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Although due care and diligence have been taken in the publication of this Compendium the Institute shall not be responsible for any loss or damage, resulting from any action taken on the basis of the contents of this Compendium. Any one wishing to act on the basis of the material contained herein should do so after cross checking with the original source. ISBN : 978-93-82207-20-7 Published by : THE INSTITUTE OF COMPANY SECRETARIES OF INDIA ICSI House, 22, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi - 110 003 Phones : 4534 1000, 4150 4444 Fax : 24626727 Website : E-mail : [email protected] Printed at : Samrat Offset Works/1000/August 2015 PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION In order to facilitate ease of doing business and ease the practical difficulties faced by the industry, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs has issued notifications, clarifications and amendments. The Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015 was introduced and received assent of the President on 25th May, 2015. The amendments deal with related party transactions, fraud reporting by auditors, restrictions on public inspection of Board resolutions, responsibilities of audit committee, restrictions on bail, making common seal optional, jurisdiction of special courts to try offences, etc. Understanding the need of doing business in a smooth manner, the Ministry has also notified much awaited exemptions for the Private companies, Government companies, Nidhi companies and companies with charitable objects. This edition of the compendium has been revised to include the amendments, notifications and clarifications issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs till August 1, 2015. I commend the dedicated efforts put in by team ICSI led by CS Alka Kapoor, Joint Secretary and comprising CS Banu Dandona, CS Lakshmi Arun, Deputy Directors, CS Kalpesh Mehta, Assistant Director, CS Disha Kant, Assistant Education Officer, CS Naveen Kumar, Assistant under the overall guidance of CS Sutanu Sinha, Chief Executive & Officiating Secretary, in bringing out this publication. In any publication, there is always scope for further improvement. I would personally be grateful to users and readers for offering their suggestions/ comments for further refinement. New Delhi CS Atul H. Mehta 07 August, 2015 President, ICSI (iii) PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION Laws framed are reflection of societal developments, with varied degrees of interpretations; there always remains scope for the regulators to ensure that the stakeholder expectations are duly incorporated in the law. Companies Act, 2013 was enacted on 29th August, 2013 replacing the six decade old Companies Act, 1956. Recognizing the various operational difficulties under this Act, the Ministry has so far issued 29 amendment rules, 54 circulars, 24 notifications, 10 orders, which signals intent of the regulators to ensure effective implementation of this mammoth piece of legislation in accordance with stakeholders needs and requirements. This compendium is an effort to consolidate the amendment rules, circulars, notifications and orders issued under Companies Act, 2013 to enhance the readability and deeper understanding of the subject. The contents of the compendium have been developed in a user friendly manner. It also contains in a nutshell amendment rules, circulars, notifications and orders in a tabular form providing an overview to the readers. Every chapter enlists the sections covered thereunder, the topics covered, the rules framed thereunder, the notification and effective date of said rules, the amendment rules & circulars issued by the Ministry under the Chapter. The gist of amendment rules, circulars, notifications and orders is also given in each chapter which is followed by complete text of the said amendment rules, circulars, notifications and orders. I am confident that the members and readers will find this compendium extremely useful. I commend the dedicated efforts put in by team ICSI led by CS Alka Kapoor, Joint Secretary and comprising CS Banu Dandona, CS Lakshmi Arun, Deputy Directors, CS Rakesh Kumar, CS Disha Kant, Assistant Education Officers, CS Naveen Kumar, Assistant under the overall guidance of CS Sutanu Sinha, Chief Executive & Officiating Secretary, in bringing out this publication. In any publication, there is always scope for further improvement. I would personally be grateful to users and readers for offering their suggestions/comments for further refinement. New Delhi CS Atul H. Mehta 29th May, 2015 President, ICSI (v) PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION To master or thrive in dynamic world, we need to embrace sustainable growth and development through continuous learning, and constant improvement in the areas where we practise, learn and professionalize in the emerging areas, which lead to diversification of profession at the individual and the institutional level. The implementation phase of Companies Act, 2013 and the rules made thereunder on operational aspects such as annual document filing, shareholders’ meeting, board meeting, committee meeting, disclosures, transfer of securities, maintenance of records, issue of capital, incorporation/conversion of companies, buy-back of shares etc.; issues that involves approval of shareholders/directors; technology enabled provisions such as e-voting, video conferencing, e-filing etc; led to initial teething difficulties, and the Ministry of Corporate Affairs clarified the concerns of the stakeholders in its first and second phase of notification of sections under Companies Act, 2013. Keeping with its capacity building initiatives, the Institute has decided to bring out a compendium of amendment rules, various notifications, circulars and orders issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, in a user friendly manner, which have been classified Chapter-wise with text highlights and question answer along with consolidated table. I am confident that this compendium will facilitate the members and readers in understanding the nuances of clarifications issued by the Ministry. I commend the dedicated efforts put in by Ms. Lakshmi Arun, Deputy Director and Mr. Chittaranjan Pal, Assistant Education Officer in the Institute for developing chapter-wise overview of various clarifications, comparative statements in nutshell, under the guidance of Ms. Sonia Baijal, Director, Academics. I would personally be grateful to the users and readers for offering their views and suggestions for further refinement. New Delhi CS R. Sridharan 15th August, 2014 President, ICSI (vii) C O N T E N T S Introduction 1 Chapter I – Preliminary 32 Chapter II – Incorporation of company and matters incidental thereto 43 Chapter III – Prospectus and Allotment of Securities 61 Chapter IV – Share Capital and Debentures 65 Chapter V – Acceptance of Deposits by Companies 82 Chapter VI – Registration of Charges 93 Chapter VII – Management and Administration 95 Chapter VIII – Declaration and Payment of Dividend 117 Chapter IX – Accounts of Companies 122 Chapter X – Audit and Auditors 144 Chapter XI – Appointment and Qualification of Directors 156 Chapter XII – Meetings of Board and its Powers 170 Chapter XIII – Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel 190 Chapter XIV – Inspection, Inquiry and Investigation 194 Chapter XV – Compromises, Arrangements and Amalgamations 195 Chapter XVI – Prevention of Oppression and Mismanagement 196 Chapter XVII – Registered Valuers 197 Chapter XVIII – Removal of names of companies from the Register of Companies 198 Chapter XIX – Revival and Rehabilitation of Sick Companies 199 Chapter XX – Winding up 200 Chapter XXI – Companies Authorised to register under this Act 201 Chapter XXII – Companies Incorporated outside India 202 (ix) Chapter XXIII – Government Companies 203 Chapter XXIV – Registration Offices and Fees 204 Chapter XXV – Companies to furnish information or Statistics 221 Chapter XXVI – Nidhis 222 Chapter XXVII – National Company Law Tribunal and Appellate Tribunal 223 Chapter XXVIII – Special Courts 224 Chapter XXIX – The Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015 225 Chapter XXX – Notified Exemptions 237 Others 275 SCHEDULE II 315 SCHEDULE V 319 SCHEDULE VII 321 (x) Introduction GST - Move Towards Consumption based Tax — An Introductory Study 1 INTRODUCTION The Companies Act, 2013 replaced six decade old Companies Act, 1956, bringing the corporate legislation in India to be par with modern legislations elsewhere in the globe. The Companies Act, 2013 is divided into 29 chapters, 470 sections and 7 schedules. The new law incorporates several provisions relating to investor protection, better auditing tools, fraud control, single window clearance for mergers, e-governance, secretarial standards, board duties, board performance evaluation, enhanced role of independent directors, institutionalization of corporate social responsibility, etc. The sections/rules under Companies Act 2013 are being notified in phases. Section 1 was notified on August 29, 2013, 98 sections on September 12, 2013, Section 135 was notified on 27th February, 2014 and 183 sections on April 01, 2014. 187 sections are yet to be notified, out of these 177 sections relate to National Company Law Tribunal and other 10 Sections relate to establishment of other statutory bodies like Investor Education Protection Fund, Special Courts, etc. All the sections relating to operation of the company such as Incorporation and conversions, Board and General Meetings, Board powers, Allotment and issue of share capital etc have been already notified, the sections pertaining to the aspects such as mergers, winding up etc., that involves the role of National Company Law Tribunal are yet to be notified. On 25th May, 2015,the President of India gave his assent to the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015 and the Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide Notification No. S.O. 1440(E) dated 29th May, 2015 notified sections 1 to 12 and 15 to 23 of Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015. As there have been implementation difficulties with respect to the notified sections of the Companies Act 2013, pertaining to the functions and operations of the company, the Ministry has been issuing circulars notifications, orders and amendment rules etc. Broad topics covered in these circulars, notifications, orders and amendment rules include : 1. Corporate Social Responsibility 2. Conversion of companies 3. Definition of associate company/subsidiary company 4. Entries in the register of loans and investments 5. E-voting 6. Independent Director 1 2 Amendment Rules, Circulars, Notifications and Orders under Companies Act, 2013 7. Name availability etc. 8. Related party transactions 9. Relevant Financial year for filing of annual return/annual accounts under the Companies Act 2013 10. Resident Director 11. Share transfer forms executed before the notification 12. The Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015 13. Exemptions to Government Companies 14. Exemptions to Nidhi Companies 15. Exemptions to Private Companies 16. Exemptions to Section 8 (Non-Profit) 17. Sending of Financial Statement at shorter notice 18. Fee relaxation for forms MGT-7 and AOC - 4. A brief of these circulars/notifications/amendments is given in this chapter. Introduction 3 Companies Act 2013 The Genesis Passed in Loksabha on December 18, 2012 Passed in Rajya Sabha on August 08, 2013 President's assent on August 29, 2013 Total no of chapters/sections/schedules-29/470/7 No of sections/schedules notified-282/7 The Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015 Statement of objects and reasons E-governance Corporate Social Responsibility Enhanced disclosures Investor protection and protection of minority Secretarial Audit/Secretarial Standards New Concepts One person Company/Small Company/Dormant Company Indepenent Director/Women Director/Resident Director Special Courts/class actions Registered valuer Vigil Mechanism Cross Border Mergers Clarifications/amendments issued on aspects inluding E-voting, CSR,E-forms Audit/Nomination committee Definition of Associate Company/Related party Share Transfer forms Conversion of public limited to Private Limited Independent Director/Women Director