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American Anthropologist Volume 106 Index Articles Introduction, by Ira Bashkow, Matti Bunzl, Richard Handler, Afterword: Mysteries of Culture, by Richard Handler, 488 Andrew Orta, and Daniel Rosenblatt, 433 Anthropology Made Safe for Culture, An: Patterns of Prac- It’s Not All Sex and Violence: Integrated Anthropology and tice and the Politics of Difference in Ruth Benedict, by the Role of Cooperation and Social Complexity in Human Daniel Rosenblatt, 459 Evolution, by Agustin Fuentes, 710 Boas, Foucault, and the “Native Anthropologist”: Notes to- Landscape Politics: The Serpent Ditch and the Rainbow in ward a Neo-Boasian Anthropology, by Matti Bunzl, 435 West Africa, by Neil L. Norman and Kenneth G. Kelly, Biocultural Context of Very High Fertility among the Bekaa 98 Bedouin, The, by Suzanne E. Joseph, 140 Linguistic Syncreticism and Language Ideologies: Trans- Burials and Belonging in Nigeria: Rural-Urban Relations forming Sociolinguistic Hierarchy on Rapa Nui (Easter and Social Inequality in a Contemporary African Ritual, Island), by Miki Makihara, 529 by Daniel Jordan Smith, 569 Mestizaje and Law Making in Indigenous Identity Forma- Constituted through Conflict: Images of Community (and tion in Northeastern Brazil: “After the Conflict Came the Nation) in Bulgarian Rural Ritual, by Gerald W. Creed, 56 History,” by Jan Hoffman French, 663 Culture Matters in the Neolithic Transition and Emergence Metakinesis: How God Becomes Intimate in Contemporary of Hierarchy in Thy, Denmark: Distinguished Lecture, by U.S. Christianity, by Tanya M. Luhrmann, 518 Timothy Earle, 111 Moche Sex Pots: Reproduction and Temporality in Ancient South America, by Mary Weismantel, 495 Decolonizing Time Regimes: Lakota Conceptions of Work, Money in Colonial Transition: Cowries and Francs in West Economy, and Society, by Kathleen Pickering, 85 Africa, by Mahir Saul, 71 Does French Islam Have Borders? Dilemmas of Domestica- tion in a Global Religious Field, by John R. Bowen, 43 Neo-Boasian Conception of Cultural Boundaries, A, by Ira “Drink Milk for Fitness”: The Cultural Politics of Human Bashkow, 443 Biological Variation and Milk Consumption in the United Partial View of Contemporary Anthropology, A, by Don States, by Andrea S. Wiley, 506 Brenneis, 580 Establishment and Defeat of Hierarchy, The: Inalienable Primate Conservation in Vietnam: Toward a Holistic Envi- Possessions and the History of Collective Prestige Struc- ronmental Narrative, by Catherine Workman, 346 tures in the Pueblo Southwest, by Barbara J. Mills, Promise of Particularism and the Theology of Culture, The: 238 Limits and Lessons of “Neo-Boasianism,” by Andrew Ethnographic Filmflam, An: Giving Gifts, Doing Research, Orta, 473 and Videotaping the Native Subject/Object, by John L. Provocative Behavior: Agency and Feuds in Southwest Jackson Jr., 32 China, by Ann Maxwell Hill, 675 Fissioning, Scalar Stress, and Social Evolution in Early Vil- Reconstructing the Origins and Migrations of Diasporic lage Societies, by Matthew S. Bandy, 322 Populations: The Case of the European Gypsies, by Radu P. lovité and Theodore G. Schurr, 267 Guilt by Association: The Culture of Accusation and the Recycled Sandalistas: From Revolution to Resorts in the New American Anthropological Association’s Investigation of Nicaragua, by Florence E. Babb, 541 Darkness in E! Dorado, by Thomas A. Gregor and Daniel Restaging the Will to Believe: Religious Pluralism, Anti- R. Gross, 687 Syncretism, and the Problem of Belief, by Thomas G. Human Behavioral Organization in the Middle Paleolithic: Kirsch, 699 Were Neanderthals Different?, by Donald O. Henry, Ritual, Risk, and Danger: Chain Prayers in Fiji, by Matt Tom- Harold J. Hietala, Arlene M. Rosen, Yuri E. Demidenko, linson, 6 Vitaliy I. Usik, and Teresa L. Armagan, 17 Sensory Ecology of Medicinal Plant Therapy in Two In the Wake of Things: Speculating in and about Sapphires Amazonian Societies, A, by Glenn H. Shepard Jr., in Northern Madagascar, by Andrew Walsh, 225 252 AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST, Vol. 106, Issue 4, pp. 799-809, ISSN 0002-7294, electronic ISSN 1548-1433. © 2004 by the American Anthropological Association. All rights reserved. Please direct all requests for permission to photocopy or reproduce article content through the University of California Press‘s Rights and Permissions website, at http://www.ucpress.edu/journais/rights.htm. 800 American Anthropologist e Vol. 106,No.4 e December 2004 Social Learning and the Maintenance of Cultural Variation: Anthropology and Antihumanism in Imperial Germany, An Evolutionary Model and Data from East Africa, by Andrew Zimmerman (John R. Eidson), 386 Richard McElreath, 308 Anthropology and the United States Military: Coming of Southern Trauma: Revisiting Caste and Class in the Missis- Age in the Twenty-First Century, Pamela R. Frese and sippi Delta, by Jane Adams and D. Gorton, 334 Margaret C. Harrell, eds. (David H. Price), 758 Strategies, Conflict, and the Emergence of Territoriality: The Anthropology of Globalization, The: Cultural Anthropol- Case of the Maine Lobster Industry, by James M. Acheson ogy Enters the 21st Century, Ted C. Lewellen (Don Kalb), and Roy J. Gardner, 296 413 Anthropology of Politics, The: A Reader in Ethnography, Universal Patterns in Cultural Evolution: An Empirical Theory, and Critique, Joan Vincent (Alison E. Lee), Analysis Using Guttman Scaling, by Peter N. Peregrine, 638 Carol R. Ember, and Melvin Ember, 145 Appetites: Food and Sex in Post-Socialist China, Judith Far- Unofficial Histories: A Vision of Anthropology from the quhar (Stephan Feuchtwang), 757 Margins, by Louise Lamphere, 126 Archaeologist Was a Spy, The: Sylvanus G. Morley and the Utopia and Its Discontents: The Kibbutz and Its Historical Office of Naval Intelligence, Charles H. Harris III and Vicissitudes, by Melford E. Spiro, 556 Louis R. Sadler (Paul Sullivan), 762 Village Drift and Riverine Settlement: Modeling Akimel Architectural Anthropology, Mari-José Amerlinck, ed. (Jerry O’odham Land Use, by J.A ndrew Darling, John C. Raves- D. Moore), 173 loot, and Michael R. Waters, 282 Artifacts & Ideas: Essays in Archaeology, Bruce G. Trigger Vulgar Spirit of Blogging,” “The: On Language, Culture, and (Michael Brian Schiffer), 637 Power in Persian Weblogestan, by Alireza Doostdar, 651 Beast on the Table, The: Conferencing with Anthropolo- Books gists, Sydel Silverman (Joel Wallman), 778 Review Essays Before Taliban: Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad, David B. Edwards (M. Jamil Hanifi), 185 Anthropology of Translation, An, by Catherine Tihanyi, 739 Being Human: Anthropological Universality and Particular- Bioscienes and Biotechnologies as Deep Play and Ethical ity in Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Neil Roughley, ed. Plateaus, by Micheal M. J. Fisher, 389 (Warren Shapiro), 204 Beyond Rationalism: Rethinking Magic, Witchcraft and Sor- From Herder to Heidegger: Three Recent Works on the “Ger- cery, Bruce Kapferer, ed. (William Rodman), 766 man Connection” in Anthropology, by John R. Eidson, Bioarchaeology: Interpreting Behavior from the Human 386 Skeleton, Clark Spencer Larsen (Timothy G. Bromage), Immigration through an Academic Kaleidoscope, by 197 Stephen Steinberg, 603 Black Feminist Anthroplogy: Theory, Politics, Praxis and Knocking Some Sense into Anthropology, by Jonathan H. Poetics, Irma McClaurin, ed. (Ranu Samantrai), 201 Shannon, 395 Born and Bred: Idioms and New Reproductive Technologies in England, Jeanette Edwards (Heléne Ragoné), 176 Model Approach for Studying Race, A: Provocative Theory, Buried Secrets: Truth and Human Rights in Guatemala, Vic- Sound Science, and Very Good History, by Lee D. Baker, toria Sanford (June C. Nash), 426 168 Buying and Believing: Sri Lankan Advertising and Con- Reflections on Relations between Indigenous Peoples and sumers in a Transnational World, Steven Kemper the Canadian State, by Michael Asch, 165 (Jonathan Spencer), 193 Three Views on Color and Race in Brazil, by Livio Sansone, Cantonese Society in a Time of Change, Goran Aijmer and 600 Virgil K. Y. Ho (Hill Gates), 178 Transnationalism, Panethnicity, and Segmented Assimila- Caetana Says No: Women’s Stories from a Brazilian Slave tion: Latina/o Community Formation in the United Society, Sandra Lauderdale Graham (Livio Sansone), 600 States, by Ismael Garcia-Col6n, 391 Catastrophe and Culture: The Anthropology of Disaster, Susanna M. Hoffman and Anthony Oliver-Smith, eds. Books Reviewed (Richard W. Franke), 765 (Reviewer in parentheses) Changing Inner Mongolia: Pastoral Mongolian Society and 1,001 Curious Things: Ye Olde Curiosity Shop and Native the Chinese State, David Sneath (Ole Bruun), 206 American Art, Kate C. Duncan (Patricia Pierce Erikson), 374 Changing Men and Masculinities in Latin America, Ancient Nasca Settlement and Society, Helaine Silverman Matthew C. Gutmann ed. (Hugo Benavides), 762 (Gary Urton), 634 China’s Revolutions and Intergenerational Relations, Annihilating Difference: The Anthropology of Genocide, Martin King Whyte, ed. (Vanessa L. Fong), 783 Alexander Laban Hinton, ed. (Antonius C. G. M. Robben), Chinese Medicine in Contemporary China: Plurality and 398 Synthesis, Volker Scheid (Murphy Halliburton), 204 American Anthropologist Volume 106 Index 801 Clearing a Path: Theorizing the Past in Native American Engineers of Happy Land: Technology and Nationalism in Studies, Nancy Shoemaker, ed. (David E. Wilkins), 205 a Colony, Rudolph Mrazek (Clifford Geertz), 420 Clearing the Way: Deconcentrating the Poor in Urban Ethnoarchaeology in Action, Nicholas David and Carol America, Edward G. Goetz (Susan Fainstein), 760 Kramer (Helaine Silverman), 756 Colombianas en la Vanguardia, Lucy M. Cohen (Patricia To- Exotic No More: Anthropology on the Front Lines, Jeremy var), 403 MacClancy, ed. (Pieter de Vries), 416 Companion to Cultural Studies, A, Toby. Miller, ed. (Louisa Experiencing the New Genetics: Family and Kinship on the Schein), 418 Medical Frontier, Kaja Finkler (Heléna Ragoné), 176 Consuming Grief: Compassionate Cannibalism in an Ama- Faces of the State: Secularism and Public Life in Turkey, Yael zonian Society, Beth A. Conklin (Suzanne Oakdale), 183 Navaro-Yashin (Katherine Pratt Ewing), 608 Consuming Passions and Patterns of Consumption, Preston Feminism without Borders: Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Miracle and Nicky Milner, eds. (Mark N. Cohen), 610 Solidarity, Chandra Talpade Mohanty (Catherine Eschle), Contesting Agriculture: Cooperativism and Privatization in 627 the New Eastern Germany, Hans C. Buechler and Judith- Fighting for the Farm: Rural America Transformed, Jane Maria Buechler (Arnd Bauerkémper), 401 Adams, ed. (D. Wynne Wright), 747 Contingent Lives: Fertility, Time, and Aging in West Africa, Figurations: Child, Bodies, Worlds, Claudia Castaneda (Eliz- Caroline H. Bledsoe (Oka Obono), 607 abeth Chin), 753 Crafts, Capitalism, and Women: The Potters of La Chamba, From Leaders to Rulers, Jonathan Haas, ed. (Robert L. Columbia, Ronald J. Duncan (Jim Weil), 405 Carneiro), 191 Creating Germans Abroad: Cultural Policies and National Funding of Scientific Racism, The: Wickliffe Draper and Identity in Nambia, Daniel Joseph Walter (Uli Linke), ‘the Pioneer Fund, William H. Tucker (Lee D. Baker), 639 168 Cultural Evolution: Contemporary Viewpoints, Gary M. Feinman and Linda Manzanilla, eds. (Antonia Foias), 188 Games, Sports and Cultures, Noel Dyck, ed. (William W. Culture and the Senses: Bodily Ways of Knowing in an Kelly), 406 African Community, Kathryn Linn Geurts (Cati Coe), ‘Gender’s Place: Feminist Anthropologies of Latin America, 618 Rosario Montoya, Lessie Jo Frazier, and Janise Hurtig (He- Culture, Economy, Power: Anthropology as Critique, An- len Safa), 770 thropology as Praxis, Winnie Lem and Belinda Leach, eds. Generous Betrayal: Politics of Culture in the New Europe, (Dorothy L. Hodgson), 768 Unni Wikan (Verena Stolcke), 784 Cultures of Relatedness: New Approaches to the Study of Genetics and the Search for Modern Human Origins, John Kinship, Janet Carsten, ed. (Sally Falk Moore) 744 H. Reiethford (EricJ .D evor), 743 Cultures@Silicon Valley, J. A. English-Lueck (Elsa Davidson), Genocide, Collective Violence, and Popular Memory: The 187 Politics of Remembrance in the Twentieth Century, David Dark Vanishings: Discourse on the Extinction of Primitive E. Lorey and William H. Beezley, eds. (Alexander L. Hin- Races, 1800-1930, Patrick Brantlinger (John H. Bodley), ton), 414 753 . Genocide: An Anthropological Reader, Alexander Laban Delirio: The Fantastic, the Demonic, and the Réel: Narra- Hinton, ed. (Antonius C. G. M. Robben), 398 tives from Nuevo Leon, Marie Theresa Hernandez (James Germans and Indians: Fantasies, Encounters, Projections, Taggart), 621 Colin G. Calloway, Gerd Gemunden, and Susanne Zan- Desis in the House: Indian American Youth Culture in New top, eds. (Robin Ridington), 402 York City, Sunaina Maira (Akshat Tewary), 198 Globalization, Arjun Appadurai, ed. (Ida Susser), 612 Development Anthropology: Encounters in the Real World, Globalizing Japan: Ethnography of the Japanese Presence Riall Nolan (Ralph Grillo), 424 in Asia, Europe, and America, Harumi Befu and Sylvie Disabling Globalization: Places of Power in Post-Apartheid Guichard-Anguis, eds. (Daniel T. Linger), 749 South Africa, Gillian Hart (Deborah Durham), 763 God in Chinatown: Religion and Survival in New York’s Dreaming Equality: Color, Race, and Racism in Urban Brazil, Evolving Immigrant Community, Kenneth J. Guest Robin E. Sheriff (Livio Sansone), 600 (Bernard P. Wong), 761 Drinking: Anthropological Approaches, Igor de Garine and Grave Injustice: The American Indian Repatriation Move- Valeria de Garine (Stanley Brandes), 397 ment and NAGPRA, Kathleen S. Fine-Dare (Mary Collins), Dynamics of Contention, Doug McAdam, Sidney G. Tarrow, 407 and Charles Tilly John Burdick), 200 Guarani under Spanish Rule in the Rio de la Piata, The, Bar- bara Ganson (Elizabeth Graham), 759 Elite Cultures: Anthropological Perspectives, Cris Shore and Stephen Nugent, eds. (George E. Marcus), 633 Heart of Creation: The Mesoamerican World and the Legacy Empire of Things, The: Regimes of Value and Material Cul- of Linda Schele, Andrea Stone, ed. (Marilyn A. Masson), ture, Fred R. Myers, ed. (Elizabeth A. Povinelli), 421 636 802 American Anthropologist e Vol. 106,No.4 e December 2004 Heterogender Homosexuality in Honduras, Manuel Lines in the Water: Nature and Culture at Lake Titicaca, Ben Fernandez-Alemany and Stephen O. Murray (G. Derrick Orlove (Frank Salomon), 770 Hodge), 189 Living and Working with Biomedical Technologies: Inter- Highland Heritage: Scottish Americans in the American sections of Inquiry, Margaret Lock, Alan Young, and Al- South, Celeste Ray (Patricia A.M cCormack), 631 berto Cambrosio, eds. (Michael M. J. Fischer), 389 Hispanas de Queens: Latino Panethnicity in a New York City Local Democracy and Development: The Kerala People’s Neighborhood, Milagros Ricourt and Ruby Danta (Ismael Campaign for Decentralized Planning, T. M. Thomas Garcia-Col6n), 391 Isaac and Richard Franke (Patrick Heller), 623 History of Bisexuality, A, S. Angelides (Ellen Lewin), 401 Lost Itinerary of Frank Hamilton Cushing, The, Curtis M. House of Difference, The: Cultural Politics and National Hinsley and David R. Wilcox, eds. (Regna Darnell), 764 Identity in Canada, Eva Mackey (Michael Asch), 165 Making Native Space: Colonialism, Resistance, and Reserves Human Diet: Its Origins and Evolution, Peter $. Unger and in British Columbia, Cole Harris (Michael Asch), 165 Mark F. Teaford, eds. (Mark N. Cohen), 610 Man Who Found the Missing Link, The: Eugéne DuBois and Human Population Dynamics: Cross-Disciplinary Perspec- His Lifelong Quest to Prove Darwin Right, Pat Shipman tives, Helen Macbeth and Paul Collinson, eds. (Michael (Ian Tattersall), 428 H. Crawford), 415 Manifest Destinies: Americanizing Immigrants and Inter- In the Arms of Africa: The Life of Colin Turnbull, Roy nationalizing Americans, David W. Haines and Carol A. Richard Grinker (Jacqueline Solway), 189 Mortland, eds. (Stephen Steinberg), 603 In the Company of Diamonds: De Beers, Kleinzee, and the Markets and Moralities: Ethnographies of Postsocialism, Control of a Town, Peter Carstens (Derick A. Fay), 182 Ruth Mandel and Caroline Humphrey, eds. (Andrew Kip- In the Time of Trees and Sorrows: Nature, Power, and Mem- nis), 769 ory in Rajasthan, Ann Grodzins Gold and Bhoju Ram Gu- Martha Brae’s Two Histories: European Expansion and Car- jar (Carol Henderson), 409 ribbean Culture-Building in Jamaica, Jean Besson (Don Indomitable Miss Pink, The: A Life in Anthropology, Julie Robotham), 613 Marcus (Sandy Toussaint), 199 Mayan Visions: The Quest for Autonomy in an Age of Glob- Infertility around the Globe: New Thinking on Childless- alization, June C. Nash (Ron Loewe), 423 ness, Gender, and Reproductive Technologies, Marcia C. Media Worlds: Anthropology on New Terrain, Faye D. Gins- Inhorn and Frank van Balen, eds. (Oka Obono), 607 burg, Lila Abu-Lughod, and Brian Larkin, eds. (Colleen Inside Organized Racism: Women in the Hate Movement, Ballerino Cohen), 619 Kathleen M. Blee (Chip Berlet), 180 Memories of the Slave Trade: Ritual and the Historical Imag- Islam, Law and Equality in Indonesia: An Anthropology of ination in Sierra Leone, Rosalind Shaw (Martin Klein), Public Reasoning, John R. Bowen (Bill Maurer), 750 632 Mesoamerican Healers, Brad R. Huber and Alan R. Sand- José Maria Arguedas: Reconsiderations for Latin Ameri- strom (Bonnie Glass-Coffin), 192 can Cultural Studies, Ciro A. Sandoval and Sandra M. Militarism, Ethnicity, and Politics in the Sierra Norte de Boschetto-Sandoval, eds. (Patricia Mathews-Salazar), 777 Puebla, 1917-1930, Keith Brewster (James Taggart), 752 Kant, Herder, and the Birth of Anthropology, John H. Zam- Minaret Building and Apprenticeship in Yemen, Trevor H. mito (John R. Eidson), 386 J. Marchand (Jerry D. Moore), 173 Minor Omissions: Children in Latin American History and L’Anthropologie Soviétique des Anées 20-30: Configuration Society, Tobias Hecht, ed. (Randa Farah), 620 d’une rupture, Frederic Bertrand (Elizabeth Kridl Valke- Minority Rules: The Miao and the Feminine in China’s Cul- nier), 613 tural Politics, Louisa Schein (Karen L. Kelsky), 427 Languages of Archaeology, The: Dialogue, Narrative, and Money Has No Smell: The Africanization of New York City, Writing, Rosemary A. Joyce (Lynn Meskell), 766 Paul Stoller (Donna Perry), 635 Learning Places: The Afterlives of Area Studies, Masao Montaukett Indians of Eastern Long Island, The, John A. Miyoshi and H. D. Harootunian, eds. (Steven C. Caton), Strong (Robert S$. Grumet), 207 626 Music in Lubavitcher Life, Ellen Koskoff (Thomas Porcello), Learning to Be an Anthropologist and Remaining “Na- 196 tive,” Beatrice Medicine with Sue-Ellen Jacobs, ed. (Tara My Cocaine Museum, Michael Taussig (Lesley Gill), 780 Browner), 411 L’école de la périphérie: Scolarité et s¢grégation en banlieue, NAFTA Stories: Fears and Hopes in Mexico and the United Agnés van Zanten (Kathryn M. Anderson-Levitt), 209 States, Ann E. Kingsolver (Heather Williams), 195 Legacies: The Story of the Immigrant Second Generation, Nation of Empire, A: The Ottoman Legacy of Turkish Moder- Alejandro Portes and Rubén G. Rumbaut (Ismael Garcia- nity, Michael E. Meeker (Katherine Pratt Ewing), 608 Colon), 391 Nation’s Tortured Body, The: Violence, Representation and Life of the Law, The: Anthropological Projects, Laura Nader the Formation of a Sikh “Diaspora,” Brian Keith Axel (Mindie Lazarus-Black), 628 (Verne A. Dusenbery), 178 American Anthropologist Volume 106 Index 803 Natural Resource Conflict Management Case Studies: An Relative Values: Reconfiguring Kinship Studies, Sarah Frank- Analysis of Power, Participation and Protected Areas, A. lin and Susan McKinnon, eds. (Sally Falk Moore), 744 Peter Castro and Erik Nielson, eds. (Thomas M. Painter), Reliving Golgotha: The Passion Play of Iztapalapa, Richard 754 C. Trexler (Robert H. Lavenda), 781 Navajo Trading: The End of an Era, Willow Roberts Powers Remote Borderland, The: Transylvania in the Hungarian (Louise Lamphere), 202 Imagination, Laszl6 Kirti (Donna Goldstein), 412 New Perspectives on the Origins of Americanist Archaeol- Romance of Democracy, The: Compliant Defiance in ogy, David L. Browman and Stephen Williams, eds. (Gary Contemporary Mexico, Matthew C. Gutmann (Fabrice M. Feinman), 752 Lehoucq), 620 New Shape of Old Island Cultures, The: A Half Century Romance on a Global Stage: Pen Pals, Virtual Ethnogra- of Social Change in Micronesia, Francis X. Hezel (Glenn phy, and “Mail Order” Marriages, Nicole Constable (Ara Petersen), 192 Wilson), 755 Newcomers to Old Towns: Suburbanization of the Heart- Rule of Experts: Egypt, Techno-Politics, Modernity, Timothy land, Sonya Salamon (Peggy F. Barlett), 776 Mitchell (James Toth), 625 Night is Young, The: Sexuality in Mexico in the Time of Settlement of the Americas, The: A New Prehistory, Tom D. AIDS, Héctor Carrillo (Patty Kelly), 181 Dillehay (Luis Alberto Borrero), 404 O Uso Ritual Da Ayahuasca, Beatriz Caiuby Labate and Science in Translation: Movements of Knowledge through Wladimyr Sena Aratijo, eds. (Peter Gow), 624 Cultures and Time, Scott L. Montgomery (Catherine Objects of Culture: Ethnology and Ethnographic Museums Tihanyi), 739 in Imperial Germany, H. Glenn Penny (Richard Handler), Shades of White: White Kids and Racial Identities in High 631 School, Pamela Perry (Michael Moffatt), 425 Sound of Africa! Making Music Zulu in a South African Stu- Package Deal, The: Marriage, Work and Fatherhood in Men’s dio, Louise Meintjes (jonathan H. Shannon), 395 Lives, Nicholas W. Townsend (David D. Gilmore), 209 Strangers at the Gates: New Immigrants in Urban America, Painting Culture: The Making of an Aboriginal High Art, Roger Waldinger, ed. (Stephen Steinberg), 603 Fred R. Myers (Sally Price), 422 Silence on the Mountain: Stories of Terror, Betrayal, and Perfectly Japanese: Making Families in an Era of Upheaval, Forgetting in Guatemala, Daniel Wiikinson (W. George Mary Isaacs White (Satsuki Kawano), 428 Lovell), 640 Performing Africa, Paulla A. Ebron (Paul A. Stoller), 406 Social Construction of Ancient Cities, The, Monica L. Smith Performing the Nation: Swahili Music and Cultural Politics (Philip L. Kohl), 779 in Tanzania, Kelly Askew (Maia Green), 748 Suspect Relations: Sex, Race, and Resistance in Colonial Politics of Ritual in an Aboriginal Settlement, The: Kinship, North Carolina, Kirsten Fischer (George Baca), 617 Gender, and the Currency of Knowledge, Francoise Dus- Tangled Routes: Women, Work, and Globalization on the sart (Elizabeth A. Povinelli), 184 Tomato Trail, Deborah Barndt (Annette Aurélie Des- Pouvoirs Ethniques dans les Balkans, Jean-Francois Gossi- marais), 748 aux (Asen Balicki), 408 Threatening Anthropology: McCarthyism and the FBI’s Primate Life Histories and Socioecology, Peter M. Kappeler Surveillance of Activist Anthropologists, David H. Price and Michael E. Pereira, eds. (Agustin Fuentes), 767 (George W. Stocking, Jr.), 773 Princely Impostor? The Strange and Universal History of the Tibetans in Nepal: The Dynamics of International Assis- Kumar of Bhawal, A, Partha Chatterjee (Rachel Tolen), tance among a Community in Exile, Ann Frechette 183 (Carole McGranahan), 757 Problem of Race in the Twenty-First Century, The, Thomas Traditional Family Values and Substance Abuse: The His- C. Holt (Lee D. Baker), 168 panic Contribution to an Alternative Prevention and Protestant Ethnic and the Spirit of Capitalism, The, Rey Treatment Approach, Mary Cuadrado and Louis Lieber- Chow (Stephen Steinberg), 603 man (Stanley Brandes), 397 Puerto Rican Nation on the Move, The: Identities on the Translating Cultures: Perspectives on Translation and An- Island and in the United States, Jorge Duany (Iris Lopez), thropology, Paula G. Rubel and Abraham Rosman, eds. 615 (Catherine Tihanyi), 739 Race in Mind: Race, IQ, and Other Racisms, Alexander Al- Translation and Power, Maria Tymoczo and Edwin Gentzler, land Jr. (Lee D. Baker), 168 eds. (Catherine Tihanyi), 739 Racial Revolutions: Antiracism and Indian Resurgence in Transnational Latina/o Communities: Politics, Processes, Brazil, Jonathan W. Warren (Livio Sansone), 600 and Cultures, Carlos G. Vélez-Ibafiez and Anna Sampaio, Raw Histories: Photographs, Anthropology and Museums, eds. (Ismael Garcia-Colén), 391 Elizabeth Edwards (Deborah Poole), 616 Transparency and Conspiracy: Ethnographies of Suspicion Reflections on Our Past, John H. Relethford (Eric J. Devor), in the New World Order, Harry G. West and Todd Sanders, 743 eds. (Bruce Grant), 782 804 American Anthropologist e Vol. 106,No.4 e December 2004 Tree Leaf Talk: A Heideggerian Anthropology, James F. Culture, Demic Expansions, and Bilateral Kinship in the Weiner (John R. Eidson), 386 South American Gran Chaco: A Response to Doug Jones, Trekking through History: The Huaorani of Amazonian by Marcela Mendoza, 212 Ecuador, Laura M. Rival (Hugh Raffles), 774 In Response to Brian Thom’s review of A St6:16-Coast Salish Violence and Vengeance: Discontent and Conflict in New Historical Atlas, by Keith Carlson and Sonny McHalsie, Order Indonesia, Frans Hiisken and Huub de Jonge, eds. 431 (Clifford Geertz), 622 Response to Lee and Graburn’s review of Looking Both Ways: We Alone Will Rule: Native Andean Politics in the Age of Heritage and Identity of the Alutiiq People, by Aron L. Crow- Insurgency, Sinclair Thomson (Jan Szemifiski), 781 ell, Gordon L. Pullar, Amy F. Steffian, and Sven Haakan- What It Means To Be 98% Chimpanzee: Apes, People, and son Jr., 431 Their Genes, Jonathan Marks (Kenneth M. Weiss), 417 Science and Antiscience: In Response to Kenneth Weiss, by What Place for Hunter-Gatherers in Millennium Three?, Jonathan Marks, 786 Thomas N. Headland and Doris E. Blood, eds. john H. Bodley), 410 Museum Anthropology When a Flower is Reborn: The Life and Times of a Mapuche Review Essays Feminist, Rosa Isolde Reuque Paillalef, edited and trans- Continuity and Creativity in Iroquois Beadwork, by Morgan lated by Florencia E. Mallon (Rosamel Millaman Reinao), Perkins, 595 629 White Man’s Gontia Getcha, The: The Colonial Challenge Interpreting Wabanaki Women’s History, by Marilyn to the Crees in lQuebec, Toby Morantz (Michael Asch), Norcini, 161 165 Representing “The World Boiled Down,” by Patricia Pierce Witchcraft and Welfare: Spirtual Capital and the Business of Erikson, 374 Magic in Modern Puerto Rico, Raquel Romberg (Charles Price), 775 South American Museums and the Creation of a New Na- Wizards and Scientists: Explorations in Afro-Cuban Moder- tional Identity, by Serena Nanda, 379 nity and Tradition, Stephan Palmié (Susan D. Green- Subverting the Venue: A Critical Exhibition of Pre- baum), 630 Columbian Objects at Krannert Art Museum, by Helaine Women of the Dawn, Bunny McBride (Marilyn Norcini), Silverman, 732 161 Worldly Provincialism: German Anthropology in the Age of Exhibits Reviewed Empire, H. Glenn Penny and Matti Bunzl, eds. (Richard (Reviewer in parentheses) Handler), 772 1001 Curious Things: Ye Olde Curiosity Shop and Native Writing and Colonialism in Northern Ghana: The En- American Art. Washington State History Museum (Patri- counter between the LoDagaa and the “World on Paper,” cia Pierce Erikson), 374 Sean Hawkins (Isidore Lobnibe), 409 Writing on Ice: The Ethnographic Notebooks of Vilhjalmur Across Borders: Beadwork in Iroquois Life. McCord Museum Stefansson, Gisli Palsson, ed. (Mark Nuttall), 771 (Morgan Perkins), 595 Xavante in Transition, The: Health, Ecology, and Bioanthro- Featured Works XVI: The Social Context of Violence in pology in Central Brazil, Carlos E. A.C oimbra, Nancy M. Ancient Peruvian Art. Krannert Art Museum (Helaine Flowers, Francisco M. Salzano, and Ricardo V. Santos (Seth Silverman), 732 W. Garfield), 614 Four Mollys: Women of the Dawn. Abbe Museum (Marilyn Norcini), 161 Social Context of Violence in Ancient Peruvian Art, The. Commentaries Krannert Art Museum (Helaine Silverman), 732 Biodistance Analysis, a Biocultural Enterprise: A Rejoinder to Armelagos and Van Gerven (2003), by Christopher M. Museums Reviewed Stojanowski and Jane E. Buikstra, 430 (Reviewer in parentheses) Commentary on “Landscape Politics” in West Africa, by District Six Museum (Serena Nanda), 379 Jonathan R. Walz, 787 Kwa Muhle Museum (Serena Nanda), 379 Commentary on Jamil Hanifi’s Review, A, by Robert L. Can- field, 786 Robben Island Museum (Serena Nanda), 379 Commentary on the Obituary for Marvin Harris, by Paula G. Rubel and Abraham Rosman, 212 Obituaries Commentary: A Response to Doug Jones, by Daniel Wildcat, Braidwood, Robert John (1907-2003), by Patty Jo Watson, Irena Sumi, and Vine Deloria Jr., 641 642 American Anthropologist Volume 106 Index 805 Davenport, William Hunt (1922-2004), by Stuart Kirsch, Packaging Indigenous Media: An Interview with Ivan San- James G. Flanagan, and William W. Donner, 789 jinés and Jesus Tapia, by Jeff Himpele, 354 Palestinian Children: Dying to Live, by Lori A. Allen, 159 Helm, June (1924-2004), by Nancy Oestreich Lurie, 792 Politics in the Everyday: Women in Palestinian Women’s Kent, Susan (1952-2003), by Wendy Ashmore, SarahM. Nel- Films, by Lila Abu-Lughod, 157 son, and Arlene Miller Rosen, 794 Remembrance of Things Present, Longing for Things Future, Kramer, Carol (1943-2002), by Nan A. Rothschild, 214 by Omnia El Shakry, 152 Ogbu, John Uzo (1939-2003), by Margaret A. Gibson, 644 Uncomfortable Subjects, by Amahl Bishara, 155 Pitt-Rivers, Julian A. (1919-2001), by Susan Tax Freeman, 216 Films Reviewed Poole, Fitz John Porter (1941-2002), by David Lipset and (Reviewer in parentheses) Paul Roscoe, 219 Blanche’s Homeland, Maryse Gargour (Lila Abu-Lughod), 157 Schapera, Isaac (1905-2003), by Jean La Fontaine, 647 Crossing Kalandia, Sobhi al-Zobaidi (Omnia El Shakry), 152 Visual Anthropology Ford Transit, Hany Abu-Assad (Sonali Pahwa and Kamran Review Essays Rastegar), 153 Adjacent Art of Documentary, The: A Palestinian Film Fes- Four Songs for Palestine, Nada El-Yassir (Lila Abu-Lughod), tival, by Lila Abu-Lughod, 150 157 Between the State and Indigenous Autonomy: Unpack- Jenin, Jenin, Mohammad Bakri (Amahl Bishara), 155 ing Video Indigena in Mexico, by Erica Cusi Wortham, Kalahari Family, A, John Marshall (Matthew Durington), 363 589 Blurred Genres, by Sonali Pahwa and Kamran Rastegar, 153 Los Rollos Perdidos de Pancho Villa (The Lost Reels of Pancho Interview with Juan Jose Garcia, President of Ojo se Agua Villa), Gregoria Rocha (Emily Cohen), 719 Comunicaci6n, An, by Anna Bridgido-Corachan, 368 Introduction, by Jeff Himpele, 353 Mesmerist, The, Bill Morrison (Emily Cohen), 719 John Marshall’s Kalahari Family, by Matthew Durington, News Time, Azza El-Hassan (Lori A. Allen), 159 589 Staying Alive, Ghada Terawi (Lori A. Allen), 159 Orphanista Manifesto, The: Orphan Films and the Politics of Reproduction, by Emily Cohen, 719 This is Not Living, Alia Arasoughly (Lila Abu-Lughod), 157 Authors, Reviewers, Directors Abu-Assad, Hany, 153 Abu-Lughod, Lila, 150, 157, 619 Babb, Florence E., 541 ‘ Acheson, James M., 296 Baca, George, 617 Adams, Jane, 334, 747 Baker, Lee D., 168 Aijmer, Goran, 178 Bakri, Mohammad, 155 al-Zobaidi, Sobhi, 152 Balicki, Asen, 408 Alland Jr., Alexander, 168 Bandy, Matthew S., 322 Allen, Lori A., 159 Barlett, Peggy F., 776 Amerlinck, Mari-José, 173 Barndt, Deborah, 748 Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M., 209 Bashkow, Ira, 433, 443 Angelides, S., 401 Bauerkamper, Arnd, 401 Appadurai, Arjun, 612 Beezley, William H., 414 Arasoughly, Alia, 157 Befu, Harumi, 749 Araujo, Wladimyr Sena, 624 Benavides, Hugo, 762 Armagan, Teresa L., 17 Berlet, Chip, 180 Asch, Michael, 165 Bertrand, Frederic, 613 Ashmore, Wendy, 794 Besson, Jean, 613 Askew, Kelly, 748 Bishara, Amahl, 155 Axel, Brian Keith, 178 Bledsoe, Caroline H., 607 806 American Anthropologist e Vol. 106,No.4 e December 2004 Blee, Kathleen M., 180 de Garine, Valeria, 397 Blood, Doris E., 410 de Jonge, Huub, 622 Bodley, John H., 410, 751 de Vries, Pieter, 416 Borrero, Luis Alberto, 404 Deloria Jr., Vine, 641 Boschetto-Sandoval, Sandra M., 777 Demidenko, Yuri E., 17 Bowen, John R., 43, 750 Desmarais, Annette Aurélie, 748 Brandes, Stanley, 397 Devor, Eric J., 743 Brantlinger, Patrick, 751 Dillehay, Tom, 404 Brenneis, Don, 580 Donner, William W., 789 Brewster, Keith, 752 Doostdar, Alireza, 651 Bridgido-Corachan, Anna, 368 Duany, Jorge, 615 Bromage, Timothy G., 197 Duncan, Kate C., 375 Browman, David L., 752 Duncan, RonaldJ. , 374, 405 Browner, Tara, 411 Durham, Deborah, 763 Bruun, Ole, 206 Durington, Matthew, 589 Buechler, Hans C., 401 Dusenbery, Verne A., 178 Buechler, Judith-Maria, 401 Dussart, Francoise, 184 Buikstra, Jane E., 430 Dyck, Noel, 406 Bunzl, Matti, 433, 435, 772 Burdick, John, 200 Earle, Timothy, 111 Ebron, Paulla A., 406 Edwards, David B., 185 Calloway, Colin G., 402 Edwards, Elizabeth, 616 Cambrosio, Alberto, 389 Edwards, Jeanette, 176 Canfield, Robert L., 786 Eidson, John R., 386 Carrillo, Hector, 181 El Shakry, Omnia, 152 Carlson, Keith, 431 El-Hassan, Azza, 159 Carneiro, Robert L., 191 El-Yassir, Nada, 157 Carsten, Janet, 744 Ember, Carol R., 145 Carstens, Peter, 182 Ember, Melvin, 145 Castafieda, Claudia, 753 English-Lueck, J. A., 187 Castro, A. Peter, 754 Erikson, Patricia Pierce, 374 Caton, Steven C., 626 Eschle, Catherine, 627 Chatterjee, Partha, 183 Ewing, Katherine Pratt, 608 Chin, Elizabeth, 753 Chow, Rey, 603 Fainstein, Susan, 760 Coe, Cati, 618 Farah, Randa, 620 Cohen, Colleen Ballerino, 619 Farquhar, Judith, 757 Cohen, Emily, 719 Fay, Derick A., 182 Cohen, Lucy M., 403 Feinman, Gary M., 188, 752 Cohen, Mark N., 610 Fernandez-Alemany, Manuel, 189 Coimbra, Carlos E. A., 614 Feuchtwang, Stephan, 757 Collins, Mary, 407 Fine-Dare, Kathleen S., 407 Collinson, Paul, 415 Finkler, Kaja, 176 Conklin, Beth A., 183 Fischer, Kirsten, 617 Constable, Nicole, 755 Fischer, Michael M. J., 389 Crawford, Michael H., 415 Flanagan, James G., 789 Creed, Gerald W., 56 Flowers, Nancy M., 614 Crowell, Aron L., 431 Foias, Antonia, 188 Cuadrado, Mary, 397 Fong, Vanessa L., 783 Franke, Richard, 623 Franke, Richard W., 765 Danta, Ruby, 391 Franklin, Sarah, 744 Darling, J. Andrew, 282, 406 Frazier, Lessie Jo, 770 Darnell, Regna, 764 Frechette, Ann, 757 David, Nicholas, 756 French, Jan Hoffman, 663 Davidson, Elsa, 187 Frese, Pamela R., 758 de Garine, Igor, 397 Fuentes, Agustin, 710, 767 American Anthropologist Volume 106 Index 807 Ganson, Barbara, 759 Hinton, Alexander Laban, 398 Garcia-Colon, Ismael, 391 Hinton, Alexander L., 414 Gardner, Roy J., 296 Ho, Virgil K. Y., 178 Garfield, Seth W., 614 Hodge, G. Derrick, 189 Gargour, Maryse, 157 Hodgson, Dorothy L., 768 Gates, Hill, 178 Hoffman, Susanna M., 765 Geertz, Clifford, 420, 622 Holt, Thomas C., 168 Gemunden, Gerd, 402 Huber, Brad R., 192 Gentzler, Edwin, 739 Humphrey, Caroline, 769 Geurts, Kathryn Linn, 618 Hurtig, Janise, 770 Gibson, Margaret A., 644 Hiisken, Frans, 622 Gill, Lesley, 780 Gilmore, David D., 209 lovita, Radu P., 267 Ginsburg, Faye D., 619 Inhorn, Marcia C., 607 Glass-Coffin, Bonnie, 192 Isaac, T. M. Thomas, 623 Goetz, Edward G., 760 Jackson Jr., John L., 32 Goldstein, Donna, 412 Jacobs, Sue-Ellen, 411 Gorton, D., 334 Joseph, Suzanne E., 140 Gossiaux, Jean-Francois, 408 Joyce, Rosemary A., 766 Gow, Peter, 624 Graham, Elizabeth, 759 Kalb, Don, 413 Graham, Sandra Lauderdale, 600 Kapferer, Bruce, 766 Grant, Bruce, 782 Kappeler, Peter M., 767 Green, Maia, 748 Kawano, Satsuki, 428 Greenbaum, Susan D., 630 Kelly, Kenneth G., 98 Gregor, Thomas A., 687 Kelly, Patty, 181 Grillo, Ralph, 424 Kelly, William W., 406 Grinker, Roy Richard, 189 Kelsky, Karen L., 427 Grodzins Gold, Ann, 409 Kemper, Steven, 193 Gross, Daniel R., 687 Kingsolver, Ann E., 195 Grumet, Robert S., 207 Kipnis, Andrew, 769 Guest, Kenneth J., 761 Kirsch, Stuart, 789 Guichard-Anguis, Sylvie, 749 Kirsch, Thomas G., 699 Gutmann, Matthew C., 620, 762 Klein, Martin, 632 Kohl, Philip L., 779 Haakanson Jr., Sven, 431 Koskoff, Ellen, 196 Haas, Jonathan, 191 Kramer, Carol, 756 Haines, David W., 603 Kiirti, Laszl6, 412 Halliburton, Murphy, 204 Handler, Richard, 433, 488, 631, 772 La Fontaine, Jean, 647 Hanifi, M. Jamil, 185 Labate, Beatriz Caiuby, 624 Harootunian, H. D., 626 Lamphere, Louise, 126, 202 Harrell, Margaret C., 758 Larkin, Brian, 619 Harris III, Charles H., 762 Larsen, Clark Spencer, 197 Harris, Cole, 165 Lavenda, Robert H., 781 Hart, Gillian, 763 Lazarus-Black, Mindie, 628 Hawkins, Sean, 409 Leach, Belinda, 768 Headland, Thomas N., 410 Lee, Alison E., 638 Hecht, Tobias, 620 Lehoucgq, Fabrice, 620 Heller, Patrick, 623 Lem, Winnie, 768 Henderson, Carol, 409 Lewellen, Ted C., 413 Henry, Donald O., 17 Lewin, Ellen, 401 Hernandez, Marie Theresa, 621 Lieberman, Louis, 397 Hezel, Fancis X., 192 Linger, Daniel T., 749 Hietala, HaroldJ. , 17 Linke, Uli, 639 Hill, Ann Maxwell, 675 Lipset, David, 219 Himpele, Jeff, 353, 354 Lobnibe, Isidore, 409 Hinsley, Curtis M., 764 Loewe, Ron, 423 808 American Anthropologist e Vol. 106,No.4 e December 2004 Lock, Margaret, 389 Navaro-Yashin, Yael, 608 Lopez, Iris, 615 Nelson, Sarah M., 794 Lorey, David E., 414 Nielson, Erik, 754 Lovell, W. George, 640 Nolan, Riall, 424 Luhrmann, Tanya M., 518 Norcini, Marilyn, 161 Lurie, Nancy Oestreich, 792 Norman, Neil L., 98 Nugent, Stephen, 633 Macbeth, Helen, 415 Nuttall, Mark, 771 MacClancy, Jeremy, 416 Mackey, Eva, 165 Oakdale, Suzanne, 183 Maira, Sunaina, 198 Obono, Oka, 607 Makihara, Miki, 529 i Oliver-Smith, Anthony, 765 Mallon, Florencia E., 629 Orlove, Ben, 770 Mandel, Ruth, 769 Orta, Andrew, 433, 473 Manzanilla, Linda, 188 Marchand, Trevor H. J., 173 Pahwa, Sonali, 153 Marcus, George E., 633 Paillalef, Rosa Isolde Reuque, 629 Marcus, Julie, 199 Painter, Thomas M., 754 Marks, Jonathan, 417, 786 Palmié, Stephan, 630 Marshall, John, 589 Palsson, Gisli, 771 Masson, Marilyn A., 636 Penny, H. Glenn, 631, 772 Mathews-Salazar, Patricia, 777 Peregrine, Peter N., 145 Maurer, Bill, 750 Pereira, Michael E., 767 McAdam, Doug, 200 Perkins, Morgan, 595 McBride, Bunny, 161 Perry, Donna, 635 McClaurin, Irma, 201 Perry, Pamela, 425 McCormack, Patricia A., 631 Petersen, Glenn, 192 McElreath, Richard, 308 Pickering, Kathleen, 85 McGranahan, Carole, 757 Poole, Deborah, 616 McHalsie, Sonny, 431 Porcello, Thomas, 196 McKinnon, Susan, 744 Portes, Alejandro, 391 Medicine, Beatrice, 411 Povinelli, Elizabeth A., 184, 421 Meeker, Michael E., 608 Powers, Willow Roberts, 202 Meintjes, Louise, 395 Price, Charles, 775 Mendoza, Marcela, 212 Price, David H., 758, 773 Meskell, Lynn, 766 Price, Sally, 422 Millaman Reinao, Rosamel, 629 Pullar, Gordon L., 431 Miller, Toby, 418 Raffles, Hugh, 774 Mills, Barbara J., 238 Ragoné, Heléna, 176 Milner, Nicky, 610 Ram Gujar, Bhoju, 409 Miracle, Preston, 610 Rastegar, Kamran, 153 Mitchell, Timothy, 625 Ravesloot, John C., 282, 406 Miyoshi, Masao, 626 Ray, Celeste, 631 Moffatt, Michael, 425 Relethford, John H., 743 Mohanty, Chandra Talpade, 627 Ricourt, Milagros, 391 Montgomery, Scott L., 739 Ridington, Robin, 402 Montoya, Rosario, 770 Rival, Laura M., 774 Moore, Jerry D., 173 Robben, Antonius C. G. M., 398 Moore, Sally Falk, 744 Robotham, Don, 613 Morantz, Toby, 165 Rocha, Gregoria, 719 Morrison, Bill, 719 Rodman, William, 766 Mortland, Carol A., 603 Romberg, Raquel, 775 Mrazek, Rudolph, 420 Roscoe, Paul, 219 Murray, Stephen O., 189 Rosen, Arlene, 17 Myers, Fred R., 421, 422 Rosen, Arlene Miller, 794 Nader, Laura, 628 Rosenblatt, Daniel, 433, 459 Nash, June C., 423, 426 Rosman, Abraham, 212, 739 Nanda, Serena, 379 Rothschild, Nan A., 214

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