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ALVARADO SCORING SYSTEM IN PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS OF ACUTE APPENDICITIS AT K.R HOSPITAL, MYSORE - A CLINICO PATHOLOGICAL CORRELATION DISSERTATION By Dr. NISCHAL RAJ.L SUBMITTED TO THE RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, KARNATAKA, BANGALORE IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SURGERY INGENERAL SURGERY UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF DR.M.A.BALAKRISHNA,MS DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SURGERY MYSORE MEDICAL COLLEGE & RESEARCH INSTITUTE, MYSORE APRIL 2014 I II III IV V ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Human venture is not a lone effort but more often is collective endeavour, so is this present study. It is my duty to acknowledge the help and guidance I have received from various people in writing this dissertation. I am immensely thankful to my teacher and guide Dr. M.A. Balakrishna.,MS, Professor, Department of General Surgery, Mysore Medical College & Research Institute, Mysore for having permitted me to undertake this study and for his able guidance, suggestions and constant encouragement throughout the preparation of this dissertation who has been the propelling force behind this work. His temperament has been marvelous. It gives me immense pleasure to express my gratitude and respect to Dr. Mujtahid Ahmed Shariff., H.O.D, Professor Department of Surgery, Mysore Medical College & Research Institute, Mysore for his inspiring support, guidance and encouragement. He has been a tremendous motivation. I wish to thank Dr. Hanumanthappa H., Dean & Director, MMC & RI, Mysore for his inspiring support and constant encouragement throughout the preparation of this dissertation. I wish to thank Dr. B.G. Sagar., Medical Superintendent of Krishnarajendra Hospital, MMC & RI, Mysore for his inspiring support. I wish to thank Dr. M.A. Shekar, Scientific Committee Chairman and its members for allowing me to conduct this study. I also wish to thank my assistant professors Dr. Ravikumar. G.V, Dr. Balsubramanya K.S and Dr. Ramachandra M.L for constant support and guidance. VI III eeexxxppprrreeessssss mmmyyy sssiiinnnccceeerrreee ttthhhaaannnkkksss tttooo ttthhheee dddeeepppaaarrrtttmmmeeennnttt ooofff AAAnnnaaaeeesssttthhheeesssiiiaaa fffooorrr iiitttsss sssuuuppppppooorrrttt...III eeexxxppprrreeessssss mmmyyy gggrrraaatttiiitttuuudddeee tttooo ttthhheee OOO...TTT ssstttaaaffffff,,, aaannnddd wwwaaarrrddd nnnuuurrrsssiiinnnggg ssstttaaaffffff fffooorrr ttthhheeeiiirrr cccooo---ooopppeeerrraaatttiiiooonnn aaannnddd ttteeeaaammmwwwooorrrkkk... III wwwooouuulllddd llliiikkkeee tttooo eeexxxppprrreeessssss mmmyyy eeettteeerrrnnnaaalll gggrrraaatttiiitttuuudddeee tttooo mmmyyy pppaaarrreeennntttsss DDDrrr... LLLoookkkeeessshhh bbbaaabbbuuu MMM...SSS...,,, aaannnddd MMMrrrsss... SSShhhyyylllaaajjjaaa LLLoookkkeeessshhh...,,, fffooorrr ttthhheeeiiirrr eeevvveeerrrlllaaassstttiiinnnggg bbbllleeessssssiiinnnggg aaannnddd pppeeerrrpppeeetttuuuaaalll eeennncccooouuurrraaagggeeemmmeeennnttt... III aaammm gggrrraaattteeefffuuulll tttooo mmmyyy SSSiiisssttteeerrrsss MMMrrrsss... NNNiiimmmiiittthhhaaa aaannnddd MMMrrrsss... NNNiiissshhhiiittthhhaaa aaannnddd mmmyyy bbbrrrooottthhheeerrr---iiinnn---lllaaawwwsssDDDrrr... AAAnnnooooooppp...,,,aaannndddDDDrrr... SSSaaannndddeeessshhhfffooorrr ttthhheeeiiirrr sssuuuppppppooorrrttt aaannnddd eeennncccooouuurrraaagggeeemmmeeennnttt... III wwwooouuulllddd llliiikkkeee tttooo ttthhhaaannnkkk mmmyyy fffrrriiieeennndddsss aaannnddd,,, DDDrrr... LLLoookkkeeessshhh,,, DDDrrr... VVViiinnnaaayyy KKKuuummmaaarrr,,, DDDrrr... SSSaaatttiiissshhh,,, DDDrrr... AAArrrvvviiinnnddd,,, DDDrrr... SSSuuummmaaalllaaattthhhaaa,,, DDDrrr... HHHaaarrriiissshhh,,, DDDrrr... SSShhhrrreeeyyyaaasss aaannnddd ooottthhheeerrrsss fffooorrr ttthhheeeiiirrr wwwhhhooollleee hhheeeaaarrrttteeeddd hhheeelllppp aaannnddd uuunnnwwwaaavvveeerrriiinnnggg sssuuuppppppooorrrttt iiinnn mmmaaakkkiiinnnggg ttthhhiiisss dddiiisssssseeerrrtttaaatttiiiooonnn aaa rrreeeaaallliiitttyyy... SSSpppeeeccciiiaaalll ttthhhaaannnkkksss tttooo mmmyyy pppaaarrreeennntttsss aaannnddd sssiiisssttteeerrr... III wwwooouuulllddd bbbeee fffaaaiiillliiinnnggg iiinnn mmmyyy ddduuutttyyy iiifff III dddooo nnnooottt ttthhhaaannnkkk mmmyyy pppooosssttt gggrrraaaddduuuaaattteee cccooolllllleeeaaaggguuueeesss DDDrrr... DDDeeeeeepppaaakkk NNNaaayyyaaakkk &&&DDDrrr... RRRooossshhhaaannn RRRooodddnnneeeyyy... III ssshhhooouuulllddd pppaaarrrtttiiicccuuulllaaarrrlllyyy mmmeeennntttiiiooonnn hhheeerrreee mmmyyy sssiiinnnccceeerrreee ttthhhaaannnkkksss tttooo aaallllll ttthhheee pppaaatttiiieeennntttsss aaannnddd ssstttuuudddeeennntttsss iiinnnvvvooolllvvveeeddd iiinnn ttthhhiiisss ssstttuuudddyyy wwwiiittthhhooouuuttt ttthhhiiisss cccooo---ooopppeeerrraaatttiiiooonnn ttthhhiiisss ssstttuuudddyyy wwwooouuulllddd nnnooottt hhhaaavvveee bbbeeeeeennn uuunnndddeeerrrtttaaakkkeeennn aaannnddd cccooommmpppllleeettteeeddd... FFFiiinnnaaallllllyyy,,, III wwwooouuulllddd llliiikkkeee tttooo ttthhhaaannnkkk ttthhheee AAALLLMMMIIIGGGHHHTTTYYY fffooorrr aaallllll ttthhheee bbbllleeessssssiiinnngggsss... VVVIIIIII ABSTRACT Acute appendicitis is one of the commonest surgical emergencies. Simple appendicitis can progress to perforation, which is associated with a much higher morbidity and mortality, and surgeons have therefore been inclined to operate when the diagnosis is probable rather than wait until it is certain. Routine history and physical examination still remain most practical diagnostic modalities. Absolute diagnosis of course is only possible at operation and histopathological examination of the specimen.For this reasonrate of negative appendicectomy as reported in the world literature varying from 20– 40% with its associated morbidity of around 10%. Surgeons have been resorting to various scoring systems to aid in diagnosis and operative decision making. Aims and objectives: 1) To evaluate the efficacy of Alvarado Scoring System as a pre-operative diagnostic tool in acute appendicitis, in correlation with operative and histopathological findings. 2) Role of Alvarado Scoring System in cutting down the rate of negative appendicectomy without increasing morbidity and mortality. Methodology: A study of 100 patients presenting with pain abdomen and diagnosed provisionally as acute appendicitis, admitted in surgical department in K.R. Hospital, Mysore. Depending on individual presentation, a score was calculated for each case, from 8 values (based on Alvarado scoring system). VIII  Group 1 - Those patients with scores of >/= 7-10 underwent Appendicectomy.  Group 2- Those patients with scores of 5-7 who were thought on clinical grounds to require Appendicectomy, it was performed.  Group 3- Those patients with a score of <5 were observed and managed conservatively and reassessed. The results of Alvarado scoring system, on table operative findings and HPE, were reviewed.Reliability of scoring system was assessed by calculating negative appendicectomy rate, sensitivity and positive predictive value. Results and Observations: In the present study we had 100 cases of which 59 were males and 41 were females. Total No. of male patients were 59. Patients with score 7-10 were 48; with score 5-6 were 9 and with score < 5 were 2. Total No. of female patients were 41. Patients with score 7-10 were 29; with score 5-6 were 9 and with score <5 were 3. In the study 95 were operated and acute appendicitis was found in 80 patients which included 30 females and 50 males. A total of 95 patients with score of 7-10 and 5-6 were operated. Out of 95 operated patientsacute appendicitis was found in 80 patientswhich included 30 IX females and 50 males. Patients with score <5 were kept under observation and none of the patients required surgery. Among males with score of 7-10, 48 patients were operated and 46 were found to have inflamed appendix. Among females with score of 7-10, 29 patients were operated and 27 were found to have inflamed appendix. The sensitivity of Alvarado scoring system was 91.25%. The positive predictive value of scoring system was 94.8% and was higher in males. . The negative appendicectomy rate in this study was 15.78% (male 12.28% and female 21.05%). Conclusion: The Alvarado scoring system is a fast, simple, reliable, non-invasive, repeatable and safe diagnostic modality without much extra expense and complications. It has greater sensitivity and positive predictive value in diagnosing acute appendicitis and it reduces the rate of negative appendicectomy. X

CT typically showing inflamed Appendix. 40. 07. McBurney's grid-iron .. Pain: Abdominal pain is the prime symptom of acute appendicitis. Classically, . appendicitis include plain radiographs, ultrasound and computer tomography.
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