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INDEX (The following abbreviations refer to sections of the Journal: Ag., Agora; BN, Briefer Notices; BR, Recent Books on International Law; CD, Current Developments; CE, Collected Essays; Corr., Corres- pondence; CP, Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law; Ed., Edito- rial Comments; /D, International Decisions; L4, Leading Article; NC, Notes and Comments; Sym, Symposium. Other abbreviations include: AJIL, American Journal of International Law; ASIL, American Society of International Law; ECHR, European Court of Human Rights; EU, European Union; ICC, International Criminal Court; IC], International Court of Justice; ICTR, International Criminal Tri- bunal for Rwanda; ICTY, International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia; ILC, Interna- tional Law Commission; IMF, International Monetary Fund; !TLOS, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea; OPCW, Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons; UK, United Kingdom; UN, United Nations; UNCHR, United Nations Commission on Human Rights; UNCITRAL, United Nations Commission on International Trade Law; UNGA, United Nations General Assembly; UNSC, United Nations Security Council; U.S., United States; WMD, Weapons of Mass Destruction; WTO, World Trade Organization.) Abbott, Kenneth W., BR of Pollack, 220 Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Addis, Adeno, BR of Ouguergouz, 879 Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or Organization to Have Indiscriminate Effects (CCW) (1980) unlawful termination of employment contract of adopuon of fifth CCW Protocol on Explosive Rem- Bustani, 7D 810-14 nants of War, CP 357-60 Afghanistan Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) (1968) regime change in, 518 U.S. Senate consent to ratification of IAEA addi- reviews, release, and trials of detainees at Guanta- tional protocol, CP 608-09 namo Bay, CP 353-55 UN Security Council resolution on nonproliferation Agora: The United States Constitution and Interna- of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), CP 606-08 tional Law, Ag., 42 U.S./UK negotiationwist h Libya regarding nonpro- Akande, Dapo, International Law Immunities and the liferation, CP 195-97 International Criminal Court, 14 407 See also Proliferation Security Initiative Aleinikoff, T. Alexander Australia International Law, Sovereignty, and American Con- negotiatiownisth U.S. for free trade agreement, CP stitutionalism: Reflectionso n the Customary Inter- 352 national Law Debate, Ag. 91 Austria & Vincent Chetail (eds.). Migration and Interna- retroactivity of Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, tional Legal Norms, BR 234 CP 584-86 Alford, Roger P., Misusing International Sources to Aviation . Interpret the Constitution, Ag., 57 bilateral air transport agreements between EU mem- Allen, Steve. See Castellino, Joshua ber states and U.S., 1D 567-62 Alston, Philip, on effective operation of treaty bodies, Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules 501 for International Carriage by Air (Montreal Con- Andrews, David R., lettero n accession to UN Conven- vention) (1999), CP 177-79, CP 579-81 tion on the Law of the Sea, Ed. 307 See also Proliferation Security Initiative Antarctica tourism and precautionary principle, CD 763-81 Bahrain Argentina U.S.-Bahrain free trade agreement, CP 835 corporation entered into joint venture agreement Barrett, Scott, Environment and Statecraft: Strategies with company owned by government of Turk- of Environmental Treaty-Making, BR 224 menistan, CP 197-99 Bassiouni, M. Cherif Arms control on right to self-representation, 725 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (1996), 197 Post-conflict Justice (edited by), BR 872 * Prepared by Annebeth Rosenboom. 894 THE AMERICAN JOURNAI . OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [Vol. 98 Bastmeijer, Kees & Ricardo Roura, Regulating Antarc- Criminal Tribunals, CD 141 tic Tourism and the Precautionary Principle, CD Chaitidou, Eleni. See Simma, Bruno 763-81 [The] Challenge to the Mandatory Death Penalty in the Bederman, David J. Commonwealth Caribbean, NC, 126 BR of Blakesley, 200 Charnovitz, Steve BR of Carter, 200 BR of Choi, 610 BR of Damrosch, 200 BN of Stern & Ruiz Fabri, 883 BR of Dunoff, 200 Using Framework Statutes to Facilitate U.S. Treaty BR ofJ anis, 200 Making, Fd. 696 Bekker, Pieter H.F., 7D 550-59 Cheng, Bin. Studies in International Space Law, BR Berman, Franklin, BR of Miillerson, 861 633 Bickler, Sara. See Matheson, Michael J. Chetail, Vincent. See Aleinikoff, T. Alexander Bilder, Richard B., Choi, Won-Mog, ‘Like Products’ in International Trade Recent Books on International Law, 200, 371, 610, Law: Towards a Consistent GATT/WTO Jurisprudence, 855 BR 610 & Detlev F. Vagts, Speaking Law to Power: Lawyers Christenson, Gordon A., BR of Lillich, 401 and Torture, Ed. 689 Clark, General Wesley Biotechnology. See Ownership of genetic material testifying before ICTY, CP 184-86 Blakesley, Christopher L., Edwin B. Firmage, Richard Colombia F. Scott, & Sharon A. Williams, The International regime change in, 519 Legal System: Cases and Materials (5th ed.), BR, 200 Common but differentiated responsibilities (CDR), Boisson de Chazournes, Laurence, BR of Shany, 622 LA 276-301 Books Received, 241, 402, 636, 884 common, 276-77 Bosniak, Linda S., BR of Aleinikoff, 234 differentiated, 277-78 Bothe, Michael, BR of Provost, 383 in international agreements, 277-83 Bradley, Curtis A. See Carter, Barry E. in negotiations, 283-99 Bremer III, L. Paul, as civilian administrator of Iraq, responsibilities, 277 601-06 Common but Differentiated Responsibilities in Inter- Brower II, Charles H., 1D 339-48 national Law, LA 276 Bustani, José Compliance with Final Judgmenotf sth e International unlawfully dismissed from post of director-general Court of Justice Since 1987, LA 434 of OPCW, ID 810-14 Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating Butler, William E. The Law of Treaties in Russia and to International Law, 169, 349, 579, 820 the Commonwealth of Independent States: Text Controlling the Use of Force: A Role for Human Rights and Commentary, BR 631 Norms in Contemporary Armed Conflict, L4 1 Byers, Michael, Criminals, Combatants, or What? An Examination of & Georg Nolte (eds.). United States Hegemony and the Role of Law in Responding to the Threat of Ter- the Foundations of International Law, BR 214 ror, Ed. 686 Policing the High Seas: The Proliferation Security Crook, John R., The 2003 Judicial Activity of the Inter- Initiative, NC 526 national Court of Justice, CD 309 Cuba Cambodia ability of detainees to obtain federal habeas corpus regime change in, 518 review, CP 188-90 Canada Customary international law, 173-77, 281 An Act to Amend the Coastal Fisheries Protection Czech Republic Act, 537 extradition treaty with U.S., CP 850 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, |80 Canadian deportation to U.S. of death-penalty con- Dahm, Georg, Jost Delbriick, & Riidiger Wolfrum, vict, CP 180-81 Volkerrecht (2d ed.), BR 614 Caron, David D. Nathwani, Niraj, Rethinking Refugee Law BR of Schreuer, 219 Damrosch, Lori Fisler International Decisions, 150, 325, 550, 782 Oscar Schachter (1915-2003), 35 Carter, Barry E., Phillip R. Trimble, & Curtis A. Bradley. & Bernard H. Oxman, Editors’ Introduction, Ag., 42 International Law (4th ed.), BR 200 & Louis Henkin, Richard Crawford Pugh, Oscar Casper, Gerhard, on framework statute for governmen- Schachter, & Hans Smit, International Law: Cases tal decision-making process, 708 and Materials (4th ed.), BR 200 Cassin, René, on Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Darrow, Mac, Between Light and Shadow: The World 478, 484 Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and Inter- Castan, Melissa. See Joseph, Sarah national Human Rights Law, BR 398 Castellino, Joshua, & Steve Allen, Title to Territory in Death penalty, International Law: A Temporal Analysis, BR 869 Canadian deportation to U.S. of convict, CP 180-81 Cederbaum, Jonathan G., Restrictions on U.S. Attor- in U.S., 51-52, 60, 70 neys Practicing Before International mandatory, in Commonwealth Caribbean, NC 126-40 2004] INDEX 895 Deflem, Mathieu, Policing World Society: Historical Epps, Valerie, BR of Castellino & Allen, 869 Foundations of International Police Cooperation, European Convention for the Protection of Human BR 374; Corr. 743-44 Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950), 10, 19, Denmark 73, 92, 128, 740 compensation to Thule tribe, 7D 572-78 right to self-representation,7 14 Dennis, MichaelJ. ,& David P. Stewart, Justiciability of European Court of Human Rights, 73-74, 80, 86, 90, Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights: Should There 102 Be an International Complaints Mechanism to Ad- on immunity, 414 judicate the Rights to Food, Water, Housing, and European Court of Justice Health?, LA 462 admissibility of individual applications, 7D 814-19 Dinstein, Yoram, BR of Simma, 371 challenge of Community fisheries regulation, /D Discrimination 814-19 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of European Union Against Women (1979), 67-68 exclusive external competence in area of air trans- International Convention on the Elimination of port, 567-62 All Forms of Racial (1965), 49 extradition treaty with U.S., CP 848-50 Dodge, William S., 7D 155-63 Dunoff, Jeffrey L. Fairlie, Megan A., JD 805-09 BR ot Barrett, 224 [The] Fifty-fifth Session of the International Law Com- Steven R. Ratner, & David Wippman, International mission, CD 317 Law: Norms, Actors, Process: A Problem-Oriented Finland Approach, BR 200 on justiciability of economic, social, and cultural rights, 473 Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Firmage, Edwin B. See Blakesley, Christopher L. U.S. support for multinational intervention in Liberia, Former Legal Advisers’ Lettero n Accession to the Law CP 193-95 of the Sea Convention, Ed. 307 Economides, Constantin, elected member of ILC, 317 Fox, Gregory H., BR of Knop, 229 Editors’ Introduction, Ag., 42 France Eggli, Ann Vibeke, Mass Refugee Influx and the Limits in case against Republic of the Congo before IC], of Public International Law, BR 237 314 Elaraby, Judge Nabil income taxation in France of retirement pensions Israel questioning position of, as IC] Judge in case of former UNESCO officials, JD 163-68 on wall, 362-63 {The] Francis Deak Prize, NC 549 Ellis, Jaye, BR of Franckx, 395 Franck, Thomas M., Criminals, Combatants, or What? Environment An Examination of the Role of Law in Responding Antarctic tourism and precautionary principle, CD to the Threat of Terror, Ed. 686 763-8 1 Franckx, Erik, & Philippe Gautier (eds.), The Exclusive Antarctic Treaty (1959), 768-71, 778-80 Economic Zone and the United Nations Convention Protocol on Environmental Protection to the on the Law of the Sea, 1982-2000: A Preliminary Antarctic Treaty (1991), 768-72 Assessment of State Practice, BR 395 Convention for the Protection of the Marine Envi- ronment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR Con- Gaer, Felice D., BR of Ramcharan, 391 vention) (1992), /D 330-39 Galloway, Jonathan F., BR of Cheng, 633 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Gautier, Philippe. See Franckx, Erik Ozone Layer (1987), CP 831-33 Genetic material. See Ownership of genetic material Copenhagen Amendment (2004), CP 831-33 Geneva Convention (No. III) Relative to the Treatment London Adjustment (1997), CP 831-33 of Prisoners of War (1949), 782-83, 786, 795, 797, Mox Plant case, 1D 330-39 821-23 precautionary principle, 772-74, 777-78 Geneva Convention (No. IV) Relative to the Protec- Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access tion of Civilian Persons in Time of War (1949), to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus 786-87, 796-97 Convention) (1998), 333 Geneva Conventions for the Protection of Victims of Québec Declaration on Ecotourism (2002), 765 War (1949), 591, 793-94, 820 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of (1992), 176, 338 12 August 1949, and Relating to the Protection torts do not violate customary international law, CP of Victims of International Armed Conflicts 175-77 (Protocol I) (1977), 7, 11, 15-17, 22-27 transboundary harm from hazardous activities, Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 321-22 12 August 1949, and Relating to the Protection U.S. treaty making, 698 of Victims of Non-International Armed Con- See also Common but differentiated responsibilities; flicts (Protocol II), 5, 15-17, 25-26 United Nations Framework Convention on Cli- Germany, Federal Republic of mate Change sovereign bankruptcy, 302-06 896 THE AMERICAN JOURNAI . OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [Vol. 98 Greenwood, Christopher, on application of interna- binding force, 112 tional law to explosive remnants of war, 358 compliance with final judgments since 1987, LA Grewe, Wilhelm G., The Epochs of International Law, 434-61 BR 867 cases of compliance, 452-56 Guantanamo Bay cases of some noncompliance, 437-52 availability of U.S. courts to detainees at, /D 788-98 defining, 435-36 reviews, release, and trials of detainees, CP 353-55 factors influencing, 456-60 U.S. executive branch memoranda on status and elected Judge Bruno Simma, 316-17 permissible treatment of detainees, CP 820-31 elected Judge Peter Tomka, 316-17 elected president Judge Shi Jiuyong, 309, 315 Haiti elected vice president, Judge Raymond Ranjeva, regime change in, 518 309, 315 Hansell, Herbert J., lettero n accession to UN Conven- on immunity, 410-12, 415 tion on the Law of the Sea, Ed. 307 revision requests rejected, 311-13 Harper, Conrad K., lettero n accession to UN Conven- state of docket, 316-17 tion on the Law of the Sea, Ed. 307 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Harrington, Joanna, The Challenge to the Mandatory (1966), 10, 54, 89, 131, 176-77, 181, 462 Death Penalty in the Commonwealth Caribbean, NC, Optional Protocol (1966), 476 126 text and history, 476-89 Hathaway, James C., BR of Nathwani, 616 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cul- Henkin, Louis. tural Rights (1966), 54, 846, 848 on congressional approval of executive agreement, international complaints mechanism, LA 462-515 700, 707 criteria to measure states’ compliance with, or vio- See Damrosch, Lori Fisler lation of, 489-500 Higgins, Judge Rosalyn, on interpretations of standards enforceable rights, 491-500 by treaty and political bodies, 501 Independent Expert, 469-71 Hoffmeister, Frank, JD 567-72 individual complaints, 509 Human Rights limitation to gross violations, 513 Canadian deportation to U.S. of death-penalty con- practical considerations of, 506-12 vict, CP 180-81 selective approach to substantive jurisdiction, consular rights as, 560 512-13 U.S. Supreme Court's interpretation of Alien Tort Working Group, 471-76 Claims Act, CP 845-48 rejection of treaty body, 487-88 US. treaty making, 698 role of other international human rights treaty bodies, See also International Covenant on Economic, Social 504-05 and Cultural Rights; Use of force role of regional human rights systems, 505-06 Hyperownership in a Time of Biotechnological Promise: role of specialized agencies, 502-04 The International Conflict to Control the Building text and history, 476-89 Blocks of Life, LA 641 International Criminal Court Hyperownership of genetic material. See Ownership agreements with U.S., 427 of genetic material claims of war correspondent privilege, 809 international law immunities, 407-33 Indigenous peoples right to self-representation, 713 ILO Convention Concerning Indigenous and Trib- Statute al Peoples in Independent Countries (1989), /D and immunity, 419-32 572-78 decision of entitlement to immunity, 430-32 relocation and right to return, [D 572-78 officials of international organizations, 429 Immunities, see International Criminal Court; Inter- position of officials and diplomats of parties to, national criminal law 422-26 Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, 131, position of officials and diplomats of states not 135, 139 party to, 421-22 Inter-American Court of Human Rights, 135 International criminal law International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and terrorism, Ed. 686-88 U.S. Senate consent to ratification of IAEA addi- extradition treaties, CP 848-50 tional protocol, 608-09 international law immunities, 407-33 U.S./UK negotiatiownist h Libya regarding nonpro- before international tribunals, 415-19 liferation, CP 195-97 immunity ratione materiae, 412-15 International Centre for Settlement of Investment immunity ratione personae, 409-12 Disputes (ICSID) in national proceedings, 409-15 NAFTA Chapter 11 Arbitral Tribunals, 7D 155-63 mutual legal assistance in criminal matters treaties International Commission of Jurists, 469 between U.S. and other countries, CP 596 International Court of Justice peacekeeping and postconflict criminal justice sys- advisory opinion on Israel’s wall, CP 361-64 tem, NC 727-43 2004] INDEX rejection of presidential power to declare U.S. International Law as Part of Our Law, Ag., 43 national “enemy combatant,” CP 186-88 International Law Commission reviews, release, and trials of detainees at Guanta- diplomatic protection, 318-19 namo Bay, CP 353-55 fragmentation of international law, 322-23 testimony by U.S. general before ICTY, CP 184-86 international liability, 321-22 United Nations Convention Against Corruption reservation to treaties, 319-20 (2003), 182-84 responsibility of international organizations, 320-21 U.S. abuse of Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison, shared natural resources, 323 CP 591-96 unilateral acts of states, 322 U.S. adoption of UN Convention against corrup- International Law Immunities and the International tion, CP 182-84 Criminal Court, LA 407 U.S. enactment of PROTECT Act against sex tour- International Law, Sovereignty, and American Consti- ism, CP 182 tutionalism: Reflections on the Customary Interna- International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda tional Law Debate, Ag. 91 genocide, ID 325-30 International Law Status of WTO Dispute Settlement media responsibility under international criminal Reports: Obligation to Comply or Option to “Buy justice principles, 328-30 Out”?, Ed., 109 on immunity, 417 International Legal Materials, Contents, 245, 406, right to self-representation, 7/3 640, 888 International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugo- International Maritime Organization slavia updating instruments to address terrorist threats, amicus curiae, 718-20 589 establishment of qualified testimonial privilege for International Materials and Domestic Rights: Reflec- war correspondents, JD 805-09 tions on Atkins and Lawrence, Ag., 69 on immunity, 417 International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea restrictions on U.S. attorneys practicing before, CD Mox Plant case, /D 330-39 141-49 Iran right to self-representation, NC 711-26 in case before IC], JD 550-59 standby counsel, 720-22 sovereign immunity in U.S. court, CP 349-50 testimony by U.S. general before, CP 184-86 Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations, and Con- International Decisions, 150, 325, 550, 782 sular Rights (1955), 550-59, 597-601 International economic law U.S. reaction to ICJ judgment in Oil Platforms case, adoption of Central American Free Trade Agree- CP 597-601 ment, CP 350-52 Iraq Bioterrorism Act’s notice requirements for food capture of Saddam Hussein, CP 190-93 imports, CP 837-38 Coalition Provisional Authority, CP 601-06 International Convention on the Simplification and regime change in, 519-20 Harmonization of Customs Procedures (1973), sovereign bankruptcy, 302-06 CP 843-44 U.S. abuse of Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison, negotiations with Australia for free trade agreement, CP 591-96 CP 352 U.S. executive branch memoranda on status and new U.S. “Model” bilateral investment treaty, CP permissible treatment of detainees, CP 820-31 836-37 U.S. sought Security Council resolution for creation U.S.-Bahrain free trade agreement, CP 835 of multinational force in Iraq, CP 190-93 US. free trade agreements, Ed. 696-710 Israel U.S.-Japan tax treaty, CP 833-35 General Assembly request for advisory opinion on U.S.-Morocco free trade agreement, CP 835-36 Israel’s wall, 315, 361-62 WTO Appellate Body Report on U.S. steel safeguard IC] advisory opinion on Israel’s wall, CP 361-64 measures, CP 179-80 questioning position of IC] Judge Nabil Elaraby, International humanitarian law 362-63 and terrorism, Ed. 686-88 U.S. opposition to measures condemning Israel, CP U.S. government legal memoranda, Ed. 689-95 591 U.S. Supreme Court and, 782-98 U.S. vote in Security Council against demand that See also Use of force Israel not deport or threaten Palestinian Presi- International law dent, CP 171-72 right to self-representation, 711-14 Sovereign bankruptcy, Ed. 302-06 Jackson, John H., International Law Status of WTO Convention on the Settlement of Matters Arising Dispute Settlement Reports: Obligation to Comply from the War and Occupation (1952), 303, 305 or Option to “Buy Out”?, Ed., 109 London Agreement on German External Debts Janis, Mark W., & John E. Noyes, Cases and Commen- (1953), 302-06 tary on International Law (2d ed.), BR 200 See also Common but differentiated responsibilities; Japan regime change U.S.-Japan tax treaty, CP 833-35 898 THE AMERICAN JOURNAI . OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [Vol. 98 Jergensen, Nina H.B., The Right of the Accused to settlement of disputes, 547-49 Self-Representation Before International Criminal Supreme Court’s use of court decisions of treaty part- Tribunals, NC 711 ners, CP 579-81 Joseph, Sarah, Jenny Schultz, & Melissa Castan, The U.S. treaty making, Ed. 696-710 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Law of war Cases, Materials, and Commentaries (2d ed.), BR U.S. Supreme Court and, 788-98 876 Lebanon Judicial Lawmaking at the WTO: Discursive, Constitu- regime change in, 519 tional, and Political Constraints, LA 247 Liberia Justiciability of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights: agreement with, implementing “Proliferation Secu- Should There Be an International Complaints Mech- rity Initiative,” CP 355-57 anism to Adjudicate the Rights to Food, Water, Hous- in case against Sierra Leone before IC], 314 ing, and Health?, LA 462 U.S. support for multinational intervention in, CP 193-95 Kirgis, Frederic L., BR of Klabbers, 216 Libya Klabbers, Jan, An Introduction to International Insti- U.S./UK negotiations with, regarding nonprolifera- tutional Law, BR 216 tion, CP 195-97 Klein, Eckart, BR of Joseph, Schultz & Melissa Castan, Lillich, Richard B.; Wingfield, Thomas C., & James E. 878 Meyen (eds.), Lillich on the Forcible Protection of Kolodkin, Roman, elected member of ILC, 317 Nationals Abroad, BR 401 Knop, Karen, Diversity and Self-Determination in Inter- Locke, Jeffrey B. See Naarden, Gregory L. national Law, BR 229 Koch, Cornelia, /D 814-19 McAdam, Jane, BR of Eggli, 237 Koh, Harold Hongju McDorman, Ted L., /D 330-39 International Law as Part of Our Law, Ag., 43 MacKinnon, Catharine A., /D 325-30 on framework statute for governmental decision- Malaysia making process, 708 in case against Singapore before IC], 314 Kohen, Marcelo G., BR of Lalonde, 379 [The] Manley O. Hudson Lecture: Why Regime Change Kosovo Is (Almost Always) a Bad Idea, 516 postconflict criminal justice system, NC 727-43 Marston Danner, Allison, winner of Francis Deak Prize, Kotrane, Hatem, Independent Expert, 469-71 549 Krug, Peter, BR of Butler, 631 Martinez, Jenny S., /D 782-88 Matheson, Michael J., La Guardia, Fiorello, quoted by Oscar Schachter, 39 & Sara Bickler, [The] Fifty-fifth Session of the Inter- Lalonde, Suzanne N., Determining Boundaries in a national Law Commission, CD 317 Conflicted World: The Role of Uti Possidetis, BR 379 elected member of ILC, 317 Law of international organizations letter on accession to UN Convention on the Law of dismissal of head of organization before expiry of the Sea, Ed. 307 mandate, 813-14 Meron, Theodor, requesting permission for U.S. attor- Law of the Sea neys to practice as defense counsel before ICTY, Agreement for the Implementation of the Provi- 141-42 sions of the United Nations Convention of 10 Meyen, James E. See Lillich, Richard B. December 1982, Relating to the Conservation Mexico and management of Straddling Fish Stocks and in case before IC] regarding Mexicans on death row Highly Migratory Fish Stocks (2001), 529, 538 in U.S., CP 364-68, ID 559-66 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts NAFTA tribunal finds no arbitrary treatment, no ex- Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation (1988), propriation, CP 838-40 527 U.S. law enforcement activity, ID 798-804 Council of Europe Agreement on Illicit Traffic by Military commissions, 354, 793-95 Sea (1995), 540 MiloSevic, President Slobodan United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic right to self-representation, NC 711-26 in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances testimony by U.S. general before ICTY, CP 184-86 (1988), 540 Misusing International Sources to Interpret the Con- United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea stitution, Ag., 57 (1982), 331, 526-27, 536, 540, 590 Morocco U.S. Legal Advisers’ letter on accession to UN Con- U.S.-Morocco free trade agreement, CP 835-36 vention on the Law of the Sea, Ed. 307 Mosler, Hermann. See Simma, Bruno U.S. Senate on adherence to UN Convention on the Movsesian, Mark L., JD 150-55 Law of the Sea, CP 173-75 Miillerson, Rein, Ordering Anarchy: International Law U.S. treaty making, 698-99 in International Society, BR 861 See also Proliferation Security Initiative Murphy, Sean D., Contemporary Practice of the United Law of treaties States Relating to International Law, 169, 349, 579, final clauses, NC 546-49 820 2004] INDEX 899 Naarden, Gregory L. & Jeffrey B. Locke, Peacekeep- International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Re- ing and Prosecutorial Policy: Lessons from Kosovo, sources for Food and Agriculture (1983), 644, NC 727 646-47, 675 Nathwani, Niraj. Rethinking Refugee Law, BR 616 open system of, 668-73 Negroponte, John, new ambassador to Iraq, 606 patent system, 673-79 Neuman, Gerald L., [The] Uses of International Law United States, 673-79 in Constitutional Interpretation, Ag., 82 reducing sovereign, 680 Nicaragua sovereign rights, 646-63 regime change in, 518 Andean common system on access to genetic re- Nolte, Georg. See Byers, Michael sources, 649-51, 658, 666 Nominations for the Board of Editors, NC 549 Association of South East Asian Nations, 654-55, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 665 (1992) Brazil, 655, 658, 665 application for judicial review, 342-43 Canada, 681 Commission statement on amicus curiae participa- Columbia, 657-58 tion in arbitrations, CP 841-42 Costa Rica, 682, 684 compensation for lawful expropriation, 341 India, 651-52, 665 denial of national treatment, 341 Malaysia, 683 protection of foreign investment under Chapter 11, Mexico, 656-57 ID 339-48 Organization of African Unity, 654, 665 rejection of claims that U.S. court decisions violated problems of, 668 Chapter 11, 7D 155-63 Philippines, 653 relationship between Chapter 11 tribunals and do- risks, 652-63 mestic courts, 1D 155-63 risks to individuals and indigenous communities, tribunal finds no arbitrary treatment, no expropria- 658-63, 681 tion, CP 838-40 Oxman, Bernard H. See Damrosch, Lori Fisler waiver of jurisdictional objections under UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, 346 Palestine Noyes, John E. See Janis, Mark W. General Assembiy request for advisory opinion on Israel's wall, 315 Organization of American States Panama American Convention on Human Rights (1969), regime change in, 518 131, 135, 177 Paulson, Colter, Compliance with Final Judgments of right to self-representation, 714 the International Court of Justice Since 1987, LA American Declaration on the Rights and Duties of 434 Man (1948), 131 Paulus, Andreas. See Simma, Bruno Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weap- Pauwelyn, Joost, Conflict of Norms in Public Interna- ons (OPCW) tional Law: How WTO Law Relates to Other Rules of independence of, 1D 810-14 International Law, BR 855 political interference by member states in operation Peacekeeping and Prosecutorial Policy: Lessons from of, JD 810-14 Kosovo, NC 727 removal of head of, 7D 810-14 Oscar Schachter (1915-2003), 35 Poland, on economic, social and cultural rights, 483-84 Ouguergouz, Fatsah, The African Charter on Human Policing the High Seas: The Proliferation Security Ini- and Peoples’ Rights: A Comprehensive Agenda for tiative, NC 526 Human Dignity and Sustainable Democracy in Africa, Pollack, Mark A., & Gregory C. Shaffer (eds.), Transat- BR 879 lantic Governance in the Global Economy, BR 220 Owen, Roberts B., letter on accession to UN Conven- Private international law tion on the Law of the Sea, Ed. 307 Convention on International Interests in Mobile Ownership of genetic material, 1.4 641-85 Equipment (2001), CP 852-54 Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellec- Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of Inter- tual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) (1994), national Child Abduction (1980) 643, 666-68, 678 interpretation of “rights of custody,” CP 851-52 Consultative group on International Agricultural U.S. signing of UNCITRAL Convention on Assign- Research (GGIAR), 671 ment of Receivables, CP 368-70 Convention on Biological Diversity (1992), 647-49, Proliferation Security Initiative, NC 526-45 662-66, 668, 670, 680-81, 684-85 and customary international law, 532-40 intellectual property rights, 645-46 bilateral treaties supporting, 530 International Convention for the Protection of New Caroline criteria, 532, 541 Varieties of Plants (1961, as revised 1978), 646 consistent with international law, 529-32 International Cooperative Biodiversity Group, 655-56 for searching potential WMD vessels, CP 35: international law and, 664-68 interdiction of drug smugglers, 538-40 International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources reparation, 542-43 for Food and Agriculture (2001), 649, 680 right of preemptive self-defense, 540-42 900 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [Vol. 98 right of self-defense, 532-34 Sands, Philippe, on OSPAR arbitration, 337-39 rights of high seas interdiction through treaties, Sarfaty, Galit A., BR of Darrow, Mac, 398 534-36 Safrin, Sabrina, Hyperownership ina Time of Biotech- Security Council resolution supporting, 530-31 nological Promise: The International Conflict to Provost, René, International Human Rights and Hu- Control the Building Blocks of Life, LA 641 manitarian Law, BR 383 Schachter, Oscar, Pugh, Richard Crawford. See Damrosch, Lori Fisler memorial on, 35-41 See also Damrosch, Lori Fisler Ramcharan, Bertrand G., The United Nations High Schreuer, Christoph H, The ICSID Convention: A Com- Commissioner for Human Rights: The Challenges mentary, BR 219 of International Protection, BR 391 Schultz, Jenny. See Joseph, Sarah Ramsey, Michael D., International Materials and Do- Scott, Richard F. See Blakesley, Christopher L. mestic Rights: Reflections on Atkins and Lawrence, (The) Security Council’s Efforts to Monitor the Imple- Ag., 69 mentation ofA lQ aeda/Taliban Sanctions, CD 745-63 Randall, Kenneth C., BR of Reydams, 627 Self-representation, right to, NC 711-26 Ratner, Steven R. See Dunoff, Jeffrey L. amicus curiae, 7 18-20 Recent Books on International Law, 200, 371, 610, assignment of defense counsel, 724 855 civil law, 714-15 Reichert, Douglas, /D 163-68 human rights case law, 715-16 Regime change, 516-525 ICTY approaches to, 724-25 as exceptional lawful remedy, 521 international law principles, 711-14 guidelines for a state engaged in, 524 jurisprudence of ICTR and ICTY, 718-22 humanitarian intervention and, 517 limits to, 722-24 indictment of heads of state and, 517 standby counsel, 720-22 internal conflicts and, 521-22 Serbia and Montenegro military action to accomplish, 522-24 suspension of U.S. aid to, for noncooperation with nation building, 524-25 ICTY, CP 850-51 sovereign equality and, 516 Shaffer, Gregory C. See Pollack, Mark A. state sovereignty and human rights, 517, 520 Shany, Yuval. The Competing Jurisdictions of Interna- criteria of appraisal, 520 tional Courts and Tribunals, BR 622 unilateral intervention, 520-21 Shaw, Malcolm N., BR of Reinisch, 625 Regulating Antarctic Tourism and the Precautionary Shelton, Dinah L., 7D 559-67 Principle, CD 763-81 Sierra Leone Reinisch, August. International Organizations Before in case against Liberia before ICJ, 314 National Courts, BR 625 Special Court for Sierra Leone Reisman, W. Michael, [The] Manley O. Hudson Lec- on immunity, 416-18 ture: Why Regime Change Is (Almost Always) a Bad right to self-representation, 713 Idea, 516 Simma, Bruno, Hermann Mosler, Andreas Paulus, & Republic of the Congo Eleni Chaitidou (eds.). The Charter of the United in case against France before IC], 314 Nations: A Commentary (2d ed.), BR 371 Restrictions on U.S. Attorneys Practicing Before Inter- Singapore national Criminal Tribunals, CD 141 in case against Malaysia before ICJ, 314 Reydams, Luc. Universal Jurisdiction: International and Sloss, David L., 7D 788-98 Municipal Legal Perspectives, BR 627 Smit, Hans. See Damrosch, Lori Fisler (The) Right of the Accused to Self-Representation Sofaer, Abraham D., letter on accession to UN Conven- Before International Criminal Tribunals tion on the Law of the Sea, Ed. 307 Robinson, Davis R., letter on accession to UN Conven- Sovereign Bankruptcy: /n re Germany (1953), Jn re Iraq tion on the Law of the Sea, Ed. 307 (2004), Ed. 302 Rodley, Nigel S., The Treatment of Prisoners Under Speaking Law to Power: Lawyers and Torture, Ed. 855 International Law (2d ed.), BR 387 Spiermann, Ole, /D 572-78 Roelofsen, Cornelius G., BR of Grewe, 867 Stanié, Ana, JD 810-14 Roosevelt, Eleanor, on Universal Declaration of Human Steinberg, Richard H., Judicial Lawmaking at the WTO: Rights, 478, 482-83 Discursive, Constitutional, and Political Constraints, Rosand, Eric, The Security Council's Efforts to Moni- LA 247 tor the Implementation of Al Qaeda/Taliban Sanc- Steinhardt, Ralph G., BR of Rodley, 387 tions, CD 745-63 Stern, Brigitte & Héléne Ruiz Fabri (eds.), Laj urispru- Rosenne, Shabtai, When Is a Final Clause Not a Final dence de ! OMC/The Case-Law of the WTO, 1996- Clause?, NC 546 1997, BN 883 Rosenstock, Robert, resignation as member of ILC, Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment 317 (1972), 279, 282 Roth, Brad R., JD 798-804 Stone, Christopher D., Common but Differentiated Roura, Ricardo. See Bastmeijer, Kees Responsibilities in International Law, LA 276 Ruiz Fabri, Héléne. See Stern, Brigitte Sullivan, David Bryan, BR of Deflem, 374; Corr. 744 2004] INDEX 901 Taft IV, William H. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate on adherence to UN Convention on the Law of the Change (1992), 279 Sea, CP 173-75 Kyoto Protocol, 279-80, 295-99 Taylor, Charles, arrest warrant, 314 United Nations General Assembly Teitel, Ruti, BR of Bassiouni, 872 Millennium Declaration, 495-96, 498 Terrorism request for advisory opinion on Israel’s wall, 315 establishment of U.S. antiterrorism maritime trans- United Nations High Commissioner for Human portation system, CP 588-90 Rights (UNCHR), 469 rule of law and, Ed. 686-88 United Nations Human Rights Committee, 131, 133, state sponsored, CP 349-50 135, 181, 477 UNSC efforts to combat terrorism, CD 745-63 United Nations Interim Administration Mission in U.S. government legal memoranda, Ed. 689-95 Kosowo (UNMIK), NC 727-43 Tomasevski, Katarina on right to education, 473, 475 Regulation on Co-operative Witnesses, 742 Torture Regulation on Covert and Technical Measures of Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, In- Surveillance and Investigation, 740-41 human or Degrading Treatment or Punishment Regulation on Measures Against Organized Crime, (1984), 592, 689-90, 825 737-38 U.S. government legal memoranda, Ed. 689-95 Regulation on the Prohibition of Terrorism and Trachtman, Joel, BR of Pauwelyn, 855 Related Offenses, 738-39 Tribe, Laurence on U.S. treaty making, 702 Regulation on the Prohibition of Trafficking in Per- Trimble, Phillip. See Carter, Barry E. sons in Kosovo, 739-40 Turkmenistan Regulation on the Protection of Injured Parties and Argentinian corporation entered into joint venture Witnesses in Criminal Proceedings, 741 agreement with company owned by government Regulation on the Use in Criminal Proceedings of of, CP 197-99 Written Records of Interviews Conducted by Law [The] 2003 Judicial Activity of the International Court Enforcement Authorities, 741-42 of Justice, CD 309 United Nations Security Council efforts to combat terrorism, CD 745-63 Uganda Counter- Terrorism Committee (CTC), 761-63 regime change in, 518 Monitoring Group, 753-58 UNESCO states’ reports on measures, 758-59 headquarters agreement's applicability to former 1267 Committee, 747-63 officials, 7D 163-68 establishment of UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), income taxation in France of retirement pensions 195 of former officials, 7D 163-68 UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), CP United Kingdom 586-88 extradition treaty with U.S., CP 848-50 United States Human Rights Act (1998), 92, 101-03 Alien Torts Claims Act, 95, 176, 408 on economic, social and cultural rights, 486 Alien Torts Statute, 7D 798-804 United Nations American Service-member’s Protection Act, 709 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations (1946), 412, 429 Canadian Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act, 536 United Nations Body of Principles for the Protec- Canadian deportation to U.S. of death-penalty con- tion of All Persons Under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment (1988), 714 vict, CP 180-81 Federal Arbitration Act, 198 United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 462 U.S. opposition to measures condemning Israel, CP Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA), CP 169-71, 1D 591 798-804, CP 844-45 United Nations Commission for International Trade Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA), CP 349-50 Law (UNCITRAL) Flatow Amendment, CP 349-50 U.S. signinogf Convention on Assignment of Receiv- retroactivity, CP 584-86 ables in International Trade (2001), CP 368-70 in case before ICJ, 1D 550-66, United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and International Emergency Economic Powers Act Cultural Rights, 462-63, 467-69, 473-75, 491-500 (IEEPA), 141, 145-47 establishment of, 488-89 Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA), CP See also International Covenant on Economic, Social 588-90 and Cultural Rights National Security Strategy of the United States of Amer- United Nations Compensation Commission, 305 ica, 540 United Nations Convention Against Transnational National Strategy for Homeland Security, 1, 28 Organized Crime (2000), 737, 739 Non-Detention Act, 186-87, 782 United Nations Convention on the Safety of United Oceans Act of 2000, CP 590-91 Nations and Associated Personnel (1994), 172 Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to End the United Nations Convention on Special Missions (1969), Exploitation of Children Today Act (PROTECT), 428 182 902 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [Vol. 98 Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Prepared- efforts to secure methyl bromide exemption to ozone ness and Response Act, CP 837-38 depletion regime, CP 831-33 Torture Victim Protection Act, 408 extradition treaties, CP 848-50 Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations, and Con- implementation of Avena decision by Oklahoma sular Rights (1955), 550-59 court, CP 581-84 U.S. Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of in case before IC] regarding Mexicans on death row 2000 (Byrd Amendment), JD 150-55 in U.S., CP 364-68 United States Constitution and international law, Ag. Legal Adviser on adherence to UN Convention on 42-108 the Law of the Sea, CP 173-75 Abramowitz brief, 77 Legal Advisers’ letters on accession to the UN Con- appropriate use of international law, 90 vention on the Law of the Sea, Ed. 307 European Union’s brief, 70, 78-79 memoranda on status and permissible treatment of guidelines for use of international materials, 69-82 detainees, CP 820-31 Incompatibility Statute, 101-08 mutual legal assistance in criminal matters treaties, international law as resource of constitutional inter- CP 596 pretation, 82-84 new U.S. “Model” bilateral investment treaty, CP interpretation of domestic individual rights protec- 836-37 tions, 71 on ICJ advisory opinion on Israel’s wall, CP 361-64 relationship between international human rights law opposition to measures condemning Israel, CP 591 and constitutional interpretation, 84-89 Proliferation Security Initiative and foreign policy, Robinson’s brief, 70, 72-73, 89 543-45 status of customary international law, 92-101 reaction to [IC] judgment in Oil Platforms case, CP Supremacy Clause, 96-97 597-601 Supreme Court's selective and incomplete presenta- signingof UNCITRAL Conventionon Assignmento f tions ofi nternational and foreign affairs, 64-67 Receivables, CP 368-70 Supreme Court's selective use of international sources, sovereign immunity and security measures at Nai- 67-69 robi embassy, CP 169-71 Supreme Court's use of global opinions as means of submission of motion to dismiss director-general of constitutional interpretation, 58-61, 71-72 OPCW, ID 810-14 Supreme Court’s use of treaties as means of constitu- suspension of aid to Serbia and Montenegro for tional interpretation, 61-64 noncooperation with ICTY, CP 850-51 Supreme Court’s views on international law as part sought Security Council resolution for creation of of national law, 3-57 multinational force in Iraq, CP 190-93 United States Department of Defense threat to veto Security Council resolution becauseo f abuse of Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison, CP reference to ICC, CP 172-73 591-96 vote in Security Council against demand that Israel capture of Sadam Hussein, CP 190-93 not deport or threaten Palestinian President, CP Combatant Status Review Tribunals (CSRTs), 792-93 171-72 interrogations and abuses at Guantanamo Bay, 593 memoranda on status and permissible treatment of United States district court detainees in Afghanistan and Iraq, CP 820-31 refusal to confirm an arbitral award against nonsig- reviews, release, and trials of detainees at Guantan- natory government, CP 197-99 amo Bay, CP 353-55 United States Food and Drug Administration rule of law and terrorism, Ed. 686-88 Bioterrorism Act’s notice requirements for food support for multinational intervention in Liberia, imports, CP 837-38 CP 193-95 United States Patent and Trademark Office U.S. seeks protective measures for testimony by U.S. ownership of genetic material, 641, 643, 663, 673-79 general before ICTY, CP 184-86 United States President United States Department of Homeland Security adoption of Central American Free Trade Agree- on foreign-flag vessels calling at US ports, 589 ment, CP 350-52 United States Department of Justice coalition laws and transition arrangements during memoranda on status and permissible treatment of occupation in Iraq, 601-6 detainees in Afghanistan and Iraq, CP 820-31 deployment of security force in Haiti, GP 586-88 on scope of Flatow Amendment, CP 349-50 Detention, Treatment, and Trial of Certain Non- rule of law and terrorism, Ed. 686-88 Citizens in the War Against Terrorism (Military United States Department of State Order), 794 adoption of fifth CCW Protocol on Explosive Rem- enactment of PROTECT Act against sex tourism, CP nants of War, CP 357-60 182 adoption of UN Convention against corruption, CP establishment of Commission on Ocean Policy, CP 182-84 590-91 advice to ratify Convention for the Unification of executive power in war on terror, 1D 782-98 Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, government legal memoranda, Ed. 689-95, CP CP 177-79 820-31

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