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Winter 2013 Volume 18 Issue 3 a l uA M Bm S n i n e w s INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2 Encouraged towards Encouraged toward ministry ministry 3 Alumni news notes Beth A. Miller, MDiv 2012 work sounded interesting, not AMBS notes I was a new mom, struggling with knowing that health issues, when our congregation she was ready to 4 Sermon claims God’s —Germantown Mennonite—had invited resign and finish Rosie Epp (MDiv 1983) as an interim promises her education. I pastor. I ended up orienting Rosie to the was asked to serve congregation, explaining who was who, as the chaplain of as well as some of the behind the scenes a nursing home, issues. One afternoon she looked at me and found I loved and said, “Why in the world aren’t you a the work. pastor? You have gifts for the work.” It was in this I was totally shocked and blew off setting another the comment. I came out of the “Old” person, David Boshart, urged me to think Mennonite tradition, and becoming a of pastoring and seminary work. Again, I pastor had never even crossed my mind. was surprised—but more at how the Lord Being a minister’s wife would be as close as was moving in my life, forging me into a Encouragement appears often in this I could get, (this was the early 1980s). But minister. Rosie had planted a seed in my mind and issue of Alumni News. Personal I have “tapped” several people on the heart that was persistent. stories of graduates may remind us of shoulder for ministry—but none has taken Later when we moved to Iowa, I our own being encouraged to consider the plunge yet. God’s timing is a cautiously told a chaplain that her ministry. Similarly, many of us may recall (Continued on page 2) our astonishment or surprise when our Fall class snapshot encouragers named our gifts aloud to us. And that “Have you considered . . . ?” question led us eventually to a time of study and preparation at AMBS. During Pastors Week in January almost 200 pastors, business people, professors, conference ministers and members of MEDA (Mennonite Economic Development Associates) gathered on campus. We worshiped together . . . laughed together . . . heard sermons full of audience responses and cultural perspectives different from our own. We considered ways to encourage the poor and to alleviate poverty in our world. We shared our stories and questions with friends. And we were “mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” (Romans 1:12) Are we noticing the sisters and brothers in our congregations who have gifts of ministry? Have we named those gifts for them? Have we spoken the words, “have Gary Yamasaki (MDiv 1988) was guest lecturer in November in Old Testament you considered . . . “ to them? Theology. He introduced Perspective Criticism, an interpretative methodology for “Therefore encourage one another and analysis of biblical narratives focusing on the point-of-view of the narrative. Gary, build up each other.” (I Thes. 5:11) who holds a Ph.D. from Union Theological Seminary, is a member of the Bible and —Rhoda Schrag, Alumni Association theological studies faculty at Columbia Bible College, Abbotsford, B.C. president AMBS Alumni News is a publication of Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary ~ www.ambs.edu Encouraged toward ministry (continued from page 1) mystery—I continue to pray for those My major was Music Education, and what they were), let me make a difference individuals, that they may be open to while I appreciated and still love music, my in people’s lives. Pastoral ministry was not God’s leading in their lives. call to the church felt stronger, and music part of that equation or personal thinking. was such a part of my church experience, In 1987, four pastors in five weeks Beth Miller lives in Wellman, Iowa, doing I didn’t feel like I was “leaving music approached me with a singular question, free-lance pastoral counseling and pulpit behind” by considering ministry. The in a variety of forms: Have you considered supply. She is active in Kalona Mennonite church had given me a sense of belonging, pastoral ministry? My answer: “Maybe Church. and it was a place where a lot of my beliefs later, when my children have graduated felt “at home.” from high school, but not now.” I started to feel called to dedicate my Others joined the choir of asking. God’s Joanne Gallardo, MDiv 2010 future work to the church. I loved my voice became more insistent. Locust Grove I joined the inquiry program experience, I loved Mennonite (Michigan) elders and pastor, Mennonite what I was studying at Goshen and I a small group I was leading: all urged church in my wanted “more.” Several people, pastors consideration of ministry training. So did teens. Before then, and professors included, encouraged me random friends. But how to move forward? participation in to attend AMBS. Most of the pastors Education was needed but I could not, at church wasn’t I worked with or knew had graduated that stage of life, travel the traditional something I had from AMBS with very positive things to route: college, seminary, ministry. ever considered. I say. I had attended AMBS banquets and Then a pastor suggested Hesston loved church, but visiting days and had a strong interest in College’s Pastoral Ministry Program. I had only thought what I saw and heard. I was able to talk to enrolled there in 1988, graduating in 1990, that leadership in professors and read works that they had assuming my first pastoral position that the church was for written. Everyone seemed approachable fall at Sugar Creek Mennonite in Wayland, “certain people,” and dedicated to their discipline. I had Iowa. In 1995, I began intermittently certainly not women, and certainly not me. appreciated my Anabaptist education, and I taking classes at AMBS, eventually It was my experience at Tedrow knew I wanted my seminary experience to attaining a Certificate of Theological Mennonite Church in Ohio that be influenced by Anabaptism. Studies. I continue to take classes at changed my perspective of ministry. My In my current work at Eastern AMBS, with a goal of eventually receiving congregation was excellent at shoulder- Mennonite University, I am very a Master of Divinity. tapping. They’d shoulder-tap youth in appreciative of my AMBS experience. I Those who urged me to consider particular to be a part of Sunday morning have oftentimes shared my experience ministry were people I trusted, followers worship. It was then that I started to song with students, and I consider it part of of Christ who cared about my family, cared lead, worship lead and even preach. I my job to encourage young people who about me. Their encouragement to consider carried this interest in worship to Goshen feel called to ministry. I would certainly ministry included gracious words of faith College, where I participated in the recommend AMBS as a place to discover and affirmation. More than pondering Ministry Inquiry Program and started to one’s calling. pastoral leadership with Idella and myself, think about seminary. they came alongside and were God’s Joanne Gallardo is associate campus presence to us and our sons and daughter. pastor for Eastern Mennonite University, In similar ways, I have had the privilege Keep in touch with AMBS Harrisonburg, Va. of coming alongside six others who have tested God’s call to ministry. (Currently, Subscribe to the AMBS calendar Ruben Chupp, MDiv student Paula Lemus, an AMBS student, is an to get notices of new events: intern at North Main, pondering pastoral www.ambs.edu/news-events/ I was working in a gifts and call). The church names pastoral calendar/10147 factory, making gifts in others and extends opportunities to a lot of money, exercise those abilities. Our institutions of Keep up with AMBS on Facebook: buying a lot of learning—Hesston College, AMBS, etc.— www.Facebook.com/followAMBS stuff—aiming then educate those gifts and abilities. (Click “Like” next to our name so you for the American In hindsight, I cannot measure which can get regular updates.) dream (which is a was more important: those who confirmed moving target). I the call or those who educated it. Both Download guest lectures on iTunes U: should have been groups spoke for God, embodied Jesus. For www.ambs.edu/news-events/iTunesU.cfm happy, but wasn’t. those who walked with me I am deeply Via a scenic, grateful. For those whom I have walked circuitous route, with I am deeply grateful. I have learned faith found me much from both experiences. in February 1985. Not long after, I began asking God to: get me out of the factory, Ruben Chupp is pastor of North Main Street let me use my gifts (though I didn’t know Mennonite Church in Nappanee, Ind. l 2 AMBS Alumni News Winter 2013 ALU M N I N EWS N OTES Martha Smith Good (MDiv Travel for Alumni and Friends. mennotrav.com/vacation/ was a teacher; peace evangelist, 1977) recently self-published groups/marymagdalene/ mission worker and later her memoirs, titled Breaking James E. Metzler (MAPS overseer with her husband, Paul; Ground: One Woman’s Journey 1977) works two days a week Andy Alexis-Baker (MATS retreat leader; worship leader into Pastoral Ministry. Copies as a hospice chaplain, primarily 2007) is co-editor of A and occasional preacher; and a can be received by sending a in nursing homes in the faith embracing all creatures: resource to congregations and request to [email protected]. Birmingham, Ala., area. Addressing commonly asked church groups. She had a special The price is $15.00 plus postage. questions about Christian care for interest in supporting people J Robert Charles (MDiv animals, published by Cascade who are victims of abuse. She Lauren Friesen (MDiv 1979) teaches 20th-century Books. Malinda Berry (MAPS served on the AMBS Alumni 1970) has been granted the world and U.S. history at St. 2000) wrote the chapter, “What Association executive committee Outstanding Alumni Award by Francis College, Brooklyn, N.Y. about animal sacrifice in the from 2010 to 2011. Pacific School of Religion (where Hebrew Scriptures?”; Nekeisha Franklin Breckenridge (MDiv he earned an MA and PhD), Alexis-Baker (MATS 2008) Bethan Theunissen (MDiv conferred January 30. Lauren 1999) is pastor of Olivet African wrote the chapter, “Doesn’t the 1994) is pastor at Trinity is the chair of the Department Methodist Episcopal Church Bible say that humans are more United Church, Vancouver, of Theatre and Dance at the in South Bend, Ind. In October important than animals?”; and B.C. Read about her work at University of Michigan-Flint. Franklin and Cora, his wife, were Andy wrote the chapter, “Didn’t www.trinityunitedchurch.ca/ recognized for their leadership Jesus eat fish?” The book is part aboutus/team.shtml Weldon Martens (MDiv and service to the Indiana of the Peaceable Kingdom Series: 1984) finished one year as NAACP organization. peaceablekingdomseries.com. Rosanna McFadden (MDiv interim vice president of student 2011) was ordained for ministry, June Alliman Yoder (MDiv life at Bethel College, North Ann K. Gingrich (MATS December 23, at Creekside 1988 and professor emerita) Newton, Kan. He has begun 1987) died January 18 in Church of the Brethren in “Travel With Weldon Martens,” invites others to join her on a Goshen, Ind. She was AMBS Elkhart. hosting international tours tour to San Francisco, June 24– pastoral counselor from 1983 including “Footsteps of Paul,” 27, to take in the world premier to 1990, and in 2005 she was May 20 to June 3, to Greece performance of “The Gospel honored with the AMBS Alumni and Rome. See www.bethelks. of Mary Magdalene,” by the Ministry and Service Award. She edu/alumni; select Events, then San Francisco Opera Company. For information, visit www. n o t e s A M B S Emma Richards (BTh Two new books by Willard 1950) was the first woman Swartley (BD 1962, ordained for congregational professor emeritus) will be ministry in the Mennonite available soon: Church. According to the grace • John in the Believers given to her: The ministry of Church Bible Commentary Emma Sommers Rich has just series, published by Herald been released by the Institute Press. of Mennonite Studies. It tells • Living Gift: John’s Jesus in the story of her ordination meditation and poetry, art and traces the roots of Emma’s and song, with materials call and the encounters that and indices of resources shaped her legacy as model for personal and corporate and mentor. See www.ambs. worship. edu/publishing/New- publications.cfm. Practicing Reconciliation blog Millard Lind (BD 1944, Join Sara Wenger Shenk, professor emeritus of Old AMBS president, in asking Dori Zerbe Cornelsen (MDiv 1993) led a Pastors Week Testament) has completed questions and engaging issues workshop on revitalizing the experience of giving and collecting an English translation of a offerings in worship services. Dori is a stewardship consultant German commentary: The in the church. Her blog, with Mennonite Foundation Canada. Practicing Reconciliation, Book of Isaiah: Its Composition Other alumni who led Pastors Week workshops included will “pose questions, test and Final Form (Sheffield Vyron Schmidt (MDiv 1980) and Terry Shue, Karen Martens assumptions, resist labels, play Phoenix Press). Zimmerly (MATS 1986) and David Bergen, Allan Rudy- with possibilities, experiment Froese (MDiv 1992), Cyneatha Millsaps (MDiv 2008) and with integration, practice David B. Miller (MDiv 1993). These workshops explored the wholeness”: www.ambs.edu/ intersections of money, faith and church life at the January practicingreconciliation/ l 28–31 event on the theme of Jubilee economics. AMBS Alumni News Winter 2013 3 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID SOUTH BEND, IN PERMIT #261 3003 Benham Avenue Elkhart, IN 46517 Sermon claims God’s promises In her sermon during Pastors Week, Cyneatha Millsaps, (MDiv 2008) pastor of Community Mennonite Church, 3003 Benham Avenue Markham, Ill., challenged participants to Elkhart, IN 46517-1999 leap into God’s promises. 574 295-3726 She gave testimony to the impact of www.ambs.edu Fellowship of Hope, an Elkhart congrega- tion that began in the 1960s with several seminary families and that practiced Spring 2013 communal sharing of income and Volume 18 Issue 3 possessions. Cyneatha, who grew up in the AMBS Alumni News is published three neighborhood, said, “We benefitted in our times a year by Anabaptist Mennonite community because a few people dared to Biblical Seminary. Please send believe the Word of God; dared to believe it suggestions and news notes about and jumped into that promise.” alumni to editor Mary E. Klassen at [email protected] She also said, “Young people in my community got to know the love of God Alumni Director: Bob Rosa first hand. We lived it every day, and Alumni Association Executive because of that we expected it every day.” Committee: Rhoda Schrag, president Cyneatha Millsaps preached at one of Recordings of Cyneatha’s sermon, the Martha Beals the Pastors Week worship services. sermons of David B. Miller, (MDiv Gerald Good In addition, she participated in a 1993) associate professor of missional Cyneatha Millsaps session reflecting on the impact of the leadership development, and Leonard Dow, Brent Eash Fellowship of Hope congregation on senior pastor of Oxford Circle Mennonite Designer: Nekeisha Alexis-Baker members and the neighborhood, which is Church, Philadelphia, and presentations Photos: SaeJin Lee, Mary E. Klassen where she grew up. by Pastors Week presenter Kim Tan are available on AMBS’s iTunes U channel. Visit www.ambs.edu/news-events/ iTunesU.cfm for a link to the site. l

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