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Altar Servers’ Handbook PDF

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Immaculate Conception Catholic Church of Dardenne Prairie Altar Servers’ Handbook Revised9/27/2010 AnAltar Server’s Prayer OGod,Youhave graciouslycalledmetoserve Youat Youraltar. Grant methegraces that Ineed toserveYoufaithfullyandwithmy whole heart.Grant toothat whileservingYou,mayIfollowtheexampleofSt. Tarcisius, whodiedprotectingtheEucharist,and walkthesamepaththat ledhim toHeaven. St.Tarcisius, prayforme andforall servers. AnAltar Server’s Promise Iunderstandthat servingMass is anhonor,andthat Servers are Liturgical Ministers of ICDParish. Iunderstand that this is aserious commitment,and Ipromiseto:  Beat everyMass that Iam scheduledtoserve,or tofinda substitute.  Bean exampletothepeopleoftheparish inmyparticipationat Mass,listeningtothe prayers and readings, makingthe responses, singingalongandnot talkingneedlesslyduringMass.  Bean exampletothepeopleoftheparish intheywayIlivemy life.  Showduerespect totheholythings Iwill handle as aserver, especiallythecross,candles, vessels, books, andvestments.  Followtheinstructions ofthepriest anddeaconduringMass. Ifyouhaveanyquestionsdonothesitatetocontact: SandiShymanski*ICDServerCoordinator*636-240-2329 Or Fr.NickWinker*[email protected]*636-561-6611ex.516 Dear AltarServer, Theparish priests would liketothank youfor yourcommitment toserveMass hereat ICD.Altarservers areanimportant part of thecelebrationofMass and animportant part ofthelifeofour parish. Youwill assist inthecelebrationofMass andbean exampletothepeopleof theparish. Youpresence will makeour celebrationmoreafittingcelebration. Whenthepresident ora kinggoes someplaceheis accompaniedbysoldiers to protect him andtoshowthat heis important.As altarservers youwill bethehonor guardforthe Kingof Kings. You arenot just carryingacross or candles but showinghonortoGod andlettingotherknowhow important He is. Wehopeandpraythat not onlydoes yourservice honorGod andhelpthepeopleoftheparish topraybut that it brings you closertoGod. It is a great honortobeso closetoJesus intheMass andto helpleadHis peopleinworship.At thealtar youwill carry thesacredvessels which will holdtheBodyandBloodofChrist. What aprivilegetobeso physicallyclosetoGod! This is somethingthat wehas priests knowverywell. FormanyCatholics throughthe centuries, beinganaltarserver was thefirst timetheyreallydedicatedthemselves toGod.Many priests andevensaints foundtheirvocationwhile servingat the altar.Wehopethat inmakingthesacrifices andshowingthe disciplinerequiredtobe analtarserver you will trulyencounter our LordJesus. While youmayhaveheardtheinvitationtobeaserver from a parent,ateacher,apriest,orafriend,it is reallyGodwhohas called youtobean altarserver.Wehope youcherish this gift as muchas wedid,and continuetoserveformanyyears. InChrist, Msgr.Ted Fr. Steve Fr.Nick Prayer in the Sacristy before Mass Ogreat High-Priest,Jesus, not onlydid youoffer yourselfas theperfect sacrificeforme, but you giveme yourbodytoeat andbloodtodrink. Iask, bythat awesomelovethat youhaveforme, that Imaycometothis mystery withthereverenceandhonor youdeserve. Makeme,through your grace, always tobelieve andunderstand,tothinkandtospeak, ofthis great Mystery, inawaythat pleases you andis goodformysoul. Grant metoapproachthis Mass withacleanheart andapuremind. Icomesicktothedoctor oflife, uncleantothefountainofmercy, blindtotheradianceofeternal light, andpoorandneedytothe Lordofheaven andearth. Guidemeas IserveYou todayat theAltar. Helpmetogive youall that Iam. If Ihappentomakean error,mayit bealessonso myservicewill be perfect tomorrow. Amen. Altar Server’s Prayer before Mass Openmymouth,O Lord, tobless yourHolyName. Cleansemyheart from all evil anddistractingthoughts. Enlightenmyunderstandingandinflamemywill that Imayservemoreworthilyat yourholyaltar. OMary,MotherofChrist theHighPriest, obtainformethemost important grace ofknowingmyvocationinlife. Grant meatruespirit offaithandhumbleobedience so that Imayeverbeholdthepriest as arepresentativeofGod andwillinglyfollowhim intheWay,theTruth, andthe LifeofChrist. Amen. Serving on Sundays  Makesure youknowwhen you arescheduledtoserve! If youcannot bethere findsomeonewithwhom totrade.  Evenif youarenot scheduledbeat SundayMass andreadytoserve, ask ifthereis aneedfor servers.  Dress appropriately.Not-shirts, nosliponsandals, cleantennis shoes ordress shoes.  Bethere15minutes beforeMass,if youarelate someonemaytake your place!  Signinat theinformationdesk.  Gotothesacristy. Sacristy Informationdesk  Wash yourhands.  Get vested,dressed,inan albandcincture. Thealbsarein theseclosetsand thecincturesareon thedoor  Determinewho will takethecross,thecandles, andthebook  Makesurethe candles andcross areinthesacristy.  Makesurethe bells and kneelingpadareinplace.  Seeifthere are anyspecial notes orinstructions postedorfrom the priest.  Prepare yourselfquietlyforMass.  Light thecandles shortlybeforeMass  Afterthepriest leads aprayerthen gointotheChurchwithcross and candles The Entrance Procession 5 3 1 2 4 Cross bearerleads theprocession,liningupinfront ofthe 1 offertorytable. Bookbearer andcandlelighter each carrycandles inthe procession. Wheninstructedbythepriest ordeaconthecross bearerwalks 2 slowlytowards thealtar. Othertwofollowabout six feet behind. 3 Onreachingthealtarthe cross bearer goes uptothefirst step, turns left andthenstops Theothertwo gooneithersideofhim. All bowwhenthepriest does. Afterbowing,the candle bearers gobehindthepresider’s chair.. 4 Thecross bearercarefullyplaces thecross inits standnearthe tabernacle. Theothertwoplacetheir candles intheirstands next tothe ambo. Theservers then gobehindthepresider’s chairto theirchairs 5 Introductory Rites All continuestanding Fathersays: Inthename of theFather, andof the Son,andof theHolySpirit. All makethesignofthe cross andsay: Amen Theservers keeptheirhands foldednicely andmakeall theresponses. Foldyourhands TheMass continues with thePenitential Rite whenyouarenot carryinganything Next theis Gloria.(“Gloryto GodintheHighest...”) Thebookis brought upafter theGloriais finished. Onweekdays oronSundays whenfatheris wearingpurple wedonot singorsaythe Gloriaso thebookis brought upafterthePenitential Rite. Thebookis carriedresting against one’s chest withthe front facingoutward.Thebook bearer goes upandstands in front ofthepriest and alittleto his side,turningthebook so that thepriest canopenit..The priest will sayLet us pray,and openthebook.Thebook is heldopenwithhands at the bottom andthetopofthebookagainst one’s chest.At theendofthe prayertheserverorthepriest closes thebookand returns reverently tohis orherseat. The Liturgy of the Word Duringthe Liturgyofthe Wordeveryonelistens attentivelytothe WordofGod. The Liturgy of the Eucharist AftertheGeneral Intercessions the peoplesit down. Thecross bearerstands andgoes to thetableat thetopofthe ramp.He orshetakes thetrayoffilledcups andplaces them onthe front ofthe altar. Ifthere aretwotrays heorshe makes twotrips. Thebookbearerbrings the Sacramentaryuptothealtar.TheSacramentarygoes ontheleft side ofthealtar.Thenthebookbearer goes backtothe credencetable, takingtheGospel bookstand withthem ifit is there,it needs tobe lifteddirectlyoffthe altar. Thebookbearerthenbrings thepriest’s chaliceandthecorporal to thealtar. Ifthereis nodeacontheserverunfolds thecorporal inthe middleofthealtar. Traywith Thepeople Altar Donot flipthe cups corporal over,but unfoldit from the Water Corporal top. Thechaliceis placedontheright sideofthealtar,next tobut not onthecorporal.Thebookbearer returns tothecredenceto get the water andplaces it ontheright side ofthealtar. If thereareanystackingciboriatheyarebrought tothe altar. At thesametimethecandle lighter goes backbehindthealtar tothecredencetabletoget the candlelighter.Continue going aroundbehindthealtarandupto theambotolight thecandle lighterandlight thecandles aroundthealtar,returningthe lightertothecredence tablewhentheyarefinished. Thecross bearer gets the cross and goes totheback,usingtheside aisle,andwaits standingabout threefeet infront ofgifts tablein front ofthebaptismal font. Whenthebookbeareror candlelighterfinish their tasks,theyhelp thedeacon finish settingthealtar.The cups andpurificators from thetray(s) goon corporals laidonthesides ofthe altar,divided evenlyoneitherside.Movethechalices bythebaseanddonot touchtheinsideofthe Altar Traywith Thepeople cup. Oneofthese cups servers returns the emptytray(s)tothe credencetable. If Fatherhas not gone downtoreceivethe gifts, theyreturntotheirseats. Father goes downinfront ofthealtartoreceivethegifts. If thecandlelighterorbookbearerarenot doinganythingelsethey comedownwithfatherandwait forthe gifts tobe brought up. Whenthecross bearersees thepriest arriveat the bottom ofthesteps heorsheleads the gift bearers uptothe altarsteppingtotheside uponreachingthe altar. Afterthe gifts havebeen givento thepriest hewill handthem tothe deacon andtheservers. Thenall turnandbowto the altar.Somepriests might not turnand bowtothealtar,just Deacon followtheirlead. Thecross bearertakes thecross backtoits standandreturns tohis orherchair. Thebookbearer andcandlelightertakethebread andwineupto altar.Placingthem ontheright sideofthealtaror handingthem to thepriest ordeacon. Beverycareful carryingtheflagonofwineit canbeveryheavy. Thebookbearer andcandlelighter get thelavabo dish andtowel from thecredencetable andcomeuptotheright edgeofthealtar forthepriest towash his hands. Oneholds thebowl andthetakes the waterfrom thesideofthealtar,theotherholdthe towel.When Fatherplaces his hands overthebowl pourwater overthem,not too muchbut not toolittle.Theotherserveroffers the towel toFather andreceives it back from him.Thedeaconorpriest also hands the servers the emptyflagon. Boththenput thetowel, bowl,waterand flagon backonthe credencetable. Theythenreturntotheir seats. At thebeginningofthesanctus, “Holy,Holy, Holy,” all three servers go andstandinfront ofthe kneelers. Thecross bearerstands in front ofthebells. Whenthehymnis overall thesevers kneel onthe kneelingpad. DuringtheEucharisticprayerwhen thepriest places his hands overthe gifts andwhenhe raises thebodyof Christ,thecross bearerrings thebells, byshakingthem backandforthuntil thepriests put thehost down.Thesameis repeatedforthechalice. Theservers arethefirst toreceivecommuniononthat side. Thecross bearersits afterreceivingcommunion Duringcommunionthebookbearerbrings thebookbacktohis or herseat andholds it onhis orherlap. Duringcommunionthecandlelighter goes uptothealtarandmoves thechalicetothesideof thecorporal,ifit is still there. Thecandlelighter thenfolds thecorporal. First thebottom is folded intowards thecenter.Thenthetopis foldeddown towards the center. Finallythetwosides are foldedintothemiddle. 1 Thepeople 2 3 4 Thecandlebearerthentakes thecorporal and Corporal all thevessels onthealtarbacktothe credencetable.Theyusuallycanall be carriedback at thesametime.What is Pall present is stackedoverthechaliceinthis Paten order,first purificator,thenthepaten,then thepall,thenfinallythecorporal.Most Purificator oftenonlythe chalice,purificator,and corporal will bethere.This stackis carried Chalice byplacingonehandonthechaliceandone handontopofthecorporal.Sometimes youwill onlyhavethe corporal totakeback,thenit shouldbecarried flat inbothhands. Aftercommunionthepriest stands andsays “Let us pray.” Thebookbearerbringthebookuptothepriest as before.Sometimes thepriest will signal forthebookbearertostayaftertheendofthe prayer forasolemnblessing. At theendofMass the cross bearer gets the cross from its standand stands tothesideonthefirst stepas at thebeginningofMass. Theothertwoservers lineupon eithersideofthe cross.Theyboth bowwhenthepriest bows Thecross leads theprocessionout ofChurch. Theothertwoservers followbehindthecross. Thecross is placedonits standinthesacristy Thecandlelighter extinguishes thecandles inthe sanctuary. All hangtheir robes upnicelyintheproperplace forits size. Beforeleavingask thepriest ordeaconiftheyneedanyhelp.

Altar Servers’ Handbook Immaculate Conception Catholic Church of Dardenne Prairie Revised 9/27/2010
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