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- Winter 2v Northwestern State University ofLouisiana a I " —" '"_" > ./. * ;-\ jBHKff.stj- • m v. w. - . f, AlumniColumns HHHI Official Publicationof Dr. Randall J. Webb, 1965, 1966 NorNtahtwcehsitteorcnheSst.atLeouUinsiivaenrsaity President, NorthwesternStateUniversity Organizedin 1884 AmemberofCASE VolumeXVIINumber4Winter2007 TheAlumniColumns(USPS015480)ispublished4 DearAlumni, timesayearbyNorthwesternStateUniversity, Natchitoches.Louisiana.71497-0002 PeriodicalsPostagePaidatNatchitoches.La.. There are a numberofevents held at Northwestern each yearthat andatadditionalmailingoffices I lookforwardto. Oneofthoseeagerlyawaited eventsisHomecoming. POSTMCoAlSuTmEnsR.:NSoertnhdwaedsdtreersnsScthaatengUensivteorstihteyA.lumni I enjoytheopportunitytomeetandvisitwith alumnifromacrossthecountry, someofwhom Natchitoches.La.71497-0002. are returning to the campusforthefirsttime in many years. Thosewho have not visited in AlumniOfficePhone:318-357-4414 andX88-799-6486 a while are pleased to see the effort that goes into maintaining our beautiful campus and FAX: 318-357-4225 making ita betterplaceforourstudents, facultyand staff. E-mail:[email protected] Homecomingisalsoanexcellentopportunitytohonoralumni,facultyandfriendsofthe NSUALUMNIOFFICERS university. We are proud ofouralumni who have goneon to make a difference in the lives President JerryBrungart. ofothersand improvethecommunitiesinwhichtheylive. Ourfacultydoanoutstandingjob Natchitoches,1969,1971 ofteaching studentsand helping preparethemforfuturecareers. Manypeoplewhodid not VicePresident JosephB.Stamey. Natchitoches. 1983 attend Northwestern come into contactwith the universityand find outwhata special place Secretary-Treasurer Dr.LisaMathews. itisandwanttohelpusmoveforward. During Homecoming,wetaketimetotellpeoplewho Benton. 1992 have helped us howimportanttheyaretous. ExecutiveDirector KevinMcCotter The fall semester has been a very productive one for Northwestern. The university recently received high marks for the work we do in preparing teachers for the classroom. BOARDOFDIRECTORS JerryBrungart Natchitoches. 1969. 1971 Completers ofour programs were ranked as highly effective in adding value to the public TommyChester Arcadia. 1969 schoolsinwhich theyteach. LeonardEndris Shreveport. 1974. 1975 The university is creating more opportunities forour students who want to study out- AdrianHoward Arlington.Texas, 1989 PatriciaWigginsHrapmann Destrehan. 1973. 1978 side the United States and learn aboutothercultures. The College of Education has start- GailJones Natchez. 1981.1998 ed an exchange program with the Chungnam Province ofSouth Korea. NSU studentswill MattKoury Leesville. 1995 be able to travel to South Korea to teach English in theirschools and Korean students will BryantLewis Haynesville, 1958 CarrollLong Tyler,Texas. 1970 cometo Louisianatoteach. Dr.LisaMathews Benton,1992 The Department of Family and Consumer Sciences is developing an exchange pro- DavidMorgan Austin.Texas. 1973 gramwithtwouniversitiesin Canada, twoin MexicoandtheState UniversityofNewYorkat KipPatrick Shreveport. 1995 JosephB.Stamey Natchitoches. 1983 Cobleskill. Thegrant, "Building BridgesThrough Culture, Cuisine,AgricultureandTourism," GlennTalbert Shreveport.1964 will provide unique learning experiences for some ofour students and introduce other stu- RickyWalmsley Covington,1985 dentstoourinstitutions. JJ.iMmimcyhaWeilllWi'ailmbsurn.* ASlherxeavnedproirat..11997953 . Thank you again forall you do for Northwestern. I wish you and yourfamily a happy Dr.LeonardA.Williams NewOrleans. 1993 holidayseason. STUDENTREPRESENTATIVE ShayneCreppel Natchitoches SGAPresident Kevin McCotter, TheAlumniColumnsispublishedin DirectorofAlumni andDevelopment spring,summer,fallandwinter. Publisher KevinMcCotter Editor Greetingsfromthe OfficeofAlumni and Development! LeahPilcherJackson.1994 Contributors DavidWest It is a great honorand challengefor me to assume respon- DougIreland. 1986 sibilityfortheOfficeofAlumniand DevelopmentatNorthwestern. Photography GaryHardamon We have a terrificstaffand serve a greatalumni base. It istrulya pleasure to be affili- Design/Layout atedwith ourstudents, facultyand administrators. BethMcPhersonMann, 1975 NSUPressPublicationsOffice For decades, Northwestern has contributed to the vitality of Louisiana and our nation. My vision is for you to value your association with Northwestern and to take pride in these contributions and your own personal accomplishments, influenced by NSU. In the Office ofAlumni and Development, our commitment is to excellence in everything we do. You are a part ofthe past, as well as the present, of Northwestern and we are excited about continuing a mutually rewarding relationship with you in the future. I lookforward to seeing you soon and invite you to call on meforassistance in NmiosrstihownesotneCronllSetgaetseofUntihveeSrosuittyheirsnaAcscsroecdiiatteidobnyoftChoelCleogme-s any manner. Go Demons! andSchools(1866SouthernLane,Decatur,Georgia30033- 4097:Telephonenumber404-679-4501)toawardAssoci- ate, Baccalaureate, Master's, Specialist and Doctorate degrees. Cover: MembersoftheNorthwestern'srecruitingteamare,frontrowfromleft,CarolynGatti(2005,2007), Jamila Maxie(2000),Jana Lucky(1988, 1992), MelanieMcBride(2001), BeckyStephens, Nikki Ceasar It is the policy of Northwestern State University of (2007),LindaWalkerandAshleeHewitt(2001). OnthebackrowareMichaelPuissegur(2007),Stephanie rLeoluiigsioina,nsaexn,otnattoiodniaslcroriimgiinna,taegeo,notrhdeisbaabsiilsitoyfinraictes,edcoulcoar-, Lawrence(2006), CatherineCaldwell(2005), Ellen Dutsch (2003)andStevenWood(2006). tionalprograms,activitiesoremploymentpractices. Almuni News Attracting the and Best Brightest Alumni play important role in recruiting students n today's highly competitive view books, applications, reminders and alumni at each event as well. Most of climate, Northwestern s invitations to special events. After the the time students ask about programs. recruiting plan is focused on fairs, the recruiters arrange visits to cost of attendance, and scholarships. personalized attention. Using schools and interact with prospective stu- Occasionallythey will askaboutclasses." alumni to attract promising dents through guidance counselors to A native of Longview. Texas, Cox students is a focus ofthe uni- present informationaboutacademics,stu- first became aware ofNSU while watch- versity's recruiting model. dent involvement, and applications for ing a Spirit of Northwestern marching scholarships band performance at a marching contest. and housing. He later attended a summer music camp. "Our alumni are our best recruiters. Alumni "We go to After attending aTexasjuniorcollege for are particularly effective in helping with recruit- every school in two years, he selected Northwestern over ing receptions. Ours are notjust held in a hotel the state and as a Texas university because he and his many as possi- family were made to feel welcome when lobby. They are almost always hosted by an ble in east they visited the campus. alumnus in their home, so the focus is on the Texas." Lucky "The university did a lot for me and experience that alumnus had at Northwestern." said. for that I will always be grateful. That is Any event why I jumped at the chance to help with — Jana Lucky (1992. 2001),directorofUniversity Recruiting that draws a the recruiting efforts." he said. high school "When talking to prospective stu- Eighty-five to 90 percent of the stu- student to campus, such as camps, work- dents. I tell them that the university is dents who attend one ofthe approximate- shops, athletic events or academic com- uniquely able togiveyoutheeducationof ly 15 recruiting receptions held around petitions, is a recruiting opportunity. a large university without feeling like the state choose to enroll at Northwest- "We work with every areaofthe uni- one." he said. "Students know theirpro- ern.The receptions take place throughout versity." Lucky said. "If someone in an fessors in their major subject areas, and Louisiana and in 2008 will include a Dal- academic department is hosting some- can come to them for assistance or just las-area event. thingthat is bringing prospective students extra tutoring. The campus is beautiful "Those receptions are attention-get- to campus, we want to know about it so and gets more so thanks to all of the ting because they take place during the we can be there to get their information." improvements being made. Cost of decision months, February and March," Students who participated in thispast attendance is outstanding especially Lucky said. summer's Boys and Girls State program when compared to Texas schools." Dr. Roy Divittorio (1993) and his at Northwestern will be tracked to deter- Megan Sandlin Bostick (2005). a wife Kim hosted a recruiting reception in mine that program'seffect on enrollment. formerNSU recruiterhasalsobeen work- theirCovington home. The feedback from Boys and Girls state ing events in the Dallas area since last "I enjoyed talking to the prospective has been very positive. Lucky said. summer. students and telling them about the NSU Because it would be impossible for "I was already very familiarwith the experience. My college years were some the recruiters to attend every college fair AIM program and I know how important ofthe best times ofmy life. Talking with in eastTexas. Lucky and her staffcreated it is to have our alumni help with the the students and their parents was an theAlumni in Marketing (AIM) program, recruiting process." she said. "I plan on opportunity to reflect on my experiences in which alumni represent the university doing as much as I can to help. So far I and answer questions." Divittorio said. at fairsby setting upan information table, have done the college programs at the "The students and theirparents appreciat- having students complete inquiry cards high schools where I set up a table with ed the personal interaction with the NSU and answerquestions. over 100 other universities, and the stu- staffandalumni. I hopedtheevent would Michael Cox (1997) has worked dent browse." target high achieving students from this events in the Dallas-Fort Worth area for Bostick said she gets good response area to showcase NSU." the past five years at Duncanville High even though she is often competing for Northwestern's recruiters cover spe- School. Waxahachie High School. Irving attention with bigger universities. cific zones in Louisiana and each attend ISD.Cleburn High School and Rio Vista, "A lot of them were very impressed 40to50college fairs ayear.320to400as where he is currently director ofbands. when they heard about everything that a staff, where they gather information "I received a lot ofpositive respons- NSU has to offer and when they also from students interested in the university es, and was surprised to see that NSU is found out that it is really only about four DFW and add them to a database. The prospec- recognized a lot in the area." he hours from their home." she said. The tive students receive calendars ofevents. said. "I have also run into several NSU prospective students typically seek infor- See Page 2 Alumni Columns Winter2007/ 1 Almuni News i^^^^^^^^h Continuedfrom Page 1 Best and Brightest mationaboutthecity,academ- store, tailgating and special about topics of specific inter- large focus of recruiting is on ic programs, athletic pro- seating at a football game. est to them.They are also cre- transfer students, particularly grams, student/teacher ratio, Technology has made it ating a parent database to fromcommunity colleges,and housing and scholarships much easier to keep the communicate with parents adult learning populations. while parents are most inter- prospective students informed. about deadlines. "Those students get a ested in admissions criteria, This year, a Facebook group Director of Enrollment very personalized experiences campus organizations, safety for high school students was Services Dr. Mary Edith Stacy with recruiting, and many of and financial aid. added. (1991, 1996) oversees recruit- them are referred by alumni," Anyone interested in "We add something dif- ing, admissions and financial Lucky said. "Alumni often helping with a college faircan ferent every year and send out aid, three critical areas for encourage non-traditional stu- contact Ellen Dutsch (2003), mass e-mails to remind incoming students. Her staff dents to go back to college, to AIM coordinator. prospective students of things connects prospective students finish their degrees. That part with links to to the academic side of col- of recruiting is very special- the website," lege life by making sure each ized and very personal." ''Alumni can also refer students directly to Lucky said. applicant complies with "We focus on relation- the recruiting office. That is a huge "We remind admissions criteria and meets ships and being a personal recruiting tool and we want to continue them about enrollment standards. Each attention university. that. The students who are referred get scholarship year,Stacy sets realistic budg- The message is that North- top priority. The alumni are great about deadlines. We et projections and goals for western is large enough to sent out an e- recruiters, and informs high service you and small enough sending us names and those prospective mail on how schools about changes in to know you." students get very special treatment." to download admissions policies and stan- — Jana Lucky the fight song dards. and are work- "If you look at it in a To refer a student, call Events like Senior Day ingon avirtual tourofcampus business sense, the buying University Recruiting draw prospective students and in which students click on a patterns of college students at (318) 357-4503 theirfamilies to campus. Last mapto see pictures ofresiden- have not changed," she said. or (800) 327-1903, or year, the recruiters hosted 440 tial facilities and other build- "We examine why students e-mail [email protected]. prospective students withtheir ings like the WRAC." leave and project trends based families, totaling more than The office also uses a on behavior patterns." To learn more about the 1,000 guests for that one pivot table database to sort Fall 2007 enrollment AIM program, contact event. Senior Day includes a students into various demo- exceeded Stacy's projections Ellen Dutsch at (318) guest speaker, academic graphics, such as city, school, by only about a dozen stu- 357-4613 or e-mail her at browse, organizational browse, gender or area of interest, so dents. [email protected]. lunch, tours ofcampus and of the prospective students can In addition to traditional the city, a visit to the book- receive personalized e-mails first-time college freshmen, a Last August, University officials and oth- ers took part in the groundbreaking for the second phaseofnewcampus housing on the old site of Rapides Hall. A new $17.7 million residence hall, University Place II, will be built on the site and should be ready for the fall 2008 semes- ter. Attending the ceremony were, from left, NSU Vice President for External Affairs Jerry Pierce, State Rep. Taylor Townsend, John Chachere and Jim Short of Campus Living Villages, Mike Gray of Spring Valley Construction, Northwestern President Dr. Randall J. Webb, Northwestern Student Government Association President Shayne Creppel, PatJohnson of Regional Construction Company, NSU Director of Enrollment Services Dr. Mary Edith Stacy, Clerkofthe Works George Minturn, NSU Dean ofStudents and Assistant ProvostforStudentSuccess Dr. Chris Maggio, NSU Director of Auxiliary Services Jennifer Kelly, financial consultant Toby Cortez of Sisung Securities, North- western Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Thomas Hanson, Troy Bayham of Campus Living Villages, NorthwesternVice PresidentforBusinessAffairsCarl Jones, NSU ExecutiveAssistanttothePresidentRobertCrew,JimmyLong, chairman ofthe Board ofSupervisors forthe Universityof Louisiana System, former Northwestern Vice Presidentfor Stu- dent Affairs Dr. Dan Seymour and NSU Facilities Coordinator Billy Barton. Alumni Columns Winter2007/2 Visit ourwebsitea Alumni News McCotter named Director of Alumni and Development My fellow alumni: "tthaits thhairsdistomybel2i0etvhe Kevin McCotter has been named acting director of the Office of Alumni .year to work at and Development at Northwestern State University. The Office ofAlumni and Chris MaggiO Northwestern State Uni- Development works to promote the educational and cultural welfare of North- versity. For the last western State University through student scholarships, research activities and eight years, I've had thehonorserving other benefits for the University, its faculty and students. you as Director of Alumni. I vividly McCotter brings an extensive pro- remember when I began in the Alum- fessional and civic background to the ni Office saying to myself, "if I can position. He began working for Bell- only do halfas good ajob as my pred- South in 1972 and served the company ecessors, then I know I will have suc- in various capacities throughout ceeded." My immediate predecessor, Louisiana during a 34-year career. He Dr. Steve Horton, did a tremendous retired from BellSouth in 2006 as job with organizing and structuring regional director of north and western the office, and who can forget long- Louisiana. time Director Elise James, and her colorful personality and unwavering McCotter is an active member of loveofNSU! thecommunity having served in various I now turn the page,and it is with organizations. He is the president of optimism that 1 have accepted a new Campus Facilities, Inc., which devel- role at Northwestern, Dean of Stu- oped and built the new $55 million dents and Assistant Provost for Stu- campus for Bossier Parish Community dent Success. My initial thoughts are College. He is the vice president ofthe to remember some the deans that held Military Affairs Council, and was this position at NSU: Leonard responsible for the 2007 Barksdale Air Show and Celebrate Barksdale event. Nichols, Dudley Fulton, Fred McCotter has been a member ofthe NSU Foundation Board and also served in Bosarge, Fred Fulton, Dan Seymour. leadership positions on the boards of numerous civic and statewide organiza- and Lucile Hendricks just to name a tions. He has participated in many educational ventures including serving as a few,and a special thanks to my prede- board member, vice chairman and chairman of the Louisiana Community and cessor, Dr. Patrice Moulton. I look Technical College System Board ofSupervisors. forward to emulating their successes *'I am delighted and honored to be in this position," said McCotter. "North- in working hand-in-hand with the stu- western is a great institution with a rich history and a tremendous number of dents on a daily basis. assets that should allow us to continue developing the programs of the NSU I would also like to take this Foundation and the Alumni Association." opportunity to introduce you to our McCotterplans tohave theAlumniAssociation and Foundation workclose- new DirectorofAlumni and Develop- ly with the university's academic departments to gain external support from ment. Mr. Kevin McCotter. alumni and friends ofthe university. He also intends to increase Northwestern's I hope that you will get to know involvement in economic development in the region and the state. Kevin and offer him the same encour- "Northwestern is in the knowledge business," he said. "It is tremendously agement that you have to me. I know satisfying to represent the university in its philanthropic relationships with our that he will sustain and exceed the stakeholders. Northwestern helps prepare people for productive lives and con- success we are enjoying. The best tributes to a thriving economy." years are ahead forour school. NSU is wrapping up its first capital campaign,exceeding its goal of$18.84 It has been a privilege to know million by more than $13 million and McCotter plans to build on that momen- and work with you. Thank you for tum along with the increased awareness among Northwestern supporters about your friendship, your generosity and the positive impact ofprivate giving. your continued support of me and of "I want to be able to increase the numberofendowed scholarships and pro- Northwestern State University. fessorships and grow the endowment," he said. "We want to increase ourentre- preneurship in designing planned giving opportunities that create a win/win sit- uation for those who support the university." A West Virginia native, McCotter grew up in Shreveport. He received an MBA from the A.B. Freeman School ofBusiness at Tulane University. ww.northwcsternalumni.com Alumni Columns Winter2007/ 3 Alumni News Four distinguished alumni inducted Four Northwestern State Univer- many ofthem were so knowledgable. was commissioned in the U.S. Army sity graduates were selected as They really prepared you for the as a second lieutenant in 1969 and the 2007 inductees into the world after college." retired from active duty in 2001 after Alumni Hall ofDistinction, the Long Manno is vice president and co- 32 years ofservice as a major gener- Purple Line. The honorees are, owner of Southland Printing Co. in al. BryantLewis ofHaynesville,JohnA. Shreveport. He is a board member After retiring from active duty, Manno, Jr., of Bossier City, Maj. forthe Volunteers ofAmerica and the he became vice president of Army Gen. (ret.) Charles W. "Chuck" American Red Cross Northwest and Marine Corps programs for BAE Thomas of Alexandria, Va., and Louisiana Chapter. Manno has also Systems. His father, Dr. Charles F. David Wright of Natchitoches. been a member ofthe board and past Thomas, is also a member of the Lewis owns and operates Mag- president of the Sales and Marketing Long Purple Line, making them the nolia Pulpwood Company along with Executives of Shreveport/Bossier, a first father/son combination to gain timberland holdings. He has been member ofthe Krewe ofGemini and this recognition. active in a number of local profes- on the board of directors of the "To put it mildly I was pleased sional, civic and religious organiza- Strand Theatre and the University and surprised. I'm a great fan ofmy tions including the Claiborne Parish Club. He has also been active in Holy father, Dr. Charles F. "Red" Thomas, and Columbia County Chamber of Trinity and St. Pius X Catholic and am truly honored to join him in Commerce, the Haynesville Lions Church. the Long Purple Line," said Gen. Club and the Haynesville United "One ofthe things I have set out Thomas. "Frankly, I'm humbled to Methodist Church. to do is try to make a positive differ- be there not only with him, but also "I always felt at home at North- ence in my community and in the with the marvelous list oftruly won- western," said Lewis. "I was able to world," he said. "I promised myself derful graduates ofNorthwestern." make a number of lifelong friends that I would do that once I had the Wright is regional sales manager while I was in college. I was also for- financial ability to do so." for Fortune 500 company Forest tunate to have a number ofoutstand- A native of Natchitoches, Pharmaceuticals. He has been with ing faculty such as Mr. Kenneth Durr, Thomas earned a bachelor's and the company for 17 years and has Mr. Robert Easley and more. So master's degree at Northwestern. He been a member of the President's Lloyd Ponder (1949) of Natchitoches was honored as the first recipient of the The Norman Taylor Dowty Patriotism Award at Northwestern State University's Homecoming banquet. The award will be presented to an alumnus for heroism, patriotism and distin- guished service to ourcountry. The award committee will meet annual- ly to consider prospective hon- orees but will present the award only in years when it is determined by the committee that there is an especially worthy and deserving individual to be honored with this special award. Attending the pres- entation were (from left) Amy Lore, who is Dowty's daughter, Lloyd Ponder, his wife Joyce Ponder and Northwestern President Dr. Randall J. Webb. Lloyd Ponder was in the Army Air Corps and fought at Battan and Corregidor in World War II. He spent more than three years in a Japanese POW camp before being released. Lloyd Ponder later earned a bachelor's and master's degree at Northwestern and had a successful career as an educator in vocational-technical schools. Alumni Columns Winter2007/4 Visit our websiteat Alumni News NSU's Long Purple Line into Four Northwestern State University graduates were inducted into the Alumni Hall of Distinction, the Long Pur- ple Line, as part of Homecoming activities. This year's honorees were (from left) Maj. Gen. (ret.) Charles W. "Chuck" Thomas of Alexandria, Va., David Wright of Natchitoches, Bryant Lewis of Haynesville and John A. Manno, Jr. of Bossier City. They are shown with NSU President Dr. Randall J. Webb. Club. Wright manages nine district he was a sales representative and induction into the Graduate "N" Club UAD managers, 140 sales representatives regional sales managerfor Lab- Hall of Fame. Wright was a football and 10 specialty sales representatives oratories. Inc. coach at St. Mary's High School and responsible for generating $50 mil- A standout football player at ClaiborneAcademy before beginning lion in sales. From 1985 until 1990. Northwestern, he was chosen for his career in pharmaceutical sales. fcww.northwesternalurnni.com Alumni Columns Winter2007/ 5 Alumni Gatherings Homecoming 2007 HALL OF DISTINGUISHED EDUCATORS H ESTABLISHED ZQOO COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Sherry Fargerson Morgan, Monty Chicola and Kenneth Moran were among the 2007 inductees into the NSU Col- 2007 inductees into the College of Education Hall of Dis- lege ofBusiness Hall ofDistinction. From leftare Dr. Jerry L. tinguished Educators were, from left, Dr. Maurice E. Den- Wall, dean ofthecollege; Fargerson, Chicola and Moran. Not nis, Jean McGlothlin Doerge, Bob McLemore, Ann V. shown are inductees Jim Bridges and Juanita Coutee. Dauzat and Leonard Wayne Hennigan Seven men were enshrined in the Graduate N Club Hall of Fame, the highest athletic honor issued by Northwestern Northwestern State University President Dr. Randall J. State University. Pictured after their introduction at the Webb honored the 2007 recipients of the Excellence in homecoming football game were football and track star TeachingAward at the annual Homecoming banquet. This Ted Simon, national championship gymnastics coaches year's recipients were, from left, Dr. Rondo Keele, Armando Vega and Fred Martinez, along with Maureen Louisiana Scholars' College; Connie Melder, College of Floyd, mother of football standout Bill Johnson; Joe Ray- Education; Webb; Dr. Susan Barnett, College of Liberal mond Peace, Johnson's position coach from 1975-78, Arts; Dr. Rick Tarver, College of Business; and Dr. Frank and football stars Kevin Lewis and Keith Hodnett. Not pic- Serio, College of Science and Technology. Also receiving tured is gymnastics coach Jeff Hennessy. the award was Debra Shelton, College of Nursing. The first ever NSU Gymnastics Team Reunion took place this year during Homecoming festivities. Gymnasts from 1950- 1970 were invited to reunite and celebrate with formerteam members. In attendance forthe reunion were 30 formergym- nasts accompanied by 50 guests. The reunion reception offered recognition to some ofNSU's most accomplished athletes. Alumni Columns Winter2007/6 Visit ourwebsite at: Alumni Gatherings New York City J»l rare * i l^i ngji MfiJR , '.j ( Attending the alumni gathering at Jacques-lmo's in New Getting acquainted were Denise Patrick (1977), Kathy York on Sept. 29 were Henry Manns (1961), Michael Merten (2000), Dan Houlihan, Paula Miniotis and George Chance (1973), Himanshu Singh (1998) and Dr. Jack Miniotis. Wann, NSU professor emeritus oftheatre. Bloomington, Chicago, 111. 111. & ~ ,4 vM :ta Wr* rjxi PT~~ . • >"^wl l 1 i NSU graduates employed with SState Farm gathered at Los Potrillos in Chicago-area alumni gathered Aug. 11, atO'Donovan's Pub & Restaurant: From Bloomington, III., on Aug. 10. left are Chris Maggio (1985, 1991), Patricia Fee, Kelvin Fee (1982), Drake Owens (2004, 2005), William Broussard (2000), Kim Bayma (2006), Elaine Marx and Michael Marx (1965). Homecoming Golf Tournament The first place team in the Alumni Golf The team of Loye Wilson, SidneyWilliams Tournament held Oct. 26 included, from (1986), Pete Cramer and Ric Ellis (1986) left, Victor Jones, Jay Bankston, Stuart won third place in the golftournament. Wright (1977) and Francis Deloney. Ken Rams, Justin Mann, Jarrod Cox (1997) Jack Brittain (1979), in and Hall Adams (1997) earned second place front, Ken Meeks (1977), in the Oct. 26 Homecominggolftournament. Tammy Trichell and Jeff Dal- ton joined the fun in the Alumni Golf Tournament. •nv.northwcstcrnalumni.com Alumni Columns Winter2007/ 7 Almuni News SPOTLIGHTS Bedard was an All-American gymnast who had lived in Texas and graduated college before enlisting in the Army. 9b? Marguerite Hudson (1949, 1973) presented a copy "The VietnamWarhadmade an impressionon mybody and of her first book, a historical novel entitled "Whiskey soul that would last a lifetime," Bedard wrote. "The war was a ChittoWomen,"toFlemingThomas,directorofLibraries life-changing experience for me." at NSU. The novel is based on family stories about Hud- Bedard's autobiography also recounts his return to the Unit- son's great-grandparents, Ellen and Aaron Johnson, and ed States after Vietnam and tells ofthe frustrating way veterans their experiences ofthat warweretreated. Hisbookalsorevealshow Bedardreal- during the Civil War. ized hecould not fitback intothe life heknew inAmericabefore Hudson noted the war and recounts how he eventually came to grips with the she was making the man he had become. presentation in It took Dr. Bedard, a Professor Emeritus ofCentenary Col- honor of her for- lege,decades to write about his experiences in Vietnam. mer student, Dr. For further information on the book,contactMitchell Usch- Randall J. Webb, er at Lllumina Press, at [email protected]. NSU president, and in memory of t2P Winnie Dowden Wyatt (1953) has penned herthird novel, his father, Joe "The Peeled Ones Have Come," which describes events during Webb,whowas her anAmerican family'sthree-yearstay in Nigeria.Wyatt served as professor at North- a missionary in Nigeria, West Africa, where she worked with western. children's literature and has published several stories and arti- The book was cles from that era. Her first two novels were "The Little Dry," set in Africa, and "Thee Glass Windows," set in rural America. selected as the Wyatt and herhusband live on a small Angus ranch in Glen Book of the Year by the Southwest Louisiana Technical Rose,Texas, and are the parents of four grown sons. Informa- College system. Hudson was recognized at a banquet in tion about Wyatt's book can be found e-mailing Lake Charles in October. [email protected]. Hudson is a retired English teacher. She resides in Benton with herhusband Billy (1948). More information tS? Jeff Harris (1985), a graduate in Electronic Engineering is available at her website www.mwhudson.com. Technology has been promoted todirectorofcorporate telecom- munication managing employees in 27 states. Harris has been employed since graduation with Texas Gas Transmission in w Cindy McAbee Chapman (1988) is doing on-camera Kentucky. work for a new concept show called KARE onLIVE for KARE *£? Gary Fields (1982, 1984) was presented with the second 11 TV in Minneapolis,Minn.,the first and only show ofits kind annual North Star News Prize on Nov. 17, 2007, in New York in the country fora local news market. Chapman stepped down City.The North StarNews Prize recognizes people ofcolorwho fromproducingthe 10p.m. newscastand isnowthe liveon-line have made outstanding contributions to journalism, media and chat person daily at4p.m. on the station and appears during the communications. The name comes from the anti-slavery news- show reading comments from the audience. paper, the North Star, founded by Frederick Douglass in 1847. "We are on TV and the internet so you can watch us on the The News Prize acknowledges outstanding journalism and air or on-line. Our show is then streamed for 24 hours so peo- media professionals who have taken Douglass' words to heart: ple can watch any time of day," Chapman said. "The coolest "In order forjustice to be done, we must not be silent." partofthe show isthat we take live chatduringthe show.That's Fields is a member of the Long Purple Line and currently whereI come in. I monitorthe chatand then talkabout iton the works forthe Wall Street Journal. air." The link is www.karell.com/onlive. © Correction David L. Bedard (1968, 1972) has published a new Viet- nam War memoir, "I Remember Quan Loi: Annus Horribilis (The Horrible Year)." In his book, Bedard calls Vietnam "the C^ AlumnusJeffHennessy (1951, 1958) was incorrectly iden- Baby Boomers'Iraq" and writesofthe horrors andlonelinesshe tified in the Fall edition of Alumni Columns. Hennessy is a faced as a young Army soldier stationed in Quan Loi, an isolat- noted athlete and trampoline coach, who is a member of the ed hilltop outpost in thejungles ofVietnam. N Club. He is a Lafayette resident. Alumni Columns Winter2007/8 Visit ourwebsites

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