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Altar of Mirrors PDF

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T N S . N HE EWS FROM T EKTARIOS Volume , Issue A l t ar of M i r ro rs Father John Wallace H ave you ever thrown a party, after Me.” Come after Him where? Are real celebration, not this current thing perhaps a wedding reception? we playing a game of chase? No, of we call life. Imagine that you or one of your course not. He means come after Him What about those who refused to children is getting married and you into the kingdom of God. This is our come to the party? The Gospel invite some neighbors to attend. You invitation to follow Him into the describes them when it says “For send the invitations, they respond (or kingdom; to join Him for the heavenly whoever desires to save his life will lose not), and you have the celebration. You celebration. He continues, “let him it, but whoever loses his life for My sake don’t really know who will attend until deny himself.” This is our moment of and the gospel’s will save it.” These the actual event occurs. Suppose you decision. That moment, after receiving folks prefer this tangible world to the realize that some don’t come because an invitation, when we actually decide intangible kingdom. Perhaps they are they would rather be doing something successful, rich, powerful, attractive else. That would be unfortunate and “But father,” you will say, or whatever. Their cost-benefit perhaps a little hurtful. Suppose further, however, that not only do “What is my cross?” analysis does not support the forgoing of present benefits in the hope (faith) some others not want to come, but Our cross is other people. of future returns no matter how great that they actively oppose your efforts That’s right. they may be. What they don’t accept and decide to throw a counter-party Other people are the is that this world is first grade recess on the very day of your party! They even go so far as to co-opt your music, blessings we accept and compared to the grand wedding banquet that will be the kingdom of color schemes, menu and anything the burdens we bear. God. else they can think of. In other words, it is completely intentional and “For whoever is ashamed of Me spiteful. That would really hurt whether or not we will attend. For and My words in this adulterous and wouldn’t it? Do you realize that Orthodox Christians, it is that moment sinful generation, of him the Son of humanity does this to God? we choose between self-denial and self- Man also will be ashamed when He indulgence. The path of self-denial is comes in the glory of His Father with Looking at the Gospel for the the path Christ walked. If we want to the holy angels.” Those who are Sunday after Holy Cross (Mark 8:34- honor Him, we will try to follow Him “ashamed” of Christ is another way of 9:1) we see how this plays out. Christ along this path as best we can. We do saying those who are opposed to Christ calls the people and His disciples to this primarily through church and His Church. They worship self Himself and says “Whoever desires to attendance, fasting, and stewardship. instead of Christ. They celebrate the come after Me.” Focus on the “come The path of self-indulgence, encouraged passions of the flesh and this world by the kingdom of this world, is more I I instead of trying to tame them through N THIS SSUE along the lines of “Could you super-size self-denial. What’s worse, they exalt that for me.” flamboyance and openly mock those Focus on our Community 2 who encourage humility and modesty The Gospel text continues “and take Leadership 100 2 as if they were unimaginable hardships up His cross.” This is our RSVP to God; or simply impossible. They openly Worship —the Liturgy and more 3 the taking up of our cross in the rebel against Christ and His Church conscious emulation of Christ. “But Adult Religious Education 4 and pose as the true heralds of love and father,” you will say, “What is my Safe Sanctuary Presentation 4 cross?” Our cross is other people. compassion. Their altar is made of mirrors, they worship themselves. How Miracles in our Midst 5 That’s right. Other people are the would you feel if someone threw a blessings we accept and the burdens we Financial Matters 7 counter-party to your wedding bear. We encourage them to come to reception? How do you think Christ Young at Heart 6-7 the heavenly celebration by our our God feels when we do it to Him? example. As Christ gave Himself up on Philoptochos 8 the Cross for our benefit, so too are we Which path will you walk; self- Walking in Faith for a Better to give ourselves up for the benefit of 9 denial or self-indulgence? Your Tomorrow others. Doing so, we will “follow Him” decision is your RSVP to God and will into the kingdom of God. This is the Youth Ministries 9-11 determine which celebration you attend. The choice is yours. Saints of our Faith 12 Leadership 100 Focus on our community I n 1984, under the guidance of Celebrations, Milestones, Comfort & Support Archbishop Iakovos, Leadership 100 was created as an endowment fund of the Greek Orthodox In our prayers Archdiocese through which Greek Kholoud Alyateem Zoe Andrews Helene Antone Pat Baker Ethan Barnard Sylvia Belk Helen T. Beleos Orthodox leaders were asked to Victor Bopp Jacob Bower Jodie Boyce Sandy Brewer Marie Callahan John & Sandra Capousis commit themselves to maintain the Mary Jane Cloninger Chris Chopelas Dee Cockinos Nick Collias Pamela Dizes Shannon Elliott life-sustaining ministries of the Fr. Jon Emanuelson Michael Flaherty Carol Folaras Ted Gillis Samyah Hilal Freddy Intriago Church. Leonardo Ivkovic Maureen Kolberg Dean Kondilis Dawna Lawrence Peter Mannering Catherine Manthos Today, The Archbishop Jack McCullough Maria Arfaras McMahon Michael Christopher Mentavlos Tish Merrill Calliope Milios Christina Nixon Jamie Ozment Betty Pappas George Pitsilis Iakovos Leadership 100 Tommy Regoukos Tatyana Semyrog Gus Stamas Teziah Stalling Lilly Trakas Ron Wheatley Endowment Fund, Grace & K’Niyah & father Incorporated, named in (Contact the office to add names for prayers) recognition of AND FOR THOSE IN SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY Archbishop Iakovos’ Helene Carras Buddy Craft Jordan James Dunn Krassimire Ivanov vision, is a 501(c) 3 Michael Constantine Mentavlos Zack Millsaps Matthew Millsaps Amanda Moril endowment fund Danielle Zervakos Nickolopoulos Anton Savin corporation that supports the Congratulations National Ministries To Summer Clewell for receiving a Moral Focus Award from her school of the Greek for displaying the virtue of “Wisdom” for the month of September Orthodox To the Moshonisiotis family on the 40 day blessing of Ellianna Deserea and mom, Marissa Archdiocese in ARCHBISHOP advancement of To the Taymasova family on the baptis m of Emilia’s daughter, Katherine Jerls IAKOVOS 1959-1996 Orthodoxy and To the Jill and Andreas Arethas on the baptism of Anastasia’s brother, Theodore Hellenism. To the Chris and Kathryn Mason family on th e baptism of Audrey’s brother, Jesse Elias Members pledge $100,000, which is To the Jimmy and Louisa Kleto family on the 40-day blessing of Lucas James, and mom paid over a period of 10 years or less. To Donna and Henry Dellinger on the birth of their granddaughter, and to Tess Sagos on the birth of Since its inception in 1984, her great-granddaughter, Madaline Sellers, daughter of Preston and Jennifer of South Carolina. Leadership 100 has distributed more than $46 million in grants. Sympathy Leadership 100 grants range from To the Yazbeck family on the passing of Sabha’s father, Abraham Bachawaty in Lebanon providing scholarship funds for individuals studying for the To the Karres family on the passing of Gus’ cousin, Gus Matthew Karres priesthood at Hellenic College/Holy To the Capousis family on the passing of John’s cousin and Bill’s nouna, Cross School of Theology, to Athena Tizivani Zhang in New York supporting a variety of National In Appreciation Ministries that include Religious and Greek Education, Youth, Young (A note from Presbytera Mary on the passing of her mother, Nancy Guthery): Adult, Family and Marriage services, To Fr. Steve and the Parish Council—”Thank you so much for the beautiful cut flower arrangement…..our St. Inter-Orthodox, Ecumenical and Nektarios family continues to love and support us through difficult times. Thank you for your love.” Interfaith Relations, Internet Presbytera Mary Wallace Ministries and Home Mission, as well To the St. Nektarios Community - “With the shared sentiments of my beloved Brother in Christ, as humanitarian assistance during Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta and all the members of the Holy Eparchial Synod, I write to you today national and international crises. to thank you for your valued participation in the rebuilding of Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, The Leadership 100 Executive the only church destroyed in the horrific acts of September 11, 2001.” DEMETRIOS, Archbishop of America Committee approves grants submitted by the Grant Committee Dear Evelyn & St. Nektarios, after consultation with the We are so blessed by your hospitality and kindness. It is such a joy to have our co-op meet in your church. Please accept these monetary gifts to help offset the expenses of our group using your space. Archbishop. The principal of the Many Thanks, Endowment Fund remains Kathy Graham, Epic Homeschool permanently restricted and inviolate. Thanks to Diane Gilbert and Copycat for printing the Church Bulletin and Newsletter. Leadership 100 continues to be a driving force to seed and nurture new programs that promote Orthodoxy and Hellenism. Copyright @ http://www.l100.org/ 2 Worship— Thanksgiving, Prayers, & Blessings National Church Music Sunday O n the occasion of National Church Music Sunday, held on October 2nd, we recognized our dedicated choir, chanters and readers for offering their time and talent in support of our worship services. During the recognition, Fr. John prayed for blessings upon them. These women and men have heard and responded to the Lord’s invitation to be church musicians: These people represent the laity in the liturgical dialogue of our worship services. In glory to God, the Holy Trinity, they commit themselves to learning the hymns of our Orthodox faith, understanding the sequence of our liturgical worship, and actively offering their prayers in song to enhance the beauty of our worship. Special Prayer Service for our College Students A s summer is winding down, the check lists start to get our youth off to school. At the top of the list the annual Fare- well Prayers for our College Students. This year’s service on August 7th we offered prayer for protection and wisdom and guidance for all our youth as they pursue their studies.  Elevation of the Holy Cross ~ September 14th In lifting up the Cross before us . . .  We recognize that an instrument of grace was also an instrument of suffering and death. We acknowledge the unfathomable burden that was assumed by our Lord as He took our sin upon Himself as an unblemished offering.  We look upon it, and we proclaim the power that was revealed. We believe in the mighty act of redemption that was accomplished by our Lord upon the Cross. In faith we repent of our sins, receiving God’s grace and seeking to be reconciled with our Creator.  We are called by our Lord and emboldened by His Life-Giving Cross to share the grace of God. From lives that are being transformed and commitment to our commis- sion to share the Gospel, we demonstrate the power of the Cross to restore life, to re- new, to heal and to save.  We offer our lives, our gifts and our resources so that others might come to the Cross. We stand in the face of persecution and suffering, proclaiming a message of reconciliation so that others may have abundant and eternal life. . Excerpts from Sep 13, 2016; Protocol 160/16; September 14, 2016; The Universal Exaltation of The Precious and Life-Giving Cross by †DEMETRIOS, Archbishop of America 3 D id you know that risk management is an area of focus in running the parish. We are not concerned just with keeping the property safe and well-insured. Risk management includes Child Protection, fire evacuation procedures, food safety, proper record-keeping and more. During these troubling times, the Parish Council invited the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department to present their class on Safety Awareness in July. Our Clergy, leaders, Sunday Volunteers and members in general were invited to attend. This eye-opening session focused on what to do if we had an “active shooter” on our property. We gained a greater understanding of these incidents and learned some techniques to improve our chances of survival. We plan to expand upon safety awareness around the campus and will offer this session again. We encourage all to attend.  Adult religious education “Seeking the Voice of Christ” Fall Session off to a Delicious Start T he ovens were on early Sunday morning to prepare the fresh baked biscuits. Everyone was in for a special treat during the Coffee Hour to kick off our 2016-17 Adult Religious Education program on September Adult Religious Education Kick-off Sunday 18th. Gerry Clonaris, with his PowerPoint presentation, introduced the Parishioners to the many opportunities to learn about our faith: Sunday morning’s “Points Well Made” with Fr. Seraphim; Tuesday morning’s “Our Faith Journey “ with Father John; Tuesday and Wednesday evening “Growing in Faith” classes with Fr. Steve and Gerry Clonaris; and “The Orthodox Question Wednesday evening “Growing in Box” with Fr. Seraphim Dedes. Program overviews and Faith” class with Gerry Clonaris. notebooks for class materials were distributed literally showing the 24/7 ways to seek the voice of Christ. Tuesday morning “Our Faith Journey” with Fr. John Wallace Adult Religious Education Kick-off Sunday 4 Miracles in our midst Dear Friends, chemotherapy and radiation. He him the following nickname: ‘miracle Please read the email I received made the courageous decision to man’. Is he cured? No. Is he in a way yesterday relating a miracle that forego all surgeries/interventions and better state of physical health than he happened from the Virgin Mary just accept his fate. We did manage to was back in June? Absolutely! The through the Kardiotissa (Tender talk him into one intervention, though Endocrinologist even reached out to a Hearted) Icon which visited our …religious intervention. We attended friend at the NIH, National Institute Church back in June. Glory to God the event…and what an event! of Health in Washington DC who is for such miracles that happen in our Absolutely amazing. While I was in now at John Hopkins University to midst! line to venerate the icon, I noticed a see if this has ever occurred before With love in Christ, priest giving my father an individual and he was told…”No, Never.” He had +Fr. Luke Veronis blessing in all of the areas I never seen or heard of this in his mentioned that the cancer had taken career. Father Luke: up in his body. This particular priest I just wanted to pass that along to I hope this email finds you well and had travelled from Norwich, you as you hosted the event. Could in good health! Back on June 17, 2016 Connecticut to participate. you please also pass this email along my family and I attended the To make a long story short, let us to the priest who attended from Kardiotissa Icon of the Virgin Mary fast forward to the present. The list of Norwich, CT? My father’s next event at your church. The primary doctors stunned as to his amazing appointment(s) is in November … reason we attended was my father, turnaround are as follows: just 2 weeks after his birthday, a Theodore had been diagnosed with Oncologist, Endocrinologist, celebration we thought we would not terminal cancer of the Thyroid which Urologist, Nephrologist and Primary have earlier in the year given his had spread to his lymph nodes, chest, Care MD. Whereas we were told to get cancer diagnosis. God is GOOD!!! spine and kidneys. For his advanced his affairs in order back in June, they I will keep you updated as to his age of 82, doctors in Worcester and are now stunned as to his latest result: progress. Boston were not sure he could survive cancer has been beaten back in all but Respectfully, the necessary surgery and/or the thyroid. In fact, they have given Harry Tembenis Financial Matters You are the Voice Fall . . . to the Finish of Christ in a Changing World It’s the season to sweep up your “As the Father has sent me, so I send you” John 20:21 stewardship pledge “O ne day, a person complained to his priest that the Church and Christianity is one continual “give, give, give.” To which the priest replied, “Thank you very much for the finest definition of $182,953 Christianity I have ever heard. You’re right, Christianity is all about a constant “give, give, give.” God giving His only Son to the world to show His unconditional love. His $542,811 Son Jesus giving His life on the cross to forgive our sins and destroy death. Then our Lord’s disciples giving all they had to make sure God’s Good News of love was preached to all people everywhere. They not only gave away their homes and businesses, but even gave up their lives as martyrs in gratitude to God! It is by offering our blessings back to God that He will be able to continue His forgiving, healing, liberating, empowering, 2016 Stewardship Goal is $724, 765 transfiguring, loving ministry through the Church. For God, Infinite though He be, has As of Oct. 22, $542,811 chosen to work through us, through our in Stewardship Received gifts, to continue His saving work in the world today.” $182,953 to the Finish Fr. Anthony M. Coniaris From Goarch.org 5 F o r o u r 5 5 a n d o l d e r members T he Young at Heart met on Thursday, September 8th for our first meeting of the new Ecclesiastical year. We were served a delicious dinner by our gracious hosts, Aphroula Anderson, Connie Bellios, John Bellios, Morphia Bouboulis, Aliki & John Bugg, Kathy & Steve Constantelos, Anna & Pete Kanelos, Christala & Costas Paraskeva, Tina & John Peroulas, Georgia Pouler & Diane Rogers. Our Team Leader was Christala Paraskeva. To start the night we had Name Tags with ICE-Breaker Stickers. Each Young at Heart member had a different flower on their sticker and were asked to meet someone else with the same type of sticker and find out something about them. Ritsa Neary, assisted by Evelyn Klund and Christina Gionis conducted a “Million Dollar Legs” Contest. Fourteen willing participants hid behind the stage curtain showing only their legs. With the hooting and laughing, the rest of the Young at Heart members voted for their favorite legs. After narrowing it down to three finalist, our winner was Spiro Hondros. The runners up were George Velonis and Perry Diamaduros. All received a medal for participating. Ritsa Neary crowned our winner and then described to the group the gifts he had won including a “million dollar bill.” As is our monthly tradition, we had a special birthday cake for all who shared an August and September birthday. Father Steve was also presented with a special cake in honor of his Feast Day. 6 F o r o u r 5 5 a n d o l d e r members O ur gathering on October 13th was a western theme night. About 125 members were able to attend that night! We were treated to a delicious baked chicken dinner prepared by Pete Douglas and his kitchen crew. Thanks go out to Pete and our hosts, Mary Alexis, Lula Andrews, Toula & Andrew Boukidis, In the process we hope to have some Joan Davis, Helen & Pete Douglas, fun. We are the YOUNG at HEART, Florence Hatzis, Pitsa & Gus Karres, who can, want and would like to have Maria & Sam Kleto, Helen Kontoulas, fun. We encourage everyone to get Georgia & Steve Mantekas, and into the spirit of whatever event is Demetra Stamatakos. planned for them and have an A couple of announcements were enjoyable time. made by the current co-president If you have any suggestions or Kerry Gionis. The first, reminding all ideas that you would like to share for that today was the last day to sign and future events, please let our pay for the Christmas Get Away trip to organizing committee know. Myrtle Beach. Tim Klund spoke about In November, we suspend our the upcoming Gala to take place on monthly session to celebrate our Saturday, November 5th, 2016. The church Feast Day. We hope to see benefits from this gala go to help the everone at either or both Tuesday Missions and Philanthropy Ministry Night Vespers and reception and then and Kenya Child of God Academy. at Wednesday Liturgy and luncheon. Before dessert was served, those Our next gathering will be December who have a birthday in October, 6th Christmas Dinner Party. Sign-up gathered for a photo and were flyers will be available soon.  serenaded and congratulated. The evening combined square dancing, line dancing, Greek and Arabic dancing. Patty Greene was our special guest “caller” for the square dancing. Presbytera Mary, Ellie Kontos, and Roula Poulos were among those who got into the spirit of the evening wearing their western attire. As we say in our mission statement, our goal is to offer a social and supportive network to foster relationships among our senior members 55 and older. 7 Philoptochos C harlotte Café was the site of our September Dinner meeting to launch the new Ecclesiastical year. Jimmy and Mary Roupas were so kind to reserve the whole restaurant for us. And did we need all the space! We had a very nice turnout with 40+ attending. Maria Wheatley welcomed everyone and conducted the short business meeting. Upcoming Events It is our tradition to use Thursday, October 27 at 6:30 p.m. the outing as a service project Grandma, Mom and Kid’s Night opportunity. We asked all General Meeting & Service Project; the members to bring Assembling snack packs for the something needed by Neighbors of St. Peter’s Soup Kitchen residents of the Dove’s Nest. Sundays in November — Angel Tree Penny Hefner was our Sunday, November 6 keynote speaker who shared Pass second tray to benefit the with us the important work Patriarchate that goes on there. Dove’s Penny Hefner, Fr. Steve Dalber, Tuesday, November 8 — Host the St. Nest is a non-profit Maria Wheatley and Fr. John Wallace Nektarios Feast Day Vespers organization and is the women’s Reception program of Charlotte Rescue Mission; assisting in the rehabilitation of drug- Sat, Nov 19 & Sun. Nov. 20 Bake Sale Pick-up addicted women. Father Steve and Father John Wednesday, November 30 Deck the Halls Party— decorate the blessed the blankets (made by our own hall for Christmas ladies) that will be taken to the neo- natal unit at CMC hospital. “The Men’s Table” Saturday, December 3 Annual Christmas Fashion Show and Please Fr. John, Fr. Steve and Jimmy Roupas Breakfast at Marriott South Park stop by the sat in an adjacent booth. information Sat, Dec. 10 & Sun. Dec. 11 table next Sunday to see what your ladies’ Holiday Greek Pastry Sale Philoptochos has planned for this Holiday Sunday, January 1 season and to place your pastry order or buy Vasilopita Sunday, Second tray for St. your brunch ticket. Basil’s Academy & New Years Day Remember, we are always accepting Brunch to benefit the Altar fund membership renewals and new members.  Sunday, January 29 Membership Tea hosted by Terry Key Blessing of the blankets 8 Walking in Faith for a better tomorrow H ello Everyone!! Fall has arrived, the leaves are changing colors and it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!!! On October 1st, the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure took place in uptown Charlotte. It was a beautiful Saturday morning. The weather was awesome and the sea of participants was amazing. It was truly a day filled with inspiration, awareness and hope. Approximately 20,000 people gathered together to support those presently fighting the disease, to celebrate the survivors and to remember those who have lost their battle to this disease. Team "Keep it Moving" participated for the 6th year. We had a great time completing the course. I want to thank all who have supported the team over the years!! Your support of me during my journey is something I will always remember. I am truly blessed and grateful. Thank You!!!! Photo to the left shows Alex KEEP IT MOVING.... Tatsis’ bracelets worn each year Alex that she remains cancer free Charlotte CROP Hunger Walk I t was a beautiful day for a walk. Lacing up their shoes and donning the sunglasses, they were off. Among the thousands of walkers, were our eighteen from St. Nektarios ready to go. The 38th Annual Charlotte CROP Walk was held on Sunday, October 16 in the afternoon. Kate Caltis and Helen Clonaris organized our participation and rallied our troops. Proceeds from the Charlotte walk, “still the largest and most generous of the country’s 1,300 CROP walks, will go to three local agencies – Loaves & Fishes, Crisis Assistance Ministry and Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina –as well as to global projects to feed hungry people and help refugees and others in need.” Charlotte has raised over $8 million in its 38 years walking. “Since the last crop walk, Crisis Assistance Ministry helped over 20-thousand families keep their homes and keep the lights on. Loaves and Fishes fed over 78-thousand people, that's enough to fill Bank of America Stadium... And Second Harvest Food Bank distributed over 10 million pounds of food and household items in Mecklenburg County,” said Executive Director Shay Merrit after the 2015 walk. St. Nektarios has a long history of supporting Charlotte CROP Walk, from our very earliest years. This year our team raised over $1,900 in online donations and $200 in cash donations to contribute the ZERO HUNGER goal. Thank you St. Nektarios walkers and supporters! Let’s set a goal for next year’s walk of 25 walkers and $2500 in donations. 9 OUR WEEKLY FELLOWSHIP, which we call Orthodox Life, or O-Life for short, brings together our 6th—12th graders for an evening of faith, food, fellowship & fun! This year at our kickoff on October 9, we had an all time high of 44 O-LIFERS in attendance!! We divided into teams for SPEED FRIENDING, then covered the cam- pus on a scavenger hunt , finding some “icons” of our faith. For our 2nd session, we had a NIGHT OUT at Smashburger, with a lesson and activity on “to everything there is a season,” led by our wonderful GOYA Advisor, Michaelina Antahades, or Micha for short. JOIN US FOR THE FUN!! 10

recognition of. Archbishop Iakovos' vision, is a 501(c) 3 endowment fund corporation that supports the. National Ministries of the Greek. Orthodox. Archdiocese in advancement of. Orthodoxy and. Hellenism. Members pledge $100,000, which is paid over a period of 10 years or less. Since its inception
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