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LIBRARIANS: This index can be removed and bound into Vol. 193. America THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC WEEKLY Index Volume 193 July 4-11 to December 19-26, 2005 ANDERSON, GEORGE M. It’s about time! 31 O 31 Hope at work. 13 Jl 18 Let all be at peace! 23 N 14 Shield for workers in the southwest. 17 N 21 “None of my business!” 30 Au 29 — Of Many Things — Nothing is perfect. 31 Jl 4 Almost unnoticed. 3 N 28 Pearl of great price. 38 J] 18 Closing doors. 2 O 24 Price of fidelity. 31 Au 15 ABORTION Dorothy Day. 2 D 12 R.S.V.P. 31 O 24 Easing abortion’s pain. Antony Barone Kolenc. 18 Life questions. 2 S$ 26 Servant of the people of God. 30 Au 15 S 26 (Replies 37 O 10) Rights they deserve. 2 O 31 Sit down and eat. 38 JI 18 Safe haven. 2 N 14 Use it or lose it! 46 N 7 AFRICA Slow down. 2 Jl 18 (Replies 30 Au 1, 28 Au 15, What a wonderful world! 30 Jl 4 Lost everything. James Martin. 2 S 19 35 $ 19) What does God expect? 30 Au 1 War on children. Donald H. Dunson. 13 O 10 Stable lives. 2 O 10 (Replies 30 O 31) Who's in your circle? 30 Au 1 Taken away. 2 Au | Who’s responsible here? 30 O 24 ALLMAN, MARK J. Postwar justice. 9 O 17 (Replies 29 N 21) ASIA BLAIR, TERI Catholic church in China. Betty Ann Maheu. Delayed reaction. 17 N 28 AMALADOSS, MICHAEL 8N7 Progress in India. 18 O 24 Many sticks, few carrots. Ronald E. Powaski. BLAKE, RICHARD A. Is ji4 See FILM AMERICA (pub.) Speaking the truth in love. 4 Je 20 (Replies 29 Jl 4) BOBO, KIM Word of appreciation. Drew Christiansen. 2 N 21 Do catholics still care about labor? 10 Au 29 (Replies 28 O 3) ANDERSON, C. COLT lith-century scandal. 20 Je 6 (Replies 25 Jl 18, BOOK REVIEWS 36 S 26) Allen, John L.,Jr . Rise of Benedict XVI; the inside BALTHASAR, HANS URS VON Symphony of love. Christopher Steck. 9 Au 1 Witness of Balthasar. Edward T. Oakes. 12 Au 1 BASEBALL America - “Wait ’til next year.” James N. Gelson. 22 O 31 Take and on tke BENEDICT XVi Read Mission of Liberated by the papacy? John Jay Hughes. Christian ‘America’ 22 Au 15 Classics in Magis 2005. Dennis M. Linehan. 19 Jl 4 (Replies the University 34S 19) Celestino Robert Kiely. Migliore BERGANT, DIANNE on U.N. Ark of God. 31 Au 1 - Reform Divine t.l.c. 39 S 26 Hlow | North ’ Don’t you know who I am? 39 S 19 Ronald BP. Orthodoxy “Food! glorious food!” 31 O 3 Online How does God work? 39 O 10 “How often must I forgive?” 31 Au 29 Jeffrey J. “If we only have love.” 31 O 17 Guhin Is our generous God fair? 30S 12 wireex Volupe 192 AMERICA January 2-9, 2006 Index, Volume 193 story of how the pope was elected. 22 Au 15 church-state problem and what we should Scola, Angelo Cardinal. Nuptial mystery. 25 S 19 Opus dei: an objective look behind do. 26 N 28 Scott, David. Catholic passion: rediscov ering the the myths and reality. 26 N 21 (Replies Ford-Grabowsky, Mary. Stations of the light power and beauty of the faith. 37 N 7 29 D 19) renewing the ancient practice of the via lucis. (Replies 30 N 21) Asquith, Clare. Shadowplay: the hidden beliefs 28 118 Seierstad, Asne, translated by Ingrid Christofer- and coded politics of William Shakespeare Fox, Zeni and Regina Bechtle, S.C., ed. Called son. Hundred and one days. 23 Jl 4 28D5 and chosen: toward a spirituality for lay lead Smith, Christian, with Melinda Lundquist. Soul Barré, Jean-Luc, translated by Bernard E. Doer ers. 33S 19 searching: the religious and spiritual lives of ing. Jacques and Raissa Maritain: beggars for Gordon, Suzanne. Nursing against the odds american teenagers. 24S 19 heaven. 26 O 10 25 O 17 (Replies 30O 31) Sunstein, Cass R. Laws of fear: beyond the pre- Bogart, Leo. Over the edge: how the pursuit of Greenhouse, Linda. Becoming Justice Blackmun: cautionary principle. 30 D 5 youth by marketers and the media has Harry Blackmun’s supreme court journey. Wuthnow, Robert. America and the challenges of changed american culture. 25 Jl 4 24017 religious diversity. 33 O 10 Brown, Richard Harvey. Culture, capitalism, and Haight, Roger, S.J. Christian community in histo- Zaleski, Philip, Carol Zaleski. Prayer: a history. democracy in the new America. 15 N 14 ry. volume two: comparative ecclesiology 27010 Brown-Fleming, Suzanne. Holocaust and the 22 Au 1 (Replies 29 Au 29) catholic conscience: Cardinal Aloisius Hedges, Chris. Losing Moses on the freeway: the BOOKS AND READING Muench and the gu. 25 N 28 10 commandments in America. 27 O 31 Books and persons. John F. Kavanaugh. 5 O 24 Chittister, Joan. Way we were: a story of conver Hunt, Anne. ‘Trinity: nexus of the mysteries of (Replies 30 N 21) sion and renewal. 24 N 21 christian faith. 35 N 7 Correspondenc e of a foundress. John W. Dono- Coffey, Kathy. God in the moment: making every Kaufman, Suzanne K. Consuming visions: mass hue. 28 N 7 (Replies 34 D 5) day a prayer. 28 Jl 18 culture and the Lourdes shrine. 26 Au 15 Enjoy what he’s learned. James Martin. 2 N 7 Cone, Marla. Silent snow: the slow poisoning of Kiechle, Stefan. Art of discernment: making good John’s gospel revisited. DanielJ . Harrington. the Arctic. 20O 24 decisions in your world of choices. 32 $ 19 2503 Crenshaw, James L. Defending God: biblical King, Thomas M. Teilhard’s mass: approaches to Liberated by the papacy? John Jay Hughes. responses to the problem of evil. 21 S 12 the mass on the world. 26 D 12 22 Au 15 Crosby, Michael H., O.F.M.Cap. Can religious Kirsch, Arthur. Auden and christianity. 34 N 7 New and ancient beauty. Emilie Griffin. 28 JI 18 life be prophetic?. 24 Au 29 K6énig, Cardinal Franz, edited by Christa Pon- (Replies 30 Au 15) Cunningham, Michael. Specimen days. 27 S 19 gratz-Lippi. Open to God, open to the Spots of time. James Martin. 2 D 5 Donohue, John R., S.J. Life in abundance: studies world. 27D5 [ake and read. Robert Kiely. 9 Jl 4 of John’s gospel in tribute to Raymond F Kopas, Jane. Seeking the hidden God. 38 N 7 Brown. 25 O 3 Lambert, Willi. Sevenfold yes. 32 S 26 BORELLI, JOHN Doucet, Lyn Holley and Robin Hebert. When Lamott, Anne. Plan b: further thoughts on faith. Relations with muslims. 19 O 24 women pr 4y: Our personal stories of extraor 26 Au 29 dinary grace. 28 J] 18 Langford, Jim and jeremy Langford. Spirit of Dreyer, Elizabeth A. Passionate spirituality Notre Dame: legends, traditions, and inspi- Hildegard of Bingen and Hadewijch of Bra ration. 30 O 10 bant. 25 Au | Levitt, Steven D. and Stephen J. Dubner. Freako- Du Plessix Gray, Francine. Them: a memoir of nomics: a rogue economist explores the hid- parents. 21 Au | den side of everything. 25 S 12 Dupré, Louis. Enlightenment and the intellectual Mariani, Paul. Deaths & transfigurations. 28 D 12 CALIFANO JR., JOSEPH A. foundations of modern culture. 16 N 14 Marrs, Suzanne. Eudora Welty: a biography. Parent power. 13 O 31 Eco, Umberto. Mysterious flame of Queen Loana 25 Au 15 an illustrated novel. 25 Au 29 McCarthy, Cormac. No country for old men CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Ellsberg, Robert. Blessed among all women 26031 Taken away. George M. Anderson. 2 Au | women saints, prophets and witnesses for our McEwan, Ian. Saturday: a novel. 24 Jl 4 time. 21 D 19 VicKenzie, Steven L. How to read the bible: his- CATHOLIC CHURCH—HIERARCHY Fabing, Robert. Spiritual life: recognizing the tory, prophecy, literature. 22 D 19 Best practices in church managementJ.i m Lund rly. 28 Jl 18 Meagher, Timothy J. Columbia guide to irish holm-Eades. 13 D 12 Feiler, Bruce. Where God was born: a journey by american history. 29 O 10 Blueprint for change. ThomasJ . Healey. i4 S 26 land to the roots of religion. 32 N 7 Meldrum, Andrew. Where we have hope: a mem- (Replies 37 O 10, 44 N 7, 21 N 14) Feldman, Noah. Divided by God: America’s oir of Zimbabwe. 21 O 24 Catholic church in China. Betty Ann Maheu. Moynihan, Robert. Let God’s light shine forth: the spiritual vision of Pope Benedict XVI. 22 Au 15 auenelue ) Noteboom, Erin. Ghost maps: poems for Carl Hruska. 27 O 17 Noteboom, Erin. Seal up the thunder. 27 O 17 Hope and O’Donnell, James J. Augustine: a new biography. 23024 Healing O'Malley, Thomas. In the province of saints: a John W. O Viatles novel. 25D 12 Oliver, Mary. New and selected poems: volume two. 24D 19 Quadagno, Jill. One nation, uninsured: why the U.S. has no national health insurance. 23812 Rivers, Robert S., C.S.P. From maintenance to mission. 25 O 31 Rolheiser, Ronald. Forgotten among the lilies: learning to love beyond our fears. 28 J] 18 Phe Hly See on Christmas 2005 Sachar, Harold M. History of the jews in the mod- NuclReoabre rtW Fe.a Dproinnasn ern world. 23 N 21 Index, Volume 193 AMERICA = January 2-9, 2006 8N7 New name for peace. G. Jefferson Price III. Council at 40. Gerald O’Collins. 8 D 5 16010 Healing through bankruptcy. Gerald F. Kicanas. Rights they deserve. George M. Anderson. 2 O 31 10 S 26 (Replies 30O 31, 45 N 7) America. Taxing work. Edward M. Welch. 7 N 14 (Replies Our daily bread. Donald W. Trautman. 9 O 3 30 N 28) | Cézanne and ssagro: A: the Origins of (Replies 38 O 10, 29 O 17, 29 O 24, 22 Modern Pairigifi,7 eo |. O'Donovan Vanishing dream. 4 Jl 4 (Replies 36 J] 18, 28 Au 1, N 14) | . é 28 Au 15) Wanting it both ways. Terry Golway. 5 O 31 | ECUMENISM CATHOLIC CHURCH—HISTORY Social ecumenism. Drew Christiansen. 2 O 17 Dan Lord, Hollywood priest. DavidJ . Endres. 20D 12 ELLSBERG, ROBERT Evangelism of presence. 10 N 14 (Replies 29 N CATHOLIC EDUCATION 28, 34D 5) Loss and gain. 5 $ 19 (Replies 30 O 3, 30 O 17) Five years with Dorothy Day. 8 N 21 (Replies 27 Vocation of a theologian. LeoJ . O’Donovan. D 19) 20 N 28 Do Catholics Still Care About Labor? ENDRES, DAVID J. CEZANNE, PAUL 4 lewish-Catholic FKriime ndHsohbiop Dan Lord, Hollywood priest. 20 D 12 Mutual teachers. Leo J.O 'Donovan. 20 Au 29 A. James Rudin A Healing in Haiti <arcn Rushen ENVIRONMENT CHRISTIANSEN, DREW No deaths under my signature. José-Luis S. Diaconate of peace. 9 J] 18 (Replies 29 Au 15) DONOHUE, JOHN W. Salazar. 21 Jl 4 (Replies 30 Au 1) Unfinished work. 24 O 10 (Replies 35 D 5) Correspondence of a foundress. 28 N 7 (Replies One table at a time. Susan Maas. 11 N 21 — Of Many Things — 34D 5) ; Holy land. 2 D 19 EUROPE Losses suffered. 2 Au 15 DRINAN, ROBERT F. Correspondence of a foundress. John W. Dono- Science and wisdom. 2 S 12 (Replies 21 N 14) Holy see backs nuclear disarmament. 9 $ 12 hue. 28 N 7 (Replies 34 D 5) Social ecumenism. 2 O 17 Dumping arms. Terry Golway. 8 Au 29 Stranded refugees. 2 Jl 4 DRISCOLL, MICHAEL S. I know it when I see it. James Youniss. 12 Jl 4 Turn to others. 2 O 3 (Replies 38O 10) Sending us forth. 20 O 3 (Replies 27 Au 1, 30 Au 29, 29S 12, 34S 19) Word of appreciation. Drew Christiansen. 2 N 21 Mutual teachers. Leo J.O 'Donovan. 20 Au 29 DUNSON, DONALD H. Rituals at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Robert E. COLEMAN, JOHN A. War on children. 13 O 10 Kennedy. 9 O 10 Religious liberty. 9 N 28 (Replies 28 D 19) Time for peace. 4 Au 15 ECONOMICS CONROY, JAMES R. Budget cuts and the poor. 4 N 28 (Replies 28 EVANGELISM Veteran remembers. 15 Au 1 (Replies 28 Au 15, D 19) Social ecumenism. Drew Christiansen. 2 O 17 28S 12) Consuming life. John F. Kavanaugh. 8 JI 18 Do catholics still care about labor? Kim Bobo. EVANGELIZATION 10 Au 29 (Replies 28 O 3) Krispy kremes and the Da Vinci code. Jim From c.e.o. to mission leader. John O. Mudd. McDermott. 8 S$ 19 (Replies 36 O 10) 14J l 18 (Replies 36 S 19, 44 N 7) Letter to young american catholics. Robert P. Global trade and the common good. Andrew Maloney. 15 S 19 (Replies 30 O 3) Small. 8 D 12 Why don’t catholics share their faith? Martin Healing through bankruptcy. Gerald F. Kicanas. Pable. 12 S 19 (Replies 360 10) DAHL, PATRICIA 10S 26 (Replies 30 O 31, 45 N 7) Secret gift that comes from compassion. 20 S 19 Labor day. 4 Au 29 (Replies 35 S 19) EVOLUTION Meeting the millennium development goals. See SCIENCE DA VINCI CODE 4$12 Krispy kremes and the Da Vinci code. Jim McDermott. 8 S 19 (Replies 36 O 10) DAY, DOROTHY Dorothy Day. George M. Anderson. 2 D 12 America Five years with Dorothy Day. Robert Ellsberg. 8 N 21 (Replies 27 D 19) FADDOUL, MOUSSA Reborn from ashes. 27 S 26 DE FOUCAULD, CHARLES Evangelism of presence. Robert Ellsberg. 10 N 14 FAHEY, JOSEPH J. (Replies 29 N 28, 34 D 5) On peace and war. 16 O 17 DEATH AND DYING FAMILY LIFE Wearing of the black. Valerie Schultz. 8 Au 1 Emotional oology. Valerie Schultz. 30 S 26 (Replies 44 N 7) DIACONATE 7,, 47 . =? - & itv. Jim McDermott. 23 D 12 Diacon(aRtepel ieosf p2e9a ceA.u D1r5 ew Christiansen. 9 Jl 18 [fone Urs, oo hagoemnePn plaas lfii > sa, PMaorsetn t paprowteir.c uJlaors evopchat ionA.. CaDlainf anMo cKJar.n a1n3. O 1341 N 21 Secret gift that comes from compassion. Patricia DIGIACOMO, JAMES J. Christopher W. Steck and Dahl. 20S 19 Little gray cells. 17 My 30 (Replies 29 Au.1, Edward T. Oakes Turn to others. Drew Christiansen. 2 O 3 (Replies 28 O 3) on an influential 38 O 10) 20th-century theologian Under the apricot trees. Sandra Scofield. 17 D 12 Wearing of the black. Valerie Schultz. 8 Au 1 AMERICA J anuary 2-9, 2006 Index, Volume 193 New Jersey legend. 8 Jl 4 FEERICK, ROSEMARY Unconventional rules. 8 N 28 IMMIGRATION Anointing at Bethany. 20 O 17 Wanting it both ways. 5 O 31 Safe haven. George M. Anderson. 2 N 14 FERENCE, DAMIAN J. GRIFFIN, EMILIE INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE Let the children come. 8 O 17 (Replies 22 N 14) New and ancient beauty. 28 Jl 18 (Replies Genesis of nostra aetate. Thomas Stransky. 8 O 24 30 Au 15) In our time. 4 O 24 FILM Jewish-catholic friendship. A. James Rudin. 14 Au Beneath the surface. Richard A. Blake. 19 N 21 GUHIN, JEFFREY J. 29 (Replies 37 S 26, 30O 17) Faces and flowers. Richard A. Blake. 23 O 3 Katrina’s rainbow. 24 S 26 Life questions. George M. Anderson. 2 S 26 Good knight. Richard A. Blake. 30 N 7 Orthodoxy online. 13 Je 20 (Replies 29 Au 1) Progress in India. Michael Amaladoss. 18 O 24 Kingdom of hospitality. C. T. Maier. 18 Au 15 Relations with muslims. John Borelli. 19 O 24 On the rocks. Richard A. Blake. 22 S 19 Rituals at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Robert E. Right to the heart. Richard A. Blake. 19 Au 1 Kennedy. 9 O 10 — Single Works — Spirit of the declaration. Mona Siddiqui. 17 O 24 Broken flowers. 23 O 3 Teaching about the Jesus of islam. David Pinault. Cinderella man. 19 Au 1 14N 28 Good night, and good luck. 30 N 7 Thoughts on yom kippur. Michael Lerner. 8 O 10 Kingdom of heaven. 18 Au 15 HAGGERTY, MARY MOLONEY What next? Leon Klenicki. 17 O 24 March of the penguins. 22 S 19 Dodging traffic. 16 N 7 (Replies 30 N 21) Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Yona Metzger. North country. 19 N 21 Spark of hope across the atlantic. 15 My 23 13024 (Replies 35 Jl 18) FINE ARTS Hope and healing. John W. O’Malley. 14 S 12 HARRINGTON, DANIEL J. JMeusutiuta la rttse. achJearmse.s LMaertoiJ n.. O1’6D oDn ov5 an. 20 Au 29 JDoeh-nc’hsr isgtoisapneli zirnegvi sictherdi.s t2m5a s?O 323 0 D 19 Painted visions of Fra Angelico. Franco Morman- Joyful witnessses. 38 D 5 do. 8 D 19 People of the promise. 31 D 12 There’s something about Mary. 31 N 28 IRAQ Waiting in hope. 31 N 21 Postwar justice. Mark J. Allman. 9 O 17 (Replies What’s in a name? 31 D 19 29 N 21) 5 Whose kingdom? 30 N 28 ISLAM HEALEY, THOMAS J. Teaching about the Jesus of islam. David Pinault. Blueprint for change. 14 S 26 (Replies 37 O 10, 14N 28 GELSON, JAMES N. 44N 7,21 N 14) “Wait ’til next year.” 22 O 31 JOHN PAUL Il HEALTH CARE Challenge and opportunity. PeterJ .V aghi. 19 O GILL, JAMES F. At the hour of death. 4 N 21 31 Advice and consent. 24 O 31 (Replies 29 N 21, From c.e.o. to mission leader. John O. Mudd. 31 N 28) 14Jl 18 (Replies 36 S 19, 44 N 7) KANDRA, GREG Secret gift that comes from compassion. Patricia Between newsroom and sanctuary. 26 J] 18 GLOBALIZATION Dahl. 20 S 19 (Replies 29 Au 15) Global trade and the common good. Andrew Teach us to pray. 22 Je 20 (Replies 35 Jl 18) Small. 8 D 12 HELLWIG, MONIKA Vocation of a theologian. LeoJ . O’Donovan. KAVANAUGH, JOHN F. GOLWAY, TERRY 20 N 28 Books and persons. 5 O 24 (Replies 30 N 21) Dumping arms. 8 Au 29 Brainism. 8 Au 15 Lesson in perspective. 8 O 3 HOLLENBACH, DAVID Consuming christmas. 5 D 19 Human rights and catholic thought. 16 O 31 (Replies 21 N 14, 30N 21) Joy and hope, grief and anguish. 12 D 5 America America HUGHES, JOHN JAY Liberated by the papacy? 22 Au 15 CPO x" HUMAN RIGHTS Learning From Bankruptcy Brainism. John F. Kavanaugh. 8 Au 15 Gerald fF. Kieanas Culture of life. 4 S 26 (Replies 29 O 24) Easing abortion’s pain. Antony Barone Kolenc. A Blueprint for Change 18 S 26 (Replies 37 O 10) Thomas J. Healey Human rights and catholic thought. David Hol- lenbach. 16O 31 (Replies2 1 N 14, 30 N 21) Labor day. 4 Au 29 (Replies 35 S 19) Religious liberty. John A. Coleman. 9 N 28 (Replies 28 D 19) Stranded refugees. Drew Christiansen. 2 J] 4 Religious United nations reform and human rights. Silvano Education M. Tomasi. 16 S 12 (Replies 37 S 26) Issue HURTADO, ALBERTO Saint of the streets. James S. Torrens. 23 O 17 Index, Volume 193 AMERICA = January 2-9, 2006 5 N21! — Of Many Things — Supreme court and the ten commandments. Enjoy what he’s learned. 2 N 7 4118 Lost everything. 2 S 19 America Taxing work. Edward M. Welch. 7 N 14 (Replies Loyola water. 2 Au 29 Fall Books 30 N 28) Spots of time. 2 D 5 an on Jacques and Raissa Maritain Unconventional rules. Terry Golway. 8 N 28 unnn ionw gbIarmi sho-nA mtehrei cbainst orbyi stoofr yp rayer Wanting it both ways. Terry Golway. 5 O 31 McAULEY, CATHER'NE Correspondence of a foundress. John W. Dono- LERNER, MICHAEL hue. 28 N 7 (Replies 34 D 5) Thoughts on yom kippur. 8 O 10 McDERMOTT, JIM LEWIS, MARK A. Fear and trembling in oceania. 19 § 12 Friends in the lord. 22 D 5 itv. 23 D 12 Krispy kremes and the Da Vinci code. 8 S 19 LINEHAN, DENNIS M. (Replies 36 O 10) Magis 2005. 19 Jl 4 Life on “Mars.” 26 N 7 Sing a new song part 1. 7 My 23 (Replies 37 Jl 18, For Yom Kippur LITURGY 28 S 12) Michael Lerner on Not where, but why. Thomas Slon. 18 O 3 Sing a new song part 2. 12 My 30 (Replies 28 S Tepentance Our daily bread. Donald W. Trautman. 9 O 3 12) Robert FE. Kennedy ; «on the Holocaust (Replies 38 O 10, 290 17, 290 24,22 N — Of Many Things — = =. . _ sre 14) Madness in our grieving. 2 N 21 Consuming life. 8 Jl 18 Sending us forth. Michael S. Driscoll. 20 O 3 Star-crossed nominees. 5 N 21 (Replies 29 O 17, 44 N 7) McKANAN, DAN Time for empathy. 8 S 26 Most particular vocation. 14 N 21 LORD, DANIEL A. KEANE, JAMES T. Dan Lord, Hollywood priest. David J. Endres. 20 MEDIA — Of Many Things — D 12 Between newsroom and sanctuary. Greg Kandra. Founding of america magazine. 2 My 30 (Replies 26 Jl 18 (Replies 29 Au 15) 29 jl 4) LUNDHOLM-EADES, JIM Fear and trembling in oceania. Jim McDermott. Best practices in church management. 13 D 12 19$ 12 KENNEDY, ROBERT E. itv. Jim McDermott. 23 D 12 Rituals at Auschwitz-Birkenau. 9 O 10 Krispy kremes and the Da Vinci code. Jim McDermott. 8 S 19 (Replies 36 O 10) KICANAS, GERALD F. Lite on “Mars.” Jim McDermott. 26 N 7 Healing through bankruptcy. 10 S 26 (Replies 30 Madness in our grievingJ.i m McDermott. 2 N 21 O 31, 45 N 7) What goes around. James Martin. 21 N 21 KIELY, ROBERT MAAS, SUSAN METZGER, YONA Take and read. 9 Jl 4 One table at a time. 11 N 21 Yesterday, today and tomorrow. 13 O 24 KLENICKI, LEON MACEY, MARGARET ROCHE MIDDLE EAST What next? 17 O 24 Obedient unto death. 13 N 14 Cautious optimism. DonaldJ .M oore. 14 Au 15 Exit or not. 4 D 12 KOLENC, ANTONY BARONE MAHEU, BETTY ANN Faraway children bringing christ closer. Lorraine Easing abortion’s pain. 18 S 26 (Replies 37 O 10) Catholic church in China. 8 N 7 Murray. 8 S 12 Holy land. Drew Christiansen. 2 D 19 KUBICKI, JUDITH M. MAIER, C. T. Kingdom of hospitality. C. T.M aier. 18 Au 15 Christ among us. 12 O 3 (Replies 45 N 7) Kingdom of hospitality. 18 Au 15 Losses suffered. Drew Christiansen. 2 Au 15 Reborn from ashes. Moussa Faddoul. 27 S 26 MALONEY, ROBERT P. Unfinished work. Drew Christiansen. 24 O 10 Historical Mary. 12 D 19 (Replies 35 D 5) Letter to young american catholics. 15 $ 19 (Replies 30 O 3) MINISTRY Alaska, latino style. Paul Scanlon. 14 O 17 MARTIN, JAMES Anointing at Bethany. Rosemary Feerick. 20 O 17 LAW Jesuit arts. 16 D 5 Correspondence of a foundress. John W. Dono- Advice and consent. James F. Gill. 24 O 31 What goes around. 21 N 21 hue. 28 N 7 (Replies 34 D 5) (Replies 29 N 21, 31 N 28) At the hour of death. 4 N 21 3ush, torture and Lincoln’s legacy. James Ross. 10 ONLINE ARCHIVE Au 15 (Replies 34S 19) Constitution day. 4 O 17 (1992 to the present) Election reform. 4 O 31 In search of consensus. 4 O 10 (Replies 30 D 12) Back issues of America (1992 to the present) Ministry of law and gospel. PeterJ .R iga. 23 J] 18 are available online. Patriot act and civil liberties. 4 Au 1 (Replies 28 S 12) You can search the archives for free. Shame of torture. 4 N 7 (Replies 34 D 5) Using QPass, you can purchase an article for $1.50 or less. Stable lives. George M. Anderson. 2 O 10 (Replies 30 0 31) For more information, go to Star-crossed nominees. John F. Kavanaugh. www.americamagazine.org/archives.cfm. AMERICA January 2-9, 2006 Index, Volume 193 Diaconate of peace. Drew Christiansen. 9 Jl 18 Council at 40. 8 D 5 No stunt. 4 N 14 (Replies 29 Au 15) Star-crossed nominees. John F. Kavanaugh. Five years with Dorothy Day. Robert Elisberg. 8 O'CONNOR, CARDINAL JOHN J. 5 N21 N 21 (Replies 27 D 19) Jewish-catholic friendship. A. James Rudin. 14 Au Krispy kremes and the Da Vinci code. Jim 29 (Replies 37 § 26,300 17) POVERTY MicDermott. 8 S 19 (Replies 36 O 10) sudget cuts and the poor. 4 N 28 (Replies Let the children come. Damian J. Ference. 8 O 17 O'DONOVAN, LEO J. 28 D 19) (Replies 22 N i4) Mutual teachers. 20 Au 29 Dorothy Day. George M. Anderson. 2 D 12 Ministry of law and gospel. Peter J. Riga. 23 Jl 18 Vocation of a theologian. 20 N 28 Faraway children bringing christ closer. Lorraine Most particular vocation. Dan McKanan. 14 N 21 Murray. 8 S 12 One table at a time. Susan Maas. 11 N 21 O'MALLEY, JOHN W. Five years with Dorothy Day. Robert Ellsberg. Secret gift that comes from compassion. Patricia Hope and healing. 14 S 12 8 N 21 (Replies 27D 19) Dahl. 20S 19 Global trade and the common good. Andrew Sending us forth. Michael S. Driscoll. 20 O 3 OAKES, EDWARD T. Small. 8 D 12 (Repiies 29 O 17,44.N7 Witness of Balthasar. 12 Au 1 Healing in Haiti. Karen Rushen. 17 Au 29 Shield for worke rs in the southwest George M. In Katrina’s wake. 4 S 19 (Replies 44 N 7) Anderson. 17 N 21 ORSY, LADISLAS Life questions. ¢ reorge M. Anderson. 2 S 26 Christmas: wonderful exchange. 19 D 19 Lost everything. James Martin. 2 $ 19 MOORE, DONALD J. Sourceo f our hope. 22 D 12 Meeting the millennium development goals. Cautious optimism. 14 Au 15 lo live is to hope 24N 28 4$ 12 Virtue of hope. 26 D 5 Most particular vocation. Dan McKanan. 14 N 21 MORALITY Rights they deserve. George M. Anderson. 2 O 31 Holy see backs nuclear disarmament. Robert I PABLE, MARTIN Shield for workers in the southwest. George M. Drinan. 9S 12 Why don’t catholics share their faith? 12 S Anderson. 17 N 21 See also KAVANAUGI 1, Je )HN I (Replies 36 O 10) Vanishing dream. 4 Jl 4 (Replies 36 JI 18, 28 Au }, 28 Au 15) MORMANDO, FRANCO PAPACY Painted visions of Fra Angelico. 8 D 19 Challenge and opportunity. Peter J. Vaghi. POWASKI, RONALD E. 190 31 Many sticks, few carrots. 15 Jl 4 MUDD, JOHN O. Challenges for the new pope. 3 Ap 25 (Replies 36 From c.e.o. to mission leader 14 Jl 18 (Replies 36 Ji 18) PRAMUK, CHRISTOPHER S 19, 44.N 7) Genesis of nostra aetate. Thomas Stransky. 8 O 24 Sexuality, spirituality and the “song of songs.” Holy see backs nuclear disarmament. Robert F. 8O 31 MURRAY, LORRAINE Drinan. 9 S 12 (Replies 36 O 10) Faraway children bringing christ closer. 8 S 12 Liberated by the papacy? John Jay Hughes. PRICE Ill, G. JEFFERSON 22 Au 15 New name for peace. 16 O 10 NATURAL DISASTERS Magis 2005. Dennis M. Linehan. 19 Jl 4 (Replies Flight from New Orleans. Thomas H. Stahel. 22 345 19) S 26 (Replies 38 O 10) In Katrina’s wake. 4 S 19 (Replies 44 N 7 PARISH LIFE Katrina’s rainbow. Jeffrey J. Guhin. 24 S 26 Alaska, latino style. Paul Scanlon. 14 O 17 Lesson in perspective. Terry Golway. 8 O 3 Dodging traffic. Mary Moloney Haggerty. 16 N 7 RS Lost everything. James Martin. 2 S 19 (Replies 30 N 21) Time for empathy. John F. Kavz meuah. 8S 26 PILGRIMAGE REFUGEES Loyola water. James Martin. 2 Au 29 (Replies Lost everything. James Martin. 2 $ 19 36 S 26) Safe haven. George M. Anderson. 2 N 14 Spotso f time. James Martin. 2 D 5 Stranded refugees. Drew Christiansen. 2 Jl 4 War on children. Donald H. Dunson. 13 O 10 OPO PINAULT, DAVID leaching about the Jesus of islam. 14 N 28 RELIGIOUS AND CLERGY O’COLLINS, GERALD Correspondence of a foundress. John W. Dono- PISSARRO, CAMILLE Mutual teachers. LeoJ .O ’Donovan. 20 Au 2 AGaals) ule POEMS Brown, Sarah. Lost hours. 26 Jl 4 Coionnese, Michael. Two-headed cow. 24 Au 1 Crooker, Barbara. Burning bush. 30 O 10 Human Rights Devereux, Gillian. Beatification. 24 § 12 in Catholic Hansen, Ron. Pater Gerardus M. Hopkins, S.J. Thought 31826 Lee, Mary Soon. Silk road. 32 D 50 ue Me Forty Years After POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Advice and consent. James F. Gill. 24 O 31 ‘Nostra Aetate’ (Replies 29 N 21, 31 N 28) Budget cuts and the poor. 4 N 28 (Replies 28 D 19) Constitution day. 4 O 17 Debating evolution. 4 D 5 Parent Power Exit or not. 4 D 12 In search of consensus. 4+ O 10 (Replies 30 D 12) Index, Volume 193 AMERICA January 2-9, 2006 Science and wisdom. Drew Christiansen. 2 $ 12 (Replies2 1 N 14) SCOFIELD, SANDRA Under the apricot trees. 17 D 12 SCRIPTURE Sexuality, spirituality and the “song of songs.” Christopher Pramuk. 8 O 31 SHANNON, THOMAS A. Legacy of Schiavo case. 17 Je 6 (Replies 31 Jl 4) SIDDIQUI, MONA Spirit of the declaration. 17 O 24 SLON, THOMAS Not where, but why. 18 O 3 Francis Xavier and his college friends Vatican II at age 40 SMALL, ANDREW A new book Global trade and the common good. 8 D 12 on Jesuitarts hue. 28 N 7 (Replies 34 D 5) SOCIAL JUSTICE Christopher Pramuk. 8 O 31 Dan Lord, Hollywood priest. DavidJ . Endres. 20 Do catholics still care about labor? Kim Bobo. Source of our hope. Ladislas Orsy. 22 D 12 D 12 10 Au 29 (Replies 28 O 3) To live is to hope. Ladislas Orsy. 24 N 28 Let the children come. Damian J. Ference. 8 O 17 Veteran remembers. James R. Conroy. 15 Au 1 (Replies 22 N 14) SOCIETY OF JESUS (Replies 28 Au 15, 28 S 12) New Jersey legend. Terry Golway. 8 J] 4 Dan Lord, Hollywood priest. DavidJ .E ndres. Virtue of hope. Ladislas Orsy. 26 D 5 20D 12 RIGA, PETER J. Flight from New Orleans. Thomas H. Stahel. 22 STAHEL, THOMAS H. Ministry of law and gospei. 23 J] 18 S 26 (Replies 38 O 10) Flight from New Orleans. 22 S 26 (Replies Friends in the lord. Mark A. Lewis. 22 D 5 38 O 10) ROSS, JAMES Hope at work. George M. Anderson. 18 Jl 18 Bush, torture and Lincoln’s legacy. 10 Au 15 Jesuit arts. James Martin. 16 D 5 STECK, CHRISTOPHER W. (Replies 34S 19) Loyola water. James Martin. 2 Au 29 (Replies Symphony of love. 9 Au 1 36 S 26) RUDIN, A. JAMES Magis 2005. Dennis M. Linehan. 19 Jl 4 (Replies STRANSKY, THOMAS Jewish-catholic friendship. 14 Au 29 (Replies 37 S 34 19) Genesis of nostra aetate. 8 O 24 26, 300 17) Obedient unto death. Margaret Roche Macey 13 N 14 SZEBENY!, ANDREW RUSHEN, KAREN Saint of the streets. James S. Torrens. 23 O 17 Biologist and believer. 16 D 19 Healing in Haiti. 17 Au 29 SPIRITUALITY SACRAMENTS \nointing at Bethany. Rosemary Feerick. 20O 17 Christ among us. Judith M. Kubicki. 12 O 3 Between newsroom and sanctuary. Greg Kandra. (Replies 45 N 7) 26 Jl 18 (Replies 29 Au 15) Our daily bread. Donald W. Trautman. 9 O 3 30oks and persons. John F. Kavanaugh. 5 O 24 (Replies 38 O 10, 29 O 17, 29.0 24,22 N (Replies 30 N 21) 14) Challenge and opportunity. PeterJ .V aghi. TELEVISION Sending us forth. Michael S. Driscoll. 20 O 3 190 31 Fear and trembling in oceaniaJ.i m McDermott. (Replies 29 O 17, 44.N 7) Child is born. 4 D 19 19$ 12 Christmas: wonderful exchange. Ladislas Orsy. itv. Jim McDermott. 23 D 12 SAINTS 19D 19 Life on “Mars.” Jim McDermott. 26 N 7 Evangelism of presence. Robert Ellsberg. 10 N 14 Consuming christmas. John F. Kavanaugh. What goes around. James Martin. 21 N 21 (Replies 29 N 28, 34D 5) 5D19 — Single Works — Friends in the lord. Mark A. Lewis. 22 D 5 Delayed reaction. Teri Blair. 17 N 28 Lost. 19$ 12 Historical Mary. Robert P. Maloney. 12 D 19 Dodging traffic. Mary Moloney Haggerty. 16 N 7 My name is Earl. 21 N 21 Saint of the streets. James S. Torrens. 23 O 17 (Replies 30 N 21) Veronica Mars. 26 N 7 Evangelism of presence. Robert Ellsberg. 10 N 14 SALAZAR, JOSE-LUIS S. (Replies 29 N 28, 34 D 5) TERRORISM No deaths under my signature. 21 Jl 4 (Replies Healing in Haiti. Karen Rushen. 17 Au 29 Patriot act and civil liberties. 4 Au 1 (Replies 28 30 Au 1) Historical Mary. Robert P. Maloney. 12 D 19 $ 12) Letter to young american catholics. Robert P. Unconventional rules. Terry Golway. 8 N 28 SCANLON, PAUL Maloney. 15 S$ 19 (Replies 30O 3) Alaska, latino style. 14 O 17 New and ancient beauty. Emilie Griffin. 28 JI 18 THEOLOGY (Replies 30 Au 15) 3iologist and believer. Andrew Szebenyi. 16 D 19 SCHULTZ, VALERIE No deaths under my signature. José-Luis S. Child is born. 4 D 19 Emotional oology. 30 S 26 (Replies 44 N 7) Salazar. 21 Jl 4 (Replies 30 Au 1) Christmas: wonderful exchange. Ladislas Orsy. Wearing of the black. 8 Au 1 Obedient unto death. Margaret Roche Macey. 19D 19 13N 14 Historical Mary. Robert P. Maloney. 12 D 19 SCIENCE Secret gift that comes from compassion. Patricia Painted visions of Fra Angelico. Franco Morman- Biologist and believer. Andrew Szebenyi. 16 D 19 Dahl. 20 S 19 do. 8 D 19 Debating evolution. 4 D 5 Sexuality, spirituality and the “song of songs.” Source of our hope. Ladislas Orsy. 22 D 12 AMERICA January 2-9, 2006 Index, Volume 193 Symphony of love. Christopher Steck. 9 Au I Veteran remembers. James R. Conroy. 15 Au 1 See HARRINGTON, DANIELJ . Vocation of a theologian. Leo J.O ’Donovan. (Replies 28 Au 15, 28 S 12) 20 N 28 War on children. Donald H. Dunson. 13 O 10 Witness of Balthasar. Edward T. Oakes. 12 Au 1 WELCH, EDWARD M. TOMASI, SILVANO M. axing work. 7 N 14 (Replies 30 N 28) United nations reform and human rights. 16 S 12 (Replies 37 S 26) WOMEN Correspondence of a foundress. John W. Dono- XAVIER, FRANCIS TORRENS, JAMES S. hue. 28 N 7 (Replies 34 D 5) Friends in the lord. Mark A. Lewis. 22 D 5 Saint of the streets. 23 O 17 Emotional oology. Valerie Schultz. 30 S 26 (Replies 44 N 7) YOUNISS, JAMES TORTURE Five years with Dorothy Day. Robert Ellsberg. 8 I know it when I see it. 12 Jl 4 (Replies 27 Au 1, 30 Bush, torture and Lincoln’s legacy. James Ross. N 21 (Replies 27 D 19) Au 29, 29S 12, 34, S 19) 10 Au 15 (Replies 34 S 19) One table at a time. Susan Maas. 11 N 21 Shame of torture. 4 N 7 (Replies 34 D 5) Under the apricot trees. Sandra Scofield. 17 D 12 TRAUTMAN, DONALD W. WORD (column) Our daily bread. 9 O 3 (Replies 38 O 10, 26O 17, See BERGANT, DIANNE 29O 2 4, 22 N 14) UNITED NATIONS Failure of leadership. 4 O 3 United nations reform and human rights. Silvano M. Tomasi. 16 S 12 (Replies 37 S 26) What's in your heart? URBAN LIFE Almost unnoticed. George M. Anderson. 3 N 28 Closing doors. George M. Anderson. 2 O 24 Delayed reaction. Teri Blair. 17 N 28 ~=o8 Hope at work. George M. Anderson. 18 Ji 18 Life questions. George M. Anderson. 2 S 26 What does Michael Tunney, $J New Jersey legend. Terry Golway. 8 Jl 4 Rights they deserve. George M. Anderson. 2 O 31 Slow down. George M. Anderson. 2 J] 18 (Replies 30 Au 1, 28 Au 15, 35 S 19) Stable lives. George M. Anderson. 2 © 10 (Replies 30 O 31) Taken away. George M. Anderson. 2 Au 1 (Replies 29 Au 29) “Wait ’til next year.” James N. Gelson. 22 O 31 VAGHI, PETER J. Challenge and opportunity. 19 O 31 VATICAN II Gerea l Council at 40. Gerald O’Collins. 8 D 5 Genesis of nostra aetate. Thomas Stransky. 80 24 In our time. 4 O 24 Joy and hope, grief and anguish. David Hollen- bach. 12 D 5 Ye! Religious liberty. John A. Coleman. 9 N 28 (Replies 28 D 19) Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Yona Metzger. STi wee Gesmorie trhane a j ob. 13024 Sometimes our hearts desire companions on the spiritual journey. WAR AND PEACE Dumping arms. Terry Golway. 8 Au 29 Are you thinking about becoming a priest or brother? The . Exit or not. 4 D 12 If so, The Jesuits offer many joyful opportunities for service. £ esults Holy land. Drew Christiansen. 2 D 19 New name for peace. G. Jefferson Price III. We would be honored to hear what you feel in your heart. Hull, Jesu»f Jesus 16010 U.S. Jesuit Conference + 1616 P Street NW - Suite 300 + Washington, DC 20036-1420 On peace and war. Joseph J. Fahey. 16 O 17 Postwar justice. Mark J. Allman. 9 O 17 (Replies (202) 462-0400 - www.jesuil.org - usjc@jesuit.org 29 N 21) Time for peace. 4 Au 15 Index, Volume 193 AMERICA = January 2-9, 2006 , haSeent aemaneraramegtnawee ates { i i : |

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