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NO. 1 TO THE DRAWINGS AND THE PROJECT MANUAL PROJECT NAME: A New Performing Arts Center for Alvin High School CLIENT NAME: Alvin ISD LOCATION: Alvin, Texas PROJECT NUMBER: 1744-02-01 PROPOSAL DATE: Wednesday, December , 2017, 2:00 PM ADDENDUM DATE: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 For additional information regarding this project, contact Caitlin Lambing at 832-510-6395 THIS ADDENDUM INCLUDES: Civil Items 0 Pages Landscape Items 3 Pages Structural Items 21 Pages Architectural Items 43 Pages Plumbing Items 11 Pages Mechanical Items 21 Pages Electrical Items 27 Pages Audio Visual Items 7 Pages Theatrical Items 5 Pages AND ALL ATTACHED REVISED DRAWING REFERENCES IN THE ADDENDUM Project Name: A New Performing Arts Center for Alvin High School Client: Alvin ISD Alvin, Texas Project Number: 1744-02-01 11-27-17 LANDSCAPE ITEMS FOR ADDENDUM NO. 1 NOTICE TO PROPOSERS: A. This Addendum shall be considered part of the contract documents for the above-mentioned project as though it had been issued at the same time and incorporated integrally therewith. Where provisions of the following supplementary data differ from those of the original contract documents, this Addendum shall govern and take precedence. B. Proposers are hereby notified that they shall make any necessary adjustments in their estimate on account of this Addendum. It will be construed that each Proposer’s proposal is submitted with full knowledge of all modifications and supplemental data specified therein. Acknowledge receipt of this addendum in the space provided on the proposal form. Failure to do so may subject Proposer to disqualification. REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE DRAWINGS AND THE PROJECT MANUAL AS NOTED: DRAWINGS: AD No 1, Land. Item 1: Add Drawings, Sheet L3.1, “IRRIGATION PLAN,” & Sheet L3.2, “IRRIGATION DETAILS” END OF LANDSCAPE ADDENDUM Landscape Items for Addendum No. 1 Page 1 of 1 (cid:38)(cid:82)(cid:83)(cid:92)(cid:85)(cid:76)(cid:74)(cid:75)(cid:87)(cid:3)(cid:139)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:3)(cid:43)(cid:88)(cid:70)(cid:78)(cid:68)(cid:69)(cid:72)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:9)(cid:3)(cid:36)(cid:86)(cid:86)(cid:82)(cid:70)(cid:76)(cid:68)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:15)(cid:3)(cid:44)(cid:81)(cid:70)(cid:17) 1" 34" 12" 34" 114" 112" 12" 12" 2" 1" 2" 114" 112" 112" 1" 12" 34" 1" 114" 112" 12" 34" 12" 7 12" 12" Date -27-1 1 1 12" 1 n m o u UP 12" si d vi en 34" 34" e d R 114" d 1" 34" A 1" 1" 1" 112" 34" 34" 34" 34" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 112" 1" 114" 112" 114" 12" 12" 12" 34" 34" PPRROOPP.. BBUUIILLDDIINNGG FFFF==4455..0000 1" 34" 34" 34" 114" 114" 2" 1" 1" 34" 34" 12" HC 34" 34" 1" 1" 12" 12" : t c e HC oj r P 112" 12" 12" 12" 114" 114" 114" 34" 1" 2" 12" 12" 12" 34" 112" 1" 1" 12" 114" 112" 34" 114" 34" 34" 12" 112" 114" 34" 12" 112" 2" 112" 12" 2" FM 12" 2" 12" 34" 12" 114" 1" 12" 34" 1" NewWaterSource WaterMeterInformation MeterSize:2inchmeter StaticPressure:58 ChangeinElevation:5 ServiceLineInformation PipeCategory:Poly160 PipeSize:Poly1602" Length:13 Velocity:5 Recommendations MaximumRecommendedFlow:52.29 AvailableWorkingPressure:49.35 IRRIGATIONPLAN scale1"=20' JobNo. SheetNo. DrawnBy: L3.1 0 5 10 20 50 Date: (cid:38)(cid:82)(cid:83)(cid:92)(cid:85)(cid:76)(cid:74)(cid:75)(cid:87)(cid:3)(cid:139)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:3)(cid:43)(cid:88)(cid:70)(cid:78)(cid:68)(cid:69)(cid:72)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:9)(cid:3)(cid:36)(cid:86)(cid:86)(cid:82)(cid:70)(cid:76)(cid:68)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:15)(cid:3)(cid:44)(cid:81)(cid:70)(cid:17) 7 1 e - t 7 a 2 D - 1 1 1 n m o u si d vi en e d R d A RainBirdESP-LXDF(flowcontrol module&IQ cardethernet connection) : t c e oj r P TREEROOTBALL TREETRUNK RAINBIRD1401ON1806 HUNTERFACTORYSWINGJOINT TEESBUSHINGSNIPPLEFITTINGS LATERALLINEPVC BUBBLERHEADAS SPECIFIED.REFER TOPLANSANDKEY RAINBIRD 1804 OUTLINEOFTREE ROOTBALL FACTORY SWINGJOINT FINISHGRADE PVCNIPPLE REDUCERBUSHING ASREQUIRED SCH.40PVC TEEFITTING LATERALLINE REFERTOPLANS FORSIZE BUBBLERHEADSATTREES NOTTOSCALE JobNo. SheetNo. DrawnBy: L3.2 Date: Project Name: A New Performing Arts Center for Alvin High School Client: Alvin ISD Alvin, Texas Project Number: 1744-02-01 STRUCTURAL ITEMS FOR ADDENDUM NO. 1 NOTICE TO PROPOSERS: A. This Addendum shall be considered part of the contract documents for the above-mentioned project as though it had been issued at the same time and incorporated integrally therewith. Where provisions of the following supplementary data differ from those of the original contract documents, this Addendum shall govern and take precedence. B. Proposers are hereby notified that they shall make any necessary adjustments in their estimate on account of this Addendum. It will be construed that each Proposer’s proposal is submitted with full knowledge of all modifications and supplemental data specified therein. Acknowledge receipt of this addendum in the space provided on the proposal form. Failure to do so may subject Proposer to disqualification. REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE DRAWINGS AS NOTED: DRAWINGS: AD No 1, Struct Item 1: To the Drawings, Sheet S2.0, “Overall Foundation Plan - Section 1,” 1) Crop region has been updated to show the transformer/generator yard and associated dimensions. 2) Retaining walls and continuous footing added to match architectural drawings. 3) Added section cut 15/S3.5 (Typ.) at the retaining wall. 4) Added note “Retaining wall, see Arch. site plan/Civil dwgs. (typ.). AD No 1, Struct Item 2: To the Drawings, Sheet S2.1, “Foundation Plan - Section 1,” 1) Added foundation plate note 14: Fire curtain attachment post, see Arch./Theatrical for location. See 11/S3.3 for attachment to floor. 2) Added (2) HSS8x8x1/4 columns near grids C, 7 and I, 7 for fire curtain attachment to match architectural drawings. 3) Added “See note 14” to the columns added in item 2. 4) Added dimensions from grids 11 and N for the size and location of the elevator pit opening. AD No 1, Struct Item 3: To the Drawings, Sheet S2.3, “Overall Second Floor and Low Roof Framing Plan Sections 3 and 4,” 1) Overall dimension has been updated to 136 – 7 ½” to match architectural drawings. 2) Exterior finish dimension has been updated to 114’ – 10 1/8” to match architectural drawings. 3) Added exterior finish to exterior finish dimensions of 117’ – 8” and 190’ – 0” on plan east side of building. AD No 1, Struct Item 4: To the Drawings, Sheet S2.4, “Second Floor Framing Plan - Section 3” 1) Added dimension of 2’ – 0 5/8” from grid B to exterior finish. 2) Updated dimension from grid O to back of wood blocking to 2’ - 10 ½”. 3) Updated dimension from back of wood blocking to face of exterior finish to 9’ - 5 1/8”. 4) Added dimension of 4’ – 6 ¾” from grid 10.5 to W10x12 (6). 5) Added note: “Conc. curb @ mech. Room, reinf. w/ (1) - #4 cont., see Arch. for curb extents”. 6) Added top of concrete elevation = 110’ – 9 ½” at the lobby stair intermediate landing. 7) Added fire curtain columns to plan near grids C, 7 and I, 7. AD No 1, Struct Item 5: To the Drawings, Sheet S2.5, “Second Floor Framing Plan - Section 4” 1) Added section cut 5/S4.3 (Sim.) at the stair opening. Structural Items For Addendum No. 1 Page 1 of 4 Project Name: A New Performing Arts Center for Alvin High School Client: Alvin ISD Alvin, Texas Project Number: 1744-02-01 2) Revised dimension to 4” from edge of stair opening to W18x40 (20). 3) Added dimensions from W18x35 (24) c=3/4” (2’ - 10 ¼’) to grid M and from grid M to W18x40 (20) (4’ - 8 3/8”). 4) Added 7 ½” dimension at the transition of the exterior finish face of the building near grids O, 6. 5) Added 8” dimension at the transition of the exterior finish face of the building near grids A, 6. 6) Updated slab edge from grid A to 1’ - 0”. AD No 1, Struct Item 6: To the Drawings, Sheet S2.7, “Overall Roof Framing Plan - Sections 3 and 4” 1) Revised plan north overall dimension to 136’ – 7 ½”. 2) Revised plan north exterior dimensions to 8’ – 9 ½”, 102’ – 9/16”, and 11’ – 11 9/16”. 3) Revised plan west exterior dimensions to 9’ – 3”, 26’ – 9”, 93’ – 8”, 43’ – 0”, 67’ – 5 3/8”, 49’ – 1 3/8”, 38’ – 10 ¾”. 4) Revised plan west exterior dimensions to 94’ – 6 ¾”. 5) Revised plan west exterior dimensions to 38’ – 10 ¼”, and 58’ – 10 ½”. 6) Revised plan south dimensions to 6”, 123’ – 5 15/16”. 7) Revised plan south dimensions to 124’ – 7 15/16”, 11’ – 11 9/16”. 8) Revised plan south dimensions to 8”, 135’ – 4”, and 7 ½”. AD No 1, Struct Item 7: To the Drawings, Sheet S2.8, “Low Roof Framing Plan - Section 3” 1) Added dimensions from grid G to H.8, and H.8 to I. 2) Added dimension (2’ - 0 5/8”) to face of glazing below from grid B. 3) Added dimension (1’ - 3 1/8”) from grid A.5 to back of wood blocking. 4) Added dimension (2’ - 0 15/16”) from grid N to exterior finish face. 5) Added dimension (3’ - 4 15/16”) from grid M to exterior finish face. 6) Revised plan west exterior dimensions to 26’ - 9”, and 93’ - 8”. 7) Added dimension (1’ - 10”) from grid 11.2 to back of wood blocking. 8) Added dimension (2’ - 2”) from grid B to exterior finish face. 9) Added fire curtain columns to plan near grids C, 7 and I, 7. AD No 1, Struct Item 8: To the Drawings, Sheet S2.9, “Low Roof Framing Plan - Section 4” 1) Added note “Face of ext. finish below”. 2) Added dimension (1’ - 6 5/8”) from grid 3 to exterior finish. 3) Added dimension (1’ - 8”) from grid A to exterior finish. 4) Added dimension (2’ - 0”) from grid 6 to exterior finish. 5) Added dimension (2’ - 0 15/16”) from grid N to exterior finish. AD No 1, Struct Item 9: To the Drawings, Sheet S2.10, “Roof Framing Plan - Section 3” 1) Added note “Ext. face of glazing below”. 2) Added note “Hanger below, see 1/S2.8 (Typ.)”. 3) Added dimension (1’ - 3 1/8”) from grid A.5 to back of wood blocking. 4) Added dimension (2’ - 0 5/8”) from grid B to exterior face of glazing below. 5) Added dimension (2’ - 2”) from grid B to exterior finish. 6) Added dimension (3’ - 4 15/16”) from grid M to exterior finish. 7) Added dimension (2’ - 0 15/16”) from grid N to exterior finish. 8) Added dimension (1’ - 10 3/4”) from grid 11 to exterior finish. 9) Added dimension (1’ - 10”) from grid 11.2 to back of wood blocking. Structural Items For Addendum No. 1 Page 2 of 4 Project Name: A New Performing Arts Center for Alvin High School Client: Alvin ISD Alvin, Texas Project Number: 1744-02-01 10) Added fire curtain columns to plan near grids C, 7 and I, 7. 11) Added section cuts 13/S6.2 at grids A and N at the flyloft opening. 12) Revised dimension from 12 to exterior face of glazing below to 2’ - 5”. 13) Revised dimension from exterior face of glazing below to back of wood blocking to 9’ - 3”. AD No 1, Struct Item 10: To the Drawings, Sheet S2.11, “Roof Framing Plan - Section 4” 1) Added note “Face of ext. finish below”. 2) Revised dimension from grid A to exterior finish to 1’ - 8”. 3) Revised dimension from grid 3 to exterior finish face to 1’ - 6 5/8”. 4) Revised dimension from grid 6 to exterior finish face to 2’ - 0”. AD No 1, Struct Item 11: To the Drawings, Sheet S2.12, “Flyloft and Miscellaneous Framing Plans” 1) Added note “Attach to C9, see 12S6.2 (Sim.)”. 2) Revised dimension from grid N to exterior finish to 2’ - 0 15/16”, to match architectural drawings. 3) Added moment connection symbols to entire row of W8 framing north of grid 6. 4) Added section cut 1/S5.4 (Typ.). 5) Added drag strut from Grid M to W27 beam. 6) Added (Typ.) note to detail callout 2/S5.4. 7) Added note “Face of ext. finish above (Typ.)”. 8) Added note “Laterally attach gallery to CMU wall, Sim. to 17/S5.2”. 9) Added note “Cope at brace interference”. 10) Added 7” (Back face of channel). 11) Revised section cut to 8/S9.1. 12) Added C9x13.4 north of grid 7. 13) Added dimension (4’ - 4 3/8”) from grid M to face of channel. 14) Added dimension (4’ - 0”) (Out to out of channels). 15) Added dimension (3’ - 4 15/16”) from grid M to exterior finish. 16) Added dimension (2’ - 0”) from grid 7 to exterior finish. 17) Added dimension (2’ - 0”) from grid 6 to exterior finish. 18) Added note “Cope and attach C9 to roof beam”. 19) Added note “Face of ext. finish above, (Typ.)”. 20) Added note “See 1/S2.11 for roof framing”. 21) Added note “See 1/s2.10 for roof framing”. AD No 1, Struct Item 12: To the Drawings, Sheet S3.3, “Typical Foundation Details” 1) Added new detail 11/S3.3 “Fire Curtain Support”. 2) 16/S3.3 - deleted BP-5 from column schedule. AD No 1, Struct Item 13: To the Drawings, Sheet S3.4, “Foundation Details” 1) 9/s3.4 - Revised dimension to 8”, @9B 11”, @9C 11”. AD No 1, Struct Item 14: To the Drawings, Sheet S3.5, “Site Foundation Details” 1) Added new plan 15/S3.5 “Cooling Tower Foundation Plan”. Structural Items For Addendum No. 1 Page 3 of 4 Project Name: A New Performing Arts Center for Alvin High School Client: Alvin ISD Alvin, Texas Project Number: 1744-02-01 2) Deleted details 11,12, 12A, and 16/S3.5. 3) Added new detail 15/S3.5 “Typical Detail Site Retaining Wall”. AD No 1, Struct Item 15: To the Drawings, Sheet S5.4, “Roof Framing Details” 1) 5/S5.4 - Added titles, “Plan” and “Diaphragm Bracing at Head Block”. AD No 1, Struct Item 16: To the Drawings, Sheet S6.1, “Framing Details” 1) 15/S6.1 - Added Typ. note to weld symbol, and added cap plates. 2) 20/S6.1 - Added ¼” Stiff. Pl., changed word in note to cap, Added “Cut to Fit” to HSS beam note. AD No 1, Struct Item 17: To the Drawings, Sheet S9.1, “Theatrical Structural Details” 1) 3/S9.1 - Added “See Plan” dimension. 2) 12/S9.1 - Deleted “See Plan” dimension. Added note “Ext. finish, see Arch.”. 3) 13/S9.1 - Deleted “See Plan” dimension. Deleted Ext. finish note. 4) 14/S9.1 - Deleted “See Plan” dimension. 5) 15/S9.1 - Deleted “See Plan” dimension. Deleted Ext. finish note. Revised hanger to stop at the bottom of channel. Added title “Grid Iron Edge”. 6) 16/S9.1 - Added title “Grid Iron Edge at Gallery”. 7) 17/S9.1 - Added notes “1. See 9/S9.1 for info. not shown. 2. Roof not shown for clarity. Deleted “See 6/S9.1 dimension. Deleted ½” stiff. pl. See ___ note. Deleted “See 6/S9.1” note. Added title “Flyloft Diaphragm Bracing at Head Blocks”. END OF STRUCTURAL ADDENDUM Structural Items For Addendum No. 1 Page 4 of 4 Copyright © 2017, Huckabee & Associates, Inc. NOTE: 1. DIMENSIONS ARE TO OUTSIDE FACE OF GRADE BEAM. 135' - 8" 1 21' - 0" 114' - 8" 5' - 1" 0" 5' - 1" - 0" 4' - " 11' 0 - 5' " 1 0 - 8' 1 # M U D N E D D A 7 e 1 5" at 8/ 0' - D 1/2 2 1 1 n / o si 1 vi e R R E T N E L C O S O " " 7 7 - " - T H 298' 61' - 6 298' AR SC D. AS X 2 G H S. E R S3.5 N G I. T O MI HI F N N, I 4' - 4" R N LV VI O I A L V F A R L A E P T A W " 0 E 1 4' - N A " 0 1 - 8' 3 4' - 4" : t c e 0" oj 1 r - P 0' 2 5' - 1" " 0 - 9' 5177 Richmond Avenue, Suite 670 2" Houston, TX 77046-2401 Tel: 713.664.0130 Fax: 713.664.1370 " 2 - MSE - 17045 2' 5 Matrix Structural Engineers TBPE Firm Registration No. F-2640 " 0 - 4' A T E OF TE T X S A S 1 MOYEENUL HAQUE P 72876 R 8" RETAINING WALL, R R E D EE 7' - 7 3/ 15 SP(TELYAEPN .A)/CRICVHIL. DSIWTEGS. OFESSEGIOINSATLE RE N GIN 2 (TYP.) 11/28/2017 S3.5 42' - 8 3/4" st.rvt 7/8" 60' - 4" 75' - 2" e W 1 J _ 6 135' - 6" 1 R _ m u ori N udit OVERALL FOUNDATION PLAN A HS 1 A D SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" S n I vi GRAPHIC SCALE Al 5_ 1 04 OVERALL FOUNDATION 7 1 s\ PLAN nt 0 16 32 48 64 e M m P u 00:12 st\Doc PACKAGE VOLUME 2017 4: ers\jwe 2 J17o4b4 N-0o2.-01 Sheet No. 27/ Us 100% CD 11/ C:\ Drawn By: S2.0 JW KKEEYY PPLLAANN -- 11SSTT FFLLOOOORR Date: 11/13/17 N.T.S. Copyright © 2017, Huckabee & Associates, Inc. FOUNDATION PLAN NOTES: A A.5 B C C.8 D F F.2 G H.8 I J L.4 M N O 1. ALL PIERS ARE CENTERED UNDER COLUMN CENTERLINES, U.N.O. 2. PIERS UNDER GRADE BEAMS (WITHOUT COLUMNS) SHALL BE CENTERED UNDER GRADE BEAMS, U.N.O. 3' - 9 1/2" 1' - 6 1/2" 3' - 5 1/2" 3' - 11 1/4" 1' - 4" 2' - 6" 3. ALL COLUMNS ARE HSS8X8X3/8 TYP. U.N.O. 2' - 3" D G 11' - 5" 9' - 7" 3' - 10" 16' - 2 1/4" 15' - 0 1/4" 13' - 5 1/4" 16' - 6 3/4" 12' - 4 1/2" 7' - 3 1/4" 11' - 2" 4. ALL PIERS ARE 12/36 TYP. U.N.O. 2' - 3" (TYP.) (TYP.) 5. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR 2' - 9 5/8" 30' - 0" 4 17 18 4 EXACT LOCATION OF ALL FLOOR S3.4 S3.4 S3.4 SLOPES, DEPRESSIONS, ETC. S3.4 18/54 18/54 18/54 24/72 18/54 18/54 6. COORDINATE ALL BRICK LEDGES AND 12/36 DEPTH WITH ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 13' - 11" 11' - 2 1/4" 4' - 10 3/4" 10' - 2 7/8" 12 6" 4 11 2' - 6" 1' - HSS12G.7A5L0VX.0S.530.30 3' - 6" H1' - 6"SS14X.500 ' -"10(TYP.) HSS14X.500 HSS14X.500 HSS14X.500 HSS14X.5006" HSS14X.500 5' - 1" S31.4 8' - 6" 78 .. IRLNOEDCFIC.A EATLITOEENVSAS TT NOIOOPNT OE =FD 1 ST0L0HA'U -B S0 E:"LEV0A' T- I0O"N. 12/36 ((11TT'' YY-- PP00.."")) 2' - CORRESPONDING TO CIVIL ELEVATION 0" 5 SLOPE 0" 99' - 9" 1 12/36 45.0'. VERIFY WITH CIVIL. W12X14 (6) BFPRLLAOACTOEFR AO DREMC NKO, STEEE 5 W12X14 (6) ()10126X 4S"47.1' -"10 ' -"19 22' - 6" 15' - (STTYSOP3O.. 3@PS)3' - 6" 12/36 15' - TLLOAHNCICDAKITNEIOGNEN, SD WE S/E LA 6AR/BSC 3AH.T2. CSTOAOIRRD. 5C-E "RAO CCEMOIHNPN FAWC CWA.T YS/E ,L# DTA3 O BS@ PEO ,L1 N(E2T"CY OTP ..FC)I.LL SCEOEL .7 @/S 3E.L2E FVO. RPIT 12/36 SLOPE 12/36 8' - 0" 1 09.. SSRJBOEHPEIE-BEN# AE DTIRTNSE D,STA AIA3TCN.I 3ALOD.STP REE5SE,N 7 -ISEN, PN&GET S1CR0, IA/DASNLI3ST .BC1 CA OFOSONERTR NPI NAELUDARODTSEUI TI,NSI OSENEAL #1 W 5' - 1" HOLD T.O. SLAB-ON-GRADE. M ' -"154 1 ()12146XW ()10126XW ()10126XW ()10126XW (TY6"P.) "6.()TYP 11.2 2' - 10" HSS12G.7A5L0VX.0.51020/36 S34.4 W12X45 30/90 22WB'' --P1 00-24""X106HSSS43X2.44X1/4 1' - 1 3/8" 2' -3 00"/90 2WB' P-1 -204X"106 2' - 0"2' - 0" S22.1 32/96PEILEERVS. PBIETWL SO8LXWA4B8 1 ' /-"1758 S33.2 W8X58 24/72 S34.4 1112.. PFDSIRHIESOOLCDVWO IDVNNEE TINR ICN IDFOUYEON TATUARLSILAL S CE2LXT/ASIIBOS3 .TNR1I. NEJIOGNI FNCOTORSN CADININTDGIO ANSS ADDENDU S4.1 W12X14 (6) 11 AND DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO 10.5 /"1014(TYP.) W12X14 (6) W12X14 (6) ()10124XW ()10124XW ()10124XW W10X12 (6) ()10124XW ' -"51 ' /-"2118 15' - 4" 7' - 7" 30/90 ((11TT'' YY-- PP00.."")) 2' - 0"2' - 0" 12/36 BRACHES SA4X4X11' - 9"/4 2' - 0" 4' - 1120/ 336/4" 12/36 TS6LO/HTSACI3CI.AR2KT E1CLIHO0NAOS'EN NO-S D D3WR4 IXS3ND/ 4/LAG.8XA"R,4"1B SC/ 4AEHTE. 100' - 0S"13112.2/23/366 ' -"78 12H/3S264S/1742X.500 S137.A4 (TYP.) 1 1134.. ATF1F1AI.RRD/BSCE. R3H- C.II.3CN/UT AFDRHOTITECIROAAA NITATNR TE/ ATISCCTA OTATCUNLAH RSCFMTNOHERDMRNUO ELTCWNO TTTCNOIO A.P FNSTOLE.ISOOETNO ,1 .RS 1S/E.SEE3E.4. on /Date 11/28/17 /"278 1 100' - 0" 1' - 0"1' - 0"(TYP.)(TYP.) H2S4S/7B62PX-65X3/8 HSS4X4X1/4 5' - 5 1/4" 24/72 HSSB6PX-65X3/8 4' - 1" 1' - 4 1/ ASCRUOCMOHPR. D/P E.I TLL,OE SVCEAAETT O2IO/RSN 3M .W2N,/FR. 18' ' -- 36 "9/16" S93C.4 (TYP.) Revisi 1 - 10.5 12/36 1 ' 1 12/36 HSS4X4X1/4 104' - 5 1/2" 4" 30/90 W12X58 N 7' - 103' - 11 1/2" 24/72 19 12/36 12/36 SOUND AND LIGHTING PLATFORM FRAMING PLAN AVADEK (TYP.) 2 10 CANOPY 103' - 5 1/2" S3.4 (TYP.) COLUMN AND SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 20 FOUNDATION BY 102' - 11 1/2" " MANUF. (TYP.) S3.2 4 GRAPHIC SCALE 3/ - 8 W12X106 102' - 5 1/2" HSS14X.500 11' 42/126 W12X87 9B 101' - 11 1/2" 12/36 0 4 8 12 16 S3.4 3 9.8 101' - 5 1/2" S3.4 CONC. CURB @ " 3 PLATFORM FLOOR PLAN NOTES: (TYP.) 42/126 100' - 11 1/2" MREEICNHF.. RWO/ O(1M) -, #4 12/36 5' - R CONT., SEE ARCH. 1. TOP OF CONCRETE ELEVATION = 104' - 5 1/2", U.N.O. E 100' - 5 1/2" FOR CURB EXTENTS T 2. LOCATIONS SHOWN THUS: (12) C=3/4" INDICATES N NUMBER OF SHEAR CONNECTORS AS 12 AND 3" 100' - 0" 12/36 12/36 E L UPWARD CAMBER AT MID SPAN OF BEAM AS 3/4" 21' - 1 SEE 12/S3.2 FOR C O 3. SPACE BEAMS EQUALLY U.N.O. S3.4 STEP FRAMING FB2 S O 4. SEE 1/ S2.1 FOR ALL COLUMN SIZES NOT STEP IN (TYP.) 12 T H S SHOWN. BGORTATDOEM OF W12X40 S3.4 (TYP.) 24/72 AR SC D. A 5. FLOOR SHALL BE 3 1/2" NORMAL WEIGHT CONCRETE B17E/ASM3. 1SEE 26/78 28/84 W12X79 G H S. EX AOECSQOV EUNMRICAV RNATEHLUETEFEN AF TCWL TUTITUOTHRE T SE#O D3OT ABAFT YL2 1"TV 8xHU" I1LOC8CK. CGRN.AA EEF STATSYC O PH=RE 5W VA 1ALP/2IYP "S.R. TPROELEVAEIENCLD FEDOERCCKE 9 S135.4 S31.3(TYP.) MIN HIG FOR IN I. N, T REBAR PERPENDICULAR TO BEAMS (PARALLEL TO " HSS8X8X3/8 32/96 R N LV VI DECK) IN THE OUTSIDE LAYER. WELD DECK USING 5/8"Ø 4 O 1/ I A L NET EFFECTIVE PUDDLE WELDS: 4 HSS14X.500 F V A ab.. PPEARRAPELLNEDLI CBUELAARRIN BGE AARNIDN GED : G36E/ 4: A PTA 1T2T"E OR.CN.. 11' - W12X210 BP-4 28/84 ER AL c. SIDE SEAMS : #10 TEK SCREWS AT 36" O.C. E P P T 8.5 LO 20 W A S S3.2 E HSS8X8X3/8 28/84 SLOPE SLAB TO N BP-2 " DRAIN, SEE 6 9" ARCH. FOR INFO. 9' - A - 3' TOP OF PIER 12/36 1 2 CAP=99'-4" S3.4 1 2 6" E E - C C 27' RA RA B B 97' - 2" 14 6 S3.4 HSS8X8X3/8 9 S3.4 BP-2 : t c S3.4 28/84 26/78 W12X58 e 24/72 W8X58 BP-1 30/90 W12X210 BP-4 24/72 oj r P 8 95' - 11 3/8" " 15 1 1' - 1 BRACE B S3.2 FDLEOPORRES BSOIOXN, SEE 95' - 0" 13 97' - 2" 6/S3.3 (TYP.) TOP OF PIER S3.4 HSS14X.500 CAP=99'-4" 13 " 4 1/ S3.1 7 2 - 18' S3.4 FB1 FB1 5177 Richmond Avenue, Suite 670 Houston, TX 77046-2401 Tel: 713.664.0130 28/84 W12X58 36/108 W12X106 FB1 Fax: 713.664.1370 36/108 W12X79 BP-4 34/102 W10X60 BP-224/72 MSE - 17045 7 19 NO CONSTRUCTION S3.4 OR CONTRACTION JOINTS IN THIS AREA @@ 1 BRACE C 9 HSS8X8X1/4 YP. YP. ES)ES) HSS8X8X1/4 10 2' - 0" HSS14X.500 TBPME aFtirrimx SRtreugcistutrraatli oEnn gNinoe. eFr-s2640 SEE NOTE 14 TTCC SEE NOTE 14 19' - 6" S3.4 1' - 6" 1 2' - 0" (2' - 0" (BRABRA 22'' --BB 00RR""AA ((TTCCYYEEPPSS..)) @@ S3.4 S130.A4 99' - 9" ST A T E OF TEXAS 6" CONC. SLAB ON COMPACTED SELECT FILL MOYEENUL HAQUE W14X233 BP-4 - REINF W/ #4 @ 12" O.C. 48/144 W14X233 BP-4 P 72876 R 1' - 6" EACH WAY, TOP 14/42 ROFESRSEGIOINSATLE RE ENDGINEE 6.5 99' - 8 3/4" 11/28/2017 48/144 3 E C A 4 R E est.rvt 19' - 6" B 3' - 0" BRAC W 9A J _ 16 S3.4 orium_R 11 3/4" W12X50 BP-3 W10X54 W10X60 BP-2 2' - 0" BRACE 1D2/36 W10X54 BP-2 W10X54 BP-3 Audit 6 1' - 48/144 12/36 40/120 36/108 12/36 48/144 24/72 1 / S2.2 S H A D vin IS SLOPE 38/114 HSS14X.500 Al 5_ 24' - 10" 35' - 0" 35' - 0" 24' - 11" 1 704 3' - 7 1/8" FOUNDATION PLAN - 1 s\ SECTION 1 nt e M m P u 00:13 st\Doc N PACKAGE VOLUME 2017 4: ers\jwe FOUNDATION PLAN - SECTION 1 J17o4b4 N-0o2.-01 Sheet No. 27/ Us 1 100% CD 11/ C:\ SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" Drawn By: S2.1 JW GRAPHIC SCALE KEY PLAN - 1ST FLOOR Date: 11/13/17 N.T.S. 0 8 16 24 32

REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE DRAWINGS AND THE PROJECT MANUAL AS NOTED: Water Meter Information. Meter Size: 2 inch meter. Static Pressure: 58. Change in Elevation: 5. Service Line Information. Pipe Category: Poly 160 stainless steel masonry tee anchors for new construction.
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