LIBRARIANS: This index can be removed and bound into Vol. 166. January 4 4-11, 1992 to June 20-27, 19 BENEDICK, RICHARD ELLIOT ANDERSON, GEORGE M. Equity and ethics in a globai climate convention. Punishing the young: juvenile justice in the 1990's. 452 My 23 158 F29 BIODIVERSITY ANGLICAN-ROMAN CATHOLIC ABORTION Equity and ethics in a global climate convention. INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION (ARCIC) Pro-life ‘Sophie’s choice’. Steven R. Hemler. Ecumenism: urgency and method. 27 Ja 25 Richard Elliot Benedick. 452 My 23 164 F 29 (Replies: 258 Mr 28, 306 Ap 11) Rift between north and south over development and Talking sensibly about abortion. 399 My 9 ANGLO-IRISH RELATIONS finances. David Batker. 458 My 23 Judicial terrorism: a case of intrinsic evil. Albert AFRICAN-AMERICANS Dilanni. 407 My 9 (Replies: 497 My 30, BIRTH CONTROL Interview with Albert J. Raboteau. Thomas H. 522 Je 13) Condoms and AIDS. Beverly Sottile-Malona. Stahel. 336 Ap 25 317 N 2 (Replies: 446 D 7, 46 Ja 25) Interview with Beverly Carroll. Thomas H. Stahel. ANTOON, A.J. 342 Ap 25 A.J. Antoon in spirit. Jan Wojcik. 250 Mr 28 BLAKE, RICHARD A. Interview with Dolores B. Grier. Thomas H. Stahel. —Film— Cut! 490 My 30 350 Ap 25 APARTHEID Interview with Jamie T. Phelps, O.P. Thomas H. South Africa rounds a cape of hope. 335 Ap 25 Interior regions. 38 Ja 25 Irish players. 541 Je 27 Stahel. 352 Ap 25 Interview with Julius Frazier. Thomas H. Stahel. ARCHITECTURE Love and forgiveness. 274 Ap 4 356 Ap 25 Pillars of Durham. William J. Rewak. 22205 Night schtick. 324 Ap 18 Interview with Norman C. Francis. Thomas H. (Replies: 102 F 8) Tired season. 299 Ap II Underworlds. 146 F 22 Stahel. 346 Ap 25 Mistaking the calm for the cure. 471 My 30 see also entries under FILMS Mr. Mike’s white mama, here she go. Carrie Alysson. 454 D 14 (Replies: 102 F 8) BOND TRADING Saintly person of color. Joseph H. Fichter. 156 F 29 Lessons from the Salomon scandal. Richard A. U.S. race relations. Thomas H. Stahel. 334 Ap 25 Spinello. 476 D 28 (Replies: 150 F 22) AGRICULTURE BADARACCO, CLAIRE BOOK REVIEWS Peace process in E] Salvador (a hermeneutic of Can the church save women? Public opinion, the Appleyard, Joseph A. Becoming a reader: the suspicion). Daniel Santiago. 14 Ja 11 U.N. and the policy gap. 215 Mr 14 experience of fiction from childhood to adulthood. 281 Ap 4 AIDS BARREIRO, ALVARO Arnold, Patrick M. Wildmen, warriors, and kings: Condoms and AIDS. Beverly Sottile-Malona. From Brazil: a glimpse of the good news: an masculine spirituality and the bible. 414 My 9 317 N 2 (Replies: 446 D 7, 46 Ja 25) interview with Alvaro Barreiro. James S. Torrens. Banks, Russell. Sweet hereafter. 391 My 2 Tales of brave Ulysses: a reflection on AIDS 139 F22 Bartoszewski, Wladyslaw T. Convent at Auschwitz. ministry. Andrew J. Krivak. 472 My 30 415 My9 BATKER, DAVID Bartels, Dianne M., Priester, Reinhard, Vawter, ALYSSON, CARRIE Rift between north and south over development and Dorothy E., and Caplan, Arthur L. (eds. ). Mr. Mike’s white mama, here she go. 454 D 14 finances. 458 My 23 Beyond baby M: ethical issues in new (Replies: 102 F 8) reproductive techniques. 493 My 30 BELLI, GINO Bassler, Jouette M. God and mammon. 225 Mr 14 AMERICAN HISTORY At the eastern brink: the church in China. An inter- Bellah, Robert, Madsen, Richard, Sullivan, William Irony of american history, revisited. Edward T. view with Gino Belli. Thomas H. Stahel. 88 F8 M., Swidler, Ann and Tipton, Steven M. Good Oakes. 488 My 30 (Replies: 227 Mr 14) society. 147 F 22 AMERICA JULY 25, 1992 Index, Volume 166 Blumenfeld-Kosinki, Renate and Szell, Timea. Im- Kiing, Hans. Global responsibility: in search of a Shannon, William H. Silence on fire: the prayer of ages of sainthood in medieval Europe. 174 F 29 new world ethic. 173 F29 awareness. 172 F 29 Burghardt, Walter J. Dare to be Christ: homilies for Koocher, Gerald P. and Keith-Spiegel, Patricia C. Shannon, William H. Silent lamp: the Thomas Mer- the nineties. 176 F 29 Children, ethics, and the law. 326 Ap 18 ton story. 255 Mr 28 Busch, Frederick. Closing arguments. 67 F | Kugel, James L. In Potiphar’s house. 220 Mr 14 Siker, Jeffrey S. Disinheriting the jews. 224 Mr 14 Byrne, Brendan. Lazarus. 222 Mr 14 Larsen, Stephen and Larsen, Robin. Fire in the mind: Sloyan, Gerald S. What are they saying about John? Byrnes, Timothy A. Distancing of God: catholic the life of Joseph Campbell. 257 Mr 28 222 Mr 14 bishops in american politics. 440 D7 Lepovitz, Helena Waddy. Images of faith: expres- Smith, Hedrick. New russians. 123 F 15 (Replies: 46 Ja 25) sionism, catholic folk art, and the industrial Smith, Janet E. Humanae vitae: a generation later. Candelaria, Michael R. Popular religion and libera- revolution. 176 F 29 257 Mr 28 tion. 98 F8 Lohfink, Nobert. Covenant never revoked. Southern, R.W. Saint Anselm: a portrait in a Cessario, Romanus. Moral virtues and theological 224 Mr 14 landscape. 544 Je 27 ethics. 326 Ap 18 Lohse, Eduard. Theological ethics of the new Stone, Michael E. Fourth Ezra. 221 Mr 14 Charlesworth, James H. (ed.). Jesus’ jewishness. testament. 223 Mr 14 Sugirtharajah, R. S. (ed.). Voices from the margin. 221 Mr 14 Lossky, Nicholas et al. (eds. ). Dictionary of the 219 Mr 14 Coleman, John A. (ed.). One hundred years of ecumenical movement. 304 Ap 11 Talbert, Charles H. Learning through suffering. catholic social thought: celebration and Martin, Ralph G. Henry and Clare: an intimate 225 Mr 14 challenge. 173 F29 portrait of the Luces. 441 My 16 Thielman, Jeff and Schroth, Raymond A. Volunteer Crossan, John Dominic. Historical Jesus: the life of a Marty, Martin E. and Appleby, R. Scott (eds. ). with the poor in Peru. 175 F 29 mediterranean jewish peasant. 198 Mr 7 Fundamentalisms observed: the fundamen- Thompson, William M. Christology and spirituality. Cunneen, Sally. Mother church: what the experience talism project: volume one. 253 Mr 28 175 F 29 of women is teaching her. 172 F29 May, William F. Patient’s ordeal. 326 Ap 18 Tyler, Anne. Saint maybe. 18 Ja 11 Darr, Katheryn Pfisterer. Far more precious than McDonough, Peter. Men astutely trained: a history Valenti, Patricia Dunlavy. To myself a stranger: a jewels. 220 Mr 14 oft he jesuits in the american century. biography of Rose Hawthorne Lathrop. de Jonge, Marinus. Jesus, the servant-messiah. 439 My 16 254 Mr 28 222 Mr 14 McEvenue, Sean. Interpreting the pentateuch. Weinfeld, Moshe. Deuteronomy 1-11. 220 Mr 14 Dimont, Max I. Appointment in Jerusalem: a search 219 Mr 14 Westbrook, Robert B. John Dewey and american for the historical Jesus. 41 Ja 25 McGwire, Michael. Perestroika and soviet national democracy. 278 Ap 4 Donleavy, J. P. That Darcy, that dancer, that gentle- security. 123 F 15 Wilder, Amos N. Bible and the literary critic. mat. 520 Je 13 Meier, John P. Marginal jew: rethinking the historical 219 Mr 14 Drinan, Robert F. Fractured dream: America’s Jesus: Volume One: The roots of the problem Wilson, Ian. Holy faces, secret places: an amazing divisive moral choices. 172 F 29 and the person. 41 Ja 25, 222 Mr 14 quest for the face of Jesus. 172 F 29 Dunn, James D. G. Partings of the ways. 224 Mr 14 Miller, Patrick D. Deuteronomy. 220 Mr 14 Wire, Antoinette Clark. Corinthian women Dunne, John S. Peace of the present: an unviolent Murphy, Frederick J. Religious world of Jesus. prophets. 222 Mr 14 way of life. 174. F29 220 Mr 14 Woodward, C. Vann. Old world’s new world. Eribon, Didier (Betsy Wing, trans. ). Michel Nash, James A. Loving nature: ecological integrity 253 Mr 28 Foucault. 441 My 16 and christian responsibility. 465 My 23 Wright, Charles. World of the ten thousand things: Felder, Cain Hope (ed.). Stony the road we trod. Nevin, Thomas R. Simone Weil: portrait of a self- poems 1980-1990. 361 Ap 25 219 Mr 14 exiled jew. 254 Mr 28 Wyschogrod, Edith. Saints and postmodernism: Fink, Peter E. Worship: praying the sacraments. Neyrey, Jerome H. Paul, in other words. 222 Mr 14 revisioning moral philosophy. 174 F 29 149 F 22 Niebuhr, Ursula M. (ed.). Remembering Reinhold Forest, Jim. Living with wisdom: a life of Thomas Niebuhr. 492 My 30 Merton. 521 Je 13 BOOKS AND READING Novak, Michael. This hemisphere of liberty: a Forkner, Ben and Samway, Patrick (eds. ). New Adventures in etymology. GeorgeW . Hunt. 398 My 9 philosophy of the Americas. 98 F 8 reader of the old south. 360 Ap 25 Books for lent. Emilie Griffin. 172 F 29 O’Collins, Gerald and Farrugia, Edward G. Concise Fretheim, Terence E. Exodus. 220 Mr 14 Celebrities celebrated. George W. Hunt. 82 F8 dictionary of theology. 304 Ap 11 Frisbie, Margerie. Alley in Chicago: the ministry of a Dead Sea scrolls: the latest form of catholic-bashing. Oates, Joyce Carol. Heat and other stories. 517 Je 13 city priest. 304 Ap 11 Joseph A. Fitzmyer. 119 F 15 Pérez, Louis A. Jr. Cuba and the United States. 98 F8 Fuentes, Carlos. (Alfred Mac Adam, trans. ) Entertaining etymology. GeorgeW . Hunt. 106 F 15 Paul, Shalom. Amos. 220 Mr 14 Campaign. 389 My 2 Ever wonder why? George W. Hunt. 130 F 22 Peacocke, Arthur. Theology for a scientific age: Gamwell, Franklin I. Divine good: modern moral (Replies: 306 Ap 11) being and becoming—natural and divine. theory and the necessity of God. 326 Ap 18 Fads, follies and manias. George W. Hunt. 262 Ap 4 175 F29 Gentry, Curt. J. Edgar Hoover: the man and the Irish proverbs. George W. Hunt. 206 Mr 14 Phillips Jr., Robert L. Shelby Foote: novelist and secrets. 543 Je 27 Lazarus’ schools. JohnW . Donohue. 301 Ap 11 historian. 253 Mr 28 Geoghegan, Thomas. Which side are you on? Trying Martial words and phrases. George W. Hunt. Ramet, Pedro (ed. ). Catholicism and politics in to be for labor when it’s flat on its back. 43 Ja25 286 Ap 11 communist societies. 123 F 15 Gordimer, Nadine. Jump and other stories. 518 Je 18 Mistaking the calm for the cure. 471 My 30 Reumann, John (ed. ). Promise and practice of Guinan, Michael D. Pentateuch. 219 Mr 14 Movies that changed our lives. GeorgeW . Hunt. biblical theology. 223 Mr 14 Hansen, Ron. Mariette in ecstasy. 66 F | 374 My 2 Reumann, John. Variety and unity in new testament Hassett, John and Lacey. Hugh (eds. ). Toward a Operation just cause. George W. Hunt. 26 Ja 25 thought. 223 Mr 14 society that serves its people: the intellectual Politically correct english? George W. Hunt. Romero, C. Gilbert. Hispanic devotional piety: contribution of el salvador’s murdered jesuits. 470 My 30 tracing the biblical roots. 389 My 2 255 Mr 28 Rising voices in a dialogue of and for the Americas. Safire, William. Coming to terms. 199 Mr 7 Hennelly, Alfred T. (ed.). Liberation theology: a Allan Figueroa Deck. 98 F8 Sampley, J. Paul. Walking between the times. documentary history. 98 F 8 The best and the worst. GeorgeW . Hunt. 310 Ap 18 222 Mr 14 Johnson, John J. Hemisphere apart: foundations of Travel tips. GeorgeW . Hunt. 422 My 16 Schiffman, Lawrence H. From text to tradition. United States policy toward Latin America. U.S. race relations. Thomas H. Stahel. 334 Ap 25 220 Mr 14 98 F8 Walker Percy’s fateful rift. Patrick H. Samway. Schneiders, Sandra M. Revelatory text. 219 Mr 14 Johnson, Luke T. Gospel of Luke. 222 Mr 14 240 Mr 28 Schwarz, Stephen. Moral question of abortion. Jones, L. Gregory. Transformed judgment: toward a What’s the word for. . ..??G eorgeW . Hunt. 502 Je 13 493 My 30 trinitarian account of the moral life. 326 Ap 18 Index, Volume 166 AMERICA JULY 25, 1992 BRACKLEY, DEAN CAULFIELD, SEAN DAVIS, STUART Peace for El Sa!vador. 131 F 22 Deceased—no, that’s not the word. 168 F 29 Champion: Stuart Davis at the metropolitan museum ofar t. Leo J. O’ Donovan. 194 Mr7 BRAZIL CELAM: FOURTH GENERAL CONFERENCE From Brazil: a glimpse of the good news: an inter- OF LATIN AMERICAN BISHOPS DEAD SEA SCROLLS view with Alvaro Barreiro. James S. Torrens. 500th anniversary: the church in Latin America. Dead Sea scrolls: the latest form of catholic-bashing. 139 F 22 Arthur F McGovern. 426 My 16 Joseph A. Fitzmyer. 119 F 15 BURMA CENTRAL AMERICA DEATH Burma’s Gandhi. David S. Toolan. 84 F 8 Otto remembers César: an interview. Otto Hentz. Deceased—no, that’s not the word. Sean Caulfield. 83F8 168 F 29 CHILDREN DECK, ALLAN FIGUEROA United nations new institute for children’s rights. Rising voices in a dialogue of and for the Americas. Robert F. Drinan. 424 My 16 98 F8 ——e r CHINA DiIANNI, ALBERT At the eastern brink: the church in China. An inter- Judicial terrorism: a case of intrinsic evil. 407 My 9 CARROLL, BEVERLY view with Gino Belli. Thomas H. Stahel. 88 F8 (Replies: 497 My 30, 522 Je 13) Interview with Beverly Carroll. Thomas H. Stahel. (Replies: 227 Mr 14) 342 Ap 25 Beijing’s conscience and ours. 527 Je 27 DIMLER, G. RICHARD Friedrich Spee (1591-1635): poet, priest, reformer. CASTELLI, JAMES CHRISTIANSEN, DREW 95 F8 Elections ‘92: mixing religion and politics. 134 F 22 Christian theology and ecological responsibility. 448 My 23 (Replies: 546 Je 27) DONNELLY, DOROTHY CATHOLIC CHURCH Lenten meditation: to be or not to be. 232 Mr 28 At the eastern brink: the church in China. An inter- CLIMATE view with Gino Belli. Thomas H. Stahel. 88 F8 Equity and ethics in a global climate convention. DONOHUE, JOHN W. (Replies: 227 Mr 14) Richard Elliot Benedick. 452 My 23 Claude La Colombiére: sanctity and sensibility. Christian conscience and modern warfare. William 474 My 30 (Replies: 546 Je 27) H. Shannon. 108 F 15 (Replies: 226 Mr 14) COFFEY, KATHY Church of United Europe: reflections on the recent Apprenticed to Christ: anointing the class of “92. —Of Many Things— special synod. Philip J. Rosato. 4 Ja 11 434 My 16 Commencement: Notre Dame School. 526 Je 27 Cost of freedom: conversations in Czechoslovakia. Public health services. 50 F 1 Michael J. Lavelle. 436 My 16 COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER Toward peace in the Middle East. 230 Mr 28 Dead Sea scrolls: the latest form of catholic-bashing. When two cultures meet: an interview with Charles Joseph A. Fitzmyer. 119 F 15 E. O’Neill. Thomas H. Stahel. 270 Ap 4 DRINAN, ROBERT F. Faith under fire. Thomas H. Stahel. 275 Ap 4 Should members of congress be allowed to serve Grail quest: male spirituality. William J. O’ Malley. COMMONWEALTH OF INDEPENDENT only 12 years? 246 Mr 28 402 My 9 (Replies: 546 Je 27) STATES United nations new institute for children’s rights. Haiti: a tale of two churches. Angelo Fazio. 142 F 22 New commonwealth’s prospects. 51 F 1 424 My 16 Holy days of obligation? Holidays of celebration? COMMUNISM DULLES, AVERY Ladislas Orsy. 28 Ja 25 (Replies: 150 F 22, 177 F29) Updated arguments for optimism in the church. John Paul II and the new evangelization. 52 F 1 In search of the prodigal. Nicholas Lash. 506 Je 13 Thomas H. Stahel. 113 F 15 (Replies: 202 Mr 7) (Replies: 227 Mr 14) Interview with Beverly Carroll. Thomas H. Stahel. 342 Ap 25 COMMUNITY RELATIONS Interview with Norman C. Francis. Thomas H. Interview with Dolores B. Grier. Thomas H. Stahel. Stahel. 346 Ap 25 350 Ap 25 Interview with Julius Frazier. Thomas H. Stahel. 356 Ap 25 CONNORS, CANICE Interview with Dolores B. Grier. Thomas H. Priests and pedophilia: a silence that needs breaking? EASTER Stahel. 350 Ap 25 400 My 9 Easter healing of memories. Gerald O’Collins. Interview with Jamie T. Phelps, O.P. Thomas H. 322 Ap 18 Stahel. 352 Ap 25 CREWS, CLYDE F. Triumph oft he cross. 311 Ap 18 Interview with Albert J. Raboteau. Thomas H. Metaphysics of baseball. 264 Ap 4 Stahel. 336 Ap 25 EASTERN EUROPE John Paul II and the new evangelization. Avery CZECHOSLOVAKIA Cost of freedom: conversations in Czechoslovakia. Dulles. 52 F 1 (Replies: 202 Mr 7) Cost of freedom: conversations in Czechoslovakia. MichaelJ . Lavelle. 436 My 16 Moral theology in the year 2000: tradition in transi- Michael J. Lavelle. 436 My 16 tion. Richard A. McCormick. 312 Ap 18 Faith under fire. Thomas H. Stahel. 275 Ap 4 ECONOMY All that is solid melts into air. 155 F 29 (Replies: 497 My 30) Burden of debt payment: now a significant U.S. New thought catholicism: an idea whose time has problem. Peter A. Rosazza. 86 F 8 come again. Michael Leach. 384 My 2 (Replies: 201 Mr 7, 418 My 9) (Replies: 498 My 30) Orthodox complaints. Thomas H. Stahel. 2 Ja 11 Rift between north and south over development and finances. David Batker. 458 My 23 Peru: the church and the Shining Path. Jeffrey Speaking of a free lunch 287 A 11 Klaiber. 136 F 22 (Replies: 306 Ap 11) State of the union. 107 F 15 Unholy alliance between the right and the left in the catholic church. Margaret O’Brien Steinfels. ECUMENISM 376 My 2 (Replies: 497 My 30, 546 Je 27) Conversion of the churches: condition of unity. Updated arguments for optimism in the church. DANNEELS, GODFRIED Aroman catholic perspective. Ladislas Orsy. Thomas H. Stahel. 113 F 15 (Replies: 227 Mr 14) Secret of Taizé. 288 Ap 11 479 My 30 AMERICA JULY 25, 1992 Index, Volume 166 Crisis in orthodox-catholic relations: challenges and hopes. Rembert G. Weakland. 30 Ja 25 Ecumenism: urgency and method. 27 Ja 25 Interview with Julius Frazier. Thomas H. Stahel. 356 Ap 25 FAZIO, ANGELO GILL, DAVID H. Interview with Jean Vanier. Martin E. O'Malley. Haiti: a tale of two churches. 142 F 22 Option for the poor: a humanist’s perspective. 319 Ap 18 192 Mr7 FICHTER, JOSEPH H. EDUCATION Saintly person of color. 156 F 29 GREELEY, ANDREW M. Academic tenure: a winter’s meditation. William J. Modest proposal for the reform of catholic schools. Rewak. 60 F | (Replies: 177 F 29) FILMS 234 Mr 28 Cut! Richard A. Blake. 490 My 30 Commencement: Notre Dame School. John W. Donohue. 526 Je 27 Interior regions. Richard A. Blake. 38 Ja 25 GRIER, DOLORES B. Peaceful reflection on a modest proposal. Philip J. Irish players. Richard A. Blake. 541 Je 27 Interview with Dolores B. Grier. Thomas H. Stahel. Murnion. 528 Je 27 Love and forgiveness. Richard A. Blake. 274 Ap 4 350 Ap 25 Hey, kids, good news! 231 Mr 28 Movies that changed our lives. George W. Hunt. Interview with Albert J. Raboteau. Thomas H. Night 3s7c4h tMicyk . 2 Richard A. Blake. 324 Ap 18 GBoRoIkFsF IfNor, lenEt.M I1L7I2 EF 29 Stahel. 336 Ap 25 Interview with Norman C. Francis. Thomas H. Tired season. Richard A. Blake. 299 Ap 11 Stahel. 346 Ap 25 Underworlds. Richard A. Blake. 146 F 22 Lazarus’ schools. JohnW . Donohue. 301 Ap 11 —Single Works— Modest proposal for the reform of catholic schools. Addams Family. 146 F 22 Andrew M. Greeley. 234 Mr 28 Black robe. 38 Ja 25 National summit of independent higher education. Bugsy. 146 F 22 Thomas H. Stahel. 182 Mr 7 Howards end. 299 Ap I1 Pillars of Durham. William J. Rewak. 22205 Mississippi masala. 274 Ap 4 (Replies: 102 F 8) Playboys. 541 Je 27 HAITI EL SALVADOR Player. 490 My 30 Haiti: a tale of two churches. Angelo Fazio. 142 F22 El Salvador: the more it changes... 263 Ap 4 Shadows and fog. 324 Ap 18 ‘Throwing people back is no good.” 183 Mr 7 Letter to Ellacu. Jon Sotrino. 276 Ap 4 Where angels fear to tread. 299 Ap I1 Peace for El Salvador. Dean Brackley. 131 F 22 HANDICAPPED FINE ARTS Peace process in E] Salvador( a hermeneutic of Christian theology and ecological responsibility. Champion: Stuart Davis at the metropolitan museum suspicion). Daniel Santiago. 14 Ja 11 Drew Christiansen. 448 My 23 of art. Leo J. O’Donovan. 194 Mr7 (Replies: 546 Je 27) ELLACURIA, IGNACIO Pillars of Durham. William J. Rewak. 222 O05 Interview with Jean Vanier. Martin E. O'Malley. Lettert o Ellacu. Jon Sobrino. 276 Ap 4 (Replies: 102 F 8) 319 Ap 18 ENVIRONMENTALISM FINLEY, MITCH HEALTH CARE SYSTEM Christian theology and ecological responsibility. Spirit in my grandfather’s Waterbury. 504 Je 13 Public health services. John W. Donohue. 50 F 1 Drew Christiansen. 448 My 23 FITZMYER, JOSEPH A. (Replies: 546 Je 27) HEMLER, STEVEN R. Dead Sea scrolls: the latest form of catholic-bashing. Earth summit. David S. Toolan. 446 My 23 Pro-life ‘Sophie's choice’. 164 F 29 119 F 15 Earth summit—info t now, when? 447 My 23 (Replies: 258 Mr 28, 306 Ap 11) Equity and ethics in a global climate convention. FITZPATRICK, JOHN J. Richard Elliot Benedick. 452 My 23 Challenge of being prophetic and pastoral. 294 Ap 11 HENTZ, OTTO Rift between north and south over development and Otto remembers César: an interview. 83 F8 finances. David Batker. 458 My 23 FOGARTY, GERALD P. HIERARCHY Vatican-american relations: cooperation or ESPERANZA, MIGUEL conspiracy? 289 Ap 11 (Replies: 418 My 9, Conversion of the churches: condition of unity. Terrorism in Peru. 537 Je 27 522 Je 13) Aroman catholic perspective. Ladislas Orsy. 479 My 30 ETHICS FORD, MAURICE deG. Crisis in orthodox-catholic relations: challenges and Lessons from the Salomon scandal. Richard A. Lawyering for the homeless. 530 Je 27 hopes. Rembert G. Weakland. 30 Ja 25 Spinello. 476 D 28 (Replies: 150 F 22) Thanks, but no thanks! 503 Je 13 (Replies: 546 Je 27) FOREIGN RELATIONS Unholy alliance between the right and the left in the EUROPEAN CHURCHES 1992—fusion, fission and autonomy. 3 Ja 11 catholic church. Margaret O’Brien Steinfels. Broken mirror. Nicholas Lash. 432 My 16 All that is solid melts into air. 155 F 29 376 My 2 (Replies: 497 My 30, 546 Je 27) Church of United Europe: reflections on the recent Beijing’s conscience and ours. 527 Je 27 special synod. Philip J. Rosato. 4 Ja 11 El Salvador: the more it changes... 263 Ap 4 HIMMELFARB, ANNE Cost of Freedom: conversations in Czechoslovakia. New commonwealth’s prospects. 51 F 1 Christianity in North Korea: politics by other means. Michael J. Lavelle. 436 My 16 Operation just cause. GeorgeW . Hunt. 26 Ja 25 411 My9 In search of the prodigal. Nicholas Lash. 506 Je 13 South Africa rounds a cape of hope. 335 Ap 25 Theology on the way to Stuttgart. Nicholas Lash. Vatican-american relations: cooperation or HOLOCAUST 266 Ap4 conspiracy? Gerald P. Fogarty. 289 Ap 11 Hoax or an orgy of hate? John M. Oesterreicher. 184 Mr7 (Replies: 418 My 9, 522 Je 13) EUTHANASIA First euthanasia referendum. 379 N 23 Will we finance an israeli takeover? 207 Mr 14 HOMELESS (Replies: 126 F 15) FRANCIS, NORMAN C. Lawyering for the homeless. Maurice deG. Ford. 530 Je 27 Interview with Norman C. Francis. Thomas H. EVANGELIZATION 500th anniversary: the church in Latin America. Stahel. 346 Ap 25 HUMAN RIGHTS Arthur F McGovern. 426 My 16 FRAZIER, JULIUS 500th anniversary: the church in Latin America. John Paul II and the new evangelization. Avery Interview with Julius Frazier. Thomas H. Stahel. Arthur F. McGovern. 426 My 16 Dulles. 52 F 1 (Replies: 202 Mr 7) 356 Ap 25 Beijing’s conscience and ours. 527 Je 27 Index, Volume 166 AMERICA JULY 25, 1992 Peace process in El Salvador (a hermeneutic of We can all do something. Oscar Romero. 248 Mr 28 suspicion). Daniel Santiago. 14 Ja 11 Peru: the church and the Shining Path. Jeffrey LAVELLE, MICHAEL J. Klaiber. 136 F 22 (Replies: 306 Ap 11) LARCHE Cost of freedom: conversations in Czechoslovakia. HUNT, GEORGE W. Interview with Jean Vanier. Martin E. O’Malley. 436 My 16 —Of Many Things— 319 Ap 18 LAY MINISTRY CCAEaendlttveheebornrlttiiautciir neeipssnr gec siesnel teemybtormynaomttloehold.go. y g.y1 8.52 4 1 0F3F698 8 2F 9 M1y5 9 CLlaa uCdOeW .L LOaD MoCnBoolIhouEmeRb.iE é,r4e7 4: CMsLyaAn cUi3:0Dt yE( R aenpdl iesse:ns i5b4il6i tJy.e 2J7o)h n BInetceormvc3iio5enn6wgv e Arwapsi at sht2p ii5orJ iaulTs hcoFormamazpisae rn.iC .o TnWh:io dmnaa emsri. s sH5i. 3on3S taJohefe l2.7 Ever wonder why? 130 F 22 (Replies: 306 Ap !1) LAITY Fads, follies and manias. 262 Ap 4 Conversion of the churches: condition of unity. LEACH, MICHAEL Irish proverbs. 206 Mr 14 A roman catholic perspective. Ladislas Orsy. New thought catholicism: an idea whose time has Martial words and phrases. 286 Ap 11 479 My 30 come again. 384 My 2 (Replies: 498 My 30) Movies that changed our lives. 374 My 2 Operation just cause. 26 Ja 25 LASH, NICHOLAS LEGAL SYSTEM Politically correct english? 470 My 30 Broken mirror. 432 My 16 Lawyering for the homeless. Maurice deG. Ford. The best and the worst. 310 Ap 18 In search of the prodigal. 506 Je 13 530 Je 27 Travel tips. 422 My 16 Theology on the way to Stuttgart. 266 Ap 4 What’s the word for... ? 502 Je 13 LENT LATIN AMERICA Lenten meditation: to be or not to be. Dorothy 500th anniversary: the church in Latin America. Donnelly. 232 Mr 28 Arthur F McGovern. 426 My 16 E] Salvador: the more it changes... 263 Ap 4 From Brazil: a glimpse of the good news: an inter- view wiih Alvaro Barreiro. James S. Torrens. 139 F 22 ISRAEL Letter to Ellacu. Jon Sobrino. 276 Ap 4 Will we finance an israeli takeover? 207 Mr 14 Peace process in El Salvador( a hermeneutic of suspicion). Daniel Santiago. 14 Ja 11 MALE SPIRITUALITY Updated arguments for optimism in the church. Grail quest: male spirituality. William J. O’ Malley. Thomas H. Stahel. 113 F 15 402 My 9 (Replies: 546 Je 27) (Replies: 227 Mr 14) Not an AMERICA Subscriber? JAPAN All that is solid melts into air. 155 F 29 Well, this is what you’ve just missed. JEREZ, CESAR Otto remembers César: an interview. Otto Hentz. Displayed on these pages is just a small sample of the wide range of 83F8 incisive commentaries, thoughtful profiles and entertaining reviews JEWS we've offered our readers during the last six months. Articles that Hoax or an orgy of hate? John M. Oesterreicher. challenged, amused and enlightened more than 30,000 subscribers 184 Mr7 each and every week. JOHN PAUL II, POPE Don’t miss out on another issue! To subscribe, use the handy postage-paid John Paul II and the new evangelization. Avery order form bound into this issue or the convenient coupon found below. Dulles. 52 F 1 (Replies: 202 Mr 7) You'll then see why AMERICA is the journal for independent tninkers. JUDICIAL TERRORISM Judicial terrorism: a case of intrinsic evil. Albert Dilanni. 407 My 9 (Replies: 497 My 30, 522 Je 13) AMERICA - P.O. Box 48468 - Atlanta, GA 30362-1468 Yes! Please sign me up for a year’s subscription to AMERICA at the rate of $33—a full 35% off the annual! cover price. CL] Payment enclosed LJ Bill me KLAIBER, JEFFREY Peru: the church and the Shining Path. 136 F 22 (Replies: 306 Ap 11) ADDRESS KOZOL, JONATHAN Lazarus’ schools. JohnW . Donohue. 301 Ap I1 KRIVAK, ANDREW J. To cover postage, Canadian subscribers must add $14. Foreign subscribers must add $17 Tales of brave Ulysses: a reflection on AIDS Canadian and foreign subscriptions payable in U.S. funds only. Prices subject to change ministry. 472 My 30 AMERICA JULY 25, 1992 Index, Volume 166 MANNING, HENRY NIEBUHR, REINHOLD PEACE Henry Cardinal Manning: apostle of social justice. Irony of american history, revisited. Edward T. Christian conscience and modern warfare. William Oliver P. Rafferty. 36 Ja 25 (Replies: Oakes. 488 My 30 H. Shannon. 108 F 15 (Replies: 226 Mr 14) 150 F 22, 226 Mr 14) NORTH KOREA PEDOPHILIA McCORMICK, RICHARD A. Christianity in North Korea: politics by other means. Priests and pedophilia: a silence that needs breaking? ‘Moral considerations’ ill considered. 210 Mr 14 Anne Himmeliarb. 411 My 9 Canice Connors. 400 My 9 (Replies: 330 Ap 18, 392 My 2) Moral theology in the year 2000: tradition in transi- PENAL SYSTEM tion. 312 Ap 18 (Replies: 497 My 30) Criminalizing the mentally ill. Michael J. O'Sullivan. 8 Ja 11 McGOVERN, ARTHUR F. Punishing the young: juvenile justice in the 1990's. 500th anniversary: the church in Latin America. George M. Anderson. 158 F 29 426 My 16 PERCY, WALKER McSHANE, JOSEPH M. O’COLLINS, GERALD Walker Percy’s fateful rift. Patrick H. Samway. Jesuits in a golden age. 439 My 16 Easter healing of memories. 322 Ap 18 240 Mr 28 MEDICINE O’CONNOR, JOHN J. PERU First euthanasia referendum. 379 N 23 Toward peace in the Middle East. John W. Donohue. Peru: the church and the Shining Path. Jeffrey (Replies: 126 F 15) 230 Mr 28 Klaiber. 136 F 22 (Replies: 306 Ap 11) ‘Moral considerations’ ill considered. Richard A. Terrorism in Peru. Miguel Esperanza. 537 Je 27 McCormick. 210 Mr 14 (Replies: O’DONOVAN, LEO J. 330Ap 18, 392 My 2) Champion: Stuart Davis at the Metropolitan Museum PHELPS, JAMIE T. of Art. 194 Mr7 Interview with JamieT . Phelps, O.P. Thomas H. MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Stahel. 352 Ap 25 Criminalizing the mentally ill. Michael J. O’MALLEY, MARTIN E. O'Sullivan. 8 Ja 11 Interview with Jean Vanier. 319 Ap 18 PHILIPPINES Philippine election—can it turn out well? Denis MIDDLE EAST O’MALLEY, WILLIAM J. Murphy. 297 Ap 11 Toward peace in the Middle East. John W. Donohue. Grail quest: male spirituality. 402 My 9 230 Mr 28 (Replies: 546 Je 27) PIUS XII, POPE Will we finance an israeli takeover? 207 Mr 14 Praying. 509 Je 13 Vatican-american relations: cooperation or Understanding sacraments. i85 Mr 7 conspiracy? Gerald P. Fogarty. 289 Ap 11 MINISTRY (Replies: 258 Mr 28, 306 Ap 11) (Replies: 418 My 9, 522 Je 13) Tales of brave Ulysses: a reflection on AIDS ministry. Andrew J. Krivak. 472 My 30 O’NEILL, CHARLES E. POEMS When two cultures meet: an interview with Charles Bowers, Cathy Smith. Mother land. 410 My 9 MISSIONARIES E. O’Neill. Thomas H. Stahel. 270 Ap 4 Cochran, Leonard. Sisters. 79 F 1 John Paul II and the new evangelization. Avery Doreski, William. Sausalito ferry. 118 F 15 Dulles. 52 F 1 (Replies: 202 Mr 7) O’SULLIVAN, MICHAEL J. Foran, Dan. Attribution. 102 F8 Criminalizing the mentally ill. 8 Ja 11 Friman, Alice. Evening in Provence. 438 My 16 MORALITY Junkins, Donald. Now that it’s april. 388 My 2 Condoms and AIDS. Beverly Sottile-Malona. OAKES, EDWARD T. Mathias, Anita. Candlelight prayer at Stanford. 317 N 2 (Replies: 446 D 7, 46 Ja 25) Irony of american history, revisited. 488 My 30 293 Ap II First euthanasia referendum. 379 N 23 Psalms as christian prayer. 208 Mr 14 McNamee, John. Sandymount. 323 Ap 18 (Replies: 126F 15) (Replies: 330 Ap 18) Meinke, Peter. The shell. 457 My 23 Judicial terrorism: a case of intrinsic evil. Albert Metherall, Mark. Spearfishing. 451 My 3 Dilanni. 407 My 9 (Replies: 497 My 30, OESTERREICHER, JOHN M. Nesanovich, Stella. Family photograph. 214 Mr 14 522 Je 13) Hoax or an orgy of hate? 184 Mr 7 O’Hagan, Sheila. At an irish school. 202 Mr7 “Moral considerations’ ill considered. Richard A. Orange, Sandra Kathleen. After Howard’s rosary. ORSY, LADISLAS McCormick. 210 Mr 14 (Replies: 330 Ap 18, 321 Ap 18 Conversion of the churches: condition of unity. 392 My 2) Peternel, Joan. Selection. 282 Ap 4 Aroman catholic perspective. 479 My 30 Moral theology in the year 2000: tradition in transi- Schilling, Mia. Reports from the Bronx. 483 My 30 Holy days of obligation? Holidays of celebration? tion. Richard A. McCormick. 312 Ap 18 Stewart, Robert E. Arriving home in mid-summer: 28 Ja 25 (Replies: 150 F 22, 177 F29) (Replies: 497 My 30) the central valley. 505 Je 13 ORTHODOX CHURCH Suarez, Michael F. What the child knows. 243 Mr 28 MURNION, PHILIP? J. Church of united Europe: reflections on the recent Waters, Michael. Moray eels. 540 Je 27 Peaceful reflection on a modest proposal. 528 Je 27 special synod. PhilipJ .R osato. 4 Ja 11 POLAND MURPHY, DENIS Crisis in orthodox-catholic relations: challenges and Faith under fire. Thomas H. Stahel. 275 Ap 4 Philippine election—can it turn out well? 297 Ap 11 hopes. Rembert G. Weakland. 30 Ja 25 Ecumenism: urgency and method. 27 Ja 25 POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Orthodox complaints. Thomas H. Stahel. 2 Ja 11 Burden of debt payment: now a significant U.S. problem. Peter A. Rosazza. 86 F8 (Replies: 201 Mr 7, 418 My 9) Can the church save women? Public opinion, the U.N. and the policy gap. Claire Badaracco. 215 Mr 14 Elections ’92: mixing religion and politics. James Castelli. 134 F22 NEW AGE MOVEMENT National summit of independent higher education. New thought catholicism: an idea whose time has Thomas H. Stahel. 182 Mr 7 come again. Michael Leach. 384 My 2 PANAMA Should members of congress be allowed to serve (Replies: 498 My 30) Operation just cause. George W. Hunt. 26 Ja 25 only 12 years? Robert F. Drinan. 246 Mr 28 Index, Volume 166 AMERICA JULY 25, 1992 Speaking of a free lunch... 287 Ap 11 SEXUALITY ROMERO, OSCAR State of the union. 107 F 15 We can all do something. 248 Mr 28 Condoms and AIDS. Beverly Sottile-Malona. 317 N 2 (Replies: 446 D 7, 46 Ja 25) POVERTY ROSATO, PHILIP J. Carrots and sticks in welfare reform. 423 My 16 Church of united Europe: reflections on the recent SHANNON, WILLIAM H. Equity and ethics in a global climate convention. special synod. 4 Ja 11 Christian conscience and modern warfare. 108 F 15 Richard Elliot Benedick. 452 My 23 (Replies: 226 Mr 14) Lawyering for the homeless. Maurice deG. Ford. ROSAZZA, PETER A. 530 Je 27 Burden of debt payment: now a significant SOBRINO, JON Option for the poor: a humanist’s perspective. David U.S. problem. 86 F 8 (Replies: 201 Mr 7, Letter to Ellacu. 276 Ap 4 H. Gill. 192 Mr7 418 My 9) Rift between north and south over development and SOCIAL JUSTICE finances. David Batker. 458 My 23 Henry Cardinal Manning: apostle of social justice. RYAN, PATRICK J. Oliver P. Rafferty. 36 Ja 25 (Replies: 150 F 22, PRAYER —The Word— 226 Mr 14) Claude La Colombiére: sanctity and sensibility. John Accused. 259 Mr 28 W. Donohue. 474 My 30 (Replies: 546 Je 27) “All you need is love.” 419 My 9 SOCIAL ACTION Books for Lent. Emilie Griffin. 172 F 29 Awestruck. 78 F | Challenge of being prophetic and pastoral. John J. Praying. William J. O’ Malley. 509 Je 13 Choice wine. 46 Ja 25 Fitzpatrick. 294 Ap 11 Psalms as christian prayer. Edward T. Oakes. Commensality. 282 Ap 4 Option for the poor: a humanist’s perspective. David 208 Mr 14 (Replies: 330 Ap 18) Compassion. 127 F 15 H. Gill. 192 Mr7 Continuity. 523 Je 13 PRESS AND PUBLISHING Costly transformation. 467 My 23 SOCIETY OF JESUS Catholic press month. George W. Hunt. 154 F 29 Detachment. 546 Je 27 Friedrich Spee (1591-1635): poet, priest, reformer. G. Richard Dimler. 95 F 8 Double beginning. 179 F 29 PRIESTHOOD Dynamic tradition. 522 Je 13 Jesuits in a golden age. Joseph M. McShane. Priests and pedophilia: a silence that needs breaking? Happy and unhappy. 103 F8 439 My 16 Canice Connors. 400 My 9 Here are women! 307 Ap II Letter to Ellacu. Jon Sobrino. 276 Ap 4 Thanks, but no thanks! 503 Je 13 (Replies: 546 Je 27) Indwelling. 499 My 30 Otto remembers César: an interview. Otto Hentz. 83 F8 Like a dove. 23 Ja 11 PROPHECY Meeting. 78 F | Challenge of being prophetic and pastoral. John J. Missionary outreach. 547 Je 27 SOTTILE-MALONA, BEVERLY Fitzpatrick. 294 Ap I1 Mistaken identity. 203 Mr 7 Condoms and AIDS. 317 N 2 (Replies: 446 D 7, 46 Ja 25) Play-acting. 151 F22 PSALMS Psalms as christian prayer. Edward T. Oakes. Prodigality. 227 Mr 14 SOUTH AFRICA 208 Mr 14 (Replies: 330 Ap 18) Repentant love. 371 Ap 25 South Africa rounds a cape of hope. 335 Ap 25 Reversals. 443 My 16 Royal triumph. 466 My 23 SOUTH AMERICA Scrutiny. 226 Mr i4 Terrorism in Peru. Miguel Esperanza. 537 Je 27 Sense of touch. 331 Ap 18 Shepherding strays. 395 My 2 SPAIN Spirited homilist. 47 Ja 25 When two cultures meet: an interview with Charles Startling realization. 22 Ja 11 E. O’Neill. Thomas H. Stahel. 270 Ap 4 Trial lawyer. 179 F 29 SPEE, FRIEDRICH RABOTEAU, ALBERT J. Friedrich Spee (1591-1635): poet, priest, reformer. Interview with Albert J. Raboteau. Thomas H. G. Richard Dimler. 95 F 8 Stahel. 336 Ap 25 SPINELLO, RICHARDA RACE RELATIONS Lessons from the Salomon scandal. 476 D 28 Mistaking the calm for the cure. 471 My 30\ (Replies: 150 F 22) U.S. race relations. Thomas H. Stahel. 334 Ap 25 see also “Interview with...” under STAHEL, SPORTS THOMAS H. Celebrities celebrated. George W. Hunt. 82 F8 SACRAMENTS Metaphysics of baseball. Clyde F Crews. 264 Ap 4 RAFFERTY, OLIVER P. Understanding sacraments. William J. O’Malley. Henry Cardinal Manning: apostle of social justice. 185 Mr 7 (Replies: 258 Mr 28, 306 Ap 11) STAHEL, THOMAS H. 36 Ja 25 (Replies: 150 F 22, 226 Mr 14) At the eastern brink: the church in China. An inter- SAMWAY, PATRICK H. view with Gino Belli. 88 F8 REFUGEES Walker Percy’s fateful rift. 240 Mr 28 (Replies: 227 Mr 14) ‘Throwing people back is no good.’ 183 Mr 7 SAN SALVADOR Interview with Beverly Carroll. 342 Ap 25 RELIGIOUS AND CLERICS We can all do something. Oscar Romero. 248 Mr 28 Interview with Norman C. Francis. 346 Ap 25 Interview with Julius Frazier. 356 Ap 25 Interview with Beverly Carroll. Thomas H. Stahel. SANTIAGO, DANIEL Interview with Dolores B. Grier. 350 Ap 25 342 Ap 25 Peace process in El Salvador (a hermeneutic of Interview with Jamie T. Phelps, O.P. 352 Ap 25 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM suspicion). 14 Ja 11 Interview with Albert J. Raboteau. 336 Ap 25 Christianity in North Korea: politics by other means. Updated arguments for optimism in the church. Anne Himmelfarb. 411 My 9 SERBIA 113 F 15 (Replies: 227 Mr 14) Fishy rhetoric, stinking reality. 375 My 2 When two cultures meet: an interview with Charles REWAK, WILLIAM J. (Replies: 522 Je 13) E. O'Neill. 270 Ap 4 Academic tenure: a winter’s meditation. 60 F | (Replies: 177 F 29) SEX ABUSE —Of Many Things— Priests and pedophilia: a silence that needs breaking? National summit of independent higher education. Pillars of Durham. 222 O 5 (Replies: 102 F 8) Canice Connors. 400 My 9 182 Mr7 AMERICA JULY 25, 1992 Index, Volume 166 »€ Orthodox complaints. 2 Ja 11 THEOLOGY U.S. race relations. 334 Ap 25 500th anniversary: the church in Latin America. Arthur F McGovern. 426 My 16 —Television— Broken mirror. Nicholas Lash. 432 My 16 —¥ America in black and white. 514 Je 13 Christian theology and ecological responsibility. Faith under fire. 275 Ap 4 Drew Christiansen. 448 My 23 WEAKLAND, REMBERTG. Wednesdays in New York. 144 F 22 (Replies: 546 Je 27) Crisis in orthodox-catholic relations: challenges and Conversion of the churches: condition of unity. A hopes. 30 Ja 25 STEINFELS, MARGARET O’BRIEN roman catholic perspective. Ladislas Orsy. Unholy alliance between the right and the left 479 My 30 WEAPONS AND WARFARE in the catholic church. 376 My 2 In search oft he prodigal. Nicholas Lash. 506 Je 13 Christian conscience and modern warfare. William H. (Replies: 497 My 30, 546 Je 27) Interview with Julius Frazier. Thomas H. Stahel. Shannon. 108 F 15 (Replies: 226 Mr 14) 356 Ap 25 SUU KYI, AUNG SAN WELFARE REFORM Moral theology in the year 2000: tradition in transi- Burma’s Gandhi. David S. Toolan. 84 F 8 Carrots and sticks in welfare reform. 423 My 16 tion. Richard A. McCormick. 312 Ap 18 Speaking of a free lunch 287 A 11 (Replies: 497 My 30) SYNODS 1992—fusion, fission and autonomy. 3 Ja 11 Theology on the way to Stuttgart. Nicholas Lash. WIDNER, THOMAS C. Church of united Europe: reflections on the recent 266 Ap 4 Becoming a spiritual companion: a mission of special synod. Philip J. Rosato. 4 Ja 11 Unholy alliance between the right and the left in the conversation. 533 Je 27 Orthodox complaints. Thomas H. Stahel. 2 Ja 11 catholic church. Margaret O’Brien Steinfels. 376 My 2 (Replies: 497 My 30, 546 Je 27) WITCHCRAFT Friedrich Spee (1591-1635): poet, priest, reformer. TOOLAN, DAVID S. G. Richard Dimler. 95 F 8 Burma’s Gandhi. 84 F8 WOJCIK, JAN —Of Many Things— A.J. Antoon in spirit. 250 Mr 28 Earth summit. 446 My 23 WOMEN TSeAcIreZtE of Taizé. Godfried Danneels. 288 Ap 11 TFrOoRmR vEBirNeawzS i,lw: i taJh AgAlMlivEmapSrs oe SB.oa fr rtehier og.o od1 39n ewFs 2: 2 an inter- Can thU2e.1 N5c. h Muarrn cdh1 4t shaev ep olwiocmy egna?p . PCulbaliirce oBpaidnairona,c cot.he TELEVISION —Theater— Conversion of the churches: condition of unity. America in black and white. Thomas H. Stahel. Boesman and Lena. 250 Mr 28 Aroman catholic perspective. Ladislas Orsy. 514 Je 13 Conversations, falsettos. 516 Je 13 479 My 30 Faith under fire. Thomas H. Stahel. 275 Ap 4 Piece of my heart. 40 Ja 25 Interview with Beverly Carroll. Thomas H. Stahel. Wednesdays in New York. Thomas H. Stahel. Trio from the theater club. 463 My 23 342 Ap 25 144 F22 Interview with Jamie T. Phelps, O.P. Thomas H. Stahel. 352 Ap 25 —Single Works— Thanks, but no thanks! 503 Je 13 (Replies: 546 Je 27) Brooklyn bridge. 144 F 22, 515 Je 13 Civil wars. 144 F 22, 515 Je 13 WORLD WAR II Faith under fire. 275 Ap 4 Vatican-american relations: cooperation or Home improvement. 515 Je 13 conspiracy? Gerald P. Fogarty. 289 Ap 11 Homefront. 515 Je 13 (Replies: 418 My 9, 522 Je 13) I'll fly away. 514 Je 13 UNITED NATIONS Roc. 515 Je 13 Fishy rhetoric, stinking reality. 375 My 2 WORLD BANK Seinfeld. 144 F 22, 515 Je 13 (Replies: 522 Je 13) Rift between north and south over development and Throwaway people. 514 Je 13 United nations new institute for children’s rights. finances. David Batker. 458 My 23 Tonight. 514 Je 13 Robert F. Drinan. 424 My 16 TENURE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON Academic tenure: a winter’s meditation. William J. ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT Rewak. 60 F 1 (Replies: 177 F 29) (U.N.C.E.D.) Earth summit. David S. Toolan. 446 My 23 TERRORISM Earth summit—info t now, when? 447 My 23 Terrorism in Peru. Miguel Esperanza. 537 Je 27 THEATER YOUTH A.J. Antoon in spirit. Jan Wojcik. 250 Mr 28 Apprenticed to Christ: anointing the class of ’92. Boesman and Lena. James S. Torrens. 250 Mr 28 Kathy Coffey. 434 My 16 Conversations, falsettos. James S. Torrens. 516 Je 13 Commencement in St. Mark’s Square. John W. Piece of my heart. James S. Torrens. 40 Ja 25 Donohue. 526 Je 27 Trio from the theater club. James S. Torrens. VANIER, JEAN Condoms and AIDS. Beverly Sottile-Malona. 463 My 23 Interview with Jean Vanier. Martin E. O’ Malley. 317 N 2 (Replies: 446 D 7, 46 Ja 25) 319 Ap 18 Hey, kids, good news! 231 Mr 28 —Single Works— Punishing the young: juvenile justice in the 1990’s. Boesman and Lena. 250 Mr 28 VATICAN George M. Anderson. 158 F29 Conversations with my father. 516 Je 13 Unholy alliance between the right and the left in the Understanding sacraments. William J. O’ Malley. Falsettos. 516 Je 13 catholic church. Margaret O’Brien Steinfels. 185 Mr 7 (Replies: 258 Mr 28, 306 Ap 11) Lips together, teeth apart. 463 My 23 376 My 2 (Replies: 497 My 30, 546 Je 27) Piece of my heart. 40 Ja 25 Vatican-american relations: cooperation or YUGOSLAVIA Sight unseen. 463 My 23 conspiracy? Gerald P. Fogarty. 289 Ap 11 Fishy rhetoric, stinking reality. 375 My 2 Small family business. 463 My 23 (Replies: 418 My 9, 522 Je 13) (Replies: 522 Je 13) Index, Volume 166 AMERICA JULY 25, 1992 Cs f a ‘ee EPRI OP ae, Phe