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Preview Althouse, Andrew Daniel Modern refrigeration and air conditioning part 1 of 2

M o d e r n a n d R e f r i g e r a t i o r n r n S A i r C b n d i t i o by ANDREWD . ALTHOUSE8,. S.,( M.E'),M .A. Technical-VocatioEnadlu catioCn onsultant LifeM emberA, mericanS ocietyo f HeatingR, efrigeratinagn, dA ir-ConditioninEgn gineers CARI H, TURNQUISTB, .S./( M.E.)M, .A. Technical-VocationEadlu catioCn onsultant AssociatMe emberA, mericans ocietyo t HealineR, efriSerdtianngd, A ir-Condilionitnngg ineers ^aembenr efrigeririnTBn Bineearnsd T echniciaAnss socidlron ALFREDF .B MCCIANO, 8.S.,M .Ed.,E d.S P' Technical-VocatioEnadlu catioCn onsultant MemberR, efriSeratioSne wiceE nBineeSrso ciety AssociatMe emberA, mericanS ocietyo f HeatingR, efrigeratinagn, dA ir-ConditioninEgn gineers Mem-beAr,i i ConditioninCg ontractorosf America MemberA, isociationfo r Careear ndT echnicaEl ducation Publisher COMPANYIN C' THEC OODHEART-WIttcox TinleYP arkl,l linois Copyrghl2004 by TheG oodheart.WillcCoxo mpanyln, c. Previouesd ito nsc opygl hl2 0001,9 96,j 992,i 9BBj, 9 82,1 979I, 9 7S1, 9 68 Ar ghrsr eserveNd.o p arlo fthisw orkm ayb r€ eproduc€d, sloredoj r transmittetnd a nyi ormo r by anye tectronoicr n€chanicai means nctLdingn formaUosnt oragea nd rore varsyslemwst,lh oLtht ep riowf rien permisosn o iT he coodhean-Wtcoi xC ompantyic, . I4anulactLr'or tdh eU niledS tateosf A mec a. Librafoyf C ongfesCsa tatoCga rdN umbe2r0 03052840 tsBN-139:7 8-1-59027800 ,2 ISBN1-0 :I -59070-280-8 678910-04-0807 The lechnologicach angesin the reiiigeralioann da ir conditionn g industryin aecent yearsf iaveb eenv erye xtensveT. hea ccuracyr,e liabiljtyc,a rty, and feadinge veloft h s bookh aveb eena chievedth roughth e asssianceo f the fottowinign dividuats: AssociateA uthors DanielC . Bracclano,B .S.M.ES.t eniorH VACE ngineerc,e neratU oiors CorporationW, arren,f ulichiganAt ssociatet \,4embeAr,m erican Socielyo f Healing,R eirigeratinagn d Air,Condiionn g Engineersi [,,lembeRr,e frigerat]oSne rviceE ngineerSs ociely, GloriaM , Bracciano8, .A.,l L4.AE.,d .S p.iP rincipaLt,a keO rionS choos , Lake Oron, lvlichiganAi ssoca 1e l\,lemberA, mericanS ocietyo f Healing,F efrgeratinga nd Air-Condilionng Engineersli\ ,{embef, Feffigelailoann dS erviceE ngineerSs ociely. Consultants Albe Buller,A utomotiveS ervice,c eneral lloiors Retailer,L apeer, l\,4lchigan RobenH .E dgeo n,B .S.M.EM.,. S.lV.EP.h, .DE. ngineering Robe OttolinlB, .M.E.M, .S.M.EE.; ngineefinlgll anagerc,6 neralM otors CorpofalionF,l int,I \,{icgha n JesseR . Riojas8, .S.,A ssoc.C llmateC ontrolTechI.ni structoOr, aktand CommuniiCy o lege,O aklandT echnicaCl enierI,V ichigan Connie Habermehl,A dministratveA ssistanl,A ssocaledT 6chnical AlrthorsP, ortH urcn,l ,,lichigan The authorsa ndp !blisherg ratetullayc knowl€dtgh€ 6lollowingc ompanielso r useo i maierialsfo rt he cover:TlFln sirumenlsIn, c.iC a(ier Corpo€tionR, esdeniiaPl roductsi ClmatelvlasleIrn,c . Libraryo f Congr6ssC ataroglngin AJbricationD ata AllhouseA, nd.ewD an€. Modernre lrigeraoln anda ir condilonng/ by AndrewO .A ihouse,C ar H.TurnquslA, llredF . tsBN1 59070,280-8 L R€trig€ration and€l iigelatngm achn ery. 2.A r condiloninLg .T urnqusCl,a rlHarod,19l0- ll. BraccianAof,r edF . ll.Ttle. TP492.A432 003 621.5'6.-dc21 2003052840 INTRODUCTION Modem Refrigeration and Air Conditioning provides a thorouth and authontahve course on the basic and advanc€d pdnciples of refrigeration and air conditioning. As the technolo8y in the field has advanced, so has the leading text in the educational 6e1d, Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. lt contains all the most recent information and advances that arc nec€ssary to prepare the teclmician Ior today's world. lt incoryorates the lat€si technical chanSesa nd EPA mlinSs, cove$ the newer refrigerants, and prcvides current inJomra- tion on ihe rccovery reclaiming, and reryclint of refrigerants. It contains basic information on numercus cedfication exams. Mod€m Reftigeration and Air Conditionint presents all these pdnciples in a very easily rnderstood format. To make this book more "user 6iend1y," the t'?e face has been enlarg€d, and the readability imprcved. Sentencesa nd paraSraphs have all been reviewed so that comPre- hension is maximized. Thrs edition retains the sequenceo f topics that has proven successful.S ome oI ihe lrlaterial has been corelated into modules to h+ you obtain a better underctanding oI the subjeci. A[ dmwinSs have been coded to a standard color scheme to aid in recognition of items. The safety seciions are highlighted in red, as in the past; ihe ser\,1cef eaturcs arc identified with blue. Cu:rrent cylinder color coding is given for each reftgerant. An expanded table of contents is one of many features designed to enhance the leamint process. Each chapter has an idendJication of key words you will encounter in that chapter Learn- ing objectives also are provided for each chapter. Test Your Knowledge questions aPPear at the end of each chapter. Modem Retngeratron alrd Air Conditioning is writt€n using both U.S. Conventional and SI Metric uniis. The metric equivalent appears alongside the conventional unit throughout the texibook. This allo}r's you to use the system with which you are most familiar. Modem Refrigeration and Air Conditioning is intended for use in rcfrigeration and air conditioning classesi n hith schools, technical schools, and community colleges. lt may also be used in aduli educatron classesa nd apprenticeship pro$ams. It Prcvides the foundafion on which a solid, thorough knowledge of refrigeration and air condiiioning may be based. It also Provides an excellent basis of inJormation for you in the areas of sefficing and troubleshoofing Beginnerc and apprentices will find in Modem Refrigeration and Air Conditioning an eY- cell€nt aid lor starting and pu$uing a pleasant and prcfitable career. ExPerienced se ice tech- nicians will find it a valuable guide and reference. Congratulations on selechng the best seilin& most popular book on refrigeration and air conditioning! Modern Refrigeration and Au Conditioning will Suide you to a successfii carcer and provide you with a valuable reference in ihe Profession. HOW TO USET HEC OTORK EY Colors are used tlEoughout Modem Refrigeration and Air Conditionine to help show dif_ rerents tdtesa nd condition!_ofg dsesa nd Uquid!. OLherc olor. indicaLee le(tric;]. mechanicdla, nd spe(rarc omponenis.t he touowing tey shows whdt eachc olor represents. SystemS chematicf or Refrigerationa nd Heating "011il-'n$J.i,"J.,0,id DarRk edl I High-PressuVraep or ltign n"al ffi Low-PressLuirqeu id n-t atu"l I Low-prcssuVrea por trigl, nt.,"t ffi Low-PressureW ater O-t Creerrl f Low-PressureS team [,ight c.eerl] [ AbsorDtioSnv st€ms High-Pressure Water and Ammonia (Weak Solution-Hot) Brown-neal I Low-Prcssure Water and Ammonia (Srrong Sotution--4o1d) truquotseJ | CirculatinMg edium ,o",i"lXE* ,r'',"' *"*, om ^o, m,,"^, ,o,Ht"olt,'- ll m HXfrI Miscellaneous ,o",.liif*I" , ro"!ftf^*Wt ,r,r,Jilr""'N ^t";fi:'i* [ "ff]^1f.flf'iilif fi" W ElectricaCl ontrols HighlightS ystem mt*1 I Sp€cificC omponents tli-" C.eenl ! Mechanical HithliShtS ystem tntue-crayJ ffi SpecificC omponents |Ligt:rtO ruogel @ SpeciaCl omponents HighJishiyts tem fl tv"to-t SpecificC omponents IDark OrangeJ ! CONTENTS Chapte1r FUNDAMENTAOTSF REFRIGERATIO2N5 '1.30 HISTORYA ND FUNDAMENTAOLSF REFRICERAIION CriticaPl ressure5 2 MODULE 25 1.31 Enthalpy5 2 1.1 Developmenotf Refrigeration2 5 ] 32 Cryogenics 52 1.2 How a MechanicaRl efriSeratOorp erates2 6 1.33 PerfectC as Equation 53 1.3 ColorC odingS ystemin ThisT ext 26 1.34 Dalton'sL aw 54 1.4 Heat 27 1.35 Evaporator 54 1.5 Cold 28 1.36 Vapor Cas 54 1.37 Humidity-RelativeHumidity5 4 1.38 ElementaryR efrigerator 54 TEMPEMTURPER, ESSURAEN,D MEASUREMENTS 1.39 MechanicalR efrigeratinSg ystem 56 MODULE2 8 '1.40 Reviewo f Abbreviationsa nd Symbols 57 1,6 Ternperatuafen dT emperatuMrce asu€ment2 8 1.7 BasiAc rithmetic3 0 1.41 Reviewo f Safety 57 1.8 TemperatuCreo nversion3 2 1.42 TestY our Knowledge 58 1.9 TemperatuDrei fferencCe alculations3 3 1.10 Dimension3s 3 1.11 Pressure3 7 1.12 TheT hreeP hysicaSlt ates3 9 1.13 Density4 1 1.14 Force 41 1. 15 Work 42 1.16 Energy4 2 1.17 Powet 42 1.18 Unito f Heat 43 1.19 Effecot f Pressuroen Evaporating Temperature4s6 1.20 Effecot f Pressuroen FreezinTge mpetature of Water 47 L21 RefrigeraiinEgf fecot l lce 47 1.22 AmbienTt emperature4 9 1.23 Heato f Compression4 9 1.24 EnergUyn its 50 RETRIGERATISOYNS TEMASN D TERMS MODULE5 0 1.25 Refrigeran5t0 1.26 HeatT ransfer5 0 1.27 Brinea ndS weeWt ater 51 1.28 Dryl ce 51 1.29 CfiticaTl emperatur5e2 Chapte2r REFRIGERATITOONO TSA ND MATERIATS6 1 TUBINCA ND FITTINCSM ODUTT 6,I 2.1 Tubing 61 2.2 Cuuinga nd BendjngT ools 64 2.3 ConnectinTgu bing 66 solde^-do - Brd,,pd-tJbrlFgi I rgs bq 4.1 ruoeL oupIng5 /5 2.6 SwagingC opperT ubing 75 2.7 TubeC onstficror7 6 2.8 PipeF ittlngasn dS izes 76 REFRIGERATITOONO TSM ODULE 77 2.9 HandT ools 77 INSTRUMENTASN D CAUCESM ODULE 88 2.10 Instrumenatsn d Cauges 88 2.11 MeasurinTgo ols 92 SUPPTIEASN D USEM ODULE 94 2.i 2 FasteninDge vices 9,1 2.13 RefrigeratioSnu pplies 96 2.14 ServiceV alves 98 2.15 Purging 99 2-l6 EvacuatinS9 9 2.17 Reviewo i Salety 99 2.18 TestY ourK nowledge 100 Chapter3 BASICR EFRIGERATISOYNS TEMS1 03 3.1 lce RefrigerationI0 3 3.12 CascadeR efrigeratinSgy nems 113 3.2 EvaporativeR efrig€ration (DesertB ag) 104 3.13 ModulatingR efrigeratioCny ce I1.1 3.3 EvaporativRee frigeratio(Sn nowM aking) 104 3.14 lceM aker 115 3.1 CompressionS ysternU singL ow Side Float 3.15 DrinkingW aterC ooler 116 ReirigerantContro1l0 5 3.16 ExpendablRee frigeraRnte frigeratioSny stem I17 3.5 External-Drive(O pen)R efrigefatinSg ystem 106 3.17 ThernroelectrRice friSeration1 18 3.6 CompressioSny stemU slngH igh-SidFe loar 3.18 Dry lce Refrigeration1 18 RefrigeranCi ontro 107 3.19 IntermittenAtb sorpiionS ystem 120 3.7 CompressioSny nemU singA utomatjcE xpansion 3.20 ConiinuouCs ycleA bsorptionS ysternI 22 Valve{ AEV)R efrigeranCi ontrol I 08 3.21 SolidA bsorbenRt effigeralion1 24 3.8 CompressioSny stemU singT hermonatically 1.22 SophisiicateCdo mmerciaSl ystenrs1 25 ControlledE xpansioVna v e (TEV) 108 3.21 Hot-CasD efrost 125 3.9 CompressioSny stemU singC apillaryT ube 3.24 ElectricD elrost 128 RelrigerantContro1l 09 1.25 TestY ourK nowledge 129 3.10 MultipleE vaporatoSry stem 110 3.ll CompoundR efrigeratinSgy stems1 11 Chapte4r COMPRESSIOSNY STEMASN D COMPRESSORS1 31 .I31 COMPRESSIONS YSIEMSM ODUTE 4.1 Lawso f Refrigeration1 31 4.2 CompressioCny cle 131 4.3 Evaporator1 34 4.4 Accumulator1 34 4.5 SuctionL ine 134 4.6 Compressor1 35 4-7 Oil Separator1 36 4.8 Condenser1 37 4.9 LiquidR eceiver1 39 4.10 LiquidL ine I39 4..I 'ypFso JR efriBeraFqllo \^C onlrol I40 4.'12 MotorC ontrol 145 COMPRESSORMSO DULE 146 4.13 Extefnal-DriveCompresso1r4s6 4.14 HermeticC ompressors1 47 4.15 Typeso f Compressorc 147 4.16 Motors 168 4.17 SeryiceV alves 168 4.18 Mufflers 169 4.19 CompressoCro oling 169 4.20 Lubrication1 70 4.21 CompressoVro lumetriEc fficiency1 70 4.22 CompressioRna tio 172 4.23 CheckV alves 172 4.24 Urloader 172 4.26 O Rings 172 4.27 CrankcaseH eater I73 4.28 Reviewo f Satety 173 4.29 TestY our Knowledge 174 Chapter5 .I77 REFRIGERANTCONTROTS 5.'l CompfessionS ystemR efrigeranCt onirols 177 5.5 Reviewo f Safety 203 5.2 ComparingR efrigeranCt ontrols 202 5.6 TestY our Knowledge 204 5.3 CheckV alve 202 5.4 SuctionP ressureV alves 202 Chapte6r EI.ECTRICAT-MAGNFEUTINCD AMENTAI.2S0 7 ELECTRICFAULN DAMENIAMTSO DULE2 07 APPTIEDE LECTRONICASN D EIECIRICITY 6.1 CeneratinESle crricity2 07 MODULE 234 6.2 Typeso f Electricity2 08 6.6 Eiectronics2 14 6.3 CircuiFt undamenta2ls1 0 6.7 ElectricaPl ower 242 6.4 ElectricMala terials2 22 6.8 ElectricaClo des 250 6.5 Magnetism2 24 6.9 CircuitP rotection2 50 6.10 Reviewo f Safety 253 6.11 TesYt ourK nowledge2 54 Chapte7r ELECTRMICO TORS 257 ETECTRIMC OTORSM ODULE 257 7-14 StandarMd otorD ata 278 7.1 ElectricM otorA pplications2 57 7.15 FanM otors 278 7.2 TheM otorS tructure2 57 7.16 Shaded-PoMleo io|s 279 7.3 Typeso f ElectricM otors 258 7.17 ElectroniVca riableS peedM otors 280 7.4 Motor Speeds 261 7.5 Sta{inga nd RunningW indings 262 7.6 StartingC urrent 263 /./ MOtOCr onnecton\ 164 SERVICINCEL ECTRIMCO TORSM ODULT 282 7.18 SeryjcinEg lectricM otors 282 7.8 HermeticS ystemM otors 265 7.19 Pulleys 287 7-9 DirectC urenta nd UniversaMl otors 272 7.20 Belts 288 7.10 Motof Horsepowera nd Motor 7.21 Motor T€siingS tand 290 Lnatactefl9ircl5/J 7.22 Servicinagn d RepairinHg ermeticM otors 290 7.11 ElectricM otorC rounding 273 7.12 MoIor Prctectior 274 7.23 Revie\r,oSi aiery 292 7.13 MotorT emperaiure2 77 7.24 TesiY our Knowe dge 292 Chapte8r ELECTRICCIRCUITASN D CONTROLS2 95 ELECTRICCO NTROLC IRCUITSM ODULT 295 8.9 RemoteT emperatureS ensingE lenrents 316 8.1 ElecticalCifcuits-CompleteWiring 8.10 PressurMeo torC ontfos 317 Diagram 295 8.11 MotorS afetyC ontfols 317 8.2 Eiectical Circuits-Laddet Diag]am 297 8.12 MotorS radingR elays 319 8.3 ControlSystems-Fundamenta2l9s7 8.13 AutomaticD efrostC ontrols 324 8 l4 Sen;aLrorrri(D et.onC ontrols l2t 8.15 Hot-CasD efrosCt ontrols 327 8.16 lce BankC ontrols 328 ETECTRICCO NTROTMS ODULE 309 8.17 De-lceC ontrols 329 8.4 Refrigeratoarn d FreezerC ontros 309 8.1B Hum;dityC ontfols 330 8.5 lceM akerC ontrols 310 8.19 DefrostinTgi mers 330 8.6 ComlorCt ooiingA ir ConditioninCg ontrols 314 8.7 CentraAl ir ConditioninCg onlrols 315 8.20 Reviewo l S.rfety1 31 8-8 WaterC oolerC ontrols 316 8.21 TesYt ourK nowledge1 31 I Chapte9r REFRICERANT3S3 5 9.1 Refrigerantasn d the Ozone Layer 335 9.12 RefrigeraCnty linders 355 9.2 Requirementsi or Refrigerants 337 9.13 Use of Pfessure-TemperaiuTraeb les 357 9.3 Useo f Pressure-TemperaCtuurr€ ves 337 9.14 HeadP ressure(Hs ighS ide) 357 9.,1 Cfouping and classificationo f Refriseranis 338 9.15 RetrigeratorTemperatu3re5s7 9.5 CroupA Retrigerant3s 38 9.16 RefrigeraAntp plications3 58 9.6 CroupB Reffigerants3 51 9.17 Changing/ldentifyingRefriger3a5n8ts 9.7 CombustiblRe efrigerant3s 52 9.1I Amounto f RefrigeranRte qujredin a System 158 9.8 ExpendableR efrigerants3 52 9.19 RefriseratioOni l 36'l 9.9 Watera s a Refrigerant 354 9.20 Moisturein Refrigeran3t 61 9.10 FoodF reezanis3 54 9.21 Revi-.wo f Safety 362 9.1I CryogeniFc luids 354 9.22 TestY our Knowledge 363 Chapter1 0 REFRIGERANRTE COVERY/RECYCLING/RECLAIM3IN6G5 10.1 Chlorofu orocarbon(sC FCs), Hydrochlorloufo rocarbon(Hs CFCs), andt he OzoneL ayer 365 10.2 RecoveryR,e cyclingR, eclaiming of Refrigerants3 67 10.3 RefrigeranRte coverEy quipment3 67 10.4 RelrigprdnRr^ ,\ r lirS EqLipme'rl {-/ '10.5 RefrigeranRte claiminPgr ocedure3 75 10.6 Retrofit 377 10.7 MobileA ir Conditioning3 78 10.8 Revie$orf Saiety l/9 10.9 TestY ourK nowledge3 79 Chapter1 1 DOMESTIRCEFRIGERATOARNSD FREEZERS3 81 11.1 PreseNinFgo odsb y RefriSefation 1l .l0 UprightF reezers4 07 and Freezing3 81 11.11 Careo f Refri8eratoor r Freezef 409 11.2 Refrigeratoar nd FreezerI nsulation 382 11.12l ceA ccumulatioinn CabinetI nsulation4 10 11.3 RefrigeratoSr ingle-DooMr,a nualD efrost 382 11.13B utterC onditioner4 10 ll.4 Re-flSer"loFFreezMe drudl Defrosl J84 11.14C abineHt ardware 411 11.5 Refrig€rator-FreezAeru tomaticDefrost3 87 11.15C abineCt askets 412 11.5 Refrigerator-Freezer-Frost-Fre3e9 4 11.16R epairinFgin ishes4 13 11.7 RefrigeratoFFreezer-Frost-Free, 11.17C abineTr hermometers4 13 Side-by-Side 395 11.18R evicwo f Safety 414 11.8 Solid-Statlcee M aker 401 11.19T estY ourK nowledge4 14 11.9 Chest-TypeF reezers 401 Chapter1 2 SERVICINGA ND INSTALIINC SMALL HERMETICS YSTEMS 417 12.1 InstrumentTso, olsa, ndS upplies 4j7 12.9 LocatingR efrigeranLt eaks 444 12.2 InstallingR efrigemtorasn d Freezers 419 12.10R epairinLge aks 448 12.3 TroubJeshootinthge Hermetic 12.11 RefrigeranRt ecoverya nd Evacuaiion 449 RefrjgeratoFFreeze4r 21 12.'12D iagnosinCgo mponenPr roblems 452 12.4 HermeticS ervicing4 27 12.13R eplacinSSy stemC omponents4 59 ExternaSl eruicingO perations 427 12.14E vacuatinag S ynemw ith a VacuumP ump 463 12.6 InternalS erviceO perations 433 12.15O verhaulinag HermeticS ystem 470 12.7 Cauge( ServjceM) anilold Types 12.16R eviewo f Satety 470 and Construction 434 12.4 HermeticS erviceV alvesa nd Adaptors 438 I2.17 TesYt ourK nowledge4 71 Chapter1 3 COMMERCIASI.Y STEMS4 73 COMMERCIASLY STEMMSO DULE 473 3.8 VendingM achineC ontrols 519 13 .1 Constructioonf RefrigeratioCno mponents473 3.9 DeirosTt imers 520 13.2 RefrigeratioCno mponents4 73 3.10 PressurRee gulatinVga lves 524 13.3 PackageCdo mmerciaSl ysterCn omponents475 3.ll CompressoPr rotectionD evices 529 13.4 CommerciaEl vaporators4 96 3.12 ManualV alves 536 3.13 RelrigeranLti nes 539 COMMTRCIAIS. YSTEMS--{ONTROtSM ODULE 513 3.14 Engine-DriveSny stems5 43 '13.5 RefrigeraCnto ntrols 513 3.15 Reviewo f Safety 544 13.6 MotorC ontrols 513 3.16 TesYt ourK nowledge5 44 13.7 lceM akerC ontrols 519 sutlpat a2kknd uDanmt Ltudrh c6El 10

The Googheart-Willcox company, INC. - 1212 p. - ISBN: 1-59070-280-8Modem Refrigeration and Air Conditioning provides a thorough and authoritative course on the basic and advanced principles of refrigeration and air conditioning.As the technology in the field has advanced, so has the leading text in
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