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Ambulance services, England: 2004-05 KEY FACTS • The number of category A (immediately life threatening) emergency calls responded to within 8 minutes rose by 10% from 874,000 in 2003-04 to 965,000 in 2004-05 • The total number of emergency calls rose by 5% to 5.6 million, incidents attended rose by 6% to 4.5 million and emergency patient journeys rose by 4% to 3.5 million • 76.2 per cent of category A calls resulted in an emergency response arriving at the scene of the incident within 8 minutes (75.7 per cent in 2003-04) Response times of category A calls, England, 2001-02 to 2004-05 Contents Page calls (millions) 1.4 76% Introduction 2 74% 75% 1.2 70% Analysis and Commentary 2 1 % within 8 minutes Definitions 3 0.8 more than 8 minutes within 8 minutes Editorial notes 4 0.6 0.4 Index to tables 5 0.2 Reference Tables 6-17 0 KA34 form and guidance notes 18-19 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 These National Statistics were prepared by the Government Statistical Service Community Health Published by the Health and Social Care Information Centre Statistics ISBN 1-84636-001-3 Bulletin 2005/01/HSCIC Price: Free This publication may be requested in large print or other formats. For further information contact: online: www.ic.nhs.uk telephone:0845 300 6016 email: [email protected] © Health and Social Care Information Centre Copyright 2005 1. INTRODUCTION Call Prioritisation emergency response can initially be a rapid response vehicle, 1.1 This bulletin contains 1.4 Prioritisation of other than an ambulance, information about the emergency calls to ensure that crewed by a paramedic ambulance services provided by immediately life-threatening equipped to provide treatment the National Health Service in cases get the quickest response at the scene of the incident, or England. The information is was introduced on a pilot basis an approved first responder analysed by individual in 1995-96. All services had despatched by and accountable ambulance service provider to introduced call prioritisation by to the ambulance service. A show activity volumes and 1 April 2001. first responder may be a performance against required doctor or possibly police/fire standards. Data on ambulance 1.5 The prioritisation brigade personnel. Such services are collected on return procedures require that all responses may count towards KA34; a copy is included at the emergency calls are classified as the 8-minute standard but an end of this bulletin. either Category A emergencies emergency ambulance, i.e. a which are immediately life fully equipped emergency Service configuration threatening, or Category B vehicle able to transport the emergencies which are serious patient, is required to attend the 1.2 The information in this but not immediately life incident within 14/19 minutes bulletin covers all 31 ambulance threatening and Category C unless the control room decides services in England in the year calls which are not urgent. that an ambulance is not 2004-05. From 1 April 2004 Ambulance services are required. services for Coventry, formerly expected to reach 75% of provided by West Midlands Category A calls within 8 2. ANALYSIS AND Ambulance Service NHS trust, minutes. For Category B/C COMMENTARY have been provided by calls, rural services should Coventry & Warwickshire respond to 95% of incidents 2.1 Emergency calls Ambulance Service NHS trust. within 19 minutes; and urban (Tables 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7) services within 14 minutes. Revisions to data 2.1.1 There were 5.6 million 1.6 From 1 October 2004, emergency calls recorded in 1.3 Tables of historical national standards for response 2004-05, 6% more than in 2003- data relating to the number of to Category C calls were 04. Of these calls, 4.5 million emergency calls received have withdrawn, to be replaced by resulted in the arrival of an been updated to reflect revised locally agreed standards. emergency response at the scene 2001-02 data for Hampshire and of the incident, an increase of Two Shires and 2002-03 and 1.7 For both Category A 5% over 2003-04 and nearly 2003-04 data for Lincolnshire. and Category B calls an double the number in 1992-93 (Figure 1). Figure 1 Emergency calls, incidents and patient 2.2 Quality of service journeys, England, 1987-88 to 2004-05 (Tables 5, 6 and 7). millions 6 2.2.1 For Category A calls in 2004-05, all but one of the 31 5 ambulance services reported 4 responding to over 70% of calls Calls within 8 minutes, of which 25 3 Incidents met or exceeded the 75% 2 Patient Journeys standard. Overall in England 76% of Category A calls 1 received a response within 8 0 minutes. A total of 965,000 91 96 01 Category A calls received a 0- 5- 0- 99 99 00 response within 8 minutes 1 1 2 compared with 874,000 in 2004- 05, an increase of 10%. For 3. DEFINITIONS Figure 2 Emergency patient journeys per 100 incidents, England, 1987-88 to 3.1 An Emergency transport 2004-05 request is defined as a request for transport generally made via a 999 call but may also include 100 some calls from GPs. Emergency calls include (a) all 75 accident and sudden illness patients, (b) maternity admissions, unless there is a 50 clear indication to the contrary e.g. that an ambulance is not required until a later specified 25 time, (c) any other type of patient for whom an emergency 0 procedure is necessary. A maternity admission is an admission of a pregnant woman to a maternity ward except Category A calls, 25 services this decline continued with where the intention is to reported responding to 95% or 849,000 urgent journeys terminate the pregnancy. more calls within 14/19 reported, 7% fewer than in minutes. 2003-04. Following the 3.2 In counting Patient introduction of call prioritisation Journeys each patient conveyed 2.2.2. For Category B/C calls it is possible that some calls is counted as an individual in the first half of 2004-05 7 formerly regarded as urgent may patient journey. services responded to 95% or now be treated as emergency more calls within 14/19 calls and categorised as either 3.3 An Urgent transport minutes. In the second half of A, B or C. request is defined as a 2004-05, 10 services responded request when a definite time to 95% or more of Category B 2.3.4 The number of limit is imposed such that calls within 14/19 minutes. special/planned journeys the vehicle and crew must provided by NHS ambulance be despatched quickly, although 2.3 Patient Journeys services in 2004-05 was 12.8 not necessarily immediately, (Tables 1 and 8) million, about 6% less than to collect a patient, perhaps in 2003-04. seriously ill, on the advice 2.3.1 The number of of a doctor for admission emergency journeys reported in 2.4 Arrival times for to hospital. Included are (a) 2004-05 was 3.5 million, an Urgent Transport requests maternity cases not given increase of 4% over 2003-04. (Tables 9,10 and 11) emergency priority, (b) hospital admissions, including day case 2.3.2 In the period 1987-88 2.4.1 All ambulance services admissions, for which the to 1992-93 there were about 90 share a common standard in doctor has given a specified emergency patient journeys per respect of urgent patient time e.g. within one hour. 100 incidents. This ratio has journeys, whereby ambulances since fallen slowly but steadily should arrive not more than 3.4 Special/Planned includes and in 2004-05 only around 77 15 minutes after the agreed all other categories of request patients were conveyed to time in 95% of cases. In 2004- for transport. hospital for every 100 05, this standard was achieved emergency incidents attended by 5 rural services (3 in 2003- 3.5 Response Time starts (Fig 2). 04). One urban service also when details of the telephone achieved this standard (two in number of the caller, the 2.3.3 The number of urgent 2003-04). Overall in England exact location of the journeys fell gradually from 1.2 80% of urgent journey requests incident and the nature of million in 1993-94 to under one were dealt with within the the chief complaint have million by 2001-02. In 2004-05 standard. been ascertained. Response time ends when the 4. EDITORIAL NOTES This bulletin can be found on the emergency response vehicle Department of Health website at: arrives at the scene of 4.1 Where figures are http://www.dh.gov.uk/PublicationsA the incident. A response subject to rounding totals may ndStatistics/Statistics/StatisticalWork within 8 minutes means 8 not agree with the sum of the Areas/StatisticalHealthCare/Statistic alHealthCareArticle/fs/en?CONTEN minutes 0 seconds or less. figures shown. T_ID=4086490&chk=6NOZfh Similarly, 14 minutes means 14 minutes 0 seconds and 4.2 Press enquiries should This and previous editions of the 19 minutes mean 19 minutes be made as follows: bulletin can also be found on the 0 seconds or less. Department of Health website, Press Office www.dh.gov.uk, by clicking on 3.6 Urban services are Department of Health the following links those where the population Richmond House density of the area covered was 79 Whitehall > Publications and Statistics more than 2.5 persons per acre London, SW1A 2NS > Statistics (from shortcuts menu) in 1991. Tel: 020 7210 5221 > Statistical Work Areas > Health Care 3.7 Rural services are 4.3 Any enquiries about > Community Care those where the population the data contained in this density of the area covered was bulletin or requests for further Seven publications are available, less than 2.5 persons per acre in information should be addressed covering the years: 1991. to: (cid:130) 2004-05 (cid:130) 2003-04 (cid:130) 2002-03 3.8 Aborted calls: Lesz Lancucki (cid:130) 2001-02 performance figures are Community Health Statistics (cid:130) 2000-01 calculated on the number Health and Social Care (cid:130) 1999-00 of emergency calls resulting Information Centre (cid:130) 1998-99 in an emergency response Room 438B, arriving at the scene of the Skipton House incident. This excludes calls 80 London Road June 2005 aborted for any reason e.g. London, hoax calls and also duplicate SE1 6LH calls relating to the same incident. Tel: 020 7972 5533 Fax: 020 7972 3889 3.9 Geographical coverage: Email: [email protected] the performance figures shown in this Bulletin relate 4.4 Extracts from this to all calls to which each publication may be reproduced ambulance service responds; provided a reference to the in some areas this may source is given. include calls from outside a service's usual geographical 4.5 Further copies of this area of coverage. bulletin can be obtained from: Department of Health PO Box 777 London SE1 6XH Tel. 0541 555 455 Fax. 01623 724 524 E-mail: [email protected] INDEX TO TABLES Table Page number Description number 1 Summary statistics of emergency calls to ambulance services and patient journeys, England 1994-95 to 2004-05. 6 2 Patient journeys by priority of journey and ambulance service 2004-05. 7 3 Emergency calls by ambulance service 1999-2000 to 2004-05 8 4 Emergency incidents (calls resulting in a response arriving at the scene of the incident) by ambulance service 1999-2000 to 2004-05. 9 5a Emergency incidents: response times by ambulance service 2004-05 (Category A). 10 5b Emergency incidents: response times by ambulance service 2004-05 (Category B & C). 11 6 Emergency incidents: response within 8 minutes, by category of call and ambulance service, 2002-03 to 2004-05. 12 7 Emergency incidents: response within 14/19 minutes, by category of call and ambulance service, 2002-03 to 2004-05. 13 8 Emergency patient journeys by ambulance service, 1999-2000 to 2004-05 14 9 Arrival times for urgent journeys, by ambulance service 2004-05 15 10 Arrival times for urgent journeys, by ambulance service 1999-2000 to 2004-05 16 11 Urgent journeys, by ambulance service 1999-2000 to 2004-05 17 Table 1 Summary statistics of emergency calls to ambulance services and patient journeys, 1994-95 to 2004-05 England millions 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 Emergency calls: (3) (3) (3) Total 2.61 3.16 3.34 3.58 3.84 4.18 4.41 4.72 4.93 5.32 5.62 Emergency incidents (calls resulting in an emergency response arriving at the scene of the incident): Total 2.61 2.86 2.99 3.16 3.29 3.43 3.56 3.78 3.99 4.27 4.53 Category A incidents Total - - - - - - - 1.01 1.11 1.15 1.27 Response within 8 minutes Number (millions) - - - - - - - 0.71 0.82 0.87 0.96 Percentage - - - - - - - 70.7 74.6 75.7 76.2 Category B incidents (2) Total - - - - - - - - - - 1.26 Response within 14/19 minutes (2) Number (millions) - - - - - - - - - - 1.10 (1) (1) (1) (2) Percentage - - - - - - - 90.2 89.5 87.5 87.8 Patient journeys by priority of journey: Emergency 2.27 2.45 2.57 2.67 2.72 2.85 2.91 3.09 3.18 3.35 3.47 Urgent 1.18 1.17 1.12 1.10 1.08 1.07 1.01 0.97 0.94 0.91 0.85 Arrival not more than 15 minutes late (%) 84.7 85.5 87.1 88.0 84.2 80.5 78.8 78.5 78.0 78.1 80.4 Special/planned 14.63 14.47 14.82 14.92 14.84 14.87 14.86 14.36 14.08 13.70 12.82 Total patient journeys 18.08 18.09 18.51 18.68 18.64 18.79 18.78 18.42 18.20 17.96 17.15 (1) based on Cat B plus Cat C calls Source: Form KA34 (2) figures for half year Oct 2004- Mar 2005 (3) revised - see para 1.3 Table 2 Patient journeys by priority of journey and ambulance service, 2004-05 thousands Patient Journeys Ambulance Service Total Emergency Urgent Special/ Planned England 17,145.2 3 ,472.6 8 49.0 12,823.6 Rural Services Cumbria Ambulance NHS Trust 2 73.0 2 4.6 1 8.7 2 29.7 North East Ambulance NHS Trust 1 ,169.8 1 49.6 5 5.7 9 64.5 Tees, East & North Yorkshire Ambulance NHS Trust 7 99.3 1 61.9 5 6.5 5 81.0 East Midlands Ambulance NHS Trust 1 ,261.1 1 95.9 5 7.1 1 ,008.2 Lincolnshire Ambulance NHS Trust 4 38.0 6 6.7 2 0.6 3 50.6 East Anglian Ambulance NHS Trust 8 80.1 1 08.6 4 0.6 7 30.9 Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Ambulance NHS Trust 3 84.9 9 9.5 2 0.2 2 65.2 Essex Ambulance NHS Trust 4 77.4 1 03.7 2 5.0 3 48.8 Sussex Ambulance NHS Trust 6 41.9 1 25.8 3 1.7 4 84.4 Kent Ambulance NHS Trust 2 60.4 8 6.0 2 4.3 1 50.1 Dorset Ambulance NHS Trust 2 35.1 4 2.5 1 5.8 1 76.8 Hampshire Ambulance NHS Trust 4 30.1 7 3.0 2 4.0 3 33.1 Wiltshire Ambulance NHS Trust 3 21.1 3 1.6 9 .9 2 79.6 Isle of Wight Ambulance Service (NHS Trust) 3 8.2 8 .4 2 .9 2 6.8 Royal Berkshire Ambulance NHS Trust 2 33.0 3 8.7 9 .4 1 84.8 The Two Shires Ambulance NHS Trust 3 56.8 6 8.0 1 8.4 2 70.4 Oxfordshire Ambulance NHS Trust 2 75.1 2 1.9 1 0.4 2 42.8 Westcountry Ambulance NHS Trust 6 52.4 1 14.6 4 8.2 4 89.7 Gloucestershire Ambulance NHS Trust 1 61.1 2 6.5 1 1.7 1 22.9 Hereford & Worcester Ambulance NHS Trust 1 83.9 3 4.2 1 1.6 1 38.2 Staffordshire Ambulance NHS Trust 4 09.0 5 5.2 2 3.1 3 30.7 Coventry & Warwickshire Ambulance NHS Trust 5 14.2 4 7.8 1 9.4 4 47.1 Lancashire Ambulance NHS Trust 7 19.8 1 08.4 2 1.8 5 89.6 Urban Services West Yorkshire Metropolitan Ambulance NHS Trust 9 51.8 1 65.4 3 7.9 7 48.5 South Yorkshire Ambulance NHS Trust 7 81.1 8 8.0 3 3.4 6 59.7 Surrey Ambulance NHS Trust 2 51.5 6 9.5 1 6.3 1 65.7 London Ambulance NHS Trust 1 ,155.2 6 14.4 5 4.2 4 86.5 Avon Ambulance NHS Trust 2 86.4 6 3.9 1 7.4 2 05.0 West Midlands Ambulance NHS Trust 7 39.4 2 87.3 5 6.2 3 95.8 Mersey Regional Ambulance NHS Trust 8 18.0 1 70.0 2 7.1 6 20.9 Greater Manchester Ambulance NHS Trust 1 ,046.2 2 20.9 2 9.6 7 95.6 Source: Form KA34 Table 3 Emergency calls by ambulance service, 1999-2000 to 2004-05 thousands Ambulance Service 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 % change (2) (2) (2) 2004-05 over 2003-04 England 4177.0 4406.8 4718.0 4934.7 5322.8 5623.8 5.7 Rural Services Cumbria Ambulance NHS Trust 25.6 26.9 29.6 33.9 35.2 37.4 6.2 North East Ambulance NHS Trust 184.7 181.9 193.7 197.8 214.2 227.2 6.1 Tees, East & North Yorkshire Ambulance NHS Trust 128.0 133.0 145.0 154.4 161.7 175.0 8.2 East Midlands Ambulance NHS Trust 247.4 263.9 299.9 301.6 316.0 321.3 1.7 Lincolnshire Ambulance NHS Trust 57.6 60.6 67.9 68.9 81.1 93.3 15.1 East Anglian Ambulance NHS Trust 144.9 162.8 145.3 156.8 188.8 205.5 8.8 Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Ambulance NHS Trust 114.1 119.3 131.2 137.7 149.4 161.9 8.4 Essex Ambulance NHS Trust 123.4 129.4 132.8 141.8 153.9 175.9 14.3 Sussex Ambulance NHS Trust 135.7 141.5 152.3 159.4 173.0 180.7 4.4 Kent Ambulance NHS Trust 102.0 105.8 114.9 144.8 158.1 166.7 5.4 Dorset Ambulance NHS Trust 58.2 67.4 72.6 67.3 71.7 75.4 5.3 Hampshire Ambulance NHS Trust 85.5 86.2 96.8 119.1 150.3 150.4 0.1 Wiltshire Ambulance NHS Trust 37.7 39.7 43.1 47.2 47.2 49.2 4.2 Isle of Wight Ambulance Service (NHS Trust) 7.6 8.5 10.5 11.1 11.8 13.0 9.7 Royal Berkshire Ambulance NHS Trust 57.0 59.7 59.3 64.8 71.4 76.3 6.8 The Two Shires Ambulance NHS Trust 65.5 68.4 92.2 98.3 108.3 117.2 8.1 Oxfordshire Ambulance NHS Trust 35.8 37.8 40.4 44.8 47.2 44.8 -5.0 Westcountry Ambulance NHS Trust 119.5 128.5 144.5 157.6 175.0 184.1 5.2 Gloucestershire Ambulance NHS Trust 34.2 40.7 45.8 47.9 49.1 53.4 8.7 Hereford & Worcester Ambulance NHS Trust 34.8 36.7 40.6 43.5 48.0 53.3 11.0 Staffordshire Ambulance NHS Trust 87.3 101.1 119.4 121.0 125.0 134.8 7.8 Coventry & Warwickshire Ambulance NHS Trust 35.9 37.3 41.1 43.0 44.9 90.4 101.3 (1) Lancashire Ambulance NHS Trust 119.4 125.3 136.4 132.5 142.9 148.6 4.0 Urban Services West Yorkshire Metropolitan Ambulance NHS Trust 173.2 178.2 226.9 234.2 248.0 257.0 3.6 South Yorkshire Ambulance NHS Trust 95.5 98.1 106.4 127.6 142.6 143.1 0.3 Surrey Ambulance NHS Trust 79.4 94.5 98.2 99.1 105.0 112.9 7.5 London Ambulance NHS Trust 967.3 1018.4 1040.9 1030.6 1088.6 1153.9 6.0 Avon Ambulance NHS Trust 65.5 72.3 78.8 84.1 92.7 98.3 6.0 West Midlands Ambulance NHS Trust 272.0 282.3 283.4 324.4 348.5 329.1 -5.6 (1) Mersey Regional Ambulance NHS Trust 222.6 228.1 243.9 247.4 257.1 274.9 6.9 Greater Manchester Ambulance NHS Trust 259.6 272.5 284.0 292.0 315.9 318.7 0.9 (1) see para 1.2 Source: Form KA34 (2) revised - see para 1.3 Table 4 Emergency incidents (calls resulting in response arriving at the scene of the incident) by ambulance service, 1999-2000 to 2004-05 thousands Ambulance Service 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 % change 2004-05 over 2003-04 England 3428.9 3558.3 3782.0 3985.8 4267.8 4,526.3 6.1 Rural Services Cumbria Ambulance NHS Trust 22.5 24.0 25.8 29.4 30.8 32.1 4.2 North East Ambulance NHS Trust 147.4 148.2 158.3 161.6 173.6 182.3 5.0 Tees, East & North Yorkshire Ambulance NHS Trust 110.8 131.6 126.6 136.7 143.2 153.4 7.1 East Midlands Ambulance NHS Trust 190.1 195.4 217.0 233.5 245.6 249.3 1.5 Lincolnshire Ambulance NHS Trust 55.5 59.2 66.4 70.9 76.1 82.5 8.4 East Anglian Ambulance NHS Trust 105.9 114.1 124.8 134.1 150.8 164.7 9.2 Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Ambulance NHS Trust 93.8 99.4 107.5 113.4 125.0 135.8 8.7 Essex Ambulance NHS Trust 111.1 114.7 119.1 122.7 136.3 157.5 15.6 Sussex Ambulance NHS Trust 110.0 115.3 126.5 129.4 145.0 153.1 5.6 Kent Ambulance NHS Trust 92.1 97.3 104.4 111.7 120.8 127.4 5.5 Dorset Ambulance NHS Trust 51.7 53.6 58.8 61.9 64.7 67.7 4.6 Hampshire Ambulance NHS Trust 82.5 83.0 93.4 98.9 108.6 113.7 4.7 Wiltshire Ambulance NHS Trust 26.2 28.7 32.2 34.6 37.9 41.8 10.4 Isle of Wight Ambulance Service (NHS Trust) 6.7 7.7 9.7 10.3 10.9 12.0 10.0 Royal Berkshire Ambulance NHS Trust 45.6 46.6 48.4 52.2 56.3 60.6 7.7 The Two Shires Ambulance NHS Trust 65.2 68.3 74.1 79.9 87.4 96.3 10.1 Oxfordshire Ambulance NHS Trust 26.3 27.3 29.4 31.8 35.0 32.0 -8.6 Westcountry Ambulance NHS Trust 111.9 121.7 137.8 153.0 168.4 176.5 4.8 Gloucestershire Ambulance NHS Trust 26.0 26.9 29.6 31.3 32.5 36.9 13.5 Hereford & Worcester Ambulance NHS Trust 32.8 34.2 37.9 39.3 44.4 49.2 10.9 Staffordshire Ambulance NHS Trust 59.2 64.3 72.8 70.2 75.2 78.6 4.6 Coventry & Warwickshire Ambulance NHS Trust 26.9 27.4 30.9 32.7 35.1 70.5 100.7 (1) Lancashire Ambulance NHS Trust 106.7 112.3 123.6 125.0 136.1 141.5 3.9 Urban Services West Yorkshire Metropolitan Ambulance NHS Trust 163.2 172.0 184.7 191.5 201.8 209.9 4.0 South Yorkshire Ambulance NHS Trust 80.4 79.8 87.5 97.1 105.2 109.5 4.1 Surrey Ambulance NHS Trust 73.9 77.5 82.0 85.5 91.9 97.4 6.0 London Ambulance NHS Trust 704.4 700.0 713.2 738.3 770.0 827.4 7.5 Avon Ambulance NHS Trust 57.8 60.3 67.4 71.7 77.1 80.2 4.0 West Midlands Ambulance NHS Trust 232.9 239.4 239.2 276.3 298.5 283.5 -5.0 (1) Mersey Regional Ambulance NHS Trust 187.8 193.5 203.5 205.4 207.4 220.0 6.1 Greater Manchester Ambulance NHS Trust 221.7 234.6 249.6 255.6 276.0 283.0 2.6 (1) see para 1.2 Source: Form KA34 Table 5a Emergency incidents: response times by ambulance service and category of call, 2004-05 Ambulance service Category A calls Total number Response of emergency incidents within within 8 19 mins (Rural) minutes 14 mins (Urban) (thousands) (%) (%) England 1265.0 76.2 96.0 Rural Services Cumbria Ambulance NHS Trust 10.6 75.0 92.7 North East Ambulance NHS Trust 17.2 77.4 98.9 Tees, East & North Yorkshire Ambulance NHS Trust 33.4 77.1 98.5 East Midlands Ambulance NHS Trust 93.0 75.4 96.3 Lincolnshire Ambulance NHS Trust 25.4 77.0 95.3 East Anglian Ambulance NHS Trust 52.5 76.5 96.2 Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire NHS Trust 44.8 75.2 98.7 Essex Ambulance NHS Trust 38.3 77.3 98.4 Sussex Ambulance NHS Trust 29.6 73.4 97.3 Kent Ambulance NHS Trust 39.9 75.8 98.1 Dorset Ambulance NHS Trust 30.3 76.9 97.8 Hampshire Ambulance NHS Trust 27.5 75.6 95.6 Wiltshire Ambulance NHS Trust 16.3 68.0 91.5 Isle of Wight Ambulance Service (NHS Trust) 4.5 77.2 98.6 Royal Berkshire Ambulance NHS Trust 4.9 76.6 99.2 The Two Shires Ambulance NHS Trust 30.8 76.0 97.0 Oxfordshire Ambulance NHS Trust 11.5 77.9 91.9 Westcountry Ambulance NHS Trust 66.6 75.1 95.3 Gloucestershire Ambulance NHS Trust 9.1 71.2 95.6 Hereford & Worcester Ambulance NHS Trust 13.7 75.0 97.1 Staffordshire Ambulance NHS Trust 37.0 88.3 99.8 Coventry & Warwickshire Ambulance NHS Trust 21.2 75.6 98.6 Lancashire Ambulance NHS Trust 36.7 76.7 96.7 Urban Services West Yorkshire Metropolitan Ambulance NHS Trust 53.1 76.0 90.1 South Yorkshire Ambulance NHS Trust 37.2 72.5 95.3 Surrey Ambulance NHS Trust 26.2 74.8 95.2 London Ambulance NHS Trust 207.1 76.6 95.9 Avon Ambulance NHS Trust 33.0 75.4 91.3 West Midlands Ambulance NHS Trust 60.8 76.2 97.6 Mersey Regional Ambulance NHS Trust 73.7 73.7 91.9 Greater Manchester Ambulance NHS Trust 79.0 79.6 98.1 Source: Form KA34

The number of category A (immediately life threatening) emergency calls scene of the incident within 8 minutes (75.7 per cent in 2003-04). Contents.
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