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GALOREI Table of Contents Testa High-Frequency Tran sfor mer Build this spark-excited. transformer and create your own lightning. . .. .. VE7JON 12 Signal Strength Reporting Read this and know what you mean w hen you say "S-9. OM" W20ZH 15 Holiday Buyer's Guide A cornucopia of shopping tips. 20 Cubic Inch Keyce Iambic keying on the HW-8. WB2EMS 32 Repeater Con troller PC Board Repeater on the fritz? Build this inexpensive repeater board and get right back on the air. KA3AAQ 34 VIC-20 Beam Rotor Interface And yet another interface project for your VIC·20! .. .. N Ul 44 The Greenie An account of a brief and tempestuous contest. ..... KIY5D 55 Reviews Great lillie Dipper: Electronic Equipment Bank's DM-4061 Dip Meter . . . WA4BLC 10 Novices Take Note: The Ranger AR-3300 10-Meter Mobile Rig N IBLH 28 Departments Above and Beyond 6 1 Never Say Die 4 Advertisers ' Index 84 New Products 58 Aerial Vie w 80 Op-Ed .. . _..... •.... ••.... 99 ATV 72 Propagation 91 Barter 'n " Buy .. . . . . . . .. . • . 82 QRP ..... ..... .. •. ....• •.. 90 Dealer Directory 98 QRX . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 DX 75 QSL of the Month • _ 4 Ham Help 59 RITY Loop 53 Hamsats 69 73 International ... .. •. .. •. 93 Letters ............ •........ 9 Specia l Events 88 - - - - - - - - - - Looking West 70 I , , ttlTS WHATS INSIDE THAT COUNTS!" A Modern Amateur's Delight! • All HF Band Transceiver / Special attractions include an elec General Coverage Receiver tronic keyer. semi or full b reak-in • Advanced Circuit Designs rated to 40 WPM. panel selectable • All Modes Built-In USB , LSB. 500Hz/ FL-32A CW filter. and volume FM, AM, CWoRTTY control-tracking sid etone. SSB trans missions are enhanced wi th an RF • Superb Frequency Stability one year warranty. There's more! speech processor and tone control to • Continuous Duty Operation The lC-751A's rece iver boasts 105dB produce sparkling clear audio. PLUS dynamic range for superb listening. • Crystal Clear Signal Ouallty there's a new rubberized tu ning The 100% duty cycle transmitter knob for velvet-smooth tuning and a defies abuse and delivers 100 watts Midsize Masterplecel The de full line of accessories and filters. of except ionally stable and clean RF luxe IC·75I A includes more high per RF Power Control. Varies output out put. Reliability. Quality. One formance features and professional independent of mfc gain, ALC and year warranty. That's ICOM. circuitry per cubic inch t han any speech processor action. Enjoy other HF transceiver. Its smooth-as All Bands. All Modes Included. maximu m " talk power" at any drive silk ope ratio n and long-term reliabili Operates 160 through 10 meters. it's level! ty produce the ide al contesting. easily modified for MARS operation, To see the IC~151A. contact your px'tng. mobiling and portable rig. plus it includes general coverage re local ICOM dealer. Owning an IC-75IA truly means ce pt ion from 100kHz to 30MHz. No "Going First Class!" compromise, no comparison! Un.urpalled Ouallty and 32 Tunable Memories. Store Reliability, Quality and Reliability is both frequency and mod e informa I C O M important to you and it's important tion. Use them to qu ick-access your to ICOM. reOM now covers you and favorite spots or as 32 preferred fre your investment with its exclusive quency-remembering VFOs. ICOM America, Inc., 2380-116th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98004 Customer Service HotHne ( ) 454-7619 3150 Premier Drive, Suite 126, Irving. TX 75063 / Hn Phoenix Parkway, Suite 201, Atlanta. GA 30349 ICOM CANADA. A Division 01 100M America. Inc., ~71 - Jt5 Road. Unit 9, Richmond. B.C. V6X 2T4 Canada An I'lted IP8'CltlCltlonl I 'f! IWO''''''''. Ind IUDJect to chlngl ...thout nollCI or Ollllllitlon. All ICOM flIdlOS s'Onl"Clntty e.~ f e e regulillons lImItIng sPtmoul em,ss,o.... 75' AIB7 THE ALL NEW PRIVATE PATCH IV BY CSI HAS MORE COMMUNICATIONS POWER THAN EVER BEFORE • Initiate phone calls from your HT or mobile • Receive incoming phone calls NEW!' Telephone initiated control . .. Operate your base station with complete control from any telephone V' Change frequencies from the controlling telephone V' Selectively call mobiles using regenerated DTMF from any telephone V' Eavesdrop the channel from any telephone V' "" Use as a wi re remote using ordinary dial up lines and a speaker phone as a control head. DIAL ACCESS REMOTE/INTERCONNECT •. . .- . - . Private Patch TIl • . ......,. , OlIO. CO, COOl DISC ~" The new telephone initiated control ... = NEW FEATURE • Connec t s to MIC and ext. capabilities are awesome. Imagine speaker jack on any radio. Or having full use and full control of ... * connect internally if desired. 1# or multi-digit connect/discon- your base station radio operating • Can be connected to any HT. nect straight sim plex or through any re (Even those with a two wire inter ... Fully regenerated tone dialing peater from any telephone! From face.) • Pulse dialing your desk at the office, from a pay • Can be operated simp lex, • Toll protection phone, from a hotel room, etc. You through a repeater from a base • Secret toll override code ca n even change the operating station or connected directly to • Busy signal disconnect channel from the touchpad! a repeater for semi-duplex opera ... Oialtone disconnect tion. Our digital VOX processor flips your • CW identification conversation back and forth fully • 20 minutes typical connect time • Activity timer automatically. There are no buttons • Made in U.S.A. • Timeout timer to press as in phone remote ... Telephone initiated control devices. And you are in full control ... Regenerated OTMF selective calling 100% of the time! OPTIONS • Ringout The new digital dialtone detector 1. Y2 second electronic voice delay ... Ringout or Auto Answer on 1·8 rings will automatically disconnect Pri 2. FCC registered coupler • Busy channel ringout inhibit vate Patch IV if you forget to send # 3. CW 10 chip ... Status messages (to remotely disconnect) before hanging up. This powerful feature ... Internally squelched audio • will prevent embarassing lock-ups. • MOV lightning protection ... Front panel status led's The importance of telephone in ... Separate CW 10 level control itiated control for emergency or disaster communications cannot be v 24 die switches make all features CONNECT SYSTEMS INC. overstated. Private Patch IV gives user programmable/selectable. 23731 Madison SI. you full use of the radio system from Torrance CA 90505 any telephone. And of course you have full use of the telephone Phone: (213) 373-6803 system from any mobile or HT! To get the complete story on the AMATEUR ELECTRONIC SlJPPLY HENRY RADIO OMNI ELECTRONICS u.. Mllwaukoe WI. W,ckllll.. OH. Angeles CA Laredo TX powerful new Private Patch IV con ert.ndo FL Clearwalfll' FL INTERNATIONAL RADIO SYSTEMS PACE ENGINEERING La Vegas NV tact your dealer or CSI to receive MIamI FL '~Al BARRY ELECTRONICS CORP. JUNS ELECTRONICS THE HAil STATION N..w YOfll NY your free four page brochure. c...t_ Cily CA Evan$'lille IN EOE, Inc. MADISON ELECTRONICS SUPPLY WESTCOM WOOdbridge VA Private Patch IV will be your most Houston TX San Marcos CA ERICKSON COMMUNICATIONS MIAMI RADIO CENTER CORP. CANADA: important investment in commun Chicago IL Miami FL CARTEL ELECTRONIC ications. HAM RADIO OUTLET MIKES ElECTRONICS DISTRIBUTORS Ana/'letm CA. Burlingame CA Surrey B.C. Ft. lIIude<dale. MIami FL o.kland C.... Phoenix AZ COM-WEST RADIO SYSTEMS, LTD. N&G DISTRIBUTING CORP. San Di<Igo CA. V~ Nul'S C.... Vancouvfll' B,C. MIamI FL Allania GA CIRCLE12 ONlIIlAO£lIISlRVUCAlIIO MFJ-931 creates artificial RF ground with random wire also, electrically places far away ground directly at -your rig MFJ·93 I $ 7 9 9 5 • Creates artificial RF grou n d with random length wire • Electrically places a far away ground directly at your rig • RF ammeter makes t uning for maximum RF ground curr e n t easy • • Eliminates "RF bites " , RF feedbac k , TVIIRF I and other problems due to Inad e q u a t e RF ground • Improves radiation patte r n distorted by poor RF ground Don't we all sometimes have produces a tuned coun terpoise. MFJ -931 between you r rig and the problems getting a good RF This artificial grou nd effecti vely connecting grou n d wire and adjust ground? places your rig near actual earth Its two knobs for maximum RF ground potential even if you r rig is curren t using its RF ammeter. This Unpleasant problems. Problems on the second floor or h igher with tunes out the reactance of the like RF " hot spots" that "bite" our no earth ground possible. con nectin g wire. reduces the lips or fingers when we transmit; electrical ground lead length to like RF feedback that ca uses our Also. the MFJ ·9 3 1 electrically virtually zero and electrically places rigs to quit working on certain places a far a wa y RF ground you r far away grou n d d irectly at bands; like excessive RF coupling directly at your rig •• no matter your rig . to AC I1nes that causes everything how far away it Is. The MFJ·93 1 to quit working: like our neighbors reduces the electrical length of the Get an effective screaming about TVl and RFI: like ground con nection wire to virtually RF groun d our com puters com puting jiberlsh: zero by tuning out its reactance. Get a n effective RF grou nd. or like being unable to talk across How it w orks Eliminate " RF bites" . RF feedback town because of extreme ground The MFJ-931 connects between TVI. RFI and m a ny other annoying losses or radiation pattern the ground con nection of you r problems due to inadequate RF distortion. transmitter or an tenna tuner an d a ground . and -- a t the same time " Hey. m y rig is on the second »tmprove you r radiation and random length of wire thrown floor. There's no way I can get a along the floor. Two knobs are radiation pattern for m ore DX. good ground." you're thinking. or adjusted for m aximum RF grou nd The MFJ -931 covers 1.8 to 30 " I already have an excellent ground cu rrent using its built-In RF MHz an d has a built-in RF ammeter bu t the long ground connection a m meter. This resonates the for indicating RF ground cu rrent. wire causes reactance a nd acts like random wire. converts it into a It's ruggedly built in an all a h igh Impedance ctrcutt. isolating tu ned cou nterpoise a nd presents a n alum inum cabinet with a brushed m y rig from true RF ground." effecti ve low im pedance near alu m inu m front panel a nd What to do groun d potential to your rig. th us measures 7V2X3V2X7 inches. It creatin g a n a rtificial RF ground. Use the new MFJ·931 to com es with a one year create an artificial RF groundf It To electrically place a far a way unconditional guarantee. resonates a random length of wire grou nd directly a t your radio It's available only from MFJ. thrown along the floor an d equipmen t s im ply con nect the MFJ-93 I. S79_95 _ aD,. OTder produCl from MFJ and try It _ r;=== To Order or for Tour Nearelt De.ler MFJ DO oblteaUoD. If Dol ..li.Oed returD wlthlD 800-647-180 0 30 d.,.. for prompt refuDd (Ie...bipplng). • One year uncondltlonal guarantee . Add Call 60 1-323-5869 tn MIs..'I. and 15.00 each shlpplngfhandllng • Call or write for outside continental USA. MFJ ENTERPRISES. INC, free catalog. over 100 products. Telex 53-4590 MFJ STKV Iiolt 494. M,o;o;. Sla..-. MS 39762 MFJ • • • making quality affordable • OHM EVER SAY DIE Edltoo1.IOI1lce. WGE Ceote< PlHltItlOrOugh NH 03458-1190$ p/lorle:8l)3.S2S-4201 Wayne Green .........o1...ng 0I11c.. WOE Cenll1r Plllllrboroogh NH03458·1194 phonll:800.225-5083 censed for around 45 years, Circulation 0I1~ QUALITY CONTACTS we're probably talking about a WGE Cem... PlI1lt1tlOrOughNH 03458-1 I90$ Are a large percentage of your 45-year ingrained habit. That's phone :8l)3.52S-<t201 contacts with lurkeys? Worse, are one hell of a rut! Butl do know this, if I happen to be the guys you're working thinking No pain, no gain, as lhey say,so in your town and I stop off at your exactly the same thing? Well, it's you're going to have to put some M. nu. crlptl 0' house and ask to see your shack, Coolribul>or11 in lhl! Iorm manu been a while since I've written work mtc this. Now don 't panic scripts ..ith d'a..ings I ndlor p/Iolo I'm going to find a crummy old about hOw 10 make your contacts I'm not going to ask you to actually graphs are ,,11eome and will be con chewed-up pencil slub with a hard SOde<ed lor I ", publW;allC)n. WII more in teresting, so perhaps Ihink while you're sitting there at can _me no ~ lor loss you've lorgoll en-or. worse. the mike-nothing that difficult. eraser that makes a mess if I get orca..,.10..... malen-!. PINse ..... cloIe I lIIamped, SIIlI_ _ lin the wrong letter in a call the first weren't paying atlention in the You're going to be able to do most velope ..ilh each submISSion, Pay· first place. of the work while you're listening, time-one with a nub of a point menl 'or I.... use of any unsohcil&d malll,ial ,,'II be madll upon eccep which I have to turn just the right How many chaps go out 01 their tanCII, A prllmium w,nbe paid 'or ac way to fell YOu how much they've Getting Down to Basics way to make a mark. Get some cllpTlld article. thaI havi been submil led IIlecl,onically (CompuS-nrll ppn cheap mechanical pencils. enjoyed a contact with you as Let's start with some basics 70310,n5 or Mel Mail "WGEPUB") Paper. Hey, don't shove an orondosl< ...lin IBM.<:ompaIobIIIASCII you're signing off? Ha....en't heard things you know darned well you fill All contribuIlOI'IS shoukl be direct· ARRL log book at me for paper. orro:.e, that for a while. eh? I thought nol. should have at hand, but have ed 10lhII 73edl\Otial " How 10 We're going to be taking some Wnte lor 73" gualti.." _ .....iIablI Well, there's a secret 10 making been too lazy to provide. I'm talk· upon 'equesl. US cil"Z&M mUl l In notes during contacts from now contacts tun lor the other chap ing as basic as pencils and paper. cludeItIoir.oosJ 511CUri!y numberwiItI on and they're not going to fit on lubmill&d manuscripls and for yourself. Once you know Hey, I've visited hundreds of ham one lousy line of your log book. what it is,you'll seldom haveadull shacks-c-qotten on the air Irom contact-at least lor the chaps That miserable log book is one of them-so I know darned well you SubKo1ptlon Infonnlltion the worst blights in the hobby- it you're working-and probably not haven't got any decent paper or AalllS:In lhII United Stales and Pos encourages us to make rotten p 2 for you either. an actual working pencil around. s.ssions· On. Vllar 'SSUIIS) $2497;TwoVNIS(24 __)$l5,47. asos. Just look at the pitiful All of us get hung up in habits. Get several good pencils and EI....here· Can.da .nd M. XlCo mool1 Our basic mike (or key) fright keep them with leads in them. I space nteeves for comments! No, yNl" only, US IundS,Foreign IlUrtSC9 msll-S4500i1 \11" only, US put the book in the closet or get makes it so we lend 10 slick to a know this goes against the grain, lunds dra"", on US bank, Foreign ai, wtucn rid of it. From now on you're go mall-plllaseinqulrll.Tosubscribe,re formula contact- one we but buy them if your employer new or changll an addrllSS: Wrrlll 10 ing to take notes when you make a have down pat and allows us to go doesn't provide a "free" supply. Subsc,iplion Department. PO Box contact. 931. Farmlngdolle NY 11737. Rlllum on the air and make aso after Make sure Ihey have erasers thaI posla~ gu.r.nl&e'd. For renllwals How many times have you aso wilhout ever having 10 think. work, too. Why you will spend and changes oA IId<lrllS$. inClude lhII IId<lres:s IaDeI from your _ recent made a contact with someone and You may have some trauma when thousands of dollars on your rig, _ of T3 For go" subactiplions, in gOllen the impression that he you first Iry 10 break this habit-af antenna and tower and then dude your name and add... lIS "'91 must have at least two other peo IS !hose (II gofI ,ecop;enu For q....... ter all, with the average ham near chintz et something like pencils to lIOnS concitrnlng you. subscription, pte in the shack who talk with him ing sikty and having been Ii- help make all this go I don't know. call Toll free 1-8CJO.227·5782. To place subscripl>or1 orderl, pillase C.II us TOil all through your transmissions? 'rell al 1-800-722·7790 berwll<ln 9 am All he does is go through his reg .nd 4:30 pm Eastllrn lime or wrilll 10 KSHUH 13' ,Subscription Department. PO 60>: ular routine blah, with never the 931. Farmingdalll NY 11737, 1'3Am. slightest pickup on anything 1_ Radio (ISSN 0145--Ol'1OX) • pub Ilshed rnontl>ly by WOE Publishing. you've said. From now on the WOE el",.r, Pet. rbo,ough NH chaps you talk with aren't going to 03458-1190$. Second class poslage pa.clat PelerbOrOugh NH03458 andal get away with that baloney any addllional ...ali,ng offices. CanadIan more. II they're going to get on ~class mali 'lIgisl'allOM number 9566. Entirll contents copyrighT © the air they're going to give good 1986, WGE Publishing. All righls 'lI contact. senred. No part of lhis publlcalion may be rllpf'inled or OIh1!N'ise reproduced Paper-let's work with a pad of wllhoOul wnn. n permission 'rom lhe 8-112~ x 11 ~ paper- lined is prob publisher, MIC'ONm Edltoon-1JnIViH"' sify 101",,,,,,,,,,,. Ann Atbot loll 018106 ably better. I've seen what hap POSImssler: Send iIIdd.... changes 10 T3 AmsrllUf Radio, Subacriphon pens when you don't have lines to S&rviees. PO 60>: 931, Farmingdalll keep you on the straight and nar NV 11131.NallOl'lllly dosl"buTedby In ll1rnational Circulation Dislribulors. row. I can see panic beginning to Conlract: Thll mllr. opening 01 This rise-yes, you're going 10 use a "'.gazinIlIlSlablishlls a binding legal be_" con1ract you and lhe publish· whole sheet of paper for each con est IIr. Thus you are hereby dlr/lCled to OF THE MONTH tact! No more two-inch space in a become a royal pain in your ~ club, To enter youraSl, mail it in an envelope to 73, WGE Center, 70 Rte. log book. Not even a 3· x 5~ cere. -ooong!hllm on......'*S&Iy 10 bting in 'tOUngslllrS .nd IiIII! lhe... Noviced 202 N" Peterborough NH 03458, Attn: aSl of the Month. Winners No, by George, we're going first NeoI"'" ra",\ nor a SUd<lIIn 0)(ped~1C)n IlUrfacing on 20m shal deviate you receive a one-year subscription (or extension) to 73. Entries not in loom lhOScourw envelopes cannot be accepted. Continued on page 18 4 73 Amateur Radio • November, 1987 , TM-3530A KEN WOOD Full-featured mobile transceiver KENWOOD U.S.A. CORPORATION A complete line ofaccessories Is available for all models. 2201E.Dominguez St., LongBeach,CA 90810 Complell~ Jervice menuelJ e,e eveileble lot ell Kenwood lre"sceiverJ end m<,>slec:oessor'eJ P.O.Box 22745, Long Beach, CA 90801-5745 $Pe'C:r1iea1,O'U end priceJ ere subject 10 ~nge "',Ihaul eeeee 01obJjllelfOll lW-4100A • Non-velanle operating system. Even after memory back up cell dies, 2 m170 em FM Dual Bander all operating features remain intact! No re-programming or "board A Kenwood original just got better! swapping- necessary! Kenwood was the first to develop a • Programmable band scan and 2 m170 em mobile radio in a single, memory scan with memory chan compact package. Since then, netlock-out. other companies have imitated the • Large, illuminated LCD display concept, but still have not done It and main knob. For excellent visibil the " Kenwood way;: The all-new • New compact size! Only 5.9" W x ity in direct sunlight or darkness. is more compact, more TW-4100A x 1.97" H 7.87" 0 and weighs less • Selectable frequency step for powerful , and packed with more than 4 pounds! quick and easy aSy. features t han ever before! With • Proven high performance • Voice synthesizer VS-2 option. many new features and accesso Kenwood GaAs FET front end ries, and backed by Kenwood's receiver. Optional accessories: experience, the all-new Kenwood • Easy to operate! Only 3 knobs and • PS·SO/PS·430 DC power supplies Dual Bander is light years ahead 8 keys on the front panel. • MU·l Del modem unit . tU·7 CTCSS en of the rest! cooer e VS·2 Voice synthesizer . SW- 100B • Separate antenna ports for VHF SWRIPowerNolt meter 140-450 MHz for • Selectable full duplex cross band and UHF. Minimizes loss and mobile use s SW-200B SWRIPower meter ("telephone style") operation. increases reliability and performance! for base station use 140·450 MHz. 0-200 W Remote base or cross band repealer .10 memory channels. Lithium battery In 2 ranaes e SWT-l/SWT-2 2 m and 70 ern function possible (a control operator backs up memory. Store frequency, antenna tuner . SP-40 Compact speaker IS n eater offset. subtone.Two channels store • SP-SOB Mobile sceaker e PG-2N Extra the transmit and receive frequencies DC ceore e PG-38 DC noise hlter e MC-60A. .45 watts on 2 m. 35 watts on independently for odd split or MC-SO. MC-SS Base station mics. • MC·SS (8·pln) Mobile mcroonore • MA- 4000 Dual 70 em. 5 watts (adjustable) I cross band operation. • band mobile antenna with • Front panel-selectable CTCSS duplexer (shownj' " (allows operation on certain tone (when optional TU·7 is • MB-ll Extra mobile mount MARS and CAP frequencies) and installed.) 440·449.995 MHz. KENWOOD • Digital Channel Link (Del) option. KENWOOD U.S.A. CORPORATION 2201E. Dominguez St.. l ong Beach, CA90810 'Please Ctlecl< fCC regulallOnSon re"earer Ooe<ar,on P.O, Box 22 745, Long Beach, CA 90801-5745 " Mag moun! IS nol Kenwood scootea Mmor mOd,(lcallon necessary lor reDf1iJler opera/,on Soec"l(:ar'Ornl aflO' "'ICeS sUOIe<:r 10cnange w'I/lOl,tl notICe or obllgar,on Coml}lere servICe manuals are ava lable for IIrKenwood rransce....ers and recsraccessar""$ , • • EDITED BY BRYAN HASTINGS KA1HY ABC Error (24.890- 24.990 MHz) bands. CW, voice, and a curriculum on amateur radio to be taught FSK, are permitted across the full 100 kHz 01 in NYC scnccts. each band. All emissions must have a maxi According to KA2NRA, " the curricular ap Investigators from the FCC and the FBI mum bandwidth 016 kHz. proach will reach all grades, A curriculum will are Irying to track down a wayward radio Holders 01 Amateur Operators Certificates help insure the continuation of a ham program operator whO has been jamming an air tratnc scncor may use F1 or A1 emissions only on the new in a even after its founder is gone. This control frequency al New York's busy La bands. way, even a non-ham teacher can be showm Guardia Airport. According to severer how to teach it. reports. the radio operator gave false landing " Once we get the curriculum written, it will instructions 10 incoming jets. A report on the $12,000 be piloted in six schools; two Blementary, two Monday, August 17th, edition of ABC's Junior High, and two High SChools." "World News Tonight" identified the radio in for Ham Ed Smith clearly sees the importance of execs truder as a ham radio operator, but a ing young people to ham radio. He says: spokesperson for the news bureau later ad· " ... since I am in guidance, one of the things mitted thai ABC had no proof that a ham was New York City children may soon learn that concerns me is the career implications lor involved. She claims that the story was re ham In the classroom. An outstanding group the future ... if kids are 'turned on' to amateur vised in a tater feed 10 delete the ham refer· of NYC ham educators-Joe Fairclough radio early enough, many will go into engi ence. and could not explain how the original WB2JKJ at Junior High scncor szz in Manhat neering, computer, or science fields where version gol on the air. tan ; 1987 Ham 01 the Year Carole Perry we badly need people. I think that the ham WB2MGP, of the Rocco laurie School radio approach is a great way to move in that on Staten Island; Ron Lulov KD2LA, whc direction," Hairy Time has a program which ties amateur radio in with the Junior Astronauts ; Mart in Smith KA2NRR , Assistant Director for Oops! Hams were swift to respond to a call for guidance services in the Office 01 Student emergency communications after a record Progress in NYC; and others-a year 9-inch rainfall marooned Chicago's O'Hare ago formed a group called The Council for Readers have called to our attention Airport, and llooded thousands of businesses the Advancement 01 Amateur Radio in several omissions in the September Antenna in Cook and DuPage counties on Friday, the New York City Schools. Th is group issue. The first is in the Letters department in August 14th. The Northwest ARES spent expanded rapidly, and the need grew to the letter titled " Oversight"; the article the entire weekend providing ccmmuntca standardize the teaching of ham radio " Death on the Rails" is in the April '87 issue 01 nons to the outside world lor the town 01 in schools. They recently met with the Firehouse. In the article " HF Half-Sloper" , Roselle after the basement of the engineering Division of Curriculum and Instruction and the 160-m coil takes 107 turns 01 #16 enam complex of the local Illinois Bell switching cen the Media Telecommunications Unit and eled wire, and the BO-m coil takes 60 turns 01 ter filled with 11 feet 01 water. This knocked obtained a commitment lor $12,000 to write #16 enameled wire, 73 apologizes lor these out the system's power plant and telephone oversights. service to over 50,000 Roselle and Schaum burg customers. Humana Hospital in Hoffman Bagged Mag Estates lost a portion of its telephone system during the storm; The Waylar repeater made its autopatch available to the hospital. It was 0" used lor both internal and external communi Tired of carefully peeling the mailing label to read the Table of Contents? Sick of cations. having your magazine subjected to the va Salt Creek in East DuPage county ever garies 01 the weather and Postal Service? flowed its banks causing the activation 01 the DuPage ARES, operating under the direction Starting with the December issue, 73 sub scribers will receive their maqanne in protec of the Du Page Emergency Services Disaster tive poly·bags, Administration. They used the lacilities of the WCRA Repeater for the entire weekend lor emercencv-rerereo incidents. The Elk Grove Circuits! ARC, which is affiliated with the local Civil Defense organization, assisted the fire and police departments in linking (he Elk Grove 73 MagaZine Is reinstating Its Circuits Village Hall, whose basement was completely column in the December issue, after a three flooded, to the rest of the community via the year hiatus. Share your circuit with the ham KB9L Repeater. community and earn a year's subscription to Compliments to the many Chicago area 73 (subscribers will have their subscription hams who pitched in and helped provide extended by a year). emergency communications. The smokestack-shaped structure on the car roof is the first mobile antenna, invented by Finis o Canada Guglielmo Marconi in 1897. It was soon re placed by the more modern "clothesline" an tenna (so named because it looked like six Keep your news Items rol1ing in. Items for The Canadian DOC announced that effective lengths ofclothesline strung between poles at this month's column are courtesy of Westlink, July 29th, Canadian amateurs mayoperate on the front and back of the car). The familiar London Times , Chatter Bug, Designfax , and the 17m (18.068-18.168 MHz) and 12m whip antenna came on the scene only in 1937. the ARRL Newsletter, 73AmateurRadio • November,1987 7 e n c e ! " TS-940S display panel shows CW VBT, 55B slope tuning, as well as frequency, time, and AT- 940 antenna tuner status. The new TS-940S Is a serious radio • Low distortion transmitter. for t he serious operator. Superb Kenwood's unique transmitter design interference reduction circuits and delivers top "quality Kenwood" sound. high dynamic range receiver com • Keyboard entry frequency selection. bine with superior transmitter Operating frequencies may be directly design to give you no-nonsense, no entered into the T5-9405 without using compromise performance that gets the VFO knob. your signals through! The exclusive • aRM-fighting features. mult i-function LCD sub display Remove "rotten DRM" with the 5SB graphically illustrates VBT, 5SB slope tuning, CW VBT, notch filter, AF slope, and other features. tune,and CW pitch controls. • Built-in FM, plus 5SB, CW, AM , FSK. -100% duty cycle transmitter. • Semi or full break-in (aSK) CWo speaker with audio filtering . YG -455C-l Super efficient cooling system using .40 memory channels. special an dueting works with the inter (500 Hz). YG-455CN- l (250 Hz), Mode and frequency may be stored in YK-88C-l (500 Hz) CW filters; YK-88A-l nal heavy-duty power supply 10 allow 4 groups of 10 channels each. (6 kHz) AM filter . V5·1voice synthesizer continuous transmission allull power • Programmable scanning. . 50 -1temperature compensated output for periods exceeding one hour. • High stability, dual digital VFOs. • General coverage receiver. crystal osciltator e MC-43S UPIDOWN Tunes from 150 kHz to 30 MHz. hand mic. • MC-60A, MC·BO, MC-B5 An optical encoder and the flywheel .1 yr. limrted warranty. deluxe base station mcs. » PC-1A phone VFO knob give the TS -940S a positive tuning -ieer Another Kenwood First! patch eTL- 922A linear amplifier • Graphic display of operating Optional accessories: • 5M-220 station monitor eBS-B pan features. • AT-940 full range (t60- 10m) auto display . SW-200A and SW-2000 SWR Exclusive multi-function LCD sub- matic antenna tuner e SP-940 external and power meters. More TS-940S information is available from authorized Kenwood dealers. KENWOOD Complele seroce mantJalS are ,wailable lor all Kenwood rransceIVersa1J(J KENWOOD U,S,A. CORPORATION mosr accesso"es 2201E.Dominguez St.. long Beach. CA90810 Specrl,cal>Olls and pl/ces are stJblecr10 change w'lrlOtJr nol/Ce Of obltgallOl1 PO. Box 22745, long Beach,CA 90801-5745

pens when you don't have lines to keep you on the straight .. little good to be a hotshot CW .. for a 3O-inch coil and will produce a corona down the spa rk ga p (C) causing the capacitors SanyoAAA,AA NlCads w/labs. 200.
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