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Preview Amenability of Groupoids Arising from Partial Semigroup Actions and Topological Higher Rank Graphs

AMENABILITY OF GROUPOIDS ARISING FROM PARTIAL SEMIGROUP ACTIONS AND TOPOLOGICAL HIGHER RANK 5 GRAPHS 1 0 2 JEANN.RENAULTANDDANAP.WILLIAMS r a M Abstract. WeconsidertheamenabilityofgroupoidsGequippedwithagroup valued cocycle c : G → Q with amenable kernel c−1(e). We prove a general 7 resultwhichimplies,inparticular,thatGisamenablewheneverQisamenable 1 andifthereiscountablesetD⊂Gsuchthatc(Gu)D=Qforallu∈G(0). We show that our result is applicable to groupoids arising from partial ] semigroup actions. We explore these actions in detail and show that these A groupoids includethosearisingfromdirectedgraphs, higherrankgraphs and O even topological higher rank graphs. We believe our methods yield a nice alternativegroupoidapproachtotheseimportantconstructions. . h t a m 1. Introduction [ It is often important to establish the amenability of groupoids that arise in 2 v applications. For example, amenability implies the equality of the reduced and 7 universal norms on the associated groupoid algebras. This is important in the 2 study ofthe Baum-ConnesconjectureforgroupoidC∗-algebrasasitis the reduced 0 algebrathatplaysthekeyrole,whiletheuniversalalgebrahasthebetterfunctorial 3 properties. Forexample,TuhasshownthattheC∗-algebraofanamenablegroupoid 0 . withaHaarsystemsatisfiestheBaum-ConnesconjectureandtheUCT[24]. Inthe 1 classification program, amenability implies nuclearity which is typically a crucial 0 hypothesis. 5 1 Thesortofgroupoidswewishtofocusonarethosearisingfromthemuchstudied : C∗-algebras associated to higher-rank graphs, and more recently, to topological v higher-rank graphs. As a specific example, we recently considered the C∗-algebras i X of groupoids associated to k-graphs (see [20]). Such groupoids have a canonical r Zk-valued cocycle c, and it is not hard to see that c−1(0) is amenable. In some a cases, c is not only surjective, but strongly surjective in that c(Gu) = Zk for all u ∈ G(0). Then the amenability of G is a consequence of [1, Theorem 5.3.14]. However,there are interestingexamples inwhich c neednotbe stronglysurjective, and examples show that the problem of the amenability of G turns out to be very subtle. A result of Spielberg [22, Proposition 9.3] asserts that if G is ´etale and if c : G → Q is a continuous cocycle into a countable amenable group, then G is amenable whenever c−1(e ) is. Although this result is satisfactory for most k- Q graphs,theproofisunsatisfyinginthatitcircumventsgroupoidtheorybyinvoking Date:January15,2015; RevisedMarch16,2015. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary22A22,46L55, 46L05. Key words and phrases. Groupoids, amenable groupoids, cocycle, semigroup actions, higher rankgraphs,topological higherrankgraphs. Thesecondauthor wassupportedbyagrantfromtheSimonsFoundation. 1 2 JEANN.RENAULTANDDANAP.WILLIAMS the nontrivial result that for ´etale groupoid, C∗(G) is nuclear if and only if G is amenable [15, Corollary 2.17]. In particular, this result is valid only for ´etale groupoids. Herewewanttoproveageneralresultthatsubsumesbothcocycleresultsfrom[1] and from [22]. That such a result will have delicate hypotheses is foreshadowedby theobservationthatonecanhaveasurjectivecontinuouscocyclecfromagroupoid into an amenable group Q such that c−1(e ) amenable and still have G fail to be G amenable. Forexample,letQbeanamenablegroupwithanonamenablesubgroup N (which obviously is not closed in Q). Let G be the group bundle G = Q N and let c be the identity map: c(γ)=γ. ` Nevertheless, we obtain a quite general result: Theorem 4.2. It implies in par- ticular, that if c : G → Q is a continuous cocycle into an amenable group Q with amenable kernel such that there is a countable set D so that c(Gu)D = Q for all u ∈ G(0), then G is amenable. Even in this form, we recover both results above and remove the hypothesis that G be ´etale from Spielberg’s result. Although our results apply to topological groupoids with Haar systems, it is interestingthatourproofreliesonthenotionsofBorelgroupoids,Borelamenability andBorelequivalence. Atacrucialjuncture,weareabletoshowthatourgroupoid is Borel equivalent to a Borel amenable groupoid. Since we also show that Borel equivalencepreservesBorelamenability,wecanappealtotheresultfrom[19]which demonstrates that topologicalamenability is equivalent to Borelamenabiltiy — at least for locally compact groupoids with Haar systems. Having proved our cocycle result, it is crucial to show how it can be applied to groupoids which are currently being studied in the literature. To do this, we show that our results can be applied to groupoids arising from (partial) semigroup actions. Akeyrˆoleis playedbythe notionofdirected action(Definition 5.2) which givesa partition ofthe spaceinto orbits. We explorethese actions in detail. Then, making significant use of hard work due to Nica and Yeend, we are able to show thatsuchgroupoids include those arising fromdirectedgraphs,higherrank graphs and even topological higher rank graphs. We think our methods using semigroup actionsyieldanicealternativegroupoidapproachtotheseimportantconstructions. To prove our cocycle result, we work with locally Hausdorff, locally compact groupoidswhich are alwaysassumed to be secondcountable and to possess a Haar system. Note that a secondcountable, locally Hausdorff,locally compact groupoid isthecountableunionofcompactHausdorffsets. HenceitsunderlyingBorelstruc- ture is standard. In Section 2 we review the notion of Borel amenability and some of the basic properties of Borel groupoids we need in the sequel. In Section 3 we recallthenotionofBorelequivalenceandprovethatitpreservesBorelamenability. InSection4,weprovethemainamenabilityresult. InSection5weintroducesemi- groupactions. Whentheactionisdirected,thereisasemi-directproductgroupoid. Thisconditionputsintolighttwoclassesofsemigroups: Oresemigroupsandquasi- lattice ordered semigroups. Under reasonable hypotheses, our main result applies and the semi-direct product groupoid is amenable. In Section 6, we show how the groupoid corresponding to a topological higher rank graph (and therefore to the manysubcasesoftopologicalhigherrankgraphs)canberealizedasthesemi-direct productgroupoidofadirectedsemigroupactionofP =Nd. Iffact,weconsiderP- graphs,whereP isanarbitrarysemigroupratherthansimplyNd asintheoriginal definition. The natural assumption is that the semigroup be quasi-lattice ordered. AMENABILITY OF GROUPOIDS 3 If moreover the semigroup is a subsemigroup of an amenable group and the graph satisfiesapropernesscondition,thenthisgroupoidisamenableaswell. Besidesthe amenabilityproblem,thesectionrevealsatightconnectionbetweenhigherrankC*- algebras and Wiener-Hopf C*-algebras. In fact, we use the techniques introduced by Nica in [14]; in particular the Wiener-Hopf groupoid of a quasi-lattice ordered semigroupdefined by Nica appears as a particular case of our generalconstruction for topological higher rank graphs. Acknowledgments. We are very grateful to an anonymous referee for a thorough reading of our paper and for pointing out the relevance of the work of Exel[8] and Brownlowe-Sims-Vittadello [4]. In addition the referee pointed out a gap in the originalproof of Theorem 5.13, and suggesteda line of attack which resulted in an improved version of the result. 2. Borel Amenability For the details on Borel groupoids, proper Borel amenability and proper Borel G-spaces, we refer to [1] and to [1, §2.1a] in particular. Recall that in order for a groupoid to act on (the left) a space X, we require a map r : X → G(0). If X there is no ambiguity, we write simply r in place of r and call it the moment X map.1 As in [1], to avoid pathologies we will always assume that our Borel spaces are analytic Borel spaces. We recall some of the basics here. If X and Y are Borel spaces and π :X →Y is Borel surjection, then a π-system is a family of measures m={my} such that each my is supported in π−1(y) and such that y∈Y y 7→ f(x)dmy(x) Z X is Borel for any nonnegative Borel function f on X. If G is a Borel groupoid, X and Y are Borel G-spaces and π is G-invariant, then we have that m is invariant if γ·my =mγ·y whenever s(γ)=r(y). (By definition, γ·my(E)=my(γ−1·E).) Definition 2.1 ([1, Definition 2.1.1(b)]). Suppose that G is a Borel groupoid and that X and Y are Borel G-spaces. A surjective Borel G-map π : X → Y is G- properlyamenable ifthereisainvariantBorelπ-systemm={my} ofprobability y∈Y measures on X. Then we say that m is an invariant mean for π. Remark 2.2. Notice that if π : X → Y is a Borel G-map, then the induced map π˙ : G\X → G\Y is Borel with respect to the quotient Borel structures. Suppose that π is G-properly amenable and that {λy} is an invariant mean for π. Let p : X → G\X be the quotient map. Then the push forward p λy is a probability ∗ measure supported on π˙−1(y˙). By invariance, it depends only on y˙ and we can denote this measure by λ˙y˙. If b is a bounded Borel function on G\Y, then b(z˙)dλ˙y˙(z˙)= b(p(x))dλy(x). Z Z G\Y X Hence {λ˙y˙} is a Borel π˙-system of probability measures on G\X. y˙∈G\Y Definition 2.3 ([1, Defintion 2.1.2]). A Borel groupoid G is proper if the range map r : G → G(0) is G-properly amenable. A Borel G-space X is proper if the projection p:X ∗G→X is G-properly amenable. 1Thetermprojectionmap,anchormapandstructuremaphavealsobeenusedintheliterature. 4 JEANN.RENAULTANDDANAP.WILLIAMS Remark 2.4. Thus X is a proper G-space if and only if there is a family {mx} x∈X of probability measuresmx on G supported in Gr(x) such that x7→mx(f) is Borel for all non-negative Borel functions on G and such that γ·mx =mγ·x. IfX andY are(left)G-spaces,thenthe fiberedproductX∗Y isaG-spacewith respectto the diagonalaction. If X and Y are Borel G-spaces, then we give X∗Y the Borel structure as a subset of X ×Y with Borel structure generated by the Borel rectangles. In particular, if X is a G-space, then X∗G={(x,γ)∈X ×G: r(x)=r(γ)} is a G-space with respect to the diagonal action.2 Definition 2.5. Suppose that G is a Borel groupoid and that X and Y are Borel G-spaces. AsurjectiveBorelG-mapπ :X →Y isG-amenable (orsimplyamenable if there is no ambiguity about G) if there is a sequence {mn}n∈N of Borel systems ofprobabilitymeasuresy 7→my onX whichisapproximatelyinvariantinthesense n thatforallγ ∈G, kγ·my−mγ·yk convergesto0,wherek·k isthetotalvariation n n 1 1 norm. We say that {mn}n∈N is an approximate invariant mean for π. ThenotionofBorelamenabilityforgroupoidswasfirstformalizedin[19,Defini- tion 2.1] — however, here we use the formulation in which conditions (ii) and (iii) of [19, Definition 2.1] have been replaced by (ii′). Definition 2.6. ABorelgroupoidGis(Borel)amenable ifthe rangemapr :G→ G(0) isG-amenable. ABorelG-spaceX isamenable iftheprojectionp:X∗G→X is G-amenable. A key result about Borel amenable maps we need is the following. Lemma 2.7. Let G be a Borel groupoid. If there is a proper Borel G-space X such that the moment map r :X →G(0) is Borel amenable, then G is Borel amenable. Proof. Since,byassumption,the mapπ :X∗G→X isproperlyamenable,there X is an invariantsystemm={mx} of probabilitymeasures for π . We can view x∈X X each mx as a measure on GrX(x) such that γ ·mx = mγ·x. Since rX is amenable, thereisanapproximateinvariantmean{µ }. Thenµu is aprobabilitymeasureon n n r−1(u), and for all γ ∈G, lim kγ·µs(γ)−µr(γ)k =0. Define X n n n 1 λu = mxdµu(x). n Z n X Then λu is a probability measure supported in Gu. The system λ = {λu} n n n u∈G(0) is certainly Borel, and kγ·λs(γ)−λr(γ)k = γ·mydµs(γ)(y)− mxµr(γ)(x) n n 1 (cid:13)ZX n ZX n (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) = mγ·xdµs(γ)(y)− mxdµr(γ)(x) (cid:13)ZX n ZX n (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) = mxd(γ·µs(γ)−µr(γ))(x) (cid:13)ZX n n (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) ≤k(cid:13)γ·µs(γ)−µr(γ)k . (cid:13) n n 1 2Infact,X∗Gisagroupoid—sometimescalledthetransformationgroupoidforGactingon X. Thisgroupoidisdenoted byX⋊G in[1]. After identifyingits unitspacewithX,the range map (x,γ)7→x is clearly G-equivariant. Hence, in Defintion 2.3, we defined a G-space X to be properlyamenableexactlywhenthegroupoidX⋊Gisproperlyamenable. AMENABILITY OF GROUPOIDS 5 It follows that λ is an approximate invariant mean for r : G → G(0). Thus G is Borel amenable. (cid:3) Of course, a proper Borel groupoid is Borel amenable. Our next lemma should be compared with [1, Proposition 5.3.37]. Lemma 2.8. Suppose that G is a Borel groupoid which is the increasing union of a sequence of proper Borel subgroupoids G . Then G is Borel amenable. n Proof. Byassumption,wecanfindansystemm =(mu) ofinvariantproba- m n u∈G(n0) bilitymeasuresonG ;thatis, γ·ms(γ) =mr(γ) forallγ ∈G . Usingthestandard n n n n theory of disintegration of measures for example (see [25, Theorem I.5]), we can extend each m to a Borel system of probability measures on all of G(0). Then m that m=(m ) is an approximate invariant mean for r :G→G(0). (cid:3) n 3. Borel Equivalence The definition of equivalence for Borelgroupoids is given in the appendix of [1]. In light of [19], it turns out to be a much more significant notion than originally thought. Definition 3.1 ([1, Definition A.1.11]). Let G and H be Borel groupoids. A (G,H)-Borel equivalence is a Borel space Z such that (a) Z is a free and proper left Borel G-space, (b) Z is a free and proper right Borel H-space, (c) The G- and H-actions commute, (d) r :Z →G(0) induces a Borel isomorphism between Z/H and G(0), and (e) s:Z →H(0) induces a Borel isomorphism between G\Z and H(0). In this case, we say that G and H are Borel equivalent. Itisprovedin[1,Theorem2.2.17]thatequivalenceoflocallycompactgroupoids preserves(topological)amenability. HereweshowasimilarresultholdsintheBorel case using virtually the same argument. Theorem3.2. SupposethatGandH areequivalentBorelgroupoids. IfH isBorel amenable (resp., properly amenable), then so is G. Proof. Let Z be a (G,H)-equivalence. Consider the commutative diagram G r // G(0) OO OO pG r Z∗G pZ //Z p q (cid:15)(cid:15) q (cid:15)(cid:15) Z // G\Z, where p(z,γ):=γ−1·z. First, assume that G is properly amenable. To see that H is properly amenable it will suffice, by [1, Corollary 2.1.7], to see that that H-map s : Z → H(0) is properly amenable. 6 JEANN.RENAULTANDDANAP.WILLIAMS Let λ = {λu} be an invariant mean for r : G → G(0). We first build an u∈G(0) invariant mean λ for p :Z∗G→Z: let λz be given by Z Z Z λz(f)= f(z,λ)dλrZ(z)(γ). Z Z G Consider the measure on Z obtained by the push forward q λz. Since invariance ∗ Z implies η−1·λr(η) =λs(η) for all η ∈G, it follows that q λη·z(b)= b(p(η·z,γ))dλη·z(γ) ∗ Z Z Z G = b(γ−1η·z)dλrZ(η·z)(γ)= b(γ−1·z)d(η−1·λr(η))(γ) Z Z G G =q λz(b). ∗ Z Hence the push forward q λz depends only on z˙ in G\Z. Since Z is a Borel ∗ Z equivalence, we can identify the quotient map q : Z → G\Z with the moment map s : Z → H(0). Thus we get an s-system of measures ν = {νv} where v∈H(0) νv =q λz for any z with s(z)=v. It will suffice to see that ν is invariant. But if ∗ Z s(z)=r(h), then b(z)d(νr(h)·h)(z)= b((γ−1·z)·h)dλr(z)(γ)= b(γ−1·(z·h))dλr(z·h(γ) Z Z Z Z G G = b(z)dνs(h)(z). Z Z This completes the proof for proper amenability. NowweassumethatGisBorelamenableandthatλ={λ }isanapproximately n invariantmeanforr :G→G(0)withλ ={λu} . ByLemma2.7,itwillsuffice n n u∈G(0) to show that the H-map s : Z → H(0) is Borel amenable. The argument parallels that above argument for proper amenability. We begin by lifting each λ to a system λ = {λz } of probability mea- n n,Z n,Z z∈Z sures for p :Z∗G→Z: Z λz (f)= f(z,γ)dλr(z)(γ). n,Z Z n G We let µz = q λz . Since λ is not necessarily invariant, we can’t assert that n ∗ n,Z n,Z µz depends only on z˙. However n b(w)dµz(w)= b(γ−1·z)dλr(z)(γ), Z n Z n Z G and µz is supported on q−1(z)=G·z. n Since Z is a properG-space,by definition there is a G-invariantsystemofprob- ability measures ρ = {ρz} for the Borel G-map p : Z ∗ G → Z which we z∈Z Z view as a family of measures on G such that suppρz ⊂ Gr(z). As in Remark 2.2, ρ drops to a system ρ˙ = {ρ˙z˙} for the quotient map q : Z → G\Z. Since z˙∈G\Z (z,γ)7→γ−1·z identifies G\(Z ∗G) with Z, we can view these as measures on Z. Explicitly, ρ˙z˙ =p ρz and ∗ ρ˙z˙(b)= b(γ−1·z)dρz(γ). Z G AMENABILITY OF GROUPOIDS 7 Usingtheinvarianceofρwegetmeasuresdependingonlyonz˙ supportedonq−1(z˙) by averagingthe µz with respect to ρ˙z˙: n (3.1) νz˙ = µz dρ˙z˙(z)= µγ−1·zdρz(γ). n Z n Z n Z G Asinthefirstpartoftheproof,weusethefactthatZ implementsanequivalence to identify the quotient map q : Z → G\Z with the moment map s : Z → H(0). Thus we get an s-system {νv} where νv = νz˙ for any z such that s(z) = v. v∈H(0) We will complete the proof by showing that ν is an approximately invariant mean for s. Therefore we need to see that for all h∈H, kνr(h)·h−νs(h)k tends to zero n n 1 with n. Notice that if (z,γ)∈Z∗G, then kµz −µγ−1·zk ≤kλr(γ)−λ·λs(γ)k . n n 1 n n 1 Next we claim that for fixed z ∈ Z, lim kνz˙ −µzk = 0. To see this we employ n n 1 (3.1), view ρz as a measure on Gr(z), and deduce that (3.2) kνz˙ −µzk ≤ kµγ−1·z−µzkdρz(γ)≤ kλr(γ)−γ·λs(γ)k dρz(γ). n n 1 Z n n Z n n 1 G G Since for each γ, lim kλr(γ)−γ·λs(γ)k =0, we see that (3.2) goes to zero by the n n n 1 Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem. Now fix h∈H and ǫ>0. Let z ∈Z be such that s(z)=r(h) and let z′ =z·h and observe that µz ·h=µz′. Let M be such that n≥M implies that n n kνz˙′ −µz′k< ǫ. n n 2 Then for n≥M, we have kνr(h)·h−νs(h)k ≤kνr(h)·h−µz ·hk +kµz ·h−µz˙k+kµz˙ −νs(h)k n n 1 n n 1 n n n n =kνz˙′ −µz′k +0+kµz′ −νz˙′k<ǫ. n n 1 n n Thus s:Z →H(0) is Borel amenable. This completes the proof. (cid:3) We close this section with two technical results which will be of use in the next section. Recallfrom [19, Definition 2.3]that a Borel approximate invariant density on G is a sequence (g ) of non-negative Borel functions on G such that n g (γ)dλu(γ)≤1 for all n, g (γ)dλu(γ)→1 for all u∈G(0) and Z n Z n G G g (γ−1γ′)−g (γ′) dλr(γ)(γ′)→0 for all γ ∈G. Z n n G(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Lemma 3.3. Let G be a Borel groupoid with a Borel Haar system {λu} . Let u∈G(0) {Y }∞ be a countable cover of G(0) by invariant Borel subsets such that each G i i=1 |Yi is Borel amenable. Then G is Borel amenable. Proof. Since each Y is invariant, u ∈ Y implies that (G )u = Gu. Hence λ i i |Yi restricts to a BorelHaar system on G . Hence by [19, Proposition2.4], the Borel |Yi amenability of G implies that there is a Borel approximate invariant density), |Yi {gi}∞ , on G . n n=1 |Yi Let B = Y and if i ≥ 2, let B = Y \ i−1Y . Then the {B } are a pairwise 1 1 i i j=1 j i disjoint cover of G(0) by invariant Borel setSs (some of which might be empty). Let bi be the characteristic function of B . Then each bi is a Borel function on G(0) i 8 JEANN.RENAULTANDDANAP.WILLIAMS (takingthe values0 and1)suchthatb vanishesoffY andforeachu∈G(0), there i i is one and only one i such that bi(u)=1. In particular, we trivially have ∞ bi(u)=1 for all u∈G(0). X i=1 For each n, define g on G by n g (γ)= gi ·bi, n n X i where gi ·bi(γ)=gi(γ)bi(s(γ)). n n By invariance, g (γ)dλu(γ)= gi(γ)dλu(γ), Z n Z n G G where i is such that bi(u) = 1. Now it is clear that {g } is a Borel approximate n invariant density for G. Hence G is Borel amenable as claimed. (cid:3) Recall that by assumption, all of our Borel spaces, and our Borel groupoids in particular, are analytic Borel spaces. Lemma3.4. LetGbeaBorel groupoid actingfreelyon (theright of) aBorel space X such that the quotient map q : X →X/G has a Borel cross section. Then X is a proper Borel G-space. Proof. LetX⋊GbethetransformationgroupoidfortherightG-action.3 Themap (x,γ)7→(x,x·γ) is a Borelas well as analgebraic isomorphismof X⋊G onto the equivalence relation groupoid X ∗ X = {(x,y) ∈ X ×X : q(x) = q(y)}. Since q X∗ X andX⋊GarebothBorelsubsetsofthecorrespondingproductspaces,they q arethemselvesanalyticBorelspaces. HenceX⋊GandX∗ X areBorelisomorphic q by Corollary2 of[2, Theorem3.3.4]. Hence itsuffices to see that X∗ X is proper. q WecanidentifyX withtheunitspaceofX∗ X. Foreachx∈X,letmx =δ × q x δ wherec:X/G→X is our Borelcrosssectionfor q. Since c(q(x))=c(q(y)) c(q(x)) if(x,y)∈X∗ X,wehave(y,x)·mx =my. HenceX isaproperBorelG-space. (cid:3) q 4. Cocycles In this paper, by a cocycle on a groupoid G we mean a homomorphism c:G→ Q into a group Q. As in [17, Definition 1.1.9],4 the corresponding skew-product groupoid is G(c)={(a,γ,b)∈Q×G×Q:b=ac(γ)}. Then multiplication is given by (a,η,b)(b,γ,d) = (a,ηγ,d) and inversion by (a,γ,b)−1 =(b,γ−1,a). We can identify the unit space of G(c) with G(0)×Q, and then the range and source maps are given as expected: r(b,γ,a) = (r(γ),b) while s(b,γ,a) = (s(γ),a). If G is a locally Hausdorff, locally compact groupoid with a Haar system {λu} and if Q is a locally compact group, then provided c u∈G(0) 3HereX⋊G={(x,γ)∈X×G:s(x)=r(γ)}hasmultiplicationdefinedby(x,γ)(x·γ,η)= (x,γη). 4In[17],G(c)isdescribedaspairs(γ,a)∈G×Q. Thegroupoidsareisomorphicviathemap (a,γ,b)7→(γ,a). AMENABILITY OF GROUPOIDS 9 is continuous, G(c) is a locally Hausdorff, locally compact groupoid with Haar system β ={β(u,a)} where (u,a)∈G(0)×Q β(u,a)(g)= g(a,γ,ac(γ))dλu(γ). Z G Later it will be useful to note that Q acts on the left of G(c) by (groupoid) automorphisms: q·(b,γ,a)=(qb,γ,qa). The action of Q on G(0) ×Q, identified with the unit space of G(c), is given by q·(u,a)=(u,qa). Part of our interest in G(c) is due to the following result. Proposition 4.1 ([17, Proposition II.3.8]). Suppose that G is a second countable locally Hausdorff, locally compact groupoid with a Haar system and that c is a continuous homomorphism from G into a locally compact group Q. If G(c) and Q are both amenable, then so is G. Proof. By [19, Definition 2.7], we need to construct a topological approximate in- variantmean{g }inC(G). Itwillsufficetoshowthatforeachpairofcompactsets n K ⊂ G and L ⊂ G(0), and each ǫ > 0, there is a nonnegative function f ∈ C(G) such that (A) f(γ)dλu(γ)≤1 for all u∈G(0), Z G (B) f(γ)dλu(γ)≥1−ǫ for all u∈L and Z G (C) |f(γ−1γ′)−f(γ′)|dλr(γ)(γ′)≤ǫ for all γ ∈K. Z G Since Q is amenable and c(K) is compact, there is a nonnegative function k ∈ C (Q) such that with respect to a fixed right Haar measure α on Q we have c ǫ k(a)dα(a)=1 and |k(ab)−k(a)|dα(a)≤ for all b∈c(K). Z Z 2 Q Q On the other hand, the (topological) amenability of G(c) allows us to find a non- negative function g ∈C(G(c)) such that (a) g(a,γ,ac(γ))dλu ≤1 for all (u,a)∈G(0)×Q, Z G (b) g(a,γ,ac(γ))dλu ≥1−ǫ for all (u,a)∈L×suppk and Z G (c) |g(ac(γ),γ−1γ′,ac(γ′))−g(a,γ′,ac(γ′))|dλr(γ) ≤ ǫ for all (a,γ) ∈ Z G suppk·c(K)−1×K. Now we define a nonnegative function on G via f(γ):= k(a)g(a,γ,ac(γ))dα(a). Z G Ifg iscontinuousandsupportedinacompactHausdorffsubset,thenf istoo. Since in general, g a finite sum of such functions, we have f ∈C(G). Then it is easy to check f satisfies (A) and (B) above. On the other hand, |f(γ−1γ′)−f(γ′)|dλr(γ)(γ′) Z G 10 JEANN.RENAULTANDDANAP.WILLIAMS = k(a) g(a,γ−1γ′,ac(γ−1γ′))−g(a,γ′,ac(γ′)) dλr(γ)(γ′) Z Z G Q (cid:0) (cid:1) = k(ac(γ)) g(ac(γ),γ−1γ′,a(c(γ′))−g(a,γ′,ac(γ′)) dλr(γ)(γ′)dα(a) Z Z G Q (cid:0) (cid:1) + k(ac(γ))−k(a) g(a,γ′,ac(γ′))dλr(γ)(γ′)dα(a) Z Z G Q(cid:0) (cid:1) which, in view of our assumptions on k and g, is ǫ ǫ ≤ + =ǫ. (cid:3) 2 2 Theorem4.2. SupposethatGisalocallyHausdorff, locally compactsecondcount- able groupoid with a Haar system and that c : G → Q is a continuous homomor- phism into a locally compact group Q such that the kernel c−1(e) is amenable. Let s˜: G → G(0) ×Q be the map given by s˜(γ) = (s(γ),c(γ)). Let Y be the image of s˜ in G(0) ×Q. Then Y is G(c)-invariant. Suppose that there are countably many q ∈Q such that n G(0)×Q= q ·Y, n [ n then G(c) is amenable. In particular, if Y is open in G(0) × Q, then G(c) is amenable. If in addition, Q is amenable, then so is G. It is not hard to check that Y is invariant: if s(a,γ,ac(γ)) = (s(γ),ac(γ)) ∈ Y, then there is an η ∈ G such that s˜(η) = (s(γ),ac(γ)). Hence s(η) = s(γ) and c(η)=ac(γ). But then s˜(ηγ−1)=(r(γ),c(η)c(γ)−1)=(r(γ),a)=r(a,γ,ac(γ)). Our key tool is the following observation. Proposition4.3. LetG,Q,candY =s˜(G)beasinthestatementofTheorem4.2. Then the Borel groupoids G(c) and c−1(e) are Borel equivalent. |Y Remark 4.4. The proof is complicated by the fact that we are not assuming G is Hausdorff,noris itclearwhether c−1(e)hasa Haarsystem. Thus wecannotapply [1, Corollary 2.1.17] to establish that the actions are proper. Instead, we resort to the definition. Proof. We want to show that G is a (c−1(e),G(c) )-Borel equivalence. We let |Y c−1(e) act on the left by multiplication in G. (Hence the moment map for the left action is just r.) For the right action of G(c) we use the moment map s˜. Thus |Y η·(a,γ,ac(γ)) makes sense only when (η,γ)∈G(2) and c(η)=a. Then we define (4.1) η·(c(η),γ,c(ηγ))=ηγ. To see that G is a proper right G(c) -space, we need to see that the transfor- |Y mation groupoid G⋊G(c) for the right G(c) -action is proper. But the map |Y |Y (η,(c(η),γ,c(ηγ))7→(η,γ) isclearlyabijectionofG⋊G(c) ontoG⋊G. Itiseasytoseethatitisagroupoid |Y homomorphism as well. Since the right action of any Borel groupoid on itself is proper (by a left to right modification of [1, Example 2.1.4(1)]), it follows that G is a proper G(c) -space. The action is clearly free. |Y To see that the left action is proper in the Borel sense, we first note that it is certainly free and proper topologically. Hence the orbit space is itself a locally

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