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LIBRARIANS: This index can be removed and bound into Vol. 195. America THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC WEEKLY Index Volume 195 july 3-10 to December 18-25, 2006 Papal diplomacy. + D 18 AMERICA (pub.) Pilgrimage to Constantinople. 5 N 20 Honor of it all. Joseph J. Gallagher. 14 Jl 3 (Replies 38 Jl 31) BETTY, STAFFORD ‘s after death is not a red herring. 25 $ 11 ABORTION ANDERSON, GEORGE M. (Replies 37 O 2) Abortion and public policy. Blase J. Cupich Learning from El Salvador’s poor. 24 Au 14 19S 11 (Replies 38 O 2) Sites of conscience. 16 O 9 BLAKE, RICHARD A. “You will be glad.” 4 N 13 Cheologians and white supremacy: an interview See FILM with James H. Cone. 10 N 20 (Replies 36 AFRICA D 11) BONFIGLIO, OLGA Democracy in congo? + O 30 — Of Many Things — Another man from Galilee. 16 N 6 \ Hunger in Africa. 5 S$ 18 I lolding on to books 2)l l 7 Justice in the rift valley. 4 O 70 lo the top. 2 Au 28 BOOK REVIEWS Leaving hunger behind. Da.:d Beckmann Ackerman, Bruce. Before the next attack: preserv- 21N 13 APPLEWHITE, MONICA ing civil liberties. 29 S 11 Martyr of charity. +O 9 Putting abuse in context. 14 S 25 (Replies 37 Ali, Ayaan Hirsi. Caged virgin: an emancipation Minuscule part. James Martin. 2 N 6 O 16, 30O 30) proclamation for women and islam. 28 O 2 Nigeria’s potent cocktail. 4 O 16 Angell, Roger. Let me finish. 33 N 13 Open to all. John W. Donohue. 2 N 20 ARMSTRONG, KAREN Armstrong, Karen. Great transformation: the Peace without borders. + O 2 Violence, compassion and world religions. Peter beginning of our religious traditions. 29 O Sudanese smoke screen. 4 J] 17 Stanford. 23 O 16 16 [ale of two worlds. Peter Gyves. 16 N 20 Ashley, Benedict M., O.P., Jean deBlois, C.S. ASIA Health care ethics: a catholic thec logical ALMOG, LILI 2006 Magsaysay awards. + Au 28 analysis. 28 N 20 Who can argue with love? 22 O 2 (Replies 29 Havoc in East Timor. 4 Jl 3 Badillo, David A. Latinos and the new immigrant church. 25 D 4 ATHEISM Christmas-ists. John F. Kavanaugh. 8 D 18 aaa a! BALDOVIN, JOHN F. Translating the liturgy. 26 S$ 25 (Replies 29 O 23) IS IRELAND THRIVING OR DYING? THOMAS G. CASEY ; BARRY, WILLIAM A. € Friends with God. 25 O 2 (Replies 38 N 13) Ss sp BEAUDOIN, TOM Best and the worst. 27 N 13 me BECKMANN, DAVID Leaving hunger behind. 21 N 13 Hope from the Christmas Syrian Desert BENEDICT XVI ohn Haughey 2006 Into the open. +S 11 America January 1-8, 2007 Index, Volume 195 Boehlert, Eric. Lapdogs: how the press rolled over morality, and immigration policy. 27 N 6 Minuscule part. James Martin. 2 N 6 for Bush. 30.0 2 Hirshfield, Jane. After: poems. 24 O 30 Special reissues. Patricia A. Kossmann. 2 O 9 Brinkley, Douglas. Great deluge: hurricane Katri- Jenkins, Philip. New faces of Christianity: believ- na, New Orleans, and the Mississippi. ing the bible in the global south. 22 O 9 BORELLI, JOHN 31S 11 Kelly, Henry Ansgar. Satan: a biography. 31 O 9 Witnessing by prayer. 14 O 23 (Replies 37 N 13) Brown, Frederick. Flaubert: a biography. 33 S 25 Kelly, David F. Medical care at the end of life: a Burns, James MacGregor. Running alone: presi- catholic perspective. 28 N 20 BRACKLEY, DEAN dential leadership—JFK to Bush II. 22 N 6 Kleiderer, John, Paula Minaert, Mark Mossa, edit. Learning from El Salvador’s poor. George M Cairns, Scott. Compass of affection: poems new Just war, lasting peace: what christian tradi- Anderson. 24 Au 14 and selected. 24 O 30 tions can teach us. 32 Au 28 Carroll, James. House of war: the pentagon and Levertov, Denise. Making peace. 23 Jl 17 BRODER-OLDACH, BEA the disastrous rise of american power Levine, Amy-Jill. The MisunderstoJoedw . Blessed are the peacemakers 24D 11 23 N 27 24D 18 Clifton, Lucille. Blessing the boats: new and McCauley, George. Eddie’s dream: a tale. 32 O 16 BRUUN, KRISTEEN selected poems 1988-2000. 24 O 30 McDermott, Alice. After this: a novel. 29 O 9 My alien roommate. 14 D 4 Clifton, Lucille. Good woman: poems and a mem- McGahern, John. All will be well. 28 S 18 oir 1969-1980. 24O 30 McKenna, Megan. On your Mark: reading Mark Coleman, Gerald D., $.S. Catholic priesthood: in the shadow of the cross. 20 J] 17 formation and human development. 27 O 30 Meacham, Jon. American gospel: God, the found- Curran, Charles E. Loyal dissent: memoir of a ing fathers. 22 Jl 3 catholic theologian. 34 Jl 31 Meilaender, Gilbert. The way that leads here: D’Ambrosio, Charles. Dead fish museum. 31 O 16 augustinian reflections. 32 N 13 CALLAHAN, SIDNEY Dirda, Michael. Book by book: notes on reading Nouwen, Henri J. M. with Michael J. Christens Limbo, infants and the afterlife. 15 Ap 3 (Replies 30 Jl 17) and life. 26 O 23 Spiritual direction: wisdom for the long walk Dunne, John S. Vision quest. 25 S 18 of faith. 33 S 11 English, Isobel. Every eye: a novel. 24 N 27 O’Brien, Edna. Light of evening: a novel. 33 N 6 CASEY, THOMAS G. Farley, Margaret A.J ust love: a framework for O’Collins, Gerald, S.J. Living Vatican II: the 21st Jolted by affluence. 16 N 27 (Replies 34 D 18) christian sexual ethics. 32 D 11 council for the 21st century. 25 O 23 Flannery, Tim. Weather makers: how man is O'Leary, Don. Roman Catholicism and modern CATHOLIC CHURCH—HIERARCHY changing the climate and what it means science: a history. 31 D 11 Another man from Galilee. Olga Bonfiglio 16N6 : 30 § 25 Oliver, Mary. Thirst: poems. 23 O 9 Garon, Henry A. Cosmic mystique. 33 Au 28 Osborne, Kenan B., O.F.M. Orders and ministry Best and worst of times. ThomasJ . Curry 20 N 20 Gibson, David. Rule of Benedict: Pope Benedict leadership in the world church. 21 Jl 17 XVL 2509 Ostriker, Alicia Suskin. Volcano sequence Competing visions. 4+ Au 14 Gilbert, Jack. Refusing heaven: poems. 35 Jl 31 240 30 Double-crossed or not? Patricia McCann. 14 O 16 Grayling, A. C. Among the dead cities: the history Patten, Chris. Cousins and strangers: America, (Replies 29 D 4 and moral legacy of WWII. 30 Au 28 Britain and Europe in a new century. 32 Au False promise of “window” legislation. CharlesJ Gross, Jan T. Fear: anti-semitism in Poland after 14 Chaput. 34 O 9 (Replies 30 O 30) Auschwitz. 24 O 23 Pelikan, Jaroslav. Credo: historical and theological Meaningful work for accused priests. Kathleen Hampl, Patricia. Blue arabesque: a search for the guide to creeds and confessions. 29 Au 14 McC chesney Z4 ~ 20 sublime. 23 N 6 Pelikan, Jaroslav. Whose bible is it?: a history of Putting abuse in context. Monica Applewhite Hanson, Neil. Unknown soldiers: the story of the the scriptures through the ages. 29 Au 14 14S 25 (Replies 37 O 16, 30 O 30) missing of the first world war. 31 N 13 Pelikan, Jaroslav. Acts. 29 Au 14 Remembering Assisi after 20 years. William I Harford, James. Merton & Friends. 25 D 18 Roberts, Jason. Sense of the world: how a blind Murphy. 10 O 23 (Replies 37 N 13) Heaney, Seamus. District and circle: poems. man became history’s greatest traveler Restoring civility to political discourse. Theodore 30 N 20 25 N 27 McCarrick. 10 S 25 Heyer, Kristen E. Prophetic and public: the social Roth, Philip. Everyman. 25 Jl 3 witness of U.S. Catholicism. 22 D 4 Saramago, José trans. by Margaret Jull Costa. See- CATHOLIC CHURCH—HISTORY Himes, Kenneth, O.F.M. Modern catholic social ing: a novel. 31 S 25 From disciplina to the day of pardon. Drew Chris teaching: commentaries and interpretations Sasanov, Catherine. All the blood tethers. 24 O 30 tiansen. 17 O2 Replies 34 N 20 31 Au 28 Scotti, R. A. Basilica: the splendor and the scandal Ignatius’ special “way of proceeding.” John W Hing, Bill Ong. Deporting our souls: values, building St. Peter’s. 31 O 2 O'Malley. 10 Jl 31 Stout, Harry S. Upon the altar of a nation: a moral history of the civil war. 30 Au 28 Sullivan, Andrew. Conservative soul: how we lost A it, how to get it back. 32 N 6 Sulmasy, Daniel P., O.F.M., M.D. Rebirth of the clinic: an introduction to spirituality in health care. 23 D 4 Sulmasy, Daniel P. Balm for Gilead: meditations An interview With Elizabeth Kolbert on spirituality and the healing arts. 28 N 6 on Global Warming Taylor, Carol R., C.S.F.N., Roberto Dell’Oro. Karen Sue Smith Health and human flourishing. 28 N 20 Tne New Uchitelle, Louis. Disposable american: layoffs and Nucieer Danger their consequences. 33 Jl 31 Owed Cort Updike, John. Terrorist: a novel. 23 Jl 3 Gaudete Vereb, Jerome-Michael. “Because he was a Ger- A Poemb y Brad Reynokis, man!”: Cardinal Bea. 26 S 18 Wolfe, Alan. Does american democracy still work? 2709 BOOKS AND READING Holding on to books. George M. Anderson. 2 Jl 17 Index, Volume 195 America January 1-8, 200 Passing of monsoons. Dennis M. Linehan. 2 O 23 DONAHUE, JOHN R. Putting abuse in context. Monica Applewhite. 14 S Living between memory and longing. 26 D 11 25 (Replies 37 O 16, 30O 30) Remembering Assisi after 20 years. William F. DONOHUE, JGHN W. Murphy. 10O 23 (Replies 37 N 13) Stem cell debate. 25 N 13 (Replies 36 D 11) Saint too little known. John W. Padberg. 16 Jl 17 — Of Many Things — Open to all. 2 N 20 CATHOLIC EDUCATION The Search for Corporate university. Wilson D. Miscamble. 14 Jl Mexico’s Future ECOLOGY 31 (Replies 38 Au 14, 37 Au 28, 37S 11, Anthony C. E. Quainton All heated up: an interview with Elizabeth Kol- 37 $25,360 16) bert. Karen Sue Smith. 12 D 11 Open to all. John W. Donohue. 2 N 20 Big foot. 4 N 27 Pe ople’s schools. 5 § 18 (Replies 37 O 9, 35 N 20) Christmas and ecology. Drew Christiansen. 2 D 18 CHACOUR, ELIAS Energy ethics. William H. Rauckhorst. 10 N 6 Another man from Galilee. Olga Bonfiglio. Going down to the sea. 4 N 13 16N6 Sitting in the dark. Karen Sue Smith. 14 N 6 CHAPUT, CHARLES J. ECONOMICS False promise of “window” legislation. 34 O 9 Cutting out the little man. 4 O 23 (Replies 30 O 30) Invisible, but not perfect. + D 18 Jolted by affluence. Thomas G. Casey. 16 N 27 CHRISTIANSEN, DREW (Replies 34 D 18) Alarm bells in the east. 21 S 11 (Replies 37 O 9) Labor’s love lost. John F. Kavanaugh. 9 Au 28 From disciplina to the day of pardon. 17 O 2 Living wage and catholic social teaching. William (Replies 34 N 20) P. Quigley. 10 Au 28 — Of Many Things — Nigeria’s potent cocktail. +O 16 Arbitrary legality. 2 O 30 Starbucks bully. 4D 11 Christmas and ecology. 2 D 18 D’ARIENZO, CAMILLE Titans speak. Terry Golway. 8 D 11 Indian museum. 2 N 13 Preaching: a ministry (still) in distress. 21 S 18 Divestment. 2 Je 5 (Replies 30 Jl 3) (Replies 37 O 2, 35 O 16, 30O 30, 37 N 13) ECUMENISM Bear stories. 2 § 18 Passing of a giant. Lawrence S. Cunningham. Lincoln’s thanksgiving. 2 N 27 DEATH AND DYING 29 Au 14 Good of souls. Zyl 3 Admiring the amish. StephenJ . Morgan. 14 N 27 Pilgrimage to Constantinople. 5 N 20 Iran’s president. 2 O 16 (Replies 42 N 6) “Christ, come quickly.” Thomas H. Stahel. 29 J] Remembering Assisi after 20 years. William F. Healthy parish life. 2 Jl 31 (Replies 37 S 11) 31 (Replies 38 Au 28) Murphy. 10O 23 (Replies 37 N 13) Rich silence. 2 O 2 Dreaming of a journey. Jim McDermott. 2 S 25 Witnessing by prayer. John Borelli. 14 O 23 Spring yearnings. 2 Ap 17 (Replies 37 S 25) Kindling the light. Margaret Silf. 8 N 6 (Replies 37 N 13) William Sloan Coffin. 2 My 22 (Replies 29 Jl 17) Life after death is not a red herring. Stafford Betty. 25 S 11 (Replies 37 O 2) EDUCATION CONE, JAMES H. Witnesses of mercy. 4+ O 23 Charlie’s tantrums. Terry Golway. 8 O 16 Theologians and white supremacy: an interview Little Rock wins some. + N 6 with James H. Cone. George M. Anderson. DECK, ALLAN FIGUEROA More Nigerian school news. 4+ D 11 10 N 20 (Replies 36 D 11) Where the laity flourish. 14 Au 14 (Replies 36 S O.K. to single-sex classes. 4 D 4 18) Onward, charter schools. 4 § 25 CORTRIGHT, DAVID New nuclear danger. 18 D 11 DISABILITY ELLSBERG, ROBERT Their great sacrifices. Nancy Sherman. 10 N 13 Editing Henri Nouwen. 10 S$ 18 (Replies 37 O 2) COYNE, GEORGE V. Writing warriors. Rick Curry. 13 N 13 Fertile universe: an interview with George V ENVIRONMENT Coyne. Jim McDermott. 18 O 23 (Replies 42 Al Gore’s new mission. 4 Jl 17 (Replies 37 S 11) N 6) Big foot. + N 27 Catholic New Orleans. Matt Malone. 21 § 25 CUNNEEN, SALLY Christmas and ecology. Drew Christiansen. Icon of creation. 10 D 18 2D 18 Energy ethics. William H. Rauckhorst. 10 N 6 CUNNINGHAM, FRANK Bear stories. Drew Christiansen. 2 S 18 Actions of hope. 26)l 31 Going down to the sea. +N 13 Christmas and ecology. Drew Christiansen. CUNNINGHAM, LAWRENCE S. 2D18 Martyrs named and nameless. 10 O 2 Rich silence. Drew Christiansen. 2 O 2 Passing of a giant. 29 Au 14 Sitting in the dark. Karen Sue Smith. 14 N 6 CUPICH, BLASE J. ERB, PETER C. Abortion and public policy. 19 S 11 (Replies 38 Schwenkfelder code. 14 Je 5 (Replies 30 Jl 3, O02) f 37 JL 31) CURRY, THOMAS J. Lebanon’s Stucel ERICKSON, KARL BJORN Best and worst of times. 20 N 20 David Snyde Mysterious tools. 17 Jl 3 David aad CURRY, RICK eosnb i@c kergast hienr iPn:a le ETHICS Writing warriors. 13 N 13 Kennjeutsth waRr. tHhi mes Energy ethics. William H. Rauckhorst. 10 N 6 Ethical legacy of Dirty Harry. George A. Lopez. America January 1-8, 2007 Index, Volume 195 6S 11 (Replies 29 ¢ Vy and respect w thics oft risk. Maryann Cu to God. 39D 11 also KAVANAUGH, ]O HN I EUROPE FONTANA, MARY FABER, PETER Rotten fruit. 26O 1 ¢ ant toc K GALLAGHER, JOSEPH J. FAHEY, JOSEPH J. Honor of it all. 14 Jl 3 (Replies3 Hopeful people. 17 Making of a catho GOLWAY, TERRY Charlie's tantrums FAMILY LIFE I's your f HAUGHEY, JOHN Advent. Jas Natior Friends of Mar Musa. 1! ( 6S 18 Titans speak. 8 | HEALTH CARE VW hat vacat Best and the worst Wrong Priests and nur Seen asi n a mirror GOTTEMOELLER, DORIS Sisters today. 10 O 1 HIMES, KENNETH R. GRAGNANI, VINCENT Iran’s president about gS] HOLLENBACH, DAVID Hu GREGORY, DAVID L. O3 Demise of workers’n i HUGHES, KATHLEEN \" 97 GUERIN, MOTHER THEODORE Richard Portfolio. M O'Neill MeGrati — Single Works — HUMAN RIGHT rot () 5 GYVES, PETER AN? HI] HAHNENBERG, eRwaro P. When the church calls 10 O 9 (Replies +4N ¢ s4N 2) HALLOWEEN Darth mauled. Jim McDermott. | HAMILTON, MARCI A. What the clergy abuse crisis has taught Replies 34O 9, 37 43 N¢ HAMM, DENNIS Faith’s call t Murphy HARRINGTON, DANIEL J. he Bible Accepting suftering. 39S 11 ohn Borelli Std Ym Already and not vet. 39 N 13 Call to decision. 39 Au 14 Count your blessings! 31 JI 3 Index, Volume 195 America January 1-8, 2007 KAVANAUGH, JOHN F. Alien or allied muslims? 8 O 9 Christmas-ists. 8 D 18 Cloning for Missouri. 8 N 27 Coalition crunch. 8 O 30 Descent into he. 9]I 17 Labor’s love lost. 9 Au > 28 Realistic politics. 8 S 25 5 (Replies 37 O 9) KLENICKI, LEON Jonah’s challenge. 14 O 2 FroRmo bCearltvoa ryS . tGoo iGazluielteae KOLBERT, ELIZABETH Gary M. Bretton-Granatoor All heated up: an interview with Elizabeth on Christian Seders Kolbert. Karen Sue Smith. 12 D 11 Joho B. Breslin reviews two books on Jesus KOSSMANN, PATRICIA A. Russia's bad record. + Au 14 Special reissues. 2 O 9 Prisons in Latin America. + Au 28 Remembering Digna Ochoa. + O 16 Women in prison. 5 My 29 (Replies 29 JI 3 LA CIVITA, MICHAEL Searching for Mexico's future. Anthony C. I Human costs of war. 6 Au 14 Quainton. 10 D 4 HUNGER Leaving hunger behind. David Beckmann IN LABOR LAUDER, ROBERT E. Demise of workers’ nghts. David L. Gregory Woody’s world. 24 My 22 (Replies 29 Jl 3) 20 Au 28 IGNATIUS LOYOLA Labor’s love lost. John F. Kavanaugh. 9 Au 28 LAW Ignatius’ spec way of proceeding.” John W Living wage and catholic social teaching. William Arbitrary legality. Drew Christiansen. 2 O 30 O'Malley. 10 Jl 31 P. Quigley. 10 Au 28 As others see us. +O 9 Making of a catholic labor leader. Joseph J. Fahey Disenfranchised americans. 5 O 16 IMMIGRATION 16 Au 28 False promise of “window” legislation. CharlesJ Cuban immigrant What vacation? Terry Golway. 8 S 18 Chaput. 34O 9 (Replies 30O 30) Immig Immigration reform at last? 5 D 4 Immig : \iv a n.14D4 Justice in the rift valley. +O 30 Symphony of church life. Vincent Gragnani. 17 My alien roommate. Kristeen Bruun. 14 D 4 Au 14 (Replies 38 S 11 What the clergy abuse crisis has taught us. Marci INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS When the church calls. Edward P. Hahnenberg \. Hamilton. 17 S 25 (Replies 34 O 9, 37 O New nuclear danger. David Cor X . OY Replies +4 N 6,34.N 20 16,2O9 2 3, 29O 30, 43 N 6) Where the laity flourish. Allan Figueroa Deck. 14 Wrongly convicted. Terry Golway. 8 N 13 Au 14 (Replies 36 S 18 LAWLER, JUSTUS GEORGE INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE LANG, PATRICK Terror bombing. 27 Au 28 \L er Allie 1 muslims? John F. Kavanaugh. 8 O 9 Al Qaeda and the jihadis. 20 O 2 (Replies 30 O 23 Cl rsatio5n ?O9 LECKEY, DOLORES R. Fes f lights. A. James Rudin. 18 D 18 LATIN AMERICA Ordinary way of Benedict. 14+ My 22 (Replies Fri f Mar Musa. John Haughey. 10N 27 1 dreams. James R. Stormes. 10 Jl 17 29 Tl 3) Iran’s president. Drew Christiansen. 2 O 16 ies 37 Au 14 s42N6 nigrants tavored. +$ 18 LINEHAN, DENNIS M. ew dialogue. 5 O 2 Hopetul people. Joseph J. Fahey. 17 N 13 Cosmic significance. 2 D 4 W g yraver. John Borelli. 14 O from E] Salvador’s poor George M Passing of monsoons. 2 O 23 on. 24 Au 14 for Latin America. Michael Shifter LITURGY IRAQ And with your spirit. 4 Jl 3 See MIDDLE EAST, WAR AND PEACI ISLAM ONLINE ARCHIVE Al Qaeda and the jihadis. Patrick Lang. 20 O 2 R es 30O 23 (1992 to the present) Alien or allied muslims? John F. Kavanaugh. 8 O 9 Neighbe fl e, committed. Matthew Back issues of America (1992 to the present) We + 31 are available online. | JUDAISM You can search the archives for free. | Festival of lights. A. James Rudin. 18 D 18 Jonah’s challenge. Leon Klenicki. 14 O 2 Using QPass, you can purchase an article for $1.50 or less. | For more information, go to | JUSTICE Wrongly convicted. Terry Golway. 8 N 13 www.americamagazine.org/archives.cfm. America January 1-8, 2007 Index, Volume 195 l6e — Of Many Things — >C? saves, GEORGE A. NATURAL DISASTERS Et legacy of Dirty Harry Actions of hope. Frank ¢ MoGRAT Hi, MICHAEL O'NEILL 201 NOUWEN, HENRI LOVE, MARYANN CUSIMANO Editing Henri N tU D NUGENT, ROBERT Silenced monk. 8 My O'MALLEY, JOHN W. ignatius special ~ MALONE, MATT O'TOOLE, ROBERT F. CatholNeiw c Orle2a1n §s .2 5 Authentic unity. 28S$ 2 5 (R MANSOUR, GREGORY JOHN OLSON, KATHERINE Mora ny t is. 7 Sunset was mv reminder MARTIN, JAMES a |JO HN W. — Of Many Things — »D 2N 2A McCANN, PATRICIA Double-cr — McCARTHY, JOHN P. McCARRICK, THEODORE Restoring McCHESNEY, KATHLEEN MISSIONARIES Martyr of ch —ernres JIM MITCHELL, ROBERT A. PELIKAN, JAROSLAV Darth m ed. 18 O3 Passing of monsoons. Dennis Fertile n ¢: an interview with Gec 29 Au 14 MOORE, DONALD J. (sa§ zSumame r rains “America MORALITY Ethics of risk. Marvann Cusir Breaking - Stem cell debate. John W. Donohu An Argument ‘The Da Vinci. ™ ‘ 36D 11 for Love ‘Code’ See also KAVANAUGH, JOHN | MORGAN, STEPHEN 4. MURPHY, WILLIAM F. Remembering Assisi after 2( Replies 37 N 13 Index, Volume 195 America January 1-8, 2007 PRAYER Mysterious tools. Karl Bjorn Erickson PREACHING aveatoens ) Preaching: a ministry (still) in distress. Camille D'Arier ».2 1 S 18 (Rep37 lO 2i, 3e5 sO 1 6, 030,37N13) & PRISONERS t home. + N 20 e the peacemak ers. Bea Broder-Oldach 2 atin America. + Au 28 ag the system. Lois Spear. 22 Jl 31 eplies 37 Au 28 a. Henri Nouwen Robert Elisberg Gerald S$. Twomey QUAINTON, ANTHONY C. E. Rehgwes Let aden beur 10D4 patie WILLIAM P. RUFFT, ELLEN Living wage and catthho lic social teact Don’s last mass. 22 O 23 (Replies 43 N 6 RACISM Theologians and white supremacy: an interview h James H. Cone. George M. Anderson N 20 (Replies 36 D 11 SAINTS RAUCKHORST, WILLIAM H. “Believe me if you | "20 My 22 (Replies Energy ethics. 10N 6 Martyrs named and nameless. Lawrence S. Cun- LITICS AND nee POLICY Blase J. ( REFUGEES Saints on th reen © 30 (Replies 37 N 13 What counts as help? Maryann Cusimano Love. 8 Saintso r assassins? 10 Replies 30 Jl 3 20 (Replies 34 D 18 SCHULTZ, VALERIE REIDY, MAURICE TIMOTHY Way things are going. 27 Au 14 (Replies 3 nps fact. 9 Je 5 (Replies 30 Jl 3 SCIENCE RELIGIOUS AND CLERGY g for Missouri. John F. Kavanaugh. 8 N 27 Double-crossed or not? Patricia McCann. 14 O 16 srtile universe: an interview with George \ Replies 29 D 4 oyne. Jim McDermott. 18 O 23 (Replies 4>2 Good of souls. Drew Christiansen. 2 Jl 3 Guest comes, Christ comes. 4 N 27 science. + N 20 ul work for accused priests. Kathleen Stem cell debate. John W. Donohue. 25 N 13 hesney. 24 N 20 Replies 36 D 11 urch doors. 4 § 25 id nurses. George B. Wilson. 20 D 18 SCRIPTURE litical discourse. Theodore ting abuse in context. Monica Applewhite. 14 S F uth s call to justice. Dennis Hamm. 18 Jl 31 Replies 37 O 16, 30 O 30 It’s the end of the world (and I feel fine). Jim yn politics. Maryann Cusimano Love. 8 is life at the brink. Donald Senior. 17 O 16 McDermott. 18 D 4 u— _ always have with you. Richard Living between memory and longing. John R O 16 (Replies 28 D 4, 32 D 18) Donahue. 26 D 11 Sisters today : ion ( semeniesilien 100 16 POVERTY What the clergy abuse crisis has taught us. Marci SENIOR, DONALD lata and the poor. + O 2 \. Hamilton. 17 S 25 (Replies 34O 9, 37 O Religious life at the brink. 17 O 16 ricas. 5 N 6 16.290 23.290 30.43 N6) at the cradle. Maryann Cusimano Love » can argue with love? Lili Almog. 22 O 2 SHERMAN, NANCY D 11 Replies 29 O 30) [heir great sacrifices. 10 N 13 s love lost. John F. Kavanaugh. 9 Au 28 ning from E] Salvador’s poor. George MM ROHR, RICHARD SHIFTER, MICHAEL Anderson. 2+ Au 14 Religious you will always have with you. 20 O 16 New politics for Latin America. 14 D 18 ving wage and catholic social teaching. William Replies 28 D 4, 32 D 18) P. Quigley. 10 Au 28 SILF, MARGARET the minimum wage. 5 Au 28 RUDDY, CHRISTOPHER Kindling the light. 8 N 6 ten fruit. Mary Fontana. 26 O 16 (Replies 42 Pope and abbot. 10 My 22 (Replies 29 Jl 3) { Yd and the new 9] 3 N 6,37 D 11) Seen as in a mirror. 12 Au 14 ycancy: apply within. Margaret Silf. 8 D 4 RUDIN, A. JAMES Take nothing for the journey. 8 O 2 Festival of lights. 18 D 18 Touching the tears. 10S 11 America January 1-8, 2007 Index, Volume 195 STANFORD, PETER Violence, con passion and SMITH, KAREN SUE D STEINBRUNER, JOHN WXYZ irk. 4N¢ Nuclear impasse with Iran WAR AND PEACE SNYDER, DAVID STORMES, JAMES R. Accentuate the posit SOCIAL JUSTICE SWEENEY, JOHN J \i akin ; itt 16 Au 28 ald J. Moore. 21 Au 14 st war. Kenneth R. Himes I uh Housing discrimination TELEVISION W Year in tv. James Martin. | David Snyder. 16 O 3 419—] Single Works — gory John Mans« American Deadliest Desperate hou (sod € Lost. 19] Monastery West win TERRORISM About face? 4 JI 31 | f Dirty Harn George li2e9 sO 23 SPEAR, LOIS v debate. 5 23 Reforming the systen 5 S$ 11 (Replies 3 WEINER, MATTHEW SPIRITUALITY mbing. Justus George Lawler Neighborly, reflective yuching the tears. Margaret Silt > James Maran WILSON, GEORGE B. Replie Priests and nurses. 20 D 18 THEOLOGY WORD (column) Ti } heoiog! in iimnid wwhh ite > sut premmacaym: an noinntteerrmv iew See HARRINGTON, DANIEL J with James H. Cone. George M. Anderson N 20 (Replies 36 D 11 er". Gerald S$. Twomey TA\}O buR TGUhR}r Ea ihbb aart }h ome. +‘ N 2’ ¢ From disciplina to the day of pardon. Drew Chris- Friends with God i 2502 es 38N 13 tiansen. 17 O 2 (Replies 34 N 20 From past to future. Kathleen Hughes 20 N 27 OR Litduesi e case »a7 n1i] 7i Good of souls. Drew Christiansen. 2 Jl 3 Sites of conscience. George M. Anderson. 16 O 9 Icon of creation. Sally Cunneen. 10 D 18 In our midst. Jim McDermott. 3 S 11 TWOMEY, GERALD S. It’s the end of the world (and I feel fine). Jim Finding the quiet center. 17 S 18 (Replies 37 O 2 McDermott. 18 D 4 Life after death is not a red herring. Stafford URBAN LIFE Betty. 25 S 11 (Replies 37 © 2 Indian museum. Drew Christiansen. 2 N 13 Light for our darkness. 5 D 18 Neighborly, reflective, committed. Matthew Mysterious tools. Karl Bjorn Erickson. 17 Jl 3 Weiner. 24 J] 31 Old and the new. Margaret Silf. 9 Jl 3 Sunset was my reminder. Katherine Olson. Civility in 26N20 RTiackhe sniloetnhcei.n g Dfroerw thCeh rjiosutrineayn.s en.M ar2g aOr e2t Silf. To the top. George M. Anderson. 2 Au 28 Public Life 8O2 VATICAN Il SPORTS Honor of it all. Joseph J. Gallagher. 14 Jl 3 Pride of the celtics. 4+N 20 (Replies 38 Jl 31) What Has Opening church doors. 4 $ 25 the Sexual Abuse Crisis Taught Us STAHEL, THOMAS H. “Christ, come quickly.” 29 Jl 31 (Replies 38 VIOLENCE Vitnesses of mercy. + O 23 Au 28) Index, Volume 195 America January 1-8, 2007

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