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American Drawing-Book Manual for the Amateur PDF

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Preview American Drawing-Book Manual for the Amateur

‘wot ‘Presents oy Mes. C. X. Bebeook Transferred to the LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSiN AMERICAN DRAWING-BOOK: MANUAL FOR THE AMATEUR, BASIS OF STUDY FOR THE PROFESSIONAL ARTIST: ‘TO THE USR OF PORLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS, A8 WELL 48 HOVE TWSTRUCHIOR, |. G CHAPMAN, N. A. ACNEW ADITION, CARETOLLT BEVISED AND OORREGTED BY-THR AUTOR: “egos a om a NEW YORK: A. S BARNES & 0, PUBLISHERS, 111 @ 119 WILLIAM sTEER?. ists. Yeu slg Ae Contr a her 18, inte cles eh Diss Cant fe aden tin andthe Ente Dt ew Yo Puen ting te Ad hgh 1, Inches a fe Deri al of Cate San one Dt af Now Tk, INTRODUCTION, Untroeal Uily ofa Capac Fo Devnlog Taw wt ‘which i omy be nego legsremnen of 9 mare Grea Apeeoivin the Adranges 19 be dried Trai Caltrain CUAPTER 1, Faality of Haed ovo o to fet Rogie ia Drs "Meas by wie it aay bo soa. — 8 t (OF Sight Liner, 8h Imprsnos of Hay In ruven —4, Dry Copy Tks Sie Sos 15,15, 16,17, OF Hecglaemae — 18,14, 15, rason! Tins with eget peli Tt, we Vines. — 18. pores of Claro ad Desc fae of dns. —20, 21,28, OF Cured Lines, — 28, ‘Toe Blur Boen 26 (inte, —25.Ietineion “oun Pero for Dos stv be enced — ‘a Tiga Degron 9K xm not be bal 3,88 Desig fom Nags, 04, Aisa of Mauer ‘oo olded— 31 Dunning Msi, —07, 18, The Yea —40. Tok —AT, Spin —$2 to AB. oly AD Chayana — 49,48. Avo to Tearoers sapaced nal ho aon a Ba as ouarran 1 150,51, Touolusaey Observasaus ax Draving ths Hac ‘aun Heal, 6% 8% 54 Of the Renan, — 95, hair operons, ea — 86, 61, 268, OF the Hed in Protla — BT, 68 64,81 OF tv Appliblty of de (Ova a Basis for Deng the Head — 58, Ine petaco of Anatomie! Kuorles,— C0. Teor end Voie ahowld go rage, 4. OF tho fall Faon 48, Appin of the Las of Penge Drawing Ge Heal. 62. Gf a TheweGuarer ‘Vow ofthe Fass — C2, 68, Of die Catal Lise — Of Goel Imprewions,— TO, Sua uf Naturw carrer int 711075, Invouoyy Obsersions on Drage Ha: ran Wigore. 14, 17,78 85. Of he oe —79, So Ay and Aeciasy ore fpentant than Txpin ot many. HU. Prune eat ty Saarin —88, 14 Aplebiity of Geoeeal Pracplen 2 Setar tale Pats nd Dealt. — 85, The Bet Moda — OF te Ang Stand of Bens. #5. OF Ont Tic Sado ha —38, 89, The Ha, —0 10 14 OF the Whale Flaws. 96, Te Peopoctice— 32. Properons of same of Be Angus Sains — 98, OF tho Figure foe Tafiey to Banton? = CONTENTS, cHAPrEE Ty. 99 «102. OF Metlodjor Marner —108. Shute — 204,108. Sass Subj Lakaton or Br ners —198, 107, Tren and Foliage, —108. Any Weg Mute amy ian itt Trae of Den ing —208, OF Pudi, —120, Drening art ‘Wltig sow to aught gelbee 112. & Pager rive Cos p Seedy moet adenaageous —112, Per. ronal Feet on the Pato Be Latonar eqs anh Tnexpttiny of Goer, — U8, Privo nd Kjos fe Ack Sinden. — UR Conclusion of the Sabjne of Psu Insiuain CHAPTER ¥. "he Roltion a Gonmety fo Peep, — Daina TA Prick 2 ATiam—& A Stik or Tight Tas 4 A Gurl or Cone Taine — 4. Cirle, A Ballon 7, Cicunfenannot x Ge. — A. Ut Dividhan—@ Angles 19, Bical Linen 11 Vass. —12. Tela — 19. The Sante — 1 Restmgee —15, Paygene—19, A Elipaa— os “Tiana 94, A Sqn. 85. Volegsves— 25, Toad din Co freoh a Gly ots 27,98 To deny thin Cheon Halt Teal, exam ts. Tks Figen tout te Cie 51. Ta dor 9 Squw 9thin a re —38. A Pe fagon.—59, An Bhipes, 84, 55,98. Imporonss of spent ot 2 Yo aoa Tanga, — OHAPTER VL 31, Peepeaa aSsenceandan Art, Aas end Lineas—29, Taponae of proper Praia Dice. tia ee Bay. — AD. The Pin of Sigh — 0, 2 ine le Hasina —UeseLins— Dist es — 48, Hlonacary Puaiples — 46. Wee tortboe Lae ‘ella, 8, Fragnent ron lesion toch int a ue of Spl 6.15, A0, Pratiod Beseliensen in aegen to che Tino of te Trion aad Tout of Sight =. Paral and Oblique Peepastre. 48. Gentil Lasimsin of Pencil. — 8, To pee ‘Bch Fespiie — 54, Pulls Katina che Prva Soren oF the Sauna (5 90) of aa ad — 58,51, 65 OF te Pant of Dinara — 66 67, 98 Melted fr working Pots of Dita te, wash ‘ce Leyon thy Tine of the Pion — A930, Te orlano> of Huowlege of Peete a Asta — 7. Crome Porpeetive euniag, 12. A Poa TA Line —Te A Tuwuely or Dregular Figure =15, PepenceneDiseoe Figuis —76. A Cite a Dio #2, 8, Plants ad Higures whi ac ee Haves oe Perpsadialar 64,85. (en ‘sl Oboevaonon Price vale int Pra ‘Appleton of the Buley of Bezepesive — 88 82, To draw Sieg ky pasgtlvly.— 20. Si owe—91 Raita Ott, eke e108 ‘he Dian idee —2, 8, Ape in Ser fog mt be oem raid upon, —4, Fase of Ca ely for tching 8. otto he aeqled bp ayy Shae, 8. OF Wisi Fhe Logeranes oF ince —8, bustin of the Bye— 10. A Love for enti to Seotsn fo Art. — 11. Gone Pa then orerenimaed, 14, Drovings —16 “Feding shold the ng acon nly Wy Bin ness 16, Th no comely ridicne rey — 7. Diictes stout ir Mla Bie e— 19, Sindy el Allan to Mai oo injusou, — 2, Aa adville Cause of Sandy. —21, Desig Dsl ta —The Pon —Pensl— Crayous— War ter Coles — Freneb-Beaés, ee, — Drawing Bans eal Pro — Catone ele — 28,24, 25.02 the Pre is of te Seaton Jn Sting. — #6. (OF Ont te, — Ars’ tees, 27, Sataig by Marans 8, 8. OF Tine Paces, Croan a CONTENTS, le 81, 02,8, 444, Varios Rapti =A, 15 06, Vali of Skstles 32. Inport of Kavvledge of Merspovive —40, Peel Mn tha, peice im ming Prnpectve Dr igs 45, OF Sketch and Brats 18, Sketches How te wear ae Birares, ba (47) Man fu eid — 48 te Cee 9 Siig of Anat? Prete ine hel oped fa Nua Shain, — 82 OF leat 38, OF Sehol of ar aor 160 eae. CHAPTER VTL Thivotnanry (fused —2. Tue Kuploatal of eine may ft advinble ah kn ely Btiod of Ad Funky ia Droieg may bs improved remanded co Bogie —7, ‘the Bete of lar of Clr very single, —& Than —8. Nea vem reomnnnleh — Parone 1 Ot-Uoeons.— 1. OF de Bale = ashes nd oni, 12, Aagely 4 Be ain —10, Posen Ualting, —16 OF Sil oF Mcnss—28, Light for Pang fm OF 17. Ar Peitie— he Chef caugenat of Calor on 8 Baas, 18, OCs — White— Naples Yeo —ellew Ocire— Veneto and Naples We — Ver. roles Rae ae tae Sis Maw wl Bue Trae —Toro-Werde—Ulramarine Cota Pose ssn, and. Anbrerp lao — rary Blak 1 OF Grinding the Coles. 1, 22 ting the Pale. — 2 25, Painting le Prine — 2 38, 8 OF Grounls and Tider Presse, —29, Glasing 80, Melly 31, One Oi, or Velie stout appa touglout a Petye.— 02, Ls eee (Not), — Mechel of pezing Drying ‘Yami en 88. Som, 84, OF er Cea Couns — 85. Crp uf Coie $f, Raposo Ligh coaseny Deel pad Pitare, 38 Of Vanieiog — 3, Bee of Tea en Ol Pltrs2 40. Pailanay of Csr nol he Reet of eight Pignla—OF Toa. a) Htewocg.— fan GULP be Bust Sebjeas Ge a Hagin 2 OF Lew ee he Wake ts Lace eps = let rear 20) Tolle ‘GrcAYy aa Sere unelected — Af, Theauenisnns uf v0 dag, ten cer ly Inagued—18, OP Vaan of Lighe and Bi — 49, Workieg ly vtnus Ligh site Ou: dace study of Nate. — 50, Eegonsn shot be allowed sey pin Adrentags— The Enea of OF Cater seominene,— Bi, Pasnomye ir Ware Coro. cosidered se Mae oP Stuy uf Sate, = 9B, Hor Sheteles aad Moments. — 6h OF Ue Piranmte 44, Alon uf Calor. — i. Paper 35, aol an Brats. 87, Grural Prnipes ake fa al Mich. —58, 58, OF Davin. —60, NeuabTiat Preparation A, Wala, 82. race ove of Att in Water Cases, —68, Pansrisa teu =, The Pens 05, Parra 21 Macioo.— Ar. Poypsin of Walla Gooey WF. Colom, Hrs, ote — 68, Pigments which ray be emplayad — 09. Kaveh Ehtue in Voces — “Aurantaee of Hem adel — To eno Gea Soioole of Panag, 71. Mad Bane im 1 — Raphael Adovow of Citing fe Wall Poa eve of «Le Pat 12, Moaverse Bazin 8, Barenaxa on Daawine im Pastas om Coat os — (Fie) —Dissine fir Mining ant Mouutcy (ayso and Peel Dewi — Caen. «Pane CHAPTER 1x. Tapas of Tanuiog o Bas — 2 Gur a Brelug.—0, Advaages 19 Avion 4, The hehng Noell —6, The Pali fey more ge cel among ni hen at pie — 6 0 Plater 1,8. Pivperaton of he Plats. — 8, Eishing Qroani 10. Dakten 11. Te by 4 Grom — 13. Sen ing te Groual, 18 Hesing sp ate. 14 Gslgue «Devi —18, The Rect and 18 Ueoul Baking by Baprovens— 10, Sabet ir Be itace 18, Stopping ost —ths Lene —19. Bre erg was, — 20,21, 22, Acie and Prorewt Ming. 85, Reig 24, Graver 2h ami ers 88 Sapens, 27, Dey it Lins Lo Sef de Rah Pains 8. The Goaver— ‘To Thayer Graver ts —82 Arta Bk OF ‘Toslran’ Face ar Econ 89, OF Fae fe Tring ew Deuting 34. Te Pret of Biele ing on Ces appli 6 all Meta, —B8. To the Grmmarl Avs. —36 $6 Gud Heeling —, Heltay soi Dravbe Sons —36, Torin sy AgEAzINT — 32, Manatnt groriag. —W0ex Precre 48, Rms ua lan playa Gon. 4. Retin Ade Ab. ogrening Chante — AL ag To = 42.7 soulapur of Sel wd Capper Pe a Lie aos Sipps Sh, Enceavixa ox Woon = Gwin of Deaing Regia 7, Tod eae eset, = 46, Wosking ty LampeTigk = nese To ihe a Pra unten omArrEn x. Moeing —2. lua i Appleone m9 Dose Prints on hae ® Ding ard Psa oso a of Gare Hoi by Artin Hoste of fi Antonmer — A. Medligi Clap — lye) i. War. Term Cut — 7. OF the own et Rese e Mair — 1. Pewee uf Mol or Sulpsoe,— 18, OF Trees sun Bayport: —1. Tha Mikel Fgues—12. i, 1a, Moning tal CeGog, 2. Vaio cad A pti oF ie Galavo-ntis Prane, 15. OF Wolsle 16, Archierral Malele— U7. Import ance of Alling to Moana as ol as Aste ona conmny ns, 1 The Tenens Letcueon Sn Thelen rash fae Masao sistant hk emery for Ait CHAPTER XL | 2 omestion 2. Bu Gana Appation, ah Ade General Prive. — 6 Kxcmpite Both ye le and Regisite ia all Sea, 8, OF Pore icra — I Lanene.— 1 Compastons onl Ai. Chaceston of Styles —12, Tots Appleton, 18, OF sr Shores be Coisene th Nata Wf Pigurea 14 Ditty of Clee any Conpoine, —16 Baiy wf Aone’ Wha eon mend. — 1% Hooks au Theis —SerPRel- ins 17, Pro Meshes an ages nly lov ie the Rascarono€Orgol Channa, 14, OF te Shee 18, Cheng and Bi 26, OF Math, als —21, The Model Appr ration of Siney of Natio — Eagan. —22. esti Dilatin Se woking for 4 Model, 2 Maan of Obicng them.— 84. Miendiog Tend Sssempeinisd hy Mepis partes mR 1 Clon 28. OF Cartons fer OLsete—3 (OF Acie) Mola 27, No une Mod alka all Quo —28, OF Bye al Manor —24, Tho eases of the Blas fp Sat, The Appr Fin af due Exon? Osan emerane a shinai se Ionsiag Pie Bi inn co the Sind. — 82, Adi othe Assi ‘Anbu 61, To-Tenhta — Colin

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