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FAIRWAY Uncommon Upward Bound Purcell tops in CHIROPRACTIC College Degrees celebrates 10th year volleyball WE TREAT PINCHED NERVES in this week’s helping students action on court 1701 Fairway St. Suite 2A See Inside ACC, page 10 See Sports, page 3 Alvin,TX 77511 281-331-5000 Visit our website at http://alvinsun.net Dr. Ross A. Leago D.C. VOLUME 123, NO. 62 Home of Kate Gill BRAZORIA COUNTY’S 50¢ Sun Spots ALVIN, TEXAS 77511 OLDEST NEWSPAPER Alvin Sun We welcome news about up- The coming events from nonprofit organizations. These notices may be edited and will run on a space-available basis. Un- dated items will run first in the next three papers after sub- mission. Run dates cannot be MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 2013 guaranteed unless published as paid advertising. Council hears update from police chief Alvin Blue Santa monthly meetings are held the first Thursday of each month at By Judy Zavalla Department Lt. Todd Arendell has been reward him for all his hard work. I plan Shooting Range. the Alvin Police Department, Staff Reporter promoted to a Captain position for the Al- to have lots more work waiting for him “On March 7, council members voted 1500 S. Gordon St. Alvin Blue vin Police Department. “When I arrived I when he returns from vacation,” laughed to spend $300,000 on a shooting range. Santa raises money to assist During last Thursday’s Alvin city assigned Arendell a lot of work. I asked Chief Lee. Thus far, there is no plan in place for the children in our community. For council meeting, a surprise announce- him to have it done in three months. He During the Public Comment Section of completion of that range. You have put more information, call (281) ment was made by Alvin Police Chief completed everything, and I want to ex- the meeting, Jason Edwards, a local busi- the cart before the horse. This idea came 221-2583. Robert E. Lee. Long time Alvin Police tend my thanks to him for that. I want to nessman, spoke about the planned Alvin See Council, page 2 A Women’s Instructional Network Class & Orien- tation for members of the American Business Women’s Talented Author Association will be held from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 8 in the private meeting room at Golden Corral, 9115 Broadway (FM 518) in Pear- land. For reservations contact Bryan Davis at (979) 297-9922 or [email protected]. The 11th Annual Women’s Center of Brazoria County Fundraiser will be held Aug. 9-11 at the Brazoria County A new program of the Alvin Police Department takes officers out Fairgrounds, with a live auc- of their vehicles at locations where drivers are required to slow tion, live band, motorcycle or stop during the normal course of their driving activity such as ride, raffle for a Harley-David- stop signs or red lights. Officers will observe vehicles as they slow son motorcycle, and a barbe- or stop and will enforce traffic offenses such as expired motor ve- cue cook off. Barbecue plates hicle registration, expired motor vehicle inspection, seat belt and will be sold Aug. 10 and 11. child restraint. A minimum of two officers will be utilized during For more information, call program operation for safety. The goal of this static traffic pa- (281) 585-0962. trol program is to increase driver awareness of their surroundings The grand opening of the and compliance with state traffic regulations. During the first five Alvin Dog Park, located at months of 2013, the City of Alvin has had 289 motor vehicle ac- Briscoe Park, will be held at cidents reported. It is hoped by increasing driver awareness that this number can be reduced. 10 a.m., Aug. 10. The park of- fers an area for small dogs, pet- County supplies friendly drinking fountains, and dog-washing stations. Alvin resident Bill Crider has recently completed his lastest mystery. “Compound Murder” "cooling stations" Gleaner Full Gospel is an addition to his Dan Rhodes mystery series. (Staff photo by Judy Zavalla) Church will host a blood drive to benefit Dezma Benitez and Many members of our com- “With temperatures hitting Theresa Zeigler from 8 a.m.- Crider Writes New Mystery munity are living with little to the century mark or higher, con- 2 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 10. To no air conditioning. As the sum- cerns over health issues for el- schedule an appointment, visit mer temperatures continue to derly, young, and those in need www.giveblood.org. Log in to By Judy Zavalla two different publishers. “Writing is a crazy rise, the risk of health problems have prompted action,” said Digital Donor and enter spon- Staff Reporter business,” he said. for infants, the elderly and those Murphy Rankin, Executive Di- sor code M102. Or if you pre- It normally takes Crider three to four with respiratory illness greatly rector at ActionS, Inc. of Brazo- fer, call Mary Whatley at (281) Well known Alvin author, Bill Crider, has months to complete a book. “And, when that increases. ria County. 331-3329. just completed his latest book in the Dan day comes, it is a great feeling,” he declared. “Health is one of the build- To help combat the stifling Rhodes Mystery book series. Crider began He writing career first began with western ing blocks for a good life, and summer heat, United Way of The Capt. Gilbreath his career as a professor at Alvin Community novels and tales of horror written under a pen staying cool is a vital part of Brazoria County and ActionS, Falls-Absolom Hooper DAR College in 2002 and is currently enjoying his name. staying healthy. Therefore, it is Inc. of Brazoria County have Chapter will sponsor a free retirement days. He has also written children’s books. Crid- important to do whatever we can partnered with the Brazoria DAR Genealogy Workshop “I will admit to my classroom career being er is the winner of two Anthony Awards and to help members of our commu- County Library System to create from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., the best job on earth,” he laughed. “I most was an Edgar Award finalist. nity beat the heat,” said Gloria cooling stations throughout the Saturday, Aug. 10 at the Alvin enjoyed the students I was able to interact He collects old paper back books and base- Luna, Director of Community county. library for females 18 and old- with. I enjoyed peaking their interest in writ- ball trading cards. er. For more information, call ing,” he added. Crider’s mystery series centers on Sheriff Services for United Way of Bra- See Cool, page 2 zoria County. 281-372-6388. “I have lost count of how many books I Dan Rhodes and the cases he works to solve. have written. I believe the number would be In “Compound Murder”, Earl Wellington, an Lions plan Casino Night Stephen F. Austin Commu- somewhere between 70 to 80 books. I enjoy English instructor, is found dead just outside nity Health Center will host a writing and I write a lot,” he admitted. a community college campus. Back to School and Wellness Most of his books have been published by See Crider, page 2 Health Fair from 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Aug. 10 at 1111 W. Adoue in Alvin. Screenings, hair cuts, back-to-school physicals, fun On This Day In History... and games. For more informa- tion, call (281) 824-1471, Ext. 1102. Aug. 4, 1914 – England declares war on Germany; U.S. de- U.S. Coast Guard Auxil- clares its neutrality iary Flotilla-61 will meet at Aug. 5, 1936– Athlete Jesse Owens wins his third Olympic 9 a.m., Aug. 10 at the Alvin medal at Berlin Olympics Senior Center, 309 W. Sealy. Aug 4 The group meets the second Aug. 6, 1926– Warner Bros. Studios premieres first talking Saturday of most months. For pictures, called Vitaphone films Through more information, call (281) Aug. 7, 1942– Battle of Guadalcanal takes place; first U.S. Aug. 11 650-4185 or visit http://join. offensive in WWII cgaux.org. Aug. 9, 1940– Battle of Britain, or “The Blitz,” begins The ROCK (Reflection of Aug. 10, 1921– Franklin D. Roosevelt stricken with polio Christ Kingdom) Church Aug. 11, 1909– S-O-S distress signal first used by an Ameri- See Spots, page 2 can ship, the “Arapahoe,” off Cape Hatteras, N.C. Today’s Devotion LIQUOR WHITE’S LIQUOR By Judy Zavalla Friday, Aug. 9. The event will O God, Thou hast taught Staff Reporter be held at Joe’s Banquet Cen- LARGEST SELECTION IN AREA me from my youth: and ter, 1300 East State Highway DRIVE THRU WINDOW hitherto have I declared The Alvin Noon Lions Club 6, beginning at 6 p.m. 2 MINUTES TOWARD GALVESTON Thy wondrous works. will host a Casino Night on See Lions, page 2 ON HWY. 6 Psalm 71:17 281-331-3469 Page 2, Alvin Sun-Advertiser & Alvin Sun, August 4-5, 2013 This page is recyclable Cool Continued from page 1 From Aug. 1 to Sept. 27, the Brazoria County Library system will open its doors for those that need relief from the heat. Residents may take ad- vantage of the cooling stations when the heat index is predicted to be 100 degrees or higher on Monday through Saturday. The service will begin each day at 1 p.m. until the library closes on those days. “Our libraries strive to fill whatever needs we can in the community. By partnering with ActionS and United Way and using our branch libraries as cooling stations, we are letting people know that the Brazoria County Library System is more than books,” said Tom West, the Adult Program Coordinator ActionS clients recently went on a field trip to the Alvin Antique Mall and tearoom. Once these clients for the Brazoria County Library return to their homes each day, they might have little or no way to cool their places of residence. Ef- System. fective Aug. 1 all Brazoria County Libraries can be used as cooling stations for those elderly residents, For library hours and loca- infants and other residents with health issues. (Staff Photo by Judy Zavalla) tions, visit http://bcls.lib.tx.us/. Crider Council Continued from page 1 Continued from page 1 There appeared to have been a centric cast of characters,” said from one of the council mem- Additionally, neighborhood the streets during these special Office and a Supervisor posi- struggle before he drew his last Publishers Weekly. bers who received less than 80 patrols have begun. During each events. tion for the jail, and complete breath. Throughout Rhodes’ in- "The comments continue by votes which sent him to serve shift, five neighborhood patrols Lee’s research also found District Attorney bags will be vestigation, additional suspects saying, "Few will be able to as a council member for his dis- are to be completed. The pa- that 23 licensed officers would sent to Angleton with the video/ continue to pop up. resist Crider’s Brand of broad trict,” Edwards said. trols are to be made in specific have been suspended in August audio of offenses. This should “Crider expertly evokes this humor, eccentric characters and At that point, Mayor Gary neighborhood. It is believed this because of incomplete required help in case presentation, he small Texas town and its ec- the murder.” Appelt reminded Edwards that will increase police visibility training. Training has begun to said. A stove and an ice ma- he was not allowed to make and presence. Officers are also prevent this. Coffee with Cops chine have been purchased with Lions comments aimed at one council required to make five business allows residents to have cof- seized money, said Lee. member in particular. Edwards contracts. fee with the Police Chief and Police Supervisors on duty Continued from page 1 apologized and continued. “They will be checking for to voice their concerns to him. are encouraged to carry ice “I am giving the City of Al- unlocked doors and windows Many residents have been sent coolers containing bottles of vin 60 days from today to come and interacting with business to jail where they set out their water with them in order to help up with a plan of action for owners. During those contacts, sentence rather than to pay their prevent possible heat strokes building this $300,000 project. they will also work as foot pa- fine and heat exhaustion. New uni- We are receiving no return on trol officers,” Lee said. He has created a plan where forms are being selected by the taxpayer money,” he said. He Operation Clean Sweep has these offenders can get a two officers and all police equip- also told council members that recently been introduced to the day release from a judge and ment has been inventoried. Lee should no plan be created by the City. There have been 150 door they are given 30 days to work also hopes to implement three 60 day deadline, he would wage hangers placed throughout the out a payment plan or to per- motorcycle positions in the near a campaign against them for the city to explain the ordinances form community service. future. Plans also call for an money they wastefully spent. and penalties. Officers will be The officers of the Alvin Po- Animal Control Supervisor and While speaking, Edwards predominately dealing with re- lice Department are also work- a Records Supervisor position. told council he believed they peat offenders. Static traffic pa- ing on becoming a Texas Rec- The department will also be had put their boat in the water, trol is being used to check for ognized Department. Lee said working to become a recog- but had no hook, no line and failure to stop at a red light or that he wants his department to nized animal patrol agency. no fish. “You have no plan,” a stop sign. Officers will also be a professional organization The organizational chart will he concluded. “Several council be checking for no seat belts as composed of a dedicated group help to eliminate four corporal members are business owners. well as current vehicle registra- of people. positions and instead create Tommy and Becky Peebles were heard to be yelling, “Come on. How many of you would spend tion and inspection stickers. Other accomplishments for three lieutenant positions which Big Money” during the casino night. $300,000 with no plan on how Lee has also moved the Street Lee’s department include: a will save the city $41,000 the The Lions Club of Alvin ship, Alvin ISD Education foun- to proceed with your purchase? Crimes Unit to the street. This 100 percent inventory of the first year. was chartered in 1936 and is dation, Alvin Food Pantry, ARC, The clock is ticking. If there is unit will be working to curb property room, plans to create More plans will be announced believed to be the oldest exist- the Brazoria County Women’s no plan, I will demand a repay- drug deals and gang activity. a Supervisor for the Dispatch at a later date. ing civic organization in Alvin. Center, Keep Alvin Beautiful, ment of the money spent,” he This is targeted at providing The club meets on the first and the Humanitarian Project, Hand Our website concluded. Alvin residents with a better third Wednesdays of each month and Hand Daycare, Helping In other business, Chief Lee quality of life. This unit is also at noon. The meetings are also Hand, Meals on Wheels, Alvin includes: Letters, also presented his innovations working to crack down on pros- held at Joe’s Banquet Center. Youth Baseball, Alvin Commu- to the Police Department. He titution. News Stories, Proceeds from the Casino nity College Scholarship, Alvin acknowledged he had tried to Crime prevention is also be- Night will help with the follow- High School Project Gradua- find the department’s Mission ing stressed to hotel/motel own- Local High School Sports, ing: eye exams and glasses for tion, Alvin High School Close Statement, and asked officers to ers and manufactured home needy young people and adults, Up Program, Alvin Youth Soc- Obituaries get behind him and to help cre- park owners. Crime Preven- the Texas Lions Youth Camp cer, BACH, Thelma Ley An- ate one. tion Officer Ruben Solano will and and the International Sight Con- derson YMCA, Peace Poster “The vision of our department serve as the liaison for this pro- servation Programs. The follow- Contest, Search/Rescue, Alvin states an exceptional team; ex- gram. Lee has also asked hotel Classified ads that run in the paper. ing agencies are also financially Girls Softball, Junior Achieve- ceptional service,” he contin- and motel owners to notify him helped by the proceeds from ment, Alvin Little League and Check us out: ued. “We are attempting to give when large events will be com- Lions Club fundraisers: Alvin Boy Scouts. ownership in our department to ing to Alvin. He hopes he will Community College Top Schol- For ticket information, call alvinsun.net our employees,” he explained. be able to put more officers on ar, Alvin High School Scholar- Chad Dudley at 281-388-5000. Spots The Alvin Sun SUN-ADVERTISER Continued from page 1 Published on Mondays Published on Sundays in Alvin will hold a Back to 6:30 p.m. fax (260) 492-9771. A reunion state-funded assistance is lim- The Alvin School Explosion from 10 a.m.- of the shipmates will be held ited. For more information call ADVERTISER 3 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 17. More Alvin TEA Party Patri- Oct. 2-6 at Hilton in Branson, the Stephen F. Austin Commu- Published on Wednesdays than 500 stuffed back packs will ots continues its free course, Mo. For more information con- nity Health Center at (281) 824- be distributed, and 500 vacci- “Constitution 101: The Mean- tact Allen R. Hope. 1480. JIM SCHWIND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Editor & Publisher nations will be administered. ing and History of the Consti- DONNA HOPKINS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office Manager Enjoy lunch, fun events and tution,” at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, All veterans of foreign wars The Alvin Daytimers meet BETTY CRAWFORD. . . . . Classified Advertising Manager more. The Houston Food Bank Aug. 29 in the Texas Room in are invited to join Alvin VFW at 10:30 a.m. the fourth Mon- KATHLEEN HOLTON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor will distribute food. The ROCK Building E at Alvin Community Post 5237, 812 S. Douglas. day of each month at the Alvin STEPHEN COLLINS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sports Editor is located at 415 W. Adoue. For College, 3110 Mustang Road. Meetings are held at 7 p.m. the Senior Center. A short business more information, call (281) For more information, visit second Monday of each month. meeting is followed by a pro- LINDA KNIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Composing Supervisor 824-1960 or 281-824-4190. www.alvinteapartypatriots.org. For more information, call (281) gram with a speaker and social JUDY ZAVALLA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Staff Reporter 585-4928. Leave a message and time with light refreshments. SHERI SAENZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Typesetter Lone Star Legal Aid will Navy and Marine Corps someone will contact you. Open to everyone. For more in- BRENDA GROVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advertising present a free Pro-Se Divorce shipmates who served on the formation call (281) 585-4973. DARLENE HALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advertising Clinic at 10 a.m., Monday, Aug. USS Columbus CA-74/CG-12 American Legion Post 129 19 at the Alvin Senior Center, from 1944-1976 and the USS meets at 7:30 p.m. the third Give your children some- POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes to The Alvin Sun & Advertiser, 570 Dula Street, Alvin, Texas 77511 309 W. Sealy. For more infor- Columbus (SSN-762), past and Monday of each month at 207 thing different to do this sum- Periodicals Postage Paid at Alvin, TX mation and to sign up, call (979) present, if you would like to S. Durant St. For more informa- mer with a guided tour of the 570 Dula Street, Alvin, Texas 77511 • (281) 331-4421 849-6464. share memories and camarade- tion call (281) 585-6500. Cottage House Museum (Mar- This page contains opinions and comments. Editorials express The Alvin Sun-Advertiser viewpoints. Other items which rie with old friends and make guerite Rogers House Museum), appear are expressions of those whose name appear, and may or may not reflect The Alvin Sun-Advertiser opinions. Comments on subjects of general public interest from readers are accepted. All letters must be signed, home address Alvin TEA Party Patriots new ones, contact Allen R. If you know someone age 113 E. Dumble, for a glimpse and phone number given and conform to published standards limiting in length to 500 words, be in good taste and good reason. Please, not more than 500 words. All letters will be subject to editing in content and length. The use or republica- will host U.S. Rep. Randy We- Hope, president, 3828 Hobson 18-21 years old who is out of into old-town Alvin. Open from tion of any material of The Alvin Sun-Advertiser is strictly prohibited without the express consent of the management. ber, District 14 at a Town Hall Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46815- high school and is uninsured, 11 a.m.–3 p.m., Thursday, Fri- Meeting, Monday, Aug. 26 at 4505; call (260) 486-2221, 8 they may be eligible for den- day and the first Saturday of 100 N. Gordon in Alvin. Doors a.m.-5 p.m. Eastern time; email tal and medical services at low each month. Adults $3; children open at 6 p.m.; meeting is at [email protected]; or or no cost. Time to access this younger than 12 free. Government Access President U.S. Senator U.S. Senator U.S. Representative U.S. Representative Governor Rick State Senator State Representative State Representative Barack Obama John Cornyn Ted Cruz Randy Weber Dist. 14 Pete Olson Dist. 22 Perry Larry Taylor Dist.11 Dennis Bonnen Ed Thompson Dist. 29 The White House United States Senate B40B Dirksen Senate Office 510 Cannon House 312 Cannon HOB P.O. Box 12428 P.O. Box 12068 Room CAP 1W.6, Capitol 1400 N. Congress Ave., 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20510-5922 Building. Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20515 Austin, TX 78711 Capitol Station P.O. Box 2910 E2.506 Washington, D.C. 20500 (202) 224-2934 Washington, D. C. 20510 Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-5951 Info and Referral: Austin, Texas 78711 Austin, TX 78768 Austin, TX 78701 (202) 456-1414 5300 Memorial Drive, Suite (202) 224-5922 (202) 225-2831 6302 W. Broadway, 800-843-5789 (512) 463-0111 (512) 463-0564 P.O. Box 2910 [email protected] 980 weber.house.gov Ste. 220 Opinions: 800-252-9600 174 Calder Rd. Ste. 151 122 E. Myrtle Austin, TX 78768-2910 Houston, TX 77007 Pearland, TX 77581 governor.state.tx.us/contact League City, TX 77573 Angleton, TX 77515 (512) 463-0707 (713) 572-3337 281-485-4855 281-332-0003 (979) 848-1770 ed.thompson@ Fax: 202-228-2856 olson.house.gov dennis.bonnen@ house.state.tx.us cornyn.senate.gov/public/ house.state.tx.us Alvin Sun-Advertiser & Alvin Sun, August 4-5, 2013, Page 3 This page is recyclable SPEAKING SOFTLY & CARRYING A BIG SPIKE Lady Jackets’ Purcell lets action do talking on volleyball court By Stephen Collins opponents through the 2012 sea- selections by the Texas Sport- Sports Editor son with 548 assists, 272 digs, writers’ Association. 203 kills, 69 service aces and 34 The accolades have continued Elyssa Purcell isn’t exactly blocks. to roll in for 2013 as well with the most vocal volleyball player The Lady Jackets finished as Purcell being among 39 indi- on the court. the 22-5A runners-up with a 12-2 viduals named to the All-Greater The 5-9 Lady Yellowjackets’ mark and knocked off North Houston Area Preseason Volley- junior setter is the first to admit Shore during the bi-district round ball Team by another publica- that. She rather let her actions for their first playoff win since tion. do the talking and Alvin Head 2003. I really didn’t expect that,” Coach James Stahl wouldn’t Along with sharing district Purcell said about the selection. have it any other way. MVP honors, Purcell also joined “I went to (Houston’s) Compass “You can’t underestimate how teammates Madison Andrews, Stadium and we got pictures tak- quiet Elyssa is, because she’s Sarah Collier and Taylor Horsfall en. They then did a always desperately wanted to as all-state honorable mention See Purcell, page 4 work hard to succeed,” Stahl said. “Her game speaks well on the court and she’s always been AA&&LL CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss committed to working hard. “Since she was 7 or 8, Elyssa was the kind of kid that after practice who would go home and hit in the backyard.” That relentless work ethic paved the way for both the Lady GRAND OPENING Jackets’ best season in over a decade in 2012 and several Wednesday, August 14th postseason accolades for the Ribbon Cutting at 11 a.m. two-year starter. Food • Drinks • Free Giveaways • Drawings for Door Prizes Purcell (or “E” as her team- Behind Popeyes on Bypass 35 facing Mustang Rd. mates call her) provided an all- around net assault on Alvin’s On August 14th fi rst 25 Customers Newspaper receive END ROLLS FREE BLUETOOTH Mike & Liz WITH COUPON ONLY. LIMIT 1 COUPON PER PERSON. Start at $5/up Come Visit Us Today 2625 South Loop 35, Suite #194 / Alvin, TX 77511 Phone # 281-968-7087 / Fax # 281-968-7125 Great for Packing or Wrapping [email protected] File Photo Come by The Alvin Sun After splitting time at setter and outside hitter during her first two seasons, Lady Jackets’ junior 832-232-8980 (Mike) / 713-296-0224 (Liz) Elyssa Purcell will primarily be used at the former position for the 2013 volleyball season. 570 Dula Street Warranty Exchange/Insurance Claims Now Available In Store Benny and Barbara 48th Rose and Alan Thank You Thank You G O O D Y E A R T I R E S A T 4 8 ¢ E A C H YES! Buy 3 Goodyear Tires at JMB’s Everyday Sale Price - Then Purchase the Fourth Tire at Only 48¢ Each. Need Less Than 4 Tires? This offer applies to every Goodyear, Dunlop, and Kelly Auto and But Still Want A Deal? Light Truck Tire In Stock. Balancing, Valve Stems, and Tire Disposal Optional. Purchase 1 or 2 Tires and (Excludes Commercial, Farm and Industrial Tires) Sale Positively Ends August 10, 2013. Receive a 20% Discount Off Each JMBTIRE & APPLIANCE CO. e 221 East House St. y 281-331-3147 r Alvin, Texas Independent Goodyear Dealer w Open 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sat. Page 4, Alvin Sun-Advertiser & Alvin Sun, August 4-5, 2013 This page is recyclable Texas Parks & Wildlife to mark 100th Anniversary of Old Tunnel FREDERICKSBURG – Old Tunnel State free-tailed bats from May through October. ericksburg & Northern Railroad, was aban- Park will host a celebration of the 100th “For the kids, we will be offering bat doned in 1942 due to financial difficulties anniversary of the first train’s steaming crafts, a storybook trail and face-painting,” and the success of bus service between the through the only tunnel on the San Antonio says Nyta Brown, Old Tunnel State Park two cities. Fredericksburg & Northern Railroad’s 24- superintendent. “We’ll also have interpret- The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Prices based on income. mile rail line on Saturday, Aug. 17. ers from Enchanted Rock State Natural purchased the 16 acres, which includes the Assistance may be available for people An afternoon of activities, many geared Area and Lyndon B. Johnson, Blanco and 920-foot long Old Tunnel, in 1991 to oper- ages 18-21 out of high school. toward youngsters, begins at 1 p.m. and Guadalupe River state parks on hand doing ate as a wildlife management area. Due to ends at 5:30 p.m. with a talk on the history demonstrations and providing information the large number of visitors, the property of the railroad and tunnel by a member of about their parks.” was transferred to the State Parks Division the Kendall County Historical Society. Af- According to an article on the Texas in 2011 to become a state park. ter the event, visitors are invited to stay for Transportation Museum website, the long- Old Tunnel State Park, which is located the nightly bat emergence from the tunnel. awaited rail service in 1913 out of Fred- at 10619 Old San Antonio Road, is open The first 70 visitors can pay $5 to walk ericksburg cut the usual travel time by year-round from sunrise to sunset. Bat Specializing in children 3 mos. & up. the half-mile nature trail down to the lower mule-drawn stagecoach from the Texas viewing occurs nightly from May through viewing area to see the bat emergence up Hill Country burg to San Antonio by more October. There is no fee to watch the bat We accept Medicaid, CHIP, AETNA, BCBS, close. than a day and a half. The SAF&N railroad emergence from the upper viewing area. United Concordia & some other private insurances. Tickets will go on sale about 6 p.m. Seat- connected with the main San Antonio & The lower viewing area is closed Monday ing for the lower viewing area is limited to Aransas Pass rail line between Waring and through Wednesday, May through October, 1111 W. Adoue St. • Alvin • 281-824-1490 70 visitors. Comfort. but is accessible the rest of the week via Any remaining visitors can watch from The railroad’s 24 miles of track through a half-mile, primitive trail by paying a $5 the upper viewing area for free. rugged hill country terrain required 24 fee. Visitors must stay on designated trails Approximately 20,000 people visit the bridges and trestles, and the blasting of a and are not allowed inside the tunnel. state park each year, primarily to view the tunnel through a limestone hillside at the Call (866) 978-2287 for up-to-date bat bats emerging from the abandoned rail tun- highest point along the route about 11 miles emergence information. For directions and nel in their nightly search for insects. The southeast of Fredericksburg and 13 miles to learn more about Old Tunnel State Park, tunnel is home to approximately 3,000 cave north of Comfort. visit: http://tpwd.texas.gov/state-parks/old- myotis bats and up to 3 million Mexican The rail line, by then known as the Fred- tunnel. Ofreciendo: Coach sends out notices • Obstetricia 2013 Alvin High • Control de la Natalidad for AHS Cross Country • Histerectomias School Football • IUD’s & girls’ track teams • Enfermedades transmitidas sexualmente Schedule The Alvin High School Cross Country team will begin manda- • Visitas de salud tory practices on Monday, Aug. 5 at 7 a.m. Dr. Joy Carter • Cirujia minimamente invasiva Practices will be held Monday-Friday until school begins. Date Opponent Place Time Woman’s Care of Mainland Athletes will meet at Alvin Memorial Stadium, near the field- house. Aug. 23 Victoria West (scrim) There 10 a.m. 1125 N. Highway 3, Suite #130A Athletes MUST Aug. 30 Friendswood There 7 p.m. Texas City, Texas 77591 have a completed Sept. 6 Klein Forest Here 7 p.m. Telefono: 409-908-0134 physical on file be- Sept. 13 Brazoswood There 7 p.m. Fax: 409-908-0210 fore they can begin Sept. 20 Bye Week these practices as Sept. 27 *Sam Rayburn There 7 p.m. Horario- Lunes-Virnes 8:00-5:00 well as the $20 in- Oct. 4 *Manvel Here 7 p.m. Se aceptan la mayoria de seguros surance fee. Oct. 11 *Pearland Here 7 p.m. Asociado con Mainland Medical Center Athletes who do Oct. 17 *Dobie There 7 p.m. Website: www.woman’scareofmainland.com not complete the Au- Oct. 25 *South Houston Here 7 p.m. ENGLISH VERSION PUBLISHED ON WEDNESDAY gust workouts will Oct. 31 *Pasadena There 7 p.m. be unable to com- Nov. 8 *Pasadena Memorial Here 7 p.m. pete in meets early in the season. 2013 Manvel High Athletes should come dressed to run and bring their own School Football water. Last chance physicals are avail- able at AHS in Gym 3 on Aug. 3 at 9 a.m. Schedule Cost is $20 cash and requires a parent signature. Please email Coach Orozco at [email protected] with ques- tions or check out the cross country team website: http://www. Date Opponent Place Time alvinisd.net//Domain/2263 Aug. 16 Tri-Scrimmage: The Lady Jacket track team will hold tryouts the week of August Brenham & Lamar Here TBA 26-30, in the athletic period. Aug. 23 Spring Dekaney (scrim) There TBA These tryouts are only for athletes wishing to be in the track off Aug. 30 Spring Here 7 p.m. season program in the fall. Sept. 6 North Shore There 7 p.m. Athletes must have a completed physical on file and must bring Sept. 13 Galveston Ball There 7 p.m. the $20 insurance fee. Athletes should also bring workout clothes/ Sept. 20 Bye Week shoes and a combination lock on the first day of school. Sept. 27 *Pasadena Memorial Here 7 p.m. In addition, athletes should be prepared for these tryouts and Oct. 4 *Alvin There 7 p.m. should be working out on their own up until school begins. Last Oct. 11 *Dobie There 7 p.m. chance physicals are available at AHS in Gym 3 on Aug. 3 at 9 a.m. Oct. 18 *Pasadena Here 7 p.m. Cost is $20 cash and requires a parent signature. More detailed Oct. 24 *Sam Rayburn There 7 p.m. information about the tryouts is available on the team website. Nov. 1 *Pearland Here 7 p.m. Please email Coach Orozco at [email protected] with ques- Nov. 7 South Houston There 7 p.m. tions or check out our team website: http://www.alvinisd.net//Do- main/2057 Purcell We’re all on the Road of Life... Continued from page 3 interview asking me about our players coming back on our While ranking among the Sunday 10 am & 6 pm season and what we wanted to team. If we work really hard, team leaders in aces last season, Wednesday 7 pm happen this year. It was a neat we have a chance to beat them. Purcell said she hopes to im- experience.” “I think we can definitely go prove her game behind the line While last season broke a farther than we did last year. by delivering more jump serves long playoff dry spell for Alvin, Keys for us will be good de- this fall. Leaps at the net will ~ Meet Us At ~ Purcell thinks 2013 could be fense and a powerful offense. be mostly left to her teammates even better. The Lady Jackets We just need to play as a team.” as Stahl plans to use Purcell 29788 Highway 6 E. were the only district team to Just as the Lady Jackets look primarily at the setter position Alvin, TX win a set from defending cham- to take the next step in both the after she split playing time at pion Pearland, even forcing the district and playoff ladders, setter and outside hitter during (between Alvin & Santa Fe) Lady Oilers to rally here for Purcell still seeks ways daily to her first two seasons. 281-331-1051 a dramatic five-game triumph elevate her game. “It will definitely be a new late in the regular season. “I think I’ve gotten better as a challenge for her this year,” Heiman Ranch Dog Boarding “We’re hoping to go to play- player overall,” she said. “Even Stahl said. “We’re going to run offs again, beat Pearland and looking back at videos from last a 5-1 so she’s going to set a ma- get first in our district,” said year to my club season, I feel I jority of the time and not get “Let Your Dog Have a Vacation Too” Purcell, who joins an impres- was a lot better altogether both as many hitting opportunities. sive returning cast of Andrews, setting and hitting. She’s gotten a lot of respect in Your pet will have a 9’ x 10’ or 6’ x 8’ Climate Control • Indoor A/C & Outdoor senior middle blockers Saman- My strongest area is setting the area based on her hitting private A/C Suite with doggie door to Security Cameras • Bathing • Onsite Resident his/her own fenced outdoor area. Recommended by Area Vets tha Candrian and Meagan Gra- because that’s what I want to do ability, but setting is something Your pet can go in and out all day and Background Music • Geriatric Care ham, junior middle blocker and in college. If I go to a Division I she wants to do this year. see other animals that live at the ranch. Groomed Playyards sister Kelsey Purcell, junior School, most of the girls are go- “How well we do will depend We also have a “Spa Day” which Multiple Discount • Country Setting includes a playday, bath, trimmed toe- outside hitter Parker Ercums ing be 6-foot, so I’m not going on how well she sets.” nails and massage for $30.00 (longhair $20.00 per 24 hours and Horsfall (a sophomore libe- to be able to hit. I just need to A challenge Purcell may qui- $40.00) ro) to the Alvin fold. “So hope- work on not forcing too many etly tackle, but still bring a loud We require vaccination records including Bordatella. fully we can do that with many sets to the middles.” work ethic. 8543 County Rd. 511•Rosharon, TX 77583 www.heimanranchdogboarding.com For the best in area sports coverage, 281-682-9211 Contact us for a tour of our facilities. read the Weekend Alvin Sun-Advertiser Alvin Sun-Advertiser & Alvin Sun, August 4-5, 2013, Page 5 This page is recyclable Obituaries Bessann and worked with Texas Equi- Alice Marie Café in New Braunfels, Texas. her parents, Joseph and Fran- dren’s Hospital, 6977 Main St., Search. They also owned and operated cis Macek; her husband, Acie Houston, TX 77030 or at www. Richards She is survived by her hus- Macek Houston Scale Company in Langdon; her sister, Patricia shrinershospitalsforchildren. band, Chris Oxley; her parents, Houston and they retired from Rawlings. org. Oxley Brad and Linda Richards of Al- Langdon their business in the late 1980s. Alice is survived by her Condolences may be sent to vin, Texas; sons, James R. Seals She worked as a nurse for sev- sisters, Millie Dabbs and Ju- the Langdon family in care of and his wife Taryn and David eral doctors and also as an eye die Divin; brother, Raymond Jeter Memorial Funeral Home Tyler Seals, both of Alvin, Tex- tech for an optometrist. During Macek; and many relatives and at www.jeterfuneralhome.com. as; brother, Brandon Richards her younger years, she was a cherished friends. Arrangements under the of Alvin, Texas; two grandchil- Worthy Matron of the Eastern Friends were cordially invited direction of Jeter Memorial dren, Madison A. Seals and Ma- Star. to the visitation with the family Funeral Home. son T. Seals; and many relatives After retirement she worked on Wednesday, July 31, 2013 and cherished friends. part time at Alvin High School from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Visitation was held on Tues- in the cafeteria and in the ad- with the Wake/Rosary service day, July 30, 2013 at 5:30 p.m., ministration office. In her later beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the followed by the funeral service years, she volunteered at Al- Jeter Memorial Funeral Home at 7:00 p.m. at the Jeter Memo- vin Community Hospital and Chapel, 311 N. Friendswood rial Funeral Home Chapel, 311 was a member of Alvin Senior Dr., Friendswood, TX 77546 N. Friendswood Dr., Friend- Friends. (281) 992-7200 with Rev. Vince swood, TX 77546 (281) 992- She was a member of Sacred Dulock, C.S.B. officiating. 7200 with Rev. Don Anderson Heart Catholic Church in Man- The Funeral Service was held Sept. 28, 1927 - July 27, 2013 officiating. Interment was held Alice Marie Macek Langdon, vel. on Thursday, August 1, 2013 at Obituaries are also on Wednesday, July 31, 2013 at Alice loved her yard and 10:00 a.m. at the Jeter Memo- 85, of Alvin, Texas, beloved posted on the 10:00 a.m. at Confederate Cem- worked hard to make it beau- rial Funeral Home Chapel with July 11, 1967 - July 27, 2013 sister and aunt, went to be with Bessann Richards Oxley, 46, etery in Alvin, Texas. our Lord on Saturday, July 27, tiful. She also enjoyed play- Rev. Vince Dulock, C.S.B. of- alvinsun.net In lieu of flowers, the family ing golf with her husband and ficiating. a longtime resident of Alvin, 2013. website, and requests donations be made to friends. Interment followed at South Texas, passed away peacefully She was born September 28, at MD Anderson Hospital sur- MD Anderson Cancer Center, 1927 in Damon, Texas to Jo- Alice loved her family and Park Cemetery in Pearland, memorial P.O. Box 4486, Houston, TX was most happy spending time Texas. rounded by her family on Sat- seph Macek and Francis Mazac messages can be 77210-4486 (713) 792-3450 or with them. In lieu of flowers, the family urday, July 27, 2013. She was Macek. The Maceks moved to born July 11, 1967 to Robert 800-525-5841 or at www.mdan- Iowa Colony, Texas in 1930 Her sweet smile and kind requests donations be made to posted on the site. derson.org/gifts. heart will be deeply missed by Shriners Burn Center Hospital, Bradford Richards and Linda K. where she lived on their farm Condolences may be sent anyone who knew her. 815 Market St. Galveston, TX Freeman Richards in Oakridge, for 15 years and went to Iowa to the Oxley family in care of She was preceded in death by 77550-9969 or Shriners Chil- Tenn. Colony School. Jeter Memorial Funeral Home Bessann was a wonderful She attended Reagan High at www.jeterfuneralhome.com. daughter, wife, mother and School in Houston, Texas while Arrangements under the grandmother. She loved crafts, living with her Aunt Theresa. direction of Jeter Memorial her beloved Boxer dogs, eating She met her beloved husband, Funeral Home. out with her mom and loved to Acie, at Parks Cafe in Alvin, talk. She was a daddy’s girl and Texas in 1945. enjoyed going to cook-offs with They were married for 43 him. Bessann enjoyed life to the very happy years. fullest. She was employed at Al- Alice and her husband owned vin High School cafeteria, was and operated the Ivory Green a D.J. at the ACC radio station, Save a Manatee Club suggests adoptions Spring is full of wonders. For certificate of a real endangered public, at the grass roots level, those looking to delight fam- manatee living in Florida. and supports conservation mea- ily and friends with Easter and Photos and a list of the mana- sures based on the best scien- spring gifts this year, Save the tees available for adoption can tific data available. Manatee Club suggests surpris- be found on the Club’s Website The Club also conducts re- ing them with manatee adop- at http://www.savethemanatee. search; sponsors rescue, reha- tions. org/adoptees.htm. Also includ- bilitation, and release efforts; Sue and Glen Sansom from ed with the gift adoption is a supports land acquisition; advo- Pennsylvania have adopted membership handbook filled cates for improved manatee and manatees for all four of their with photos, facts and informa- aquatic habitat protection; and grandchildren over the past few tion, plus subscriptions to the assists conservation efforts in years. Club’s official quarterly news- other countries. The eldest, Daniel and Ka- letter, The Manatee Zone, and “I’ve been interested in man- tie, received their adoptions the bi-monthly e-newsletter, atees ever since our visits to first, and the youngest, Emma Paddle Tales. Shipping is free Homosassa, Fla., about 20 years and Ava, were given adoptions within the United States. For ago,” explains Sue. “They are last Easter. “The kids were ex- $35, an 8-inch plush manatee such peaceful creatures, and I’m cited to have a real live mana- is also included in the adoption happy to help support the cause tee adoptee plus a stuffed toy to package. to keep them protected. Mana- play with,” says Sue. Save the Manatee Club’s tees can’t speak for themselves, A gift adoption from Save the mission is to protect imper- so I’m glad Save the Manatee Manatee Club costs $25, is tax- iled manatees and their aquatic Club speaks for them.” deductible, and includes a color habitat for future generations. To adopt a real manatee and to photo, biography and adoption The public’s support, which in- learn more about these fascinat- cludes funds from the adoption ing marine mammals, visit Save program, helps with the Club’s the Manatee Club’s Website at Driving education and conservation ef- www.savethemanatee.org, or forts. call 1-800-432-JOIN (5646). Green A 501(c) 3 nonprofit organi- Also, sign up for the Club’s zation, Save the Manatee Club free E-Newsletter, and watch was established in 1981 by manatees in their natural habitat (ARA) Green driving is easier singer/songwriter Jimmy Buf- on the Club’s Blue Spring web- and more important than many fett, and former Florida Gover- cams at manatv.org. people think. It’s important be- nor and U.S. Senator Bob Gra- You can follow the Club us- cause, according to the Envi- ham. ing Twitter http://twitter.com/ ronmental Protection Agency, The Club works closely with savethemanatee and Face- highway vehicles account for 28 federal, state, and local govern- book http://www.facebook. percent (1.5 billion tons) of U.S. ments, as well as with other com/pages/Save-the-Manatee- carbon dioxide emissions each conservation partners and the Club/66640207299. year. Just follow these easy steps: •Upgrade lubricants. Next generation lubricants, such as Royal Purple motor oil, are for- mulated with unique advanced additive technologies that al- low for longer intervals between changes. This means fewer oil changes which saves you time and money, and helps the envi- ronment. •Take care of your tires. Un- derinflated and/or misaligned tires can increase fuel consump- tion by as much as 4 percent, ac- cording to the U. S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Admin- istration. Making sure your tires are inflated to the manufactur- er’s recommended pressure will maximize fuel economy and im- MIKE LANSFORD prove the safety and longevity of INDEPENDENT INSURANCE COUNSELORS 302 S. Gordon • Alvin, TX 77511 your tires. •Replace a clogged air filter. If you have an older vehicle with a carbureted engine, replacing a clogged air filter can improve your fuel economy by up to 6 percent. Page 6, Alvin Sun-Advertiser & Alvin Sun, August 4-5, 2013 This page is recyclable C H U R C H D I R E C T O R Y S Y urrendering ourself BAPTIST ASSEMBLY OF GOD PENTECOSTAL EPISCOPAL NON-DENOMINATIONAL SOUTH PARK FAITH ASSEMBLY Your GRACE EPISCOPAL Your BAPTIST CHURCH OF GOD CHURCH Church 200 W. Lang at Hardie Church When a man and woman are joined together in matrimony and 1718 S. Johnson, Alvin 281-585-8211 • 281-331-3902 4320 Mustang Rd., Could Be 281-331-5657 become one,they are in a sense surrendering their lives to each other. Could Be DR. HOWARD DANIEL Alvin They are making a commitment to love Pastor 281-331-5549 Listed Here 8 AM & 10:3S0U ANMD A-Y HSoly Eucharist Listed Here and devoting their lives for the SSUUNNDDAAYYSMCOHRONOILNG. . W. . .O .R . S. H. .I P. . 1. 09::1350 AAMM Sunday School. . . . . . . . 9:30 AM For as Little as 11 a.mTU. E-S BDibAlYe SStudy For as Little as betmtearrmrieangte o ifs emacohre o “thweer.” Aa nlodv liensgs WEVEEDNNINEGSDWAYORWSOHRIPSH. .I P. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. 66::0000 PPMM SSuunnddaayy WEvoernsihnigp. .. .. .. .. .. 160:0:300 APMM $32 mo. 6 PMW EHDeNalEinSgD ASYeSrvice $32 mo. Wed. Family Worship. . . 7:00 PM Nursery Provided For All Services & Holy Eucharist “I,” and each partner should act and behave for the good of DISCIPLES OF CHRIST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE BAPTIST BAPTIST METHODIST both. A loving relationship involves many aspects of FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH ALVIN MISSIONARY SKYVIEW FIRST UMC ALVIN acceptance, understanding, CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE BAPTIST CHURCH BAPTIST CHURCH 611w Ww.w S.aoluvthin Smt.e •t h2o8d1-is33t.1o-r3g482 1611 W. SOUTH ST. W. Sealy at Blum St. - Alvin 770 N. Shirley • 281-844-0459 Pastor: Rev. Jeff Hastings and most of all, supporting 121228 S1o-.3 D3u1r-a5nt8 •2 A5lvin ALVIN • 281-331-0065 281-331-6726 Pastor Bill Murphy CR2O-S4S y Mr. Yo lHd ESApRoTts P ARvEaSiClaHbOleOL each other to make the bonds G. R. “Scott” Cundiff, Pastor John Raines - Pastor Sunday School 9:45am Traditional Worship . . . . . . . . .8:30 AM and wifeo f slhoovuel dst ryoineglde r.t oJ uesat cahs ao thhuesrb,awnde SSuuCnnhddaaayyr SWlecohsros oShli.mp . ..i t.. h.. ,.. ..P .1 a90::s34t05o AArMM MSSpuoanrndniaisnyhg S WWchooorrsoshhlii.pp . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1.1 290:::133500 paa...mmm... SSuunnddaayy MScohronoinlg. .W . .o .r s. h. i.p . .. 89::3405 aa..mm.. SSWuuenndddnaaeyys dMEavyoe rnPnirinnagyg e WWr ooSrressrhhviiippce 1670:::004005ppammm SCKuoidnnsdt eaCmylu pSboc r-hDa oWeroyale fWda Il ln.o t.ar es.g hr.e pi.sp r. e.. t... e ... r... s ... ... 93. ::.143150 AAPMMM should also surrender our lives to our Wednesday Services. . . . . . 6:30 p.m. Sunday Regular ~Nursery Provided~ Youth FUSION - Wed . . . . . . .6:00 PM Heavenly Father. We are called to be witnesses and ambassadors for Bible NSUtuRdSyE. R. YM oPnRdOayV I 6D:E3D0 p.m. Dreaslsv iinsn “aSzmaarertn Cea.osrugal” EveMnoinrgn inSge rSveicrevsic.e s. .. .. .. .. .. .1 61::0000 pa..mm.. SSuignnd aLya n g u a g5e: 0C0lapsms CBhibalnec Setl uCdhNioeusirr .s- . e T.r h.y u. rA. s.v . a .. i ..l a.. b.. l..e .. ..7 .V:0a0r ioPuMs our Lord,and the way in which we behave and live our lives should be a good example for the glory of God. We should all try to exhibit LUTHERAN ASSEMBLY OF GOD NON-DENOMINATIONAL NON-DENOMINATIONAL “God-like qualities”that reflect God’s love for us. God wants us to ALVIN FAITH FAMILY FELLOWSHIP Road of Life Your have a successful life,and when we are submissive and include Him 1031 W. Sealy • Alvin, TX 77511 2427 Friendswood Rd. LUTHERAN in our activities,He will bless us eternally with His everlasting love. Interim Pastor Liz Stein Pas2to8r1 R-a3n3d1y -W3i9lk6e0rson A2lv8i1n-,5 T8X5 -727757131 2978B8et wHeWenY A. lv6in E&A SSaTn ta• FAeLVIN Church           28ww1w-.a3lvi3nlu1th-e5ran4.o5rg7 FKNeiudllr’osswe Zrsoyh nPiper oM–v i9ind:ie3sd0tr SiaeUms N ( a D gWeAsoY r5s-h1i1p) – 10:00 am Avwelwinwo. Pe&aw sLctialoylrv sDina.o Srgilva SSSuuunnndddaaayyy 1960apmamm .. ... ... ... ... M .. ..oS .r un. ni.n d.g a. y W. SSoecrrhsvohicoipel LCisoteudld H Beere 1800 FM 1462 WEDNESDAY — WEEKLY SCHEDULE — Wednesday 7pm . . . . . . . . .Service    Worship. . . . . . . . 8:00 & 10:30 AM Focus Groups:ACdhuilldtren (ages 3-11) Sun: 91:13:03a0mam E nSgplaisnhis Sh eSrevricveice ThuPrsadsatyo 7rp mH .aOrvreryc oSmtearfsf Moreedting For as Little as S(Huonlyd aCyo mCmhuunrciohn Secvehroyo Slu. n.d .a .y )9:15 AM INnusTridsUeeEr OyS uPDtr oAYvoYiudtehd (ages 12-19) WMoend::77::0000ppmm PBrilaiynegru/aDli sSceirpvleicsehip [email protected] $32 mo. Prayer – 7:00 pm Nursery & Children’s Church Available 281-331-1051 ASSEMBLY OF GOD BAPTIST MEN’S PRAYER NON-DENOMINATIONAL NON-DENOMINATIONAL BIBLE PENTECOSTAL NON-DENOMINATIONAL TEMPLO Your Your Family of Faith Your CRISTO Church Church Church Church PARA TODOS Could Be Could Be 7430 Rogers • Manvel Could Be 620 E. House St. 607 Cornett Rd. 281-331-1136 or 281-585-0038 Listed Here Listed Here 713-933-9574 Listed Here Sunday/Domingo 10:30am “DEDICATED TO HELPING Sunday . . . . . .10:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. For as Little as For as Little as [email protected] For as Little as HURTING PEOPLE” www.richardrklein.com Tuesday . . . . . . .9:00 a.m & 7:30 p.m. 281-585-2505 Wednesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:00 p.m. $32 mo. $32 mo. Sunday Worship10:00 A.M. $32 mo. Pastor Benjamin Trevino Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:30 p.m. Tuesday Bible Class 1 P.M. www.amistadcc.com NON-DENOMINATIONAL CHURCH OF CHRIST PRESBYTERIAN NON-DENOMINATIONAL NON-DENOMINATIONAL CHURCH OF CHRIST INTER-DENOMINATIONAL NON-DENOMINATIONAL Your Your First Your Your Your Your Your Presbyterian Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Could Be Could Be Could Be Could Be Could Be Could Be Could Be Listed Here Listed Here Listed Here Listed Here Listed Here Listed Here Listed Here For as Little as For as Little as For as Little as For as Little as For as Little as For as Little as For as Little as $32 mo. $32 mo. $32 mo. $32 mo. $32 mo. $32 mo. $32 mo. T B E Y T A T C O Y C T S HESE USINESSES NCOURAGE OU O TTEND HE HURCH F OUR HOICE HIS UNDAY HUGHES PUMP SERVICE SCOTT FUNERAL HOME CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH C C A •Aerobic Systems •Septic Tanks •Grease & Lint Traps ARE ENTER OF LVIN •Maintenance Contracts 20939 Hwy. 6, Manvel 281-489-1881 281-585-1000 Dr. Jeffrey Azbill 281-331-8989 We Buy •Copper •Cans •Aluminum •Alloys •Iron & Other Metals 804 S. Hood • Alvin, Tx. 77511 A1l1v5in C, TRX 2 79715-A11 JOInHstNal lHerU #G51H2E7S www.cameronrecycling.com “Family Owned and Operated” 281-331-5088 • Fax: 281-331-7473 TEXAS ADVANTAGE Cathy Braddy Brittney Hawkins and Prudential Anderson Properties COMMUNITY BANK NA 2197 N. Bypass 35 • 713-818-7133 DANCE ARTS 1218 S. JOHNSON • 281-331-4215 1701 FAIRWAY PLAZA• SUITE 18 – 281-388-5200 E-mail: [email protected] 1373 COUNTY ROAD 149 • ALVIN 281-245-6252 Areas Preferred Senior Assisted Living www.texasadvantagecommunitybankna.com www.har.com/marjorieplanka “SMILE GOD LOVES YOU” Also Provide Rehab, Hospice & Respite Care COMPLIMENTS OF DAVENPORT SERVING ALVIN Compliments of John Barron HEB TransporT & rigging & MANVEL AREAS STATE FARM INSURANCE All Star Propane 116 S. Gordon St. - 281-331-4132 207 E. South St. • 281-585-5188 4512 Hwy. 35 South 281-585-2700 WWW.JBARRONINSURANCE.COM “Happy to Support Our Community” 281-585-0705 “Happy to Support Our Churches” THE COASTAL ALVIN SKATE-N-PARTY CLARON E. SALTER Jim’s Texture Service Inc. 1701 W. HWY. 6 GROUP, INC. 6BL eye&gesias nuorn pnoeslrd CAL2L F8O1R -IN7F5O /6 B-O0OK5A0 P7ARTY State FAarGmE INnTsurance 281-331-7057 ROOFING • 281-331-4122 SKATINGw LwEwS.SalOviNnSsk $a2te5p/LaErtSy.ScOomN 6PM-7PM 408 E. House • 281-331-7546 Specializing in texturing drywall HOMETOWN BANK OF ALVIN Fairway Chiropractic YYOOUURR AADDVVEERRTTIISSEEMMEENNTT Compliments Of Dale Messer, M. D. 1050 Bypass 35 N. 281-388-5000 CCOOUULLDD BBEE HHEERREE!! FAMILY PRACTICE CLINIC OF ALVIN 1701 Fairway St., Suite 2A 281-331-5000 228811--333311--44442211 Open: M-F 9-5 Lobby M-F 7:30-6 Sat. 9-12 Drive-Thru 711 W. Sidnor • 281-331-5953 www.htbna.com Open: Mon, Wed, Thurs 8am-11am & 2pm-6:30pm; Tues 2pm-6pm (281) 489-9355 FAX (281) 489-7867 Evening Star Personal Care Home NOW (281) 489-WELL (281) 489-4440 (281) 489-PUMP P.O. Box 2467 ENROLLING 2960 Rowan-Burton Rd. Alvin, Texas 281-756-0990 281-331-6753 WATER WELL DRILLING • PUMP SALES & SERVICE 281-331-3583 SINCE 1952 • JOHN & MIKE PYBURN, STATE LIC. #2843W1 1407 Victory Lane www.lsclive.com Senior Assisted Living and Respite Care 19322 HWY. 6 • P.O. BOX 266 • MANVEL, TX 77528 • • • • C M. S Manvel Seafood & Grill HELEN’S FLOWERS HARLES TAGG YYOOUURR AADDVVEERRTTIISSEEMMEENNTT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT “DAILY SPECIALS” 121 W. Sealy St. - 281-331-4211 3 PC. Catfish Special w/Fries & Coleslaw $5.99 CCOOUULLDD BBEE HHEERREE!! Hrs: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am - 5 pm, Sat. 8:30 am - 12:30 pm 1P.0O8. BSo. xH 2a2rd8i8e 281-331-1040 C1h9i0ck1e5n HFrwiedy. S 6te a•k MSpaencivael lw /•F r2ie8s1 &- 6S9al2a-d1 $575.969 228811--333311--44442211 www.helenflowers.com Alvin, TX 77512 Fax 281-388-1040 Sun-Thurs: 11am-9pm, Fri & Sat: 11am-10pm Laurel Court Elizabeth H. Nelson CPA Texas Hosp3it8a3li0t yM. Suesntioarn Rge Rsidde.ntial Care. &b eLTtiathxig@, aAntceicolonsu oSnnutpicnppgoa,r Pft aiSryemrro.vclicloems WELKER“ COAouImRr eM& T aHansEyt AeF TlOaIvNnoeGr sO”f 20351 Highway 6 P: 281-489-0388 281-824-0070 No Mileage Charg1e113 S. Johnson 281-388-0388 • 1331 HWY6 W., ALVIN• 281-388-0300FAX P.O. Box 650•Manvel F: 281-489-1024 SALES• SERVAICCREO•SSINFRSOTMAALLVLINATHIIGOHNSCHOOL HIGHLAND SQUARE WELKER AALLI BRR A&ND SHEATING YYOOUURR AADDVVEERRTTIISSEEMMEENNTT Alvin Flowers APARTMENTS Facto1ryP0r oR0fe%esbs aiFotinNenasalo IUn nMcpst aiitnlollaeg t$aio1gn2 eO0 0fC Hhigahr Egffeiciency Units CCOOUULLDD BBEE HHEERREE!! 500 West House St. • 281-331-3438 WSAAC L- 1E8S m•onSthEs SRaVmeI CasE C•asIhN. STALLATION CALLAWAY MINI STORAGE 8X12-$40 ALL BRANDS 228811--333311--44442211 Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm; Sat. 8:30am-12 noon 2401 S. JOHNSON (BEHIND KROGER) P rofession al Ins tallation Of High Efficie nc y Units Factory2 Re8bate1s U-p3 to $312010 -2471 WWW.ALVINFLOWERS.COM /WWW.ALVINFLOWERS.NET 281-331-3646 • “CALL FOR SPECIALS” 100% Financing WAC - 18 months SameT AaCsL BC 4a3s51hC. HARRY STAFFORD RV’S D.A.V. THRIFT STORE Kimberly House Apartments ALVI N  B O WLIN G  C O. 281-331-2471 BUY • SELL • CONSIGN Parts & Service • Propane & Mobile Services 2635 S. Hwy 35 Bypass•281-331-5108 821 E. House Street • Alvin “SPECIAL CTHACLBU 435R1C CH RATES” 29762 Highway 6 East - Alvin - 281-331-4050 Call Us Now To Register Your Church League Open: Tues.-Fri. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 281-331-2440 www.harrystaffordrvs.com 281-331-4487 “Over 10,000 Items Put Out Daily” E-mail: [email protected] • “Jesus Is Lord” John 3:16 YYOOUURR AADDVVEERRTTIISSEEMMEENNTT 1238017- 5S8. 5G-o8r2d4o5n “Forg Gaoved hsios loonvleyd b tehgeo wttoernl dS, othna,t he CCOOUULLDD BBEE HHEERREE!! that whosoever believeth in him should 228811--333311--44442211 not perish, but have everlasting life. Alvin Sun-Advertiser & Alvin Sun, August 4-5, 2013, Page 7 This page is recyclable Save on school shopping this year (StatePoint) Getting every- protein kick at lunch or snack plies an organized effort. Before thing for back to school shop- time. You can save by doling you head to the store, do a quick ping can be stressful. Not only portions of cashews or peanuts. inventory of what you already does the whole family need to Fruits and vegetables are also have and its condition to deter- get organized for the upcoming great options as they provide vi- mine what you need. Cross refer- academic year, but doing so can tamins and minerals. ence the school supplies list from be expensive. To make the back- School Supplies your child’s school to be sure to-school season easier and more Make shopping for school sup- you don’t miss anything. affordable, the shopping experts at Dollar General are sharing “Get Ready For Back To School” convenient and cost-effective tips to prep the family for a great Lil’ Alvin’s school year: Cuts Clothes Hometown For The Don’t spend a fortune outfit- Entire Family ting those quickly-growing arms Barbershop and legs. For school uniforms, research online low prices, dis- counts and free shipping offers “A FAMILY TRADITION” on all the basic collared shirts ~ OLD FASHION STRAIGHT RAZOR FINISH ~ and pants. Keep your kids look- 2412 S. Gordon • Alvin, TX ing good longer with a wide as- sortment of basic jeans, sweaters 832-407-8438 Senior and sweatshirts for those upcom- Ci ti ze n 832-419-0276 ing fall and winter days. This Discount way, you can feel comfortable TUES. - FRI. 10-6 • SAT. 10-3:30 replacing clothing when they are outgrown. Time to Eat The importance of serving kids “Cash for Class” breakfast can’t be overstated. Keep kids fueled for success by stocking up on cereal, oatmeal AT and fruits for busy mornings. Quick and healthy, these require little effort and make an afford- able way to get the day started. Think about convenience and variety with school day lunches. Pack hazelnut cocoa spread and Build long term relationships jelly sandwiches, turkey and 107 N. Gordon St. • Alvin, TX 77511 Swiss cheese wraps or hearty soups. All are easy to prepare 281-331-6800 with your children's teachers and easy on the wallet. www.creditcentralllc.com Go nuts and give your kids a (StatePoint) Children are want to thank. Taking a few supplies and resources, and 92 mom and dad’s top priority, and minutes to share these senti- percent of teachers use their parents want to give them every ments is important and can be own money to provide supplies advantage in the world to suc- easy. For example, Cheerios has for their students, according to ceed. But with all the time kids a new “Send Cheer to Teachers” the National School Supply and spend at school, parents cannot program that makes it simple to Equipment Association. do it alone. thank favorite teachers. Parents Through a General Mills pro- That’s why it’s important for can show gratitude, support and gram called Box Tops for Edu- the most influential adults in a appreciation by simply cutting cation, parents can earn cash for child’s life to team up on a com- a special postcard for teachers their kid’s school by clipping mon goal. from specially-marked boxes of Box Tops coupons from par- Parents should cultivate re- Cheerios cereal, writing a per- ticipating products. In addition, lationships with their child’s sonal message, and sharing a from August to October, you teacher early, so they can work short note of thanks. can enter the unique code from together toward the child’s suc- A few kind words can go a inside specially-marked Cheer- cess. long way. card Cheerios boxes online to There are several ways for Spend Time earn one bonus eBoxTops credit parents to build a relationship In today’s economy, many for your school. with their kid’s teacher. schools are stretched thin for And through a new Cheerios Introduce Yourself resources. School systems are Send Cheer to Teachers sweep- Don’t wait until there is a increasing class sizes and slash- stakes, parents can enter for a problem before meeting the ing budgets. chance to win a $20,000 prize teacher. Introduce yourself as Parents who have time can of- package or one of four $5,000 soon as possible – ideally before fer to help out. prize packages made up of bo- the stresses of the school year Whether it is chaperoning nus Box Tops and supplies for are in full swing. school trips, preparing items their child’s school. Complete It doesn’t have to be a long for a fundraiser or just donat- details and rules, can be found conversation – just one to let the ing old books to the classroom, at www.btfe.com/sendcheer. teacher know who you are and this kindness will go a long way Getting to know their teach- that you are interested in your toward solidifying the parent- ers is the best way to take an child’s education. teacher relationship. interest in children’s education. Show Appreciation Help with Supplies Even when they aren’t around, All kids and their parents Teachers spend on average parents can make a difference in have a teacher they admire and $398 of their own money on the classroom. Excite kids about school (StatePoint) In a perfect world, in with them again. Tell them classes, on the basketball court all children would be enthusias- about what you did that day and playing in the concert band tic about starting a new school and ask them about what they where they will discover their year. But in the real world, learned. talents and interests they didn’t some children will be reluctant, Make Schoolwork Fun know they have. nervous, or annoyed about ex- Cool school supplies can in- Extracurricular and after changing their summer fun for spire your kids to stay organized school activities provide a great the classroom. How do you get and motivated. Think colorful social outlet for kids and are kids motivated about going back and cheerful designs and person- where some of the best memo- to school? alized back to school supplies, ries of school days are made. While you can’t dole out pep which can give kids a sense of If the school doesn’t have pro- talks during the school day, you ownership and pride over their grams that interest your child, can take steps at home to get school work. investigate other classes, teams kids excited about school all For example, MyChronicle- and activities offered locally. year long: Books creates folders, journals, Customize Lunch Set an Example spiral notebooks and even stick- Add a little flair to lunch room Off to work? If you act grumpy ers that can be customized with drudgery. Remember to always about the day ahead of you, your names and school subjects. To pack a favorite snack or dessert kids will take your cue. Over foster after school learning, to give your kids something to breakfast, be positive and up- thinking, doodling and dream- look forward to midday. beat. If your kids have apprehen- ing, consider personalized Ivy From pirates and princesses sions about school, their friends and Bean journals. to dinosaurs and trains, ditch the or after school activities, talk to Go the Extra Mile paper bag in favor of a lunch box them in a constructive way about Encourage your kids to do featuring your children’s inter- what’s bothering them. more than just go to school ests. And personalize the lunch At dinner, remember to check and come home. It’s in their art box with their names. Page 8, Alvin Sun-Advertiser & Alvin Sun, August 4-5, 2013 This page is recyclable ACC prepares for new school year with Party on the Patio on Aug. 26 By Kattalin Carbajal, ACC shirt, they can have their name reer. Also, staying active with Upward Bound student put into the drawing. Student Activities can provide The 2013-14 school year will Also, free water bottles will be students with a way to have fun begin with a bang at ACC with given away for students to take and de-stress.” its annual first day of school advantage of the school’s new, On Sept. 11 ACC will have event, Party on the Patio, sched- filtered, water bottle refilling its annual Club Social, where uled for Aug. 26. stations which will reduce the 20-plus clubs on campus will Party on the Patio is one of number of plastic bottles around showcase what they do and how the biggest Student Activities campus. ACC Student Govern- students can get involved. events at ACC, and it serves as ment will also be handing out To raise awareness and in- a good way to meet new people their signature sunglasses. form students about drugs and and kick off the new semester. Party on the Patio is one of alcohol, ACC will have the Dol- There will be free Blue Bell many events that ACC has to phin Wing Fling on Oct. 3. Free ice cream, and special ACC T- encourage student involvement wings, T-shirts, and a drunk shirts will be given away. Stu- on campus. driving simulation will be of- dents can then wear the shirts “College is about more than fered for all students. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays just attending classes,” Student Throughout the month of Oc- throughout the semester to be- Activities Director Amanda tober, Student Activities will come eligible for a drawing for Smithson said. “It’s a great have Thirsty Thursdays, where Students enjoy the first day of school at Alvin Community College in 2012. a free iPad at the end of the se- place to make new friends and they will offer free drinks, such mester. connect with people that will as water and soft drinks, with a comes to partying,” Smithson We would also like for you to •Student Leadership Confer- Each day students wear the help you in your life and ca- special message to raise aware- said. join us for these events: ence, Sept. 21, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., ness of drugs and alcohol. ACC will host its 38th An- •Commit to Complete, hosted Student Center With Thursday being the day nual Fall Festival from 6 p.m. by Phi Theta Kappa, Aug. 27, 11 •Breast Cancer Awareness for college parties, the emphasis to 9 p.m., Oct. 26. This event a.m. to 1 p.m., Student Center month, October of the message is for students be is open to the community and •Hispanic Celebration month, •Veterans Week, Nov. 11-14, aware of what they’re doing be- offers a safe Trick or Treat for September with Veterans Day Ceremony fore they go and have fun. kids. It will have fun activities •ACC Cares, Sept. 14, Stu- on Nov. 11 “Alcohol use has been a part including a bounce house, game dent Center For more information about of college life for years, but we booths, a costume competition •Constitution Week, Sept. 17, Student Activities, visit www. encourage them to make smart for children and pets, and much 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Student Cen- alvincollege.edu/studentactivi- choices and be safe when it more. ter ties or call 281-756-3686. Cell phone insurance vs warranties (Family Features) With so 42 percent of customers filing Insurance vs. Warranty When you file a claim, you much of daily life connected to claims do so for damage. There are several protection pay a deductible, typically smart phones, the thought of be- Many people don’t realize options in the market. However, $50 to $200, depending on the ing without one worries a lot of that replacing their lost, stolen you need to understand the dif- phone. people. or damaged phone will most ference between insurance and When choosing cell phone in- Unfortunately, loss, damage likely cost more than what they warranties. surance, look for: and theft do occur – and more paid up front. The difference between in- •Warranties for replacement often than you might think. For example, an Asurion con- surance and a warranty is that devices. According to the Federal sumer survey showed that 43.5 a warranty covers hardware is- •Comprehensive coverage Communications Commission, percent of parents and 50.5 per- sues and accidental damage. that covers loss, theft and out- 1 in 3 robberies nationwide in- cent of students believe it costs You usually have to purchase of-warranty damage (such as volve cell phones. less than $200 to replace a mo- a warranty at the time you buy liquid damage). And, according to mobile bile phone. the phone. Warranties, such as •Convenient claims filing and phone insurance company Asu- However, if your iPhone 4S AppleCare, do not cover loss or rapid replacement service. rion, 36.5 percent of customers or 5 is lost, stolen or damaged, theft of a phone. No one ever really wants to filing claims cited loss or theft you will be required to pay the Cell phone insurance is an in- need insurance, because that as the reason for filing a claim. full retail price of the mobile surance product, just like your usually means something unfor- This number jumps to an alarm- phone to replace it, not the dis- home or auto insurance. It is tunate has happened. ing 54 percent for iPhone cus- counted price you might have regulated by insurance laws in But, just like insurance for tomers. paid when signing up with the each state. your home or car, if something Asurion also reported that wireless provider or upgrading You pay a monthly fee for the does happen to your cell phone, across all mobile phones, 53 your phone. insurance (typically between $5 you’ll be glad to have a plan in percent of claims involved dam- And that can be as much as and $7 for the basic insurance place to quickly reconnect with age. Breaking out just iPhones, $650. coverage). family, friends and work. FALL S PORTS PREVI EW The Alvin Advertiser will publish the area Fall Sports Preview, the most complete sports guide of the year, on Wednesday, August 28, 2013. Show your support of our area teams and promote your business in this special section. Deadline for advertising is Monday, August 19, 2013. Don’t miss this opportunity to show your school spirit. Call Brenda or Darlene for more information. Alvin Sun/Advertiser 281-331-4421 Alvin Sun-Advertiser & Alvin Sun, August 4-5, 2013, Page 9 This page is recyclable C N hurCh ews Skyview Baptist welcomes "Paul's Journey" Church Briefs Alvin International Seventh Thursday. 281-369-3011 tus, Sundays, 10:30 a.m. Day •Military Board – let the Adventist Church Overcomers Road of Life church know who’s home and Children who would like to Faith-based meetings are held who’s gone; call Maria at 281- sing songs of praise are invited for those who want to overcome 388-1240 or the church office to join the Children’s Choir. addictive behaviors (drugs, al- •Keenage Khorale (senior The church is located at 281 cohol, cigarettes, gambling, etc.) choir 50 and older) meets from W. House St. in Alvin. at 29788 Hwy. 6 East in Alvin, 9:30–10:30 a.m., Wednesdays between Alvin and Santa Fe. For •Sanctuary Choir practice, Alvin Lutheran Church more information, call Harry 6:30 p.m., Saturdays •Soul Food Cafe is open Sun- Stafford at 281-331-1051. For more information, call the days from 8:45-9:30 a.m. All are church office at 281-331-3902, welcome. No charge. South Park Baptist Church or visit www.southparkchurch. Alvin Lutheran Church is lo- •Study Deuteronomy 6:7, and net. cated at 1800 FM 1462 in Alvin. share with others. South Park Church is located •Continuing with study on Ti- at 1718 S. Johnson in Alvin. Believers Sanctuary Celebrate Recovery offers fellowship and provides a safe place to share your experiences Skyview Baptist Church wel- lations Quartet for 30 of those nated for a Diamond Award as with others. It uses Christ-cen- comes the musical quartet Paul’s years. Many faces have come Group of the Year in 2004. In tered steps for recovery and to Journey in concert, Aug. 4, 5, and gone since that time, but the 2012 they were nominated for grow spiritually. Meetings are 6 and 7. Services are at 6 p.m., calling and commitment of the Horizon Group of the Year, and held at 7 p.m., Thursdays at Be- Sunday and at 7 p.m., Monday group has never changed. The most recently was nominated for lievers Sanctuary, 111 E. House through Wednesday. The church band says it has been an honor New Traditional Qt in the 2013 St. in Alvin. is located at 770 Shirley St. in all these years to have served the Singing News Fan Awards. The For more information, call Alvin. The free event is open to Lord and to help spread the word group sang on the NQC Main 409-457-8616 or email davisjo- the public, and a love offering of Jesus Christ through song and Stage in 2010, 2011 and 2012. [email protected]. will be accepted for Paul’s Jour- testimony. Their music can be heard on the ney. The group was voted SGM radio and the internet all over First Baptist Church Rosha- The ministry of Paul’s Jour- FanFair Favorite Male Quartet the world. They have been the ron ney, from Magnolia, started in 2007. They were awarded featured on “Paul Heil’s Gospel The church is located at 16211 more than 35 years ago with four South Texas Association Group Greats” and Solid Gospel Radio. 2nd St. (corner of 2nd Street and young men, all related to each of the Year for 2001, 2004 and For more information, call 281 1462 in Rosharon). Office hours other. They traveled as the Re- 2007. The group was also nomi- 331-3961. are 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday- Take time to tackle home maintenance jobs and save money for other things (Family Features) Keeping a Your lungs shouldn’t be clean- One out of every 15 homes in •Fire extinguishers healthy home for your family ing the air inside your home. Use the U.S. has dangerous levels of Check the expiration dates means more than daily chores an electrostatically charged air radon, according to the EPA. You on your fire extinguishers. You and the occasional deep clean- filter to help capture odors and can purchase a short-term home should keep one on each floor of ing. It’s important to add routine airborne particles, such as mold radon test for less than $20. Test your home. inspections of often overlooked spores, dust mite debris, bacteria the lowest lived-in level of your •Cracks areas and regular maintenance to and viruses. Plus, changing your home, and if you have elevated Inspect the floor, walls and your list of tasks. filter at the start of every season levels of radon, call a qualified foundation of the home for “Every home can have un- helps protect and maintain your contractor immediately. Make cracks. Jot them down on your healthy, harmful, or even system. sure they have plenty of experi- home to-do list, and fix them hazardous areas,” said Mike F – Fix leaks to prevent mold ence dealing with radon. Also, before they lead to deterioration Holmes, renowned contractor on and mildew. test smoke and carbon monoxide and wood rot. HGTV and healthy home expert. Mold spores need moisture to detectors every month by push- “It’s important to check them grow and thrive in warm, humid ing the test button on the unit. out, especially during regular conditions. When mold is dis- Remember to change the batter- maintenance. Addressing these turbed, its spores can get into ies every season, and replace the ‘hidden hazards’ helps create a the air you breathe. Inspect your entire unit every 7 to 10 years. healthy home and keeps your home for excess water and mois- Y – Yield healthier results family safe.” ture build-up from leaky roofs, with regular upkeep. Holmes recommends follow- faucets, basement drains, dish- Keep up with regular home ing his “SAFETY” checklist to washers and washing machines, maintenance to help keep your ensure your home is safer and and fix them immediately. Also, home healthy and your family healthier for your family. reduce your indoor humidity to safe. Fix small problems now S – Seek out lead in the home. 30 to 60 percent, and use vents to avoid big repairs later. Re- If your home was built before and exhaust fans whenever pos- member, big repairs come with 1978, it could contain lead. Your sible. big price tags and can lead to family could be exposed to it E – Exercise caution around unhealthy and unsafe living con- through the air, drinking water, appliances. ditions. contaminated soil, deteriorating Before using appliances such Quick Fix Checklist paint and dust in and around the as space heaters and toaster ov- Short on time, but looking house. If you disturb any mate- ens, make sure they are work- to make a few quick and easy rial that contains lead, tiny lead ing properly. Never drape an healthy home fixes? Complete particles could become airborne electrical cord over a sink, as each of these tasks in 20 minutes at home. Talk to a professional electricity should never come or less. to test the entire house, and take into contact with water or any •Water heaters the necessary steps to ensure other liquids. Also avoid over- Set water heaters at 120 de- your family’s safety. loading wiring or plugging too grees Fahrenheit or below to A – Address indoor air quality many appliances into a single avoid potential scalding. and change your air filter. wall socket because it can cause •Stove According to the U.S. Envi- electrical sparks, leading to an Remove and wash stove ronmental Protection Agency electrical fire. Be sure to unplug grates, burners and coils with (EPA), indoor air pollution lev- appliances when they’re not be- warm water and soap. Over els can be 2 to 5 times higher ing used, and cover sockets with time, grease can build up around than outdoor levels — some- outlet protectors. the stove, increasing the chances times even 100 times higher. T – Test for dangerous gases. of a fire. N e e d i n g t o G e t C o v e r a g e o n a L o c a l S p o r t s E v e n t ? WANT or NEED Coverage of a Local Sports Event, Team or Athlete? CONTACT: STEPHEN COLLINS Sports Editor 281-331-4421 or Email: [email protected] Page 10, Alvin Sun-Advertiser & Alvin Sun, August 4-5, 2013 This page is recyclable Inside ACC Upward Bound celebrates 10th year of helping students with awards banquet A-Real Estate A-40 Resort B-10 Apts. secondary education and suc- The most important aspect of Property Unfurnished ceed at the postsecondary educa- Upward Bound was the encour- A-15 Houses for MUST SELL! SPACIOUS 2 STORY- tional institution of their choice. agement he received to further Sale Beautiful property on 2 BDRM, 1 1/2 BATH The purpose of the program is his education and overcome per- Lake Livingston suit- TOWNHOME to build confidence and self-es- sonal obstacles, Fortney said. $ CASH FLOW $ able for RV or cabin. $680/mo. 12 mo lease, teem, while providing the neces- “The only limits you have are Santa Fe Schools Owner finance with $680 Deposit. Water sary tools and guidance to foster the ones you create for your- 4 units on Singletary low down payment, Paid. Mustang Road. academic success. self,” he said. 3-1-1 $279,500 gated entry. Call 281- 832-221-8427 873-0459. The program works with Al- Upward Bound recognized Sid Tregre Realtor vin High School students. It was current students for their aca- B-11 Duplexes-Rent 408-392-1013 B-Rental/Lease created and endorsed by the De- demic achievements during the partment of Education. It also is awards dinner. If You Have B-10 Apts. Rental Property funded by a federal grant. The winners are: Virginia Unfurnished To Rent Or Lease Former Upward Bound stu- Lara, Graduate of the Year; Bai- 3-2-2 WITH SHOPat dent Robert Fortney participated ley Reckard, Volunteer of the 3331 CR 890, covered with the program in 2005-06. Year; Tony Oliva Jr., Rising Star; patio, storage shed, Since he graduated high school, Taylor Dodson, Spirit of Upward fenced back yard, Fortney received his bachelor’s Bound; Jalen Owens, Leadership $125,000, Negotiable. degree from Sam Houston State Award; Ester Jimenez, Ms. Man- Call 281-924-7517. Give Betty a call to University. He is now working ners; Bryan Easton, Mr. Man- place an ad in the ACC Upward Bound student Gabriel Gutierrez, center, poses with ALVIN: 3-1-1 older Classifieds as a construction manager. ners; Sheyla Mendez, Field Day director Regan Metoyer, right, and advisor Sharmeal Archie after home, original hard- he won the Student of the Year award on July 23. “It is extremely fulfilling,” he Mandarin; Abraham Fernandez, wood refinished floors, 281-331-4421 said. “The tools of success were Field Day Mandarin; Gabriel freshly painted inside/ right there at your fingers.” Gutierrez, Upward Bound Stu- out, CA/H, appliances. 2-1Duplex withcom- The program provided help dent of the Year; and Gidgette New loan required. pletely enclosed in applying for college, prepar- Castillo, Teacher of the Year. $68,500. Call 281-585- garage, CA/H, extra 4676, 281-948-3415. ing for SAT testing and visiting • 1,2 and 3 bedrooms clean, neat, quiet, no local colleges and universities. BY OWNER: 3-2-2 • Paid Water downstairs or upstairs Brk. Stevenwood Sub. • Police,Senior & neighbors. No dogs or • Teacher Discount Straight Talk $147k. 281-460-2221. motorcyles. $645 mo.281-772-4168 Ron Paul A-25 Mobile 2-1, COVERED Homes-Sale attached carport, 612B A House Divided Verhalen Avenue, Beautiful, spacious 3 Alvin, all electric, $650 bdrm/2 bath, new floor- Morgan over NSA spying monthly with equal ing, & paint. Lots of Park deposit. 713-463-0078. room for a singlewide. on Americans Super sales price of Apartments B-30 Houses $27,500. Wind Zone II. 2 Bedrm, 1 Bath Unfurnished Open Sundays 1-6. Starting At Reliable Homes of Last week’s House debate on it would have resulted in any 2 BR frame in Alvin ACC Upward Bound teacher Gidgette Castillo, center, poses with the Defense Appropriations bill significant change in how the Sealy, 979-885-6767. $525per month on acreage, CA/H, RBl 33813 director Regan Metoyer, right, and advisor Sharmeal Archie after for 2014 produced a bit more Intelligence Community would $150Deposit excellent condition, Castillo was named the 2013 Teacher of the Year. drama than usual. After hearing behave toward Americans. The With Approved Credit Non Smokers, No Pets. The Alvin Community Col- step on their educational jour- that House leadership would do US government has built the ~ OWNER FINANCE ~ 1601 W. South • Alvin, TX $675 mo., $375 dep. READYFORMOVE-IN 281-331-8190 Call 713-721-4570. lege Upward Bound program ney,” she told the audience. away with the traditional “open largest and most sophisticated Low Down, Easy Terms celebrated 10 years of assisting There have been 18 students rule” allowing for debate on any spying apparatus in the history Set up in upscale park Whether students attend college during who have earned college degrees funding limitation amendment, of the world. Swimming Pool 2-1, $600MO. + $600 you’re Buying, their annual awards dinner on after finishing the program. it was surprising to see that Rep. The NSA has been massively Street Lights DEP., 1 Year Lease Selling, or July 23. Many of the graduates attended Justin Amash’s (R-MI) amend- increasing the size its facilities, Doublewide 3 Br. with approved credit. TCraladsinsgif iGedivse Since the college began the the awards dinner in honor of ment was allowed on the Floor. both at its Maryland headquar- and Call 281-331-4487. A Call Singlewide 3 Br. program in 2003, it has helped the 10-year anniversary. In the wake of National Security ters and in its newly built (and CALL TODAY! JOHNSON APTS. dozens of students become the Upward Bound seeks to mo- Agency (NSA) whistleblower way over-budget) enormous 281-388-2334 (1) 1-1 & (1) 2-1 avail- first generation among their tivate low-income and/or po- Edward Snowden’s revelations data center in Utah. Taken to- 832-282-7891 able. Come by 1301 families to take college courses, tential first-generation college about the extent of US gov- gether, these two facilities will Or, Stop By Our Office At: South Hood St. #18 said director Regan Metoyer. students and help them develop ernment spying on American be seven times larger than the 1100 Fox Meadow Dr.-Alvin or call 281-245-6310. 281-331-4421 “This organization is the first the skills they need to complete citizens, Amash’s amendment Pentagon! And we know now sought to remove funding in the that much of the NSA’s capac- bill for some of the NSA pro- ity to intercept information has grams. been turned inward, to spy on Had Amash’s amendment us. passed, it would have been a sig- Over the last week we have nificant symbolic victory over seen two significant prison- the administration’s massive breaks, one in Iraq, where some violations of our Fourth Amend- 500 al-Qaeda members broke ment protections. But we should out of the infamous Abu Ghraib be careful about believing that prison, which the US built, and even if it had somehow mi- another 1,000 escaped in a huge raculously survived the Senate break in Benghazi, Libya – the vote and the President’s veto, city where the US Ambassador was killed by the rebels that the US government helped put in power. Did the US intelligence Have a community, focused on listening to our phone calls, not see this real threat coming? SUNDAY & MONDAY ISSUES: Rep. Amash’s amendment Digital Camera? was an important move to at WEDNESDAY, 12 NOON least bring attention to what the WEDNESDAY ISSUE: US intelligence community has become: an incredibly power- FRIDAY, 4 P.M. ful conglomeration of secret LEGAL NOTICES: government agencies that seem to view Americans as the real WEDNESDAY, 12 NOON threat. It is interesting that the votes on Amash’s amendment divided the House not on party lines. Instead, we saw the votes divided between those who fol- low their oath to the Constitu- tion, versus those who seem to believe that any violation of the Constitution is justified in the Send Us Your name of the elusive “security” of the police state at the expense of liberty. The leadership – not to my surprise – of both parties Photos in the House voted for the police state. It is encouraging to see the We want your news photos. While large number of votes crossing party lines in favor of the Amash out and about in the Alvin, Manvel amendment. Let us hope that this will be a growing trend in area, if news happens, snap a the House – perhaps the promise that Congress may once again photo and email it with information begin to take its duties and ob- ligations seriously. We should to us with your phone number. not forget, however, that in the meantime another Defense Ap- propriations bill passing really means another “military spend- Email photos to: ing” bill. The Administration is [email protected] planning for a US invasion of Syria, more military assistance to the military dictatorship in Egypt, and more drones and in- terventionism. We have much work yet to do.

a community college campus. See Crider can ship, the “Arapahoe,” off Cape Hatteras, N.C.. Aug 4 .. Aransas Pass rail line between Waring and.
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