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American Armies and Battlefields in Europe PDF

584 Pages·1938·111.34 MB·English
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AMERICAN ARMIES AND BATTLEFIELDS IN EUROPE CENTER OF MILITARY HISTORY UNITED STATES ARMY WASHINGTON, D.C, 1995 Library of Congres Cataloging meta semis ane bated in Eup pete ‘Onna pablbed: Washingon DLC. : US. Gov Pein 93k Wit now ind, Trdlit ae, 1 Woeld Wir, 914-1918 Bares Faeope- Guido 2. ald Wi. 19!-1918—MonniensEumopeGadcook, 3. Wer memory Swrope—Caldebioks. 4 World War 1:4-1918—Uaied Sie 9. Unted Saree Ams. Anetican Eapeionsy Force Hlinory 6: Europe —Gaidehoows. 1 Caner of Nile» History Ds2kAM 199 ‘vdeo 97-530 ar ise CMH avn 1992 CMH Pubs 2-24 Foreword “Scsengy-five year ago the Ui States entged Worl War Lol forver its postion 2s bystander in global airs. The Amtrican Espesitianary Fores (AEF, sear ea France 1917 and evetusly numsering more thar 9 ior say he strategie counterve ghe tat tipped te sales wow vctry i the Allis “The AEF batle experience was not ror in a9 cial naraive bison. Rather ised, ice rose as Ciel War freee, were eae in pubis solimes of ero and aati amenton ofstvlents histerans, and wre Foe solr, however, the lessons of atle were then, 25 ao of ined intrest. Therefore at wa’ end Genera on J, Pesshing’ headquartets began a se- Hiosofharefeld ror fe afbcers whowe sta duis hepe thems ea combi o ‘who may have strived in theater toa Int to partpae. Those ours acquainted them with she ata balck an Lecame dhe basis for ealypanphles spon- sored hy the Amerese Bale Monumenis Comission (ABMC). In 1927 she commision published ’A Guide tthe American Batle elds in Bape” ‘onimemorate she eth aniversary af Ameri eteanc ico the "war to end, all was.” Buc rescac and writing on che AFF aed its hale dd not stop. (neo the eal anshorsanignal in the carvission a centinue rie work was Maj. Dogh. Eiventerwe, By 1938 the American farce Monuments Commission had expanded its relink, both o prove visors with aderaed, decumeseediieray for vie ftvand taseeve a histry of the AEF’ accomplishoens. Although out of print ‘Snce World Was i, dis yuidcbook hasbeen avidly sought afer by historians, suds of the Great Wat, and vecerans and their descendans wishing ro find bate sites ofleng age. Te commemorate the ABE seveny-fih bisthday, we at honored eo repub- lish eis workin its origina! format. Tie Sook car sol be used es today Fee road changes heve occuztec, and though new forests or fms may require mince ‘icc othe ners or viewpois Geile in she bol the vigil work remaigsthe mast authoritative and easy usable source fr vst othe AEP’ hat ‘lefeld. By supplemencing ic with ether consemporary Michelin road map or lone ofthe opogsaphis map published hy Trance’ neue éngrahiqur National COGN), ny sistor to Amerie Great War halefelds nn eal nnsigate in France. Similsty oneduced rad mupe simply widting the ACF barlfelden Kay, Forthe scholar or euden, cis book also provides a sarvng point fr study fag ie ALLL This ie work nove joins the rpsinged Utd Seater Army ie the Wild Wi, 1917-1919 series and its accompa wing volumes of the Order OF Bar te ofthe Una States Land Force n te Warld War to comiplece the Center of Miltary Hsorys World Wie [xier ‘Weare proud co or this long ou of prine work, huth wo eeenemorae che AEF anmversay and ea asa vsiow studying the Beles wheie Amesicans ‘ugh and died fr freedom Washington, D.C. HAROLD W. NELSON Samaary 992 ‘eigadier General, US. Army Chie of Miltary History AMERICAN ARMIES AND BATTLEFIELDS IN EUROPE AMERICAN ARMIES AND BATTLEFIELDS IN EUROPE Pp be

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