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2007/2008 ANNUAL INDEX graphic Skills of Deaf Children Using Chilean Sign Lan- Volume and issue Number guage,” (5), 467-79. Volume 152, #1 Channon, Rachel, & Sayers, Edna Edith, “Toward a Descrip- Moores, D. F. “Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces,” {Editor- tion of Deaf College Students’ Written English: Overuse, ial], 3-4 Avoidance, and Mastery of Function Words,” (2), De Clerck, Goedele A. M., “Meeting Global Peers, Visiting 91-103. Ideal Deaf Places: Deaf Ways of Education Leading to Em- Enns, Charlotte, & Lafond, Lori Dustan, “Reading Against All powerment, An Exploratory Case Study,” 5-19. Odds: A Pilot Study of Two Deaf Students With Dyslexia,’ Ward, Phillip, Wang, Ye, Paul, Peter, & Loeterman, Mardi, (1), 63-72. “Near-Verbatim Captioning Versus Edited Captioning for Guarinello, Ana Cristina, Pereira, Maria Cristina da Cunha, Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: A Prelimi- Massi, Giselle, Santana, Ana Paula, & Berberian, Ana Paula, nary Investigation of Effects on Comprehension,” 20—28 “Anaphoric Reference Strategies Used in Written Language White, Alfred H., “A Tool for Monitoring the Development of Productions of Deaf Teenagers,” (5), 450-58. Written English: T-Unit Analysis Using the SAWL,” 29-41. Moller, Kerstin, & Danermark, Berth, “Social Recognition, Mental Health Participation, and the Dynamic Between the Environ- Feldman, David M., & Gum, Amber, “Multigenerational Per- ment and Personal Factors of Students With Deafblind- ceptions of Mental Health Services of Deaf Adults in ness,” 42-55. Florida,” (4), 391-97. Soukup, Monica, & Feinstein, Sheryl, “Identification, Assess- Hintermair, Manfred, “Prevalence of Socioemotional Prob- ment, and Intervention Strategies for Deaf and Hard of lems in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children in Germany, Hearing Students With Learning Disabilities,” 56-62 (3), 320-30. Enns, Charlotte, & Lafond, Lori Dustan, “Reading Against All Vernon, McCay, & Leigh, Irene W,, “Mental Health Services Odds: A Pilot Study of Two Deaf Students With Dyslexia,” for People Who Are Deaf,” (4), 374-81. 4-72 DeLana, Melissa, Gentry, Mary Anne, & Andrews, Jean, “The Teacher Education Efficacy of ASL/English Bilingual Education: Considering Buisson, GeraldJ. , “Using Online Glossing Lessons for Accel- Public Schools,” 73-87 erated Instruction in ASL for Preservice Deaf Education Majors,” (3), 331-43. Volume 152, #2 Moores, Donald F, “Preaching to the Choir,” [Editorial], Channon, Rachel, & Sayers, Edna Edith, “Toward a De (3), 273-74. scription of Deaf College Students’ Written English: Moores, Donald F,, “Halfo f What We Taught You Is Wrong: Overuse, Avoidance, and Mastery of Function Words,” The Problem Is We Don’t Know Which Half,” [Editorial], 91-104 (5), 427-28. Winn, Stephen, “Preservice Preparation of Teachers of the Volume 152, #3 Deaf in the Twenty-First Century: A Case Study of Griffith Moores, Donald F., “Preaching to the Choir, [Editorial], University, Australia,” (3), 312-19. 273-74. Benedict, Beth S., & Sass-Lehrer, Marilyn, “Deaf and Hear- Technology ing Partnerships: Ethical and Communication Consider- Power, Des, Power, Mary R., & Rehling, Bernd, “German ations,” 275-82. Deaf People Using Text Communication: Short Message Flaherty, Mary, & Moran, Aidan, “An Investigation of the Service, TTY, Relay Services, Fax, and E-mail,” (3), Stroop Effect Among Deaf Signers in English and Japan- 291-301. ese: Automatic Processingo rM emory Retrieval?” 283-90 511 VOLUME 152, No. 5, 2008 AMERICAN ANNALSO F THE DEA 2007/2008 ANNUAL INDEX Power, Des, Power, Mary R., & Rehling, Bernd, “German Deaf Students Who Sign and Speak: A Trivial Pursuit?” Deaf People Using Text Communication: Short Message 415-24. Service, TTY, Relay Services, Fax, and E-mail,” 291-301. Simms, Laurene, & Thumann, Helen, “In Search of a New, Volume 152, #5 Linguistically and Culturally Sensitive Paradigm in Deaf Moores, Donald F., “Halfo fW hat We Taught You Is Wrong: Education,” 302-11. The Problem Is We Don’t Know Which Half,” [Editorial], Winn, Stephen, “Preservice Preparation of Teachers of the 427-28. Deaf in the Twenty-First Century: A Case Study of Griffith Luft, Pamela, “Examining Educators of the Deaf as ‘Highly University, Australia,” 312-19. Qualified’ Teachers: Roles and Responsibilities Under Hintermair, Manfred, “Prevalence of Socioemotional Prob- IDEA and NCLB,” 429-40. lems in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children in Germany,” Miller, Margery, “Sign Iconicity and Receptive Vocabulary 420-30 Testing,” 441-49. Buisson, Gerald J., “Using Online Glossing Lessons for Ac- Guarinello, Ana Cristina, Pereira, Maria Cristina da Cunha, celerated Instruction in ASL for Preservice Deaf Educa- Massi, Giselle, Santana, Ana Paula, & Berberian, Ana Paula, tion Majors,” 331-43. “Anaphoric Reference Strategies Used in Written Language Berman, Barbara A., Streja, Leanne, Bernaards, Coen A., Eck- Productions of Deaf Teenagers,” 450-58. hardt, Elizabeth A., Kleiger, Heidi B., Maucere, Lauren, Miller, Bryan D., “Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory-Based Wong, Glenn, Barkin, Shari, & Bastani, Roshan, “Do Deaf Assessment With Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children in and Hard of Hearing Youth Need Antitobacco Education,” the School Setting,” 459-66. Alvarado, Jesus M., Puente, Anibal, & Herrera, Valeria, “Visual and Phonological Coding in Working Memory and Ortho- graphic Skills of Deaf Children Using Chilean Sign Lan- Volume 152, #4 guage,” 467-79. Moores, Donald F., “The Sound and the Fury,” [Editorial], Ortiz, Isabel R. Rodriguez, & Roche, Joaquin Mora, “The 459—60 Efficiency of Information Transmission of Sign and Spo- Biser, Eileen, Rubel, Linda, & Toscano, Rose Marie, “Bend- ken Language,” 480-94. ing the Rules: When Deaf Writers Leave College,” Meronen, Auli, & Ahonen, Timo, “Individual Differences in 361-73 Sign Language Abilities in Deaf Children,” 495-504. Vernon, McCay, & Leigh, Irene W, “Mental Health Services DeCaro, James J., “‘Globaleyes’: A Partnership Between The for People Who Are Deaf,” 374-81. Nippon Foundation (Japan) and the National Technical Winn, tephen, “Employment Outcomes for the Congeni- tall1]y Deaf in Australia: Has Anything Changed?” 382-90. Institute for the Deaf (United States),” 505-9. Feldman, David M., & Gum, Amber, “Multigenerational Per- ceptions of Mental Health Services of Deaf Adults in Author Index Florida,’ 49] Q Ahonen, Timo. See Meronen & Ahonen. Hadjikakour, Kika, & Nikolaraizi, Magda, “The Impact of Per- Alvarado, Jesus M., Puente, Anibal, & Herrera, Valeria, “Visual sonal Educational Experiences and Communication Prac- and Phonological Coding in Working Memory and Ortho- tices on the Construction of Deaf Identity in Cyprus,” graphic Skills of Deaf Children Using Chilean Sign Lan- 398-414. guage,” (5), 467-79. Marschark, Marc, Convertino, Carol M., Macias, Gayle, Andrews, Jean. See DeLana, Gentry, & Andrews. Monikowski, Christine M., Sapere, Patricia, & Seewagen, Barkin, Shari. See Berman, Streja, Bernaards, Eckhardt, Rosemarie, “Understanding Communication Among Kleiger, Maucere, Wong, Barkin, & Bastani. VOLUME 152, No. 5, 2008 AMERICAN ANNALS OF THE DEAF 2007/2008 ANNUAL INDE Bastani, Roshan. See Berman, Streja, Bernaards, Eckhardt, Feinstein, Sheryl. See Soukup & Feinstein. Kleiger, Maucere, Wong, Barkin, & Bastani. Feldman, David M., & Gum, Amber, “Multigenerational Benedict, Beth S., & Sass-Lehrer, Marilyn, “Deaf and Hear- Perceptions of Mental Health Services of Deaf Adults in ing Partnerships: Ethical and Communication Consider- Florida,” (4), 391-97. ations,” (3), 275-82. Flaherty, Mary, & Moran, Aidan, “An Investigation of the Berberian, Ana Paula. See Guarinello, Pereira, Massi, Santana, Stroop Effect Among Deaf Signers in English and Japan- & Berberian. ese: Automatic Processing or Memory Retrieval?” (3), Berman, Barbara A., Streja, Leanne, Bernaards, Coen A., Eck- 283-90. hardt, Elizabeth A., Kleiger, Heidi B., Maucere, Lauren, Gentry, Mary Anne. See DeLana, Gentry, & Andrews. Wong, Glenn, Barkin, Shari, & Bastani, Roshan, “Do Deaf Guarinello, Ana Cristina, Pereira, Maria Cristina da Cunha, and Hard of Hearing Youth Need Antitobacco Education,’ Massi, Giselle, Santana, Ana Paula, & Berberian, Ana Paula, (3), 344-55. Anaphoric Reference Strategies Used in Written Language Bernaards, Coen A. See Berman, Streja, Bernaards, Eckhardt, Productions of Deaf Teenagers,” 450-58. Kleiger, Maucere, Wong, Barkin, & Bastani. Gum, Amber. See Feldman & Gum. Biser, Eileen, Rubel, Linda, & Toscano, Rose Marie, “Bend- Hadjikakour, Kika, & Nikolaraizi, Magda, “The Impact of Per- ing the Rules: When Deaf Writers Leave College,” (4), sonal Educational Experiences and Communication Prac- 361-73. tices on the Construction of Deaf Identity in Cyprus,” (4), Buisson, Gerald J., “Using Online Glossing Lessons for Ac- 498—414 celerated Instruction in ASL for Preservice Deaf Educa- Herrera, Valeria. See Alvarado, Puente, & Herrera tion Majors,” (3), 33 1—43. Hintermair, Manfred, “Prevalence of Socioemotional Prob- Channon, Rachel, & Sayers, Edna Edith, “Toward a De- lems in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children in Germany, scription of Deaf College Students’ Written English: (3), 320-30 Overuse, Avoidance, and Mastery of Function Words,” (2), Kleiger. Heidi B. See Berman, Streja, Bernaards, Eckhardt 91-103. Kleiger, Maucere, Wong, Barkin, & Bastani. Convertino, Carol M. See Marschark, Convertino, Macias, Lafond, Lori Dustan. See Enns & Lafond. Monikowski, Sapere, & Seewagen. Leigh, Irene W. See Vernon & Leigh. Danermark, Berth. See Moller and Danermark. Loeterman, Mardi. See Ward, Wang, Paul, & Loeterman DeCaro, James J., “‘Globaleyes’: A Partnership Between The Luft, Pamela, “Examining Educators of the Deaf as ‘Highly Nippon Foundation (Japan) and the National Technical Qualified’ Teachers: Roles and Responsibilities Under Institute for the Deaf (United States),” (5), 505-9. IDEA and NCLB,” (5), 429-40. De Clerck, Goedele A. M., “Meeting Global Peers, Visiting Macias, Gayle. See Marschark, Convertino, Macias, Moni- Ideal Deaf Places: Deaf Ways of Education Leading to kowski, Sapere, & Seewagen. Empowerment, An Exploratory Case Study,” (1), 5-19. Marschark, Marc, Convertino, Carol M., Macias, Gayle, DeLana, Melissa, Gentry, Mary Anne, & Andrews, Jean, “The Monikowski, Christine M., Sapere, Patricia, & Seewagen, Efficacy of ASL/English Bilingual Education: Considering Rosemarie, “Understanding Communication Among Public Schools,” (1), 73-87. Deaf Students Who Sign and Speak: A Trivial Pursuit?” Eckhardt, Elizabeth A. See Berman, Streja, Bernaards, Eck- (4), 415-24. hardt, Kleiger, Maucere, Wong, Barkin, & Bastani. Massi, Giselle. See Guarinello, Pereira, Massi, Santana, & Enns, Charlotte, & Lafond, Lori Dustan, “Reading Against Berberian. All Odds: A Pilot Study of Two Deaf Students With Maucere, Lauren. See Berman, Streja, Bernaards, Eckhardt, Dyslexia,” (1), 63-72. Kleiger, Maucere, Wong, Barkin, & Bastani. 513 VOLUME 152, No. 5, 2008 AMERICAN ANNALS OF THE DEAF 2007/2008 ANNUAL INDEX Meronen, Auli, & Ahonen, Timo, “Individual Differences in Rubel, Linda. See Biser, Rubel, & Toscano. Sign Language Abilities in Deaf Children,” (5), 495-504. Santana, Ana Paula. See Guarinello, Pereira, Massi, Santana, Miller, Bryan D., “Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory-Based & Berberian. Assessment With Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children in Sapere, Patricia. See Marschark, Convertino, Macias, Moni- the School Setting,” (5), 459-60. kowski, Sapere, & Seewagen. Miller, Margery, “Sign Iconicity and Receptive Vocabulary Sass-Lehrer, Marilyn. See Benedict & Sass-Lehrer. Testing,” (5), 441-49. Sayers, Edna Edith. See Channon and Sayers. MOller, Kerstin, & Danermark, Berth, “Social Recognition, Seewagen, Rosemarie. See Marschark, Convertino, Macias, Participation, and the Dynamic Between the Environ- Monikowski, Sapere, & Seewagen. ment and Personal Factors of Students With Deafblind- Simms, Laurene, & Thumann, Helen, “In Search of a New, ness,” (1), 42-55. Linguistically and Culturally Sensitive Paradigm in Deaf Monikowski, Christine M. See Marschark, Convertino, Ma- Education,” (3), 302-11. cias, Monikowski, Sapere, & Seewagen. Soukup, Monica, & Feinstein, Sheryl, “Identification, Assess- Moores, D. F. “Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces,” [Editor- ment, and Intervention Strategies for Deaf and Hard of ial], (1), 3-4. Hearing Students With Learning Disabilities,” (1), 56-62. Moores, Donald F., “Preaching to the Choir,” [Editorial], Streja, Leanne. See Berman, Streja, Bernaards, Eckhardt, (3), 273-74. Kleiger, Maucere, Wong, Barkin, & Bastani. Moores, Donald F., “The Sound and the Fury,” [Editorial], Thumann, Helen. See Simms & Thumann. (4), 359-60 Toscano, Rose Marie. See Biser, Rubel, & Toscano. Moores, Donald F., “Halfo fW hat We Taught You Is Wrong: Vernon, McCay, & Leigh, Irene W,, “Mental Health Services The Problem Is We Don’t Know Which Half,” [Editorial], for People Who Are Deaf,” (4), 374-81. (5), 427-28. Wang, Ye. See Ward, Wang, Paul, & Loeterman. Moran, Aidan. See Flaherty & Moran. Ward, Phillip, Wang, Ye, Paul, Peter, & Loeterman, Mardi, Nikolaraizi, Magda. See Hadjikakour & Nikolaraizi. “Near-Verbatim Captioning Versus Edited Captioning for Ortiz, Isabel R. Rodriguez, & Roche, Joaquin Mora, “The Ef- Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: A Preliminary ficiency of Information Transmission of Sign and Spoken Investigation of Effects on Comprehension,” (1), 20-28. Language,” (5), 480-94. White, Alfred H., “A Tool for Monitoring the Development Paul, Peter. See Ward, Wang, Paul, & Loeterman. of Written English: T-Unit Analysis Using the SAWL,” (1), Pereira, Marian Cristina da Cunha. See Guarinello, Pereira, 29-41. Massi, Santana, & Berberian. Winn, Stephen, “Preservice Preparation of Teachers of the Power, Des, Power, Mary R., & Rehling, Bernd, “German Deaf Deafi n the Twenty-First Century: A Case Study of Griffith People Using Text Communication: Short Message Ser- University, Australia,” (3), 312-19. vice, TTY, Relay Services, Fax, and E-mail,” (3), 291-301. Winn, Stephen, “Employment Outcomes for the Congeni- Power, Mary R. See Power, Power, & Rehling. tally Deaf in Australia: Has Anything Changed?”(4), Puente, Anibal. See Alvarado, Puente, & Herrera. 482-90. Rehling, Bernd. See Power, Power, & Rehling. Wong, Glenn. See Berman, Streja, Bernaards, Eckhardt, Roche, Joaquin Mora. See Ortiz & Roche. Kleiger, Maucere, Wong, Barkin, & Bastani. AMERICAN ANNALS OF THE DEAF

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