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258 Pages·1983·2.889 MB·English
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Lecture Notes ni Mathematics Edited by .A Dold dna .B Eckmann 2401 nallA tuG sualK .D Schmidt stramA dna teS noitcnuF sessecorP galreV-regnirpS Berlin Heidelberg New York oykoT 1983 Authors Allan Gut Department of Mathematics, University of Uppsala Thunbergsv~.gen 3, 75238 Uppsala, Sweden Klaus D. Schmidt Seminar f(~r Statistik, Universit~t Mannheim, A5 6800 Mannheim, Federal Republic of Germany AMS Subject Classifications (1980): 60G48; 60G40, 60G42 ISBN 3-540-12867-0 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo ISBN 0-387-12867-0 Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin Tokyo work This is subject to .thgirypoc rights All era ,devreser rehtehw the of part or whole the lairetam is ,denrecnoc those specifically of ,noitalsnart ,gnitnirper esu-er illustrations, of ,gnitsacdaorb noitcudorper yb gniypocotohp enihcam similar or ,snaem dna storage ni data .sknab rednU § the of 54 namreG Copyright waL copies where era edam for private than other ,esu fee a is elbayap to tfahcsllesegsgnutrewreV" troW ,~ .hcinuM © yb galreV-regnirpS Heidelberg Berlin 3891 detnirP in ynamreG gnitnirP dna :gnidnib Beltz ,kcurdtesffO .rtsgreB/hcabsmeH 012345-041316412 Ama r t s and set F u n c t i o n P r o c e s s e s Allan Gut: An introduction to the theor~ of asymptotic martingales .................... Klaus D. Schmidt: Amarts - a measure theoretic approach 51 Allan Gut and Klaus D. Schmidt: Amarts - a bibliography ................... 237 AN INTRODUCTION OT EHT THEORY FO ASYHPTOTICHARTINC~ES yB Allan Gut Contents page Preface 4 Introduction 5 .I History 9 .2 Basic properties 14 .3 Convergence 23 .4 Some examples 31 .5 Stability 35 .6 The Riesz decomposition 40 .7 Two further generalizations of martingales 44 References 46 Preface The material of these notes is based on a series of lectures on real-valued asymptotic martingales (amarts) held at the Department of Mathematics at Uppsala University in spring 1979. The purpose of the lectures (and now also of these notes) was (is) to introduce an audience~ familiar to martingale theory~ to the theory of asymptotic martingales. A most important starting point for the development of amart theory was made by Austin, Edgar and Ionescu Tulcea (1974), who presented a beautiful device for proving convergence results. In Edgar, and Sucheston (1976a) the first more systematic treatment of asymptotic martingales was made. Since then several articles on asymptotic martingales have appeared in various journals, l~i~ book therefore ends with a list of references containing all papers related to the theory of asymptotic martingales that wehave been able to trace, whether cited in the text or not. Introduction We begin by defining asymptotic martingales (amarts) and by briefly investigating how they are related to martingales, submartingales, quasi- martingales and other generalizations of martingales. This is then followed by a section on the history of asymptotic martingales after which the more detailed presentation of the theory begins. In this introductory part we consider, for simplicity, only the so called ascending case. Let (~,9",P) be a probability space and let ~= be an increasing sequence of sub-c-algebras of ~. (The descend- {Tnl 1 ing case corresponds to the index set being the negative integers.) Further, let T be the set of bounded stopping times (relative to ~-}00 , ) i.e. i T C T if and only if {T=n} n E T for all n and P(T~M) =I for some integer M (depending on T) . The convention that ~ T C if and only if T(~) ~(~) for almost all ~ E ~, defines a partial ordering on . T A net (aT)TE T of real numbers is said to converge to a if and only if for every g > 0 there exists O E T T such that IaT-a < I E for all T E , T O . T ~ T For further details about net convergence, see Neveu (1975), page 96 (and Remark 2.4 below). Definition. Let {Xn}n= I be an integrable sequence of random variables, adapted to {~n}~=l . We call {Xn, asymptotic martingale if ~ ~'n}n=l an and only if the net (EXT)T ET converges. The very first question is of course: Is a martingale an asymptotic martingale? The answer is yes, since, if {Xn, T ~ n}n=l is a martingale, then, by Doob's optional sampling theorem, EX T = EX I for all T E T, i.e. the net (EXT)TC T is constant and hence, in particular, convergent. However, more is true. Suppose that {Xn}~ In = is adapted to { T ~ n}n=l and suppose that EX 7 = constant for all 7 E T . Let m < n be arbitrary, pick A E ~m arbitrarily and define the bounded stopping times 71 = n -- By assumption, a.s. and 72 = T2(~0 ) if 0~ ¢ A EXTI =EX n = ~ X ndP+ ~ X ndP c A EXz2 = ~ XmdP + ~ X ndP. c A Since EXTI = EXT2 , subtraction yields S XndP = S XmdP for A C~m, A A which is the defining relation for a martingale, i.e. {Xn,~n}n= I is a martingale. The term asymptotic martingale thus enters in a natural way: Martingales, , I {Xn,~rn}~= are characterized by EX = T oonstc~zt for all T C T and asymptotic martingales, {Xn,~n}~= , I are characterized by (EXT)7 T C being oonvePgent (i.e. "asymptotically constant"). Next, let 1 he a submarti ale ust as above one notices that the classical definition is equivalent to: If 7, o C , T 7 ~ ~, then EX 7 ~ EX. It follows that an Ll-bounded submartingale is an asymptotic martingale. Similarly for supermartingales. A quasimartingale (F-process) is defined as an adapted sequence --.L'I-~-}~'~X{ n~ such that o=E EIXn- E~ n X,, +iI < ,o= see Fisk (1965), 0rey n=l (1967) and Rao (1969). Every martingale is thus trivially a quasimartingale. The following computations (see Edgar and Sucheston (1976a), page 200) show that every quasimartlngale is an asymptotic martingale. Choose E > 0 and o n such that E .IXn- Xn+ll < n=n 0 and let T C T, T > n 0. Since T is bounded there exists n I, such that P(no~e~n )I = 1. Now, I n IEXe-EXnl I= Yon--k ..-~X(E Xnl)l{e=k} I nl-i nl-I =I E E E(Xn-Xn+l)l{e=k}l = k=n O n=k nl-i n =k} = E E E(Xn - Xn+l) I{T = n=n 0 k=n 0 I nl-I n ETn 1 = Y Z E(X n- Xn+l)l{T=k} __< n--n O n--k O n.-I n .7 < z r EIx n -E ~ +1 If{e--k} --< n=n 0 k=n o nXn+ll < _< E EIXn-E ~. n=n 0 Next, let • ,l E 2 • T, 1 • ~no, 72 ~n o and choose 2 n ~maX{el,T }2 . nehT EI XT I -E 12TX e leXEl - mXn2 ] + lEx 2 -EXe21 _ < 2E, i.e. the net (EXT)e ET si Cauchy and hence convergent (cf. Neveu (1975), page ,69 see also Section 2 below), i.e. {Xn,~n}~= I si an asymptotic martingale. The following example shows that there exist asymptotic martingales, which are not quasimartingales. Example. Let n a iff (_l)n I n = "~' 1,2, .... Set X = a a.s., n n choose {Tn }~ =I n E T ' T arbitrarily, such that n ~ ~ T . Since n a ~ 0 as n ~ we have T X ~ 0 a.s. as n ~ ~ and since ~ lanl i it follows that n Ex e ~ o as n ~ ®. ie ~X.~= 1 is an asymptotic marti~ale. ,o~ n 2 ever, Zlan-an÷ll ~ z ~= ÷®, i.e. ~x,~n= l si not a quasi~rtingale. The term asymptotic martingale was motivated above by looking at the behaviour of the net ~XT)T T 6 (which was constant for martingales and convergent for asymptotic martingales). Another motivation for the name si the Riesz decomposition (see Section 6), according to which an asymptotic martingale can be represented as a sum of a martingale and a "potential". There are of course other ways of generalizing martingales. Let us, instead of regarding the values of the stopped process, consider the diffe- rences A n,m = X - E n ~n Xn+ m, n ~ ,i m ~ . I If {Xn,~n}n= I is a martingale m = An, 0 a.s. for all n and m. If _~ IAn, [l <~ we obtain a quasi- martingale (see above). If A ~ 0 a.s. as n,m ~ ~ we obtain a n,m martingale in the l@mit, see Mucci (1973, 1976), Blake (1978), Edgar and Sucheston (1977a) and Bellow and Dvoretzky (1980). If A ~ O in probabi- m,n lity as n,m ~ ~ we obtain a game fairer~th time, see Blake (1970), Mucci (1973), Subramanian (1973), Edgar and Sucheston (1976e). The two latter concepts will be mentioned in the last section, but only in brevity because it turns out that there are several "useful properties" which are not satisfied for martingales in the limit and games fairer with time, see Edgar and Sucheston (1977a) and Bellow and Dvoretzky (1980). One has the inclusions martingale= quasimartingale = asymptotic martingale =martingale in the limit = game fairer with time, but it seems as if the two last ob- jects generate classes which are too wide to be really useful. At this point we also mention that many classical proofs for martin- gales are built up around the use of stopping times, and that asymptotic martingales are, roughly speaking, those objects for which these proofs remain valid. This fact may also serve as an explanation for the defining relation for asymptotic martingales - in terms of stopping times.

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