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Ambassador Foundation PDF

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Presctlt~ lerbcrt \Xl Arnlstrong ~ Atllhassack)f f( )f W)rlc.{ Peace Is World Peace Coming! M oclern man can send astronauts to Church of God, most of the major nations of produce it. Why? Because the solution to man the moon yet hasn't solved the this world are hearing this vital message. kind's dilemma lies outside the realm of govern basic problem of human survival. According to Mr. Armstrong, "Many world ment, science and traditional religion." Today's world is beset by appall leaders believe humanity's only hope for a last Mr. Armstrong has traveled the world and ing evils and violence. More than half the ing peace lies in a single world government. spoken to numerous heads of state, business world's population lives in poverty, suffering Yet they admit the impossibility of man to leaders and educarors. He is the Founder and from hunger or malnutrition. Even Chairman of the Ambassador the poorest nations at times resort Foundation - an international to costly arms to settle disputes. organizmion dedicated to serving Several nations now have nu~ the cultural and educational needs clear weapons. Even small unstable of 111an y nations. The Fou ndation nations have nuclear power plants has received numerous awards for and the potential for similar weap its humanitarian efforts. ons. A ny one of these nations Mr. Armstrong is intcrnation' could start a chain reaction that ally recognized as "an Ambassa~ could destroy humanity. dor for world peace without POrt As roday's world conditions folio." As an author, educator and worsen, millions arc asking the minister, he speaks authoritatively grave question: "Is peace possible, on perplexing world conditions, or will nuclear war destroy our where we are heading and why. planet?" As Editor in Chief of The Plain For over fifty years Herbert W. Tmth, an international magazine Armstrong has been proclaiming of understanding with 20 million that peace is not only possible but readers worldwide, he presents a soon coming. thought-provoking insight into Through the efforts of the world problems. Ambassador Foundation, Ambas His message relates to the future sador College and the Worldwide of all peoples everywhere. Man's Paradox: Takc a look ar today's troubled world. incc the 1960s the world's fund of knowledge and technological advancements have increased at an astonishing rate. Bur world troubles have multiplied at an even greater pace. What a paradox! Amazing progress and developmcnts. Incredible com puters, astronauts on the moon and unman~ ncd spacecraft transmitting close-up pictures of planetary surfaces ro earth. But the same human mind that has pro duced such awesome matcrial achicvements has provcd uttcrly helpless berore our human problcms here on earth. For the first time in all hisrory, weapons exist that could destroy all of mankind. Today we arc on a cataclysmic collision course that leads ro the possible extinction of humanity. Several facrors exist - each of which, alone, threatens human existence. The world is experiencing famines increas ing at an alarming rare, poverty, unhappiness, family problems, crime, near-global pollution, and now the impending threat of nudear war. Shortages of all needed resources except k now ledge. Yet knowledge hasn't brought us lasting peace and happiness. The answer to mankind's dilemma has been available, but few understand it. It's a vital messagc of hope about government, about law, and about contem porary world conditions. It conccrns mankind's number onc problem: human survival. Dcspitc today's worsening world conditions, 2 there is good news. World peace is coming! Never before was a message of a coming peaceful, prosperous world romorrow more vital ro the furure of mankind. That is the message that Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God have broadcast for more than a half century. The good news of rhe world romorrow now reaches nearly 200 sovereign countries and ter ritories throughout the world - in several major languages. Ir's a vital message of hope thar transcends national and ethnic borders worldwide. H umanity, through the gifts of science, now possesses the ability to loft sensitive scientific equipment into the vast reaches of the solar system. Yet, this same awesome SCientific capacity has also conferred the nuclear kiss of death on the globe. An ominous future for all of humanity lies ahead - unless an unexpected and Unseen Hand from someplace intervenes forcibly in human affairs. 3 Out afWars Ashes ... :. I W orld War I, "The had made rhe most signi{lCQm llll)'One qllalified to fecri,tle rhe war end all comriblllioll toward world peace. fOlmh watch. King Albert J)assed it [0 <vars," had ended. The King preseneed one watch [0 on to his son, Leopold Ill. Following the Field Marshal Ferdinand Foch, who In 1970, His Majesty Leopold 111 armistice, King Albert I of Be/gi"'n headed the Allied S"preme presented the fOllrth watch to l-lerbert ,'isited one of the battlefields. He Command in 1918. He ga,'e the \\'1. Armstrong. In accepring it, Mr. was aJ)palled at the sl""ghter. second [0 General John 1. Pershing, Armstrong said, "/ feel ir was rhe The King ordered an iron commander in chief of rhe highest honor the King cOlrid ha.'e cannonball from the fl£ld to be caS! American Expeditionary Force. The paid an)'one. Wha[et1er concriblltioll into fOllr watch cases. FOLH fine third watch went to Georges to ,,'orld peace 1 may be making movemenLS were placed in them. ClemenceaH, France's inspiring is not throllgh war, bllt Each watch .vas then to be presented premier d"ring the dark days of the thro"gh ed"cation, teaching millions [Q [he /o!.lr individuals who, he felt, war. /3"t the King did not find worldwide the way to peace." 4 An Ambassador Without Portfolio During the past fifteen years, Herbert W. al leaders have ofren led to public appearances Armstrong has had personal meetings with before larger audiences of rhousands in many many heads of state and other officials high in world capirals. These leaders want rheir people government, education and industry. ro hear this message. As an "ambassador without portfolio for The way of unselfish ourgoing concern rhar world peace," he discusses domestic and world leads to peace has been raught and pur into problems and changing conditions. living practice on rhe campuses of Ambassador He addresses the likelihood of humanity's College. The culrural and educational projects nuclear annihilation. He speaks dynamically of the Ambassador Foundation also reflect the and plainly about the causes and ultimate solu way of giving and service to orhers. tion to the shocking problems that threaten This way has demonstrated - for over three humanity. decades - thar it does indeed produce peace, In his meetings with leaders of nations, Mr. happiness and the abundant life. A rmstrong speaks of the way to world peace: "Peace is nOt only possible - it is definitely coming - and in our time. "Peace is coming in spite of six thousand years of human suffering. In spite of world leaders' inability to achieve peace. "The lessons of history have been written in pain, anguish, failures, frustrations and human blood and death. Experience has been a costly tcacher - but mankind has not learned that lesson. "For every effect rhere has ro be a cause. Our human society has never YCt found 'the way' and put into motion 'the way' that would cause world peace. Humaniry has failed for six rhou sand years to discover rhe cause of rhe world's H w. colossal evils - its wretchedness, unhappiness erbert Armstrong <lnd suffering. (right) flies nwlti/,ie liThe answer has been available, YCt science thol/sands of miles a year has never discovered it. Education has never I,romoring the wa), [0 rallght it. Religion doesn'r undersrand ir." real peace. Above, a rril' [0 address M r. A rmstrong's personal visits with nation~ offU:ials of the Philippines. 6 --------~ - ' . • • Building Bridges ... A ddressing Prince Mikasa, all hHman life from this eQrth.H In academic affairs of Japan and abot'e lefl, Qnd a number welcoming Mr. Armstrong, Prince imernacional /Jeace,'1 Prince i\lfikQ$Q '0 of members of ,he Mikasa said, "Dr. Armstrong has is brother Japan's Emperor Japanese Diet in Toyko, been I'e,), kind to me and I Hirohiw. Righ, I'horo: Herbert w. Mr. Armstrong ulQrned that hal'e ... kep, a close friendship. Dr. Armsrrong greets Kenyan President ilwea/Jons now exist ehm can erase Armstrong has hellJed ,he Daniel aral' Moi in Nairobi. 8 M r. Armsrrong disc"ssed rhe major isslIes the 'World faces in its atwn/" to establish lasting peace, in a meeting "'ith Pia; n Truth subscribers in Bangkok, Thailand. Left, Menachem Begin, Prime Minister of Israel, 1.velcomes Mr. A rmsrrong dllring one of his many trips to JenlSalem. The Prime Minister had interrupted a meeting to greet his personal friend. 9

Second row, from left: his ełection to the oflíce of Prime. Eisaku Sato, Kakuei Tanaka,. Minister, Yasuhiro Nakasone counselo'r. Top row, from left: 16
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