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Template_7x10_Hamilton.indd Gastroenterology and Hepatology A m b about the book… u AmbulAtory A great single-source reference encompassing all aspects of colorectal surgery, Ambulatory l Colorectal Surgery covers topics: a • patient evaluation t • anorectal anatomy ColoreCtAl o • anorectal ultrasound • biofeedback techniques r • fecal incontinence evaluation and management y • wound management • stoma management Surgery C • pain management • anal fissure o • anorectal abscess l • proctalgia fugax o about the editors... r LAURENCE R. SANDS is Associate Professor of Surgery and Chief of the Division of Colon and e Rectal Surgery at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida, USA. He c received his M.D. from Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Subsequently, he completed his general surgery residency at the Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia, t Pennsylvania, USA. He then went on to do his colon and rectal surgery training at the Cleveland a Clinic Florida, Weston, Florida, USA. He has worked at the University of Miami for 11 years and l now serves as Chief of the Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery. Dr. Sands is a fellow of both the American College of Surgeons and the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons. In S addition, he has served as President of the South Florida Chapter of the American College of Surgeons and now serves as a Governor of the Chapter. u DANA R. SANDS is a staff colorectal surgeon and Director of the Colorectal Physiology Center at r edited by the Cleveland Clinic Florida in the Department of Colon and Rectal Surgery in Weston, Florida, g USA. Dr. Sands received her M.D. from Hahneman University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. e laurence r. Sands She completed her general surgery residency at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Florida, USA. She completed her colon and rectal surgery training at the r Dana r. Sands Cleveland Clinic Florida, Weston, Florida, USA. Dr. Sands then joined the busy the Cleveland y Clinic Florida practice and was appointed a staff surgeon. She assumed the role as Director of the Colorectal Physiology Center and cares for patients with a broad spectrum of colorectal diseases and complex pelvic floor pathology. She is a fellow of both the American College of Surgeons and the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons. Sands Printed in the United States of America • Sands DK3420 nC nM nY nK Sands_978-0824727925.indd 1 10/28/08 11:36:19 AM AmbulAtory ColoreCtAl Surgery Sands_978-0824727925_TP.indd 1 10/28/08 9:46:38 AM AmbulAtory ColoreCtAl Surgery edited by laurence r. Sands University of Miami Medical Center Miami, Florida, USA Dana r. Sands Cleveland Clinic Florida Weston, Florida, USA Sands_978-0824727925_TP.indd 2 10/28/08 9:46:39 AM SJT SJT IHBK009-FM IHBK009-Sands October20,2008 12:43 CharCount= InformaHealthcareUSA,Inc. 52VanderbiltAvenue NewYork,NY10017 (cid:1)C 2009byInformaHealthcareUSA,Inc. InformaHealthcareisanInformabusiness NoclaimtooriginalU.S.Governmentworks PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmericaonacid-freepaper 10987654321 InternationalStandardBookNumber-10:0-8247-2792-4(Hardcover) InternationalStandardBookNumber-13:978-0-8247-2792-5(Hardcover) Thisbookcontainsinformationobtainedfromauthenticandhighlyregardedsources.Reprintedmaterialisquoted withpermission,andsourcesareindicated.Awidevarietyofreferencesarelisted.Reasonableeffortshavebeen madetopublishreliabledataandinformation,buttheauthorandthepublishercannotassumeresponsibilityfor thevalidityofallmaterialsorfortheconsequenceoftheiruse. No part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording,orinanyinformationstorageorretrievalsystem,withoutwrittenpermissionfromthepublishers. Forpermissiontophotocopyorusematerialelectronicallyfromthiswork,pleaseaccesswww.copyright.com (http://www.copyright.com/) or contact the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC) 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers,MA01923,978-750-8400.CCCisanot-for-profitorganizationthatprovideslicensesandregistrationfor avarietyofusers.FororganizationsthathavebeengrantedaphotocopylicensebytheCCC,aseparatesystem ofpaymenthasbeenarranged. TrademarkNotice:Productorcorporatenamesmaybetrademarksorregisteredtrademarks,andareusedonly foridentificationandexplanationwithoutintenttoinfringe. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Ambulatorycolorectalsurgery/editedbyLaurenceR.Sands,DanaR.Sands. p.;cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN-13:978-0-8247-2792-5(hardcover:alk.paper) ISBN-10:0-8247-2792-4(hardcover:alk.paper) 1. Colon(Anatomy)–Surgery. 2. Rectum–Surgery. 3.Ambulatorysurgery. I.Sands, LaurenceR. II.Sands,DanaR. [DNLM:1.Colon–surgery. 2.AmbulatorySurgicalProcedures–methods. 3.Digestive SystemSurgicalProcedures–methods. 4.Rectum–surgery.WI520A4972008] RD544.A5332008 617.5’547–dc22 2008039614 ForCorporateSalesandReprintPermissionscall212-520-2700orwriteto:SalesDepartment,52Vanderbilt Avenue,16thfloor,NewYork,NY10017. VisittheInformaWebsiteat www.informa.com andtheInformaHealthcareWebsiteat www.informahealthcare.com SJT SJT IHBK009-FM IHBK009-Sands October20,2008 12:44 CharCount= Foreword The Editors are to be congratulated on their collaborative effort to provide colon and rectal surgeons and their trainees with an excellent resource for the management of anorectal and outpatient problems in colon and rectaldiseases.The table of contents is comprehensive and contemporary. The chapters have been authored by young colon and rectal surgeons with experiencedseniorsurgeonsascoauthorsincertaincircumstances.Theapproachtoeachtopic iswellorganizedwithadequatehistoricalcommenttoprovidebackgroundtomoderntherapy. This is a rapidly changing field and the authors have provided evidence for the use of each physiologictest,imaginingtechnique,andtherapeuticmaneuver(medicalorsurgical).Thisis aconcise,detailed,andpracticaltreatise,whichwillbeeasilyusedasareferenceintheclinic, physiologylab,andoutpatientoperatingroom. JamesW.Fleshman,M.D. WashingtonUniversitySchoolofMedicine, St.Louis,Missouri,U.S.A. SJT SJT IHBK009-FM IHBK009-Sands October20,2008 12:44 CharCount= SJT SJT IHBK009-FM IHBK009-Sands October20,2008 12:45 CharCount= Preface The face of medicine has changed significantly in the 21st century. Emphasis is placed on minimallyinvasivetechniquesandshorterhospitalization.Thismedicalclimatehaschallenged physicianstoprovideexcellentcareofincreasinglycomplexproblemsoftenintheoutpatient settingandfrequentlyusingmultidisciplinaryapproaches. Assuch,wehavebeenmotivatedtowriteanewcolonandrectalsurgerytextbookcapital- izingontheshiftingpracticesofmedicineinthe21stcentury.Thisbookrepresentsacompilation ofoffice-baseddiagnoses,conditions,andtreatmentsthatarecommonlyencounteredingeneral and colon and rectal surgical practices. Attention is paid to all facets of outpatient colorectal surgeryincludingtheevaluationandtreatmentofcomplexpelvicfloorpathology. Manyoffice-basedoutpatientconditionsandanorectaldiseasesingeneralareoftenpoorly understood. This disease spectrum is frequently glossed over in surgical training programs. Most surgical trainees today have limited access to the outpatient office setting, especially within the confines of the restricted working hours of residents. Conditions such as the ones reviewedinthisbookmakeupthecoreofmanysurgicalpractices.Therefore,webelievethat this book will be useful to all practicing colon and rectal surgeons, general surgeons with an interest in anorectal disease, and particularly those young surgeons just completing their surgicaltrainingandstartinginpractice. Thechaptersarelistedbyconditionandincludeacomprehensivereviewofthedisease entityfollowedbytheavailablediagnosticmodalitiesandtreatmentoptions.Theperioperative careisalsoincludedinordertoprovidethereaderwithaguidetothecompletemanagement ofthesepatients.Areviewoftheliterature,bothclassicandnew,willhelpthereadertogain a thorough understanding of each disease process. Prominent authors who have expertise in theseareashavebeenbroughttogetherinthisefforttobringsomesimplicitytothetreatment ofagroupofcommonconditions,whichareoftenineffectivelymanagedbyphysicians. Our hope is that this book will give surgeons the ability to manage the spectrum of diseasesencounteredintheoutpatientsettingandmakeastrongcontributiontothewelfareof allpatients. The editors are especially thankful to the contributors who have taken time from their busyclinicalpracticestohelpinthisendeavorandtoElektraMcDermott,withoutwhom,this projectwouldnothavebeenpossible.Wealsowishtoacknowledgeanddedicatethisbookto ourdearchildren,RyanandCory,fromwhomwehavetakenmuchtimeinthepreparationof thisproject. LaurenceR.Sands DanaR.Sands SJT SJT IHBK009-FM IHBK009-Sands October20,2008 12:45 CharCount= SJT SJT IHBK009-FM IHBK009-Sands October24,2008 13:5 CharCount= Contents Foreword JamesW.Fleshman .... iii Preface .... v Contributors .... ix SectionI: EvaluationTools 1. PatientEvaluation 1 SanjayJobanputra,T.CristinaSardinha,andMarcE.Sher 2. AnatomyoftheRectumandAnus 7 Jose´MarcioNevesJorgeandNewtonLuizT.Gasparetti,Jr. 3. AnorectalPhysiology 21 SheriefShawkiandDanaR.Sands 4. AnorectalUltrasound 45 TracyHullandMassaratZutshi 5. BiofeedbackTreatmentforFunctionalAnorectalDisorders 55 DawnVickers SectionII: FunctionalDisorders 6. Hemorrhoids:Office-BasedManagement 79 DeanC.KohandMartinA.Luchtefeld 7. Hemorrhoids:SurgicalTreatment 87 DavidJ.MaronandStevenD.Wexner 8. AnalFissure 103 MigueldelMazoandLaurenceR.Sands 9. FecalIncontinence:Evaluation 109 JaimeL.BohlandRobertaL.Muldoon 10. FecalIncontinence:Office-BasedManagement 121 TishaLunsfordandJonathanEfron 11. FecalIncontinence:SurgicalManagement 135 JuanJ.NoguerasandAnneY.Lin 12. Constipation:EvaluationandManagement 141 BadmaBashankaev,MaratKhaikin,andEricG.Weiss

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