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Exclusive Show Coverage: Amiga '90, COMDEX, & WOCA mazi ?AMIGA COMPUTING Volume 6 No. 1 January 1991 US $3.95 Canada $4.95 Yoitr OriginalAMIGA' Monthly Resource AMIGA ANIMATION EASIER THAN EVER! ► Disney's Animation Studio ► Cartoon Animation: A 3-part Course ► The Amiga In Court ► Plus— 22 AMIGA Animation PackasteTShowcased! TENTS Reviews SketchMaster 8 by ErnestP. Viveiros. Jr. A sleek, high-performance graphics tablet. Professional Draw 2.0 10 R. Shamms Mortier "There's nothing like it on the market at the moment.' In This Issue Spell-A-Fari 18 byJeffJames Threejungle animals can help youryoungster On The Road 22 learn to spell. Amiga '90 COMDEX PattyIheParrot The Worldof Commodore Amiga Programming AC has traveled the globe in search of new Amiga products. From the newest in presentation and 3-D products to the first public showing of CDTV, AC was Programming in AmigaBASIC 62 there. Read the exclusive coverage of Cologne. byMike Morrison Germany's Amiga '90. COMDEX in Las Vegas. This month. Mike takes a look at recursion. Nevada and The World Of Commodore Amiga in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. ZoomBox 75 byJohn Leonard Add a zoom box to an Intuition window. Electronic Color Splitter 26 by Greg Epley An inexpensive way to grab quality images off Departments video sources. Feedback 4 Editorial Content 6 List ofAdvertisers 80 Public Domain Software 93 [Coverby ErnestP.Viveiros, Sr. And Furthermore... 96 Volume 6 Amazing Amiga Number 1 January 1991 Animation Columns New Products And Other Neat Stuff 14 The Animation Studio 39 byJohn Rezendes byFrankMcMahon Some new products Disney'sclassic approach in acharacter this month include animation program. QuickWhte by New Horizons, Forensic Animation .42 PowerMongerby byAndrewLichtman_ Electronic Arts, The Amiga helps and Vistaproby outin the Virtual Reality courtroom. TheArtDepartmentProfessional Laboratories. 7 Medley 20 byPhilSaunders AC'S new musiccolumn begins bydiscussing MIDI. Cartoon Animation 48 Bug Bytes 37 byD. L Richardson byJohn Steiner Backtothe basics in animation. Afew problemswith PageStream 2.0. Plus, QuarterbackTools is now shipping. Animation Chart 55 Twenty-two animation packagesand features. PD Serendipity .86 Memory & Animation 60 byAimee B. Abren Nowyou can changefrom PALto NTSC byChris Boyce Even 512K userscan animate! easilywih NTSC-PAL. Plus, updates from Fred Fish disks 381-390. —^—■ Animation Extras ——^~ C Notes byDavidDuberman From The C Group .67 byStephen Kemp Animation with 3-D Professional 51 This month, a pop quiz to test your C Progressive Peripherals & Software programming knowledge. Animation Station 52 Progressive Peripherals & Software Roomers .69 by The Bandito Elan Performer & Animation 53 It's time again forThe Bandito's fearless Elan Design predictions forthe New Year. Animation with the Sculpt Family ...54 Snapshot 71 Byte by Byte byft BradleyAndrews It's upto you to save thewizard in Electronic Arts' Turbo Silver Animation 59 The Immortal. Impulse, Inc. fAMIGA AmazingComputingForTheCommodoreAMIGAP* ADMINISTRATION Publisher: JoyceHicks AssistantPublisher: RobertJ. Hicks Admin.Assistant: AlisaHammond Circulation Manager: DorisGamble Asst.Circulation: TraciDesmarais CorporateTrainer: VirginiaTerryHicks TrafficManager: RobertGamble InternationalCoordinator:DonnaViveiros MarketingManager: ErnestP.ViveirosSr. MarketingAssociate: GregYoung ProgrammingArtist: E. Paul EDITORIAL ManagingEditor: DonHicks AssociateEditor: ElizabethFedorzyn HardwareEditor: ErnestP.ViveirosSr. Technical Editor: J.MichaelMorrison TechnicalAssociate: AimeeB.Abren CopyEditor: JohnRezendes VideoConsultant: FrankMcMahon ArtDirector: WilliamFries Photographer: Paul Michael Illustrator: BrianFox GraphicDesigner: KimKerrigan Research & EditorialSupport: AlisaHammond ProductionAssistant: Melissa-MaeLavoie ADVERTISINGSALES Advertising Manager: DonnaMarie 1-508-678-4200 Create 1-800-345-3360 FAX1-508-675-6002 SPECIALTHANKSTO: Custom Forms BuddyTerrell& ByrdPress BobatRiversideArt, Ltd, SwanseaOneHourPhoto Quickly PrideOffset.Warwick.Rl Printers'Service&Supply,Inc. Mach1 Photo Are you tired of manually creating yourforms, typing AmazingComputingForTheCommodoreAmiga^1(ISSN1053-4547)is publishedmonthlybyPiMPublications.Inc..CurrantRoad.P.O.Box and drawing by hand andthen spending hundreds of 869,FallRive:,MA 02722-0869. dollars on typesetting and printing? Ifyour answer is 'Yes', then Top Form'" is for you! SubscriptionsintheU.S., 12issueslor$24,00;inCanadaSMexico surface,S34.00;foreignsurface[orS44.00. ■ Variable Size Forms - Mouse & Keyboard Operation Cut, Copy, Paste - ImportASCII Text Files Second-Class Postage paidat Fall River, MA02722andadditional mailingoffices. View Before Printing - Book Marks & Special Macros Custom Printer Utility - Comprehensive Manual POSTMASTER:SendaddresschangestoPiMPublicationsInc.,P.O. Sort & Justify Blocks - Supports Any PrinterAttribute Box869.FallRiver,MA02722-0369. PrintedintheU.S.A.Copyright© December1990byPiMPublications.Inc.Allrightsreserved. Print Perfect Forms, With No "TextOr Line Jaggies" Create Boxes, Grids. & Lines Quickly And Effortlessly FirstClassorAirMailratesavailableuponrequest.PiMFublicstions,Inc. Supports NTSC, PAL, OrCustom Screen Automatically maintainstherighttorefuseanyadvertising. Merge External Database Files For'Batch' Forms PiMPublicationsInc.isnotobligatedtorelurnunsolicitedmaterials.All Fully Programmable Math Macros For Each Form requestedreturnsmuslbereceivedwithaSelfAddressedStamped Most Printers Supported, Including Postscript & HP Mailer, Hundreds Of Pre-designed FormsAnd Applications Sendarticlesubmissionsinbo!hmanuscriptanddishformatwithyour oniy $8900 name,address,telephone,andSocialSecurityNumberoneactitothe AssociateEditor.RequestsforAuthor'sGuidesshouldbedirectedtothe addresslisfedabove. CallOrWriteForMoreInformation DesigningMinds,Inc. AMIGA™isaregisteredtrademarkof 3006NorthMain,Logan,Utah84321 (801)753-4947 Commodore-Amiga,Inc. NoCopyProtection,InstallsOnAnyHardDisk Circle 113 on Reader Service card. AstA'/JSC COMJ'ITftXG AMAZING DEALERS ThefollowingAmazingDealerscarryAmazingComputing™,yourresourceforinformation ontheAmiga1",andAC'SGuideToTlieCommodoreAmiga,thetotalAmigaproductguide. 1-508-678-4200 IfyouarenotanAmazingDealer,butwould liketobecomeOne,pleasecall: S*uraP_iJ5i. cfi TmCtf-tbWJ rite LhvpuCa-c."a-Spir- ^Cc-Tt.'rZrzr **Tifl**Pfw T^ccri iil-t.lci-O/uJt*/L («ttn ntww PcrfllTk- H ^j-11«n'i-OvipWbi Ci-C.!*'UflT,1»J ;,-i-.-4:.*n jj/miCrwrlnm c*r C*V1•*% CifcWB»4it i---=C-- C;«xi-?»• AMIGA Dealers, Don't Miss Out! thrtguy *,so■v-J-5*. Ctncgid Sod*tB^*!.i P/ilVilWy ConpL*Stfl* CaH for ..:■■■:,■-_hi Mir-* mm Amazing Computing CO*-T"«*'&»■! Today! •Vurwn WwiFbKF CntiC1C S"OM1P** E_« OlMMlM JVf v« ^■;( Si Tncy V*. ■opiilrc Pi-CUfl -c;-rnury OB ri« Ufft»* •c*f#xc *±**j\ MB «n TNCareerC«Ur Bwitiroi Miiroft Fttto B^1»1Cot■ lOCir-ihV Sdii&w1 T*rt^iC^t'::■:'i--1 L*n*t Amazing Computing™ isalso available in most B. Dalton Booksellers, B. Dalton Software Stores, Crown Books, Software Etc., selected WaidenBooks Stores, and Walden'sSoftware Store locations. THE ADVANTAGE dard U.S. TV), these sections will occur forone, amglad to havethiscompatibil IwouldliketoknowifAmazinghas only 30 times a second, well into the ity,andamwillingtoworkaroundflicker done a review of the spreadsheet called thresholdofhumanperceptionofflicker. whenitoccurs.Whiletherewillalwaysbe The Advantage' by Gold Disk? If a re Theydon't occur fast enough to fool the fools who willdesign programs with hi viewhasbeendonethenpleasetellmethe brain intothinking thattheyarecontinu resinterlacescreenswiththin,brightgreen volumeand issuenumber, ifnot, would ous,becausestandard phosphorsarenot lines on black backgrounds, more and you considerdoing one? A comparative sufficient to keep the pixel illuminated moresmartauthorsarechoosingwisely. review of spreadsheets including The until thenextpassofthebeam. Weusu Kudos go to Elan's Performer and Advantagewouldbemosthelpful. ally don't see TV flicker because most Impulse's Imagine for their intelligent imagesarelargeblobsofcolor,such that choiceofscreencolors. Sincerely, all elements cover many scan-lines, not Interlaceisan importantpart ofour Bob Lockie just one. Check out the weatherman's machine,butflickercanbefought. Burlington,Ontario symbols, though: you'll see interlace flicker,justlikeonyourAmiga. KarlSparklin —Gold Disk released The Advantage 1.1 in But let's say you have created one- Dayton, OH Septemberand zvchope todoa reviewofthe pixel-highgraphicsonyourAmigascreen. packagein thenearfuture.—Ed. Theyareprobablyflickering,butthereare manyvariablesastohowBADLY.Flicker #2 Comments on Jerry Masters' com gets worse thebrighter the image is, the ments in theOctober 1990 issue, regard FURTHER FUCKER FACTS 1-3 higher the contrast ratio between your ing interlace flicker: I have done some #1 ItappearsfromMr.Masters'letterin highlightandbackgroundcolors,themore investigation as to its cause, and have the October, 1990 issue, that there is still peripheralvisionyouuseinlookingatthe come to theconclusionthatitisnowhere quite a bit ofconfusion regarding inter tube, themoregreenyou haveintheim nearthestandard NTSCinterlacescreen. lace and "flicker" as seen on standard age,andalsovariesbetweenindividuals. Iputtheinterlacescreenon,typednlotof televisionandourAmigas. Flicker WILL OCCUR in interlace sevens on the screen, and looked at it Mr. Mastersassertsthatsomecolors modes. Butinyourownwork, you have through thebladesofa8" fanon whichI flicker faster than others, that 1/30-sec- controlovertheseverity. Lowerthecon had installed a speed control. When the ond is faster than human perception of trast of the image by raising the back correct speed was found, the alternate flicker, and that flicker is not inherent in ground color from black, and lower the fields could be observed, and the result theNTSCstandard.Thesestatementsare intensityofyour highlightcolor. Yes the was that the one field lost the horizontal incorrect. He also states that "someone image tends to "wash out" compared to topofthesevens,andlikewiseshortened withaccess to thepropertest equipment vivid,colorfulgraphicsyoumaybeused theotherlettersornumberson thatfield. should investigate theproblem."There's to.Butnoticehowmucheasieritisto look That, and thefact that theaspect ratioof nothingtoinvestigatebecausethereisno at the image for a long period of time. thescreen ischanged, makesmewonder problem. Avoid brig1 green lines: theeye is most whatCommodore had in mind in build Interlace is simply an electronic sensitive to this color, and can be over ing in such a nonstandard screen in an methodtopaintaCRTimage."Flicker"is whelmedbyhighlevelsofit,causingyou otherwiseexcellentcomputer. to sense flicker sooner. You can often human perceptionofthis method, and it Thatitshould bepossible to change varies with a staggering numberofvari choose to double up on pixels; ifyou've the screen is evidenced by the use of a ables.Themostcritical oneis time. Any made a one-pixel-thick horizontal line, terminal program which was included thingslowerthan60timespersecondwill putanotheronerightaboveorbelowit.If with the purchase of the Aprotek 2400 beperceivedbymostofusasflickerunder your contrast is low between these lines baud modem; this was called "Hand some conditions. The most common oc and thecoloraboveandbelow it, flicker shake", developed by Eric Haberfellner, currence is when an image consists of will nearlydisappear. who lives in Canada. One of the menu horizontalsectionsonlyonescan-linehigh. TheAmigawasdesignedwithinter selections is Interface, with either half In Amiga interlace modes (and in stan lace modes to remain compatible with screen or full screen interlace selection. XTSCdevices,suchasVCR'sandTV's.I, Amaxisc ComFtting Full screen selection gives what appears to be the most difficult display to read, PC-SAS FOR THE AMIGA to be very close to NTSC interlace, and whilegreenwastheeasiest—redwasthe My wife works in the medical field remainsafterexitingtheprogram.Giving mostcommondueto its lowcost. usinganIBMPS/2(gasp!) torunastatis thisscreenthefantestaboveshowed the Concerning whether NTSC broad tical packagecalled 'PC-SAS',putoutby alternate fields had the same size letters castsaresubjecttoflicker,Ihaveyettosee theSAS Institute inCary, NC. These are andnumbers,buttheywerebeingmoved anything transmitted which had a hori thesame people who recently tookover vertically the distance of one interlace, zontalpatternmatchedtothescanlinesof theCCompilerfromLatticeandarepub stillnutNTSCstandard,butmuchcloser, aTV.MustimagesIhaveexamined(even lishing the 'SAS/C Compiler for and with reduced flicker. Several pro text patterns) tend to "fuzz" over the AmigaDos',version5.1,asofthiswriting. gramsweretriedusingthisscreensuchas scanline boundary, and are thereby dis For those who are not familiar with this IFFpictures, CanDo, and others, and the played ineach "halfframe". package, its statistical capabilities are screenstayed inthisinterlacemodeuntil ThefollowingBASICprogramcanbe phenominal.Itiswidelyusedinthemedi rebooting. Ifa picture was done in inter usedtodemonstratethemajordifference calfieldandforgovernmentapplications. lace mode, that's the way it appeared; between the interlace and non-interlace It isalsoavailable to runon mainframes, going on to another picture that was not modes. Onaninterlaced screen, the pro minicomputers, and workstations. Ad nterlaced,camebacktothe"Handshake" gramopensawindowintowhichitwrites vertisementsin"PCWeek"provideafull interlace. a series of horizontal lines. The left side descriptionofitscapabilities. RegardingjerryMaster'sconclusion consists of alternating single-pixel lines. Icalledthemtoseeiftheyweregoing onthesyncsourceintheAmiga,heisright Therightsidehasalternatingdouble-pixel to port 'PC-SAS' to the Amiga and was about the sync coming from Agnus, but lines. Lastly, the program opens a non toldthattheycurrentlyhadnoplanstodo thereisalsoaCsyncline(Compositesync) interlacedscreen/windowandwritesal so. However, theysaid that thebestway comingoutofAgnuswhichfeedsDenise; ternatingsingle-pixel lines. Ifthis screen to get thoseplanschangedwasformany soapparentlyAgnusistheculprit,devel is dragged downtoreveal the interlaced (read as 'hundreds and thousands of) oping these off standard sync signals. screen, itcan be seen that the non-inter Amiga enthusiasts to write to them There are IC's on the market which de laced single-pixel lines look the same as emploringthemtoputoutanAmigaver velop NTSC standard sync signals, such theinterlaceddouble-pixellines. Afairly sion. asRCA's22402;somethinglikethisshould goodexamplethatthemoitorisalwaysin IpersonallyfeelthattheSASInstitute havebeenbuiltintoprovidethecompat interlacemode—anon-interlaceimageis is missing the boat by not porting this iblescreenrequired. producedbyhavingthehardwarerepeat package to the Amiga. Their knowledge There must be a way of program thesameimageonboth "halfframes." oftheAmigaoperatingsystemwhichal ming thecomputer to produce betterin lows them to support the SAS/C Com terlace- I hope someone with a lot more Interlace Flicker Demonstration piler should make the porting a feasible savvythanI willcomeupwithit! Der.nis Lee Bieber Sept. 30, 1990 taskfor them toaccomplish. This would This program opens a hi-res/interiaced go a long way toward closing the gap screen with two windows. The first window Verytrulyyours, contains alternating Iir.es, the second betweenapplicationsthatrunontheIBM JohnA. Wheaton has doubled alternating lines (each PCandtheAmiga. Syosset,NY doubled line being equivalent x.o a single I encourage all of your readers to line in a non-interlaced screen) . write to theirmarketingdepartmentand #3 I have a few comments to make in SCREEN 1, 640, 400, 2, 4 request that they port 'PC-SAS' to the regards to Mr. Masters' letter (Re: Inter WINDOW 2, "Alt(e2r,1n0a)tin-g(630,3851D,o1u6b,led1", Amiga.Theiraddressis: lacenicker,intheOctober1990issue. COLOR 1,2 First, with regards to the apparent CLS SASInstitute,Inc. L2 = WINDOW(2) SASCampus Drive difference between the primary colors. I LI = L2 / 2 can think of two possible reasons for a FOR i = 1 TO WINDOW(3) STEP 2 Cary, NC27513-2414 noticeabledifferenceinperceptibleflicker LIME II,i) - [LI,I) Attn: MarketingDepartment between the threeprimaries. NEXT i The firstoftheseinvolves theactual FOE i = 1 TO WINDOW(3) STEP 4 Sincerely, phosphors used in the monitor. Should LINE (Ll,i) - (L2,i) GeraldHaworth LINE (Ll,i+1) - (L2,i+1) Millersville, Md. the green phosphor have a shorter NEXT i persistancethanthoseofredandblue,the green would appear to flicker more in 1 for comparison purposes, open a non- 1 interlaced screen, andput up alternating Alllettersaresubjecttoediting.Questionsor tensely thanredorblue. 1 lines commentsshouldbesentto: The other possible explanation in volvesapropertyoftheeyeitself.Theeye SCREEN 2, 540, 200, 2, 2 WND0W4, "Noninterlaced, Alternating (drag AmazingComputing is most sensitive to light in the yellow- screen down)", P.O. Box869 green portion of the spectrum. It seems 12,10) - (620,185), 0, 2 reasonable to assume, therefore, that a COLOR 1,2 FallRiver,MA02722-QS69 CLS Attn.:Feedback small change of intensity in the green FOR i = 1 TO WINDOW(3) STEP 2 wouldbeseenmoreeasilythanthesame LINE (1,1} - (WINDOW(2),i) Keaderswhoselettersarepublishedwillreceive intensitychange in theothertwo prima NEXT i fivepublicdomain disks freeofcharge. ries.Irememberreportsfromthelate70's Sincerely, (when calculators used LED and plasma DennisLeeBieber displays) thatbluehad beendetermined Sunnyvale,CA January 1991 5 \ Traveling Editor: A story of there and back again ONEOFMYFAVORITEbookshasalways From this enormous demonstration Amiga event in North America this year been Tolkien's The Hobbit. Tolkien cap of Amiga enthusiasm, I dropped directly (over 32,000), but sold more Amiga com tured the essence of travel. Through the intothe area whereIBM iskingandApple putersatanyonetimethanIhaveeverseen escapadesandescapesofMr. Baggins,we is considered a pretender to the thrown, before. One dealer had sold seventy-two are treated to the broadening of his wis Comdex. Comdex Fall '90 was held in Las machines by the secondday ofthe event. dom.Webegintoseehoweachadventure Vegasandattractedover126,000attendees However,thisisnotabouthowmany strengthens his character and hardens his during its five-day run. units were sold. The people whocame to resolve. With each new person he meets, Commodore placed their booth in TheWorldOfCommodoreAmigabelieved Mr. Bagginsbecomes more understanding the newly completed Sands Exhibition in the Amiga. Maybe, since there is only of his world. After the number of trade Center.But,evenwithahalf-millionsquare oneshowintheareaeachyear,WOCAgets showsinvolvingtheAmigainwhichIhave feet of exhibition space, the Sands was people excited about what the Amiga can either been a participant or an observer away from the main segment of Comdex do for them. Whatever the reason, they lately, I am beginning to feel a great deal and, apparently, so was the Amiga. Al believetheAmiga isthe bestcomputerfor like Mr. Baggins. though Commodore demonstrated the their needs. Last month, we brought you our Amiga from its newestUnix release tothe Whether I was talking to a young coverageoftheWorldOfCommodoreand magic of Digital Creations' DCTV, and German at Amiga '90, viewing a demon AmiEXPO(TwinPeeks",December 1990) NewTek, with their booth at the Sands, strationbyanAmigadeveloperatComdex, that were held simultaneously from Octo wowedgrowingcrowdswiththewizardry or witnessing a family carrying their first ber5to7 inChicagoandAnaheimrespec ofthe VideoToaster, the main contingent Amiga home fromThe World OfCommo tively. Home from these shows, we com ofComdex could not or would not listen. doreAmiga,the same truthcamethrough. pletedboththeDecemberissueofAmazing "Windows" wasshouted and"multi Thesepeoplebelieve thatthe Amiga isthe Computingandthe largestperiodical ever media"waswhisperedthroughouttheevent, best. They prove it by their actions, their for the Amiga, our Fall/Winter edition of but few of the thousands of attendees dedication, andtheirpurchases.Theysup AC'sGuideToTheCommodoreAmiga,With understood that the Amiga was there first port the Amiga because it is superior for theGuideandACsatc\yatpress,itwastime andstill remains in theforefront. Fromthe their needs. tograba plane, but thiswould bea much euphoric Europeanexhibition, 1 fell tothe Mr.Bagginsfoundthathisworldwas differentjourney. world ofWindows and more Windows. I muchlargerandagreatdealmorecomplex My travels started with a long over wondered, amidstall the talk ofwindows, than he ever believed it could be. He nightflighltoKoln,GermanyforAmiga'90. whether any ofthem couldsee. respondedby retiring fromtraveling, stay Injustafewshortdays,1wasintroducedto From Comdex, itwasonlyoneshort ingathome,anddiscussinghisadventures. the mania that the Amiga has spawned in holiday and another short week to The I have found the world to be a bit Europe.DistributorstoldmethattheAmiga World Of Commodore Amiga in Toronto, smaller. Athough there are differences in 500 was sold out in some areas through Canada. The Hunter Group had promised thewaywe usetheAmiga anddifferences Christmas. I watched while over 60,000 a largeandexcitingshow.Theydelivered. inwhatweexpecttodowithanAmiga,the attendeesdescendedonthetwolargehalls WiththefirstpublicshowingofCDTVand Amiga is a common thread that unites ofAmiga '90over its four-day run. the work of exhibitors such as peopleofdifferentlanguages,cultures,and My limited German wasjustenough WaltDisneyComputerSoft altitudes. TheAmiga, more thananyother to keep me out oftrouble so most of my ware, WOCA not only computer platformcurrentlyavailable, ex conversations with the German people attractedthelargest cites people into being creative. were through their knowledge ofEnglish. number of at Fortunatelyformyhomelife,thereis I wasamazedwiththe waytheylovedthe tendees at not another show for at least a month Amiga. It was as if we had taken the any (CF.S), but I am very grateful for the enthusiasm of an American Amiga user chancesIhaveatviewingourworld. groupandappliedittoanentirecontinent. Like Mr. Baggins, I have learned The second thing that struck me that there is always more to aboutAmiga '90 wasthe large num learn, but there arc always ber of North American Amiga good people to leach me. developersthatattended. Ei ther working in their own Sincerely^ boothsorwiththeirdistribu tors,developersdemonstrated their products and listened to Don Hicks the concerns and needs of their Managing Editor European customers. (5 Amazing Computing DATA EXPLOSION! GVP storage solutions keep up with you YourAmiga*isdoingmore todaythananyone wouldhavem i guessedafewshortyearsago. Colorgraphics. Scanned f images. Multi-media. VideoImaging. Youneedstorage^ r solutionsthatcankeepup withthesedata-hungry revolutionsincomputing. Withoutarevolutionaryhassle. Nomatterwhatyourmass storage needs,GVPhasit!Completeplug-and- playstoragesolutionsforyourAmiga, from50MBto600MB. From Hard- Disk-Cards toRemovable-Cartridge HardDisktoRewritable Optical to StreamingTape. Ifyou useyourAmiga forGraphics, DTP, ImageFiling, Database Manage ment,VideoImaging, Multi-Media, CAD/CAM,System-WideBackup, thenyou needourremovable-media v storage solutions... SB-R5500—Ricoh50MBRemovableHard r DiskDrive: Featuresyoucannotignore. ^» Increasedstoragecapacity: 48MBformat' tedunderAmigaDOSpercartridge. • Sealedcartridgeairfiltrationsystem ensuresdataintegrityandkeepsmedia freefromdamagingdust particlesfor SI1-MO9200E/600 fail-safereliability, unlikethe shownbestin competition. verticalposition. MadebyRicohofJapan,aquality, well- knownmanufacturerofprecision, • ComesstandardwithGVP'scomprehen high-technologyproducts. siveTAPESTOREbackupandrestore softwarepackage. SII-M09200E/600-Ricoh600MBMagneto- • TAPESTOREalsosoldseparately. Seal Optical Drive: BackedbyRicoh'sexpertise K GVP'sNewFamstROM"SCSIdriver HiriSr.--I inopticaldisktechnology. f andinstallationsoftwarecomesstandard Impressive25msaverageaccesstime. • 600MBformattedcapacitypercartridge 'withtheSeriesII'"SCSIControllers'giving MountsinternalinAmiga2000*5.25" |300MBperside). ultimateremovablemediadrivesupport. drivebayorexternalwithGVP'sIMPACT • State-of-the-artRewritableMagneto-Opti WhenpurchasingGVPmassstorageremov XC(seephotobelow). caldriveusinghigh-techlasertechnology, abledevices,besuretoaskforaGVPSeries andISOformatcompatible. IISCSIController!Askforthecompletekit. IMPACTXC^ • Latest Magneto-Opticaltechnology enablescartridgestobeover-written manytimes,offeringunlimitedstorage Hard-Disk-CardV capacity. • 66.7msaverageaccesstime. VIMPACTWT-150-WangTek150MBStream- WIngTape BackupSystem:Togetherwith WsTAPESTORE'" software, makesbackups simpleandlast. • Highperformancewith backupspeedsof over6MBperminutewhenusingGVP TAPESTOREsoftware. • UsesindustrystandardDC6150cartridges with 150MBformattedcapacity. • MountsinternalinAmiga20005.25" drivebayorexternalusingGVP's IMPACTXC|seephoto,left]. Educationalpricingprogramnowavailable. IAPESTQRE.MMSTR0M.5«sn.«JW«maenafts01GieU«WyFto&csHe hnqiantAmgiMOO«nfOardtaOtmWsolCcnwKxtae-AnuBJ.me. AvailableonGSAschedulethrough GREATVALLEYPRODUCTSINC. SMSDa!aProflucisGroup,Inc. 600ClarkAvenue,KingofPrussia,PA19406 GSA*>GSOO:<-90-AGS-5342 Formoreinformation, orfornearestdealer, catltoday. Dealerinquirieswelcome. !-800-331-17S7E*t5227 Tel. (215) 337-8770 • FAX (215) 337-9922 Circle 123 an Reader Service card. Back thru the drawing board... The SketchMaster Graphics Tablet by ErnestP. Viveiros,Jr. WHAT COMES TO MIND when you think Once you have properlysetupand con "graphicstablet"fortheAmiga?It'slikelyyou nectedtheSketchMasterhardwaretotheAmiga think high prices, software incompatibilities, (A 1-minute operation), it's time to install the bigclunkyset-ups,overlycomplicatedinstalla software.Softwareinstallationiseasy!Justpop tion, expensive accessories...but great perfor intheinstallationdiskandclicktheinstallicon. mance! In the past, the drawbacks have far Twofiles—acontrolpanelandadriver—willbe outweighed the benefits of a graphics tablet. copied to your SYS: Preferences and Utilities Enterthenewgenerationofgraphics tablets— drawers respectively. To use the tablet, just the SketchMaster series graphics tablet from open the Preferences drawer and run the Dakota Corporation. SMControlapplication.Fromhereyoucanturn TheSketchMasterisasleek, high-perfor thetabletonoroff,changethesizeofthework mancegraphicstabletwhichrunsonalmostany ingarea,andevenselectwhichtransducer(sty A500, A2000, A2500, or A3000. (The lusorcursor) touse. SketchMasterwillalsorunon theAl000,how Software compatibility is excellent. The everitrequiresaspecialadapteravailablefrom SketchMaster should work with any mouse- Dakota.)TheSketchMastersupportsbothasty drivenapplication (the drivergenerates simu lus and a cursor (both are included) and in lated mouse events to the operating system). cludesallthenecessarycablesandsoftware. The tablet responds smoothly and accurately, Additionally,theSketchMasteristheonly even when tracing though material 1/2-inch Amiga graphics tablet that does not require a thick. power supply. It's powered directly through Sowhatdoyoureallygetforyourmoney? theRS232Cserialport,whichhelpstoeliminate The SketchMaster system includes the tablet, the clutter ofbig, clunky power supplies and pen-stylus,4-buttoncursor,interfacecable,9to theircables. 25-pinadapter,software,andmanual.Thetab let is available in two sizes: 11.7" x The SketchMaster is the only Amiga graphics 11.7",and12" x18".TheSketchMaster tabletthat does not require a powersupply. It's isalsocoveredbya5-yearlimitedwar powereddirectlythroughthe RS232Cserial port. ranty.Nottomentionthegreatperfor- ^& mance you'll get! Now think .' "SketchMaster graphics tablet". What comestomind?Reasonableprices,great softwarecompatibility,sleekorganized set-ups, easy installation, and no ac cessories tobuy...it'sallinthebox. •AC- SketchMasterGraphicsTablet 11.7"x 11.7": $449.00 12" X 18": $699.00 DakotaCorporation 55 HeritageAvenue Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603)427-0100 inquiry#231 8 Amazing Computing

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