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America In Afghanistan: Foreign Policy And Decision Making From Bush To Obama To Trump PDF

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Sharifullah Dorani completed his PhD on the War in Afghanistan at Durham University. He has lived and worked in Afghanistan and lectures on the history of US policy in the region. AMERICA IN AFGHANISTAN Foreign Policy and Decision Making from Bush to Obama to Trump S D HARIFULLAH ORANI I.B.TAURIS BloomsburyPublishingPlc 50BedfordSquare,London,WC1B3DP,UK 1385Broadway,NewYork,NY10018,USA BLOOMSBURY,I.B.TAURISandtheI.B.Taurislogoaretrademarksof BloomsburyPublishingPlc FirstpublishedinGreatBritain2019 CopyrightqSharifullahDorani,2019 SharifullahDoranihasassertedhisrightundertheCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct, 1988,tobeidentifiedastheauthorofthiswork. Coverdesign:IanRosswww.ianrossdesigner.com Coverimage:AfghanfamilyridesonamotorcycleasaUSsoldierstandsguardatQadervillage, LogarProvince.14August2009.qMANANVATSYAYANA/AFP/GettyImages. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedortransmitted inanyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechanical,includingphotocopying, recording,oranyinformationstorageorretrievalsystem,withoutpriorpermission inwritingfromthepublishers. BloomsburyPublishingPlcdoesnothaveanycontrolover,orresponsibilityfor, anythird-partywebsitesreferredtoorinthisbook.Allinternetaddressesgiven inthisbookwerecorrectatthetimeofgoingtopress.Theauthorandpublisherregret anyinconveniencecausedifaddresseshavechangedorsiteshaveceasedtoexist, butcanacceptnoresponsibilityforanysuchchanges. AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress ISBN:978-1-7845-3998-6 ePDF:978-1-7867-3582-9 eBook:978-1-7867-2582-0 Series:LibraryofModernMiddleEastStudies TypesetinGaramondThreebyOKSPrepressServices,Chennai,India PrintedandboundinGreatBritain Tofindoutmoreaboutourauthorsandbooksvisitwww.bloomsbury.com andsignupforournewsletters. Tomyparents,wife,noorofmyeyes,ElhamandHusna,and,mostimportantly, the ordinary Afghans: who have received nothing from the four-decade-long war but an extraordinary amount of suffering, and who are ‘thirsty and hungry’ for peace and security. CONTENTS Acknowledgements ix Introduction 1 PART I BUSH’S ‘GLOBALWAR ON TERROR’ IN AFGHANISTAN, 2001–8 1. The Intervention Decision at the Initiation Stage 15 2. The Intervention and Counterterrorism Decisions at the Formulation Stage, September 2001–February 2002 28 To Counter Terrorists or Build Afghanistan: That Was the Question 42 3. An Insider’s Insight into Bush’s War Cabinet 48 4. The Counterterrorism Strategy at the Implementation Stage, 2002–8 61 The Iraq Preoccupation Makes the Afghanistan War Forgotten 61 Pakistan Played the Role of both a Firefighter and an Arsonist 68 The Light Footprint Part of the Strategy Proved Disastrous 76 5. The Counterterrorism Strategy at the Evaluation Stage and Bush’s Tilt towards a Counter-insurgency Strategy, 2007–8 82 viii AMERICA INAFGHANISTAN PART II OBAMA’S WAR OF ‘COUNTERING VIOLENT EXTREMISM’ IN AFGHANISTAN, 2009–17 6. The Surge Decision at the Initiation Phase 99 7. An Insider’s Insight into Obama’s War Cabinet 113 8. The Surge Decision at the Formulation Phase, September–December 2009 132 9. The Surge Decision at the Implementation Phase, January 2010–June 2011 149 10. The Surge Decision at the Evaluation Phase and Obama’s Formulation of the Withdrawal Decision, June 2011 172 Obama Formulates the Decision to Withdraw 179 11. The Withdrawal Strategy at the Implementation Phase and Obama’s Final Policy Alterations, July 2011–December 2016 185 PART III TRUMP’S WAR AGAINST ‘RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM’ IN AFGHANISTAN, 2016–18 12. An Insider’s Insight into President Trump and his Administration 197 13. Trump’s South Asia Strategy in Afghanistan at the Initiation, Formulation and Implementation Phases, 2016–18 209 Conclusion 223 Notes 231 Bibliography 279 Index 306 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Theresearchandwritingofthisbookwouldhavenotbeensuccessfully completed without the essential and gracious support of many individuals.Specialgratitudeandpersonalthanksareduetoallofthem. IshouldliketoexpressmysincerestgratefulnesstomyeditorTomasz Hoskins at I.B.Tauris. Without his unfailing support, guidance and patience this book would never have seen completion. Equally, I am grateful for the support provided by Arub Ahmed and Tia Ali at I.B.Tauris. IamthankfultotheSchoolofGovernmentandInternationalAffairs atDurhamUniversity,especiallytoProfessorsAnoushEhteshami,Clive Jones, and most importantly, John Dumbrell. Professor John devoted a great deal of his precious time to reading and commenting upon this work and making many invaluable suggestions. Gratitude is also due to my school teachers in Afghanistan and to my lecturers at Bedford College, University of Northampton and UCL for their invaluable teachings and support throughout my student life. My research required many Afghan sources that were unavailable in the UK. I want to express my thanks and gratitude to those in Kabul (whom I cannot name for security reasons) for assisting me with arranginginterviewswithAfghansfromallwalksoflife.Ifeelindebted to my all interviewees, particularly those ordinary Afghans who shared their views with me and allowed me to physically experience their lives – theyaremyinspiration,myheroesandheroines,anditisforthem that I wrote this book. As I promised them, I stayed committed to voicing their concerns uncensored.

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