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Amatiguakius forsberghi, a new genus and species from Alaska (marine Amphipoda: Epimeriidae) PDF

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Preview Amatiguakius forsberghi, a new genus and species from Alaska (marine Amphipoda: Epimeriidae)

. . . PROC. BIOL. SOC. WASH. 104(2), 1991, pp. 279-287 AMATIGUAKIUS FORSBERGHI, A NEW GENUS AND SPECIES FROM ALASKA (MARINE AMPHIPODA: EPIMERIIDAE) C. O. Coleman and J. L. Barnard Abstract.—T'hQ new genus and species, Amatiguakius forsberghi, was col- lected in "pink coral" at 37 meters ofdepth from the Aleutian Islands. The newgenusdiffersfrom othermembers ofAcanthonotozomellidae inthe prom- inent rounded lateral carinae, and laterally ridged dorsal carinae; the presence of2ridgesonthebroaddorsalcarinaeofpereonite 7 andpleonites; theextreme multispinosity ofthe outer plate on maxilla 1; the strong setation on the inner plateofmaxilla 1; and, onantenna2, thereductionoftheflagellumto 3 articles, with antenna 2 shorter than antenna 1 Thenewtaxon,Amatiguakiusforsberghi, 3. Pereonite 1 with 1 dorsal carina, to be described below, is the only species of coxae 2-3 divergent its family found in the arctic-subarctic re- Acanthonotozomella gion;allotherspeciesoccurintheantarctic- - Pereonite 1 with 2 dorsal carinae, subantarctic region. coxae 2-3 similar Amatiguakius The difficulty in classifying this species was one ofthe reasonswe (Coleman & Bar- Amatiguakius, new genus nard 1991) undertookarevision ofthegen- Diagnosis.—Body stout, with dorsal ca- era in the old Epimeriidae and Iphimedi- idae. Part of that revision included the rinae on pereon and metasome; pereonite 1 with 2 dorsal carinae, dorsal carinae later- establishment of a new family, Acantho- ally ridged, carinae on pereonite 7 and notozomellidae, in which Amatiguakius is nowplaced. Akeyto thegenera ofthe fam- metasomites wide, with 2 ridges; lateral ca- rinae strongly produced and rounded; head ilyispresentedbelowandreferencestothose generamaybefoundinColeman&Barnard short,withstraightrostrum,lateralcephalic lobes rounded; antenna 2 shorter than 1; (1991). peduncleofantenna 1 stout,withacutepro- Acanthonotozomellidae cesses;labrumwithnarrownotch;mandible Acanthonotozomellidae Coleman & Bar- with narrow incisor and setal row, but no molar;laciniamobilispresentonbothman- nard, 1991:257. dibles; maxilla 1 with large innerplate, out- erplatewithnumerousspiniformsetae, palp Key to the Genera of exceedingouterplate; setaeofmaxilla2 me- Acanthonotozomellidae dioapicallycomb-likesetulate; maxillipedal 1 Body processes bluntly rounded . palp slender, article 2 not produced; coxae Acanthonotozomopsis 1 to 3 pointed, similarin shape and ridged; - Bodyprocessesacuteorformedinto gnathopods simple, similar; bases ofpereo- distinctly dorsal carinae 2 pods 5 to 7 broad, lobate ventrally; pereo- 2. Article 2 of maxillipedal palp me- pods 3-7 with small setae on medial and dially produced Acanthonotozomoides lateralsurfaces;dactyliwithspiniform setae . - Article 2 of maxillipedal palp not on concave margin. Telson entire. produced 3 Relationship.—T\\Qnewgenusbearssome . 280 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEBIOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON resemblance to the genus Paramphithoe The Acanthonotozomellidae differ from Bruzelius, 1859, in the family Epimeriidae theAmathillopsidaeintheabsenceofamo- (= Paramphithoidae, compare with Gur- lar, feeble gnathopods, and lack of inner janova 1972), for example: two dorsal ca- lobes on the lower lip. rinae on pereonite 1; strongly produced lat- The erection ofthe new genus was nec- eralcarinae;acutecoxae 1 to3. Ontheother essarybecauseoftheremarkabledifferences hand, the head of the new species lacks a from the known genera of Acanthonoto- pointed lateral cephalic lobe; a mandibular zomellidae: the prominent rounded lateral molar is absent; coxa 4 is not deeply exca- carinae; the laterally ridged dorsal carinae; vate; the bases ofpereopods 5-7 are lobate the presence of2 ridges on the wide dorsal ventrally;andthetelsonisshortanddistally carinae ofpereonite 7 andpleonites; anten- rounded. na 2 with 3 flagellar articles; and antenna 2 On closer view, the new type species is shorter than antenna 1 similar to the "Acanthonotozoma-com- plex" (compare Watling & Holman 1980). Amatiguakiusforsberghi, new species In particular, Acanthonotozomella Schel- Figs. 1-5 lenberg, 1926, Acanthonotozomopsis Wat- ling & Holman, 1980, and Acanthonoto- Etymology.—The generic name refers to zomoides Schellenberg, 1931 seem to be the type locality. The species name is de- closely related; these genera have been rel- rived from the collector ofthe material. egated to a new family Acanthonotozomel- Holotype.-\5^1<iM 253545, female, 28 Udae by Coleman & Barnard (1991). The mm in length, with setose oostegites. combination ofcharacters typical ofAcan- Type locality.—East side of Amatiguak thonotozomella, Acanthonotozomopsis, Island, Aleutian Islands; 13 Jul 1958; col- Acanthonotozomoides and Amatiguakius lected by Eric D. Forsbergh (Inter-Ameri- thatdiffersfromgenerainthe Iphimediidae can Tropical Tuna Commission) "on pink is as follows: gnathopods simple, similar coral, caught on . . . line" [fishing line?]; in shape and setation (versus differences in depth, 20 fathoms. lengths, setation and the typical euchela Description.—Body: Stout, pereonitesand foundinalltrueiphimediids);andsetalrak- pleoniteswithdorsalcarinae,laterallyridged errowpresent(absentinIphimediidae). The as in Fig. lb. Lateral carinae on pereonites genera mentioned above bear in common: strongly projecting as in Fig. la. Pereonite body dorsally armamented; lateral carinae 1 with 2 dorsal carinae, anterior carina present; labrum narrowly notched; mandi- shorter, pointing anteriorly, posterior cari- bles with raker row, molar absent; lobes of naslightlybentposteriorly, similarinshape maxilla 2 with similar setae; short and and length to carinae of succeeding seg- rounded telson; and dactyli at least of ments; dorsal carinae of pereonite 7 and gnathopods with spiniform setae on con- metasome with 2 ridges laterally and wider cave margin. Acanthonotozomella barnardi than preceding segments (seen from lateral Watling & Holman, 1980 and the new spe- view); metasomal epimera ridged as in Fig. cies bear setae in the hypopharyngeal gap. lb,withacuteprocessposterolateromargin- The rostra ofAcanthonotozomoides subli- ally; urosomite 1 longest, with middorsal toralis, Acanthonotozomella barnardi, acute process, short posteromarginal pro- Acanthonotozomellaalataandthenewspe- cess on urosomite 2, urosomite 3 excavate cies have raised lateral edges. posteromarginally. The Acanthonotozomellidae differ from Head (Fig. Ic, d): Short (about as long as the monotypic Acanthonotozomatidae in pereonites 1-2 together, partially hidden the presence ofmandibular rakers. undercoxa withweakposteriorelevation 1; VOLUME 104, NUMBER 2 281 .^-s?^^5^ ^^ d mm Fig. 1. a-d. Amatiguakiusforsberghi n. sp., holotype, 28 in length, a, dorsal view, b, lateral view, c, headseenfromdorsal, d, rightlateral side ofhead. and dorsal ridge; horizontal rostrum with ally; article 2 shorter, with acute process; raised lateral edges, truncate anteriorly in article 3 shortest; two small rounded pro- lateralview; roundedepistomal processbe- jections medially and proximally to flagel- tween antennae 2, round lateral bulges, but lum, smaller one with two setae distally no ommatidia or pigmentation (blind?); (vestigial accessory flagellum?); flagellum ventrolateral lobes rounded, slightly bent with 1 1 articles, each with conspicuous laterally. group oflong aesthetascs and setae apically Antenna 1 (Fig. 2a): Short, peduncular (Fig. 2c). Antenna2(Fig. 2b).—Shorterthan article 1 stout, with pointed process later- antenna 1 (about 55%); peduncular articles 282 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEBIOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON 0,1mm mm Fig. 2. a-1. Amatiguakiusforsberghin. sp., holotype, 28 in length, a, antenna 1, b, antenna2, c, detail ofantenna 1, d, labrum, e, right mandible, f, distal part ofleft mandible, g, maxilla 1, setae on outer plate omitted, dottedline indicates length ofspiniform setae, h, palp ofmaxilla 1, i, spiniform setae on outerplate ofmaxilla 1, place ofinsertion ofhair-like setae is shown. 1-3 short, distally serrate with short setae, Labrum (Fig. 2d): Ventral margin round- articles4-5 subequalinlength,coveredwith ed, medially notched, groupsofshortsetae; flagellum 3-articulate, Mandibles (Fig. 2e, f): Slender, incisors article 1 longest, with 3 groups ofsetae. narrow,weaklytoothed;rightmandiblewith VOLUME 104, NUMBER2 283 mm Fig. 3. a-e. Amatiguakiusforsberghi n. sp., holotype, 28 in length, a, maxilla 2, dotted line indicates lengthsofsetae, detailshowsapicalregion ofinnerandouterplate, b, innerplateofmaxilliped, seen from oral side, c, lowerlip, d, maxilliped, seen from ventral side, e, pereopod 1, setation ofmerus to dactylus on detail. slender lacinia mobilis, left lacinia broader 3 slightly bent laterally, densely setose ven- (Fig. 21); raker setal row on thin projecting trally. lamella, molarabsent; palp 3-articulate, ar- Lower lip (Fig. 3c): Broad; apices round- ticle 2 longest, with setae ventrally, article ed, bent medially, covered with hair-like 284 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEBIOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON mm Fig. 4. a-e. Amatiguakiusforsberghin. sp., holotype, 28 inlength, a, pereopod2, setationofmerusto dactylus shown ondetail, b, pereopod 3, c, coxa ofpereopod4, d, pereopod 5, e, pereopod4. setae apically; hypopharyngeal gap with se- tively large, with 12 setulated setae medio- tae medially; mandibular processes broad, marginally; outer plate broad, densely cov- with hair-like setae posteriorly. ered with hair-like scales apically, with Maxilla 1 (Fig. 2g-i): Inner plate rela- numerous (29?) spine-like setae, each ser- VOLUME 104, NUMBER 2 285 0,5 mm mm Fig. 5. a-g. Amatiguakiusforsberghi n. sp., holotype, 28 in length, a, pereopod 6, b, pereopod 7, c, pleopod 1, detail shows couplinghooks, d, uropod 1, e, uropod 2, f, uropod 3, g, telson. rate medioapically (Fig. 2i); slender palp tationespeciallyonouterplate,allsetaedis- 2-articulate, exceedingouterplate, stout se- tomedial comb-like setulate (except short tae apically, slender setae laterally. medial straw-like scales on face of inner Maxilla2(Fig. 3a):Outerplatewiderthan plate), inner plate, equal in length, very dense se- Maxilliped (Fig. 3b, d): Inner plate elon- — 286 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEBIOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON gate, short spiniform setae on distomedial ly;merusandcarpusstout,expandeddistally angle, smoothsetaeonmedialmargin, scales into posterodistal processes, spiniform se- on oral face; outer plate broad, with spini- tae anteromarginally; propodus slightly form setae apically, setae mediomarginally rounded posteriorly, spiniform setae an- and on ventral face; palp relatively slender, teromarginally, subequalinlengthto merus 3-articulate on right, seemingly 4-articulate plus carpus; dactylus with spiniform setae on left. anteriorly. Gnathopod 1 (Fig. 3e): Coxa apically Pereopod 6 (Fig. 5a): Coxa subquadrate, pointed, sinuoid anteriorly, ridged on lat- with similar rounded process as on coxa 5; eral face, additional but weaker ridge near basis slightly longer than that ofpereopod posterior margin, short setae posteromar- 5; ischium to dactylus as for pereopod 5. ginally; basis slender; ischium short; merus Pereopod 7 (Fig. 5b): Coxa small, ridged; short with group of setae apically; carpus basis similar to that of pereopod 6, but slightly expanded distally, densely covered slightly wider; ischium to dactylus as for with setae posteriorly and apically; propo- pereopods 5 and 6. dus shorterthan carpus (82%), with medial Pleopod 1 (Fig. 5c): Pedunclerectangular; and posterior setation, spiniform setae dis- rami subequal; two coupling hooks as in toventrally; dactylus with spiniform setae detail ofFig. 5c. posteromarginally. Uropod 1 (Fig. 5d): Peduncle elongate, Gnathopod 2 (Fig. 4a): Coxa similar to with numerous spiniform setae on both coxa 1; basis, ischium and merus similarto margins; rami shorter (0.8) than peduncle, gnathopod 1; carpus only slightly expanded outer ramus slightly shorter than inner ra- distally, with posterior setation; propodus mus, rami with rows ofspiniform setae on setose medially and posteriorly; dactylus both margins. spiniform, with slender setae posteriorly. Uropod2 (Fig. 5e): Ramisimilartothose Pereopods 3-7: Lateral and medial faces ofuropod 1 but as long as peduncle. ofarticles 2-7 covered with short setae. Uropod 3 (Fig. 5f): Peduncle short, with Pereopod 3 (Fig. 4b): Coxa longer but dorsal process apically; rami lanceolate, similarin shapeto precedingcoxae, butnot about 2.5 times as long as peduncle, outer as excavate anteriorly, basis longer than is- ramus slightly shortened, both rami with chium and merus; merus and carpus ex- spiniform setae on both margins. pandeddistally,withprocessanterodistally, Telson (Fig. 5g): Distally rounded; two with spiniform setae posteromarginally; plumose setae on each side. propodusslender,withspiniformsetaepos- Discussion. —The asymmetrical devel- teromarginally; dactylus curved with spi- opment of the maxillipedal palp of the niform setae and claw. unique specimen ofthe newspecies maybe Pereopod4(Fig. 4c,e):Coxaridged,elon- due to loss and regeneration of the right gated, sinuoid anteriorly and posterodistal- palp. It isnotcleariftherounded processes ly; basis to dactylus similar to those ofper- proximal to the flagellum ofantenna 1 may eopod 3. be distinguished as remnants of an acces- Pereopods 5-7: Similar except for coxae. sory flagellum. Pereopod 5 (Fig. 4d): Coxa ridged, wider thanlong,roundedanteriorly,withrounded Literature Cited processoncoxalfaceposteroventrally;basis broad,longerthanmeruspluscarpus,ridged, Bruzelius, R. M. 1859. Bidrag till kannedomen om skandinaviens Amphipoda Gammaridea. posteromarginal excavation bounded dor- Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens sally by triangular projection, lobate ven- Handlingar, new series, 3:1-104. trally, covering ischium and merus partial- Coleman, C. O., &J. L. Barnard. 1991. Revisionof VOLUME 104, NUMBER 2 287 Iphimediidaeandsimilarfamilies(Amphipoda: Watling, L., & H. Holman. 1980. New Amphipoda Gammaridea).—Proceedings of the Biological fromtheSouthernOcean,withpartialrevisions SocietyofWashington 104:253-268. of the Acanthonotozomatidae and Paramphi- Gurjanova, E. 1972. Novye vidy bokoplavov (Am- thoidae.—ProceedingsoftheBiologicalSociety phipoda,Gammaridea)izseverozapadnoichas- ofWashington 93:609-654. ti Tikhogo Okeana.—Akademiia Nauk SSSR, TrudyZoologicheskogo Instituta 52:129-200. (COC) Fachbereich 7, Zoomorphologie, Schellenberg, A. 1926. Die Gammariden der Universitat Oldenburg, Postfach 2503, deutschen Siidpolar-Expedition 1901-1903.— Deutsche Siidpolar-Expedition 18:235^14. D-2900, Oldenburg, F.R.G.; (JLB) Depart- . 1931. GammaridenundCaprellidendesMa- ment of Invertebrate Zoology, National gellangebietes, Siidgeorgiens und der Westant- Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian arktis.—FurtherZoologicalResultsoftheSwed- Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560. ishAntarcticExpedition 1901-1903 2(6):1-290.

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