New West Amaranthus parganensis (Amaranthaceae), a Species from Bengal, India Das Saubhik Government West 24 Taki College with Bengal State University), Taki, North Parganas, (affiliated PIN-743429, West [email protected] Bengal, India, A new Amaranthus Abstract. species of vegetable amaranth, currently divided into four sections: sect. Amaranthus parganensis Saubhik Das (Amarantha- Amaranthus Pentamorion (Beck) Mo- Blitopsis, sect. & has been described from the lower Gangetic syakin K. R. Robertson, and Amaranthus ceae), sect. & West morphology and Mosyakin which Plain of Bengal, India. Goerziella (Urb.) K. R. Robertson, Its and Amaranthus distributional range suggest that related A. comprise indehiscent-fmited species, to is it tricolor L., both adapted to tropical climate, having a sect. Pyxidium, which includes taxa with dehiscent, & sympatric distribution and similar ecology. circumscissile utricles (Mosyakin Robertson, 1996). Few Key Amaranthus, such words: Amaranthaceae, Amaranthus, gyno- species of as A. tricolor L., A. lUCN monoecy, Indo-Gangetic Red West blitum A. cruentus, and A. dubius Mart, ex Thell. Plain, L., List, Bengal. are used as leafy vegetables, but the most widely members and cultivated are A. tricolor A. blitum. Amaranthus Pyxidium Amaranthus L. (Amaranthaceae) a cosmopolitan tricolor is included in section is A genus of herbs comprising 60 70 species (Sauer, and A. blitum is included in section Blitopsis. deep ca. to which 40 Americas, red-colored, dark-seeded form of grain amaranth, A. of are native the the 1976), ca. to and cruentus used as a leafy vegetable in tropical African rest distributed across Australia, Africa, Asia, is Weedy and Caribbean Europe. Most annual weeds, and few valued regions. species A. dubius, are a are & Amaranthus Dubia Mosyakin as vegetable and ornamental amaranths. The protein- included in nothosect. rich seeds of species such as A. hypochondriacus A. K. R. Robertson, is often used as a green vegetable in L., West America and ama- and consumed the Caribbean. Vegetable caudatus L., A. cruentus L. are as Amaranthus Pyxidium known ranths are included in of pseudocereals; these taxa are as the grain sect. subgenus and appears be amaranths. Sauer accepted two subgenera Albersia, this to the least (1955) under genus Amaranthus, Amaranthus satisfactory taxonomic grouping within the genus. with subg. Amaranthus Amaranthus Acnida Aellen ex K. R. Robertson having tricolor included within is (L.) Pyxidium and and Amaranthus Amaranthus morphologically variable. dioecious species subg. sect. is by monoecious Further, the morphological distinctiveness of Indian identified species. Traditionally, its Amaranthus Amaranthus subg. Amaranthus has been divided into populations within are independently and two Amaranthus Amaranthus recognized, a novel species described herein. sections, as sect. [= is Amaranthus Amaranthotypus and Dumort.] sect. Amaranthus parganensis Saubhik Das, nov. sp. Amaranthus Dumort. (Thellung, sect. Blitopsis s.l. TYPE: West 24 Bengal: North Parganas, India. 1919; Aellen, 1959; Robertson, 1981). Carretero EM Lake 27 Salt City, bypass, sea level, Sep. Amaranthus two (1985) split sect. Blitopsis into Das [specimen 2010, no. (holotype, S. s.n. 17] Amaranthus comprising sections: sect. Blitopsis s. str., CAL; MO). Figure isotype, I. and Amaranthus species with indehiscent fmits, sect. Pyxidium Moq., including species with dehiscent Amarantho fmits. More recently, Mosyakin and Robertson (1996) Species nova tricolori L. affinis, sed ab eo cum laminae petiolo proportione majore, floribus foliaris recognized three subgenera on the basis of inflores- quam hermaphroditis hermaphroditis et pistillatis, pistillatis cence and Amaranthus Acnida, features, as subg. floral multo majoribus, apice acuminatis atque fmctu tepalis in Amaranthus Amaranthus, and Amaranthus subg. subg. semper tepalo longiore incluso distinguitur. & moved and Albersia (Kunth) Gren. Godr., section cm Pyxidium from subgenus Amaranthus subgenus Robust herbs, I00-I20 appearing gyno- to tall, Albersia. All the grain amaranths, along with few monoecious, but not functionally; stems erect, green, weeds, included Amaranthus Amaranthus. branched. Leaves arranged, are in exstipulate, spirally sect. Amaranthus Vegetable amaranths are included in blades green, ovate lanceolate or lanceolate but to X ± cm 13-17 5-9 subg. Albersia, which taxonomically complex and not rhombic, cm, blade apices is is Novon 406-410. Published on 9 January 2015. 10.3417/2012078 23: doi: Number Volume Das 407 4 23, 2014 Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) from India 1 12 3 5 0 4 ; 1 I i 1 cm — — — — Figure Amaranthus parganensis Saubhik Das. A. Fertile habit. B. Aristate bract. C. Aristate bracteole. D. Aristate 1. — — — tepal. E. Bisexual flower. F. Arrangement of stamens and rudimentary carpel in bisexual flower. G. Pistillate flower. — CAL Gynoecium from A-FI drawn from Das FI. pistillate flower. are the type s.n. [17]. acute or often minutely notched, with a minute inflorescence massive but less branched. Flowers 5-8 unequal apiculum, blade bases cuneate; petioles green, either bisexual or pistillate, in size, ± cm. Flowers in small axillary glomerules and as a intermixed, sessile, the tepals of bisexual flowers compound terminal inflorescence of cymes; terminal larger than those of pistillate flowers; bracts. 408 Novon bracteoles and tepals with apical awns; bracts and subgenus Amaranthus Pyxidium due this to sect. to mm; bracteoles broadly ovate lanceolate, 1.5-2 the dehiscent Other species of vegetable to utricles. tepals ovate lanceolate or oblong, membranous, amaranths growing in West Bengal, India to {A. tricolor^ 3, mm apex acuminate, tepal length 4.5-5 in bisexual A. blitum) are generally monoecious and are also self mm 3-3.5 stamens Breeding mechanisms amaranths flowers, in flowers; compatible. in are pistillate 3, mm free, filaments filiform, 4.5-5 in hermaphroditic complex and variable. The vegetable amaranths have number flowers; stamens or staminodes are absent in a of staminate flowers per glomerules and are pistillate & mm, 2.5-3 and predominantly Khoshoo, flowers; carpels three, style short self pollinating (Pal thickened, ovary ovoid, stigmas filiform, transpar- 1973). Vegetable amaranths are predominantly a 3, gynoecium ent, papillose, in the bisexual flower with self-pollinating crop, with varying degrees of out- & gynoecium The new thickened gynophore, a short, in the crossing (Hauptli Jain, 1985). species pistillate flower lacking a gynophore; the gynoecium shows a structural gynomonoecy, although gynoecia rudimentary in bisexual flowers. Fruit a circumscis- are rudimentary. There no functional gynomonoecy is sile utricle produced only by pistillate flowers, ovoid, and no seeds were found within the rudimentary mm much Among 1.5-2 long, included by the longer tepal, carpels of bisexual flowers. the three with surface smooth; seeds blackish brown, subgenera delimited by Mosyakin and Robertson fruit as mm shiny, compressed, 1.2-1. 5 diam. subgenus Acnida comprises only dioecious (1996), subgenus and species, while the other two, Albersia and Amaranthus parganen- Distribution habitat. subgenus Amaranthus^ comprise only monoecious West occurs in the lower Gangetic Plain of Bengal. sis There no any amaranths species. are records of other grows extensively North and South 24 Parganas, in It having gynomonoecy gynomonoecy. or incipient and has been from Hooghly, Howrah, also collected Amaran- In general appearance and morphology, Midnapur, Burdwan, and Nadia West districts in parganensis resembles Both thus closely A. tricolor. The new Bengal. species cultivated as a vegetable common is by such species are distinguished features crop and found open There no also in areas. is is as the erect habit, leaf bracts smaller than the size, from previous record of this species as evident and tepal, the fruit as a dehiscent, circumscissile herbarium vouchers examined by the author. smooth and brown with a surface blackish utricle Amaranthus morpho- has seeds. tricolor significant lUCN Red Amaranthus parganen- category. List and some morphotypes have logical variability, of its assessed as Data Deficient (DD), according sis is to been Pan given varietal status (Das, 2013). In India, lUCN and categories Currently there (2001) criteria. 45 and studied indigenous exotic et (1992) al. make inadequate information a direct or indirect to is genotypes of A. using 10 qualitative tricolor^ traits assessment based on of risk of extinction the its among Devdas explore differences the genotypes. to new distribution and/or population status of the found (1992) greater variability in the et al. species. morphotypes of A. tricolor than exhibited by the morphotypes and of A. dubius, A. spinosus A. L., Ama- Phenology. After germination from seed, Both parganensis and occur viridis L. A. A. tricolor 50 60 ranthus parganensis matures within days as to sympatrically, although the distribution of A. tricolor revealed from study in natural habitat. has been its It much broader, cultivated as a leafy vegetable in is months September observed flower in the of to to Asia and as a green crop in Africa. Another vegetable November December. October, with seeds in to may amaranth, be A. blitum, a close associate of the new new from species but A. blitum differs the The Etymology. taken from specific epithet the is much species being a smaller plant with smaller where Latin in reference the geographic region the to and and leaves other differences in flower new fruit grows (cf. species extensively. Table Dispersal of the and seeds of fruit 1). Discussion. The new species assigned Amaranthus species often performed by humans to is is Amaranthus which subg. Albersia, as a vegetable amaranth. (Costea ah, 2004; lamonico, 2010, 2012), et Amaranthus would parganensis further assigned within obscure native distributions of these taxa. is Key West to Amaranthus Species Bengal, India in Fmit dehiscent 2 la. . Fmit IB. indetiifirent 2a. Monoecious, flowers unisexual 4. 2b. Incipient gynomonoecious, flowers either or bisexual with mdimentary gynoecia pistillate parganensis Saubhik Das A. Number Volume Das 409 4 23, 2014 Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae) from India Table 1. Comparative morphology of Amaranthus parganensis Saubhik Das, A. tricolor L., and A. blitum L. Morphological characteristics A. parganensis A. tricolor A. blitum Breeding system gynomonoecious monoecious monoecious incipiently cm cm cm 100-120 90-100 35-45 Stems ascending, erect, erect, erect or Leaf shape rhomboid ovate lanceolate or lanceolate. deltoid ovate or ovate ovate lanceolate or to to to rhombic oblong not lanceolate or ovate X X X cm cm cm Leaf 13-17 5-9 9-17 5-9 2.5-8 1.5-6 sizes Ratio lamina 2.1-2.6:1 0.89-1.66:1 0.5-1.5:l of petiole lengths to Leaf apices acute or minutely notched acute or slightly emerginate emerginate Inflorescences terminal inflorescence massive terminal inflorescence massive terminal inflorescence short much branched and branched but less and and and Flowers both bisexual unisexual; unisexual; staminate unisexual; staminate and bisexual female flowers flowers equal flowers equal pistillate pistillate unequal < < < Bract tepal bract tepal bract tepal bract tepal vs. mm mm mm Bract length 1.5-2 1.5-2 0.5-2. 5 Tepal shape ovate lanceolate or oblong ovate lanceolate or lanceolate spathulate to to to spathulate awned Tepal acuminate acute or acute or obtuse tip mm mm mm 3-5 Tepal length 25-2. 5(— 1.2-2. 5 2. 5) may may Fruit tepal included by longer tepal or not exceed marginally exceeding tepal vs. fruit fruit fruit tepal Fruit surface smooth smooth faintly rugose mm mm mm Fruit length 1.5-2 1.5-2 1.5-2. 8 Dehiscence circumscissile dehiscent circumscissile indehiscent utricle, utricle, dehiscent mm mm mm Seed diameter 1.2-1. 5 1.2-1. 5 1.1-1. 8 Seed color blackish brown blackish brown black mm 3a. Stems erect or ascending; terminal inflorescence simple, short; fruit surface faintly rugose; seeds 1.1-1. 8 diam A. blitum L. mm 3b. Stems erect, terminal inflorescence complex, thyrsoid, fruit surface very rugose; seeds 1 diam. A. viridis L. and and 4a. Staminate pistillate flowers intermixed; stems leaves red, reddish green or green 5. and 4b. Staminate flowers not intermixed, with staminate flowers usually clustered inflorescence apices; pistillate at and stems leaves green 6. mm 5a. Tepals stamens bract smaller than tepals; seeds brownish black, 1.2-1. 8 diam A. tricolor L. 3; 3; mm much diam 5b. Tepals stamens bract longer than tepals; seeds black, 1 A. hybridus L. 5; 5; 6a. Presence of paired divergent spines at the nodal region; bracts ovate to lanceolate; utricle irregularly dehiscent Absence 6b. of paired spines at nodes; bracts lanceolate; utricle circumscissile A. dubius Mart, ex Thell. Mem- Paratypes. INDIA. West Bengal: Burdwan distr., Gandhi of the Harvard University Herbaria for their 29 Das Hooghly Arambagh, Sep. 2010, (CAL); ari, S. distr., 1 assistanee with the Latin diagnosis. Das Howrah Oct. 2010, (CAL); Baksara, 3 Oct. S. distr., 2010, Das (CAL); West Midnapur Jhargram, 10 Oct. S. distr., 2010, Das (CAL); Nadia Kalyani, 15 Oct. 2010, Literature Cited S. distr., S. Das 24 22 (CAL); South Parganas Basanti, Oct. 2010, distr., Aellen, 1959. Amaranthus G. Hegi P. L. in (editor), Das (CAL); North 24 Parganas, Dhapa, Lake, 24 Salt Oct. S. Flora von Mitteleuropa. Ed. Vol. Part lllustrierte 2. 2, 3, Das 2010, (MO). 5. Munchen. The Carretero, L. 1985. Consideraciones sobre las amaranta- Acknowledgments. author thankful the to J. is Anales Madrid 271-286. ceas ibericas. Jard. Bot. 41(2): Herbarium, Howrah, West Central National BSl, & Weaver The 2004. Costea, M., E. E. Tardiff. biology S. 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