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Ambulance Proposal - AMR PDF

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Preview Ambulance Proposal - AMR

Contra Costa County PROPOSAL for Emergency Ambulance Service i. March 1097 'AMERIGAN' MEDICAL RESPONSE Fridey, Mae’a 1, 7 Ac Taalhrop Conte Coot County eal Services Deparitien: Emergency Medical Servi 56 Glacier Drive Martinez, CA 942 Ageucy Dear Mr, [ahr Arreriean Medical Kespense ia peared 1 zreeort this propos in answer Wo Ie Reques| far Proposals Eo-n the Contra Costa Comty Healt Services Departivent avy Medival Services Agenoy, As the propasal will {nsiras, AMR bxings t2 Conta Cask. County a cunticing eomnmiccae te previde clinically superb and-sealutclegicallysalvanced prehuspital conbinod wita the compassian af excevionsd and dedicated field vareuivers, American Medical iat prom rosord of cervioe “e Conlea Cysla Ceurty, tui sic de not inter 9 rest on us laura, Rarhor, he. coanpa ‘saacanided lo improving our servize whsncver and honsever pews AMIR is proven leader ie ‘American halt pling ts the eunteynlly changing snvitanment ye, Taccompany has feel the way in eliical advex.es, if anedizel communications, m Aer maictenanse si i increusing'y deversified secvices, ‘The company’s execulives are ‘caders in tke inchsuy —~ wiles Ibe Bist Hut both the Calfomia ane the Amevican Arlee Assecistons ace currenlly imal by AMR excestives, We look forsvail a The nopusruinity of eomtiru:ng te serve t Costa Cuney a pel ROVE OW SCV people of Couten Sinuersy Grd tines Chet entive Offone Americar Maite Rexpomse ‘Westarn Croup 4 Cy Stee em sis 4S — FEO: Pere Ce mw Sider oma « Fax: Suet FORMA - Fave Shc PRCLOSaL 1G AROUIOR -MraES Sey AMR ANE: ‘GN RACOSAGO.NTY 1867 SERMIESTO FI CRM MST APPEAR OW THE FRONT OF THE PROPOSAL! ‘Thiel & proposal to co tract with Canta Coxte County 9 provide pray emergency ambulanse service wit ure Emorgoney Raspone Proas derignatae Walon o-perasne raqutaty sd services through tha Coumty ora aunty-dosignateduiegency dispatch eater. Rear OF RIINER ——Amrsecanke sl Response eat srcecean Wee lesan _ AL ADRESS: 47369 say Syeet Fremont C8 O0605-3778 ponact prison, yi Fe PHENE: SIDar.0999.0912 APIPRESS FOR BIA “INGE fe Here Te proocsels i i 6 Ease i LM Fonnypny scala (he ERS. haat and West arial cans) ERA (Cat Cert Coun) 2 eh tomes coum) FRA 2 (Sen Aa Vall} ‘OFFICIAL USE ONLY” DOWOT FILLIN THIS SECTION Page 1 of 137 Acknowledgments Ota shone to the pec th ped develo this prapasat Augela Ac, “emmier Acecs, Bil Zochly, Chees Dewzy, Casin Uawars, Kevin Greg. Guckes, Cluck Hubn, Verk Huila, Pulrivik Hosen, Tham thl.sen, tohmna Tasitd Jente Lalich, Dase Laseam, Puy Lenard, Lou Meyer, Uauck Ma¥adden, (ana Willer, Levis Mneler. Cezulya Rivers, Wendy Ruse, Jason Sucpavm, Seo Sayles, Clas Schmeitler, Liréa Tiler, Bill Waltez, Bob Webeu, Sita Was Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUYIMAHY.<-.0.= sen nn] CUUWINTESLS AND QUALIFIESTIOWS conocer pence 1 Rasika aves sorOaues ZATION ke ncsoezaTION's Louse ke 2. 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Aum AnS 2 PeRGUEL Say ey Svace Cane LTE SoH Ok EQUA WNP es NREESCIIS Be Pocrea Maca Tweet es {oy Ran Fsarereeeuanerb LEE SCCRT S.ORENTARION GF NEW Exec Beret LAMM ANG CORT ENCE, I Danse ecaiss i 1, Mepaeanoen SocTRVICtE RESON IE, Carssiocn qv rs mamas Meena Fiat eg wine Coste Cieep SrcAOR, Li petecion Con COMPENSATION WORKING CONDITIONS. a 1. eaxrsmarractrne vers 2 ues Scteg- e899 COMO. 3 PREG HeaL. cach Garrat. bicroes S18088 HEME-OS 5 GIMCAL Drennan tiseont 5 Sachi Shunt ADMINISTRATION AND OMHILCTIENS a Rana: CoLsry Gvcalarens. Faicn 9 GSN PRSCERORS 5 ormetiona: Pouce? Terai. Caney ¢ <n a orserme aCe Bo Atma ee amees, Being Hi Pawchne WSTARTLE OWN Me WeeRinT rT ar PROIDSDTAL Uh TI. Gamcee tine 12 uedcrins, IWS RESPONDER ASSISTANCH AND TRANSPORT. 1 avanarives“o UmLians Ete FERSOONEL, 2. RETIPNOFFIRG t:9h0wI SAFETY PRODI “RANSPORTOR NOMIC FS. Rs : EQUIPMENT eau METS se nn _ ais weacaie AMDULAOT IDG : Ceneist snvsinaer gum one 189 ¥ Keune 5 PenarevrondaLcae ro Mer Com 7 Bown Bsns an Mes coe Y vencec eto ree Page dof 187 % Vumurctias, & 1 Nbnige, RADIO Docu : n Uo CEA ter eras x AMBULANCE DISPATCH SYSTEM socom sen 1 nenetu geste REQeREMNs 2. TShaTewFa Peron ASTER, MULTICASUALTY, MIFTUSSE, AID RISPONSH, #1 ANDY Lo Muara reAbgeAereR REDON. Reems Domaatre Rusia cau me 3.1 SA hen VerICLe LU MENT om NOTINCASII. So Meat #8 avttadzner Tha raisin Bont asec 1 fi at Ata Concerns, $ Syaneay sexsi. 1 AMInLawcr SEUCE ASENEE CUMIN LIV INVOLVEMENT occ cneeeeninnennnenerv AN Dus. Tose ty RucunsokD PAL tn acme MAL LEAL Date Ie sure) 0 SENRS " Coesutans oY 1 PIT NRO aT SN PRORSAECANS ts REPORTING REQUIKRMINIS ANI ACCHSE:EE RECHIRDS sane Cen-vatuaue ORS, 2. beset Cane Ec Fon . Yo Anecisomeesne 4. Porson: Rac Bo DUAR THIEN so 5. Conrmateor airucuo 8 Retamawor R2conns 3. OWMIAYARDNGPOPERAAA i ‘COMPENSATION RELATI PROVISION <a eo-n rte nee IS Lo acta tase REGENTS, 13 2 Rens ay 9CaakGee UR ALLL Mei aL SUT bs Sau nae Rare Uraazice, Beneares aba nate Fekete ReneS MUJARG AND COLLECTIONS teenie — wa 1 Busses Ounce re 2 BUX CANbAzee vis ftneuaincbdaneanseesr ied BLING renner - cee AE Pages or uF COLLIER LXPORMATION soe eC UNS CF RASENTAE SPECIAL FEATURES. fOr SERVIC PROPOSAI.- PLAN. REONRED1 w , Geocascts Co¥ mate ee SATION Govanary Hesronse Tes ATTACHMIBN IS eco wenn i DESEO Puauie Sake. Azino™ Com ART n= Only Teas ‘axtcis 7, S607 250 CavTRacr Ernascias Sta unis . Iban a9 °1E3 CREEAT RErCutsede ican HIE. Cansei Suere 998 RESROWSE TH COMP: LANGE EMT Paes tin. HaRiNRsA # TRAN Irv nba GoNeAtcs OW Ls Erste Encarta SLUM EELEst0n: Ic “eeRTIONS Sona Ben ari Tots arg Pron TRA a eH Ia 1s zARSFOR: OF SUURES FRR? RESTORDFRS, Eum.ni Rea aes SMbSery OLTRRAEH aM FDIC P Taam Cranes LER ox0 CCLLC rn, Sela Ieinewr view ax CesOLUTSN ACSSEeS BUSI: NERC COPIER Pegeaat 17 Contaa Casta CouNTY MmEney Manicst Service Proposal EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AMR’s Commitment The srivate athelmee provider selected! lo serve Ceara Costa County inty he 21° Ceecitry-nust briny, moet tha rable than tue aall.ty to eu ainesgency armblany sells It amust also have touneial etanili-y. experioune anc che ability Wo atee. Uae elang'ng dociands of Lmergersy Wed cal Se'veas. AMR is thar gcoviges, AMR’s Unmatched Credentials and Qualifications AMIR Fx Freation’s legest, ang: sopHatioaced cast cont uchnalogieally advuneed ‘The corspany has ted iouslly eceabtaed wpwcallela ca. | sue tha: ables usin tailor oc eoreiges 72 the waive abe of arnbulense rove es0UR2$ Wh 2 Ie cach commaty Quick Facts About AMR: Themen AMR ecm into Being on tertiary He of tile yesr, wine AAR yf ith MedTruns. untivng the pwo feadine emmbulence sport 73 em exsineced! > wition cnery fie seconds, The eompany ap svates AAR ox coded mio fr grows nationally, With the Western (reap ‘nehuding Washinguam. Oregon, Califrntat ancl Hai. an Coif, De parformance V1! anbulance syste tiem asez other provide Hester Granp, new uperitas mare hugherebame, hig Deployment Plan Evergeney Kedioal Sorvive is scitiealy Cepeudoar upor. regponie mar, Rese Ginsu “uu, cet po the dev'gn of Gus plan ucse: wack arbelanes reseu deployed. lu hs simplest ued most sraighlliorweant teres, doce ta plan put ambulerces cslsce they are neal, wire ey are needed? Tu AMR's case, the uuwer is wreyuivouully ye. AMM uses tho newest and mast Maret 1997 Excoutve Suneany Cowrea Costa County = ‘a Masicat Service Proposal (cated 100.8 in designing, System Sixtus Mamayement edt helow) pleus thar indsed do put srazalstoc resoctces waere they are nestle, when Ihe re nseded Specifically. AMR das statically plucal zirbunes salioes amd sost Zecatices fvenghent che Cecua Coma Couly wallow fier irmmeline ageses @ cxajor therarghfvren ana Femways The compas’ as desiguel aicbelanes sbi sehedules « rest hutk he needs af che syator: and te personnel, ong a vauiety o° sill schedul Maal y, AMR weriens he pls" ensive vespange time coma lance is aiet eausis.ely. Response Time Performance Standards AMR, yses System Status Managewce Wu askieve nugid eywne nee, Syoem Seals Mienagemeo: cau be dofiaed ag the svethod: besed oc histurival duly, unsr whi amibunces ara srategitally placsd threugtert 4 gecgiaai’e segien to provide rapt resporse times. AME not only usce the latest and reost sophisticated logs ts deplny fie arbulanses. ov avick reepeuse. it has pienzered Syste Stas Manugemert tecughol ‘he nation a3 [te inst cadtethoree methed of episk’y purting the ambnlaace scl ils caregivers wh they are rere — a catiend”s side AME consterdy measures it reqporse times and other eriieal performance faeia4s lervaga a wool used by all opcrcieg divis.ccs teroughout AM Iezally er ralionst'y Key Pesformanee Indicators (KPIs). KIL reports ve viewer on daily art weekly haste and euble AMR's operaling diewoms 4s vlassly raoaiter hei syssans' cflcieusy ace rc thot AMIR is cieetiug respiise Lines sunderds. Suv close manitering allows fer apie modificstions 9 the svat. if uevesssay AMR az-ees to meet cesponse tims staaden’s species. ay tae Coumty af Corte Casa, Clinical and Staffing Standards AM. is uncemsromnising fr uphaliing rigoracs steratds of clinical excellence aul Ls tho atack record 10 back up that ¢aim. AMR will uphold and annegr all corrent Conta (Casta County EMS proteois, 0.85, reguletions, noligies and procedures ANA tes portable pea-besec computers to quie Eom Bishi carcyivers, Jata raccung, specitied cree, hex Taprovecaen progrs. and accurately repent patieet dara re par. af AMIR" Quilty AMR has ve Ge with the Coua Cosa Cowie BMS Agency a continous quel ly improvecvent. (CQL) pun designee w acect the sarteuler needs ef Contra Wis eh 1997 roca Summony

PROPOSAL for Emergency Ambulance Service 50 Glacier Drive This is a proposal to contract with Contra Costa County to provide primary
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