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\'AMAZING GRACE" ~~~r SOUNDS FOR HARMONICA by Arranged KEN ARNOLD ALL HARMONICAS IN C Contents AMAZING GRACE 2 OH APPY DAY 13 BEAUTIFUL ISLE OF SOMEWHERE 2 THE OLD TIME RELIGION .. 13 BLEST BE THE TIE ...... 3 ROCK OF AGES 14 CHURCH IN THE WILDWOOD, THE 4 SAVIOUR, LlKE AS HEPHERD LEAD US ... ..... 14 GOD BE WITH YOU .... . .. 5 SHALL WE GATHER AT THE RIVER? .. .. .15 HE LEADETH ME .. .. .. 6 STAND UP FOR JESUS . 16 HE'S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD .. . .. 6 STANDING ON THE PROMISES .... .... 17 I NEED JHEE EVERY HOUR 7 SWEET HOUR OF PRAYER .. .. 18 IN THE SWEET SY ANO BY ... ...... ...................... .... 8 TAKE TIME TO SE HOLY .. .. 19 JESUS, SAVIOUR, PILOT ME .. . 9 THERE IS A HAPPY LAND .. .20 JUST AS lAM ... . 9 THROW OUT THE LlFELINE .. .. . .20 LEAD, KINDLY LlGHT .. . 10 WHEN MORNING GILDS THE SKIES .. .. . 22 LET THE LOWER LlGHTS BE BURNING . . . 10 NEAR THE CROSS .... 11 WONDERFUL WORDS OF LlFE . . ...... .23 THE NINETY ANO NINE .. 12 YIELD NOT TO TEMPTATION .... ....... 24 AH the Gospel Hymns have been arranged so that they are playable on alI C harmonicas. No flats or sharps are used in any of the numbers so they can be played on a diatonic (non-chromatic) harmonica or on a chro matic harmonica without using the slide button. t Under each note in the book you will note a double number, e. g. 3 6 or 3 t 6. The numbers are applicable to the holes to be blown ( t ) or drawn ( ~ ). The first number is for chromatic harmonicas while the second is for diatonic harmonicas. The chart below gives all notes used in these arrangements, the prop er hole to be used and whether to blow ( t ) or draw ( t ). CHROMATIC DIATONIC I " Q II , ....... -e-: . ., .. n .. " .. " © Copyright 1972 by EDWARD B. MARKS MUSIC COMPANY International Copyright Secured Made in U.S.A. Al! Rights Reserved 2 Amazing Gr ace Harmonicas in C TRADITIONAL CHR0r.;rATIC DI,ATONIC &1'\ J:! Cr Efi r Gr7 Am J C r I I I IJ j I E~ ~ .. t 3 6! st7 6[AS 5h 6tS 5tS 4t7 3}6 3 t 6 3t6 5h 6tS 5h , A - maz - ing_ grace, how sweet the sound, That sav'd a_ r G7 Cr §) r g'- r r ~...--... J I O d I t 6ts 5 ~S 7 9 6tS 7 t9 6ts 7t9 6 ts 5f7 3t6 , wretch li e meI I once_ was_ lost, but F C Am C r G7 Cr j~ (J} J J @ r 7J7? I I I I II F= o 3~6 4 t7 4h 3t6 3t 6 3t 6 5b 6ts 5h 6tS 5~S 5h now_ am_ found; Was blind, but_ now I see. __ 2. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, 3. Thro' many dangers, toils and snares, And grace my fears relieved; I have already come; How precious did that grace appear, 'Tis grace that brought me safe thus far, The hour I first believed. And grace will lead me home. 4. Yes, when this heart and flesh shall fail, And mortal life shall cease, I shall possess within the vale A life of j oy and peace. © Copyright MCMLXXII by Edward B. Marks Music Corporation International Copyright Secured Al! Rights Reserved Printed in V.S.A. Beautiful. Isle Of Somewhere Harmonicas in C , J. B. POUNDS CHROMATIC DIATONIC J. S. FEARIS G7 , C ,. , r S\ , E,/ F 17 J F' r' F J D I I J ~ 't' 6 8 5tS 3t6 4h 4h 4t7 6i9 6ts 5tS 3t6 4{.7 Some-where the sun is shin - ing, Some-where the song - birds -; C G r ~, ~o F • ~ P r' C I J I o <::::::::::::: 3t6 ----3--[II..6 6tS 5iS 4t7 3t6 4h 4t7 5t8 dwell; Hush, then, thy sad re pin ing, 3 RefraÎn Dr r r D;7;» .......r GJ . Gr7· J. _C. J. C • 'II J 5tS 5JS 6tS 5tS 4t7 4t? 3~6 316 3t6 4h 3t6 God lives, and all __ is well. Some - where, some - where, Arm r r D7;> .......r r Gr ~ o G 7fr.'... rC r r Gr7 r F I I f t 5h 6tS 6t9 ds 4h 4h 4t7 4t7 4t7 5tS 6tS 6 9 5tS 5tS 5~S Beau - ti - fuI isle_ of some - where! Land of the true, where we rC C7 rF C r tT?r • Gr7· C D I ( J• d II ts 5Î 7 6 5tS 4t7 3t 6 5t7 6 ts Beau -ti - fuI isle_ of - where! 2. Somewhere the day is longer, 3. Somewhere the load is lifted, Somewhere the task is done; Close by an open gate; Somewhere the heart is stronger, Somewhere the clouds are rifted, Somewhere the reward won. Somewhere the angels wait. Refrain Refrain Blest Be The Tie Harmonicas in C J. FAWCETT H. G. NAGEL1 CHROMATIC DIA TONIC fi rC ,/ rZ?? r GM7 r Cr C7 F F ", \6t~ , 6tS 5h 6tS 5tS 4t? 5tS 4h 4t7 Blest be the tie that binds Our F C sa G G7 C r ,.. s-j ,.. r f?? r ?7r r r r r r f I I I I t , 4 t7 3~6 ~t7 4t7 3f6 4t7 4t7 5tS 5 S 4t7 5tS 5h 6tS d9 - hearts_ in Chris tian love; Tlie fel - low ship_ of Gr7@~ r Cr ~ ~ ţF Cr..- -.....r. rF CrS ?' r Gr7 Cr I I I II t t t 7t9 5tS 6t9 6tS 7 t9 7 10 7t9 6ts 6 9 6tS 5t7 5 S 5'ţ7 kin dred minds_ 1s like- ta that_- a bave. 2. Befare aur Father's throne, We pour our ardent pray'rs; Our fears, our hapes, aur aims are ane, Our camforts and aur cares. 3. We share aur mutual waes; Our mutual burdens bear; And oft en for each ather flaws The sympathizing tear. 4. When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain; But we shall still be jain'd in heart, And hope ta meet again. 4 The Church In The Wildwood Harmo,nica s in C W. S. PITTS CHRO~ATIC DIATONIC C G7 ! ','. J" ,.: I j J f 9 j ] r r r r I L" = I , '3t6 3t6 3t6 3·h 3t6 3t6 3t6 4f7 5tS 6tS 5tS 5tS , There's a church in the val - ley by the wild wood, No C ~C J c::t r r' E ~ r ~ ~" ~ II ~. ~ I d 4,h 3t6 4,h St7 5tS 6tS 5~S 4b 4h 3t6 3t6 4t7 4h 4~7 3t6 , love - li - er spot in the dale; No __ place is so dear to rny C J. G7 C Fine ~~ F j O I J J J j i. j r" II > 3t6 4h 3t6 4t7 3~6 3'h 3t 6 3t 6 3t6 3~6 4,h 4t7 , child hood As the lit - tIe brown church in the vale. Refrain , ,. C J. a II I J f j J ....h. 1 i' J i 1 T IT " ~ 2t5 lt4 1 t4 d4 lt4 lt4 3t6 3t 6 3t 6 3ts 4h 5t8 , Oh, corne, corne, corne, corne, Corne to the church in the D. S. al Fine Gr7 r r C F C IT I J C' I! C' ~ r" II d -= 61s 5tS 5h 3t6 4t7 5h 5tS 6tS 5.{,S 4t7 wild wood, Oh, corne to the church in the vale; 2. Oh, corne to the church in the wildwood, To the trees where the wild flowers bloorn; Where the parting hyrnn will be chanted, We will weep by the side of the tornb. Refrain 3. How sweet on a clear Sabbath rnorning, To list to the clear ringing bell; Its tones so sweetly are calling, Oh, corne to the church in the vale. Refrain 4. From the church in the valley by the wildwood, When day fades away into night, 1 would fain from this spot of my childhood Wing rny way to the mansions of light. Refro.in s God Be With You Harmonicas in C J. E. RANKIN W. G. TOMER G C F a J J J J. Jl i ;[] I I lt4 2ts 3t6 3t6 3t6 3h 3t6 3t6 , God be with you tiU we meet a - gain; By Ris coun-sels guide,up - C G G7 C j J I J. J) J J J J I j J I J. Jl J7J 1 J 3t6 3t6 3t6 3t6 3t6 3t6 3t6 3t6 3t6 2t5 2t S 2t5 3t6 3t61t41t4 , hold you, With His sheep se-cure-Iy fold you; God be withyou till we C..-------..... C Refrain G7 t:"I r r J~ ia j J 1 II J. j I J Ci • I E :d 3t 2tS lt4 lt4 2ts 2ts 3t6 St7 6 ts sts 417 3t 6 4h 4t7 6 , meet a - gain. TiU we meet, TiU we meet,_ TiU we CJ . jJ !CiJ --=) GJ. Cp i j J~ r r C· • I it I d :;t~ 3t6 3t6 3t6 2t5 lt4 2t5 lt4 2t5 2t 5 3t6 5f7 6ts 5t8 4h , meet at Je sus_'_ feet; Till we meet, Till we c FJ ? -==-'"r' :'I r':'I CJ J G7 II O· • I J j J i= 1 eJ 3t6 4t7 4t7 3t6 3t6 2t5 d4 lt42t5 1t4 meet, __ God be with you till we meet a 2. God be with you till we meet again! 'Neath His wings protecting hide you, Daily manna stiU provide you; God be with you tiU we meet again! Refrain 3. God be with you till we meet again! When life' s perils thick confound you, Put His arms unfailing round you; God be with you till we meet again! Refrain 4. God be with you till we meet again! Keep love's banner floating o'er you, Smite death's threat'ning wave before you; God be with you till we meet again! Refrain M423 6 Re Leadeth Me Harmonicas in C J. R. GILMORE W. B. BRADBURY CHROMATIC DIATONIC &(\ \ d ,,, 1 CJ . -4s J J 1 FJ J J J 1 CJ . il J J J r' \ , ~t6 2ts lt4 lt4 3t6 3t6 2t5 2t5 3t6 3t6 2t5 2t5 1 n--ît4 Re Iead - eth me: O biess - ed thought! O words with heav'n - Iy_ _ G C F & J J J W 1 J. ) 1 j 1 J J r flQ\1 2ts 2t5 lt4 3t6 2h lt4 1 t4 3t6 3t 6 2t5 4h 4t7 3t6 , corn - fort fraught! What efer 1 do, where - efer 1 be, Still_ ReCrain C Am >1 G7 C C G7 J J J a 1 J. ) j II: J 1 J r r r j~ '--'" 3t6 - 2ts 2ts d4 d4 lt4 2t5 lt4 lt4 3t 6 3t6 4h 4h 5h , 'tis God's hand_ that_ lead - eth me. Re lead- eth me, Re Ris faith - fuI foI - Iow'r Cr Ff Z] CJ F~ 1 Cj J AJm ) ~ ~ 1Il .~ J ~ :11112. G1 G~4 C J~ III J~ 2ts 4h 4t7 3t6 3t 6 3t6 3t 6 2t5 2f?l{,4 lt4 lt4 2t 5 lt4 2ts lt41t4 lead - eth_ me, By Ris own hand_ Re- lead -eth me: 1 would_ be, For by Ris hand_ Re- lead - eth me. 2. Sometimes 'mid scenes of deepest gloom, 3. Lord, 1 would clasp Thy hand in mine, Sometimes where Eden' s bowers bloom, Nor ever murmur nor repine By waters stiU, o'er troubl'd sea, Content, whatever lot 1 see, StiU 'tis God's hand that Ieadeth me. Since 'tis my God that Ieadeth me. Refrain Refrain He's Got The Whole World In His Hands Harmonicas in C TRADITIONAL CHROM~TIC DIATONIC ~t "\ D/ " "E- d ID r r r r Re's got tne whole wide world_ in Ris hands,- Re's got the r r r r f r Ct' V I 1 t 6t 9 6 t 9 6t 9 5 8 whole wide world_ in Ris hands,_ He's got the whole wide world_ 7 r Gr7 r C Fine * D o~r r f r I ~ r" I tJ" ..... li ~ 6fg 7t9 7f9 6 t8 7t 9 6t8 7t9 7 t9 6t 9 5t8 517 in Ris hands,_ Re's got the whole world in Ris hands._ G7 6t8 7t9 6t 8 7t9 7't9 6ts 5h 6t8 7t9 7t9 6ts 7t9 6 8 6t9 6h 6t9 5t8 Re's got the wind and rain_ in Ris hands,_ Re's got the wind and rain_ Re's got the lit - tIe ba - by in Ris hands,_ Re's got the lit - tle ba- by Re's got both you and me_ in Ris hands,_ Re's got both you and me __ pa" r ..--....C r r r r r * o G f r r r ~--r r I I D t 6t9 7t9 7t9 6t8 7 9 6t 8 7 t9 7t9 6t8 5t7 6t8 7h 7t9 6ts 7 t9 6f8 in Ris hands,_ Re's got the wind and rain_ in Ris hands,_ in Ris hands,_ Re's got the lit - tle ba-by in Ris hands,_ Re's got the in Ris hands,_ Re's got both you and me_ in Ris hands,_ Gr7 r l1.c2. , 113. , D. S. al Fine I * V r" I r D ~ J " ·11 F D L d • II 7 t9 7t9 6t9 5t8 5t7 6ts 7t 9 6fg 5t7 6t8 7t9 6ts whole world in Ris hands. Re's got the hands. Re's got the 1 N eed Thee Every Hour Rarmonicas in C A. S. RAWKS R. LOWRY CHROMATIC DIATONIC \ C : , , ! : I F" r F I \ f \ f 5h Thee ev - 'ry hour, c G .... I lI' J I IT ? I II Lord; ten - der voice like Thine peace af Rerrain C Gr G7 ~ F I F" D r r I r I ro J 6t8 5~8 need Thee, O I Ev 'ry hour I C Dm7 C- -::=-=-- Gr 7 C r r Ir r J ro 'p II F I I 5h need Thee; O bless me now, my Sav-iour, I come_ to Thee! 2. I need Thee ev'ry hour, Stay Thou near by; Temptations Iose their pow' r When Thou art nigh. Refrain 3. I need Thee ev'ry hour, In joy ar pain; Come quickly and abide, Or life is vain. Refrain s In The Sweet By And By Harmonicas in C S. F. BENNETT J. P. WEBSTER CHROM,A TIC DIA, TONIC ~ \ C! r r • rF ~. fj CJ . i \~H' :~::l J I Ct Jer i 5~S 6tS 5tS 5h 5t S 4h 3t6 3t6 4t7 sts , There's a land that is fair - er than day, And by r r r r C' • G C r rF d I [' (' ---te I C2J E • , -= == 6ts 6tS 6tS 7t9 7h 6tS 5 ts 5h 5tS 6tS 5ts 5h 5tS 4h 3t6 , faith we can see it a - far: For the Fa - ther waits o - ver the G C Dm C r j. r' C' ~ I C J F ( re II -= J 3t6 4h 5~S 6tS 5~S 5h sts 4t7 4t 7 5h , way, To pre - pare us a dwell ing place there. , Rerrain -- Cr ' • Gr' • Gr7 r r r G C" =: C" L -re C J 1 1 1 J 6ts 6t9 7h 7t9 6tS 5tS 5tS 6ts 6t9 6t9 6.),9 6.),9 6ts 5~ S , In the sweet by and by, We shall meet on that beau - ti - ful rC' r- ~ C' E rF' J J CJ El Gr7 Cr" II I ~ I I E2! I -= -= 6tS 6fs 6t9 7t 9 6tS 5ts 4h 4h 3t 6 3t 6 5h 6tS 5ts 4f7 4h 4h shore; In the sweet by and by, We shall meet on that beau - ti - fuI shore. 2. We shall sing on that beautiful shore The melodious songs of the blest, And our spirits shall sorrow no more, Not a sigh for the blessing of rest. Refrain 3. To our bountiful Father above, We will offer our tribute of praise, For the glorious gift of His love, And the blessings that hallaw aur days. Refrain 9 Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me Harmonicas in C E. HOPPER J. E. GOULD CHROM, ATlC DIA, TO:-iIC , C' C G7 C F G7 ~ g\ ro": ~ J CO • ro == '. =d I d I 121 ~ ~/ 6t9 6 ts 6tS 5~S Je - sus, Sav - iour, pi lot me, o - ver lifets tem - pes-tuous Chart and com-pass came_ from Thee: Je - sus, Sav - iour, pi - lot D.C.aIFine C Fine G7 rC G7. r Jl J J } J ] r. ~ II I C I ro I II F. o :: 3t6 31-6 3t6 sea; Un -known waves be - fore me roU, Hid - ing rock and treach-trous shoal; me. 2. As a mother stills her child, Thou canst hush the ocean wild; BoistTrous waves obey Thy will, When Thou saytst to them "Be stiU!" Wondrous Sovtreign of the sea, Jesus, Saviour, pilot me. 3. When at last 1 near the shore, And the fearful breakers roar tTwixt me and the peaceful rest, Then, while leaning on Thy breast, May 1 hear Thee say to me, "Fear not, 1 wiU pilot thee! fT Just As 1 Am Harmonicas in C c. ELLIOTT W. B. BRADBURY CHROM,A TlC DIA,T ONIC " C G7 C '2\Hht j 1· )) J J J J J I Jo 2r5 ~ 1 2t5 3 t6 2,h 2t5 l{,~ts 2ts 2t5 3t 6 Just__ as 1 am, __ with - out __ one plea, But G7 C ~ gJ J j j IA J J 1 J IJ J 4~) J -.:::::::: ~ 3t6 1 t 4 2h 2 ts 3 t6 3 t6 3t6 2t5 1 t4Ît4 2ts 2t5 3t6 2ts 2t5 that_ Thy blood was shed for me, And_ that Thou biddfst_ me F C G C ~ j J ro;p s p J I J J J~) J I Jo I J. J II Jo ~ "---""" 3~6 3t 6 4t7 4h 3t6 3t6 3t6 3t6 2t5 2tS lt4 3t6 2tS come to Thee,_ o Lamb of God,_ 1 come! 1 comel_ 2. Just as 1 am, and waiting not 3. Just as 1 am, thof tosstd about, To rid my soul of one dark blot, With many a conflict, many a doubt, To Thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot, Fightings and fears within, withaut, O Lamb of God 1 1 come, 1 come 1 O Lamb of God! 1 come, 1 carne 1

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