CONTRACT # 406.08816 AMENDMENT C #MERDMENT TO GRANT AGREEMENT (On oF about July 4, 2017, the Stale of North Deksta, acting Haugh its North Dacota Departmant of Hunan Services, Economy Assistance Policy Division (Crenta"t and The Vilage Family Sarvioe Garter (Grantee) onterec ino a g ant agieemer lo operate the Atemative :0 Abortion prog’a%) The parties ag'aa that oeain parts ofthat grart and Ariesctnerts A and B should be cragee: 4. The Term of the Agrooment is cha uly 4, 2014, through June 30.20 Form July 1, 2011. through Jane 30, 2018, to 2. The Compensation seo/un as amended by Amadments A and 8, is further smarded “ar the period vuly 1, 2015, through June 30. 2016. for teal amount sad under this grant ta not exceed’ $260,000 Fodera! $260,900.00 other scar Stete 80.00 Unknown $0.9 Alyy er terms and condli’one rema n as previously write. THE VILLAGE FAMILY SERVICE CENTER o STATE OF NORTII DAKOTA NORTH DAKCTA DEPARTKENT OF HUMAN ~ oy Micya DA pr s \iacalfy-anoetsor OnE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR , don ¢ - wl Whe. ik GAIIS Ttelenmbenson CTE CONTRACT OFF IGE: ‘proved for form and center