 genocidal intent, /D 461—67 genocidal intent, JD 463-64 inhumane acts, /D 74, 78, 80-81 reasonable grounds to believe, JD 462-63 international and non-international conflicts, International Decisions, 66, 241, 454, 620 ID 90-92 2010] INDEX recruitment and use of child soldiers in armed traivauxa p réparatoires, as basis for, Ed. 597- conflict, JD 74, 76-77, 81 sexual slavery, see forced marriages nature of, LA 182—84, 196-97, 215 U.S. respect for, LA 9-10 rights of investors and nonstate actors, LA 181- war crimes, /D 90, 461—65 83, 184 85, 199, 202-03, 207-11, 214- See also Geneva Conventions for the Protection 15, 217; 220, 225 of Victims of War; Genocide Salvors’ doctrine, Ed. 597-98, 600, 603-04 International human rights law subsequent agreements and practice, LA 179- extraterritoriality, LA 381-82 82, 185, 198-210, 215-24, Ed. 599-600, freedom of expression and scholarly debate, Fad. 604 22627 theoretical framework, LA 182-98 investment treaty consideration, LA 206-07 U.S. Model Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT), Jus cogens, 205 LA 222, 224 South Africa’s indigenous case law, LA 54—62 International Labour Organization (ILO), treaty interpretation, LA 181-82, 184, 202- Convention Concerning Indigenous and Of 225 Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries (No. 169) (1989), definition of indigenous universal jurisdiction, 452—53 people, self-identification, 37 See also Human rights; International humani- International law tarian law; International investment treaties accordance of Kosovo's declaration of indepen- International Institute for the Unification of dence with, CP 101-05 Private Law (UNIDROIT) ban on application of, and of Sharia law, by intergovernmental meeting on proposed space Oklahoma state courts, CP 658—59 finance protocol to Cape Town Convention burden of proof, ID 256, 258 on International Interests in Mobile Equip- consequential damages, /D 475-76, 482 ment, CP 302 determination of citizenship, 7D 81—85 International investment law erga omnes, LA 39-40 diplomatic protection, LA 182, 194, 218-20 estoppel, LA 214-15 expropriation, /D 253, 255, 257 expropriation, /D 253, 255, 257, fair and equitable treatment, LA 189, 214, 223- fair and equitable treatment, /D 253, 255-59 24, ID 253, 255-59 forum prorogatum, CD 611, ID 625-27 genuine-link test, JD 83-84 fragmentation, LA 225 most-favored-nation clause in NAFTA provi- good faith, LA 201, 214-15 sion, JD 258-59 infra petita, 1D 70 opinio juris, ID 256, 258 international due process, CP 105—07 regulatory takings, /D 255, 257 jus cogens, LA 205 restitution, /D 84—86 legalization concept in defining international state restrictions on land use, /D 255, 257 commitments, LA 189 See also International investment treaties military compliance with, LA 1-28 International investment treaties Namibia principle, /D 629, 633-34 bilateral investment treaties (BITs), LA 220- opinio juris, ID 256, 258 22, 224, Ed. 602, 604 pouvoirs constituents, ID 262-63 EU law, /D 85-86 proportionality, JD 637 exclusion or modification of rules, LA 208-15 ratione materide, ratione personae, and ratione interpretation, LA 179-225 temporis, ID 81 human rights treaties, LA 181-82, 184, 202- res judicata, 475-79 O07; 225 retroactive application, /D 621-22 legal doctrine interpretation, LA 195-215 triple identity test, LA 478-79 738 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [Vol. 104 ultra petita, 1D 70 counterpiracy cooperative efforts, Ag. 403-06, U.S. approach to, CP 271-78 410-13, 415 See also Customary international law; Law of criminal law treaties that support counterpiracy treaties; Military lawyers and compliance operations, Ag. 398 110, 415, 429 with international law data collection on attacks and prosecutions, Ag. International Law Commission (ILC) 438-44 due regard duty, Ag. 398-99 Articles on Responsibility of States for Inter- incorporation into Kenyan law, Ag. 421-30 nationally Wrongful Acts, reparation stan- jurisdiction dard (Art. 31), 486 apprehension and adjudication, Ag. 449-53 Draft Articles on Diplomatic Protection, /D 84 cases, Ag. 447-49 draft articles on law of the sea, on piracy, Ag. geographic areas of application, Ag. 398- 404--06, 438 402, 407-08, 414-15 endorsement of Harvard Draft Convention on Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs), Ag. Piracy, Ag. 405 398 —402, 415, 421 treaty interpretation, 199-200 high seas, Ag. 398-403, 407, 414-15, International Legal Materials, Contents, 178, 421-30, 434 348, 568, 722 Somalia territorial sea and in Somalia, Ag. International Maritime Organization (IMO), 400-02, 415, 436, 438, 444-45, 449, 268 451-52 antipiracy measures against Somali coast piracy, jure gentium, Ag. 422-23, 427-28 Ag. 409-11, 416 Kenyan courts, Ag. 416-18, 421-30 approval of MARPOL Convention amendment non-nationals captured outside the country to establish Emission Control Area (ECA) in by foreign states, Ag. 416-18, 421-30, North American waters, CP 287-89 434 Code ofP ractice for the Investigation of Crimes universal, Ag. 398 400, 404-05, 419, 425— of Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships, 29, 436-53 440 piracy, definition, Ag. 402, 421, 423, 426-29, Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of 434, 438-442 Somalia, Ag. 409, 411, 413, 415-16 Queensland (Griffith) Criminal Code, Ag. data collection on pirate attacks at sea, Ag. 409, 426-28 rights and duties of states, Ag. 403-10, 414- 437-43 415, 425 Djibouti Code of Conduct Concerning the role of international institutions, Ag. 409-14 Repression of Piracy, Ag. 410-11, 415, 501 suppression, Ag., 397 416 piracy, definition, Ag. 439-40 transfer to third states for prosecution and trial, U.S. government employees detailed to, CP Ag. 403-05, 411, 416-18, 433-34 493-98 See also International criminal law; Kenya; Law See also International piracy law; Somalia of the sea; Somalia International piracy law International trade law agreements on transfer of pirates for prosecu- import relief for market disruption, CP 111-12 tion, Ag. 403-04, 411, 416-18, 433-34 UNCITRAL Convention on Contracts for the antipiracy, legal authority for, Ag. 399-407, [International Carriage of Goods Wholly or 412-13, 415, 436, 438, 444-45, 449, Partly by Sea (Rotterdam Rules), 302 451-52 U.S. concerns about compliance with Kimber- apprehension and trial of pirates, Ag. 403-05, ley Process Certification Scheme, CP 137-38 416, 444-46, 449-53 U.S. tariffincreaseo n Chinese tires, CP 111-12 Convention on the High Seas (1958), Ag. See also International economic law; Interna- 404-05 tional investment law

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