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Ambulance Services in Durham Dales, Easington and Sedgefield PDF

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Preview Ambulance Services in Durham Dales, Easington and Sedgefield

Ambulance Services in Durham Dales, Easington and Sedgefield Communications and Engagement Plan Background Durham Dales, Easington and Sedgefield (DDES) Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is committed to ensuring that the ambulance services it commissions are safe, of high quality and provide value for money. In addition, the CCG is committed to seeing an improvement in ambulance response times across the CCG area. DDES CCG is currently conducting a review of local ambulance services. Its aim is to ensure that these have improved response times, and that they are safe and equitable across the three CCG localities of Durham Dales, Easington and Sedgefield. The CCG has spent the last 14 months developing proposals for change, which will be implemented later this year, working with representatives of members of the public from each of its three areas. This work has taken place through regular meetings of an Ambulance Patient Reference Group, and through additional meetings with the existing Durham Dales Ambulance Monitoring Group. These meetings have given public representatives from each part of the DDES CCG area the opportunity to work in partnership with the CCG, as well as with representatives of the North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (NEAS). Before any changes are implemented, DDES CCG is committed to communicating clear messages about the intended changes to local people across its wider communities. The CCG is also committed to engaging local people to give them the opportunity to make sure they fully understand the changes and to discuss their impact, along with any specific issues or concerns that people may have in relation to these. This document gives an overview of the case for change and contains a communications and engagement plan that sets out how the CCG will communicate and engage with local people. 1 The case for change and specific proposals DDES CCG considers the specific needs of people across its three localities when commissioning local health services. In relation to the provision of the ambulance service, the CCG aims to commission a service that is equitable and offers the best possible outcome to people wherever they may live in the DDES CCG area. To achieve this, the CCG has made additional, significant financial investment to the provision of ambulance services locally. This is extra funding, over and above the standard ambulance service contract funding. For example, last year DDES CCG invested an additional £640,000 into the provision of local ambulance services. The CCG will continue to invest additional funding, but it needs to ensure that resources are optimised, and that the ambulance services provided safely meet the needs of people living in all three of the CCG localities (Durham Dales, Easington and Sedgefield). To ensure that this continues to happen, the CCG has been working with North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (NEAS) and local people through an Ambulance Patient Reference Group and Durham Dales Ambulance Monitoring Group. The ambulance PRG consists of members of the public from each of the three DDES localities. It has been fully involved in the development of proposals for change, and will also be involved in leading engagement work around the changes within local communities. DDES CCG is proposing to provide an improved, more equitable ambulance service. This will focus on:  improved response times  unifying the skills-mix of crews across its localities, as already exist across the rest of the North East of England  ensuring that ambulances are taken out of area from the Dales less often  using the change in skills mix to ensure that more paramedics can be made available in the busiest parts of the CCG area and that an additional rapid response vehicle can be provided. Double paramedic ambulance crews are not normally found in areas other than that covered by DDES CCG. By introducing crews including Emergency Care Assistants (ECAs), as well as First Responders within local communities, the CCG can make sure that it optimises resources for everybody and that there is an improvement in ambulance response times. 2 Experienced ambulance crews will also be supported to develop additional skills that will allow more patients to be treated at home, where appropriate. This will reduce the need for transport to hospitals, and increase the time that ambulances are available. First Responders will be available in local communities to further support the work of existing ambulance crews. Communications The issue of ambulance response times has attracted significant interest in the local media, with some inaccurate reports in local newspapers. This plan aims to address how the CCG, working with key partners, can provide a more balanced picture of how it commissions ambulance services and strives to improve related response times for the benefit of the CCG’s population. Engagement In developing these changes, DDES CCG has been working with a DDES CCG-wide Ambulance Patient Reference Group and the Durham Dales Ambulance Monitoring Group. This engagement has taken place through regular meetings over the past 14 months, and feedback from these meetings has informed and underpinned the development of the changes that will take place. To provide assurance surrounding service outcomes following change, the CCG has negotiated a memorandum of understanding with NEAS. This sets out an agreement between the CCG and NEAS that the changes, following wider engagement with local people, will form part of the full ambulance contract and that NEAS will commit to targets to improve ambulance response times once the changes are established. It is important to note that, although the memorandum of understanding has been agreed, this does not yet constitute a legal part of the ambulance contract and is not at this stage binding. It is intended to provide reassurance to the CCG, and those already engaged, of NEAS’ commitment to improve ambulance response times. The memorandum of understanding also provides a framework for the next stage of communications and engagement. The next stage of communications and engagement will give DDES CCG the opportunity to inform and listen to its wider local communities throughout the change process. This will ensure that a cross-section of local people will have the opportunity to tell the CCG what they think about the changes, identify any concerns 3 or issues that they may have in relation to these and remain involved throughout the change process itself. Communications and engagement objectives A refreshed and continued plan of communications and engagement, building on the previous engagement in relation to ambulance services in DDES, will ensure that the following objectives are met: 1. clear and consistent messages will be effectively communicated to local people, partners and stakeholders in the DDES CCG area 2. local people, partners and stakeholders will remain engaged and involved throughout the change process 3. by undertaking the above, collaborative approach via CCG commissioning functions, the CCG will put in place measures to improve ambulance response times across the CCG area. To this end, the purpose of the communications and engagement plan, detailed in Appendix 1 of this document, is to:  effectively communicate clear messages  provide more balance to media coverage  give local people, groups and communities the opportunity to have their say on changes  help the CCG to understand and consider any concerns, issues and impact that may result from change  fully involve people in the change process. Communications activities The following communications activities will be undertaken:  tailored press releases for local newspapers – Teesdale Mercury, Weardale Gazette, Northern Echo  ‘meet the Editor’ briefing sessions with the Teesdale Mercury and Weardale Gazette  dedicated section on CCG website  social media activity – Facebook, YouTube and Twitter  highlight discussions that take place at Ambulance PRG meetings  syndicated Information for internal newsletters, e-bulletins and paid for media supplements 4  advertising in Teesdale Mercury, Weardale Gazette, Northern Echo, Parish Newsletters  radio advertising (Radio Teesdale)  posters, leaflets, brochures inc distribution/mail drop Overarching key messages The communications activities aim to deliver the following overarching messages:  DDES CCG is committed to engaging, involving and communicating with its local communities throughout the development and implementation of changes to its ambulance service  DDES CCG is committed to working with its service providers, partners and key stakeholders to commission ambulance services that are high quality, safe and value for money  As part of its engagement work and commissioning activity, the CCG is committed to improving ambulance response times across the CCG area  The CCG is investing in Ambulance services – the level of investment by the CCG will increase in 2014/15 and the ring fence for the Durham Dales will remain for a further 2 years till March 2016 if the crews can be aligned to the same skills mix as the remainder of the region. Engagement Activities The following engagement activities will take place:  briefing and updates to Adults, Wellbeing and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Health and Wellbeing Board  briefing, updates and partnership working with Healthwatch County Durham  development of frequently asked questions document  briefings and meetings with key stakeholders  surveys  CCG website  Survey Monkey  hard copies  My NHS members  GP Practice Patient Groups and locality Patient Reference Groups  targeted groups and individuals such as “hard to reach” groups and relevant community and voluntary sector groups  public Events  discussion with CCG Member GP practices – meeting / survey  discussion with Ambulance Provider staff (NEAS) – meeting / survey  other specific meetings as required. 5 The full communications and engagement plan is contained within Appendix 1 of this document. Stakeholders Those engaged will include:  patients  carers  members of the public  DDES CCG Ambulance Patient Reference Group  Dales Ambulance Monitoring Group  DDES CCG Locality Patient Reference Groups  DDES CCG My NHS members  Healthwatch County Durham  Health Networks  Area Action Partnerships (AAPs)  local community and voluntary sector groups and organisations  MPs / Local Councillors  Overview and Scrutiny  NEAS communications team  NEAS clinicians  Hospital Trusts  neighbouring CCGs  Northern Echo and Advertiser  Teesdale Mercury  Weardale Gazette  Radio Teesdale  Parish Councils  Parish Council newsletters  Urgent Care Leads  CCG Forum  CCG Urgent Care Groups  NHS England  independent contractors e.g. GPs, opticians, dentists, pharmacists  Public Health England  NECS  other key stakeholders and partners 6 Equality and Diversity Consideration will be given to equality and diversity throughout the engagement process. This will include consideration of the diversity of local communities within the DDES CCG area. Statutory obligations in relation to equality and diversity will be met, including targeted engagement, as appropriate, of groups with protected characteristics. These groups are defined by the Equality Act 2010 as:  age  gender reassignment  marriage or civil partnership  pregnancy or maternity  disability  race  religion  sex  sexual orientation Information will be provided in different formats and languages if requested. Mitigation of potential Issues and Risks  Members of the public, not already engaged during the first stage of engagement, may interpret the memorandum of understanding in a way that may reinforce recent negative press and feel that they have not been given the opportunity to shape the proposals before they have been agreed:  Ensure communications plan is adhered to  Ensure appropriate stakeholders are invited to public events  Advise CCG of any issues that arise  Prepare briefing and FAQs for individuals, community and voluntary sector groups and other stakeholders.  Stakeholders feel that they have not been fully involved:  Ensure all stakeholders receive appropriate updates and feedback  Ensure appropriate stakeholders are invited to the public event  Ensure clear communication of messages through robust communications plan, including updates on CCG website, newsletters, bulletins and through My NHS. 7  Members of the public are unduly worried or concerned about ambulance service provision:  Ensure communications plan is adhered to  Advise CCG of any local issues that arise  Prepare briefing and FAQs for individuals, community and voluntary sector groups and other stakeholders.  Negative media coverage / resistance from existing stakeholders:  Ensure contact is maintained with current providers  Prepare positive proactive / reactive media statements  Managing expectations of members of the public:  Ensure communications plan is adhered to  Advise CCG of any local issues that arise  Prepare briefing and FAQs for individual patients, community and voluntary sector, Healthwatch County Durham and other stakeholders as appropriate Supporting Materials The following materials will be developed to support the engagement activities:  briefing document  frequently asked questions sheet  online “Survey Monkey” questionnaire  hard copy questionnaires  media information  materials for public event as required Timescale 21 July 2014 to 30 September 2014 Evaluation and Feedback Information and feedback from the engagement activities will be evaluated and used to inform reaction, impact, implementation of change and future commissioning intentions. Feedback will be offered to all those involved in the engagement activities. 8 Appendix 1 Ambulance Service Communications and Engagement Action Plan Activity Detail Who? When? Liaison with OSC officer To determine involvement CCG Complete NECS Liaison with Area Team Seek advice and provide outline timetable CCG On-going NECS Prepare outline briefing for Outline service change, rationale and CCG Complete OSC engagement activity NECs Healthwatch Liaison with Healthwatch re input/support CCG On-going available NECS Adults, Wellbeing and Attendance and briefing paper with Chair and CCG 18 July 2014 Health Overview and Overview and Scrutiny Officers NECS Scrutiny 9 Activity Detail Who? When? Briefing for MPs / Local Prepare and circulate letters. NECS July 2014 Councillors Discussion with local GPs TBC CCG August 2014 Engagement documentation Prepare leaflet, poster and feedback form, NECS July 2014 drafted for approval stands etc. Identify any other requirements. Agree feedback and Part of NECS process NECS Complete recording mechanisms CCG Engagement with provider NEAS to advise NEAS TBC by NEAS staff CCG Engagement documentation Leaflets, feedback forms, frequently asked NECS End July 2014 produced questions document Circulation of engagement Prepare and circulate letter/briefing and CCG August / September 2014 materials engagement materials. NECS This will include distribution to: Healthwatch County Community and voluntary sector Durham organisations NEAS 10

Jul 21, 2014 communications and engagement plan that sets out how the CCG will communicate Discuss the function of the Caldicott guardian.
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