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ResearchArticle TRANSPARENT OPEN DNAmethylationinhumandilatedcardiomyopathy PROCESS ACCESS Alterations in cardiac DNA methylation in human dilated cardiomyopathy Jan Haas1y, Karen S. Frese1y, Yoon Jung Park2,3y, Andreas Keller4, Britta Vogel1, Anders M. Lindroth2, Dieter Weichenhan2, Jennifer Franke1, Simon Fischer1, Andrea Bauer5, Sabine Marquart1, FarbodSedaghat-Hamedani1,ElhamKayvanpour1,Doreen K¨ohler1,NadineM.Wolf1,6,SarahHassel1, Rouven Nietsch1, Thomas Wieland6,8, Philipp Ehlermann1, Jobst-Hendrik Schultz7, Andreas D¨osch1, Derliz Mereles1, Stefan Hardt1, Johannes Backs1,9, J¨org D. Hoheisel5, Christoph Plass2,9, Hugo A. Katus1,9, Benjamin Meder1,9* Keywords: biomarker; dilated Dilated cardiomyopathies (DCM) show remarkable variability in their age of cardiomyopathy; DNAmethylation; onset,phenotypicpresentation,andclinicalcourse.Hence,diseasemechanisms epigenetics; heartfailure mustexistthatmodifytheoccurrenceandprogressionofDCM,eitherbygenetic orepigeneticfactorsthatmayinteractwithenvironmentalstimuli.Inthepresent study, we examined genome-wide cardiac DNA methylation in patients with DOI10.1002/emmm.201201553 idiopathicDCMandcontrols.Wedetectedmethylationdifferencesinpathways ReceivedMay08,2012 relatedtoheartdisease,butalsoingeneswithyetunknownfunctioninDCMor RevisedNovember15,2012 heart failure, namely Lymphocyte antigen 75 (LY75), Tyrosine kinase-type cell AcceptedNovember29,2012 surfacereceptorHER3(ERBB3),HomeoboxB13(HOXB13)andAdenosinereceptor A2A(ADORA2A).Mass-spectrometricanalysisandbisulphite-sequencingenabled confirmationoftheobservedDNAmethylationchangesinindependentcohorts. Aberrant DNA methylation in DCM patients was associated with significant changesinLY75andADORA2AmRNAexpression,butnotinERBB3andHOXB13. In vivo studies of orthologous ly75 and adora2a in zebrafish demonstrate a functional role of these genes in adaptive or maladaptive pathways in heartfailure. (1) DepartmentofInternalMedicineIII,UniversityofHeidelberg,Heidelberg, INTRODUCTION Germany (2) Division of Epigenomics and Cancer Risk Factors, German Cancer Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a frequent heart ResearchCenter(DKFZ),Heidelberg,Germany (3) Department of Nutritional Science and Food Management, Ewha muscle disease with an estimated prevalence of 1:2500 WomansUniversity,Seoul,SouthKorea (Karkkainen&Peuhkurinen, 2007). Theprogressivenatureof (4) DepartmentofHumanGenetics,SaarlandUniversity,Germany the disorder is responsible for nearly 50,000 hospitalizations (5) DivisionofFunctionalGenomeAnalysis,GermanCancerResearchCenter and10,000deathsperyearintheUSaloneandisthemaincause (DKFZ),Heidelberg,Germany forhearttransplantationinyoungadults(Dec&Fuster,1994). (6) Medical Faculty Mannheim, Institute of Experimental and Clinical Overall,theincidenceofthediseasehascontinuallyincreased PharmacologyandToxicology,HeidelbergUniversity,Mannheim,Germany over the past years and it was recognized that DCM has a (7) DepartmentofGeneralInternalMedicineandPsychosomatics,University HospitalHeidelberg,Heidelberg,Germany substantial genetic contribution (Grunig et al, 1998). It is (8) DZHK (German Centre for Cardiovascular Research), partner site estimated that about 30–40% of all DCM cases show familial Heidelberg/Mannheim,Mannheim,Germany aggregation and until now more than 40 different genes were (9) DZHK (German Centre for Cardiovascular Research), partner site foundtocausegeneticDCM(Meder&Katus,2012).However, Heidelberg/Mannheim,Heidelberg,Germany sincethecourseofevenmonogeneticDCMishighlyvariable, *Correspondingauthor:Tel:þ496221564835;Fax:þ496221564645; genetic modifiers are thought to have an important influence E-mail:[email protected] on phenotypic characteristics and outcome (Friedrichs et al, yTheseauthorscontributedequallytothiswork. 2009;Villardetal,2011).Accordingly,severalstudieshavenow (cid:1)2013TheAuthors.PublishedbyJohnWileyandSons,LtdonbehalfofEMBO.Thisisanopenaccessarticleunder thetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense(CCBY3.0),whichpermitsuse,distributionandreproduction inanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. EMBOMolMed(2013)5,413–429 413 ResearchArticle www.embomolmed.org DNAmethylationinhumandilatedcardiomyopathy identified common geneticpolymorphisms that areassociated Table1. Study sample characteristics of the screening and replication withDCMorheartfailure(Friedrichsetal,2009;Villardetal, cohorts 2011). Cohort N Female(%) Age(years) LV-EF(%) Diseasemodificationthroughepigeneticalterationshasbeen Screening convincinglydemonstratedforanumberofdiseases(Feinberg DCMcases 9 33 57(cid:1)5.4 27(cid:1)7.5 & Tycko, 2004; Jones & Baylin, 2002). In the cardiovascular Controls 8 38 42(cid:1)14 60(cid:1)4.0 system, histone modifications and chromatin remodelling are Replication thought to direct adaptive as well as maladaptive molecular DCMcases 30 37 58(cid:1)14 25.6(cid:1)8.4 pathwaysincardiachypertrophyandfailure(Montgomeryetal, Controls 28 46 57(cid:1)12 61.5(cid:1)5.3 2007),andDNAmethylationwasfoundtoberesponsibleforthe Forthecontrolpatients:Female,femaledonorstatusoftransplantedheart; hypermutabilityofdistinctcardiacgenes(Meurs&Kuan,2011). LV-EF,leftventricularejectionfraction. Furthermore,recentstudieshavehighlightedpotentialinterplay between environmental factors and the disease phenotype by epigenetic mechanisms (Herceg & Vaissiere, 2011; Jirtle We used the comprehensive screening datasets in a gene & Skinner, 2007). However, the knowledge about the impact set enrichment analysis (GSEA) and identified within the of epigenetic alterations on the disease phenotype in human top three (ranked by p values) enriched disease categories patientsisstillverylimited. providedbytheNationalInstituteofAging(NIA)thedisease Thepresentstudyinvestigatedforthefirsttimetheimpactof pathways ‘cardiovascular disease’, ‘metabolic disease’ and genome-wide cardiac DNA methylation on human DCM in ‘pathological conditions’, all associated with DCM and patients. We identified several candidate genes with altered with considerable overlaps between each other (Fig 1C). To methylation status and replicated these findings in an detect patterns of genes with differential methylation in independent cohort ofDCMpatientsandcontrols. Using gene the screening cohorts, we carried out a clustering approach expressionanalysisandzebrafishasaninvivomodel,wecould on genes with known abundant expression in the human furthermore show that appropriate mRNA levels of LY75 and heart (http://c-it.mpi-bn.mpg.de). From the annotated 2018 ADORA2Aareimportantforunconstrainedcardiacfunction. individual genes, 1858 (92.1%) were covered by the applied Infinium assay. Since the degrees of methylation for the genes were not normally distributed, we used two-tailed RESULTS Wilcoxon rank-sum test to compute a significance value foreachgene,whichresultedinatotalof90genessurpassing DNAmethylationisalteredinpatientswithDCM statistical significance (p-value <0.05). While about one- We performed two-staged, funnel-like DNA methylation map- third showed increased methylation in DCM patients, ping in non-ischaemic, idiopathic DCM patients and controls approximately two-thirds were significantly less methylated. (Table 1). In the screening stage, we assessed genome-wide Fig 1D gives a graphical representation of differential DNA methylation levels of CpG islands (CGIs) using the methylation patterns by using hierarchical clustering on Infinium HumanMethylation 27 platform. We first extracted the Euclidian distance. The heat map shows the patterns 1000ng of genomic DNA from LV biopsies from 10 DCM of higher- and lower methylated genes in DCM patients and patientsand10controls.Aftermethylationprofiling,17datasets controls. passed the stringent quality filter criteria, exemplarily shown Forthereplicationstageinanindependentcohort,methyla- by reaching highly similar bead color signal intensities tionpatternsofsinglegeneswereusedtodefinecandidatesfor (Fig 1A). Fig 1B shows a correlation plot of the 27,578 amassspectrometry-basedfine-mapping.Fig2AandBshows individual methylation sites for all further analysed patients the five most hyper- and hypomethylated genes, while Fig 2C and controls. While the degree of methylation for most CpG details the 20 most significantly dys-methylated genes of the sites is highly correlated between the two groups, we screening stage. The final selection was based on unadjusted detected several CGIs that are hypo- (green dots) or hyper- p values or absolute methylation difference, CGI localization, methylated (red dots) in DCM compared to the controls capability to design specific assay probes, and known expres- (unadjustedp-value<0.05). sionintheheart. " Figure1. DetectionofDNAmethylationpatterns. A. Bargraphsshowingquantilenormalizedbeadcoloursignals(greenandred)frommethylationmeasurementsfromallpatientsandcontrolsofthescreening stageincludedinthefurtheranalysis.SignalqualitywashighlysimilaroverallDCMandcontrolsamples.Errorbarsindicatestandarddeviation. B. CorrelationplotshowingthepercentageofCpGmethylationincontrolsversusDCMpatients,resultinginanoverallveryhighcorrelation.Thecolouredsignals thatarefurthestawayfromthebisectinglineshowsignificantlyhyper-(red)andhypo-methylated(green)CpGsinDCMpatients. C. Gene-setenrichmentanalysisforNIAhumandiseasepathways.Thearea-proportionalVenndiagramshowsthatmethylationchangesincardiovascular diseasegenesaresignificantlyenrichedtogetherwiththeoverlapoftheotherindicatedgenesets. D. Clusteranalysisforgeneswithknownexpressioninthehumanheartandsignificantlyalteredmethylation.Thecolourcodeusedfortheheatmapisshownin theupperleftcorner,valuesrangefrom1(samplewiththelowestmethylationfortheconsideredgenes)to17(samplewiththehighestmethylationforthe consideredgenes). 414 (cid:1)2013TheAuthors.PublishedbyJohnWileyandSons,LtdonbehalfofEMBO. EMBOMolMed(2013)5,413–429 www.embomolmed.org ResearchArticle JanHaasetal. A 2) controls (n=8) DCM (n=9) controls (n=8) DCM (n=9) g o14 y (l12 sit n10 e nt 8 e i c 6 n ce 4 s ore 2 flu 0 C B Enriched human disease pathways 1.0 8) 60 s (n= 0.8 128 106 control 0.6 57 114 57 n on i 0.4 ati 200 yl eth 0.2 m Category Observed (n) 0.0 Cardiovascular Diseases 359 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases 337 methylation in DCM (n=9) Pathological Conditions. Signs and Symptoms 428 D DCM controls Color Key 1 17 DCM controls M C D n n i w o d M C D n p i u Figure1. EMBOMolMed(2013)5,413–429 (cid:1)2013TheAuthors.PublishedbyJohnWileyandSons,LtdonbehalfofEMBO. 415 ResearchArticle www.embomolmed.org DNAmethylationinhumandilatedcardiomyopathy A B controls (n=8) controls (n=8) DCM (n=9) DCM (n=9) 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 n n o o ati ati hyl 0.6 hyl 0.6 et et m m GI 0.4 GI 0.4 C C 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 C 1.0 controls (n=8) DCM (n=9) 0.8 on 0.6 ati yl h et m GI 0.4 C 0.2 0.0 Figure2. DifferentiallymethylatedgenesinDCMpatients. A,B. BargraphsshowingthedegreeofmethylationofCGIsofthescreeningcohort(n¼9DCMpatients;n¼8controls).Thefivegeneswiththelargestincreasein methylationinDCMpatientsareshownin(A)andgeneswiththelargestdecreaseinmethylationaredisplayedin(B). C. The20geneswiththemostsignificantmethylationchangesinthescreeningphase.Errorbarsindicatestandarddeviation. ValidationofaberrantDNAmethylationinDCM is displayed for LY75 and ERBB3 (Fig. 3), HOXB13 (Fig. 4) As denoted above, we carried out an independent replication and ADORA2A (Supporting Information Fig 1). Interestingly, andfinemappingoftheselectedgenesinalargercohortof30 ADORA2Ashowedsignificantlyalteredmethylationthroughout idiopathicDCMpatientsand28controls.Allselectedcandidates all tested CpGs, while ERBB3 or LY75 showed methylation were fine-mapped by using MassARRAY (Ehrich et al, 2005). alterations in a subset of the CpG nucleotides, possibly For each gene, several CpGs were retrieved and their resulting in different functional consequences. Supporting methylation status quantified. From 20 candidate genes, 12 InformationFig2givesthemeanmethylationoftheremaining showedthesamedirectionofalteredmethylationbetweenthe investigated CGIs. Since epigenetic marks may be also screening and the replication stage and four of them reached dependentonthegender,weadditionallymatchedthegender statistical significance, namely LY75 (p¼0.000), ERBB3 ratioofcasesandcontrolsofthereplicationcohorttotheratioof (p¼0.013), HOXB13 (p¼0.001), and ADORA2A (p¼0.011). thescreening cohort, leading tosignificance ofthesameCGIs Figs 3 and 4 present the mean methylation changes of the shown above. This is also true when matching females and replicatedgenes.Additionally,methylationofindividualCpGs males1:1. 416 (cid:1)2013TheAuthors.PublishedbyJohnWileyandSons,LtdonbehalfofEMBO. EMBOMolMed(2013)5,413–429 www.embomolmed.org ResearchArticle JanHaasetal. LY75 A 1000bp CGI 5000bp p=0.000 controls DCM 0.5 CpGs n 0.4 clones o ati yl 0.3 h et m GI 0.2 C 0.1 0.0 controls DCM (n=28) (n=30) 1.0 controls (n=28) p=0.011 DCM (n=30) 0.8 on p=0.011 p=0.000 ati 0.6 yl h met 0.4 p=0.014 p=0.014 0.2 p=0.005 0.0 CpG1 CpG2 CpG3 CpG4 CpG5 CpG6 CpG7 CpG8 CpG9 CpG10 B ERBB3 1000bp CGI 4000bp p=0.013 0.5 controls (n=28) 0.3 p=0.017 DCM (n=30) 0.4 p=0.018 methylation 0.2 methylation 00..23 p=0.003 GI 0.1 C 0.1 p=0.022 0.0 0.0 controls DCM (n=28) (n=30) Figure3. MassARRAY-basedvalidationofdifferentialmethylationinLY75andERBB3.DCMpatientsshowsignificantlyincreasedDNAmethylationinLY75(A), whileERBB3issignificantlylowermethylated(B).TheschemasabovethemethylationgraphsrepresentthetestedCGI(redlines),inrelationtothepredicted transcriptionstart-site(greenlines),theexons(blackbars)andalternativelysplicedexons(whiteboxes)ofthegenes. A. Theboxandwhiskersplot(mintomax)ontheupperleftsiderepresentsthemeanCpGmethylationmeasuredbyMassARRAY,theindividualCpGmethylation isshownatthebottom.ThepatternofCpGmethylationinmultipleclonesisshownontheupperrightinsert. B. Theboxandwhiskersplot(mintomax)ontheleftsiderepresentsthemeanCpGmethylationmeasuredbyMassARRAY,theindividualCpGmethylationis shownontheright. EMBOMolMed(2013)5,413–429 (cid:1)2013TheAuthors.PublishedbyJohnWileyandSons,LtdonbehalfofEMBO. 417 ResearchArticle www.embomolmed.org DNAmethylationinhumandilatedcardiomyopathy HOXB13 A 0.15 0.3 controls (n=28) p=0.001 DCM (n=30) ation 0.10 ation 0.2 p=0.002 yl yl h h et et m m GI 0.05 G 0.1 C Cp 0.00 0.0 controls DCM CpG1 CpG2 CpG3 CpG4 CpG5 CpG6 CpG7 CpG8 (n=28) (n=30) B ADORA2A CGI-2 CGI-3 CGI-1 CTCF Max CTCF NFKB Rad21 USF-1 TCF12 Oct-2 SMC3 TCF12 EBF PU.1 p=0.034 p=0.6233 p=0.011 0.3 1.0 1.0 methylation 0.2 methylation 00..68 methylation 00..68 GI-2 0.1 GI-3 0.4 GI-1 0.4 C C C 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 controls DCM controls DCM controls DCM (n=25) (n=28) (n=23) (n=27) (n=28) (n=30) controls DCM CpGs clones Figure4. MassARRAY-basedvalidationofdifferentialmethylationinHOXB13andADORA2A.DCMpatientsshowsignificantlydecreasedDNAmethylationin HOXB13(A)andADORA2A(B). A. Theboxandwhiskersplot(mintomax)ontheleftsiderepresentsthemeanCpGmethylationmeasuredbyMassARRAY,theindividualCpGmethylationis shownontheright. B. TheschemeabovethegraphrepresentsthetestedCGI(redline),inrelationtothepredictedtranscriptionstartsite(greenline),theexons(blackboxes)and alternativelysplicedexons(whiteboxes)ofadora2a.Dashedlinesindicatethe1500bpup-anddownstreamregionoftheCGIswhereinthelistedtranscription factorbindingsitesarefound.BoxplotsbelowshowthemeanmethylationinDCMandcontrolsatthecorrespondingCGI.ThepatternofCpGmethylationas assessedbybisulphite-sequencinginmultipleclonesisshownforCGI-1atthebottomofthefigure. 418 (cid:1)2013TheAuthors.PublishedbyJohnWileyandSons,LtdonbehalfofEMBO. EMBOMolMed(2013)5,413–429 www.embomolmed.org ResearchArticle JanHaasetal. InadditiontoMassARRAY,weappliedbisulphitesequencing methylationattheLY75,ERBB3,HOXB13,andADORA2Aloci for LY75 and ADORA2A to fine-map and technically replicate on their gene expression by quantitative PCR (q-PCR) in ourresults.Todoso,wegenerated14LY75and12ADORA2A controls, mild DCM (NYHA class II) and moderate to severe clones from two DCM patients and two controls each, and DCM(NYHAclassIII–IV). sequenced them before and after treatment with bisulphite For ADORA2A, we found a positive relationship of gene (Fig 3A and B; black circles¼methylated CpG, white expression with methylation (relative expression 0.33; circles¼unmethylatedCpG).Bisulphitesequencingconfirmed p¼0.002), while ERBB3 did not show significant alterations thecorrespondingMassARRAYdataand,hence,demonstrated in cardiac expression levels (Fig 6B–D). HOXB13 transcripts reliabilityofthelattertechnique. could not be PCR amplified in LV biopsies from patients and Next,toruleoutapotentialeffectoftheimmunosuppressive controls. In case of LY75, the hypermethylated CpG island is medication received by the control subjects (Table 2) on the relatively close to the transcriptional start site (distance methylationoftheinvestigatedgenes,weanalysedthemethyla- 1395bp), whereas the distance between the CGIs in ERBB3 tionpatternsofgenomicDNAfromperipheralbloodof11subjects (7518bp) and ADORA2A (14,329bp) is markedly larger drawnpre-andpost-hearttransplantation(HTX;meantimespan (Figs 3 and 4). Since we also observed a strong reduction in after HTX¼37 months under medication). As shown in Fig 5 LY75expressioninmyocardialtissue(relativeexpression0.04; we found highly comparable methylation levels (p¼n.s.) p¼0.001) in patients with DCM (Fig 6A and D), we asked if of LY75, ADORA2A, ERBB3 and HOXB13 CGIs in pre- and increased promoter methylation is directly responsible for post-HTX,indicatingthattheobservedmethylationdifferences decreased transcriptional activity. Hence, we performed a in DCM are not due to methylation changes in the controls luciferase promoter assay with methylated and unmethylated receivingimmunosuppressivemedication. LY75promoters.TheCpG-freecontrolreportervectorpCpGL- CMV/EF1servedasanegativecontrol.AsshowninFig6E,we Differentialgeneexpressionandfunctionalevaluationinvivo found a strong reduction in promoter activity after in vitro suggestcontributionofLY75andADORA2AtoDCM methylation, supporting the functional relationship between DNA methylation is often correlated with changes in the LY75hypermethylationandreducedexpressioninhumanDCM. accessibility of DNA to transcriptional activators, enhancers, Since we found a rather unusual positive relationship of or repressors. Hence, we first studied the impact of DNA ADORA2Ageneexpressionandmethylation,wefirstsoughtto identify the predominant isoform of ADORA2A in the human myocardium. By PCR, we found that the longer ADORA2A Table2.Immunosuppressivemedicationofcontrolindividuals transcriptsENST00000337539andENST00000541988arehighly expressed in the heart. However isoform ENST00000417596, Medication N % which is highly expressed in peripheral blood, is not Tacrolimus 19 54 significantly expressed in the heart. We then investigated Mycophenolat-mofetil 23 66 Ciclosporin 8 23 potential repressor regions in the close vicinity of the tested Prednisolon 11 31 CGIs.Forthedetectionoftranscriptionfactorbindingsites,the Everolimus 14 40 ENCODEtranscriptionfactorChIP-seqdatawasused.Wefound Allcontrolindividualsreceivedoneormoreimmunosuppressives. for the aberrantly methylated CGI-1 two potential repressor sites (CTCF and NFKB), for aberrantly methylated CGI-2 one repressorsite(CTCF)andfortheunalteredCGI-3onerepressor site(Max).Interestingly,bothhypomethylatedCGIs(1and2) carry CTCF binding sites, which were recently identified as pre-HTX (n=11) epigenetickeyregulatorsinvariousotherdiseases. post-HTX (n=11) p=0.43 SinceLY75andADORA2Awerenotpreviouslyknowntobe LY75 involvedinDCMorheartfailurepathogenesisandbothshowed significantdownregulationinthemyocardiumofDCMpatients, HOXB13 ERBB3 we investigated their functional roles by gene knockdown in CGI methylation p=0.97 p=0.20 zebrafish embryos (Dahme et al, 2009). We identified 10 20 30 orthologous sequences for human LY75 and ADORA2A by 0. 0. 0. BLAST searches against the zebrafish Genbank database. Protein sequence identity between the zebrafish and human ADORA2A version was 61% for adora2a (Fig 9A) and 37% for ly75 p=0.42 (SupportingInformationFig3).Similartothehumansituation, we found adora2a and ly75 to be highly expressed in the Figure5. CpGislandmethylationofcontrolsubjectsbeforeandafter zebrafish heart using q-PCR and RNA antisense in situ hearttransplantation. hybridization (Figs 7–9). Additionally, as shown in cultured ThelinediagramshowsthehighlysimilardegreeofmethylationofDNA neonatal rat cells, both genes are higher expressed in derivedfromperipheralbloodofcontrolsubjectspre-(lightblue)andpost- (darkblue)hearttransplantation(n¼11)forLY75,ADORA2A,ERBB3and cardiomyocytesthanincardiofibroblasts(Fig7BandC).Hence, HOXB13.Errorbarsindicatestandarddeviation. torecapitulatethedownregulationofbothgenesasobservedin EMBOMolMed(2013)5,413–429 (cid:1)2013TheAuthors.PublishedbyJohnWileyandSons,LtdonbehalfofEMBO. 419 ResearchArticle www.embomolmed.org DNAmethylationinhumandilatedcardiomyopathy A B C LY75 ERBB3 ADORA2A 1.5 1.5 1.5 relative expression 01..50 *** relative expression 01..50 relative expression 01..50 ** 0 0 0 D LY75 [ CT] ERBB3 [ CT] ADORA2A [ CT] Controls (n=7) 8.51 ± 0.66 9.88 ± 0.80 8.65 ± 0.26 Moderate DCM (n=7) 9.11 ± 0.40 10.02 ± 0.63 8.90 ± 0.53 Severe DCM (n=5) 13.11 ± 0.78 9.90 ± 0.53 10.08 ± 0.20 1.0 E firefly luciferase gene CGI vity 0.8 cti a er 0.6 ot m LYp7ro5m coorteer- pCpGL-LY75 e pro 0.4 (5513bp) v region ati el r 0.2 0.0 negative control pCpGL-LY75 Figure6. mRNAexpressionofgeneswithalteredmethylationstatusandgenepromoteranalysis. A–C. BargraphsshowingrelativemRNAexpressionlevelsofLY75,ERBB3andADORA2Ainmildandmoderate-severeDCMincomparisontocontrols.(A)LY75 expressionisstronglyreduced(relativeexpression¼0.04),while(B)ERBB3mRNAlevelsarenotdifferentiallyregulated.(C)ADORA2Aisalsosignificantly down-regulatedinDCM(relativeexpression¼0.37). D. Givenarethemeandelta-CTvalues((cid:1)SEM)ofLY75,ERBB3,andADORA2Ainthedifferentgroups(controls,moderateDCM,severeDCM).Thereferenceis basedonthemeanofthethreehousekeepergenes:GAPDH,RPL13,b-actin. E. Left:SchemaofthevectorconstructtomeasureLY75promoteractivitywithoutandaftertreatmentwiththemethylaseSssI.Right:Relativepromoter activity(meanofthreetechnicalreplicates(cid:1)SD)showingthestronglyreducedactivityinLY75aftermethylation,whereasthenegativecontroldoesnot showsignificantdifferences. thehumanheart,weinactivatedtheminzebrafishembryosby skipping of exon 8 (Fig 8D) and a consecutive frameshift injection of Morpholino-modified antisense oligonucleotides thatpredictablyleadstoaprematurestopofproteintranslation. directedagainstthesplicedonorsiteofly75orthetranslational As a result, ly75-morphants developed late-onset heart start-siteofadora2a.Whilecontrol-injectedzebrafish(standard failure with dilation of the atrium (Fig 8C) and reduced controlMorpholinoaswellasscrambledcontrolMorpholinos) ventricular contractility beginning at the 96h developmental embryos did not show any obvious phenotype, splice site stage (FS¼46(cid:1)5% at 48hpf and 29(cid:1)4% at 96hpf; Fig 8E, Morpholino-mediated knockdown of ly75 resulted in partial SupportingInformationMovie1).Additionally,ly75-morphants 420 (cid:1)2013TheAuthors.PublishedbyJohnWileyandSons,LtdonbehalfofEMBO. EMBOMolMed(2013)5,413–429 www.embomolmed.org ResearchArticle JanHaasetal. A whole fish heart showed a pronounced detachment and oedema of the skin especiallynoticeableintheeyeandheadregion(Fig8C).MO- 4 adora2a-injected embryos also developed severe heart failure n with progressively decreasing ventricular contractility as o si 3 measuredbyfractionalshortening(Fig9E,SupportingInforma- s pre tionMovie2).Indetail,theventricularcontractilityofadora2a- ex morphants decreased from 47(cid:1)11% at 48hpf to 39(cid:1)8% at e 2 v 72hpf. By 96hpf, both heart chambers became almost silent. elati Occasionally, we also observed atrial fibrillation in adora2a- r 1 morphants and embryos developed excessive pericardial effusion and precardial blood congestion as a consequence of 0 the reduced cardiac function. For both, ly75- and adora2a- ly75 adora2a morphants, we saw no alterations in molecular chamber cardiac fibroblasts cardiomyocytes specification and expression of atrial and ventricular myosin heavy chain genes (Figs 8 and 9 and Supporting Information B Fig4). 3 DISCUSSION n o si s pre 2 Epigenetic mechanisms are increasingly recognized as causes x andmodulators ofhuman disease.Most studiesconducted so e e farhavefocusedoncancerandyetonlyfewhaveinvestigated v ati theroleofepigeneticmechanisms,suchasDNAmethylation,in rel 1 cardiovascular disease (Movassagh et al, 2011). This is surprisingsinceepigeneticmechanismsarethoughttocontrol key adaptive and maladaptive processes such as cardiac 0 hypertrophy, fibrosis and failure (Backs et al, 2006, 2008). LY75 Here,weinvestigatedDNAmethylationpatternsonagenome- wide level in myocardium from patients with idiopathic DCM cardiac fibroblasts cardiomyocytes andfunctionallyunaffectedheartsofpatientswhohadreceived C hearttransplantation. Wefoundandconfirmed aberrantDNA 50 methylation alterations in a number of CGIs, suggesting that DNAmethylationisassociatedwithcardiacfunctionandmay 40 modulatephenotypiccharacteristicsofidiopathicDCM. n Thereareseveralepigeneticmechanismsineukaryotesand o essi 30 somehavealreadybeenlinkedtoDCMorheartfailure.Firstly, pr chromatin modifications through ATP-dependent enzymes x e from, e.g. the SWI/SNF genes enable the cell to regulate the e ativ 20 expressionofdistinctgeneprogramsinorgandevelopmentand el adaptation(Ho&Crabtree,2010).Secondly,histonemodifiers r such as histone acetyltransferases (HATs) or histone deacety- 10 lases(HDACs)areknowntoplayakeyroleduringdevelopment and in maintenance of cardiac function (Backs et al, 2011; 0 Montgomeryetal,2008;Zhouetal,2011).Cardiacspecificloss ADORA2A of HDAC1 and HDAC2 for example results in cardiac arrhythmiasandheartfailure(Montgomeryetal,2007),while Figure7. ly75andadora2atissueandcell-typeexpression. loss of HDAC3 function leads to cardiac hypertrophy (Mon- A. Relativeexpressionlevelsofly75andadora2aquantifiedbyq-PCRin40 tgomery et al, 2008). Thirdly, short non-coding microRNAs wholezebrafishembryos(greybars)and200isolatedzebrafish (miRNAs)broadlyinfluencegeneexpression(Humphreysetal, embryonichearts(blackbars). 2005) and are increasingly recognized as valuable diagnostic B,C. Expressionofly75(B)andadora2a(C)inneonatalratcardiomyocytes (Keller et al, 2011; Meder et al, 2011a,b) and potential andcardiofibroblasts(n¼3biologicalreplicates).Errorbarsindicate therapeutic targets (Gambari et al, 2011). DCM caused by standarddeviation. deregulationofmiRNAssuchasmiRNA-133ahasbeenrecently describedinanimalmodels(Chenetal,2008;Mederetal,2008; van Rooij et al, 2007). The current study now adds DNA EMBOMolMed(2013)5,413–429 (cid:1)2013TheAuthors.PublishedbyJohnWileyandSons,LtdonbehalfofEMBO. 421 ResearchArticle www.embomolmed.org DNAmethylationinhumandilatedcardiomyopathy A ly75 llyy7755 VV AAA WT 72 hpf WWTT 72 hpf B MO3-control 72 hpf C MO-ly75 72 hpf D E MO-ly75 MO1-control 60 %] 50 bp S [ 40 F 365 ar 30 ul 345 ntric 20 e 10 v 0 48 hpf 72 hpf 96 hpf F amhc vmhc MF20/S46 ol r V nt VVV V o AA c3- A A O M 7777777777777722222222222222222 hhhhhhhhhhhhhppppppppppppppppppfffffffffffffffffff 72 hpf MO3-control 72 hpf amhc vmhc MF20/S46 VV 5 V 7 y V lO- AAA A M A 72 hpf 7777777222 hpf 72 hpf Figure8. 422 (cid:1)2013TheAuthors.PublishedbyJohnWileyandSons,LtdonbehalfofEMBO. EMBOMolMed(2013)5,413–429

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