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Also by Euftis Emery Off the Chain Off the Chain Volume 2 So PDF

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Preview Also by Euftis Emery Off the Chain Off the Chain Volume 2 So

Also by Euftis Emery Off the Chain Off the Chain Volume 2 So you want me to do what??? Revenge – Between my lover’s legs… Keisha Table of Contents Introduction Stories from Off the Chain  Horny In the Motor City  Lust Mate Stores from Off the Chain Volume 2  Grimy  Grimier By Far Published by Dominion Publishing Smashwords Edition All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems without written permission from the publisher and or authors, except by reviewers who may quote brief passages. Review passages may not exceed one column inch or forty-five words excluding articles, whichever is greater. ISBN 0-9777112-7-7 © 2006, Euftis Emery Cover design by Euftis Emery; cover model Lynette and Euftis Editing by Euftis. [email protected] Smashwords Edition, License Notes This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. Introduction This ebook is a sampler for the types of stories that can be found in Off the Chain and Off the Chain Volume 2. Both books contain a series of erotic short stories written from a male perspective. A few reviews found on Amazon.com for the books are as follows: True to its title!!, March 4, 2006 I considered myself open-minded and freaky until I read this book, it’s a great way to explore and fantasize, and find the true sex fiend in you. After reading I decided I'm going on a quest so that I can enjoy like the women in this book. I also enjoyed the first book. These books are so different from other erotic fiction. Zane seems to be the most popular of most women but I find her work very repetitive, but your book is so different, each story all seems fresh and different, I don't think I can properly describe what I mean but I truly enjoyed it. BACK AND BLAZING!!!!!, February 28, 2006 The E-man is back and blazing in this sizzling series of short stories designed to titillate. Author Emery has lost none of his sex appeal in Volume 2 of Off The Chain; fans will be thrilled to see the return of characters from Off The Chain Volume 1...romping their way through the pages of this novel as well. I loved the steamy, hot scenes, the touch of humor, the prelude and interludes (still with me??)....... Stay close to home while reading this one. You'll need your man, your woman, a cold shower or all three...I'm crowning Euftis Emery the King of Erotica. I'm sure you'll agree..... Hilarious And Tantalizing, April 21, 2006 As I read the book, I was able to let the scenes and characters sort of exist mentally and physically within me. Only a good author of erotica could have this affect on a reader. They have to be realistically in touch with all aspects of every day communication between partners/lovers. Mr. Emery is definitely "IN TOUCH" I loved the experience! ~Angie Freaky Tales, March 20, 2006 Off the Chain appropriately comes with a warning/disclaimer. The escapades found in these pages are not for the shy and inhibited. Stories range from the comical Face Off - two lovers at a standoff - to the thrill of the unknown in The Room - a lover experiences the benefits of a room designed for pleasure - to the insatiable desires in The Urge - one man's uncontrollable sexual appetite. Off the chain...off the hook...off the cuff, Euftis Emery puts it out there and either you can handle it or you can't. Touch. See. Hear. Smell. Taste. The vivid imagery evokes all five senses. Titillating, stimulating, erotic, and just plain nasty! Off the Chain has it all. Lovers of erotic won't be disappointed. Sizzling, January 24, 2006 Offdachain is just that first off. I will have to read some stories to my significant other. When you started talking about tutoring women and putting them in rotation you reminded my of a college friend I use to know who actually did that-now that was funny. With the story Ebony Lace I thought about my old college roommate who ended up becoming a stripper also in Grass, Ass, Or Cash I use to work in my college's computer tech area I didn't have as much fun as you guys did. In your story The Urge, I can feel you on that sometimes women get "The Urge" also although some men don't believe it but we do. I use to live in Lexington, KY and I didn't get the chance to enter the adult store on I-75, however we do have to go back to get the rest of our items and I'll make sure we make a stop on the way there and back to GA . I liked the story Face Off I have withheld sex and had it withheld from me, which makes it all the more better and sexual. The Room is filled with trust you had me going for a bit thinking that other men were with your lady good play on that--hmmm heated milk and flour. Now to the wet stuff that's exactly what happened to me while reading your book. It was so erotic and tantric. I can't wait to read Volume 2. You are head to head with Ms. Zane. I just wanted you to know that I have read it and great work. I'm going to read it all over again while taking a nice hot bubble bath tonight. Horny in the Motor City I was at my wits end. After seven years of lack luster sex in my marriage I had found satisfaction in the joys of masturbation. Leata only wanted to have sex twice a month at best and I was able to remain faithful by getting a nice collection of porn videos that I could use to fantasize. I was in my office looking at a Jake Steed video. In the episode, Jake and Lexington Steel were at the Freaknik in Atlanta getting buck wild. I was in the middle of the scene where Lex had pulled a big ass college student off the street when Leata busted in on me with my dick in my hand. “Can I have some privacy!”, I exclaimed while Leata looked at me with a big disapproving scowl on her face. “You shouldn’t be looking at that! Didn’t Bishop Reed just preach about how vile pornography is last week?” “Unlike you…I have a healthy sexual appetite. I need release. And this gives it to me. Would you prefer that I got it in the street?” “You don’t need to be looking at that.”, Leata said again while standing directly in front of my television crossing her arms. “Get out!” “We need to talk about this E. Don’t you think the problem is that you just want to have sex to much?” By this point my sexual high was blown. “No I don’t. Did you ever think that you want to have sex to infrequently? You don’t want to have sex often. No problem. I will just masturbate. What’s your problem? Your getting what you want. So leave me the hell alone!” “But I don’t like it when you do this!” “I don’t give a damn what you don’t like! I am not going to give up sex because you don’t like it.” “But all women feel the same way I do.”, she began to whine. “I’ve talked to other women in the church…and they don’t want to do it all the time either. So it’s not just me.” I had heard this sad excuse in the past and I still was not impressed. All she did was reinforce the old saying…the majority of people in this world are fools. “So what do you expect me to do?”, I asked her knowing that she didn’t have an answer. “I think I know what the problem is now.”, Leata said as she began to give me yet another of her excuses. My eyes rolled in my head as I wiped my hand off with a towel and zipped up my pants. Leata’s true issue was that she was an in the closet lesbian trying to play straight. I was not in the mood to hear another one of her lies. Unfortunately, my mother trained me to well. Otherwise I would have slapped the taste out of her mouth and thrown her out of my office. I leaned back and got comfortable on my couch so that I could hear what bullshit she came up with this month. “When I went to the women’s prayer last night. Sister Jenkins testified how fulfilling her sexual experiences are now that she and her husband pray before they have sex. Isn’t that beautiful? I always feel like doing it is dirty. That’s what I need. If we pray to the father before we do it then maybe I wouldn’t feel bad about some of the things that we do. I think I could really get into it then. So the next time that you want to do it…let’s pray first and…” “Are you serious?”, I asked cutting her off and staring open mouthed. “See…you never listen to me. I’m trying to tell you how I feel…” “Leata…yes…I am not listening to you. Praying…before we have sex…has to be the most…ridiculous…thing that I have heard in my life. I’m not doing it. I mean…how are we supposed to pray before we do it? Ohhh Father…help me to suck E’s dick. Let me suck it like I never have before! And when he busts Lord! Ohhhh when he busts! Let me slurp it all up! Slurp it up like a champ Lord! Is that how we are supposed pray before we go at it? Leata looked at me dejectedly. “No! We are not going to pray….like…that!” “Then…how…are we supposed to pray before having sex Leata? Give me a sample prayer. Come one. You have my full attention. I’m curious as to how praying about it will turn you on. So show me.”, I told her very sarcastically. I didn’t get a response, however, because Leata stomped out of my office. ********** The next afternoon I headed North on Interstate 75 going to Detroit. My mother had received her Doctorates degree from Wayne State and sent me an invitation for her graduation. Leata and the girls were supposed to come with me, however, after hearing a new round of lies from Leata about her sexual issues I told her to remain at home with the children so that I could get a much needed break from her. Unfortunately, she made sure that I didn’t get a chance to masturbate so my mind was in a miasmatic lust filled haze. Leata had just made a tremendous mistake. Her mistake was thinking that my current need was mental when it was physical and since she prevented me from gaining a release, my physical need had now taken control. Only a stupid woman lets her man walk out the door with a hard dick. As I drove to complete the five-hour drive to Detroit, anger almost overwhelmed me as I contemplated the wasted years married to a mentally castrating woman. I had engaged in a few affairs when I was out of town on business on occasion. But I had never outright broken rank and gotten a PropaHo who lived in town as a mistress. When I got back to Cincinnati I fully intended on becoming a typical male and finding one. My dick throbbed in my jeans as I drove past one of the nation’s largest Muslim mosques just outside Toledo and I continuously pushed my forearm against it enjoying the pressure. My extreme horniness caused me to lose all track of time because without realizing it I found myself in downtown Detroit. I pulled into a BP and asked for directions. MapQuest directions are good until you get within ten miles of your destination then they get you lost as hell. Probably some private joke of the developers of the website. I eventually found Cobo Hall, paid the exorbitant parking fee and went into the hall to find a seat. I walked into the auditorium and found it packed. All of my mother’s friends and relatives were supposed to sit together in the same section but I had gotten there late and was forced to sit in a different section alone. I scanned the graduates on the stadium floor looking for my mother. I eventually found her and was surprised to see her smiling face looking in my direction. She had spotted me before I her and as soon as our eyes met she began to frantically wave at me while smiling for ear to ear. I was so very proud of her. She was the first person in her family to go to college and the first person in the family to attain a Doctorates degree. I waved back to her with a proud smile on my face. My mother, satisfied that her oldest son was at her proudest day, began scanning the crowd for other friends and relatives. I felt that I was being watched and turned to the right to see a slim redbone staring at me somewhat curiously. My unsatisfied lust flared up again after noticing an attractive females interest. My lust quickly subsided, however, when I recognized the woman watching me as someone who I went to Howard with. I never knew her name but she was one of those people who I disliked upon first sight. I knew the feeling was mutual but she looked at me with a curious expression versus the disdainful glare that I gave her. She was obviously shocked that I knew someone who was getting a Doctorates degree. “Stupid bitch!”, I thought. It was definitely a small world. I ignored her for the rest of the evening and watched the rest of the ceremony. It was soon over and the graduates marched out of the auditorium. I got up and was soon engulfed in the crowd as it carried me out the nearest exit. The halls of Cobo Hall are very narrow and I soon found myself crushed by several bodies on all sides of me. My mind began to wander again as I moved at a snail’s pace to my car. Sergio began to swell in my pants as I could no longer restrain him and lost control. At first I was a little alarmed that my dick was getting hard unbidden in a public space. I was wearing jeans and a short jacket so I had nothing to hide my raging erection. As I nervously looked around me I realized that no one would even notice because our bodies where pressed so tightly together. Upon the realization of that thought, I noticed the woman walking in front of me. She was a tall light skinned sista wearing glasses and her long hair was pulled up in the back accentuating her long sensuous neck. My eyes slowly traveled downwards to her round 40” ass that was packaged so nicely in a tight white skirt that ended at her knees. I lustfully watched her ass cheeks alternate slowly up and down in a slow rhythm as she moved with the current of the crowd. I licked my lips longingly as I watched her walk. Women who have good pussy and know it telegraph it with their walk. They can’t help it. It’s an unconscious thing. My dick began to jump in my pants with the realization of being within inches of a woman who was not only equipped with what it needed but knew how to use it as well. The urge within me took full control of my facilities and before my conscious mind could react, I rotated my hips in a large arc and grinded my hard dick on her ass with such force that I raised her body off of her heals. She stumbled a bit and regained her balance by grabbing the shoulder of the man walking in front of her. Her neck whipped around and she flashed her teeth getting ready to curse my ass out for what I did. My conscious mind was aghast at what I had just done but all I could do was watch the scene unfold. The urge within me still regained full control of my body and in an almost out of the body experience, I watched myself leer at her with an expression that said, “… yea…I did it!” My mind screamed, as I prepared for her to attempt to slap me or worse call out for the police. However, the anger on her face vanished within seconds of her looking at me and seeing my leering expression. A blank expression formed on her face and she turned back around saying nothing. “See….she wants it….take her!”, the urge said to me as my conscious mind began to slowly reassert control of my body. A silly grin spread across my face as I again grinded on her ass. It felt so wonderful being deprived of sex for so long. The woman’s head turned slightly as she looked at me with the corner of her eye but again she said nothing. I grinded on her ample ass again and she began to visibly breathe heavily. I grinded on her again and her head snapped back as she sighed in pleasure and then glanced around her quickly to see if anyone had caught on to what I was doing to her. I grinded on her again and this time she reached back with her left hand and quickly patted my thigh signaling for me to stop. By now, Sergio was doing back flips in my pants and I had no intention of stopping. I wanted to cum. I needed to cum. I wanted to bust a fat nut all over this woman. I reached around her waist with my right arm, pulling her against my erection, while with my left hand I reached under her skirt and palmed her left ass cheek. She wasn’t wearing any panties under her panty hose. My kind of girl. “A woman will do just about anything to get rid of those embarrassing panty lines.”, I thought laughing out loud. “Haaaaa ahhaaaaa….what….what…are you doing?”, she whispered to me wide eyed. “Don’t…talk.”, I whispered back. I didn’t want to know her name…I didn’t want to exchange pleasantries or soft words…I just wanted to bend her over something…rip off her hosiery and fuck her like a parolee fresh out the joint on a twenty-year stint. My face set in grim determination as I scanned the vicinity for someplace…anyplace where I could fuck this thick willing woman. Against the left wall I noticed a bank of phone stalls. It wasn’t much in the way of privacy, but I had learned from previous encounters in large crowds that there was a lot that you could get away with having the most minimal privacy. I fought against the flow of the crowd pulling the woman with me over to a phone stall that was against the wall. As I entered the stall, I shifted our positions, placing my back against the wall and pulling her against me…face to face…hard dick to wet pussy. Her eyes were still wide in surprise and excitement and her mouth was agape but she still said nothing. I lifted the receiver off the phone and pressed it to her ear. “Hold it…and act like your using the phone.”, I told her. She complied and I used my free hand to pull the front of her skirt up over her pubic mound. “Ohhhhhhhh hell yea…”, I sighed out as I looked down at a bald pussy through her panty hose. I ran my hand back and forth between her legs. “Ohhhhhh fuuuuuck!”, I exclaimed as my hand became wet from the womanly fluids flowing from between her legs and soaking her panty hose. “My…my man…he…he doesn’t do anything like this to me….”, she breathed heavily. “He’s never fucked you in public?”

Also by Euftis Emery Off the Chain Off the Chain Volume 2 So you want me to do what??? Revenge – Between my lover’s legs… Keisha
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