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Index to Volume 87 Breunig, Robert, and Indraneel Dasgupta. “Do in- tra Household Effects Generate the Food Stamp Cash-Out Puzzle?” 552 Subjects Jolliffe, Dean, Craig Gundersen, Laura Tiehen, and Joshua Winicki. “Food Stamp Benefits and Child Poverty.” 569 Classification System Meyerhoefer, Chad D., Christine K. Ranney, and Consumer Demand David E. Sahn. “Consistent Estimation of Censored Production Economics and Supply Demand Systems Using Panel Data.” 660 Agricultural Products: price analysis, subsector models, marketing, futures Davis, George C. “The Significance and Insignifi- Agricultural Inputs: land, labor, finance cance of Demand Analysis in Evaluating Promotion Natural Resources: energy, conservation, land use, Programs.” 673 water, forestry, fisheries Dong, Diansheng, and Harry M. Kaiser. “Coupon Environmental Economics: pollution, regulation, nonmarket valuation Redemption and Its Effects on Household Cheese Purchases.” 689 Agricultural and Food Policy: regulation, taxation, welfare Matsuda, Toshinobu. “Forms of Scale Curves and Economic Development: developing economies, Differential Inverse Demand Systems.” 786 aid, regional, general equilibrium International Economics: trade, integration Wong, Gary K.K., and Keith R. McLaren. “Specifi- Industrial Organization and Market Structure cation and Estimation of Regular Inverse Demand General: teaching, extension, research methodo- Systems: A Distance Function Approach.” 823 logy, professional Messer, Kent D., Todd M. Schmit, and Harry M. Kaiser. “Optimal Institutional Mechanisms for Consumer Demand Funding Generic Advertising: An Experimental Analysis.” 1046 Reed, Albert J., J. William Levedahl, and Charles Hallahan. “The Generalized Composite Com- Loureiro, Maria L., and Rodolfo M. Nayga, Jr. “In- modity Theorem and Food Demand Estimation.” ternational Dimensions of Obesity and Overweight 28 Related Problems: An Economic Perspective.” 1147 Sarmiento, Camilo. “A Varying Coefficient Ap- Maclinnis, Bo, and Gordon Rausser. “Does Food proach to Global Flexibility in Demand Analysis: Processing Contribute to Childhood Obesity A Semiparametric Approximation.” 38 Disparities?” 1154 Winfree, Jason A., and Jill J. McCluskey. “Collec- Timothy K.M. Beatty, and Jeffrey T. LaFrance. tive Reputation and Quality.” 206 “United States Demand for Food and Nutrients in the Twentieth Century.” 1159 Dhar, Tirtha, and Jeremy D. Foltz. “Milk by Any Chen, Adam Zhuo, Steven T. Yen, and David Other Name...Consumer Benefits from Labeled B. Eastwood. “The Effects of Food Stamp Milk.” 214 Participation on Body Weight and Obesity.” 1167 Rousu, Matthew. “European Consumers’ Willing- ness to Pay for U.S. Beef in Experimental Auction Production Economics and Supply Markets: Comment.” 255 Wu, Steven, and Brian Roe. “Behavioral and Wel- Alfnes, Frode, and Kyrre Rickertsen. “European fare Effects of Tournaments and Fixed Performance Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for U.S. Beef in Ex- Contracts: Some Experimental Evidence.” 130 perimental Auction Markets: Reply.” 258 Rejesus, Roderick M., Cesar L. Escalante, and Ash- Kiesel, Kristin, David Buschena, and Vincent ley C. Lovell. “Share Tenancy, Ownership Structure, Smith. “Do Voluntary Biotechnology Labels Mat- and Prevented Planting Claims in Crop Insurance.” ter to the Consumer? Evidence.” 378 180 Lusk, Jayson L., and Keith H. Coble. “Risk Per- Coyle, Barry T. “Aggregation over Firms under ceptions, Risk Preference, and Acceptance of Risky Mean Scaling.” 366 Food.” 393 Abdulai, Awudu, and Wallace E. Huffman. “The Yen, Steven T. “A Multivariate Sample-Selection Diffusion of New Agricultural Technologies: The Model: Estimating Cigarette and Alcohol Demands Case of Crossbred-Cow Technology in Tanzania.” with Zero Observations.” 453 645 Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 87 (Number 5, 2005): 1353-1356 Copyright 2005 American Agricultural Economics Association 1354 Number 5, 2005 Amer. J. Agr. Econ. Hennessy, David A., Jutta Roosen, and Helen H. Katchova, Ani L. “The Farm Diversification Dis- Jensen. “Infectious Disease, Productivity, and Scale count.” 984 in Open and Closed Animal Production Systems.” 900 Natural Resources: Energy, Conservation, Kuosmanen, Timo. “Weak Disposability in Non- Land Use, Water, Forestry, Fisheries parametric Production Analysis with Undesirable Outputs.” 1077 Woodward, Richard T., Yong-Suhk Wui, and Wade L. Griffin. “Living with the Curse of Dimension- ality: Closed-Loop Optimization in a Large-Scale Agricultural Products: Price Analysis, Fisheries Simulation Model.” 48 Subsector Models, Marketing, Futures Uusivuori, Jussi, and Jari Kuuluvainen. “The Har- Schumacher, Sara K., and Michael A. Boland. “The vesting Decisions When a Standing Forest with Persistence of Profitability among Firms in the Food Multiple Age-Classes Has Value.” 61 Economy.” 103 Peterson, Jeffrey M., and Ya Ding. “Economic Ad- Rucker, Randal R., Walter N. Thurman, and justments to Groundwater Depletion in the High Jonathan K. Yoder. “Estimating the Structure of Market Reaction to News: Information Events and Plains: Do Water-Saving Irrigation Systems Save Water?” 147 Lumber Futures Prices.” 482 Mohtadi, Hamid, and Jean D. Kinsey. “Information Dridi, Chokri, and Madhu Khanna. “Irrigation Exchange and Strategic Behavior in Supply Chains: Technology Adoption and Gains from Water Trad- Application to the Food Sector.” 582 ing under Asymmetric Information.” 289 Sanders, Dwight R., and Mark R. Manfredo. “Fore- Insley, Margaret, and Kimberly Rollins. “On Solv- cast Encompassing as the Necessary Condition ing the Multirotational Timber Harvesting Problem to Reject Futures Market Efficiency: Fluid Milk with Stochastic Prices: A Linear Complementarity Futures.” 610 Formulation.” 735 Fafchamps, Marcel, and Ruth Vargas Hill. “Selling Amacher, Greg, and Gunnar Kohlin. “Welfare [m- at the Farmgate or Traveling to Market.” 717 plications of Community Forest Plantations in De- veloping Countries: The Orissa Social Forestry Shi, Wei, and Scott H. Irwin. “Optimal Hedging Project.” 855 with a Subjective View: An Empirical Bayesian Approach.” 918 Howitt, Richard E., Siwa Msangi, Arnaud Rey- naud, and Keith C. Knapp. “Estimating Intertempo- Lence, Sergio H., and Dermot J. Hayes. “Genet- ral Preferences for Natural Resource Allocation.” ically Modified Crops: Their Market and Welfare 969 Impacts.” 931 Sarmiento, Camilo, and William W. Wilson. “Spatial Modeling in Technology Adoption Decisions: The Environmental Economics: Pollution, Case of Shuttle Train Elevators.” 1034 Regulation, Nonmarket Valuation Tomek, William G., and Hikaru Hanawa Peterson. Shonkwiler, J. Scott, and Jeffrey Englin. “Welfare “Implications of Commodity Price Behavior for Losses Due to Livestock Grazing on Public Lands: Marketing Strategies.” 1258 A Count Data Systemwide Treatment.” 302 Anderson, Kim B., and B. Wade _ Brorsen. Ready, Richard C., and Charles W. Abdalla. “The “Marketing Performance of Oklahoma Farmers.” Amenity and Disamenity Impacts of Agricul- 1265 ture: Estimates from a Hedonic Pricing Model.” 314 Hagedorn, Lewis A., Scott H. Irwin, Darrel L. Good, and Evelyn V. Colino. “Does the Perfor- Horan, Richard D., and James S. Shortle. “When mance of Illinois Corn and Soybean Farmers Lag Two Wrongs Make a Right: Second-Best Point- the Market?” 1271 Nonpoint Trading Ratios.” 340 Kastens, Terry. “Marketing Performance of U.S. Horan, Richard D., and Christopher A. Wolf. “The Farmers: A Discussion.” 1280 Economics of Managing Infectious Wildlife Dis- ease.” 537 Agricultural Inputs: Land, Labor, Finance Prestemon, Jeffrey P., and David T. Butry. “Time to Katchova, Ani L., and Peter J. Barry. “Credit Risk Burn: Modeling Wildland Arson as an Autoregres- Models and Agricultural Lending.” 194 sive Crime Function.” 756 Gloy, Brent A., Michael A. Gunderson, and Eddy Pattanayak, Subhrendu K., and David T. Butry. L. LaDue. “The Costs and Returns of Agricultural “Spatial Complementarity of Forests and Farms: Credit Delivery.” 703 Accounting for Ecosystem Services.” 995 Index to Volume 87 Subjects 1355 Feng, Hongli, Catherine L. Kling, Lyubov A. Ahearn, Mary Clare, Jet Yee, and Penni Korb. “Ef- Kurkalova, Silvia Secchi, and Philip W. Gassman. fects of Differing Farm Policies on Farm Structure “The Conservation Reserve Program in the Pres- and Dynamics.” 1182 ence of a Working Land Alternative: Implications Shaik, Saleem, Glenn A. Helmers, and Joseph for Environmental Quality, Program Participation, A. Atwood. “The Evolution of Farm Programs and Income Transfer.” 1231 and Their Contribution to Agricultural Land Kirwan, Barrett, Ruben N. Lubowski, and Michael Values.” 1190 J. Roberts. “How Cost-Effective Are Land Reitire- Goodwin, Barry K. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Another ment Auctions? Estimating the Difference between Look at Decoupling: Addition Evidence on the Pro- Payments and Willingness to Accept in the Conser- duction Effects of Direct Payments.” 1200 vation Reserve Program.” 1239 Key, Nigel, Ruben N. Lubowski, and Michael J. Yang, Wanhong, Madhu Khanna, and Richard Roberts. “Farm-Level Production Effects from Par- Farnsworth. “Effectiveness of Conservation Pro- ticipation in Government Commodity Programs: grams in Illinois and Gains from Targeting.” 1248 Did the 1996 Federal Agricultural Improvement Baerenklau, Kenneth A. “Cost-Effectiveness of the and Reform Act Make a Difference?” 1211 Conservation Reserve Program: Discussion.” 1256 Sckokai, Paolo, and Jesis Anton. “The Degree of Decoupling of Area Payments for Arable Crops in Agricultural and Food Policy: Regulation, the European Union.” 1220 Taxation, Welfare Sumner, Daniel A. “Production and Trade Effects Bénédicte, Coestier, Estelle Gozland, and Stéphan of Farm Subsidies: Discussion.” 1229 Marette. “On Food Companies Liability for Obesity. | Economic Development: Developing Starbird, Andrew S. “Moral Hazard, Inspection Pol- Economies, Aid, Regional, General icy, and Food Safety.” 15 Equilibrium Roberts, Michael J., and Shawn Bucholtz. “Slippage Chavas, Jean-Paul, Ragan Petrie, and Michael Roth. in the Conservation Reserve Program or Spurious “Farm Household Production Efficiency: Evidence Correlation? A Comment.” 244 from The Gambia.” 160 Wu, JunJie. “Slippage Effects of the Conservation Yamano, Takashi, Harold Alderman, and Luc Reserve Program: Reply.” 251 Christiaensen. “Child Growth, Shocks, and Food Riekhof, Gina M., and Michael E. Sykuta. “Politics, Aid in Rural Ethiopia.” 273 Economics, and the Regulation of Direct Interstate Pinstrup-Andersen, Per. “Ethics and Economic Pol- Shipping in the Wine Industry.” 439 icy for the Food System.” 1097 Chambers, Robert G., and John Quiggin. “Output Falcon, Walter P., and Rosamond L. Naylor. Price Subsidies in a Stochastic World.” 501 “Rethinking Food Security for the Twenty-First Hennessy, David A. “Slaughterhouse Rules: Ani- Century.” 1113 mal Uniformity and Regulating for Food Safety in Gillespie, Stuart, and Suneetha Kadiyals. Meat Packing.” 600 “HIV/AIDS and Food and Nutrition Security: Serra, Teresa. “Replacement of Agricultural Price Interactions and Response.” 1282 Supports by Area Payments in the European Union Mather, David, Cynthia Donovan, T.S. Jayne, and and the Effects on Pesticide Use.” 870 Michael Weber. “Using Empirical Information in Gundersen, Craig, and Susan Offutt. “Farm Poverty the Era of HIV/AIDS to Inform Mitigation and Ru- and Safety Nets.” 885 ral Development Strategies: Selected Results from African Country Studies.” 1289 Lence, Sergio, Dermot Hayes, Alan McCunn, and Stephen Smith. “Welfare Impacts of Property McPherson, Malcolm F. “Asset Preservation in Rights in the Seed Industry.” 951 African Agriculture in the Face of HIV/AIDS: The Role of Education.” 1298 Moreno, Georgina, and David Sunding. “Joint Esti- mation of Technology Adoption and Land Alloca- McNamara, Paul E. “Using Agricultural Economics tion with Implications for the Design of Conserva- to Strengthen Nongovernmental Organizations’ tion Policy.” 1009 Food Security Programs for People Living with HIV/AIDS: An Example from Honduras.” 1304 Chau, Nancy H., and Harry de Gorter. “Disentan- gling the Consequences of Direct Payment Schemes Gollin, Douglas, Michael Morris, and Derek Byer- in Agriculture on Fixed Costs, Exit Decisions, and lee. “Technology Adoption in Intensive Post-Green Output.” 1174 Revolution Systems.” 1310 1356 Number 5, 2005 Amer. J. Agr. Econ. Qaim, Matin. “Agricultural Biotechnology Adop- MacDonald, James M., and Michael E. Oliinger. tion in Developing Countries.” 1317 “Technology, Labor Wars, and Producer Dynamics: Explaining Consolidation in Beefpacking.” 1020 Lee, David R. “Agricultural Sustainability and Technology Adoption: Issues and Policies for De- Choinard, Hayley. “Auctions with and without the veloping Countries.” 1325 Right of First Refusal and National Park Service Concession Contracts” 1083 Smale, Melinda. “Issues Facing Agricultural Tech- nology Adoption in Developing Countries: Discus- sion.” 1335 General: Teaching, Extension, Research Methodology, Professional Heilerstein, Daniel. “Modeling Discrete Choice International Economics: Trade, Integration with Uncertain Data: An Augmented MNL Esti- Sobolevsky, Andrei, GianCarlo Moschini, and Har- mator.” 77 vey Lapan. “Genetically Modified Crops and Prod- uct Differentiation: Trade and Welfare Effects in the Xia, Yin, and Steven Buccola. “University Life Sci- Soybean Complex.” 621 ence Programs and Agricultural Biotechnology.” 229 Lavoie, Natalie. “Price Discrimination in the Con- text of Vertical Differentiation: An Application to Moeltner, Klaus, and J. Scott Shonkwiler. “Cor- Canadian Wheat Exports.” 835 recting for On-Site Sampling in Random Utility Models.” 327 Tangermann, Stefan. “Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Area Agricultural Poe, Gregory L., Kelly L. Giraud, and John B. Policies and the Interests of Developing Countries.” Loomis. “Computational Methods for Measuring 1128 the Difference of Empirical Distributions.” 353 Malla, Stavroula, and Richard Gray. “The Crowd- ing Effects of Basic and Applied Research: A The- Industrial Organization and Market Structure oretical and Empirical Analysis of an Agricultural Richards, Timothy J., and Paul M. Patterson. “Re- Biotech Industry.” 423 tail Price Fixity as a Facilitating Mechanism.” 85 Hilmer, Christiana E., and Michael J. Hilmer. “How Ollinger, Michael, James M. MacDonald, and Do Journal Quality, Co-Authorship, and Author Milton Madison. “Technological Change and Order Affect Agricultural Economists’ Salaries?” Economies of Scale in U.S. Poultry Processing.” 116 509 Giannakas, Konstantinos, and Murray Fulton. “Pro- Lusk, Jayson L., and F. Bailey Norwood. “Effect cess Innovation Activity in a Mixed Oligopoly: The of Experimental Design on Choice-Based Conjoint Role of Cooperatives.” 406 /aluation Estimates.” 771 Just, Richard E., Siddhartha Mitra, and Sinaia Ne- von Haefen, Roger H., D. Matthew Massey, and tanyahu. “Implications of Nash Bargaining for Hor- Wiktor L. Adamowicz. “Serial Non-Participation in izontal Industry Integration.” 467 Repeated Discrete Choice Models.” 1061 Authors Hagedorn, Lewis A., 1271 Hallahan, Charles, 28 Harrington, David H., 1198 Hellerstein, Daniel, 77 Abdalla, Charles W., 314 Helmers, Glenn A., 1190 Ahearn, Mary Clare, 1182 Hilmer, Christiana E., 509 Albright, Carmen, 1345 Hilmer, Michael J., 509 Alderman, Harold, 273 Horan, Richard D., 340 Alfnes, Frode, 258 Irwin, Scott H., 1271 Anderson, Kim B., 1265 Jayne, T.S., 1289 Anton, Jestis, 1220 Johnston, Robert J., 524 Asselin, André M., 1339 Just, Richard E., 467 Atwood, Joseph A., 1190 Kadiyala, Suneetha, 1282 Baerenklau, Kenneth A., 1256 Kastens, Terry, 1280 Barry, Peter J., 194 Katchova, Ani L., 194 Beatty, Timothy K.M., 1159 Key, Nigel, 1211 Boland, Michael A., 103 Khanna, Madhu, 289, 1248 Brorsen, B. Wade, 1265 Kiesel, Kristin, 378 Buccola, Steven, 229 Kirwan, Barrett, 1239 Bucholtz, Shawn, 244 Kling, Catherine L., 1231 Buschena, David, 378 Korb, Penni, 1182 Byerlee, Derek, 1310 Kurkalova, Lyubov A., 1231 Chambers, Robert G., 501 Kuuluvainen, Jari, 61 Chau, Nancy H., 1174 LaFrance, Jeffrey T., 1159 Chavas, Jean-Paul, 160 Lee, David R., 1325 Chen, Adam Zhuo, 1167 Levedahl, J. William, 28 Christiaensen, 273 Loomis, John B., 353 Coble, Keith H., 393 Loureiro, Maria L., 1147 Coestier, Bénédicte, | Lovell, Ashley C., 180 Colino, Evelyn V., 1271 Lubowski, Ruben N., 1211, 1239 Coyle, Barry T., 366 Lusk, Jayson L., 393 deGorter, Harry, 1174 MacDonald, James M., 116 Dhar, Tirtha, 214 MacInnis, Bo, 1154 Ding, Ya, 147 Madison, Milton, 116 Donovan, Cynthia, 1289 Malla, Stavroula, 423 Dridi, Chokri, 289 Marette, Stéphan, | Eastwood, David B., 1167 Mather, David, 1289 Englin, Jeffrey, 302 McCluskey, Jill J., 206 Escalante, Cesar L., 180 McNamara, Paul, 1304 Falcon, Walter P., 1113 McPherson, Malcolm, 1298 Farnsworth, Richard, 1248 Mishra, Ashok K., 1200 Feng, Hongli, 1231 Mitra, Siddhartha, 467 Foltz, Jeremy D., 214 Moeltner, Klaus, 327 Fulton, Murray. 406 Morris, Michael, 1310 Gassman, Philip W., 1231 Nayga, Rodolfo M. Jr., 1147 Giannakas, Konstantinos, 406 Naylor, Rosamond L., 1113 Gillespie, Stuart, 1282 Neall, Amanda, 1345 Giraud, Kelly L., 353 Netanyahu, Sinaia, 467 Gollin, Douglas, 1310 Ollinger, Michael, 116 Good, Darrel L., 1271 Patterson, Paul M., 85 Goodwin, Barry K., 1200 Peterson, Hikaru Hanawa, 1258 Gozlan, Estelle, | Peterson, Jeffrey M., 147 Gray, Richard, 423 Petrie, Ragan, 160 Griffin, Wade L., 48 Pinstrup-Andersen, Per, 1097 1358 Number 5, 2005 Amer. J. Agr. Econ. Poe, Gregory L., 353 Smale, Melinda, 1335 Porter, Michael, 1145 Smith, Vincent, 378 Qaim, Matin, 1317 Starbird, S. Andrew, 15 Quiggin, John, 501 Sumner, Daniel A., 1229 Rausser, Gordon, 1154 Sykuta, Michael E., 439 Ready, Richard C., 314 Tangermann, Stefan, 1128 Reed, Albert J., 28 Thurman, Walter N., 482 Rejesus, Roderick M., 180 Tomek, William G., 1258 Richards, Timothy J., 85 Tyrrell, Timothy J., 524 Rickertsen, Hyrre, 258 Uusivuori, Jussi, 61 Riekhof, Gina M., 439 Weber, Michael, 1289 Roberts, Michael J., 244, 1211, 1239 Winfree, Jason A., 206 Roe, Brian, 130 Woodward, Richard T., Roth, Michael, 160 Wu, JunJie, 251 Rousu, Matthew, 255 Wu, Steven, 130 Rucker, Randal R., 482 Wu, Yong-Suhk, 48 Sarmiento, Camilo, 38 Xia, Yin, 229 Schumacher, Sara K., 103 Yamano, Takashi, 273 Sckokai, Paolo, 1220 Yang, Wanhong, 1248 Secchi, Silvia, 1231 Yee, Jet, 1182 Shaik, Saleem, 1190 Yen, Steven T., 453, 1167 Shonkviler, J. Scott, 302, 327 Yoder, Jonathan K., 482 Shortle, James S., 340

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