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AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY THE JOURNAL OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA EDITORS R. BRUCE HITCHNER, Tufts University Editor-in-Chief MARNI BLAKE WALTER KEVIN MULLEN MICHAEL J. MOZINA Editor Electronic Publications Manage1 Production Edito1 PAUL REHAK & JOHN G. YOUNGER, University of Kansas Co-editors, Book Reviews ADVISORY BOARD SUSE.A ANLC OCK KENNEW.T HHAr I University of Michigan Tulane University ROGER BAGNALI SHACR. OHERNBER T Columbia University University of Michigan LARISSA BONFANTI ANN KUTTNER New York University University of Pennsylvania JOSEPH C. CARTER CLAIRE LYONS University of Texas at Austin The Getty Research Institute JOHNF. CHERRY JOHN T. MA University of Michigan Oxford University STEPHEN L. Dyson DaAviID MATTINGLY State University of New York at Buffalo University of Leiceste JONATHAN EDMONDSON IAN Morris York University Stanford University ELIZABETH FENTRESS ROBIN OSBORNI Rome, Italy Cambridge University PimoTuy E. GREGORY CurNt. iRUNsNEL S Ohio State University Boston University JuLIE M. HANSEN Mary M. VoiG1 "Boston University College of William and Mary SUSAN KANE, ex officio Oberlin Colle:C Ls EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Kathryn Armstrong, Trina Arpin, David Rich | of the Archaeological Institute of America, 17. Indices have been published for 10 (1897-1906) and volumes 11-70 ABS International Gui rs should be addressed to Professor R. Bruce f America, locateda t Boston University, 656 617-353-9364, fax 617]- 353-6550, email oted to the art and archaeology of ancient ar East and Egypt, from prehistoric to late Editorial Policy, Instrufcor tCointoribnutsors , JA authors can alsob e founond t he World d to include abstracts summarizing the s. Manuscripts, including photocopies of yhotographs, drawandi plnansg shsoul,d n ot ate the peer-review procalle susbmsiss,ion s of the author. As the official journal of ot serve for the announcement or initial blic collection acquired after 30 December collection or has been legally exported hak and John G Younger, Co-editors, LJA wk Blvd., University of Kansas, Lawrence, 9566, email pre [email protected] and respondence The folloarwe iexnclugde d Ss, except those with great and significant onographs of very small size and scope 14) is published four times a year in stitute of America, locateda t Boston Uni- 2006. tel. 617-353-9361f.a x 617-353-6550. Archaeology may be addressed to the s $75 (international, $95); the institutional ALA, including a subscription to AJA, is $125 8.50); proof of full-time status required U.S. dollars, by a check drawn on a bank é ceip1 t| of any issue of AJA will be honored om the date of issuance of the fascicle in SCTIPLIONS always give vour account number, tiono f the Journal, beginwnithi vnolgum e of the printed edition. Subscriptitoon tsh e to the printed edition of the Journal, should Bell & Howell Information and Learning) numbers of AJA and the Index 1907-1966 rica in Boston. Exchanged periodicals and to the AIA in Boston. Periodicals postage s. Postmaster: send address changes to the America, located at Boston University, 656 iblishien dt he American Journalo f chaeological Institute of America of America posed in ITC New Baskerville erica, locateda t Boston University ies for permanence and durability of the tv of the Council on Librarv Resources CONTENTS OF VOLUME 107 (2003) Anderson, J.C., jr., Rev. of Cleere, Southern France: An Oxford Archaeological Guide Archibald, Z.H., Rev. of Duval, Marin, and Metzger, eds., Salona. Vol. 3, Manastirine: Etablissement préromain, nécropole et basilique paléochrétienne. Recherches archéologiques franco-croates a Salone ——, Rev. of Koukouli-Chrysanthaki, Muller, and Papadopoulos, eds., Thasos: Matiéres premieres et technologie de la préhistoire a nos jours, actes du colloque international, Thasos, Liménaria, 26—29/9/1995 515-7 Attenborough, R., Rev. of Renfrew and Boyle, eds., Archaeogenetics: DNA and the Population Prehistory of Europe 288-90 , Rev. of Renfrew, ed., America Past, America Present: Genes and Languages in the Americas and Be yond 288--90 Barletta, B.A., Rev. of Hellman, L’Architecture grecque. Vol. 1, Les principes de la construction 309-10 Becker, M.J., Rev. of Arnold and Wicker, eds., Gender and the Archaeology of Death 287-8 , Rev. of David and Kramer, Ethnoarchaeology in Action 195-6 Bendall, L.M., A Reconsideration of the Northeastern Building at Pylos: Evidence for a Mycenaean Redistributive Cente 181-231 Brooks Hedstrom, D.L., Rev. of Hirschfeld, The Early Byzantine Monastery of Khirbet ed-Deir in the Judean Desert: The Excavations in 1981-1987 140-1 Bunimovitz, S. See Goren et al. Burke, B., Rev. of Hamilakis, ed., Labyrinth Revisited: Rethinking Minoan Archaeology Cadiou, F., Rev. of Sanz, El armamento ibérico: Estudio tipologico, geografico, funcional, socialy simbolico de las armas en la cultura ibérica (siglos VI-I a. C.) 138-40 Calder III, W.M., Rev of Gross and Kunze, eds., Johann Joachim Winckelmann, Schriften und Nachlap, 2.3: Briefe, Entwiirfe und Rezensionen zu den herkulanischen Schriften 659-60 ———., Rev of Gross, Kunze, Maharam, and Rigler, eds., Johann Joachim Winckelmann, Schriften und Nachlaf, 3: Schriften zur antiken Baukunst: Anmerkungen tiber die Baukunst der alten Tempel zu Girgenti in Sicilien, Anmerkungen tiber die Baukunst der alten, Fragment einer neuen Bearbeitung der Anmerkungen tiber die Baukunst der alten, SOW TE ze ge nossische Rezensionen 659-60 Carlson, D.N., The Classical Greek Shipwreck at Tektas Burnu, Turkey 581-600 herry, ].F., Rev. of Runnels and Murray, Greece before History: An Archaeological Companion and Guide 111 lark, K., Rev. of Brewer, Clark, and Phillips, Dogs in Antiquity: Anubis to Cerberus: The Origins of the Domestic Dog 198-500 , Rev. of Engels, Classical Cats 198-500 ole, L., Rev. of McCoy and Heiken, eds., Volcanic Hazards and Disasters in Human Antiquity 668-70 ooney, K.M., Rev. of Meskell, Private Life in New Kingdom Egypt 675-6 rouwel,J. , Rev. of Gintner, Tiryns 12: Figiirlich bemalte Keramik aus Tiryns 298-9 urvers, H.H. See Schwartz et al. Diaz-Andreu, M., Recent Studies in Rock Art 107-10 Dix, T.K., Rev. of Cooley, ed., The Afterlife of Inscriptions: Reusing, Rediscovering, Reinventing and Revitalizing Ancient Inscriptions 134-6 ———., Rev. of Cooley, ed., The Epigraphic Landscape of Roman Italy 134-6 Dobbins, J.]., Rev. of Ciarallo, Gardens of Pompeii 689-91 , Rev. of d’ Ambrosio, Women and Beauty in Pompeii 689-91 , Rev. of De Carolis, Gods and Heroes in Pompeii 689-9] ———., Rev. of Varone, Eroticism in Pompeii 689-91 VOLUME 107 (2003) [AJA 107 Duhoux, f Drew { he Indo-Hittite Language Family: Papers Pres ( H sily of Rit hmond, Varch 18 -] 9, 2000 | 16-7 Dunham, S. See Dvson, S.l I | on na ip opo ) a } rchaeotogy of ¢ olonialism Vol. 1, Anglo-Hellenic Rescue Ferrara, I ‘ Ol oOtta i tl er , Impact of Science on Near Eastern and 1 Finkelstein inlav, N fl rvill an no ad \ } losuy in Atlanti Northwest Europe rancis, | ( rt rT Firs tv of Roman Crete 187-92 rankel ( tl Mill, [1 on: Typology and Distribution 1-2] reeman tev. of Cunliff he | } | { Pytheas the Greek 693-4 riedland ' ton rble Sculp rom t North Hall of the East Baths at 113-48 Oxus in Bactria, South Tajikistan. ind Greek Context 123-4 raunt, | ila i rpus \ im, ece 7: Marathon Museum 125-6 rill, D.W.] of iscarell he Lie B é rgzery of Ancient Near Eastern Cultures 285-6 sOldhill Oo raul § | j j esl Archaeological, Written and 504-5 soren, Y mor ell N nan, Location of Alashiya: New lashivan Tablets from El-Amarna sreaves, A.M., a 5 rchaeolo ke he Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages, ) ()f srossman, 1.B : f ’ i ; ‘ einasien: Weibliche Gewandstatuen Sultanat Oman): Materialen zu le of Oman Haggis Re ot OSI yy? 11OS f fA ent Greek City States: The Oropos Harding F., | of tts, / 5 2000 BC as Revealed by the Latest 318-20 Harrison tudi archeologici, 307-8 Hasaki < ol h \ fiquily 667-8 Havden, B na olithi N [/] ttlement in the Vrokastro Area, 463-412 Helwing, B Hendrix, E.A ( Oo le , kay ladi Sculpture Higginbothan oO ystama , Visona Vamertina, Calabria—tItalia: R . Hollinshead 1.6 ' ttu } d Knud } ls.. From the Parts to the Whole dat ( ambridge, Viassachusetts. Keller, D.R 2003 | CONTOF EVOLUNME T107S (20 03) Kenrick, P.M., Rev. of Blondé, Ballet, and Salles, eds., Ceramiques héllénistiques et romaines: Producteti dioffnussio n en Mediterranée orientale (Chypre, Egypte et cote syro-palestiniénne) 685-6 Kleiner, D.E.E., Rev. of Wrede, Senatorische Sarkophage Roms 316-8 Knapp, A.B., Rev. of Bolger and Serwint, eds., Engendering Aphrodite: Women and Society in Ancient Cyprus 663-5 ——., The Archaeology of Community on Bronze Age Cyprus: Politiko Phorades in Context 559-80 ———., Rev. of Richards and Van Buren, eds., Order, Legitimacy and Wealth in Ancient States 290-1 Kosso, C., Rev. of Benaji, Agrarian Change in Late Antiquity: Gold, Labour, and Aristocrati« Dominance 519-2] Krasniewicz, L., Rev. of Schmidt, ed., GeophysicaDalt a in Archaeology: A Guide to Good Practice, 2nd ed. 197 Laidlaw, A., and M. Roller, Rev. of Richardson, A Catalog of Identifiable Figure Painters of Ancient Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Stabiae Lapatin, K., Rev. of Vickers, Skeuomorphismus oder die Kunst, aus wenig viel zu machen Lawall, M.L., Rev. of Finkielsztejn, Chronologie détaillée et révisée des eponyms amphoriques rhodiens, de 270 a 108 av. J.-C. environ: Premier bilan ———., Rev. of Johrens, Amphorenstempeli m Nationalmuseum von Athen zu den von H.G. Lolling aufgenommenen “Unedierten Henkelinschriften.” Mit einem Anhang: Die Amphorenstempel in der Sammlung der Abteilung Athen des Deutschen Archdologischen Instituts Lerner, ].D., Rev. of Masson, ed., Memoirs of the Oriental Department of the Russian Archaeological Society. Vol. 26 Magness-Gardiner, B., Long-Term Archaeological Loans from Italy: Summary of Roundtable Discussions 177-81 Maniscalco, L., and B.E. McConnell, The Sanctuary of the Divine Palikoi (Rocchicella di Mineo, Sicily): Fieldwork from 1995 to 2001 145-80 Mannack, T., Rev. of Curti, La Bottega del pittore di Meleagro 679-80 McConnell, B.E. See Maniscalco and McConnell. McNiven, T.]., Rev. of Scanlon, Eros and Greek Athletics 126-7 Miles, M.M., Rev. of Knell, Athen im 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr.—Eine Stadt verdndert ihr Gesicht. Archdologisch-kulturgeschichtliche Betrachtungen 124-5 Miracle, P., Rev. of Bailey, Adam, Panagopoulou, Perlés, and Zachos, eds., The Palaeolithic Archaeology of Greece and Adjacent Areas: Proceedings of the ICoPAG Conference, foannina, September 1994 670-1 ——, Rev. of Farrand, Excavations at Franchthi Cave, Greece. Vol. 12, Depositional History of Franchthi Cave: Sediments, Stratigraphy and Chronology 297-8 Mocci, F. See Walsh and Mocci. Moody, J., Rev. of Chew, World Ecological Degradation: Accumulation, Urbanization and Deforestation 3000 BC-AD 2000 Moore, A.M.T., Robert Braidwood (1907-2003) and Linda S. Braidwood (1909-2003) Morey, D.F., Rev. of Hart and Terrell, eds., Darwin and Archaeology: A Handbook of Key Concepts Muhly, J.D., Rev. of Pare, ed., Metals Make the World Go Round: The Supply and Circulation of Metals in Bronze Age Europe Na’aman, N. See Goren et al. Neils, J., Rev. of Jenkins, Cleaning and Controversy: The Parthenon Sculptures 1811-1939 507-9 Nikolaidou, M., Rev. of Perlés, The Early Neolithic in Greece: The First Farming Communities in I urope 500-2 Oakley, J.H., Rev. of Neer, Style and Politics in Athenian Vase-Painting: The Craft of Democracy, ca. 530-460 B.CLE. 509-10 Ortiz, S.M., Rev. of Tappy, The Archaeology of Israelite Samaria, Vol. 2, The Eighth Century BCI 503-4 Vili | l VOLUME 107 (2003) | AJA 107 Palaima, Vv. O ! ne lart | Sacconi, Thebes, Fouilles de la Cadmée. Vol. 1, | ‘ ta re B lion et commentaire Slory oO] Vichael Ventris Paleothodoros ev. of Isler-Keré1 . srecia arcaica: Il contributo delle immagini Papi, I Rev. of Ara i Gasco. ed., / § idad punico-mauritana. Anotaciones s arqueologicas realizadas por el yu ‘ rTOd / ; whe) entre 1995 y 1999 Parker, B.]., Archaeological Manifestations of Em \ss\ ria S Imprint on Southeastern Anatolia Parks, D.A., Re of Bernhard-W Gschwantler, and Karageorghis, Die Vl iSeun The Collection of Cypriot ster, and Weisser, Ancient Cypriote d Frithgeschichte Miinzkabinett Se ris Collection: Apyaia Kvplaky Pollitt, ].] ek K oS as Egyptian Pharaohs Polz. D.¢ j veavations of the Tomb of the Porter, B yf t ) nistel g der Klassisch-Syrischen Glyptik Potts. D sights into the Monetary History rs Presented at the 99th Annual mmerce in Bronze Age Bahrain United Arab Emirates). Vol. 2, Rautman, M of brique antique et médiévale: P) i Richardson, M.B., I ent History from Inscriptions Rives, ].B., Ri Roller, M. See Rose, C.B., R \ufstellung, Wirkung und Be Kaiserhauses 518-9 Rotroff, S.1 egarische Becher: Die “Mainzer 684 Rubinson 105-6 Ruscillo Greek and Roman Times 293-5 Sams, G.K ogazkoy 676-7 Savage, S.H Jordan, 2002 Season 149-75 Schultz, P Nixne 510-1 Schwab, K.A m 5. Jahrhundert v. Chi { ,10-1 Schwartz, G.M \ Third-Millennium B.C. Elite fomb and w Evidet iro ell Umm el-Marra, Syria 325-61 Shelmerdine, C.W id Measurement: Counting, Measuring and Ri Societies 999-30] Shennan, 5S v. of Hurt anc neeptual Issues in Evolutionary 196-7 Small, ].P. f Lehmann, Myt/ 689 Smith, T.] v. of Hedreen lions of Landscape in Archaic reek Ar 311-2 Serensen v. of Webb nd Practice in the Late ¢ ypriote 2003} CONTENTS OF VOLUME 107 (2003) Spera, L., The Christianization of Space along the Via Appia: Changing Landscape in the Suburbs of Rome Stansbury-O’ Donnell, M.D., Rev. of Ridgway, Hellenistic Sculpture. Vol. 3, The Styles of ca. 100-31 B.C. 680-1 Stevenson, T., Cavalry Uniforms on the Parthenon Frieze? 629-54 Storey, G.R., Rev. of Descoeudres, Ostia: Port et porte de la Rome antique 314-5 Stuart, B. See Schwartz et al. Sturgeon, M.C., Rev. of Padgett, ed., Roman S« ulpture in the Art Museum, Princeton University 315-6 Talalay, L.E., Rev. of Nelson and Rosen-Ayalon, /n Pursuit of Gender: Worldwide Archaeological Approaches faracha, P., Rev. of Nefedkin, Boevye kolesnicy i kolesniéie drevnich grekov (xvi-i vv. do N.E.) (trans. Chariotry of the Ancient Greeks, 16th—Ist Centuries B.C.; in Russian with English summary) Thomas, T.K., Rev. of Schmidt-Colinet, Stauffer, and Al-As‘ad, Die Textilien aus Paimyra: Neue und alte Funde Phomasen, H., Rev. of Kocybala, The E>:tramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports. Vol. 7, The Corinthian Pottery [sakirgis, B., Rev. of Cahill, Household and City Organization at Olynthus Van De Mieroop, M., Reading Babylon Van Keuren, F., Rev. of Partida, The Treasuries at Delphi: An Architectural Study Wallace, S.A., The Changing Role of Herding in the Early Iron Age of Crete: Some Implications of Settlement Shift for Economy Walsh, K., and F. Mocci, Fame and Marginality: The Archaeology of Montagne Sainte Victoire (Provence, France) Ward, C., Integrating Maritime Archaeology Warden, P.G., Rev. of Gaugler, The Tomb of Lars Porsenna at Clusium, and Its Religious and Political Implications Warren, P., Rev. of Betancourt and Davaras, eds., Pseira. Vol. 2, Building AC (The “Shrine”) and Other Buildings in Area A Wells, P.S., Rev. of Erdrich, Rom und die Barbaren: Das Verhdltnis zwischen dem Imperium Romanum und den germanischen Stdmmen vor seiner Nordwestgrenze von der spdten romischen Republik bis zum gallischen Sonderreich 137-8 Wilson Jones, M., Rev. of Ito, Theory and Practice of Site Planning in Classical Sanctuaries 308-9 Wolpoff, M.H., Rev. of Klein, The Dawn of Human Culture 660-1 Wright, J.C., Rev. of Hansen, ed., A Comparative Study of Thirty City-State Cultures: An Investigation Conducted by the Copenhagen Polis Centre 286-7 Zamora, K.A. See Savage et al. NEWSLETTERS (Archaeology in Jordan, 2002 Season (S.H. Savage, K.A. Zamora, and D.R. Keller) Archaeology in Turkey: The Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages, 2000 (A.M. Greaves and B. Helwing) NECROLOGIES Robert Braidwood (1907-2003) and Linda S. Braidwood (1909-2003) (A.M.T. Moore) Otar Lordkipanidze, 1930-2002 (K.S. Rubinson) AWARDS Awards Presented at the 104th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America CONTENTSO F VOLUMI (2003) [AJA 107 BOOK REVIEWS \dam. See Ba Al-As ad. Sec Aranegul Gasc« {notaciones sobre su ov upacion zadas por ¢ ! equipo hispano- marroqui Papi) \ravantinos dart, and Saccon Vol. 1, Les tablettese n Linéaine B Odos P¢ lopidou Palaima) Arnold and Wicker, eds., Ge M.]. Becker) Ausilio, ed ( R storici ed epigrafici (G.W.M. Ha Bailey, Adam, Pa olithie Archaeology oj Greece loannina, Septe mber 1994 P.M sallet. See Blondé et Balmuth, ed., H sill e: N he Monet ary History of the Near East and Gr 99th Annual Meeting ofj the \) Benaji, Ag stocratic Dominance (C. Kosso) Bernhard-Wa ghis, Die Sammlung zyprischer | Cypriote Antiquities in the Ku Betancourt Shrine”) and Other Buildings Blonde, Ballet nes: Productions et diffusion lestiniénne) (P.M. Kenrick) Bodel, ed., EF; s (M.B. Richardson) Bolger and Se1 incient Cyprus (A.B. Knapp) Boschung, G Wirkung und Bedeutung der \ B Rose ) Bossert, Die AK Boucheron, Broise d/i;e vale: Production et Bovle. See Renfi ind Bovle Brauer. See Mattu il.. eds Braun, Mus ! Comparative Sources (S. Goldh Brehme, Bre Ancient Cypriote Art in Berlin: 1? Viinzkabinett (D.A. Parks) Brewer, Cla is: The Origins of the Domestic D {98-500 Broise. See Bouche sronner. See Brehme Brouskari / ’ » Schult Z 510-1 ahill, He ganiz [sakirgis) 511-3 hew, World ! eorad ) hanization and Deforestation 3000 BC- iD 665-7 iarallo, Gar 689-91 lark. See Bre leere, Southern } f } xjord A) f f “ia ].4 Anderson, jr.) 130-1 ooley, ed / j lite ) f f 5 i ediscoveringa Reinventing and Revitalizing 134-6 134-6 2003 | CONTENTS OF VOLUME 107 (2003) xi Cosmopoulos, The Rural History of Ancient Greek City States: The Oropos Survey Project (D.C. Haggis) 305-7 Costamagna and Visona, Oppido Mamertina, Calabria—Italia: Ricerche archeologiche nel territorio e in contrada Mella (J. Higginbotham) 136-7 Crawford, Early Dilmun Seals from Saar: Art and Commerce in Bronze Age Bahrain (D.T. Potts) 505-6 Cunliffe, The Extraordinary Voyage of Pytheas the Greek (P. Freeman) 693-4 Curti, La Bottega del pittore di Meleagro (T. Mannack) 679-80 d’Ambrosio, Women and Beauty in Pompeii (J.J. Dobbins) 689-9] Darvill and Thomas, eds., Neolithic Enclosures in Atlantic Northwest Europe (N. Finlay) 673 Davaras. See Betancourt and Davaras, eds. David and Kramer, Ethnoarchaeology in Action (M.J. Becker) 195-6 De Carolis, Gods and Heroes in Pompeii (J.J. Dobbins) 689-9] Dembski. See Bernhard-Walcher et al. Descoeudres, Ostia: Port et porte de la Rome antique (G.R. Storey) 314-5 Drews, ed., Greater Anatolia and the Indo-Hittite Language Family: Papers Presented at a Colloquium Hosted by the University of Richmond, March 18-19,2000 (Y. Duhoux) 116-7 Duval, Marin, and Metzger, eds., Salona. Vol. 3, Manastirine: Etablissement préromain, nécropole et basilique paléochrétienne. Recherches archéologiques franco-croates a Salone (Z.H. Archibald) 320-1 Engels, Classical Cats (K. Clark) 198-500 Erdrich, Rom und die Barbaren: Das Verhdltnis zwischen dem Imperium Romanum und den germanischen Stammen vor seiner Nordwestgrenze von der spdten romischen Republik bis zum gallischen Sonderreich (P.S. Wells) Eule, Hellenistische Biirgerinnen aus Kleinasien: Weibliche Gewandstatuen in ihrem Antiken Kontext (].B. Grossman) Faraone, Ancient Greek Love Magic (}.B. Rives) 682-4 Farrand, Excavations at Franchthi Cave, Greece. Vol. 12, Depositional History of Franchthi Cave: Sediments, Stratigraphy and Chronology (P. Miracle) 297-8 Finkielsztejn, Chronologie détaillée et révisée des eponyms amphoriques rhodiens, de 270 a 108 av. J.-C. environ: Premier bilan (M.L. Lawall) 131-3 Gaugler, The Tomb of Lars Porsenna at Clusium, and Its Religious and Political Implications (P.G. Warden) Getz-Gentle, Personal Styles in Early Cycladic Sculpture (E.A. Hendrix) Gitin. See Scott and Gitin, eds. Godart. See Aravantinos et al. Gross and Kunze, eds., Johann Joachim Winckelmann, Schrifien und Nachlaf, 2.3: Briefe, Entwiirfe und Rezensionen zu den herkulanischen Schriften (W.M. Calder II) 659-60 Gross, Kunze, Maharam, and Rigler, eds., Johann Joachim Winckelmann, Schriften und Nachlap, 3: Schriften zur antiken Baukunst: Anmerkungen tiber die Baukunst der alten Tempel zu Girgenti in Sicilien, Anmerkungen tiber die Baukunst der alten, Fragment einer neuen Bearbeitung der Anmerkungen tiber die Baukunst der alten, sowie zeitgendssische Rezensionen (W.M. Calder III) 659-60 Gschwantler. See Bernhard-Walcher et al. Giintner, Tiryns 12: Figiirlich bemalte Keramik aus Tiryns (J. Crouwel) 298-9 Haerinck, Excavations at ed-Dur (Umm al-Qaiwain, United Arab Emirates). Vol. 2, The Tombs (D.T. Potts) Hamilakis, ed., Labyrinth Revisited: Rethinking Minoan Archaeology (B. Burke) Hansen, ed., A Comparative Study of Thirty City-State Cultures: An Investigation Conducted by the Copenhagen Polis Centre (].C. Wright) Hart and Terrell, eds., Darwin and Archaeology: A Handbook of Key Concepts (D.F. Morey) Hedreen, Capturing Troy: The Narrative Functions of Landscape in Archaic and Classical Greek Art (T.J. Smith) xii CONTENTS OF VOLUME 107 (2003) [AJA 107 Heiken. See McC nd ken, eds Hellman, L’Arc/ re grecque. Vol. 1, Les principes de la construction (B.A. Barletta) 309-10 Hirschfeld, The Early Byzantine Monaste Khirbet ed n the Judean Desert: The Excavations IS 987 Brooks Hedstror 140-1 Hurt and Rakita, eds., § nd Function: Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Archaeology (S. Shennan) 196-7 Isler-Kerényi, D s nella Grecia a tributo delle immagini (D. Paleothodoros) 677-9 Ito, Theory and ! f Site Planni } ; | Sanctuaries (M. Wilson Jones) 308-9 Jenkins, Clear ntrovers) he | ptures 1811-1939 (]. Neils) 507-9 Johrens, Amp/ stem} n Nationa seu? (then zu den von H.G. Lolling aufgenommenen ‘Une rien | elin rifte m Anhang: Die Amphorenstempel in der Archdologischen Instituts (M.L. Lawall) Karageorghis, Ancie? briote Art in the Severis ¢ ( yala Kunpiaxy teyvy orn oviXoy ” } D.A. Parks —. See Bernhard-Walche1 —. See Brehm« Klein, The D Huma? ilture olpof 660-1 Knell, Athen im 4 hrhundert 7 Eine Stadt verdndert ihr Gesicht. Archdologisch he , hich e Ret ing 124-5 Knudsen. See Kocybala, The ran a? e? Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports. Vol Koukouli-Chrysanthal ull and ipadopoul , Thasos: Matieres premieres et nternational, Thasos, Liménaria, > 2) Kramer. See Dav Kunze. See G —. See Gro Kunzl,k in Komples } mschiissely r me sche Beche ie “Mainzer Werks(tS.a1. tRottr”off ) Lehmann, M ) Litvinskii, Ahran § | Phe Temple of Oxus in Bactria, South Tajikistan. Vol. 2, Bactrian irms ! Armour eA f ern and é ontext (R.N. Frye) Lyons and Papadopoulos { irci J f nialism (S.L. Dvson) Maharam. See Gross et al Marin. See Duva Masson. ed Vemoirs of the rienta epartn f the Russia Archaeological Society. Vol. 26 j.D. Lerner Mattusch, Bi r, and Kn n rom tl arts to the Whole. Vol. 2, Acta of the 13th Inter? z ngress, Held at Cambridge, Massachusetts, May 28—June 1, 1996 M.B. Hollin 1 312-3 Mayor, The First Fos ers ulae 7? and Roman Times (D. Ruscillo) 993-5 McCoy and Heiken inic He 5 l sasters in Human Antiquity (L. Cole) 668-70 Meskell, Private Life in Ne ngdom Eg ( 675-6 Metzger. See Michailidou, ed inufacture and Measuremer yunting, Measuring and Recording Craft Items in eget cielies Shelmerdinge 2999-30] Mould. See Ridley et al Muller. See Koukouli-Chrysanthaki, Muller, and Papadopoulos, eds. Murray. See Runnels and Murray Muscarella, The Lie Became Great } er f Ancient Near Eastern Cultures (D.W.]. Gill)

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