LETTERTOTHEEDITOR Virulence3:6,543–545;October1,2012;G2012LandesBioscience Alteration of GI symptoms in a cow with Johne disease by the dietary organosulfur, 2-mercaptoethanol Robert E. Click Keywords: 2-mercaptoethanol, dietary organosulfurs, bovine Johne disease, Mycobacterium avium ssp paratuberculosis, MAP, IBS, ulcerative colitis, Crohn disease, diarrhea, pain Sub-phenotypesofinflammatoryboweldisease(IBD)—Crohndisease,ulcerativecolitisandsomecasesofirritablebowel syndrome—aregenerallyconsideredaconsequenceofgastrointestinalinflammationofunknownetiology.Conventional therapyandmorerecentlybiologicagents,allwithvaryingdegreesofdrawbacks,haveresultedinimprovedcontrolof thesediseases.However,astheincidenceandprevalencecontinuetorise,needsforprevention,permanentremission andcuresremainunmet,plustherestillremainneedsforimprovedcontrolofsymptoms,suchaspainanddiarrhea.The case report herein describes a serendipitous, novel means for curtailing these symptoms associated with a bovine gastrointestinaldiseasethatmayhaveapplicabilityforpatientswithdiseasescharacterizedbyabdominal-visceralpain anddiarrhea. The case report herein describes a seren- Crohn disease,9-13 ulcerative colitis13 and of these diseases have also been found to dipitous, novel means of curtailing pain irritable bowel syndrome,13 three diseases be altered by organosulfur compounds/ and diarrhea associated with a bovine characterized in whole or part by gastro- derivatives derived from Allium and gastrointestinaldisease(Johnedisease)that intestinalpainanddiarrhea.Unfortunately, Brassica foods; the most extensively may potentially be beneficial for relieving the consequences—cause, perpetuate, investigated are processes associated abdominal-visceral pain and diarrhea in bystander—of such associations are highly withtumorigenesis—anticarcinogenicand patients with gastrointestinal diseases. controversial and remain to be unequivoc- apoptosis induction.24-26 Johne disease—a world-wide disease allyclarified. Ofalltheprocessesalteredby2-Me,the primarily in ruminants, most prevalent in The initial investigations on alteration finding that 2-Me altered leukemia pro- cattle, sheep and goats, but even in ofcellularprocessesby2-Meoriginatedin gression inAKR/Cum mice—astrain that wildlife—hasmanymanifestationsincom- this laboratory when various murine naturally harbors murine leukemia virus mon with the human IBD, Crohn disease immunological reactivities in vitro were (MuLV) and at least four ecotropic, (CD),1-4 including pain and debilitating found to be dramatically enhanced by, or endogenous MuLV proviral DNA diarrhea (in cattle). As with CD, there are dependentupon,sulfhydrylcompounds— sequences27—was instrumental in why no preventive/curative therapies for Johne of those studied, the most potent was the protocol reported herein was tested disease outside a probiotic Dietzia ther- 2-Me.14-17 Subsequently, a number of in incattle.Anadult,four-year-oldmultipar- apy.5-7TheetiologicagentofJohnedisease situ processes/diseases were found to also ous dairy cow (#16) was found positive is Mycobacterium avium subspecies para- be altered by 2-Me. For example, 2-Me (sero-specific ELISA OD of 3.85 deter- tuberculosis (MAP). Natural exposure of (1) reversed the loss of immune functions mined by the Univ Minn Vet Diagnostic cattle to MAP, which usually results in associated with aging,18,19 (2) increased Lab) for bovine leukemia virus (BLV). clinical disease at . 2 y of age, occurs longevity and quality of life,19-22 (3) pre- Cattleinfectedwiththisvirusmaydevelop primarily in utero and/or by oralingestion vented high-fat-diet obesity,21 (4) altered lymphomas/leukemia;28 however, the of MAP by neonates.8 For disease to be systemiclupuserythematosus,22(5)comple- incidence of disease is quite low relative manifested,infectionwithMAPisfollowed tely prevented development of mam- to the number of positive animals in any byintestinalinflammation. mary tumors of unknown etiology23 and given herd, likely because dairy cows in Interestingly, humans are also system- (6) slowed progression of spontaneous or general are not productive much beyond ically infected with MAP. However, the cigarette-smoke-induced liver cancers,19,20 5–6 y of age. Twenty-two months after incidence of infection in the “normal” virally caused mammary tumors23 and #16 tested BLV positive, clinical symp- population is lower than in those with leukemia (Click RE, in preparation). Some toms indicative of lymphoma developed Correspondenceto:RobertE.Click;Email:[email protected] Submitted:08/16/12;Revised:09/05/12;Accepted:09/05/12 http://dx.doi.org/10.4161/viru.22090 www.landesbioscience.com Virulence 543 (lack of appetite, weight loss and enlarged symptoms. This, plus the earlier pretreat- molecule with a chemical structure such fore-udder lymph nodes). In addition, ment, atypical fecal consistency, indicated that it likely functions via a mechanism although not having pipestream diarrhea, that retesting for MAP should once again similar to that postulated for 2-Me; i.e., her feces were a bit loose, a symptom not be done. Surprisingly, this time she tested generation of sulphane sulfur.31 typical of BLV infection. It should be serologically positive by ELISA (an OD In conclusion, treatment of a cow with pointed out that these symptoms are in value of 2.4), but was serologically nega- early signs of clinical Johne disease (plus generalcharacteristicsignsofearly,clinical tive for AGID (a serological test that two cows with BLV-induced leucosis that Johne disease. However, a diagnosis of defines a more advanced disease than an were negative for Johne disease; manu- Johne disease was considered unlikely ELISA29) and negative for fecal MAP script in preparation) with 2-Me was safe, because she had tested MAP negative29 shedding, all determined by Allied just as found in rodents, and it had multiple times over the prior two years. Monitor, Inc.29 Three weeks after serum ameliorative effects for symptoms of a Based on the presumptuous diagnosis of and feces were submitted for testing, she bovine intestinal bowel disease. The find- BLV-inducedleukosisandsincetherewas/ succumbedwithJohnedisease;anticipated ings raise two intriguing questions: By arenoeffectivetreatmentsforBLVdisease because of the continued weight loss, but what mechanism does intestinal “well- incattle,shewasconsideredanideal,non- still not understood since treatment cur- being” occur and would IBD patients, if rodent candidate to assess the safety and tailed diarrhea and reduced GI pain treated with either food or xenobiotic efficacy of the murine, 2-Me-leukemia sufficiently to return appetite to normal. organosulfurs,haveasimilarhealth-related protocol. Therefore, she was started on a This is striking because neither of these quality of life benefit? once daily, feed additive regimen of 1.38 symptoms ever reversed in over 60 end- mg/kg body weight 2-Me, a dose slightly stage,non-treatedorunsuccessfullytreated Acknowledgments lower than the lowest effective dose for animals that succumbed from Johne AspecialthankstoDrCraigVanKampen mice.21Aftertreatmentwasinitiated,both disease.6,7 The results do suggest that for editorial review. This work was sup- fecal consistency and appetite returned to 2-Me “normalized” the gastrointestinal portedbytheNationalInstitutesofHealth normal (reduced GI pain?) and both tract in some manner, a result that may (R01AI019643) prior to retirement from remained normal up until the day she have value for IBD patients. Interestingly, theUniversityofMinnesota,Minneapolis, succumbed. During this “beneficial” four- a similar phenomenon—decreased mac- MN. 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