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Index to Volume 76 Subjects Classification System Weak Separability in Disaggregated Meat Products.” 800-8 Consumer Demand Production Economics and Supply Production Economics and Supply Agricultural Products: price analysis, subsector models marketing, futures Agricultural Inputs: land, labor, finance Borges, Robert B., and Walter N. Thurman, “Market- Natural Resources: energy, conservation, land use, water ing Quotas and Random Yields: The Marginal Effects of forestry, fisheries Inframarginal Subsidies on Peanut Supply.” 809-17 Environmental Economics: pollution, regulation, Chambers, Robert G., and Rulon D. Pope, “A Virtually nonmarket valuation Ideal Production System: Specifying and Estimating the Agricultural and Food Policy: regulation, taxation, wel- VIPS Model.” 105-13 fare Duffy, Patricia, and C. Robert Taylor, “Effect on a Economic Development: developing economies, aid, re- Corn-Soybean Farm of Uncertainty about Farm Program gional, general equilibrium Future.” 141-52 International Economics: trade, integration Frasier, Marshall W., and George H. Pfeiffer, “Optimal Industrial Organization and Market Structure Replacement and Management Policies for Beef Cattle.” General: teaching, extension, research methodology, pro- 847-58 fessional Kalaitzandonakes, Nicholas G., “Price Protection and Productivity Growth.” 722-32 Kimhi, Ayal, “Optimal Timing of Farm Transferal from Consumer Demand Parent to Child.” 228-36 Marsh, John M., “Estimating Intertemporal Supply Re- Buse, A., “Evaluating the Linearized Almost Ideal De- sponse in the Fed Beef Market.” 444-53 mand System.” 781-93 Melton, Bryan E., W. Arden Colette, and Richard L. Chung, Ching-Fan, “A Cross-Section Demand Analysis Willham, “Imputing Input Characteristic Values From of Spanish Provincial Food Consumption.” 513-21 Optimal Commercial Breed or Variety Choice Decisions.” Cornick, Jorge, Thomas Cox, and Brian W. Gould, 478-91 “Fluid Milk Purchases: A Multivariate Tobit Analysis.” Miranda, Mario J., Frank Novak, and Mel Lerohl, 74-82 “Acreage Response Under Canada’s Western Grains Sta- Eom, Young Sook, “Pesticide Residue Risk and Food bilization Program.” 270-76 Safety Valuation: A Random Utility Approach.” 760-71 Moore, Michael R., Noel R. Gollehon, and Marc B. Hahn, William F., “Elasticities in AIDS Models: Com- Carey, “Multicrop Production Decisions in Western Irri- meat.” 972-77 gated Agriculture: The Role of Water Price.” 859-74 Halbrendt, Catherine, Francis Tuan, Conrado Orazem, Peter F., and John A. Miranowski, “A Dy- Gempesaw, and Dimphna Dolk-Etz, “Rural Chinese namic Model of Acreage Allocation with General and Food Consumption: The Case of Guangdong.” 794-99 Crop-Specific Soil Capital.” 385-95 Huang, Kuo S.,” A Further Look at Flexibilities and Pope, Rulon D., and Jean-Paul Chavas, “Cost Func- Elasticities.” 313-17 tions Under Production Uncertainty.” 196-204 Lee, Jong-Ying, Mark G. Brown, and James L. Seale, Saha, Atanu, H. Alan Love, and Robert Schwart, Jr., “Model Choice in Consumer Analysis: Taiwan, 1970- 1989.” 504-12 “Adoption of Emerging Technologies Under Output Un- Lenz, John E., Ron C. Mittelhammer, and Honggi Shi, certainty.” 836-46 “Retail-Level Hedonics and the Valuation of Milk Com- Saha, Atanu, C. Richard Shumway, and Hovav ponents.” 492-503 Talpaz, “Joint Estimation of Risk Preference Structure McCorriston, S., and I.M. Sheldon, “Selling Import and Technology Using Expo-Power Utility.” 173-84 Quota Licenses: The U.S. Cheese Case.” 818-27 Swinton, Scott M., and Robert P. King, “The Value of Moschini, Giancarlo, Daniele Moro, and Richard D. Pest Information in a Dynamic Setting: The Case of Weed Green, “Maintaining and Testing Separability in Demand Control.” 36—46 Systems.” 61-73 Tronstad, Russell, and Russell Gum, “Cow Culling De- Nayga, Rudolfo M., Jr., and Oral Capps, Jr., “Tests of cisions Adapted for Management with CART.” 237-49 Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 76 (December 1994): 1317-1320 Copyright 1994 American Agricultural Economics Association 1318 December 1994 Amer. J. Agr. Econ. Agricultural Products: price analysis, subsector Vercammen, James, and G. Cornelis van Kooten, models, marketing, futures “Moral Hazard Cycles in Individual-Coverage Crop In- surance.” 250-61 Benirschka, Martin, and James K. Binkley, “Land Price Volatility in a Geographically Dispersed Market.” Natural Resources: energy, conservation, land 185-95 use, water, forestry, fisheries Lapan, Harvey, and Giancarlo Moschini, “Futures Hedging Under Price, Basis, and Production Risk .” 465- Allee, David J., Charles McClintock, and John R. 77 Powell, “Incorporating Groundwater Protection Benefits Lence, Sergio H., and Dermot J. Hayes, “The Empirical into Local Community Planning: The Impact of Contin- Minimum-Variance Hedge.” 94-104 gent Valuation Information.” 1068-75 Lence, Sergio H., Yong Sakong, and Dermot J. Hayes, Boyle, Kevin L., Gregory L. Poe, and John C. “Multiperiod Production with Forward and Option Mar- Bergstrom, “What Do We Know about Groundwater Val- kets.” 286-95 ues? Preliminary Implications from a Meta Analysis of Quiggin, John, Brian S. Fisher, and Deborah C. Contingent- Valuation Studies.” 1055-61 Peterson, “Cost Pooling in Australian Grain Handling: A Kennedy, John O.S., Brian Hardaker, and John Common Property Analysis.” 262-69 Quiggin, “Incorporating Risk Aversion in Dynamic Pro- gramming Models: Comment.” 960-64 Agricultural Inputs: land, labor, finance Krautkraemer, Jeffrey A., G.C. van Kooten, and Dou- glas L. Young, “Incorporating Risk Aversion into Dy- Barnett, Barry, and Jerry Skees, “An Empirical Analy- namic Programming Models: Reply.” 965-67 sis of the Demand for Multiple Peril Crop Insurance: Lewandrowski, Jan K., Michael K. Wohlgenant, and Comment.” 948-51 Thomas J. Grennes, “Finished Product Inventories and Berger, Allen N., “Issues in Measuring the Efficiencies of Price Expectations in the Softwood Lumber Industry.” Agricultural Banks.” 672-74 83-93 Bjornson, Bruce N., “Asset Pricing Theory and the Pre- Provencher, William, and Oscar Burt, “A Private Prop- dictable Variation in Agricultural Asset Returns.” 454-64 erty Rights Regime for the Commons: The Case for Collender, Robert N., “Future Directions for Agricultural Groundwater.” 875-88 Banking Efficiency Research.” 669-71 Swallow, Stephen K., “Intra-Season Harvest Regulation Chavas, Jean-Paul, “Production and Investment Deci- to Enhance Recreation: An Application to Fishery Policy.” sions Under Sunk Cost and Temporal Uncertainty.” 114- 924-35 27 Ward, John M., and Jon G. Sutinen, “Vessel Entry-Exit Ellinger, Paul N., “Potential Gains from Efficiency Behavior in the Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fishery.” 916-23 Analysis of Agricultural Banks.” 652-54 Featherstone, Allen M., and Charles B. Mass, ““Measur- Environmental Economics: pollution, regulation, ing Economies of Scale and Scope in Agricultural Bank- nonmarket valuation ing.” 655-61 Ford, Stephen A., and Wesley N. Musser, “The Lease- Allee, David J., Charles McClintock, and John R. Purchase Decision for Agricultural Assets.” 277-85 Powell, “Incorporating Groundwater Protection Benefits Goodwin, Barry K., “An Empirical Analysis of the De- into Local Community Planning: The Impact of Contin- mand for Multiple Peril Crop Insurance: Reply.” 952-53 gent Valuation Information.” 1068-75 Goodwin, Barry K., and Ted C. Schroeder, “Human Abdalla, Charles W., “Groundwater Values from Avoid- Capital, Producer Education Programs, and the Adoption ance Cost Studies: Implications for Policy and Future Re- of Forward-Pricing Methods.” 936-47 search.” 1062-67 Innes, Robert, and Sergio Ardila, “Agricultural Insur- Antle, John M., and Susan M. Capalbo, “Pesticides, ance and Soil Depletion in a Simple Dynamic Model.” Productivity, and Farmer Health: Implications for Regula- 371-84 tory Policy and Agricultural Research.” 598-602 Kimhi, Ayal, “Quasi-Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Antle, John M., and Prabhu L. Pingali, “Pesticides, Multivariate Probit Models: Farm Couples’ Labor Partici- Productivity, and Farmer Health: A Philippine Case pation.” 828-35 Study.” 418-30 Neff, David L., and Bruce L. Dixon, “Measuring the Ef- Boyle, Kevin L., Gregory L. Poe, and John C. ficiency of Agricultural Banks.” 662-68 Bergstrom, “What Do We Know about Groundwater Val- Skoufias, Emmanuel, “Using Shadow Wages to Estimate ues? Preliminary Implications from a Meta Analysis of Labor Supply of Agricultural Households.” 215-27 Contingent- Valuation Studies.” 1055-61 Vandeveer, Monte L., and Edna T. Loehman, “Farmer Chambers, Robert G., and Erik Lichtenberg, “Simple Response to Modified Crop Insurance: A Case Study of Econometrics of Pesticide Productivity.” 407-17 Corn in Indiana.” 128-40 Crissman, Charles C., Donald C. Cole, and Fernando Index to Volume 76 Subjects 1319 Carpio, “Pesticide Use and Farm Worker Health in Ecua- the Farming Sector: The New Zealand Experience.” dorian Potato Production.” 593-97 103440 Cropper, Maureen L., “Economic and Health Conse- Martin, Will J., and Julian M. Alston, “A Dual Ap- quences of Pesticide Use in Developing, Country Agricul- proach to Evaluating Research Benefits in the Presence of ture: Discussion.” 605-07 Trade Distortions.” 26-35 Cummings, Ronald G., Philip T. Ganderton, and Tho- Morey, Edward R., and Donald M. Waldman, “Func- mas McGuckin, “Substitution Effects in Contingent tional Form and the Statistical Properties of Welfare Mea- Valuation Estimates.” 205—14 sures: Comment.” 954-57 Feather, Peter M., “Sampling and Aggregation Issues in Moschini, Giancarlo, and Paolo Sckokai, “Efficiency of Random Utility Model Estimation.” 772-80 Decoupled Farm Programs under Distortionary Taxation.” Horowitz, John K., “Preferences for Pesticide Reguia- 362-70 tion.” 396-406 Sandrey, Ron A., and Grant M. Scobie, “Changing In- Mapp, H.P, D.J. Bernardo, G.B. Sabbagh, S. Geleta, ternational Competitiveness and Trade: Recent Experi- and K.B. Watkins, “Economic and Environmental Im- ence in New Zealand Agriculture.” 1041-46 pacts of Limiting Nitrogen Use to Protect Water Quality: Swinnen, Johan F.M., “A Positive Theory of Agricul- A Stochastic Regional Analysis.” 889-903 tural Protection.” 1-14 McFadden, Daniel, “Contingent Valuation and Social Choice.” 689-708 Economic Development: developing economies, Pingali, Prabhu L., Cynthia B. Marquez, and aid, regional, general equilibrium Florencia G. Palis, “Pesticides and Philippine Rice Farmer Health: A Medical and Economic Analysis.” 587— Alderman, Harold, Lawrence Haddad, John 92 Hoddinott, and Stephen A. Vosti, “Strengthening Agri- Segerson, Kathleen, “The Benefits of Groundwater Pro- cultural and Natural Resource Policy through Intrahouse- tection: Discussion.” 1076-78 hold Analysis: An Introduction.” 1208-12 Swallow, Stephen K., Thomas Weaver, James T. Anderson, Jock R., “Agricultural Productivity in Africa: Opaluch, Thomas S. Michelman, “Heterogeneous Pref- Discussion.” 625-26 erences and Aggregation for Environmental Policy Analy- Brown, Lynn R., Yisehac Yohannes, and Patrick sis: A Landfill Siting Case.” 431-43 Webb, “Rural Labor-Intensive Public Works Programs: Zilberman, David, and Federico Castillo, “Economic Impacts of Male and Female Participation on Preschooler and Health Consequences of Pesticide Use in Developing Nutrition: Evidence from Niger.” 1213-18 Country Agriculture: Discussion.” 603-4 Block, Steven A., “A New View of Agricultural Produc- tivity in Sub-Saharan Africa.” 619-24 Agricultural and Food Policy: regulation, taxa- Broomhall, David E., and Thomas G. Johnson, “Eco- tion, welfare nomic Factors that Influence Educational Performance in Rural Schools.” 557-67 Adamowicz, Wiktor L., Jerald J. Fletcher, and de Janvry, Alain, “Farm-Nonfarm Synergies in Africa: Theodore Tomasi, “Functional Form and the Statistical Discussion.” 1183-85 Properties of Welfare Measures: Reply.” 958-59 Delgado, Christopher, Peter Hazell, Jane Hopkins, Blandford, David, and Joe Dewbre, “Structural! Adjust- and Valerie Kelly, “Promoting Intersectoral Growth ment and Learning to Live Without Subsidies in OECD Linkage in Rural Africa Through Agricultural Technology Countries.” 1047-52 and Policy Reform.” 1166-71 Bullock, David S., “In Search of Rational Government: Desai, Padma, “Production Efficiency and Agricultural What Political Preference Function Studies Measure and Reform in Ukraine: Comment.” 650-51 Assume.” 347-61 Doss, Cheryl, and Ben Senauer, “Strengthening Agricul- Field, Heather, and Murray Fulton, “Germany and the tural and Natural Resource Policy Through Intrahouse- CAP: A Bargaining Model of EC Agricultural Policy For- hold Analysis: Discussion.” 1226-28 mation.” 15-25 Evenson, Robert, “Agricultural Productivity in Africa: Forsythe, Jr., Kenneth W., and Barbara Corso, “Wel- Discussion.” 627-28 fare Effects of the National Pseudorabies Eradication Pro- Gardner, Bruce L., and Karen M. Brooks, “Food gram: Comment.” 968-71 Prices and Market Integration in Russia: 1992-93.” 641- Gardner, Bruce L., “Discussion of Papers on New 46 Zealand Liberalization in Agriculture.” 1053-54 Hoffman, Wendy L., Bruce L. Gardner, Richard E. Huffman, Wallace, and Richard E. Just, “Funding, Just, and Brent M. Hueth, “The Impact of Food Aid on Structure, and Management of Public Agricultural Re- Food Subsidies in Recipient Countries.” 733-43 search in the United States.” 744-59 Hopkins, Jane, Carol Levin, and Lawrence Haddad Johnston, Warren E., and Gerald A.D. Frengley, “Eco- “Women’s Income and Household Expenditure Patterns: nomic Adjustments and Changes in Financial Viability of Gender or Flow? Evidence from Niger.” 1219-25 1320 December 1994 Amer. J. Agr. Econ. Jayne, T.S., Yougesh Khatri, Colin Thirtle, and Tho- Elisabet Rutstrém, “Statistical Bias Functions and Infor- mas Reardon, “Determinants of Productivity Change Us- mative Hypothetical Surveys.” 1084-88 ing a Profit Function: Smallholder Agriculture In Zimba- Goodwin, Barry K., “Oligopsony Power: A Forgotten bwe.” 613-18 Dimension of Food Marketing? Discussion.” 1163-65 Grether, David M., “Individual Behavior and Market Johnson, Stanley, Aziz Bouzaher, Alicia Carriquiry, Performance.” 1079-83 Helen Jensen, and P. Lakshminarayan, “Production Ef- Hyde, Charles E., and Jeffrey M. Perloff, “Can ficiency for Agriculture and the Economic Reform in Monopsony Power Be Estimated?” 1151-55 Ukraine.” 629-35 Kilkenny, Maureen, and Dan Otto, “A General Equilib- Larson, Bruce A., and Margot Anderson, “Technology rium Perspective on Structural Change in the Rural Transfer, Licensing Contracts, and Incentives for Further Economy.” 1130-37 Innovation.” 547-56 Johnson, Stanley R., “Agriculture and Economic Inter- Liedholm, Carl, Michael McPherson, and Enyinna dependence: Discussion.” 1138-39 Chuta, “Small Enterprise Employment Growth in Rural Leones, Julie, Gerald Schluter, and George Goldman, Africa.” 1177-82 “Redefining Agriculture in Interindustry Analysis.” 1123- Liefert, William M., “Economic Reform and Compara- 29 tive Advantage in Agriculture in the New Independent Love, H. Alan, and C. Richard Shumway, “Nonpara- metric Tests for Monopsonistic Market Power Exertion.” States.” 636-40 1156-62 Reardon, Thomas, Eric Crawford, and Valerie Kelly, Nelson, Glenn L., “Sectoral Interdependence: Current “Links Between Nonfarm Income and Farm Investment Measures and New Approaches.” 1140-42 in African Households: Adding the Capital Market Per- Rogers, Richard T., and Richard Sexton, “Assessing spective.” 1172-76 the Importance of Oligopsony in Agricultural Markets.” Saha, Atanu, and Janice Stroud, “A Household Model 1143-50 of On-Farm Storage Under Price Risk.” 522-34 Shogren, Jason F., John A. Fox, Dermot J. Hayes, and Savadogo, Kimseyinga, Thomas Reardon, and Kyosti James B. Kliebenstein, “Bid Sensitivity and the Struc- Pietola, “Farm Productivity in Burkina Faso: Effects of ture of the Vickrey Auction.” 1089-95 Animal Traction and Nonfarm Income.” 608—12 Swallow, Stephen K., “Value Elicitation in Laboratory Smale, Melinda, Richard E. Just, and Howard D. Markets: Discussion and Applicability to Contingent Leathers, “Land Allocation in HYV Adoption Models: Valuation.” 1096--1100 An Investigation of Alternative Explanations.” 535-46 Suzuki, Nobuhiro, Harry M. Kaiser, John E. Lenz, Kohei Kobayashi, and Olan D. Forker, “Evaluating Ge- Tyers, Rod, “Economic Reform and Comparative Advan- neric Milk Promotion Effectiveness with an Imperfect tage in Agriculture in the New Independent States: Dis- Competition Model.” 296-302 cussion.” 647-49 Variyam, Jayachandran N., and David S. Kraybill, General: teaching, extension, research methodol- “Managerial Inputs and the Growth of Rural Small Farms.” 568-75 ogy, professional Akridge, Jay T., William D. Dobson, and Marilyn International Economics: trade, integration Holschuh, “Positioning Agricultural Economics Depart- ments to Serve Agribusiness Graduate and Professional Chambers, Robert G., and Daniel H. Pick, “Marketing Education Markets.” 1193-98 Orders as Nontariff Trade Barriers.” 47-54 Broder, Josef, John C. Bergstrom, and Warren Coyle, Bill, “Trade Patterns in the Pacific Rim; Outlook Kriesel, “What Are the AAEA Meetings Worth?” 576-86 for the Next Decade: Discussion.” 1119-20 Broder, Josef M., and William J. Taylor, “Teaching Gehlhar, Mark J., Thomas W. Hertel, and Will Mar- Evaluation in Agricultural Economics and Related De- tin, “Economic Growth and the Changing Structure of partments.” 153-62 Trade in the Pacific Rim.” 1101-10 Lee, Linda, “Developing Undergraduate Small Business McDougall, Robert M., and Rod Tyers, “Asian Expan- Programs in Agricultural Economics Departments: Les- sons from the Northeast Region.” 1186-92 sion and Labor-Saving Technical Change: Factor Market Poe, Gregory L., Eric K. Severance-Lossin, and Effects and Policy Reactions.” 1111-18 Michael P. Welsh, “Measuring the Difference of Simu- Peterson, Everett B., Thomas W. Hertel, and James V. lated Distributions: A Convolutions Approach.” 904-15 Stout, “A Critical Assessment of Supply-Demand Models Thompson, Richard P., Oral Capps, Jr., and Joseph G. of Agricultural Trade.” 709-21 Massey, “Demand for an Undergraduate Education in the Pick, Daniel H., and Colin A. Carter, “Pricing to Market Agricultural Sciences.” 303-12 with Transactions Denominated in a Common Currency.” Thor, Peter K., “Agribusiness Management Education: 55-60 Opportunities for the Future.” 1205-7 Wallace, Henry N., David K. Smith, and John W. Industrial Organization and Market Structure Hagen, “Agribusiness Programs in Non-Land-Grant Schools of Agriculture-Requirements for Success.” 1199- Blackburn, McKinley, Glenn W. Harrison, and E. 1204 Authors Abdalla, Charles W., 1062 Dewbre, Joe, 1047 Adamowicz, Wiktor L., 958 Dixon, Bruce L., 662 Akridge, Jay T., 1193 Dobson, William D., 1193 Alderman, Harold, 1208 Dolk-Etz, Dimphna, 794 Allee, David J., 1068 Doss, Cheryl, 1226 Alston, Julian M., 26 Duffy, Patricia, 141 Anderson, Jock R., 625 Ellinger, Paul N., 652 Anderson, Margot, 547 Eom, Young Sook, 760 Antle, John M., 418, 598 Evenson, Robert, 627 Ardila, Sergio, 371 Feather, Peter M., 772 Barnett, Barry, 948 Featherstone, Allen M., 655 Benirschka, Martin, 185 Field, Heather, 15 Berger, Allen N., 672 Fisher, Brian S., 262 Bergstrom, John C., 576, 1055 Fletcher, Jerald J., 958 Bernardo, D.J., 889 Ford, Stephen A., 277 Binkley, James K., 185 Forker, Olan D., 296 Bjornson, Bruce N., 454 Forsythe, Kenneth W., Jr., 968 Blackburn, McKinley, 1084 Fox, John A., 1089 Blandford, David, 1047 Frasier, Marshall W., 847 Block, Steven A., 619 Frengley, Gerald A.D., 1034 Borges, Robert B., 809 Fulton, Murray, 15 Bouzaher, Aziz, 629 Ganderton, Philip T., 205 Boyle, Kevin L., 1055 Gardner, Bruce L., 641, 733, 1053 Brooks, Karen M., 641 Gehlhar, Mark J., 1101 Broomhall, David E., 557 Geleta, S., 889 Brown, Lynn R., 1213 Gempesaw, Conrado, 794 Brown, Mark G., 504 Goldman, George, 1123 Bullock, David S., 347 Gollehon, Noel R., 859 Burt, Oscar, 875 Goodwin, Barry K., 936, 952, 1163 Buse, A., 781 Gould, Brian W., 74 Capalbo, Susan M., 598 Green, Richard D., 61 Capps, Oral, Jr., 303, 800 Grennes, Thomas J., 83 Carey, Marc B., 859 Grether, David M., 1079 Carpio, Fernando, 593 Gum, Russell, 237 Carriquiry, Alicia, 629 Haddad, Lawrence, 1208, 1219 Carter, Colin A., 55 Hagen, John W., 1199 Castillo, Federico, 603 Hahn, William F., 972 Chambers, Robert G., 47, 105, 407 Halbrendt, Catherine, 794 Chavas, Jean-Paul, 114, 196 Hardaker, Brian, 960 Chung, Ching-Fan, 513 Harrison, Glenn W., 1084 Chuta, Enyinna, 1177 Hayes, Dermot J., 94, 286, 1089 Cole, Donald C., 593 Hazell, Peter, 1166 Colette, W. Arden, 478 Hertel, Thomas W., 709, 1101 Collender, Robert N., 669 Hoddinott, John, 1208 Cornick, Jorge, 74 Hoffman, Wendy L., 733 Corso, Barbara, 968 Holschuh, Marilyn, 1193 Cox, Thomas, 74 Hopkins, Jane, 1166, 1219 Coyle, Bill, 1119 Horowitz, John K., 396 Crawford, Eric, 1172 Huang, Kuo S., 313 Crissman, Charles C., 593 Hueth, Brent M., 733 Cropper, Maureen L., 605 Huffman, Wallace, 744 Cummings, Ronald G., 205 Hyde, Charles E., 1151 de Janvry, Alain, 1183 Innes, Robert, 371 Delgado, Christopher, 1166 Jayne, T.S., 613 Desai, Padma, 650 Jensen, Helen, 629 1322 December 1994 Amer. J. Agr. Econ. Johnson, Stanley, 629, 1138 Opaluch, James T., 431 Johnson, Thomas G., 557 Orazem, Peter F., 385 Johnston, Warren E., 1034 Otto, Dan, 1130 Just, Richard E., 535, 733, 744 Palis, Florencia G., 587 Kaiser, Harry M., 296 Perloff, Jeffrey M., 1151 Kalaitzandonakes, Nicholas G., 722 Peterson, Deborah C., 262 Kelly, Valerie, 1166, 1172 Peterson, Everett B., 709 Kennedy, John O.S., 960 Pfeiffer, George H., 847 Khatri, Yougesh, 613 Pick, Daniel H., 47, 55 Kilkenny, Maureen, 1130 Pietola, Kyosti, 608 Kimhi, Ayal, 228, 828 Pingali, Prabhu L., 418, 587 King, Robert P., 36 Poe, Gregory L., 904, 1055 Kliebenstein, James B., 1089 Pope, Rulon D., 105, 196 Kobayashi, Kohei, 296 Powell, John R., 1068 Krautkraemer, Jeffrey A., 965 Provencher, William, 875 Kraybill, David S., 568 Quiggin, John, 262, 960 Kriesel, Warren, 576 Reardon, Thomas, 608, 613, 1172 Lakshminarayan, P., 629 Rogers, Richard T., 1143 Lapan, Harvey, 465 Rutstrém, E. Elisabet, 1084 Larson, Bruce A., 547 Sabbagh, G.B., 889 Leathers, Howard D., 535 Saha, Atanu, 173, 522, 836 Lee, Jong- Ying, 504 Sakong, Yong, 286 Lee, Linda, 1186 Sandrey, Ron A., 1041 Lence, Sergio H., 94, 286 Savadogo, Kimseyinga, 608 Lenz, John E., 296, 492 Schluter, Gerald, 1123 Leones, Julie, 1123 Schroeder, Ted C., 936 Lerohl, Mel, 270 Schwart, Robert, 836 Lewandrowski, Jan K., 83 Sckokai, Paolo, 362 Lichtenberg, Erik, 407 Scobie, Grant M., 1041 Liedholm, Carl, 1177 Seale, James L., Jr., 504 Liefert, William M., 636 Segerson, Kathleen, 1076 Loehman, Edna T., 128 Senauer, Ben, 1226 Love, H. Alan, 836, 1156 Severance-Lossin, Eric K., 904 Mapp, H.P., 889 Sexton, Richard, 1143 Marquez, Cynthia B ., 587 Sheldon, I.M., 818 Marsh, John M., 444 Shi, Honggqi, 492 Martin, Will J., 26, 1101 Shogren, Jason F., 1089 Massey, Joseph G., 303 Shumway, C. Richard, 173, 1156 McClintock, Charles, 1068 Skees, Jerry, 948 McCorriston, S., 818 Skoufias, Emmanuel, 215 McDougall, Robert M., 1111 Smale, Melinda, 535 McFadden, Daniel, 689 Smith, David K., 1199 McGuckin, Thomas, 205 Stout, James V., 709 McPherson, Michael, 1177 Stroud, Janice, 522 Melton, Bryan E., 478 Sutinen, Jon G., 916 Michelman, Thomas S., 431 Suzuki, Nobuhiro, 296 Miranda, Mario J., 270 Swallow, Stephen K., 431, 924, 1096 Miranowski, John A., 385 Swinnen, Johan F.M., | Mittelhammer, Ron C., 492 Swinton, Scott M., 36 Moore, Michael R., 859 Talpaz, Hovav, 173 Morey, Edward R., 954 Taylor, C. Robert, 141 Moro, Daniele, 61 Taylor, William J., 153 Moschini, Giancarlo, 61, 362, 465 Thirtle, Colin, 613 Moss, Charles B., 655 Thompson, Richard P., 303 Musser, Wesley N., 277 Thor, Peter K., 1205 Nayga, Rudolfo M., Jr., 800 Thurman, Walter N., 809 Neff, David L., 662 Tomasi, Theodore, 958 Nelson, Glenn L., 1140 Tronstad, Russell, 237 Novak, Frank, 270 Tuan, Francis, 794 Index to Volume 76 Authors 1323 Tyers, Rod, 647, 1111 van Kooten, G. Cornelis, 250, 965 Vandeveer, Monte L., 128 Variyam, Jayachandran N., 568 Vercammen, James, 250 Vosti, Stephen A., 1208 Waidman, Donald M., 954 Wallace, Henry N., 1199 Ward, John M., 916 Watkins, K.B., 889 Weaver, Thomas, 431 Webb, Patrick, 1213 Welsh, Michael P., 904 Willham, Richard L., 478 Wohlgenant, Michael K., 83 Yohannes, Yisehac, 1213 Young, Douglas L., 965 Zilberman, David, 603

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