VOLUME 19 • ISSUE 12 • December2011 www.appraisaltoday.com AMC update - Customary and Reasonable fees - the perfect storm? Although many appraisers don't conference said that staff appraisers ing about AMCs and low fees, has like to work for AMCs, were being hired because the AMCs been heard by the regulators. LENDERS TELLTHE AMCS are worried that the CFPB will The Consumer Finance Protection WHATTO DO. Lenders are respon- require C/R fees. Of course, staff Agency (CFPB) is working on revis- sible for what the AMCs do - regula- appraisers offer more consistency ing consumer disclosure for mortgage tory requirements. The lenders decide and reliability, a good selling point loans. This may require that both the what they will pay, what extra for AMCs when marketing to total appraisal fee paid to the AMC data/analysis they want, etc. lenders. and the fee paid to the fee appraiser Any changes will have to come Another factor, of course, is that be disclosed. from the lenders and their regulators. they can pay staff appraisers whatev- Below is much more information No one knows what will happen, if er they want and have much more on these issues. anything, but it is a big issue. control and more consistent Unfortunately, almost everyone appraisals(see below). This article $10,000 fine peroccurrence says that Customary and Reasonable discusses that issue and others that Another factor for AMCs is the fees did not do what they wanted, AMCs are worried about. possibility of lenders paying including AMCs, appraisers, lenders, See below for more information. $10,000 fine for each occurrence of etc. an appraisal independence violation I spoke with AMCs at the recent The perfect storm - C/R fees? of the Dodd-Frank Act's TILA(Truth Valuation Expo in Las Vegas and got Banks are worried that their regula- in lending) provisions. The Act estab- lots of ideas for this article. tors will start looking at how their lishes civil penalties of up to appraisals are ordered from AMCs. $10,000 per day for first violations Why are AMCs hiring appraisers? The Interagency guidelines require and $20,000 for subsequent viola- I have been getting many of that lenders be responsible for many tions. This applies to other areas as employment ads in my email aspects of appraisals, including well.. newsletters. At the recent Valuation ordered through AMCs. Expo, my question was "Why are Months of complaints from you hiring staff appraisers." I had appraisers, consumers, etc. complain- been hearing rumors that they were afraid Customary and Reasonable INTHISISSUE fees will be required by the new Consumer Financial Protection Local and regional AMCs - a good business opportunity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 5 Bureau. UAD - AMC/lendererrorcheckers gone wild? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 7 Appraisals fortrusts and estates - an excellent diversificatin opportunity! . . . . . . . . . .Page 9 The first person I spoke with at the December 2011–©Appraisal Today–PAGE 1 Lenders worried about AMCs State AMC regulations vary widely AMC surety bonds Lenders are responsible for how This is a big issue/problem for all 29 states require surety bonds, their AMCs order and manage AMCs, and is expensive. another cost for AMCs. Amounts can appraisals. AMCs are not federally For all the states cost issues are: vary from $50,000 to $500,000 with regulated, but lenders are regulated. • payment of a fee for every appraiser fees to be paid to bond insurance See the list of appraisal requirements in their state on the AMC appraiser companies. Some require money to below from the Interagency list be deposited in a trust account, not Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines. • registration fee just a bond. Some regulators are saying that a Some states also require: Some require personal guarantees 2-day turnaround is unreasonable. • Surety bonds from the owners of the AMCs. There have been few audits, but Every state is different and the regs lenders are afraid they will increase. change over time. Keeping track of AMC cash flow problems Just like fee appraisers, if an AMC the requirements is a full time job for Big AMCs subcontracting to small loses a key client, they have prob- an AMC employee. AMCs - lowerappraisal fees lems. To see a current list of AMC state LSI gets a big contract with Big The smaller AMC can have diffi- regs, go to http://www.appraisalinsti- Bank, but they don't want to handle culties paying appraisers until they tute.org/newsadvocacy/stateissues. all the orders. are paid by the lender, especially if aspx. They contract with smaller AMCs they are expanding quickly. Some fee to handle their overflow. appraisers don't pay their appraisers What is an AMC? The result is often lower appraisal until they are paid by the client. This varies widely among the fees, as both AMCs need to get paid Big AMCs such as LSI, rels, etc. states, usually based on the number for their services. have cash reserves available. The of appraisers. In some states, relative- smaller AMCs may not. ly small appraisal firms are classified Why do AMCs have long lists of as AMCs. appraisal requirements? Managing quality is easierwith staff Remember, lenders give the AMCs appraisers How many states have AMC regula- their requirements. AMCs want to compete on quality. tions? If they work for multiple clients, With staff appraisers, the AMC has Currently 24 states have enacted sometimes it is easier to combine all control over the appraisals complet- regulations. Approximately 15 have their lenders' requirements into one ed. Also, reviewing is much easier pending regs. and some states are list. because the appraisals are standard- changing their regs. ized. For example, all the pages of AMC pricing variations As more states enact AMC regula- the reports are in the same order. Some AMCs price by wide geo- tions, costs will increase for AMCs. However,, this does require a com- graphic areas, such as a state. This is mitment to training. okay for easy to appraise properties, Just like fee appraisal companies, but not for non-tract properties. the AMCs can train their staff Many AMCs compete on price and appraisers in how they want turnaround. That's why they want 24- appraisals done. 48 hour turn times. This is what they Few, if any, larger AMCs can do all told their lender client. Competing on the appraisals without fee appraisers. price alone is a death race to the bot- Large national AMCs typically tom for most appraisers. Some have staff appraisers in high volume lenders go for the lowest fee. Turn areas. times are not typically a factor as many AMCs agree to 24-48 hour turn times. PAGE 2–©Appraisal Today–December 2011 Staff vs. fee appraisers - a long • If there is no work, don't have to How the CFPB may affect AMC standing issue pay anything appraisal fees Staff vs. fee is a long standing • No employee management prob- One of the first issues to be problem for lenders. Lenders have lems. addressed is: "Beginning the process been hiring and firing appraisers for of combining two federally required • No mandated employee regulations, many years, when loan volumes go mortgage disclosures (Truth in federal and state (½ of Social up and down. Lending Disclosure and the HUD-1 Security, workers compensation, etc.) I knew a local appraiser, retired No employee benefits. Settlement Statement) into one, as now, who had done residential required by the Dodd-Frank Act. The Fee appraiser negative factors: appraisals for lenders since the CFPB created an effort called Know • Hard to control. 1970s. He was periodically hired and Before You Owe to include consumer • Have other clients with competing fired. and industry input through this demands. Overall, the primary factor is con- process." • Maintaining your own fee appraiser trol. Good control for staff. Little The CFPB may require disclosure panel is a hassle, particularly with control for fee appraisers. Appraiser of both the appraisal and AMC por- lender consolidations, etc. consistency is also a factor. tions of their mortgage appraisal fee The range is from all staff to all What is the ConsumerFinancial as part of regulating consumer disclo- fee. In the past 15 years, when mort- Protection Bureau? sures. gage brokers handled many From the CFPB web site: No one knows what will happen. appraisals, staff appraisers were not Title X of the Dodd Frank Wall needed. Many lenders had few staff Street Reform and Consumer AMCs and SR-10, Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation appraisers. Protection Act calls for the establish- Guidelines effective 12/10/10 - In the "old days" most appraisers ment of the Consumer Financial anotherreason forusing staff were staff appraisers at lenders, typi- Protection Bureau, which for the first appraisers cally trained by lenders. Staff was time will provide a central regulator This is a major concern for AMCs. also used for the "rush" appraisals for a plethora of consumer protection So far, I haven't heard of many lender and for high-end bank customers. Fee statutes formally enforced by various audits of the use of AMCs, but the appraisers were used for overflow federal agencies including the AMCs and the lenders that use them work. Federal Reserve, HUD and the FTC. are worried about this. AMCs using On July 18, 2011, President Obama staff appraisers can help them com- Staff vs. fee, positive and negative nominated Richard Cordray, the head ply. factors of the Bureau's Enforcement This is what lenders use to see if Many lenders and AMCs consider Division, to be the first Director of they are following regulations. Many staff appraisers to be more reliable the CFPB. This nomination is cur- lenders have outsourced the appraisal and consistent. rently pending before the Senate. The regulations to AMCs, such as select- Staff appraiser positive factors: CFPB is hiring and issuing guide- ing appraisers, etc. • For AMCs, a higher level of service lines. Below are quotes from the docu- they can promote to their clients New rules will be issued in large ment referring to third parties. • Reliable quantities and quickly. Plans are "An institution that engages a third • Typically pay on base plus commis- already underway, for instance, to party to perform certain collateral sion, so appraiser income depends on create uniform disclosures for TILA valuation functions (i.e., AMC) on its volume. and RESPA, one of the clear man- behalf is responsible for understand- Staff appraiser negative factors: dates of the new CFPB. ing and managing the risks associated • Employees, with all the hassle of with the arrangement. An institution having employees. should use caution if it engages a • Can be hard to fire when business third party to administer any part of is down. its appraisal and evaluation function, • Most pay a base fee, even if there is including the ordering or reviewing little work. Must pay minimum of appraisals and evaluations, select- wage. ing an appraiser or person to perform Fee appraiser positive factors: evaluations, or providing access to analytical methods or technological December 2011–©Appraisal Today–PAGE 3 tools." periodically assess the collateral val- What's the future? "An institution is accountable for uation functions performed by a third No one knows, but there is consid- ensuring that any services performed party." erable rumbling about AMC changes by a third party, both affiliated and "An institution also is responsible and many AMCs are worried. unaffiliated entities, comply with for ensuring that a third party selects applicable laws and regulations and an appraiser or a person to perform What you can do now are consistent with supervisory guid- an evaluation who is competent and Where to send your complaints to ance." independent, has the requisite experi- the CFPB: "Therefore, an institution should ence and training for the assignment, http://www.consumerfinance.gov/con- have the resources and and thorough knowledge of the sub- tact-us/ Or, google CFPB to get to the expertise necessary for performing ject property's market. Appraisers home page. ongoing oversight of third party must be appropriately certified or arrangements." licensed, but this minimum creden- "An institution should have inter- tialing requirement, although neces- nal controls for identifying, monitor- sary, is not sufficient to determine ing, and managing the risks associat- that an appraiser is competent to per- ed with using a third party arrange- form an assignment for a particular ment for valuation services, including property or geographic market." compliance, legal, reputational, and “An institution should document operational risks. with supervisory the results of ongoing monitoring guidance." efforts and periodic assessments of "Prior to entering into any arrange- the arrangement(s) with a third party ment with a third party for valuation for compliance with applicable regu- services, an institution should com- lations and consistency with supervi- pare the risks, costs, and benefits of sory guidance and its performance the proposed relationship to those standards. If deficiencies are discov- associated with using another vendor ered, an institution should take reme- or conducting the activity in-house. dial action in a timely manner." The decision to outsource any part of "Deficiencies in an institution's the collateral valuation function appraisal and evaluation program that should not be unduly influenced by result in violations of the Agencies' any short-term cost savings. An insti- appraisal regulations or contraven- tution should take into account all tions of the Agencies' supervisory aspects of the long-term effect of the guidance reflect negatively on man- relationship, including the managerial agement. An institution's appraisal expertise and associated costs for and evaluation policies should estab- effectively monitoring the arrange- lish internal controls to promote an ment on an ongoing basis." effective appraisal and evaluation "If an institution outsources any program." part of the collateral valuation func- tion, it should exercise appropriate due diligence in the selection of a third party. This process should include sufficient analysis by the institution to assess whether the third party provider can perform the ser- vices consistent with the institution's performance standards and regulatory requirements. An institution should be able to demonstrate that its poli- cies and procedures establish effec- tive internal controls to monitor and PAGE 4–©Appraisal Today–December 2011 Local and regional AMCs - a good business opportunity Local and regional AMCs work Rels, corelogic, LSI, etc. are not mbers on the left side. for a much smaller list of clients, likely to go out of business and not so you don't have a long list of pay their appraisers. Internet search tips requirements, compiled from all their Use "Appraisal management com- clients. How to find contact info forlocal panies" to get AMC web sites, lists of They vary widely, depending on and regional AMC AMCs and links to AMC directories. the volume of appraisals and clients, You need to do some research to When you decide on your target from one-appraiser AMCs servicing locate them by finding out how the AMC, research them on the Internet. one or a few lenders to regional lenders are getting appraisals. Appraiser referrals AMCs with clients in several states. Here are some ideas: Ask non-competing appraisers Marketing: • Ask real estate agents who they rec- which smaller AMCs they like. 1. Find out which AMCs you want to ommend for loans. Go to local meet- Appraisers are often the best source of contact. Do your research. ings of your association of Realtors. information. 2. Contact the AMCs with a sales Every time you contact a real estate Look at postings on appraiser call. Follow up if needed. agent, ask who they use or know forums and email groups for names of about. appraisers working nearby, but not in AMC services to lenders - what • Go to local lenders and credit unions your area, and contact them. Look for they offer and ask what AMCs they use. Maybe negative comments and maybe a few Small AMCs often only do they order their own appraisals. postive comments. appraisal ordering and tracking. • Use your local paper phone book These are good because you don't and the Internet to find names. Check the Internet before you call have any stips and hassles. AMCs AMCs can offer many additional Don't forget to contact mortgage Their web sites are for attracting services, such as: companies and formermortgage clients, but there will be useful infor- brokerclients mation for you there. • Reports on their activities These companies contract with Look for: • Reviews, administrative and techni- AMCs or order their appraisals in- cal • Contact info house. • Tracking appraiser "performance" • Fees Contact your former mortgage bro- This is the basis of the "cost plus" • Turnaround ker clients and see who they are model. Appraisal fee plus specific • Size of company working for and who does their itemized AMC services. • Volume of orders appraisals. Many of them are working • Geographic area for mortgage companies. Pluses of small and regional AMCs Google the AMCs names to get lots • Typically pay better than large of info, including appraiser com- AMC directories AMCs plaints, press releases, etc. They are a good source of contact • Easy to work with - fewer employ- info if they have the geographic areas ees Cold calling to pre-screen the AMCs cover. • Work for fewer lenders, so no big After checking them out on the Check your state regulator to get a lists of requirements. Internet, if you can't find much about list of AMCs licensed in your state. a specific AMC, try a quick screening Go to www.tavma.org and click on The minus of small AMCs - call to the AMCs and ask simple ques- collection tions such as geographic area. You are For smaller AMCs, the risk of not not selling your services, just collect- getting paid is much larger. Keep very, very close watch on your accounts receivable. December 2011–©Appraisal Today–PAGE 5 ing information. Followup, followup, followup!!! Ask questions a customer would Keep a list of the AMCs, the date ask, such as costs. Don't ask apprais- you called or contacted them, and the er questions, such as if they pay C/R results. Decide on a followup date - fees. email, call, personal visit. This is KEYto getting the AMCs Questions to ask afteryou get AMC you want. name and contact person Technical • Are you looking for new apprais- ers? If not, ask when you can check back. Offer to do their rush jobs for no extra fee. • What are they looking for: Certified, licensed, 5 years minimum experience, etc. • How to get on their list. What you need to do. Marketing • I'm an appraiser. I spoke with XYZ Credit Union (person's name if possi- ble) who said they really like to work with you. • I have XX years and XX certifica- tion. I want to work with AMCs that are not national and bureaucratic so I can contact you if there is a problem. • I always respond to request for cor- rections as quickly as possible, and notify you ASAPif there are any problems. • I know your lender clients want appraisals completed quickly so they can close their loans. Final remarks • What is your typical range of fees. Do you send broadcast orders. Don't waste your time for an AMC you don't want to work for. PAGE 6–©Appraisal Today–December 2011 UAD - AMC/lender UAD error checkers gone wild? Many appraisers have been sub- problem with the data the appraiser value for Fannie Mae loans. As more mitting UAD reports to entered. The information is correct, data is available, this will become lenders. But there are very few stips but does not conform to the data clearer. or questions from reviewers or standard. It could take a year or more to get underwriters on UAD appraisal Underwriters can do a "manual finite analytics. reports now. Many of the stips are override" to let the appraisal data go because whomever wrote the through their system. Required fields AMC/lender UAD checking software Examples are: In the UAD, 91 fields are required is not correctly identifying UAD • Condominium unit number and 118 are conditionally required. requirements. • Physical address (i.e., physically There are other fields that are not When I asked my 14,000 email located in one city and postal address required. See the UAD Specification subscribers for UAD stips, I didn't in another city, title report address document - link at the bottom of this get many replies, probably because different than USPS address) USPS newsletter. I have book marked this not much reviewing is done. But addresses work about 90% of the on my web browser toolbar. their UAD checkers software are time. • Required: The data point must be having big problems. See below. • Appraiser license numbers. Some included in the appraisal XMLfile. Why? Because lenders are working states, such as Florida, has appraiser • Conditionally Required: The data on a much bigger project - getting all license numbers that don't conform point must be included in the the loan documents into XMLwith to Fannie UAD requirements (Fannie appraisal XMLfile when a defined standardized data input. wants a number to be first, not a let- business condition exists. Here are the lender deadlines: ter). These are the only fields required • 9/1/11 - UAD required for by Fannie and have specific date appraisals with an effective date Fannie wants lots of comments requirements. As seen below, in the (usually inspection date) of 9/1/11 or Not all homes are in recently built stips section, lenders stips on these later. tracts. The UAD tries to homogenize required fields do not always match • 12/1/11 - lenders must start deliver- all homes in the U.S. Many times, the Fannie requirements. They may ing appraisals to the GSEs using only comments can explain the dif- require specific entries that are not UAD formatting. They may start ference. required by Fannie, making it very reviewing at that date. Fannie will difficult for the appraiser to comply have a better indication of which data Why did Fannie set up the UAD? with the Fannie UAD guidelines and fields are the most important. In the past, Fannie only received keep track of what each lender wants. two data elements: address and • 3/19/11 - Uniform Collateral Data value. Obviously, they couldn't do Link to the official Fannie document Portal (UCDP) required. All the any pre-funding reviews. - use this to see what the actual UAD required lending documents must be requirements are. With the UAD, Fannie will have delivered with UAD standardization. This is your resource for UAD Stips much more data. THIS IS THE LENDERS' DEAD- and questions LINE. Fannie's research on early UAD To see the entire dataset description This is a huge change for lenders. submissions go to Appraisals are at the bottom of the Fannie tested about 60,000 UAD https://www.efanniemae.com/sf/lqi/u pile. submissions from 180 lenders, look- mdp/pdf/uadreqsforlenders.pdf pub- UAD stips may start picking up, ing specifically at two critical data lished 8/11/11. Or google "Uniform but I suspect that most lenders will fields: subject address and appraiser Appraisal Dataset Specification". The focus on delivering their loan docu- license number. FAQs are also useful Google UAD ments. FAQs to find it. What is Fannie planning forthe It is easy to understand. Just search Manual over-rides future on UAD fields? for what you need and bookmark the Some of the data field entries cause No one knows for sure which data link. error messages because there is a fields will be the best predictors of December 2011–©Appraisal Today–PAGE 7 What about lots of "errors" when Fannie/Freddie lists of UAD and not make an adjustment. I told them running UAD check in forms non-UAD forms and, almost a week the subject and comp were not software? later, they removed that require- enough to change the C rating, but Typically, when you are filling out ment." there was a difference between the the UAD, forms vendors focus on "I have one AMC who has just two. critical data such as Q1 etc. and alerts instituted an "automated UAD rule I am sure more stips are coming, as you when you fill it out. checker" program in their submission are more changes." However, the error checker finds website that has been driving me My comment: The reviewer is many other less important UAD dis- nuts with the neighborhood bound- wrong on distance. The distance crepancies in your reports. Getting aries section. The rule checker requirement is: Reporting Format: 20-50 errors is not unusual for the requires there be nothing in the field Proximity to Subject – Numeric to 2 first few times. Your errors will except the 4 boundaries, with the decimal places + ‘miles' + decline as you learn how to fill out fully spelled out words North, South, Directional. Example: 1.75 miles the data without prompts. East and West coming AFTER each NW. The reviewer is wrong on the Learn how to get no errors. boundary. No abbreviations, no other C4 adjustment. This error can signif- If you think your vendor is not cor- words allowed in this section, AND icantly affect the value. rect about the UAD requirements, it must be in the order N, S, E, W, N, "Very few stips so far. Biggest contact your forms vendor. E, S, W(like I had always done, as if request are to explain why different drawing a diagram around a neigh- Quality of Construction does not AMC/lenderUAD checkers gone borhood) is NOTacceptable to the automatically mean a adjustment and wild!! rule checker. I do not believe that issues with UAD provided addresses. This definitely needs to be straight- this is what UAD says." My com- When the UAD address conflicts ened out, unless each lender/AMC ment: the UAD specs don't say this. with title or deed work bank wants to adds requirements that are not in the The specs say: "The appraiser should match to their documents not the UAD specs, and may conflict with provide an outline of the neighbor- USPS address." My comment: See the specs. hood boundaries, which should be the previous stips. Address conflicts Some appraisers are getting lots of clearly delineated using ‘North', are a problem. The underwriter can stips and others get very little, ‘South', ‘East', and ‘West'..." No do a manual override. depending on the AMCs' lender order or abbreviations are included. clients. "Another AMC's reviewers require What if Freddie and Fannie are Some of them are on required that, if I am inspecting a house with, dissolved? fields, other are on the non-required say, a 2 car garage, that I enter a zero According the Alfred Pollard, fields. Some conflict with the UAD in the carport line (even though I haead of FHFA, the GSEs’regulator, requirements. don't check the box). This AMC has many politicians don't understand all They are running the appraisal no issues with other fields left blank, the tasks Fannie performs. Who will report data through an automated but for some reason thinks this one do them all is very murky. checker, often set up by the lender, must have a zero in it." My com- which may not be correct. Where to get more information ment: The reviewer is correct. here is Appraisers are receiving stips that the specification: "If the subject Send your UAD questions to: are not required by Fannie's UAD. I property has a driveway, garage, [email protected] hope some of these issues are and/or carport, the appraiser must Check out the previous articles resolved before everyone is checking enter the number of spaces for each published in Appraisal Today at the UAD fields 3/19/11. What a mess!! type of car storage; if none, enter the special paid subscriber Web page. Go to www.efanniemae.com numeral zero (0). Here are a few stips from Appraisers are listed under Industry "So far the only stip I have gotten appraisers: Specialists from an AMC is that the distance "My favorite recent UAD stip was from subject to comps must be in for an appraisal rejected by one of "miles"(lowercase) and not MILES our secondary market buyers as non- (UPPERCASE). I asked ACI and UAD compliant. They insisted the they said no that was not a field that report be resubmitted in UAD format. is case sensitive. I did have one It was a duplex on the FNMA1025 underwriter tell me that if I called the form. Instead we forwarded the subject C4 and the comp C4 I should PAGE 8–©Appraisal Today–December 2011 Appraisals for trusts and estates - an excellent diversification opportunity! Most of my current appraisal around pressure, value pressure,or gains tax work is for estates and trusts. payment problems. 9. Family limited partnerships and Many are multiple appraisal assign- other types of trusts/partnerships ments. I am currently working on a What forms to use? 19 property assignment in my city DO NOTuse ANYof the current What if you only do residential or with a $15,000 fee. What types of Fannie forms for ANYnon-lender commercial appraisals, not both? properties did I appraise? 17 were work. I use the old Fannie form and You can hire another appraiser to residential rentals, homes, 2-4 units, others use a generic form. do the appraisal types you cannot do, and apartment buildings. Two were I regularly hear about appraisers or appraisals in a geographic area small commercial. using the new forms for divorce and where you don't work. Or, you can If you want to diversify from getting into trouble in court. refer the executor or attorney to another appraiser. I have done both. I lender/AMC work, I strongly recom- Why do we have an estate tax in usually give them another appraiser's mend estate appraisals. Any appraiser this country? name as I don't want to manage their can do them. The only tricky part is It was started to make sure we did- appraisals. going into the past, which is not that n't have the inherited aristocracy of difficult. Very seldom have court tes- Europe, which controlled much of What if the estate ("death") tax is timony, paid full fees in advance (or the wealth there in the past. repealed? 50% up front). The effective date of Now, with the reduction in the tax Estate taxes seem to change regu- the appraisal is almost always in the limit and lots of ways to avoid it, it larly, depending on politics, mostly. past. is a factor in income disparities in Repeal of all estate taxes is unlikely Many appraisers are worried about this country. Many states have due to the loss in income for the their futures - will appraisers be eliminated estate taxes as they are Federal Budget. needed 5, 10, or 20 years in the very unpopular. The federal govern- The Internal Revenue Code gives future? Most appraisals are done for ment keeps changing the limits, but each U.S. citizen a "coupon" that can lending purposes. Lending has been it is a large sum of money to lose. be applied against their estate tax bill. changing to placing much more In 2009 the "coupon" was emphasis on the credit worthiness of When are appraisals needed? $3,500,000, and for the 2010, 2011 the borrower than the value of the Although we usually think of and 2012 tax years the "coupon" is collateral. appraisals for estate taxes when $5,000,000. Even if there are problems requir- someone dies, actually many Under the provisions of the Tax ing appraisals in the future, lending is appraisals are needed for other pur- Relief, Unemployment Insurance a notoriously cyclical business. poses. As an overview, a non-exhaus- Reauthorization, and Job Creation Why not try working for other tive list of when an appraisal could Act of 2010, the $5,000,000 estate types of clients who provide a more be needed is: tax exemption and 35% estate tax stable source of income? An excellent 1. Sale to a relative rate are only scheduled to be in effect option for both commercial and resi- 2. Partitioning an estate among the until December 31, 2012, at which dential appraisers is appraisals for heirs or beneficiaries time the federal estate tax laws will estate, trust, and gift purposes. 3. Sale to a non-relative revert back to the laws that were in With the recent popularity of living 4. Prior to listing the home for sale effect in 2001/2002. This means that trusts, and sophisticated tax avoid- 5. Partial interests on January 1, 2013, the federal estate ance methods such as family limited 6. Alternate valuation date - estate tax exemption will drop all the way partnerships, appraisals are needed tax purposes (if the property value down to $1,000,000 and the estate tax both for tax planning purposes prior declines 6 months after the date of rate will jump up to 55%. to a property owner's death and for death) What will happen in 2012? No one settling an estate after death. 7. Gifts and gift trusts (to charities or knows but repeal of the federal estate Why do I like estate and trust children, typically) tax is very unlikely. appraisals? I very rarely have turn- 8. Determining the basis for capital December 2011–©Appraisal Today–PAGE 9 Who pays the estate tax? spouse and no taxes are due at that to purchase the property from the In 2011, estate tax liability will total time. estate, the executor will likely want an estimated $10.6 billion in 2011. When the second spouse sells a an appraisal as part of his or her fidu- The top ten percent of income earners property or dies, capital gains taxes ciary duty. will pay 98 percent of this total. The are due, but only for an increase over richest will pay $5.4 billion or 51 per- the basis established when the first Who can do the valuations? cent of the total. spouse dies. The IRS does not specify that a licensed appraiser has to do the Total estate tax returns for 2011 are When my husband died 7 years appraisals. The owner can provide a estimated at 8,600 with 3,240 of the ago, I had our properties appraised. value, a real estate agent, or just about returns as taxable. Our home had almost tripled in value anyone, except for gift returns (see The estate tax is highly progressive. ($385,000 to $900,000) since our pur- below). The top ten percent of income earners chase in 1985. When I sold it 4 years pays virtually all of the tax; over half later, I paid no capital gains tax. For larger estates, a licensed appraiser is preferred. If the return is is paid by the richest 1 in 1,000. Much of the political debate about the Who orders the appraisals? challenged, the IRS will bring out estate tax centers around its impact on For residential appraisals (up to a their very qualified experts to refute family farms and small businesses. In few homes or small income proper- the estate's valuation. fact, very few farms or businesses ties) I am often called by the execu- An appraiser with superior creden- actually pay the tax. Small farms and tor, who gets my name from a real tials and methodology and local expe- businesses will pay under $10 million estate agent or out of the Yellow rience is preferred as the tax court and in estate tax in 2011 (estimated), less Pages. Usually the attorney or circuit courts often look to the best than one tenth of 1 percent point of accountant asks the executor to obtain appraisal done by the most competent the total revenue the tax will collect. an appraisal. appraiser rather than "splitting the dif- Estate tax liability will total an esti- For larger estates, the appraisals are ference." mated $10.6 billion in 2011. The top typically handled If there is no estate tax liability, for ten percent of income earners will pay by: example, because of the marital 98 percent of this total. The richest 1 1.Attorneys (estate distribution, tax deduction, sometimes a letter from a in 1,000 will pay $5.4 billion or 51 issues) real estate agent is used. However, percent of the total. 2.Accountants and enrolled agents this "appraisal" will be used for estab- If there is no federal estate tax, (tax returns) lishing the basis for future taxes, and obviously the income will be lost for 3.Beneficiaries of gift trusts can be challenged by the IRS. the federal government. It seems 4.Executors and administrators I always mention the possibility of unlikely it will be discontinued. 5.Trustees an IRS challenge when the caller is reluctant to order an appraisal or is Some "little people" are affected. I regularly appraise larger estates with Appraisals fornon-tax purposes shopping for a low fee. multiple properties where some of the I regularly do estate-related properties will have to be sold to pay appraisals for non-tax purposes. The Appraisals forgifts IRS rules for appraisals on gifts is estate taxes. executor sometimes needs values to stricter than for estates, primarily due partition an estate. For example, the to issues with personal property valu- Appraisal forstepped up basis decedent has two children, one gets ation, such as paintings. No one knows the future of federal the house and the other gets the estate taxes or when property will be stocks, but the estate is to be divided IRS Form 8283, Noncash sold. I always strongly recommend equally between them. Or, two or Charitable Contributions (over $500) getting an appraisal as of the date of three properties are left to the chil- requires that the appraiser sign a dec- the first spouse's death to set the basis dren, but the will doesn't specify how laration, including "I declare that I for capital gains. they are to be divided. hold myself out to the public as an appraiser or perform appraisals on a Most of my estate work is to estab- Sometimes the beneficiaries can't regular basis ... I understand that any lish a new capital gains basis as of the agree on "how much they can get" false or fraudulent overstatement of date of death for the "marital exemp- from the property. One of them may the property value ... may subject me tion". not trust real estate agents and think to the penalty under section 6701(a)." This is particularly important when they 'will try to list it low.' The execu- the first spouse dies, as the real estate tor gets an appraisal. is a "pass through" to the surviving If a relative or a private party wants PAGE 10–©Appraisal Today–December 2011