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American Anthropologist Volume 105 Index Articles iation Aesthetics, Intuition, and Reference in Fijian Ritual Commu- Leslie and Michael nication: Modularity in and out of | Language, by Andrew Arno, 807 Ideologies o inguage and thropological Genetics in the Gen \ Look Back | S Law D\ and Ahead, by DenHn. Oi’Rosurk e Introduction es E. Mascia- Anthropology of Power and Maoism \ndrew Kipnis Leaend sSus ar Keeping Biolo yy, and An- 278 Anthropology Demography, and Search for imes M ilicagno, 6 Kinship and / De |E xpl} oring, Connect+i ons }b et+ ween Analysis of Fertility: Insights from Russia, by inguages, by Doug Jones, 501 Rivkin-Fish, 289 ymen’s Speech: Talking Commu- Century of Skeletal Biology and Paleopathology ontrasts 1azon, by JanetM . Chernela, 794 Contradictionasn,d Conflicts, by George ] Margaret Mead and of For getting in Anthropology Dennis P. Van Gerven, 51 \ Response to Pa ve, DS 1ela di Leonardo, 592 iging Times, Changing Faces: Franz Margaret Mead, Re and Mountain Arapesh Warfare Study in Modern Perspective, by Corey S. Sparks and Richard I . > by Paul Roscoe L. Jantz, 333 Mayan Language Re\ ind Revitalization Politics: Li Boas’s Changes in Bodily Form: The Immigran udy, Cranial and Linguistic by Nora C. England and Boas’s Physical Anthropology, by Clarence Mongolian Ethnicity and Linguistic Gravlee, H. Russell Bernaarnd dW,ill i im R. Leonard, 326 Uradyn E. Bulas Language Rights” Serve Indigenous Interests? Some Withi Hopi and Other Queries, by Peter Whiteley, 712 pology, by! lutof Hiumaon Onrigi ns, The, by Carol Ward Perishing Parad ird Lieberman rensic Anthropology and Bioarchaeology in the American Rodney ¢ Kir Littlefield, 110 \nthropologist: Rare but Exquisite Gems, by Jane E. Buikstra, Primate Beha\ From Ethnography t » Ethology jason | King, and Kenneth ¢ Nvstrom. 38 and Back, by ; l'ypes to Populations \ Century of Race, Physical An- Proverbial Bour labitus and itics of Repre- pology, and the American Anthropological Associa- sentationi n the Ethr raj f Kabylia, by Jane E. Good- on, by Rachel Caspari6, 5 man, 782 lton’s Asset” and “Flower’s Problem”: ¢ ultural Networks Still ar Anthropology? Results of nd Cultural Units in Cross-Cultural Research Or, Male the Light f the | S. Findings, by yenital Mutilations and Polygyny in Cross-Cultural Per ind Jan Strziko, 116 ive), by Andrei Korotayev and Victor ¢ de Munck, 353 ft: | Postcolonial AA ff y i and Analytic setting Language Rights: The Rhetoric s of Language Endan- dd Sanders, 338 germaendn Ltoss , by Joseph Errington, 723 \rea Studies Insights from Carib- sift Remitting and Alliance Building in Zambian Modernity Karla Slocum and Deborah A Old Answteo Mrodsern Problems, by Lisa Cliggett 543 Thomas s] lob} alliizz ing Lan,Og uages: . Ideologie; s andve n | tealities of the Con- Scale and the planation of Demographic Change: 3,500 temporary Global System,b y Jonathan Friedi man 744 YI earins t he Valles 1 Uaxaca by Stephen A. Kowalewski, 313 omment: Got Language? Law, Property, and the Anthro- Sixtv Years of Mod Human Origins in the American An- pological Imagination,b y Bill Maurer, 775 thropologic ail ASS iation, by John Hawks and Milford H riddles, Ovens, and Agricultural Origins: An Ethnoarchae- Wolpoff 8&9 ological Study of Bread Baking in Highland Ethiopia, by Soul Citizenship Black Hebrews and the State of Israel Diane Lyons and A. CatherineD ’ Andrea, 515 bv Fran Markowitz, Sara Helman, and Dafna Shir-Vertesh Heredity, Environment, and Cranial Form: A Reanalysis of 302 Boas’s Immigrant Data, by Clarence C. Gravlee, H. Russell Sultans of Spin: Syrian Sacred Music on the World Stage, by Bernard, and William R. Leonard, 125 Jonathan H. Shannon, 266 Vol. 105, No.4 ¢ December 2003 to Lieberman, Kirk Anthropology r, The: The Aestheticosf Convivi- Brown, 114 ality in Native Joanna Overing and Alan Passes tu Mivazal eds. (Janet MM 1ernela), 666 Mijikend \nthropolog Critical Essays, Johannes Fabian (Michael H \nti-Indiar nerica: A Voice from Tatekeya’s Eli ynn (Vine Deloria), 643 Arab Detroit to Mainstream, Nabeel Abraham and Andrev (Fadwa El Guindi), 631 iTaDS in w Future, Michael W. Suleiman Books Review Essays Hodder, ed. (Norman Yoffe« ary Past, Victor Buchii and ithschild), 182 World: Colonial Transcripts in peake, Martin Hall (Mary ( rorrence and Anne Clarke ving at the Margin, Graemé David L. Browman), 179 gency and History before and af- iketat (Ann B. Stahl), 205 lan and ]OVCE Marcus MA tion, lan Hodder (N eq arentheses) I ind Identity in New Zealand hele Dominy (DavidS . Trigger)4,0 4 ambpri lge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas, The Volume II: Mesoamerica, Part 1, Richard E. W. Adams and rniuen basso Murdo J].M acLeod, eds. (Gary Feinman), 380 gical Medicine: Crossin ambridge Hist the Native Peoples of the Americas, The tans and John Cox (Lewis Langness), 672 Volume II: Mesoamerica, Part 2, Richard E. W. Adams and nomy, The: Community, Market, and Cul- Murdo J. MacLeod, eds. (Gary Feinman)3,8 0 Gudeman (SusanD . Russell), 418 ar Cultures, Daniel Miller, ed. (Richard Wilk), 202 American Anthropologist Volume 105 Index lebrating Ethnicity and Nation: American Festive Culture from Developing Povert the Revolution to the Early 20th Centun Jurgen Heideking the Informal | Genevieve Fabre, and Kai Dreisbach, eds. (Eric Gable), 423 public, José lt harles Darwin: Interviews and Recollections, Harold Orel, ed Die Entdeckung Douglas W. Schwartz), 450 Theorie und ‘ese Sociologics: An Anthropological Account of the Role of (Gretchen E.S \lienation in Social Reproduction, P. Steven Sangren (Xin Liu), Dignity of Workir IS® Race ( lass adil § Dideen Kat (When the Plumes Rise): The Way of the Lake Fuchs Epstein Babine Nation, Jo-Anne Fiske with assistance of Betty Patrick Dividends of Kins ' j , - ) > ) hy Daniel Boxberger), 650 Peter P.S chy : ’ ) wo Affaire lorim ifford Geertz: Culture, Custom and Eth Fred Inglis (Rich- Divine Aff: rugrimage ird AlH ani dl| er), ‘8 71 and Postcolor i} a, Ishita Banerjee Dube ’ ; } ; Ybeveseke! ecting Colonialism: Material Culture and Colonial Change Obeyesekers dresden: Paradox Chris Gosdenand Chantal Knowles (MiriaKamhn ), 869 Dresd¢ — a (Uli Link nstruction of Minorities, The: Cases for Comparison across i Linke ' ,' ; Dynamics in Hun me and areund the World, André Burguiere and Raymond are , ing Of Social an Grew, eds. (SusanR . Dauria), 393 > “ . . , : . , George |. Gumern sumption Intensified: The Politics of Middle-Class Daily Life ? ili, l Maureen O’Dougherty (Lesley Gill), 449 Ecology O Ladi ¢ esl tod Landscapes: Movement, Exil and Place, Barbara DavidB . Kre sender and Margot Winer, eds. (Denise Lawrence-Zuniga), El Nino Caviedes Terrains and Constructe d Categories: Contemporar) Elites: Choi Focus, George Clement Bond and Nigel C. Gibson and Antoni ? ‘ (Catherine Boone), 359 0640 ountryside: Settlement momy, and Land Use in Emotions in 134 > Vier m Argolid Since 1 san Buck Sutton, ed Wierz istasia Karakasidou), 878 Empire t V ption across Cultures: Technologies, ¢ hoices, Constraints, Christine - ‘. Environm ; Russell, Elisa J.S obo, and Mary S. Thompson (Ceila sateen barella, ed I xamples of ¢ Daniels Street, eds. (Jean M. Langford), 419 emory: Reconfiguring History and Identity in the Post- ; Mike Cole Pacific Jeannette Marie Mageo (Geoffrey M volutionsbiolog Da ute, Rainer BrOmer we White), 164 . . ; Hossfeld, and ias A Rupke eds. (Gretchen E. Schafft) ture and Rights: Anthropological Perspectives, Jane K. Cowan, R63 Mafra rie-Benédicte Dembour, and Richard A. Wilson, eds (Paul L.D oughty)4,0 1 Failouf rTreeat ment, Gilbert Lewis (Terence E. Hays), 662 Cultu: re in . Practice: Selected Essays, Marshall Sahlins (Alexan- FFaammiillyy andand CCoommmumniutyn itiniyn I Ir e land, Conrad M. Arensberg and der Alland), ~~ 671 Solon T. Ki] mball |(Joan }V inc] entTI T) i8 ) Family and Gender among American Muslims: Issues Facing Daughters of Suburbia: Growing up White, Middle Class, and Fe- Middle Eastern Immigrantasn d Their Descendents, Barbara ¢ male, Lorraine Delia Kenny (Katya Gibel Azoulay), 434 Aswad and Barbara Bilgé, eds. (Fadwa El Guindi), 631 Delimiting Anthropology: Occasional Inquiries and Reflections, Female Circumcision Controversy, The in Anthropological Per George W. Stocking Jr. (Kevin Yelvington), 367 spective, Ellen Gruenbaum (Alma Gottlieb), 652 898 American Anthropologist ¢ Vol. 105,No.4 e December 2003 Matters: Women’s Religious Practices in a Portuguese Image Makers: Advertising, Public Relaatndi thoe Enthoss o,f A d- Lena Gemzoe (Sally Cole), 414 vocacy, Robert Jackall and Janice M. Hirota (Gary McDonogh The: Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism as Cultural and Cindy Wong), 658 David M. Guss (Kristin Norget), 189 Imagined States: Nationalism, Utopia and Longing in Oral Cul- \ffiliation, Harold W. Scheffler (Warren Shapiro), tures, Luisa Del Giudice and Gerald Porter, eds. (Wanni W. Anderson), 184 lonialism? Sacrifice and the Arto fM emoryi n Madagas- In Colonial New Guinea: Anthropological Perspectives, Naomi Jennifer Cole (Paul A. Stoller), 398 M. McPherson, ed. (Geoffrey M. White), 164 yur A J ills of Life, Tl he: Northern Arapaho Knowledge and Life In the Shadows of State and Capital: The United Fruit Company, Movement, Jeffrey D. Anderson (Annette Kuhlmann), 382 Popular Struggle, and Agrarian Restructuring in Ecuador Overlapping Lives: Culture and Generation in Tran- 1900-1995, Steve Striffler (Marilyn Silverman), 470 Catherine Bateson (Virginia Dominguez), 388 Indians, Markets, and Rainforests: Theory, Methods, and Analy- Past, The: Archeologists, Native Americans, and Re- sis, Ricardo A. Godoy (A. Peter Castro), 187 umara L. Bray (Timothy McKeown), 640 Indigenous Archaeology: American Indian Values and Scientific Languages: The Linguistic Representation of Practice,J oe Watkins (Barbara J. Mills), 473 i Men, volume 2, Marlis Hellinger and Hadumod Indigenous Enviromental Knowledge and Its Transformations ds. (Bonnie McElhinny), 848 Critical Anthropological Perspectives, Roy Ellen (Bradley Wal- ywer in Prehisioric Mesoamerica, Rosemary A. ters), 406 yara L. Stark), 429 Inside Organizations: Anthropologists at Work, David N. Gellner gy, Marie Louise Stig Sorensen (Elizabeth M. and Eric Hirsch, eds. (Ann T. Jordan), 186 72 Interpretations of Native North American Life: Material Contri- ind Discourse Analysis, Lia Litosseliti and Jane butions to CEltlh nohiston Michael S. Nassaney and Eric S. eds. (Bonnie McElhinny), 848 Johnson, eds. (Nancy Bonvillain)8,7 7 nia and Melanesia: An Exploration of the Com- Intervention and Transnationalism in Africa, Thomas Callaghy, od, Thomas A. Gregory and Donald Tuzin, Ronald Kassimir, and Robert Latham, eds. (Catherine |W. Scheffler), 417 Boone), 359 1901-1973) 5 Sein Beitrag zur Biologe im 20. Ja- Island Archaeology of th rly Cyclades, An, Cyprian Brood- we Hossfeld (Gretchen E. Schafft)8,6 3 bank (Bernice Kurchin), 641 lows: Construcoft Iideontnit y and Community in Island Lives: Historical Archaeologies of the Caribbean, Paul ispora, Atsuko Matsuoka and John Sorenson Farnsworth,ed . (James Delle), 407 is), 443 Altman (Roger N. Lancaster), 175 Kastom or Komuniti 1 Study of Social Process and Change among Conciliation, and Caste in Mande, the Wam People, East Sepik Province, Papau New Guinea Hoffman in collaboration with Kassim Koné Nigel A. Stephenson (Karen Brison), 470 . Kitchen Spoon’s Handle, The: Transnationaliasnmd Sri Lanka’s Migrant Housemaid fichele Ruth Gamburd (@ivind rt Research, David S. Whitley, ed. (Warren 4 } Fuglerud), 41 aT ; . * Kodiak, Alaska: les Masques de la Collection Alphonse Pinart fodernity: Traditional Medicine, Shaman- ‘ ; Emmanuel Désveaux, « Molly Lee and Nelson Graburn), {sian Societies, Linda H. Connor and 613 eds. (James M. Wilce), 399 1 in a Central Javanese City, Steve Ferzacca ; 409 La Vozd el Kultrun en La Modernidad: Tradicion y Cambeino L a a eae a Terapeutica Siete Machi Mapuche, Ann Mariella Baci- galupo (Michael Winkelman), 177 munity in Belize, Laura J]. McClusky (Judith K. Lakota Culture, Worid Economy, Kathleen Ann Pickering (Alice Littlef from Chiapas: Border Identities in Southern =A #: S Landscapes of Urban Memory: The Sacraned dth e Civic in India’s Hernandez Castillo, foreword by Renato e ‘e High-Tech City, Smriti Srinivas (Lina M. Fruzzetti), 675 in Stephen), 425 | ae ; “re ’ ast Rites for the Tipu Maya: Genetic Structuring in a Colonial Honour and Violence, Anton Blok (David I. Kertzer), 866 aces 7 ein eP st ; Cemetery, Keith P. Jacobi (Heather McKillop), 659 Houses Far from Home: British Colonial Space in the New He- a Latinos, Inc.: The Marketing and Making of a People, Arlene brides, Margaret Critchlow Rodman (Susan Berry), 45 y a t ° f ; 4 Davila (Rafael Reyes-Ruiz), 183 tfi Ud therers: Ethnographic Collectors, Agents, and Sears me yn ; Life in Neolithic Farming Communities: Social Organization, igency in Melanesia, 1870s—1930s, Michael O’Hanlon and ; , fio ss . i near ; Identity and Differentiation, lam Kujit (Timothy R. Pauketat), Robert L. Welsch, eds. (Jeanne Cannizzo), 204 198 . c Identity and Gender in Hunting and Gathering Societies, lan Linguistic Fieldwork, Paul Newman and Martha Ratliff, eds Keen and Takako Yamada, eds. (Francoise Dussart), 195 (Janet Dixon Keller), 857 American Anthropologist Volume 105 Index 899 Llamas, Weavings, and Organic Chocolate: Multicultural Grass- Politics of Multiculturalism, The: Pluralism and Citizenship in roots Development in the Andes and Amazon of Bolivia, Kevin Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia, Robert W. Hefner, ed. Healy (Kathleen B. Lowrey), 656 (Tom Boellstorff), 422 Looking Both Ways: Heritage and Identity of the Alutiiq People, Popular Religion in China: The Imperial Metaphor, Stephan \ron L. Crowell, Amy F.S teffian, and Gordon L. Pullar, eds. Feuchtwang (Erik Mueggler), 410 (Molly Lee and Nelson Graburn), 613 Postcolonial Subjectivities in Africa, Richard Werbner, ed Lord of the Dance: The Mani Rimdu Festival in Tibet and Nepal, (Catherine Boone), 359 Richard J. Kohn (David N. Gellner), 434 Price of Death, The: The Funeral Industry in Contemporary Japan, Lost Visions and New Uncertainties: Sandinista Profesionales in Hikaru Suzuki (Satsuki Kawano), 471 Northern Nicaragua, Inger Lundgren (Les W. Field), 441 Principles of Linguistic Change: Social Factors, Volume 2, William Labov (Matthew Gordon), 436 Marketing Democracy: Power and Social Movements in Post- Psychology of Cultural Experience, The, Carmella C. Moore and Dictatorship Chile, Julia Paley Janet Leigh Finn), 451 Holly F. Mathews, eds. (Richard J. Castillo), 446 Marxist Modern: An Ethnographic History of the Ethiopian Revo- Public Benefits of Archaeology, Barbara J. Little, ed. (David L. lution, Donald L. Donham (Dan Bauer), 867 Browman)6,2 8 Meanings of Violence: A Cross Cultural Perspective, Goran Ai- jmer and Jon Abbink, eds. (Robert Hayden), 381 Rebirth of the Blackfeet Nation, 1912-1954, Paul C. Rosier Medical Anthropology and African American Health, Eric J. (Alice B. Kehoe), 208 Bailey (Andrea Sankar), 638 Religion against the Self: An Ethnography of Tamil Rituals, \sa- Vedicalizing Ethnicity: The Construction of Latino Identity in a belle Nabokov (Anthony Good), 447 Psychiatric Setting, Vilma Santiago-lIrizarry (Leo R. Chavez), Represented Communities: Fiji and World Decolonization, John 459 D. Kelly and Martha Kaplan (Geoffrey White), 164 Vetaphor and Emotion: Language, Culture, and Body in Human Reproducing Gender: Politics, Publics and Everyday Life after So- Feeling, Zoltan KOvecses (Jim Wilce), 852 cialism, Susan Gal and Gail Kligman, eds. (Ewa Krystyna Money in an Unequal World: Keith Hart and His Memory Bank, Hauser), 372 Keith Hart (Rhoda Halperin), 190 Rigoberta Menchu Controversy, The, Arturo Arias, ed., with re- \V ongolian Music, Dance, and Oral Narrative: Performing Diverse sponse by David Stoll (Victoria D. L. Sanford), 384 Carole Pe gg (Uradyn Bulag), 452 Ritual and Pilgrimage in the Ancient Andes: The Islands of the and Gender, Pirkko Moisala and Beverly Diamond, eds Sun and the Moon, Brian S. Bauer and Charles Stanish (Jerry Ron Everman), 875 D. Moore), 180 ieosf t he Hopewell: Astronomers, Geometers, and Magicians Ritual Sacrifice in Ancient Peru, Elizabeth P. Benson and Anita oodlands, William F. Romain (Anthony | G. Cook, eds. (Jane E. Buikstra), 390 Routes to Child Language: Evolutionary and Developmental Pre- cursors, Joanna Blake (Bill Wade), 392 of an Art World, Mar- Russia and Soul: An Exploration, Dale Pesmen (Bruce Grant), 207 ran Sovereignties Ridington), 374 Salaula: The World of Secondhand Clothing and Zambia, Karen resentation Fy st Encounters Distorted Im- lranberg Hansen (Robert Bates), 214 \ppropriations, Gretchen M. Bataille,e d Same but Different, The: Language Use and Attitudes in Four <obin Ridington), 3 Communities of Burkina Faso, Stuart Showalter (Mahir Saul), ‘ The: A Fra vork for the Histoofr Eymo - 466 Reddy (Jim Wik $52 Scarce Goods: Justice, Fairness, and Organ Transplantation he, Annelise Riles (Bill Maurer), 455 lhomas Koch (Nancy Scheper-Hughes), 172 iropological K lip, Linda Stone, ed Secret Spaces, Forbidden Places: Rethinking Culture, Fran Lloyd and Catherine O’Brien (Maria-Luisa Achino-Loeb), 440 Brazilian Sel\ Daniel Touro Separation and Reunion in Modern China, Charles Stafford Linger (Amy Borovoy), 198 (Richard Madsen), 468 Serving the Word: Literalism in America from the Pulpit to the Wonders and Wise Men: Re wd Popular Cultures in Bench, Vincent Crapanzano (Wayne Proudfoot), 644 Southeast Mexico, 18SOO-1876, Terry Rugeley (Grant Jones), Shadows and Lights of Waco, The: Millennialism Today, James 09 D. Faubion (Vincent Crapanzano), 649 On the Postcolony, Achille Mbembe (Mary Porter), 635 Shaikhdoms of Eastern Arabia, Peter Lienhardt (Huda Seif), Out of Our Minds: Reason and Madness in the Exploration of 663 Central Africa, Johannes Fabian (Michael Herzfeld), 168 Shaping of American Ethnography, The: The Wilkes Exploring Plain Women: Gender and Ritual in the Old Order River Brethren, Expedition, 1838-1842, Barry Alan Joyce (John Barker), 193 Margaret C. Reynolds, with a foreword by Simon J. Bronner, Signs of Cherokee Culture: Sequoyah’s Syllabary in Eastern ed. (Andrea Fishman), 454 Cherokee Life, Margaret Bender( Claudio Saunt), 363 an Anthropologist ¢ Vol. 105,No.4 e¢ December 2003 Unveiling Tradit ial Islam in a Polycentric World \nouar Ma Amal Rassam), 442 ics in Thai Buddist Per Up in Nipigoi ology as Personal Experience, Ed ig (Jonathan H. Shannon ward J. Hedican n Bradburd), 422 mol sts: Culture, Pol Oklahoma, Lisa J. Le Viking Age k Sophia Perdikaris), 643 laudio Saunt), 363 Violent Envir Lee Peluso and MichaeWaltt s aik¢ 1 Naming, o f A{ nti - eds1 . (Joel VAW can, ed. (Phyllis Mo ), Vovaging thi Pacific, David Hanlon and Geoffrey M Martha Kaplan), 870 \nthropologist in the W orld of orsythe, with an introduc Wages of \ lentity in Postcolonial Bombay fer Croissant), 412 Thomas Blon krishnan Sivaramakrishnar 1 Evolutionary Archeology 421 War and Su I idut Jok (Margaret rown) enelope rt and John Warless So 1 of War, Raymond oberts) 56 Mark W When the So ldi ( Ru) ral TeeH, a semal nierici Whispers in Americe Alan Fine ind Prahla1dd) . Without fF Walbridge Guindi Women an Martha ¢ Women as 1 Onnorti Basch, Lucie iTmY e < Respons« t© | can India Museum Anthropology Review Essays naeology of New York City, Anne- One Tragedy other: September 11 and the ind Diana diZerega Wall (Edward Staski) Obligations of Museu ymmemoration, by Jeffrey D Feldman, 83 American Anthropologist Volume 105 Index 901 Reconfiguring Kodiak: The Past and the Present in the Present, Correctiotno st he Obituary of Morton Klass, by Herbert Lewis by Molly Lee and Nelson Graburn, 613 235 Deetz, James (1930-2000), by Mary C. Beaudry, 231 Exhibits Reviewed Dole, Gertrude Evelyn (1915-2001), by Monica Barnes, 484 (Reviewer in parentheses) Edmonson, Munt Sterling (1924-2002), by Victoria R tom Egoyan’s Steenbeckett—An Installation. Museum of Bricker, 682 Mankind (Annie E. Coombes), 161 Ewers, John Canfield (1909-97), by Nancy J. Parezo, 233 Aztecs. The Royal Academy of Arts (George F. Lau), 623 Firth, Raymond 901-2002), by Judith Huntsman, 48 Chocolate. Field Museum of Natural History (Susan J. Terrio), Foster, Mary LeCron (1914-2001), by Stanley Brandes, 218 150 Goldman, Irving (1911-2002), by Paula Rubel and Abraham Coexistence: Contemporary Cultural Production in South Rosman, 886 \frica. Rose Art Museum (Mark Auslander)6,2 1 Hale, Kenneth L. (1934-2001), by Aram A. Yengoyan, 222 Day of Reflection and Remembrance, A. United States Holo- Harris, Marvin (1927-2001), by Maxine | Margolis and caust Memorial Museum (Jeffrey D. Feldman), 839 Conrad Philliy Kottak, 685 Hip Hop: The Culture, the Sound, the Science. The Museum Hockett, Charles Francis (1916-2000), by Michael Silver f Science and Industry (Raymond Codrington), 153 stein, 225 Kodiak, Alaska: Les Masques de la Collection Alphonse Pi- Lasker, Gabriel Ward (1912-2002), by Michael A. Little, 889 nart du Chateau-Musée de Boulogne-sur-Mer. Musée du Sebeok, Thomas Albert (1920-2001), by Myrdene Anderson Quai Branly (Molly Lee and Nelson Graburn), 613 228 Looking Both Ways: Heritagaend Identity of the Alutiig Peo Sharff, Jagna Wojcicka (1934-2001), by Ida Susser, 689 ple. Anchorage Museumo f History and Art (Molly Lee and lanner, Clara Lee Fraps (1905-97), by Nancy J. Parezo Nelson Graburn), 613 Planet Under a Groove: Hip Hop and Contemporary Visual Anthropology \rt. The Bronx Museum of Contemporary Art; Walker Art Center; Spelman College Museum of Fine Art (Raymond Review Essays Codrington), 153 Atanarjuat, The Fast Runn Culture, History, and Politicsi n Saint in the City, A: Sufi Arts of Urban Senegal. UCLA Fowler Inuit Media, by Shari Huhndorf8,2 2 Museum of Cultural History joseph Nevadomsky), 844 \tanarjuat Off-Screen: From “Media Reservations” to the d Experience, A: 04.19.95-09.11.01. Oklahoma City World Stage, by Faye Ginsburg8,2 7 National Memorial Center Museum (Jeffrey D. Feldman) Introduction (Visual Anthropology 105|4 by Jeff Himpel 820 Staging the Indian: The Politicso f Representation. The Tang Imagining Prehistory: Pictorial Reconstructions of the Way iching Museum and Art Gallery at Skidmore College We Were, by Alan E. Mann, 139 Nancy Marie Mithlo), 156 Note on the Paintings of Prehistoric Ancestorsb y CharlesR eit: September 11 Observed. Museum of Jewish Heri- Knight, A, by Judith C. Berman, 143 tage—A Living Memorial to the Holocaust (Jeffrey D. Feld- Principles, Publicity, and Politics: Notes on Human Rights 839 Media,b y Meg McLagan, 605 Representation and Aesthetics in Paleo-Art: An Interview Obituaries wiJothn hGurc he, by Diana L. Koepfer, 146 Bourdieu, Pierre (1930-2002), by Loic Wacquant, 478 lalking Back to Primitivism: Divided Audiences, Collective Chang, Kwang-chih (K.C.) (1931-2001), by Robert E. Murow- Desires, by Lucas Bessire, 832 chick, Lothar von Falkenhausen, Cheng-hwa Tsang, 481 rk, John Desmond (1916-2002), by Nicholas Toth and Films Reviewed Kathy Schick, 679 (Reviewer in parentheses) ohen, Abner (1921-2001), by David Parkin, 883 Chimpanzees Today, Anne Zeller (Ellen J. Ingmanson), 149 Authors, Reviewers, Directors Abbink, Jon, 381 \lbarella, Umberto, 628 Abraham, Nabeel, 631 Alland, Alexander, 671 \chino-Loeb, Maria-Luisa, 4490 Allen, Mark W., 432 \dams, Jane, 655 Altman, Dennis, 175 \dams, Richard E.W., 380 Anderson, Jeffrey D., 382 \gbasiere, Joseph Théreése, 381 Anderson, Myrdene, 228 \ijmer, Goran, 381 Anderson, Wanni W., 184 American Anthropologist Voiume 105 Index 903 Delle, James, 407 Ginsburg, Faye, 82 Deloria, Vine, 643 Gleach, Frederic W Dembour, Marie-Bénédicte, 401 Godoy, Ricardo A., 18 Desai, Gaurav, 635 Good, Anthony Desveaux, Emmanuel, 613 Goodman, Jane I di Leonardo, Micaela, 592 Gordon, Donald Diamond, Beverly, 875 Gordon, Matthew DiGiacomo, Susan M., 387 Gosden, Chris, 869 Dincauze, Dena F., 628 Gottlieb Dixon Keller, Janet, 857 Gow, Peter diZerega Wall, Diana, 395 Graburn, Nelsor Dombrowski, Kirk, 648 Grant, Bruce yninguez, Virginia, 388 Graviee, Clare! miny, Michéle, 404, 668 Gregory, Thon nham, Donald L., 867 Grew, Raymond Doughty, Paul L., 401 Gruenbaum, | Dreisbach, Kai, 423 Gudeman, Steph« Margaret, 405 Gumerman, Geo! Francoise, 195 Guss. David \ M Penelope 856 Haley, Brian D iindi, Fadwa, 631 Hall, Martin, 654 Rov, 406 Hallam, Elizabet} land, NoraC., 733 Halperin, RhodaH ., 190, 655 in, CynthF.i, a87 2 Hammond, Joyce ngton, Joseph, 723 Handler, Richard, 8 rman, Ron, 875 Hanlon, David, 870 Fabian, Johannes, 168 Hansen, Thomas Blom, 421 Fabre, Genevieve, 423 Harkins, Jean, 852 Farnsworth, Paul, 407 Hart, Keith, 190 Hastorf, Christine Faubion, James D., 649 Haugerud, Angeliqu Feinberg, Richard, 375, 881 Hauser, Ewa Krystyn Feinman, Gary M., 380, 868 Feldman, Jeffrey D., 839 Haviland, John B Hawks, John, 89 Ferguson, Brian R., 865 Hayden, Robert Ferzacca, Steve, 409 Hays, Terence I Feuchtwang, Stephan, 410 Healy, Kevin, 65¢ Field, Les W., 441 Heath, Dwight B Fine, Gary Alan, 411 Hedican, Edward } Finn, Janet Leigh, 451 Hefner, Robert W tishman, Andrea, 454 Heideking, Jiirgen, 42 Fiske, Jo-Anne, 650 Helman, Sara, 302 Forsythe, Diana E., 412 Hellinger, Marlis, 848 Friedman, Jonathan, 744 Hernandez Castillo, R. Aida, 425 Fruzzetti, Lina M., 675 Herzfeld, Michael, 168 Fuglerud, Oivind, 413 Hess, Dav]i.,d 41 2 Gable, Eric, 423 Himpele, Jeff, 820 Gal, Susan, 372 Hirota, Janice M., 658 Gamburd, Michele Ruth, 413 Hirsch, Eric, 186 Gardner, Peter M., 414 Hodder, lan, 860 Gellner, David N., 186, 434 Hoffman, Barbara G., 192 Gemzoe, Lena, 414 Holmes, Douglas R., 464 Gibson, Nigel! C., 359 HossfeUlwed, ,86 3 Gilbertson, David, 179 Hugh-Jones, Stephen, 426 Giles, Linda L., 566 Huhndorf, Shari, 822 Gill, Lesley, 416, 449 Huntsman, Judith, 487 904 American Anthropologist * Vol. 105,No.4 ¢ December 2003 Labov, William, 436 Laidlaw, James, 426 Lamont, Michele, 87 Lancaster, Roger Langer, Erick, 41 angford, Jean M angness, Lewis, 67 arsen, ClarSk } atham, Robert ,) au, George F., 62 >= awrence, Helen Reeves, 43 Lawrence-Zuniga, Denise, 639 Lee ,M olly, 613 Lees, Susan H Lefler, Lisa J., Leonard, Willi Leslie, Paul W Lesorogol Cal Lewis, David ‘ Lewis, Gilbert Lewis, Herbert Lieberman, | Lienhardt Linger, Dani Linke, Uli Litosseliti, | Little, Barbara Little, Micha Little, Walter | Littlefield, Ali Lloyd, Fran Lock,M I ove, Jacol Lowrey, Kat} Lucas, Gavin Lundgren, Inger Lyons, Dian MacLeod, Mut Madsen, Richa1 Mageo, Jeanett Majid, Anouat Mann, Alan | Marcus, Joyce, 868 Margolis, Maxine Markowitz, Frar Mascia-Lees, Fran ittak ynrad Phillip Mathews, Holl Ovecses, Zoltan, 852 Matsuoka, Atsul Kowalewski Maurer, Bill, 4 Kressel, Gideon M., 876 Mayer, Enriqu« Kronenfeld, David B., 856 Mbembe, Achill Krouse, Susan Applegate, 196 McClusky, Laura J Kuhlmann, Annette, 382 McDonogh, Gary 658 Kujit, lam, 198 McElhinny, Bonnie, 848 Kurchin, Bernice, 641 McInvenny, Paul, 848 Kuznar, Lawrence A., 435 McKeown, Timothy, 640

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