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AMENDED AGENDA The following will be considered at the Regular Meeting of the Doña Ana ... PDF

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Preview AMENDED AGENDA The following will be considered at the Regular Meeting of the Doña Ana ...

A MENDED AGENDA The following will be considered at the Regular Meeting of the Doña Ana County Board of County Commissioners to be held on Tuesday, August 22, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. in the Doña Ana County Commission Chambers, 1st Floor, Doña Ana County Government Center, 845 North Motel Boulevard, Las Cruces: • Invocation • Pledge of Allegiance • Roll Call of Commission Members Present and Determination of Quorum THE DOÑA ANA COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONVENES AS THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND THE COUNTY BOARD OF FINANCE IN OPEN SESSION. • CHANGES TO THE AGENDA - Chuck McMahon, Interim County Manager, will discuss • PET SHOWCASE - ASCMV Staff will present 1. MINUTES - Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 8, 2017 2 . PUBLIC INPUT STAFF INPUT COUNTY ELECTED OFFICIALS' INPUT COMMISSION INPUT PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS 3 . Proclaim the Month of September as National Preparedness Month in Doña Ana County - Introduced by David Almaguer, Office of Emergency Management; read by Jess Williams, Public Information/Commission Liaison. 4 . Presentation of Contracts Executed from August 7 - August 18, 2017 - Pamela Wood, Contract Administrator, will present. 5 . Update on El Paso Electric Case No. 17-00090 (Renewable Energy Case) and Discussion Regarding the County's Position and Strategy in this Matter - Tom Figart, Contract Attorney, Legal Department, will discuss. AAuugguusstt 2222,, 22001177 AAMMEENNDDEEDD AAGGEENNDDAA PPaaggee 22 ooff 33 CCOONNSSEENNTT AAGGEENNDDAA -–TThhee BBooaarrdd wwiillll bbee aasskkeedd ttoo aapppprroovvee bbyy oonnee mmoottiioonn tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg iitteemmss ooff rreeccuurrrriinngg oorr rroouuttiinnee bbuussiinneessss:: 66.. AApppprroovvee tthhee SSoollee SSoouurrccee PPuurrcchhaassee ooff BBaannnneerr 99 MMiiggrraattiioonn SSeerrvviicceess ffrroomm CCoonndduueenntt GGoovveerrnnmmeenntt SSyysstteemmss,, LLLLCC aanndd DDeelleeggaattee SSiiggnnaattuurree AAuutthhoorriittyy ttoo tthhee CCoouunnttyy MMaannaaggeerr ffoorr aallll RReellaatteedd CCoonnttrraacctt DDooccuummeennttss –- GGeeooff AAbbrruuzzzzii,, PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg MMaannaaggeerr,, IITT DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt,, wwiillll ddiissccuussss.. 77.. AApppprroovvee tthhee UUttiilliizzaattiioonn ooff tthhee CCooooppeerraattiivvee EEdduuccaattiioonnaall SSeerrvviicceess ((CCEESS)) CCoonnttrraacctt ##1155--002222BB-- CC11002222--AALLLL ttoo PPuurrcchhaassee aanndd IInnssttaallll PPrreesseennttaattiioonn HHaarrddwwaarree ffoorr tthhee CCoommmmiissssiioonn CChhaammbbeerrss ffrroomm PPAACCEE EEvveenntt SSeerrvviicceess aanndd DDeelleeggaattee SSiiggnnaattuurree AAuutthhoorriittyy ttoo tthhee CCoouunnttyy MMaannaaggeerr ffoorr aallll RReellaatteedd CCoonnttrraacctt DDooccuummeennttss –- GGeeooff AAbbrruuzzzzii,, PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg MMaannaaggeerr,, IITT DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt,, wwiillll ddiissccuussss.. 88.. AApppprroovvee aa RReessoolluuttiioonn RReeppeeaalliinngg RReessoolluuttiioonn NNoo.. 9977--4444 aanndd AApppprroovvee RReessoolluuttiioonn DDeelleeggaattiinngg AAuutthhoorriittyy ttoo DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt HHeeaaddss aanndd tthhee CCoouunnttyy MMaannaaggeerr ttoo mmaakkee CCeerrttaaiinn BBuuddggeett RReevviissiioonnss -– CChhuucckk MMccMMaahhoonn,, IInntteerriimm CCoouunnttyy MMaannaaggeerr,, wwiillll ddiissccuussss.. 99.. AApppprroovvee RReessoolluuttiioonn AAddooppttiinngg aa NNeeww CCoolllleeccttiivvee BBaarrggaaiinniinngg AAggrreeeemmeenntt bbeettwweeeenn tthhee CCoouunnttyy aanndd tthhee AAmmeerriiccaann FFeeddeerraattiioonn ooff SSttaattee,, CCoouunnttyy aanndd MMuunniicciippaall EEmmppllooyyeeeess,, NNeeww MMeexxiiccoo CCoouunncciill 1188,, BBlluuee CCoollllaarr,, LLooccaall 22770099 -– NNeellssoonn GGooooddiinn,, CCoouunnttyy AAttttoorrnneeyy,, wwiillll ddiissccuussss.. AAPPPPRROOVVAALLSS 1100.. AApppprroovvee AAwwaarrdd ooff RReeqquueesstt ffoorr PPrrooppoossaall 1177--00003366 EEccoonnoommiicc DDeevveellooppmmeenntt SSeerrvviicceess aanndd DDeelleeggaattee SSiiggnnaattuurree AAuutthhoorriittyy ttoo tthhee CCoouunnttyy MMaannaaggeerr ffoorr RReellaatteedd DDooccuummeennttss -– DDaanniieell HHoorrtteerrtt,, MMaannaaggeerr,, EEccoonnoommiicc DDeevveellooppmmeenntt && SSppeecciiaall PPrroojjeeccttss,, wwiillll ddiissccuussss.. 1111.. AApppprroovvee aa RReessoolluuttiioonn OOppppoossiinngg aann EEll PPaassoo EElleeccttrriicc SSuubbssttaattiioonn AAddjjaacceenntt ttoo RReessiiddeennttiiaall PPrrooppeerrttiieess iinn tthhee TTaallaavveerraa SSuubbddiivviissiioonn EEaasstt ooff LLaass CCrruucceess -– IInnttrroodduucceedd bbyy DDiissttrriicctt 33 CCoommmmiissssiioonneerr BBeennjjaammiinn RRaawwssoonn.. 1122.. AApppprroovvee RReessoolluuttiioonn AAddooppttiinngg 22001199--22002233 IInnffrraassttrruuccttuurree CCaappiittaall IImmpprroovveemmeenntt PPllaann ((IICCIIPP)) -– RRoobbeerrtt AArrmmiijjoo,, IInntteerriimm AAssssiissttaanntt CCoouunnttyy MMaannaaggeerr,, wwiillll ddiissccuussss.. 1133.. AAuutthhoorriizzee PPuubblliiccaattiioonn ooff NNoottiiccee ooff IInntteenntt ttoo EEnnaacctt aann OOrrddiinnaannccee RReegguullaattiinngg BBuussiinneesssseess tthhaatt PPrriimmaarriillyy PPuurrcchhaassee oorr RReecceeiivvee tthhrroouugghh PPaawwnn TTrraannssaaccttiioonnss UUsseedd MMeerrcchhaannddiissee ffrroomm tthhee GGeenneerraall PPuubblliicc ffoorr tthhee PPuurrppoossee ooff RReessaallee –- SSeerrggeeaanntt JJeerreemmyy HHaasshh,, SShheerriiffff’'ss OOffffiiccee,, wwiillll ddiissccuussss.. 1133AA.. AAuutthhoorriizzee PPuubblliiccaattiioonn ooff NNoottiiccee ooff HHeeaarriinngg aanndd IInntteenntt ttoo EEnnaacctt aann OOrrddiinnaannccee uunnddeerr wwhhiicchh aa VVoolluunnttaarryy SSoollaarr EEnneerrggyy IImmpprroovveemmeenntt SSppeecciiaall AAsssseessssmmeenntt MMaayy BBee IImmppoosseedd oonn aa RReessiiddeennttiiaall oorr CCoommmmeerrcciiaall PPrrooppeerrttyy -– DDiissttrriicctt 11 CCoommmmiissssiioonneerr BBiillllyy GGaarrrreetttt wwiillll ddiissccuussss.. 1144.. AApppprroovvee CCoouunnttyy MMaannaaggeerr JJoobb DDeessccrriippttiioonn –- DDeebboorraahh WWeeiirr,, HHuummaann RReessoouurrcceess DDiirreeccttoorr,, wwiillll ddiissccuussss.. AAuugguusstt 2222,, 22001177 AAMMEENNDDEEDD AAGGEENNDDAA PPaaggee 22 ooff 33 PPUUBBLLIICC HHEEAARRIINNGG//OORRDDIINNAANNCCEE 1155.. AApppprroovvee O Ordrdininaannccee AAuuththoorirziziningg t hthee O Oppeeraratitoionn oof fO Offf-fH-Higighhwwaayy M Moototor rV Veehhicicleless oonn P Paavveedd SSttrreeeettss oorr HHiigghhwwaayyss oowwnneedd aanndd CCoonnttrroolllleedd bbyy tthhee CCoouunnttyy ooff DDooññaa AAnnaa –- DDiissttrriicctt 11 CCoommmmiissssiioonneerr BBiillllyy GGaarrrreetttt aanndd DDiissttrriicctt 33 CCoommmmiissssiioonneerr BBeennjjaammiinn RRaawwssoonn,, wwiillll ddiissccuussss.. CCOORRRREESSPPOONNDDEENNCCEE 1166.. SSccootttt KKrraahhlliinngg, ,C Coouunnttyy CClleerrkk, ,w wiillll pprreesseenntt t too tthhee CCoommmmiissssiioonn aannyy cclalaimimss rreecceeiivveedd bbyy DDooññaa AAnnaa CCoouunnttyy.. TTHHEE DDOOÑÑAA AANNAA CCOOUUNNTTYY BBOOAARRDD OOFF CCOOUUNNTTYY CCOOMMMMIISSSSIIOONNEERRSS MMAAYY CCOONNVVEENNEE IINN CCLLOOSSEEDD SSEESSSSIIOONN,, ttoo ddiissccuussss aa bbaarrggaaiinniinngg ssttrraatteeggyy pprreelliimmiinnaarryy ttoo ccoolllleeccttiivvee bbaarrggaaiinniinngg nneeggoottiiaattiioonnss wwiitthh tthhee AAmmeerriiccaann FFeeddeerraattiioonn ooff SSttaattee,, CCoouunnttyy aanndd MMuunniicciippaall EEmmppllooyyeeeess,, NNMM CCoouunncciill 1188,, LLooccaall 22770099 ((BBlluuee CCoollllaarr)) aanndd CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss WWoorrkkeerrss ooff AAmmeerriiccaa,, LLooccaall 77991111;; aanndd ppuurrssuuaanntt ttoo tthhee aattttoorrnneeyy--cclliieenntt pprriivviilleeggee ttoo ddiissccuussss ppeennddiinngg ssttrraatteeggyy aanndd ddiirreeccttiioonn ttoo lleeggaall ccoouunnsseell iinn ppeennddiinngg oorr tthhrreeaatteenneedd lliittiiggaattiioonn iinn EEll PPaassoo EElleeccttrriicc CCaassee NNoo.. 1177--0000009900 ((RReenneewwaabbllee EEnneerrggyy CCaassee)) aanndd CCiittyy ooff LLaass CCrruucceess,, eett..aall.. vvss.. UUnniitteedd SSttaatteess ooff AAmmeerriiccaa,, eett..aall.. CCaauussee NNoo.. 22::1177--CCVV--0000880099-- KKRRSS--GGJJ aanndd CCiittyy ooff LLaass CCrruucceess,, eett..aall..,, vvss.. TTrraavveelleerrss IInnddeemmnniittyy CCoommppaannyy,, eett..aall..,, CCaauussee NNoo.. 22::1144-- CCVV--0000993311--MMVV--KKRRSS aanndd DDooññaa AAnnaa CCoouunnttyy vvss.. TThhee CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss WWoorrkkeerrss ooff AAmmeerriiccaa,, LLooccaall 77991111,, CCaauussee NNoo DD--330077--CCVV--22001166--0022443300,, aass aauutthhoorriizzeedd bbyy tthhee OOppeenn MMeeeettiinnggss AAcctt,, NNMMSSAA 11997788 §§ 1100--1155--11((HH))((55))aanndd ((77)) rreessppeeccttiivveellyy.. TTHHEE DDOOÑÑAA AANNAA CCOOUUNNTTYY BBOOAARRDD OOFF CCOOUUNNTTYY CCOOMMMMIISSSSIIOONNEERRSS MMAAYY CCOONNVVEENNEE IINN OOPPEENN SSEESSSSIIOONN ttoo ttaakkee aaccttiioonn,, iiff aannyy,, oonn tthhee cclloosseedd sseessssiioonn iitteemmss.. TTHHEE DDOOÑÑAA AANNAA CCOOUUNNTTYY BBOOAARRDD OOFF CCOOUUNNTTYY CCOOMMMMIISSSSIIOONNEERRSS AADDJJOOUURRNNSS AASS TTHHEE BBOOAARRDD OOFF CCOOUUNNTTYY CCOOMMMMIISSSSIIOONNEERRSS AANNDD TTHHEE CCOOUUNNTTYY BBOOAARRDD OOFF FFIINNAANNCCEE IINN OOPPEENN SSEESSSSIIOONN.. TTHHIISS AAGGEENNDDAA IISS SSUUBBJJEECCTT TTOO CCHHAANNGGEE NNOOTTEE:: DDooññaa AAnnaa CCoouunnttyy wwiillll eennssuurree eeffffeeccttiivvee ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn wwiitthh iinnddiivviidduuaallss wwiitthh ddiissaabbiilliittiieess aanndd wwiillll,, uuppoonn rreeqquueesstt,, pprroovviiddee aauuxxiilliiaarryy ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn aaiiddss aanndd sseerrvviicceess ttoo aaffffoorrdd tthhoossee iinnddiivviidduuaallss eeqquuaall ooppppoorrttuunniittyy ffoorr ppaarrttiicciippaattiioonn iinn DDooññaa AAnnaa CCoouunnttyy ssppoonnssoorreedd mmeeeettiinnggss,, eevveennttss,, oorr aaccttiivviittiieess.. AAnnyy rreeqquueesstt sshhoouulldd bbee mmaaddee ttoo tthhee AAmmeerriiccaannss wwiitthh DDiissaabbiilliittiieess AAcctt CCoooorrddiinnaattoorr,, iinn wwrriittiinngg,, oorr bbyy pphhoonnee,, aatt lleeaasstt ttwwoo bbuussiinneessss ddaayyss pprriioorr ttoo tthhee eevveenntt aatt wwhhiicchh aaccccoommmmooddaattiioonn iiss nneeeeddeedd.. IIff yyoouu hhaavvee aannyy qquueessttiioonnss rreeggaarrddiinngg eexxaammpplleess ooff rreeaassoonnaabbllee aaccccoommmmooddaattiioonnss,, pplleeaassee ccoonnttaacctt tthhee AADDAA CCoooorrddiinnaattoorr,, aatt 552255--55888844 ((vvooiiccee)) oorr 552255--22995511 ((TTTTYY)),, 884455 NN.. MMootteell BBllvvdd.. LLaass CCrruucceess,, NNMM 8888000077.. SSppaanniisshh llaanngguuaaggee iinntteerrpprreettaattiioonn sseerrvviicceess aarree nnooww aavvaaiillaabbllee uuppoonn rreeqquueesstt ffoorr ppaarrttiicciippaattiioonn iinn DDooññaa AAnnaa CCoouunnttyy ssppoonnssoorreedd mmeeeettiinnggss,, eevveennttss,, oorr aaccttiivviittiieess.. PPlleeaassee ccoonnttaacctt tthhee CCoommmmuunniittyy && CCoonnssttiittuueenntt SSeerrvviicceess OOffffiiccee aatt 552255--66116633,, aatt lleeaasstt 4488 hhoouurrss pprriioorr ttoo tthhee eevveenntt.. SSeerrvviicciiooss ddee iinntteerrpprreettaacciióónn eenn llaass jjuunnttaass sseerráá ddiissppoonniibbllee ppoorr ppeettiicciióónn.. PPoorr ffaavvoorr eenn ccoonnttaaccttoo llaa OOffiicciinnaa ddee SSeerrvviicciioo aa llaa CCoommuunniiddaadd yy CCoonnssttiittuuyyeenntteess 552255--66116633 ppoorr lloo mmeennooss ddooss ddííaass hháábbiilleess ppoorr aaddeellaannttaaddoo ppaarraa ppeeddiirr eessttee sseerrvviicciioo.. DONA ANA COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Doña Ana County Government Center 845 North Motel Boulevard Las Cruces, New Mexico 88007 Telephone: (575) 647-7200 Toll-Free: (877) 827-7200 COUNTY CLERK __August 22,2017 Initiating Department Meeting Date Scott Krahling/Cindy C. Padilla Contact Person Agenda Item Number TITLE OF AGENDA ITEM TO BE CONSIDERED Approval of Minutes for the BOCC Regular Meeting of August 8,2017. SUMMARY OF ITEM TO BE CONSIDERED INCLUDING PRESENTATION OF OPTIONS FOR ACTION and ACTION REQUESTED DESCRIPTION OF SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION ATTACHED SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL IMPACT ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW AND APPROVAL Finance Legal County Manager/ Agenda Review Purchasing Human Resources Assistant County Manager/ Peer Review Planning Other DOCUMENT CONTROL Original/s for signature? Yes No For Recording?___Yes No Return onginal/s to: Name Dept. Send copy of recorded original/s (resolution and ordinances only) to: Name Dept. Deadline for return of document/s? Yes, return by: Chair Isabella Solis called the Regular Meeting of the Doña Ana County Board of Commissioners to order at 9:00 a.m., on Tuesday, August 8, 2017, in the Doña Ana County Commission Chambers, 1st Floor, Doña Ana County Government Center, 845 North Motel Boulevard, Las Cruces. Time: 09:01:19 District 4:Isabella Solis, Chair - Present District 5: John L. Vasquez, Vice-Chair - Present District 1 :Billy G. Garrett, Commissioner - Present District 3 Benjamin L. Rawson Commissioner - Present District 2:Ramon S. Gonzalez, Commissioner - Present Invocation Time: 09:01:30 Jess Williams asked first that they have a moment of silence for Sergeant Donald “DJ” Lewis of the DAC Sheriffs Department who died on July 31st and was laid to rest yesterday with full police honors at Hillcrest Memorial Cemetery. Led by: Jess Williams, PIO Director Pledge of Allegiance Time: 09:02:52 Led by: Isabella Solis, BOCC Chair Roll Call of Commission Members Present and Determination of Quorum Time: 09:03:13 Led by: Lynn J. Ellins, County Clerk August 8, 2017, BOCC Regular Meeting / • 1 THE DOÑA ANA COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONVENES AS THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND THE COUNTY BOARD OF FINANCE IN OPEN SESSION. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA - Chuck McMahon, Interim County Manager, will discuss Time: 09:03:33 Changes: No changes were given. 1. MINUTES - Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 25, 2017 Time: 09:03:39 Motion: Benjamin L. Rawson Second: Ramon S. Gonzalez District 1 :Billy G. Garrett - Yes District 2:Ramon S. Gonzalez - Yes District 3:Benjamin L. Rawson - Yes District 4:Isabella Solis - Yes District 5:John L. Vasquez - Yes Motion passed 2. EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION - The Commission will recognize Doña Ana County Employees for their years of service to Doña Ana County - Jess Williams, Public Information Director/Commission Liaison, will present. Time: 09:04:12 Years of Name Department Service Julia Bergstrom Detention Center 5 William Lawrence Animal Control 5 Conant Carr Chaplain/Sheriffs Department 5 Steven Meadows Community Development 10 Bobbi Sanchez Utility Department 10 Deborah Rouse Purchasing Department 15 Andrew Perez County Clerk’s Office 20 Retirement Armando Cordero Facilities & Parks Department 17 years Retirement Paul Dugie Flood Commission 17 years 3. PUBLIC INPUT* Time: 09:12:39 August 8, 2017, BOCC Regular Meeting /, 2 Given by: 1) Merrie Lee Soules 2) Dr. Anthony Levatino STAFF INPUT* Time: 09:17:52 Given by: 1) Lani Davis, Human Resources/Senior Administrator 2) Ken Sholar, Vector Control/Supervisor COUNTY ELECTED OFFICIALS’ INPUT* Time: 09:21:57 Given by: None was given. COMMISSION INPUT* Time: 09:22:06 Given by: John Vasquez, Benjamin Rawson, Ramon Gonzalez, Billy Garrett and Isabella Solis. *In order to listen to Public, Elected Officials, Staff and Commissioner’s Input comments go to Doña Ana County website: httDs://donanacounty.org/bocc/video. PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS 4. Presentation of Contracts Executed from July 24 - August 4, 2017 - Pamela Wood, Contract Administrator, will present. Time: 09:33:11 5. Proclaim August 10 as Dr. Beth Vesco-Mock Appreciation Day throughout Doha Ana County - Introduced by District 1 County Commissioner Billy Garrett; read by Jess Williams, Director. Public Information. Time: 09:36:27 Motion: Billy G. Garrett Second: Benjamin L. Rawson District 1 :Billy G. Garrett - Yes District 2:Ramon S. Gonzalez - Yes August 8, 2017, BOCC Regular Meeting / - 3 District 3:Benjamin L. Rawson - Yes District 4:Isabella Solis - Yes District 5: John L. Vasquez - Yes Motion passed 6. Proclaim August 12 as Hatch Police Officer Jose Chavez Memorial Day throughout Doña Ana County - Introduced by District 5 Vice-Chair John Vasuuez; read by Jess Williams, Director, Public Information. Time: 09:45:46 Motion: John L. Vasquez Second: Benjamin L. Rawson District 1 :Billy G. Garrett - Yes District 2:Ramon S. Gonzalez - Yes District 3:Benjamin L. Rawson - Yes District 4: Isabella Solis - Yes District 5: John L. Vasquez - Yes Motion passed CONSENT AGENDA Time: 09:54:12 7. Doha Ana County Treasurer’s Financial Report for the Month of June, 2017 - Eric Rodriguez. County Treasurer, will discuss. 8. Accept Grant Agreement from New Mexico Department of Transportation and Approve Budget Revision and Resolution in the Amount of $478,635 and Deleaate Signature Authority to the County Manatzer for all Necessary Documents - Enrique Vigil, Sheriff, will discuss. RESOLUTION NO. 2017-70 9. Accept and Approve Award lor the State of New Mexico. New Mexico Tourism Department Litter and Beautification Grant Agreement (No. 17-418-6002-0017) and Delegate Signature Authority to the County August 8, 2017, BOCC Regular Meeting 4 Manager to Sign Agreement mid Approve a Budget Revision and Budget Resolution Related to the Agreement - Vicki Lusk, Manager. ACO/Codes, will discuss. RESOLUTION NO. 2017-71 10. Approve Grant Agreement, Budget Revision and Resolution for FY18 Annual Maintenance Grant from the New Mexico Department of Transportation. Aviation Division and Delegate Signature Authority to the Interim County Manager on all Related Documents - Bill Provance. Jetport Manager, will discuss. RESOLUTION NO. 2017-72 11. Approve Assignment of Doña Ana County International Jetport Land. Lot F-3 Block B from 1626 Medical Center Limited Partnership (as Assignor) to W Silver Recycling, Inc, (as Assignee) and Delegate Signature Authority to the Interim County Manager for all Related Documents - Bill Provance. Airport Manager, will discuss. 12. Approve Task Order to RoofCARE through CES Contract # 16-03-R124-A11. to Re-seal the Roof at the Third of Judicial District Court Building and Delegate Signature Authority to Interim County Manager for all Documents - Armando Cordero. Facilities Manager, will discuss. 13. Approve Budget Revision and Resolution for a Grant Received from Molina Healthcare of New Mexico. Inc. - Jamie Michael. Director. Health and Human Services, will discuss. RESOLUTION NO. 2017-73 14. Approve Budget Revision and Resolution for an Opioid State t argeted Response (iraní Jamie Michael. Director. Health and Human Services, will discuss. RESOLUTION NO. 2017-74 15. Approve Budget Resolution and Budget Revision for Fiscal Year 2018 Budget to Add the Local Economic Development Act rT.HDA”) Grant for a New Water System Infrastructure for the Camino Real Regional Utility Authority (“CRRUA”) - Nora Oliver, Office Supervisor. Utilities Department, will discuss. August 8, 2017, BOCC Regular Meeting /. 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-75 16. Approve Award of Competitive Sealed Bid 17-0043 to 329 Enterprise, for Construction of the Chaparral Wastewater Collection System - Phase 1C. Bid Package #3. and Delegate Signature Authority to the County Manager for Related Contract Documents. Change Orders, and Renewals - Nora Oliver. Office Supervisor. Utilities Department, will discuss. 17. Approve Utilization of NMSPA #70-000-16-00004 to Purchase Twenty-Nine 2018 Chevrolet Tahoes for a Total of $1,032,139 from Brad Francis Automotive Group and Delegate Signature Authority to the County Manager for all Necessary Documents - Enrique Vigil. Sheriff, will discuss. 18. Approve Resolution Adopting a New Collective Bargaining Agreement between the County and the International Association of l-’ire Fighter’s. Local 5037 - Nelson Goodin. County Attorney, will discuss. RESOLUTION NO. 2017-76 Approval of Consent Agenda Items 7-18: Motion: Benjamin L. Rawson Second: Ramon S. Gonzalez District 1 :Billy G. Garrett - Yes District 2: Ramon S. Gonzalez - Yes District 3:Benjamin L. Rawson - Yes District 4:Isabella Solis - Yes District 5:John L. Vasquez - Yes Motion passed APPROVALS 19A.Approve Award ol'Consultant Services lor County Manager Executive Search as a Small Purchase to Garza & Associates. LLC and Cancel Request for Proposal (RFPt 18-0012 for Consultant Services for Manager Executive Search and Delegate Signature Authority to County Manager for all Related Documents - District 4 Chair. Isabella Solis, will discuss. Time: 09:56:19 August 8, 2017, BOCC Regular Meeting A 6

lien superior to the FHA or VA insured loan for the full outstanding PACE From: Fred Kennon [mailto:[email protected]].
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